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Raya: Up?
Ana: Yup.
Raya: Jeez, I don't see anything, I don't know. Come on, move your hand! I don't know, I think you
should wait a little longer. Anyhow, you should go to the dentist.
Ana: I will go at some point. Anyhow, move a little.
Raya: Oh my God, I look awful, I don't know why I have these on my skin.
Ana: From perspiration and heat.
Raya: Yup...
Ana: Anyway, I am also irritated here, from Andrei's beard.
Raya: Yes, it happens to me too.
Ana: This is it, Raya, our skin is too sensible for love...
Raya: OK, I'm going!
Ana: Where are you going? Stay with me!
Raya: Why?
Ana: I'm getting bored, let's talk!
Raya: Jesus, you're so... I hope you're only peeing.
Ana: I don't know yet, I hope I can make something else too. Yesterday, when I stayed at Andre's place,
I couldn't go.
Raya: Why?
Ana: This doesn't happen to you, to stay at some boy's house and not be able to go?
Raya: Actually, yes, it happens to me too.
Ana: Well...and what do I do next week, I don't shit at all?
Raya: You're crazy. You'll get used to it, believe me. Or you don't shit at all next week.
Ana: Raya, you know what I'll do? Next time when I'm on the toilet I'll think of you and I will go
Raya: Oh, yes? Perfect!
Ana: You realize how many people will sit on that toilet?
Raya: Probably.
Ana: It sucks.
Raya: Yes, I know.


Raya: Shell.
Ana: Shaft.
Raya: So it's my turn again? Well... Slag.
Sarra: So poetic! Salt.
Raya: Ana, this has just vibrated. Salt? Look: Learn how to learn fast, quick learning methods. You
should take it.
Sarra: What do you mean by that?
Ana: So... Salmon.
Raya: OK...S..I can't think of any more words starting with 's'.
Ana: I have a book for you too: How to be boorish.

Mother: Do you need deodorant?
Raya: Yes. Can you buy me this?
Mother: What is it?
Raya: Facial mask.
Mother. OK. Detergent?
Raya: Yes, get me some. Please, can I give you this now so that I don't... Listen, Mrs. Moldovan said
that she might increase the rent starting next month.
Mother: Really?
Raya: Yes.
Mother: This is pretty awful.
Raya: Mother, let me!
Mother: Well, I don't know what to say, to be honest I can not give more money than I'm already giving
you. You should start thinking about getting a job. Andrei, Gesi's son, got a job in a call center.
Raya: This is what you want for me? To get a job in a call center for 800 RON a month?
Mother: Well, it's a start. And afterwards, you'll see...
Raya: And you want to have this conversation right now?
Mother: No.
Clerk: You have to weigh these.
Raya: Oh, then leave them.
Clerk: 306 RON. Cash or card?
Mother: Card. Thanks.

Raya and Sarra

Sarra: Anyway, there are too many clothes and too little space.
Raya: You're only taking this bag?
Sarra: No, my father will bring me the bigger one.
Raya: Ah...OK.
Sarra: I'm so tired of all these clothes!
Raya: You'll buy yourself new and awesome clothes when you get there.
Sarra: I can not wait!
Raya: I imagine.
Sarra: Irina promised me to show me a vintage shop. I can not stand these clothes, I don't know why I
bought them.
Raya: You should take with you only the bare necessities and there you'll see what you can find and
you'll buy...
Sarra: You'll come visit me at Christmas, right?
Raya: I really don't know, I mean...
Sarra: I promised Cristi that you would come, to Irina as well. Come for Christmas!
Raya: It depends if I have money or not...
Sarra: You don't really need any money, you'll get your plane ticket and you'll stay at my place, you
don't need anything else.
Raya: Well, we'll see...
Sarra: You can stay for 5 days.
Raya: This is my skirt, isn't it?
Sarra: Yes, you can take it back. Do you know where is my small purse?
Raya: Which purse?
Sarra: That small red purse that my sister gave me. I don't know where it is.
Raya: I haven't taken it.
Sarra: Ana! Ana!
The Fight

Raya: I don't know if I should stay dressed like this.

Ana: Why, Ana, what's wrong with these clothes?
Raya: I don't know, I just don't like them. And this is too tight, I feel hot.
Ana: The truth is it's too thick.
Raya: Don't you think that I look like an old lady?
Ana: No way! What's wrong with you?
Raya: My belly shows. Look!
Ana: That's not true.
Raya: But did you look at me?
Ana: I'm looking at you and there's nothing wrong. You look good as you are. It has been an hour
Raya: Well, yes. I don't get why she doesn't respond. An hour ago she said she would be here right
away, didn't she?
Ana: Yes, that's what she said.
Raya: Then what the hell is she doing?
Ana: I don't know.
Raya: But isn't she checking her phone? I'm worried about her. And I asked her to go before 12
o'clock, afterwards it's more expensive.
Ana: And what do you want me to do? It's OK, we'll get there after 12 o'clock and maybe it's going to
be better.
Raya: No, I don't feel like going anymore.
Ana: Generally, people arrive after 12.
Raya: OK, OK. Can you help me with this?
Ana: Stay still!
Raya: Sorry! My hair got stuck.
Ana: Yes, but my hands.. Pull your hair!
Raya: Thanks!
Ana: Wait! Your hair got stuck again. OK, it's done.
Raya: How did you do that? Nice.
Ana: It's so hot in here.
Raya: Do we have another cigarette?
Ana: No.
Raya: Don't you have any in your room?
Ana: No.
Raya: I'm super bored.
Sarra: You look so pretty!
Raya: Do you realize that we've been expecting you for an hour?
Sarra: Yes, but there was a lot of people, I had to say goodbye to everybody.
Raya: Sarra, I'm glad you had fun, but couldn't you have checked your phone?
Sarra: Yes, I know. I'm sorry.
Ana: Are you OK? Do you want some water?
Sarra: No, I don't. I drank some bad wine and I got sick.
Raya: Do you feel like barfing?

Raya: So, what do we do? We don't go out anymore?

Ana: Have a little patience!
Raya: I was sure this was going to happen.
Ana: I'm ready, Raya.
Sarra: Make me something for my hand!
Raya: Guys, I have been asking you for two weeks to go to this party. Sarra, didn't I ask you? Tell me,
Ana, didn't I ask her? Didn't I ask you?
Ana: Yes, Raya, you asked us all.
Raya: But nooo, let's piss on Raya and her plans.
Sarra: Come on, stop screaming!
Raya:Who the fuck is screaming?
Ana: Why did you get so upset?
Raya: I feel that you don't give a crap about whatever I'm asking you. Do you understand?
Ana: I don't get why you are so obsessed about going out tonight.
Sarra: If you really want to know, there's nothing going on outside.
Raya: Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you're suddenly too good for this town. And you're always agreeing
with whatever Sarra says, right?
Ana: Oh, come on, Raya! Really?!
Raya: It's OK, I'm the crazy one. So listen to me, the three of us can never achieve anything together.
This is the living proof. I can not trust you.
Ana: Why do you overgeneralize?
Raya: I can not remember the last time we did something because I wanted to, without having to drag
Ana: I think you're joking right now.
Raya: Yes, I'm joking.
Ana: Lately, we've done only what you wanted. That should be clear.
Raya: That's right.
Ana: Do you want me to make you a list?
Raya: Yes, make me a list!
Ana: Sarra!

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