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astro-lunar biorhythms

hat is written by Dr. U.S. Pulippani - titled "Biorhythms of Natal Moon

The mysterious "Panch-pakshi Shastram" is a unique system of Vedic astrology,

propounded by ancient Tamil Siddha Saints thousands of years ago, which has been
considered a golden key in the hands of man which can be used with advantage in
any endeavour and in any walk of life.

The system is said to be 'unfailing' as it is based on natural laws of five elements ("Pancha
Mahabhutas") combined with 'Astro Stellar' force of each individual. It's extra-ordinary
utilities lies in providing you the precise knowledge of your strength and weakness for a
particular hour of a particular day.

An introduction to the system: Experiences and feedbacks

The mysterious 'Pancha Pakshi Shastra' is a unique system of Vedic astrology

which has been considered a golden key in the hands of man which can be used
with advantage in any endeavour and in any walk of life.

The system was propounded by ancient Tamil Sidha Saints thousands of years ago.
The secrets of this system were written on old Palm Leaf manuscripts, in Tamil
language, lacking in clarity and expression, and that too, available in the form of
disfigured scripts, driving the reader into utter confusion. However, for the very
first time, in 1993, the knowledge of this system was made available to non-Tamil
astrologers by a well known South Indian Vedic Jyotish scholar, Prof. Dr. U.S.
Pulippani, who wrote an illustrative book on the subject, in English, after a
research spread over nearly two decades.

Mr. K.N. Rao, the most well known Vedic astrologer of recent times (who has
authored several excellent books on astrology himself and has guided many of his
students to conduct very important researches in Vedic astrology) has written the
'Introduction' of Prof. Dr. U.S. Pulippani's book. Mr. Rao says that - 'It is the unfailing
stellar theory of biorhythms (of natal Moon) specific to each individual, relatable to
his birth-star (Janma Nakshatra) and correlated to one of the five-fold divisions of a
day for five specific human activities.'

'The Mysterious Panchapakshi' is a down to the earth practical system, which can
be applied with advantage for all matters in day to day life and by individuals in all
walks of life, to lead a successful life with complete gratification, both in mental,
physical and even in spiritual planes. This is based on comparative gradation of
elemental vibrations of individuals functioning in life in different ebbs during
different time gaps with a uniform successive time slots. The agency of these
relative vibrations is the five elements and are personified as birds which are five
in number as many as the elements themselves.
The system is said to be 'unfailing' as it is based on natural laws of five elements
('Pancha Mahabhutas') combined with 'Astro Stellar' force of each individual. It's
extra-ordinary utilities lies in providing you the precise knowledge of your strength
and weakness for a particular hour of a particular day. It is so logical, so scientific,
so appealing. And we knew nothing about 'Panchapakshi' in the North India - till
now. The author of the book has written that due to certainty and idefiniteness of
results of this science, there are maxims in Tamil which warn that one should not
develop enmity with a man who knows this science ('Panchapakshi') and when
employed for selfless ends, the man lives comfortably and attains emancipation at
the end.

After considerable efforts, we have programmed the whole system of "Pancha

Pakshi Shastra", which has so far remained a secret. Now we are capable of
providing tables of 'biorhythms of natal Moon' for any individual, born or located
anywhere in the world, for anytime of any day of any month. Guidance provided by
this system should be used more regularly and effectively in the terrible diurnal
and even nocturnal whirl of human activities by all in all walks of life. The report
fulfills the long felt need of 'astrological planning' of your important activities. You
must lie low when you should lie low and you must be active when you should be

As told in introduction - your birth stellar bird personifies your basic element, among
the five elements ("Pancha mahabhootas"). The great Tamil Sidhas found out that
the planetary movements, the waxing and the waning periods of the Moon due to
it's relative cyclic distance from the Sun and due to the radiation of these planets
progressing through the ecliptic consisting of 12 apartments called 'Signs' and 27
Hindu constellations (called "Nakshatras") produce a specialized elemental vibrative
force at each of the time-situations.

They also found that these elemental vibrations differentially function in 5 ways
during the periods of waxing and waning Moon cycles in 5 different gradations. The
horoscope of an individual is the representation of the imprint of the cosmic
vibrations emanating from the peculiar pattern of the nine planets at the time of
one's birth. This collective imprint remains in the sub-conscious always after one's
birth. Being controlled/ directed by this imprint, the individual is helpless, but to live
in a peculiar individual way accordingly. If we can identify the basic laws behind
formation of this imprint and the functional pattern of our elemental vibrations, we
can adjust ourselves and function in such a way so that our indulgence in any action
during a time-situation, whenever elemental vibrations are at the highest ebb, we
will be crowned with supreme success. This is the fundamental of "Panchapakshi ".

In this system, one's birth stellar-bird personifies native's basic element among
the five elements (“Pancha Mahabhutas”). There are five gradations of a bird's
activity, as listed below, in declining order of strengths:
"Ruling", "Eating", "Walking", "Sleeping" and "Dying".

