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The Top 6 Workplace Etiquette

Rules Everyone Should Follow

Having etiquette rules at your workplace is essential if you want to foster a
professional and civilized environment for anyone who interacts with your company.

Business etiquette is a set of standards on how to conduct yourself around

colleagues, potential business partners and clients. Essentially, it boils down to
treating others with respect, being mindful of everyone present and being polite in

Etiquette can either be upheld in person or more increasingly, online via email or
even video conferencing. Adhering to a strong set of etiquette rules will ensure that
your company maintains a strong reputation externally and it also minimizes the
possibility of conflict internally. Here are the top workplace etiquette rules that
everyone should follow:

1. Introductions and greetings

When you first meet someone professionally, you should always stand and shake
their hand with a smile, maintaining eye contact. People who don’t make eye contact
can be viewed as rude, dishonest or unconfident, which are definitely traits you don’t
want to be attributed to you.

Many awkward situations arise in the workplace when names are forgotten, so always
make sure to give your first and last name when first introducing yourself, especially
if you have a common first name. If you aren’t quite sure how to pronounce
someone else’ s name, the best thing to do is to ask them from the outset if you’re
saying it correctly, otherwise, this could cause offence further down the line.

When there are a number of people in the same room that haven’t been introduced
yet, it’s important you introduce them as quickly as possible, otherwise, they’ll be
feeling rather uncomfortable shuffling their feet, a feeling which gets exponentially
worse and more difficult to address the longer you wait.

To make the work environment a more friendly place, you should always greet
anyone that you pass by, even if its with a smile or a nod, as this builds rapport and
facilitates communication. Complimenting your coworkers (on their work rather than
their appearance) or simply engaging in friendly conversation are two great ways to
break the ice and keep the atmosphere cordial.

2. Dress code
Although it’s often said that you should never judge a book by its cover, the sad
reality is that this happens regardless, especially in the workplace. Your clothing and
how you appear to others is actually an integral form of nonverbal communication
that people use to assess your professionalism.

Even if many companies are more relaxed with dress codes than they used to be, you
should still make the effort to come into work smartly dressed, as it reflects well on
the company when their employees are looking sharp. Even if the dress code is
‘casual’, ensure your clothes are clean and well maintained and aren’t emblazoned
with any logos or messaging that might cause offence.

Being smartly dressed is also well known to boost productivity and motivate others
around you.

Sometimes it may be slightly unclear what the dress code is for certain business
events or meetings, so you may have to do your due diligence, so speak to
colleagues or have a look at the company/event blog to see how your counterparts
tend to dress.

As a general rule, it’s better to be overdressed than underdressed. If you’re meeting

and greeting a tie and jacket can always be removed for a more casual look. If you’re
unsure of what dress code would be suitable, the safest bet would be to opt for
classic businessdress with colors such as black, blue, grey or white.

3. Put down your phone

While it’s true that a lot of productivity can be achieved via smartphones these days,
the amount of time spent on phones needs to be regulated, as excessive phone use
can definitely come across as rude or disrespectful.

During meetings, phones should all be kept on silent and out of sight at all times, as
you should be fully engaged in the conversation. Similarly, browsing through your
phone or even checking it is often received badly when interacting with customers,
so the best thing to do is wait until you are on a break.
4. Online etiquette
A huge proportion of work now is done online, and more than 28% of the average
worker’s week is spent on email. You must always maintain high standards of
professionalism when you communicate with people online, perhaps more so than in
person, because the only perception they have of you is through email.

This means that you must proof read every single email for spelling or grammatical
errors before you send it, as once you put anything out there, you can’t take it back.
Just one small mistake is enough to lead to huge mistrust on the receiving end, so
having a meticulous eye to detail is very important.

Remember to always include a clear and accurate subject for every email you send
out. People receive lots of messages every day and no one wants to second guess
what yours is about. If you’re cc’d on an email and it pertains to a group of people,
you need to respond to everyone else included, otherwise you can facilitate a
breakdown in communication or cause confusion.

Make sure that you take into consideration who you’re actually addressing in your
emails by using the appropriate titles, and once you have become more acquainted,
you can then start addressing them on a first-name basis.

5. Be respectful
Sharing a workplace with others means that it’s inevitable you’ll engage in
conversation and most people enjoy the company of their coworkers. However, you
need to be mindful of what kind of topics you talk about at work, and you definitely
do not want to bring up personal or relationship issues as this can create a very
awkward atmosphere.

