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Creative Name

Photoshop Digital Challenge

• Colorful (each letter MUST be different)

• Patterns (at least 3 different patterns)

• Border (around art board - think of as a frame)

• Three or more different colors shapes and patterns

Step-by- Step

1- Create a new
file (file/new)

2 -Type your Name (Name_your name)

Type in 1920 W x 1080 H

Background transparent -

Resolution 72 -

3 - Use the pencil tool to draw your name (from the inside out-
think bubble letters)

4 - Once complete go through and “fix” and overlaps using the

eraser tool.

Using the eraser
tool erase the
overlap lines to
make a “clean”

Your name should

be clean with

space to fill

5 - Next make a new layer

k e a n ew laye
Ma he
y c li c k ing on t r”
b ye
New La
6- Create a border/frame- Do this by using the rectangular marquee tool - A) choose a color and click
and drag around outside of art board - B) Next use the paint bucket to fill the selection-(don’t worry
when it fills the space with the color) - C) Next use the rectangular marquee tool to make a smaller
square inside the big one D) Then hit the delete button on your keyboard (this should give you your

A) & B)

C) D)

Make sure
handles are on
of the square

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