Among the above listed five activities, "Ruling" is best and "Dying" is worst. Rest
of the three activities are graded in between accordingly. The native must
accomplish (or start) all of his/her important tasks when his/her 'Birth Stellar Bird'
is "Ruling" in main period (and if possible, in sub-period also). The second best
option is when Birth Stellar Bird is "Eating". It will bring success in all endeavours.
Similarly, native should avoid the time gaps when Birth Stellar Bird is "Dying" or

The "Ruling bird" and "Dying bird" of 'Day/Night segments':

A particular bird is strongest for the entire period of day or night. During this
period, the bird remains completely powerful over all other birds and rules over
them. This bird is called the "Ruling bird" of that particular day-time (or, night-
time) segment. So to say, for such people of whom their "Birth stellar birds" are
ruling for the entire day (or night) duration, such days (or nights) will be fully
favourable. More so, when these bird are in their "Ruling" activity in one of the
five major intra-day time-slots (of few hours each) and even in a sub-time-slot of
few minutes. The "Major time-slots" and their sub-slots have been described a
little below in this document.

Similarly, vice-versa to above, there is a particular bird which is weakest for the
entire period of day or night. During this period, the bird remains completely
'powerless' or 'dead'. This bird is called the "Dying bird" of that particular day-
time (or, night-time) segment. For such people of whom their "Birth stellar birds"
are in 'Dying' state for the entire day (or night) duration, such days (or nights)
will be highly un-favourable for any activity or endeavour.

Thus, there are a 'Ruling bird' and a 'Dying bird' for each of the 'Day-time
segment' and 'Night-time segment'. These two birds are shown at the start of
each segment, in the table.

The five major time-slots ("Yama") in each of the two 'Day-


Each of the above described two segments (Day and Night) is further sub-divided
into five major equal time-slots, called 'Yama'. Thus, there are 10 Yamas (major
time-slots) in total, within 24 hrs, - five during the day-time segment and five
during night-time segment. Activities performed by birds during these major time
slots are called their 'major-activities'. Each major time slot ('Yama') is of about 2
hrs and 24 minutes duration.

The five sub-slots of time in each of the 'Major time slot' ('Yama'):

Each of the above described ten major-time-slots ('Yama') is further sub-divided

into five unequal sub-slots of time. Thus, there are 50 sub-slots in total - 25 during
the day-time segment and 25 during night-time segment. Activities performed by
birds during these sub-slots of time are called their 'sub-activities'. Each sub-
activity lasts for few minutes, usually between 10 minutes and 55 minutes.

The categorization of time-slots:

The ancient Saints have given comparative 'Natural strengths' for the five birds.
They have also given applicable ratios for "vibrational strengths" of the various
abstract activities (like, 'walking', 'eating' etc.) performed by the birds. We have
divided, in "Panch-pakshi" table, the thus calculated net strengths of native's bird,
gained by it during various main-activities and sub-activities, combined, under
seven categories for making it easy to use the table. These 7 categories of intra-
day time-slots, in declining order, are as follows:

Excellent, Good, Fair, Average, Inadequate, Poor and Worst

When your bird's main-activity is "Ruling" and it's sub-activity is also "Ruling"',
that time slot is shown as "Excellent" in the table. There will be two such time
slots each day - one during day-time and another during night-time. These are the
'Golden time-slots' of which you may make best use. If your bird is also the
'Ruling-bird' of that particular day/night segment, results would become even
more positive. However, if your bird is the 'Dying-bird' of that particular
day/night segment, then, even if it's main-activity is 'Ruling' and it's sub-activity
is also 'Ruling' - the results would not be as good. You may consider this time slot
simply as the "Best available time slot" on an otherwise negative day.

Similarly, when a bird's main-activity is 'Dying' and it's sub-activity is also 'Dying',
that time slot is shown as 'Worst'. There will be two such time slots each day - one
during day-time and another during night-time. These are the "worst time-
slots" for you - during which you must be highly careful. Any untoward incident,
of any kind, may take place during such time duration. All your efforts would not
yield any results. You would be vulnerable to defeat in negotiations, bargaining
and competitions. If your bird is also the "Dying-bird" of that particular day/night
segment, results would become even more negative. However, if your bird is the
'Ruling-bird' of that particular day segment, then, if it's main-activity and sub-
activity are 'Dying' - the results would not be as bad. You may consider this time
slot simply as the "Worst time slot" on an otherwise good day.

Rest of the many other possible combinations for main-activities and sub-activities
would come some where in-between of 'Excellent' and 'Worst'. They have been
categorized as 'Good', 'Fair', 'Average', 'Inadequate' and 'Poor'. The 'Panch-
pakshi' table shows the exact value of "Net strength" gained by native's bird,
along with it's categorization, for each time-slot, in the 7th and 8th columns from
left. All shown timings are in 'Hrs:Mts:Sec' format.

