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OFW’S are considered modern heroes of the Philippines, it’s never that simple life

abroad is actually full of sacrifices, struggles and setbacks. It was a great experience through,

you become more independent and strong to face everyday situation. They find a job so that they

will be able to support our needs and give us a better future.

My aunt is an OFW. She works in Abu Dhabi. I ask her what she is experiencing in

abroad and she answered that being away with your love ones is a sweet painful thing. But at the

end of the day what keeps you going sis the fact that you went abroad for them to have a good

life. A good life which unfortunately we cannot afford to stayed with them. Skype and Facebook

are so helpful in easing the pain or the so called ‘‘home sick’’. But on the other hand we are

given the chance to explore new places, meets people. No matter what the reasons, at the end of

the day god and prayers will keep you stronger than.

I also ask her how you cope being away from your family for a very long time. She

answered it’s difficult but I try to gets easier. You’ll miss the routine you had at home with your

family. But at thw same time passes by you’ll learn to cope with it. It’s what we called home

sick. For any reason we are moving away. It was slowly become the root of sacrificing in our


It was amazingly living alone, working hard and earning by yourself too. It’s also help us

to learn more about things as individual. It’s also a way of reminiscing and appreciating things

you did in the Philippines. Looking forward as additional dimensions to me and my family’s

future, rather than missing them out. Thus, buying things that I can’t afford in the Philippines
such as bags, shoes, and stuff that you need to work very hard in the Philippines but here in other

country it’s a blink on an eye and you can have it.

I asked her my last question how does it feel like to go home? And she answered

assuming you meant home-y and comfortable, I am such a person. My home is my sanctuary that

I, as an introvert, not only enjoy but require order and alone time in for solitude inner peace. I

have friends and relatives who, on the flip side, enjoy and require a constant audience to meet

their extroverted pleasure and need. Back to your question, the feeling a comfortable homebody

gets by being such is the same that a social butterfly gets by being such, energized: we just get

there by opposite routes, that’s all.

If I could compare and contrast the story of day the dancers came to the experience of

OFW. The comparison is they had been through a lot of struggles. Fil and tony is they we’re

already there since world war II. Fil and tony got their citizenship in Chicago easy compared this

time it is hard to get citizenship.

There for we should be thankful for our parents who are working abroad. We should

appreciate their effort and hard work.

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