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Ultimate Life Assessment:

9 Environments Scan
The goal of this self assessment is to support you in raising your awareness around which environment(s) might be creating a source of stress or
struggle in your life. It is NOT to give your life a score of excellent, good, fair, or poor. Read each phrase on pages 2-4 and place a check mark (D )
next to each phrase that you can answer YES to. If its a NO or MAYBE, then leave it blank. Total up the number of checks in each environment and
write that number on the on graph on page 1 in each environment. You will have a number ranging from 0-10 in each environment of the graph.

Most people have one or more environments that could use some improvement, so connect with the person who gave you the assessment or a
coach to discuss how to improve your environments and begin to upgrade your life. Once your lowest environments are improved, there is a good
chance the other environments will fall into place as a by-product because each of the environments impact each other. Enjoy the journey.

Write your
totals for each
environments in
the segments.

A Snapshot of the Environments

The following is a description of the above environments:
You Relationships
The core of you that is unchanging. Family, Friends, Close colleagues, Support personnel.
Memetic Network
Beliefs, Ideas, Knowledge, Cultural Norms, Frameworks. Community, Strategic Partners, Customers.
Body Financial
Physical body, Health, Energy. Money, Investments, Budgeting, Insurance.
Self Physical
Personality, Gifts, Talents, Strengths, Emotions.
Spiritual Nature
Connection a Higher Source, Love and Self. Outdoors, Beauty, Seasons, Cycle of life.

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Memetic Body Self

___ I am aware of my mental and ___ I exercise 3-5 times a week. ___ I know my self-worth (my assets;
emotional triggers from the past strengths, talents and skills) and I
and I rarely over-react to them when ___ I eat foods that are healthy and in leverage them for my success..
people trigger them. alignment with my beliefs.
___ I know what my top 5 True-Values
___ I choose to pay attention to thoughts ___ I drink half of my body weight in are and I have designed my life to
& beliefs that serve me and let go of ounces of healthy water each day express them.
the rest. (ex: weight 180 lbs= 90 oz of water)
(FYI: healthy waters suggests ___ I know my passions and my life
___ My present day belief system is purpose and am living them now
designed to support my evolution. (regardless of whether I get paid
___ I am at my optimal/healthy weight or not).
___ I live easily with paradox. ie; and I have an abundance of energy
a statement that is seemingly to live a full life. ___ I understand my fears and use
contradictory or opposed to common them to fuel my dreams.
sense and yet is perhaps true. ___ I protect my body adequately
from toxins (ex: I use non- toxic ___ I have clear boundaries that
___ I attend webinars, workshops, my relationships know, resepect
seminars, etc to expand my mind and and showering, etc). and I enforce.
change my beliefs where necessary
so I easily achieve my goals. ___ I move by body every 15 minutes, ___ I do not beat myself up over
do adequate stretching & have great mistakes I make.
___ I consistently read 15-20 new pages posture.
in a book, blog or magazine article to ___ I express my 5 basic feelings
contribute to my learning and growth. ___ I detox frequently and safely (ex: openly in the moment to stay
herbal teas, cleanses, colonics, deep present (ex: Angry, Sad, Happy,
___ I know how to di erentiate from breathing, etc). Fear, Loss).
programmed thoughts in my
___ My body easily releases waste in the ___ I have the ability to di erentiate
subconscious vs. my present
form of bowel movements, regularly my authentic and true self from my
day beliefs.
(within 3 hours of eating). ego in each moment.
___ I am comfortable with stretching ___ I get the right amount of sleep
beyond my own self imposed ___ I take full responsibility for my
needed to wake up feeling refreshed
constraints and against popular choices in life. When I make a
and energized (7-8 hours suggested).
opinion in order to learn and grow. mistake, I don’t blame others,
___ I have had both a dental and justify or rationalize my actions.
___ I live a simple life vs. complex life physical exam in the last 12 months.
so I have energy to pursue my big ___ My self image is not completely
passions. ___ I leverage experts who keep me up ruined after taking this
to speed on the latest high quality assessment.
___ I stand guard at the door of my mind health and beauty products that are
and only allow information in that optimal for my body.
serves me.

Mark each question you can say yes to. Total up each column and write below.