The 'Relation' of various birds with native's bird:

The 6th column from left shows the 'Relation' of various birds with native's bird as
'Friend' or 'Enemy' . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .... ..... .... (to be written)

The 'Direction' of native-bird's current sub-activity:

The 9th column from left (right-most column) shows the 'Direction' of native-bird's
current sub-activity. The directions written at right-most column (like SW, SE, No,
NE, NW etc.) are applicable to the "Complete main activity duration" (of approx 2
hrs) and not for just "Sub-activity duration" of your native bird. During this whole
main-activity period of around 2 hrs., direction of the "Ruling bird" would remain
strongest. You should always choose the strongest direction indicated by the
"Ruling bird" of the main activity for acquiring a winning edge.

Choice of direction is irrespective of the fact that whether "Ruling bird" is your own
stellar bird or a friend of your stellar bird or an enemy of your stellar bird. Click
here for an exemplar and more detailed instructions.

The details about informations shown under various columns of a

typical 'Panch-pakshi' table:

The 1st column: Starting time of a sub-activity by native's bird

The 2nd column: Ending time of a sub-activity by native's bird

The 3rd column: Total duration of a sub-activity by native's bird

The 4th column: The name of sub-activity being performed by native's


The 5th column: Name of the other bird - which is in same 'Main-
activity' [as the listed sub-activity of native's bird.]

The 6th column: The 'Relation' of concerned bird with native's bird

The 7th column: Exact value of 'Net strength' of native's bird

The 8th column: Category of 'Net strength' of native's bird

The 9th column: Direction of native-bird's current sub-activity

17 August 2007 [Fri] :Bright-half: Activities for native bird: CROW

~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Bombay, DST 00:00 hr] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Day time: Ruling bird: Cock [Friend]; Dying bird: Owl
~ Directions: Strongest - North & North-East; Weakest - South
~ Colours : Dominant - Green; Recessive - White

06:24:02 to 08:55:30 Hrs: Crow-"DYING" (Total 02:31:28)

06:24:02 - 06:36:39 [00:12:37] Dying Crow Self 0.045
Worst SW
06:36:39 - 07:08:13 [00:31:33] Eating Cock Friend 0.180
Worst We
07:08:13 - 07:46:05 [00:37:52] Walking Peacock Enemy 0.135
Worst No
07:46:05 - 08:36:34 [00:50:29] Ruling Vulture Enemy 0.225 Poor
08:36:34 - 08:55:30 [00:18:56] Sleeping Owl Friend 0.090
Worst SW

08:55:30 to 11:26:58 Hrs: Crow-"EATING" (Total 02:31:28)

08:55:30 - 09:27:03 [00:31:33] Eating Crow Self 0.720
Avera We
09:27:03 - 10:04:55 [00:37:52] Walking Cock Friend 0.540
Inade No
10:04:55 - 10:55:24 [00:50:29] Ruling Peacock Enemy 0.900 Fair
10:55:24 - 11:14:20 [00:18:56] Sleeping Vulture Enemy 0.360 Poor
11:14:20 - 11:26:58 [00:12:37] Dying Owl Friend 0.180
Worst SW

11:26:58 to 13:58:25 Hrs: Crow-"WALKING" (Total 02:31:28)

11:26:58 - 12:04:50 [00:37:52] Walking Crow Self 0.405
Inade No
12:04:50 - 12:55:19 [00:50:29] Ruling Cock Friend 0.675
Avera Ea
12:55:19 - 13:14:15 [00:18:56] Sleeping Peacock Enemy 0.270 Poor
13:14:15 - 13:26:52 [00:12:37] Dying Vulture Enemy 0.135
Worst SW
13:26:52 - 13:58:25 [00:31:33] Eating Owl Friend 0.540
Inade We

13:58:25 to 16:29:53 Hrs: Crow-"RULING" (Total 02:31:28)

13:58:25 - 14:48:55 [00:50:29] Ruling Crow Self 1.125
Excel Ea
14:48:55 - 15:07:51 [00:18:56] Sleeping Cock Friend 0.450
Inade SW
15:07:51 - 15:20:28 [00:12:37] Dying Peacock Enemy 0.225 Poor
15:20:28 - 15:52:01 [00:31:33] Eating Vulture Enemy 0.900 Fair
15:52:01 - 16:29:53 [00:37:52] Walking Owl Friend 0.675
Avera No

16:29:53 to 19:01:21 Hrs: Crow-"SLEEPING" (Total 02:31:28)

16:29:53 - 16:48:49 [00:18:56] Sleeping Crow Self 0.180
Worst SW
16:48:49 - 17:01:26 [00:12:37] Dying Cock Friend 0.090
Worst SW
17:01:26 - 17:33:00 [00:31:33] Eating Peacock Enemy 0.360 Poor
17:33:00 - 18:10:52 [00:37:52] Walking Vulture Enemy 0.270 Poor
18:10:52 - 19:01:21 [00:50:29] Ruling Owl Friend 0.450
Inade Ea

---------- 17/18 August 2007 ----------

Night time: Ruling bird: Vulture [Enemy]; Dying bird: Owl
~ Directions: Strongest - East; Weakest - South
~ Colours : Dominant - Yellow; Recessive - White