Try to talk about light and positive subjects, such as where you plan on going on
holiday or what you did on the weekend, as long as it’s not too controversial! You
should also never talk about politics or religion, as these two topics are deeply
divisive and could potentially cause tension if your views clash.

When engaging in conversation with others in the office, it’s sometimes easy to
forget that you’re in a professional setting and that other people are working, so
keep your volume as low as possible to prevent disturbances.

If you’re sharing a workspace with others, you shouldn’t allow clutter and mess to
build up as this can cause distractions and annoy your fellow coworkers. In a similar
way to how you present yourself, your desk should be clean and organized,
otherwise, your colleagues or clients might draw negative conclusions about your
efficiency and attention to detail.

6. Table manners
Business often extends into meal times, which is why table manners are
indispensable if you don’t want to leave a bad impression. Firstly, if you have invited
anyone for lunch or dinner, then you should cover the bill.

There are many rules to be aware of when dining with fellow professionals, but some
of the fundamentals include; never talking with your mouth full and keeping your
phone out of sight at all times. If someone else has invited you for the dinner, try to
order something similar to what they have and don’t go for the most expensive meal
on the menu!

Dining etiquette can vary greatly from country to country, so if you’re on an overseas
trip, you need to be aware of the cultural norms there. For example, in the UAE and
other Middle Eastern countries, it’s customary to eat with the right hand, usually with
no utensils at all, while in Japan, slurping noodles and soups are actually considered
a form of appreciation to the chef!

Having a full grasp of business etiquette will help you and your company stand out
among competitors. It may make the difference that secures your next successful sale
or negotiation.

If your business goes overseas often, then you’ll also have to take into account how
etiquette varies from country to country, and even if you get it wrong at times, the
fact that you showed you’re making an effort to be polite and respectful won’t go

The Principles of Etiquette

To us, etiquette—a word on so many of our books!—is made up of two parts. There
are manners; lots of them, in fact. Books and webpages full of them! “Please” and “thank
you,” holding doors, chewing with our mouths closed, dressing appropriately, shaking
hands—these are all manners. They are important because they give us confidence, allow our
focus to be on the substance of our interactions, and they tell us what to do and what to
expect others to do in return. Plus, they’re nice.
But etiquette also expresses something more, something we call “the principles of etiquette.”
Those are consideration, respect, and honesty. These principles are the three qualities that
stand behind all the manners we have. They are timeless and cross cultural boundaries, unlike
manners, which can change over time and differ around the world.

Take for example the handshake, a classic Western greeting. The handshake is the manner—
in ancient Rome, people grasped forearms to greet one another; in Asia, many people bow
when meeting. Those are all examples of manners. But the idea that we shake hands, grasp
forearms, or bow to show respect and welcome another person is both universal and timeless.
That’s the principle at work. Simply put, manners are often the how, and principles are the

Respect can be a feeling, and it can be demonstrated in our actions and words. To us,
respecting other people means recognizing and acknowledging their worth and value as
human beings, regardless of their background, race, or creed. It’s demonstrated in all our day-
to-day relations—refraining from demeaning others for their ideas and opinions, refusing to
laugh at racist or sexist jokes, putting prejudices aside, and staying open-minded. We show
respect not just by what we refrain from doing but also by intentional acts, such as being on
time, dressing appropriately, or giving our full attention to the person or people we’re with.

Self-respect is just as important as respect for others. A person who respects herself isn’t
boastful or pushy but is secure in a way that inspires confidence in others. She values herself
regardless of her physical attributes or individual talents, understanding that integrity and
character are what really matter.

Consideration is about having empathy for another person, and the key to consideration is
thoughtful behavior. Being thoughtful means thinking about what you can do for those
around you and how your actions will affect them. Consideration leads us to help a friend or
stranger in need, to bestow a token of appreciation, or to offer praise.

Honesty is both about about telling the truth and avoiding even white lies, and about acting
sincerely and with integrity. We should add that we like benevolent rather than brutal
honesty. It’s
the basis of tact: Using empathy to find the positive truth and telling or acting on it, without
causing embarrassment or pain to someone else. Honesty is also about being authentic and
genuine with others. No one likes insincere, “lip-service” politeness—it can be as bad as
outright rudeness.