Memetic: Body: Self:

Total Number of Points: ___________ Total Number of Points: ___________ Total Number of Points: ___________

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Spiritual Relationships Network

___ I have a spiritual mentor/advisor. ___ I culturally can relate and build ___ My network is diverse and
relationships with both younger and includes both men and women
___ I know how to get aligned with the older generations. from all ages and a variety of
present moment. cultures, industries and walks of
___ I know culture today far exceeds race life from around the globe.
___ I am committed to a daily spiritual and religion. Due to technology it
practice (physical/mental) that now includes many facets of peop. ie, ie. ___ I have access to a high level
centers me. ie. meditation, yoga, careers , lifestyle., beliefs, etc. I am women’s or men’s group I attend
aware of this deeper cultural perspective on a regular basis (weekly/
when building a new relationship. monthly/yearly).
___ I have a relationship with a higher
power. ___ I have a passionate relationship ___ I have a great mastermind team
with a romantic partner, and I have and I leverage this team so I can
___ I feel connected to all human beings, healthy sex with my partner. learn and grow.
animals and nature.
___ I don’t have relationships in my life ___ I am only 3 people or less away
___ I respect others spiritual beliefs and that are damaging or depleting. from people I most want to know
I don’t force my beliefs on others,
in my life.
even though I might disagree. ___ I have close relationships with
people who play at the level of life I ___ My career or passionate work
___ I have symbols in my environment aspire to attain. life provides me with wonderful
that remind me of my spiritual
opportunities to network with great
beliefs. ___ I am comfortable being my true
people from around the world.
authentic self around the people in
___ I live with abundance each day my life. ___ I have access to the people,
(an abundance of happiness,
resources and information I need
health, wealth, love, energy and ___ When I am upset with others, I
spir . know this is about me, and I take
need or want.
responsibility for my role in the
___ I practice servant leadership, giving problem. ___ I leverage social networks online
of my time and talents to others.
and in person (Twitter, Facebook,
___ I have a coach/mentor I meet/speak
___ I belong to a spiritual community that Linked In and local networking
with regularly to help me expand
resonates with me and allows me to groups, etc.).
and evolve.
grow and evolve.
___ I allow myself to love and be loved.
environments, because I am well
___ I can honestly express my feelings read, worldly and versed on a
and I am transparent with my closest variety of topics, locally, nationally
relationships. and internationally. I can carry on a
great conversation with anyone on
just about any topic.

___ I have a network of givers vs.


___ I regularly outsource the tasks in

all 9 environments that I’m not
good at or do not enjoy.

Mark each question you can say yes to. Total up each column and write below.

Spiritual: Relationships: Network:

Total Number of Points: ___________ Total Number of Points: ___________ Total Number of Points: ___________

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Financial Physical Nature

___ I can pay all of my bills each month ___ I have access to physical ___ I have a place in nature I go to be
without going into debt / borrowing environments outside the home and alone to experience my senses
money / living o of others. and to connect to nature.
moods/emotions I enjoy (ex: gym,
___ I have no unsecured debt (ex: credit library, jazz club, restaurants, etc.) ___ I travel out of state and
cards, student loans, personal internationally to explore other
loans, etc). ___ My home represents my visions of lands to deepen my global and
who I want to become. conscious connection to nature.
___ I have multiple sources of income
(businesses, investments, etc). ___ All my equipment (phones, ___ I am in tune with how the 4
computers, copiers, etc.) is in top seasons a ect my energy and the
___ shape, works great and is high speed. energy of those close to me.
and I know how to manage them.
___ My physical space is an honest ___ I consistently recycle.
___ I have a wealth team of experts that I expression of my true self (ex: colors,
enjoy and can ask for guidance. sounds, furniture, artwork, etc). ___ I use nature as a source of
inspiration to recalibrate my body,
___ I leverage the money I make through ___ If someone walked into my physical mind and spirit.
smart investments.
they would know without asking ___ I live in the geographical location of
___ I can live a life of my choosing on my choice which allows me to live
my passions, dreams, goals and
50-75% of my income. the life of my choosing (if I surf - I’m
things I love/enjoy (ex: vision boards,
pictures, symbols, quotes, etc). near the ocean, if I ski - I have easy
___ I have immediate access to all
access to the slopes, if I golf - I live
___ I know where everything is in my in a year round warm climate).
Report, investment statements,
P&L’s, Cash Flow Report, Credit ___ The products I consume and
hands on what I need in less than
Report, etc). dispose of are environmentally
one minute.
___ I have adequate protection (ex:
___ My physical environments are eco-
medical, auto and disability ___ I show respect for nature, animals,
savvy (ex: green vs toxic chemicals,
insurance). plants no matter where I am.
carpets, paints, etc).
___ I have developed a passive ___ I have adequate plants inside my
___ My physical environments are clean,
income stream and am not
clutter free and simple.
dependent on my job/career. So I remove CO2 and toxins.
can make good decisions. ___
and add energy to me vs expire and ___ The city/neighborhood I live in
drain my energy. is safe.

___ My clothes represent who I am and

who I’m becoming, not who I was.

Mark each question you can say yes to. Total up each column and write below.

Financial: Physical: Nature:

Total Number of Points: ___________ Total Number of Points: ___________ Total Number of Points: ___________

Remember to input your scores on the chart on page 1

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