19:01:21 to 21:17:56 Hrs: Crow-"WALKING" (Total 02:16:35)

19:01:21 - 19:29:48 [00:28:27] Walking Crow Self 0.315 Poor
19:29:48 - 19:52:34 [00:22:46] Sleeping Owl Friend 0.210 Poor
19:52:34 - 20:21:02 [00:28:27] Eating Vulture Enemy 0.420
Inade We
20:21:02 - 20:43:47 [00:22:46] Ruling Peacock Enemy 0.525
Inade Ea
20:43:47 - 21:17:56 [00:34:09] Dying Cock Friend 0.105
Worst SW

21:17:56 to 23:34:31 Hrs: Crow-"SLEEPING" (Total 02:16:35)

21:17:56 - 21:40:42 [00:22:46] Sleeping Crow Self 0.140
Worst SW
21:40:42 - 22:09:09 [00:28:27] Eating Owl Friend 0.280 Poor
22:09:09 - 22:31:55 [00:22:46] Ruling Vulture Enemy 0.350 Poor
22:31:55 - 23:06:04 [00:34:09] Dying Peacock Enemy 0.070
Worst SW
23:06:04 - 23:34:31 [00:28:27] Walking Cock Friend 0.210 Poor

23:34:31 to 01:51:07 Hrs: Crow-"EATING" (Total 02:16:35)

23:34:31 - 00:02:59 [00:28:27] Eating Crow Self 0.560
Avera We
00:02:59 - 00:25:45 [00:22:46] Ruling Owl Friend 0.700
Avera Ea
00:25:45 - 00:59:53 [00:34:09] Dying Vulture Enemy 0.140
Worst SW
00:59:53 - 01:28:21 [00:28:27] Walking Peacock Enemy 0.420
Inade No
01:28:21 - 01:51:07 [00:22:46] Sleeping Cock Friend 0.280 Poor

01:51:07 to 04:07:42 Hrs: Crow-"RULING" (Total 02:16:35)

01:51:07 - 02:13:52 [00:22:46] Ruling Crow Self 0.875 Fair
02:13:52 - 02:48:01 [00:34:09] Dying Owl Friend 0.175
Worst SW
02:48:01 - 03:16:29 [00:28:27] Walking Vulture Enemy 0.525
Inade No
03:16:29 - 03:39:14 [00:22:46] Sleeping Peacock Enemy 0.350 Poor
03:39:14 - 04:07:42 [00:28:27] Eating Cock Friend 0.700
Avera We

04:07:42 to 06:24:17 Hrs: Crow-"DYING" (Total 02:16:35)

04:07:42 - 04:41:51 [00:34:09] Dying Crow Self 0.035
Worst SW
04:41:51 - 05:10:18 [00:28:27] Walking Owl Friend 0.105
Worst No
05:10:18 - 05:33:04 [00:22:46] Sleeping Vulture Enemy 0.070
Worst SW
05:33:04 - 06:01:31 [00:28:27] Eating Peacock Enemy 0.140
Worst We
06:01:31 - 06:24:17 [00:22:46] Ruling Cock Friend 0.175
Worst Ea


1. I am a consultant. Assuming I can't set the session with one of my prime client during
the "Ruling" or "Eating" period of my stellar-bird and had to settle for the appointment
time which I've no control over. Does this mean that the meeting may not be favorable?
What would be the possible effects (negative) if any?

2. If I can't get the main period of "Ruling" or "Eating" for my own stellar bird during a
possible time-frame, but a friend of my stellar-bird is either "Ruling" or "Eating", In this
situation, can I still proceed with the session with my client?


During your "Ruling" or "Eating" periods, you are at your "Best". You are in a commanding
situation. You can utilize your mental powers at their maximum capacity. People will listen
your advise more attentively and you would be able to impress upon them much easily
then you could if you were conducting a consultation session during your weaker periods
(i.e. in "Dying" or "Sleeping" state of your stellar bird).

Try to avoid those periods, as far as possible, for consultations on very important matters
of a client when you yourself is in "Dying" or "Sleeping" state.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. When you yourself is in "Dying" or
"Sleeping" state BUT one of your friendly bird is the "Ruling bird" at the same time, it may
save you to some extent.

On the contrary, if an inimical bird is "Ruling" and you are in a "Dying" or "Sleeping" state,
that's the worst situation. The possible negative effects for you, as a consultant, would be
that you will not be able to give proper advise to your client and it would result in a
dissatisfied client.

The concept is that "You" and "Your friends" should be stronger and your enemies should
be weaker at chosen time for getting best results.

Answer of your second question is - "YES, you may proceed with the session if no
alternate is available" - even in your poor periods if a friend of your stellar-bird is either
"Ruling" or "Eating" at that time. Results would not be as good though but would not be as
bad too.

Can you suggest that what should I do in my "Excellent" marked timings in my

"Panchpakshi" report?