All Together
Put these three principles together and act on them in your daily life and you will be the soul
of graciousness and have excellent relationships as a result. These three principles will see
you through thick and thin, guiding you through differences of opinion or interactions with
difficult people who cross your path and helping you to build even better relationships with
those close to you.

Here are the top workplace etiquette rules that everyone should follow:
• Introductions and greetings. When you first meet someone professionally, you
should always stand and shake their hand with a smile, maintaining eye contact. ...
• Dress code. ...
• Put down your phone. ...
• Online etiquette. ...
• Be respectful. ...
• Table manners.

If you have a door, close it if you take personal calls. If you don’t have
a door or are in an open plan space, keep private calls short by saying
you’ll call the person back on your next break, or walk to an area that
is more conducive to personal calls like a lounge area or even outside.
If you work in an open office space and professional phone calls
distract you, remember that it’s probably not the person’s intention to
bother you. Try to be understanding of the situation and keep a good
pair of headphones nearby.

2. Keep your computer and phone muted or on silent, so that every

time you get an email or message it does not alert everyone on your

3. Do not use a conference room to take long personal calls or treat it

as your personal office. Squatting is for the gym—not the workplace.

4. In addition to doing your part to keep the bathroom clean, do not

use the restroom to socialize, whether you need to call your mom or
catch up on the latest office news. It’s called water cooler chat for a


5. If you’re in a meeting, give your undivided attention to the person

speaking. If you must send off a quick note or check something on
your phone or computer, keep it short and sweet.


6. Unless everyone is in on the joke, keep loud conversation to a

minimum. There might be a distraction but you don’t want to become

7. While eating lunch away from our desks is a luxury these days,
remember those sitting around you. Try to avoid foods that splatter or
slurp or have a lingering smell in a shared office space. As much as
you may love steamed fish, the rest of your team will probably won’t.

8. Remember that others need to use the communal kitchen too. If

someone continues to prep their lunch in front of the communal
microwave after heating up their food, it's okay to politely bring
attention to the fact that they’re taking up the space by saying
something like, “Looks yummy! Do you mind if I pop my bowl in?”

9. If someone is nice enough to bring in food to share with the rest of

the office, don’t leave the cleanup all to them. If you take the last slice
of cake, wash the dish it came on and make sure it gets back to them.

10. If you’re sick and contagious, you shouldn't be at work, otherwise

you risk getting the entire office ill.


11. Think before you hit reply-all. Does everyone need to take the time
out of their day to read your note?

12. Email tone is very hard to read, so be sure you’re using language
that helps the recipient understand it. And despite what your middle
school English teacher may have told you, exclamation points are
almost required these days. A simple line like “Really appreciate your
help! Thank you, Michael” is better than “Thanks. Michael”

13. Don't block the elevator door. If the elevator's full when someone
tries to get out, and you're in the way, simply exit the elevator
altogether and then re-enter.

14. When it comes to opening doors, only go in front of someone who

opened the door if they motion you through. Same rules apply to
whoever swiped their card to access the door—wait until the first
person has walked through before you follow.

15. Etiquette in general is becoming more gender neutral, so when it

comes to opening doors and getting in and out of elevators, what
matters more is showing respect to people who are more senior to you
in your office. If you’re entering your floor or the elevator at the same
time as your boss—or your boss’s boss—be sure to hold the door open
for them and let them enter first.


16. While it's impossible to always be on time, it’s important to let

people know you’re running late. For every minute you think you'll be
late, give two minutes warning. So if you think you'll be 10 minutes
late for the call, email 20 minutes ahead so your colleague or client
can adjust their schedule accordingly.

17. You might love your gardenia-bomb perfume, but the office is a
place to keep scent subtle. If you choose to put on fragrance,
remember it’s meant to go on pulse points only and not clothing—it
can permeate the whole room.

18. When it comes to throwing out trash and recycling, be considerate

of everyone’s space as much as possible. If you go to put your box or
recycle in the designated area and see that it’s overflowing into
someone’s work space, think of your colleague and hold off on piling
more on. You never know where your next desk will be.

19. In the age of social media, remember that nothing is “private”
anymore. Don’t complain about your colleagues or work on Facebook
or Twitter. Even if your account is private, it could get back to them.

20. Even if you’re friendly with your colleagues, be aware of crossing

boundaries. Over-sharing details of your personal life is
unprofessional no matter how close you are with your team.

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