In your "Excellent" marked time-slots, you are very-much in commanding position. The luck
will be favouring you at its best during such times. Thus, you should strive to take
maximum advantage of those "Golden moments". which will come only after every 4 or 5
days for very short duration. This duration may be between 15 minutes to 50 minutes.

You should try to do or achieve some thing which is "most important for you" or "most
desired" - during the time slots marked "Excellent" in your Panchapakshi report. You should
be already prepared with the list of works which are to be done during those "Golden
moments" of yours. As soon as such time-slot begins, you should come into action without
wasting a single precious minute.


I was pondering timing decisions with Jyotish, and I noticed on the website Pancha-
Pakshi, which seems to be a more powerful and subtle system for that, just to know , is in
itself self - sufficient for timing? or we are best using other considerations? such as ,
avoiding Rahu- Kaal?. For example , in a certain day , my ruling-ruling time in
panchapakshi coincides with Rahu-kaal , so we would better select a ruling- eating
period? or is it powerful enough to completely disregard any of the other timing


Yes, you are correct in saying that "Pancha- Pakshi seems to be a more powerful and subtle
system". The Panch-pakshi system is indeed very powerful and quite self-sufficient in itself
while determining your "intra-day strengths". The system is specially very useful in
competitive environment (like games, negotiations, gambling etc.). It is also very useful in
ascertaining the best timings for taking a vital decision. While you are in "Ruling-ruling"
state, you are in commanding position and best of your mental state. Thus, for a stock or
commodity trader, it is a golden key. He/she should defer his/her vital buy or sell decisions
in "dying-dying" or "Dying-sleeping" state. They are most likely to be wrong decisions. Click
here for some very interesting feedbacks of stock-traders concerning usage of Panch-
pakshi report.

As far as Rahu-kaal is concerned, it is used in electional astrology ("Muhurta") and it is

common for all, (unlike Panch-pakshi which is individual's horoscope based). Rahu-kaal is
considered inauspicious to start journeys or a new venture. It does not show one's strength
at that time. Thus, the use of Rahu-kaal and panch-pakshi is altogether different.

If Rahu-kaal coincides with your "Ruling-ruling" period, and you are "starting" some new
work or journey, I would say - "Don't start a new work or journey during Rahu-kaal".
Because, in that case, you should use electional astrology to find an auspicious moment to
begin a work/journey. BUT, if you need to take a vital decision or you are in a competitive
game or amidst an important negotiation, you should try to choose your "Ruling-ruling"
period, ignoring Rahu-kaal. The Rahu-kaal has no use in that case.

You may also understand this concept like this that "Rahu-Kaal" and the other such
considerations would be suitable to start something that would finish in the future, While
applying "Panch-pakshi" would be more suitable for something that starts and finish at
that moment (like taking animportant decision).


Shyam, you told me that Mars is my best favourable planet for getting my love-life back
and Mars-hora timings (planetary hour of Mars) should be used for reciting suggested
Mars-mantra. I am also using the "Panch-pakshi" report. However, I find that sometimes
my best time shown in Panchpakshi does not coincide with the timings of Mars hora. I am
confused that in such cases - what should I do? ... Suppose my panch-pakshi best time is
at 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm and the Mars-hora is between 4:00 pm and 4:30 pm. Now, tell me
that which one of the above two time slots should I follow regarding calling or emailing
my boy-friend to expect an answer from him. These days, he is ignoring me.


The Panch-pakshi system is very powerful and quite self-sufficient in itself while
determining your "intra-day strengths". While you are in "Ruling-ruling" state, you are
simply in commanding position. You should call/write him as per panch-pakshi strengths. It
will ensure a call-back/reply from your boy-friend atleast.

During "Ruling-ruling" duration, you are in a commanding situation. Though, your boy
friend is un-willing to answer your mail/telephone, but due to your commanding/dominant
position at that moment, he just can not ignore your telephone or mail. He has to call you

Of-course, Panch-pakshi can not ignite love for you in his heart. But it can certainly put you
in commanding position where he has to obey your wishes. Even if un-willingly, he has to
call you back.

For converting his coldness into warmth, you need the help of Mars, as told earlier.
Chanting of Mars mantra with devotion would certainly show it's effect in due course. Mars-
hora is best suited to chant the Mars mantra to seek blessings of Mars which is very well
inclined towards your 5th house (of love). Once the blessings of Mars are showered, his
"Cold replies" would also convert to warm one progressively. Till then, without the blessings
of Mars, if you write him during Mars hora but in your weak moments (say "Dying-dying" or
"Dying-sleeping"), you may not be getting any reply from him, cold or warm. So what's the
use of writing in Mars hora.

Yes, If Mars-hora coincides with your "Ruling-ruling" period in Panch-pakshi, that's the best
time to call him.

Questions about "Directions" shown in the Panch-pakshi table


How should I make proper use of the "Strong-Directions" shown in my "Pancha-pakshi"

report? Take an example. In the following table, from 09:10:06 hrs to 09:25:24 hrs,
direction "South-West" has been shown as "Excellent" and from 10:36:52 hrs to 11:02:24
hrs, direction "North-East" has been shown as "Poor". I have following questions:

1. During my period, marked "Excellent" (from 09:10:06 to 09:25:24), should I sit at the
South-West direction looking towards/facing North-East or should I sit at the North-East
direction looking towards/facing the South-West? I assume its like doing prayers when
one's facing the East but standing at the West.

2. If I have to attend an important meeting during my "Poor" marked period (from

10:36:52 to 11:02:24), seat in which direction should I occupy?

09:10:06 to 11:12:36 Hrs: Vulture-"RULING" (Total 02:02:31)

09:10:06 - 09:25:24 [00:15:19] Ruling Vulture Self 0.844 Excel SW
09:25:24 - 09:56:02 [00:30:38] Walking Cock Enemy 0.506 Avera SE
09:56:02 - 10:36:52 [00:40:50] Eating Owl Enemy 0.675 Fair No
10:36:52 - 11:02:24 [00:25:31] Dying Peacock Friend 0.169 Poor NE
11:02:24 - 11:12:36 [00:10:13] Sleeping Crow Friend 0.338 Inade NW

Both of your above questions are answered in following note.

First of all, I would like to clarify one thing about the above table. The directions written at
right-most column (like SW, SE, No, NE, NW etc.) are applicable to the "Complete main
activity duration" (of 02:02:31 hrs in above example) and not for just only "Excellent"
marked "Sub-activity duration" (of 00:15:19 hrs in above example). During this whole
main-activity period of 2 hrs. and 02 mts., direction "South-West" would remain strongest.

As far as your choice of direction is concerned, you should always choose the strongest
direction indicated by the "Ruling bird" of the main activity (not sub-activity). You may see
in above exemplar table that between 09:10:06 to 11:12:36 Hrs (duration of main-
activity), Vulture is in "Ruling" state and the direction written in Vulture's row is "SW"

Choice of direction is irrespective of the fact that whether "Ruling bird" is your own stellar
bird or a friend of your stellar bird or an enemy of your stellar bird. If the "Ruling bird" is
your own stellar bird (which is the case in this example) or a friend of your bird, so far so

But suppose, Vulture was not your stellar bird and instead, it was the enemy of your stellar
bird. Still then, the fact remains that direction in which the strongest bird is posited - is
poised to win. Thus, if one wants to "Win" in a war (or negotiation or gambling), he/she
should cleverly occupy the direction of winning bird (in this exemplar case "South-West",
denoting the direction of Vulture, the Ruling bird).

Therefore, in this exemplar case, you should preferably try to "Occupy" the "South-West"
direction seat (of Ruling bird). The second preference should be the "North" direction (of
Eating bird Owl).

Remember, here, I'm taking about "Occupying the seat in a direction". Your face would
then be just in opposite direction. Suppose, East is the strongest direction. In that case,
you should be seated in the "East" and your face should be towards "West".

Can I use my "Panch-pakshi" report, calculated for my

original location, in different cities or I need to get fresh
reports for each new city?


I got prepared my "Panch-pakshi" report for Bangalore city (India). But I travel a lot.
Currently I am in another South-Indian city, named "Madanapalle". Madanapalle is about
4 hours East of Bangalore in a car. Can I use the same "Panchpakshi" report in
"Madanapalle" or any other city where I may travel in future?

Answer of this question is in affirmative. "Yes", you may use the same report in different
cities. BUT, before that, you need to apply some corrections in the shown timings of the

The Panch-pakshi is based on Sun-rise and Sun-set timings of your originally indicated
location (in this case 'Bangalore'). Greater the difference in Sun-rise/ Sun-set timings
between two locations, greater will be the difference in Panch-pakshi timings for the two

For example, on 20th November 2008, Sun-rise timings for Bangalore (12N59 ; 77E35) are
6:24:14 hrs while for Madanapalle (13N33 ; 78E30), the Sun-rise time is 6:21:25 hrs. In
Madanapalle, Sun will rise 3 minutes earlier.

Similarly, on 20th November 2008, Sun-set timings for Bangalore are 17:46:17 hrs , while
for Madanapalle, Sun-set timings are 17:41:45 hrs. That means, Madanapalle will have sun-
rise and sun-set (both) 3 or 4 minutes earlier than Bangalore. Therefore, all Panch-pakshi
table (calculated for Bangalore's geographical coordinates) should be moved 3 or 4
minutes earlier.

Take an example for 20th Nov.2008. Suppose your native bird is "Peacock".

If you are in Bangalore on this date, the Peacock would "Rule" between 10:57:08 and
13:13:32 hrs. But if you are in Madanapalle, the "Ruling time" for Peacock would be
10:53:39 to 13:09:41 Hrs.

As you can see in above example that Ruling time slot has moved by about 4 minutes
earlier for Madanapalle. Thus, you should apply this correction to all other time slots also to
use same report in Madanapalle.

However, it is advisable to get your fresh Panchapakshi report for your new location if the
new location is too far from your original location or the two locations are in different
countries or States observing different Standard Time zones.

There are several abbreviated words written in "Panch-

pakshi" report. What does those words indicate?


I find several abbreviated words in "Panch-pakshi" report. For example, words like "We",
"No", "NE", "Ea", and "So" etc. are written in report's right-most column? What does
those words indicate?
Similarly, I find word "Inade" written along with words like "Excel", "Good", "Poor" etc.
What does the word "Inade" indicate?


The Panch-pakshi report contains several important information. But due to space
constraints, it is not possible to write full-form of each word in same row. Therefore, some
words are abbreviated in such a way that they may be easily understood by the report

For example, The right-most (last column) of report shows "comparative strength of various
directions" at any given moment. The names of the directions are written in abbreviated
form, such as:

"We" (for "West")

"No" (for "North")
"NE" (for "North-East")
"Ea" (for "East")
"So" (for "South")
"SE" (for "South-East")
"SW" (for "South-West")
"NW" (for "North-West")

Similarly, the categories of bird-strength are written in abbreviated form. The bird strength
has been categorized into following seven categories, in declining order, and written as

"Excel" (means "Excellent")

"Avere" (means "Average")
"Inade" (means "Inadequate")

Can I get any sort of astrological advantage through

"Panch-pakshi" system while Gambling or in a Casino?

Can I get any sort of astrological advantage through "Panch-pakshi" system while buying
lottery tickets or indulging in Gambling or trying my luck in a Casino or on a slot machine?

The Pancha-pakshi's extra-ordinary utilities lies in providing you the precise knowledge of
your strength and weakness for a particular hour of a particular day.

The system helps in identifying the functional pattern of your elemental vibrations, so that
you may adjust yourself and function in such a way that your indulgence in any action
during a time-situation, whenever elemental vibrations are at the highest ebb, you will be
crowned with supreme success.

This certainly provides you astrological advantage while buying lottery tickets or indulging
in Gambling or trying luck in a Casino etc.

The Panch-pakshi table also includes information about the "Strongest direction" and
"Weakest direction", among the eight directions, at any given time. The intelligent
gamblers utilize this information very cleverly and try to occupy a seat in the strongest
direction, or at least, try to avoid sitting in the weakest direction. (Click here for more

Another very useful information included in the daily "Panch-pakshi" table is concerning
"Dominant" and "Recessive" colours. Dominant colour of a particular day is applicable from
Sun-rise to Sun-set and it changes after sun set and remains valid till next sun-rise. Each
colour represents a particular planet (for example: Green = Mercury; Black = Saturn; Red =
Mars; Yellow= Jupiter; White = Moon & Venus). It is always prudent to wear clothes of
dominant colour and avoid wearing recessive colours, for enhancing the chances of
winning in various situations.

Can any type of astrological guidance may be got from

"Panch-pakshi" for buying lottery tickets?


I have a doubt regarding the philosophy applicable to understand "Panch-pakshi", since it

refers to inner-strength . The case would be for performing something that is "automatic"
or requires little effort at the time you are performing it , like buying a lottery ticket in
which you previously knew exactly what would you buy, how much ,etc. A conventional
understanding of the world here in the West, where there is a clearly and immutable
defined barrier between the internal and external , would understand that there is no
need to use Panch-pakshi , since you don't need to "use" any internal strength to take the
decision (as opposed to gambling at casino or trading). My personal philosophy however,
is that the external world reflects the internal at a certain time , so in this case , although
the situation appears to require no internal effort, would nevertheless yield better results,
for the "external" world would be better aligned with my "internal" world . However, this
need not be the philosophy that is currently used to use and trust the system. Can you
please comment?

Yes, you understood the Panch-pakshi concept very well.

In your example of buying a lottery ticket, I would like to add that would it not be more
prudent to decide - "Which lottery ticket to buy and of how much amount?" in one's
winning moment decided through Panch-pakshi. In "Ruling-ruling" period, his decision
about lottery ticket number and amount to be invested would be more judicious.

Though "Panch-pakshi" would not necessarily guarantee a win in lottery but it would
certainly help in minimizing the loss of money.

In your stronger moments, you are likely to have a sort of intuitive powers within you which
would make you invest more or less amount of money in lotteries. Same intuitive powers
may guide you many times towards or nearer to the winning lottery numbers.
What is a Birth Chart
Birth chart of any individual is a graphical representation of the planet in the zodiac at the time
of birth of those persons. A person comes into existence at a specific time, at a specific place.
That is the first time when that person comes in direct contact with the surrounding world and its
surroundings radiation and energies of various celestial bodies.
Moreover the birth data of any individuals should be accurate. Any change in the time given to
the astrologer to forecast a birth chart makes a lot of changes in the birth chart and other
subsidiary charts and calculations. Like with any other science, the accuracy of the input data is
very essential to get accurate output results, in this case accurate predictions.

In Hindu Astrology nine Planets are considered. Although Sun and Moon are not planets, they
are considered as Planets. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are also included in the analysis. Rahu and
Ketu, the two mathematically calculated sensitive points, are considered as planets, making the
total number of planets to be twelve.
The essence of astrology lies in understanding the meaning of the planets. The meaning of the
sign houses, aspects and other astrological factors are determined by the planets that rule and
Significate them. Astrology is nothing but the science of the planets, as the forces of the stars
manifest through them.
Astrological thinking is planetary thinking, using the planets as Significator, and encompassing
all domains of life and the evolution of consciousness. Most of the action that we perform in life
follows the nature of the planets that dominates us.

The Bhavas (Houses)

The twelve bhavas (houses) of your horoscope represent the totality of the external conditions of
your existence as experienced by the internal states of your mind, including particularly your
emotions, which influence and are influenced by those outer conditions. Internal experience is
often disproportionate to external environment; being rich will not necessarily make you happy,
nor will being poor doom you to being miserable. Bhavas are the cosmic loons on which the
grahas weave the tapestry of your life from the yarn of your karmas. They suggest to the
Astrologers what advantages or disadvantages will be available to an individual in the various
arenas of life, and what he or she will do with these.

Twelve Sign
The zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts, for purpose of astrology, called signs, which are
named after the imagery figures, which the stars form in each division. Since zodiac consists of
3600, each sign will consist of 3600/12=300. The signs are known as Rasis.
Our sages identified twelve group of stars separated approx. 300 each in the 3600 celestial
sphere. Thus we have 12 Rasis. They divided the celestial sphere in 12 parts because moon
moves around the earth 12 times during the time earth revolved round the Sun. The zodiac
consists of 3600 divided into 12 Signs 300 each. The sign of zodiac, their Hindu equivalent
names, their extent of degrees, the lordship of each sign and the symbol of each sign is given in
the table. Rahu and Ketu have not been given any lordship as they are shadowy planets whereas
the Sun and the Moon are the lords of one sign each i.e. Leo and Cancer respectively. All other
planets have dual lordship.

Astrology & Law of Karma

Though the Law of Karma is simply stated – ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’ – it is no simplistic,
tit-for-tat theory, nor is it an arbitrary human creation. The Law of Karma is another name for
Newton’s Third Law of Motion: ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.’ As
such, it is inherent in the universe’s structure: ‘The doctrine of karman and phala, act and fruit, is
less a product of man’s sense of justice, that one shall be punished for what one has done, than a
necessary consequence of the doctrine of the inherent efficacy of the acts’.
Everything does not happen all at once in our world, thanks to the inherent limitations of time,
space and causation. A tree and the seed from which it sprang cannot exist simultaneously; the
former must develop from the latter. Events occur in our universe according to a sequence, which
is scheduled by the Law of Karma on the great calendar known as time.

Fate and Free Will

Astrologer assumes that the human condition always arises from a dynamic interaction between
fate and free will. Fate is fundamentally an expression of the Sanchita and Prarabdha Karmas,
and free will the result of Kriyamana and Agama Karmas. Agama and Kriyamana Karmas
eternally evolve into Sanchita and Prarabdha Karmas with the passage of time, the axle that turns
the great wheel of karma. What was done by free will today acts as the cause of what is
experienced as fate tomorrow. Though no one is ruled by fate alone, it may seem so until true
free will emerges.
Only when free will emerges can the quantity and qualities of effort invested in modifying a
situation equal or exceed the quantity and quality of effort that created the situation; only then
can transformation, as opposed to simple change in life, be achieved. The quantity and quality of
effort required to after previous karmas depends on the intensity of the Prarabdha Karma.

Astrology and Remedies

Astrologer can often diagnose the good and bad times one will encounter in life, but it is upaya,
which can help to augment the good and mitigate the bad. The existence of upaya shows that
Jyotish is anything but fatalistic, for, if everything were totally predestined, how could remedies
The methods of upaya are almost endless, but a partial list includes: mantras (sacred syllables,
hymns, or prayers) which flow from the heart, devoid of elaborate ritual; recitation of ritually
elaborate private and/or public mantras that may go on for days, months or years; the wearing of
specific gemstones or other objects; the consumption of particular foods or other elaborately
prepared substances; the observance of fasts and other vows; worship of the fire, the planets, and
certain deities; and specific acts of charity.

Medical Astrology
Astrology and medicine were developed as a part of religion in ancient India. Principles of
hygiene and prevention of diseases were as much a part of the day-to-day rituals as were those of
astrology applicable to a person’s mundane affairs.
Physical cleanliness was necessary before performing any religious rituals, including the daily
prayers. Astrological guidance was sought for, virtually, all day-to-day work, including the taking
of medicines for the remedies of ailments. Medicines were administered only at astrologically
suitable times of the day. Even the medicine herbs were collected and treated at appropriate times
only. Following the medical and astrological principles, separately and together, was thus a way
of life which even a layman could afford to follow. There is a lot of ancient literature available,
separately, on astrology as also on medicine.

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