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12 Things You Need to Know Before Getting Your First Ducks

Raising ducks is an amazing experience! They are cute and bring a lot of
entertainment to the yard.
However, ducks are unique creatures. A lot of people think raising ducks and
chickens are one in the same.

In some ways they are similar. There are grave differences as well, though.

Understanding ducks and their needs are something that should be

understood before jumping into raising ducks.

1. Recommended Breeds
Pekins come as my most recommended breed for a backyard duck.

They are great for many reasons. The first is they are such large ducks that
they are too heavy to fly. Therefore, you can allow them to free range in your
yard because their average weight is around 10 pounds.

Being that heavy, you won’t have to worry about them trying to fly south for
the winter.

Pekin ducks are great foragers and are also a very friendly duck breed. They
are a great meat source because of their size and also excellent layers of
large white eggs.

It is noted that if you would like to raise Pekin ducks that it usually requires
artificial setting because the hens are not good setters.

In my experience, I have not experienced this at all. Our female Pekin has
been a great setter. I think this depends more upon the duck and its

Khaki Campbells are another highly recommended duck breed. They are
smaller in size (usually weighing about 3 pounds or so) but have limited flight.
It is important to find a breed that is limited in flying because otherwise it is
difficult to keep them home.

They are noted for being great layers as well of large white eggs. However,
these ducks are also noted as being a more skittish breed in comparison to
Pekin ducks.

As stated in their name, they are a khaki color. Their feet color differs by sex.
The males have orange feet while the females have brown feet. Khaki
Campbells are excellent foragers as well.

2. Proper Protection
Ducks are highly preyed upon. If you have a normal dog, you will have to keep
the ducks away from it. I say normal because some dog breeds or older dogs
just don’t have the energy to chase down a duck.
However, I will say, most dogs do! So take that into account before raising

Keeping ducks fenced in is a wise option because of hawks and other birds of
prey. Placing them in your fenced in backyard or even placing a fence around
their area should keep them safe.

Hawks have a hard time navigating how to pull an animal out of a smaller
fenced in area. They can’t operate like a helicopter so if you have a fence that
stops them from being able to “swoop” down then it adds protection
from poultry predators for your ducks.

3. Housing for Ducks

Ducks do not require nor do they desire a fancy house.

As a matter of fact, the more run down the house is the happier they seem to
be. Because ducks are waterproof, they love to be wet as much as possible.
Giving them a home where they can keep a little moisture in their house and
have lots of airflows seems to be what keeps them happy.

Pallets are a great option for duck houses because it gives them shelter yet
also allows airflow and some moisture.

The most important part of building a duck house is making sure that it is low
enough to the ground that a duck can enter it with a small ramp. If you make
the duck house too high, the ducks will be afraid of it and won’t use it.

You can give a duck a nesting box within their house, but that is really for your
convenience when collecting eggs. If you leave hay out, the hen will make a
nest where she wants it and lay there regularly.

Our hen chose to lay under our rabbit hutches daily so we let her be, and she
remained quite content.
4. Laying Habits of Ducks
Ducks are not like chickens.

Chickens decrease laying when the days become shorter, but they still lay
sporadically. Ducks do not.

They take a hiatus every year during winter. Where we have had a rather mild
winter this year, our hen continued to lay until after Christmas.

Most years, they will quit around November and reconvene at the onset of

However, ducks are actually earlier risers than chickens. During their laying
time, she will have already laid an egg before your feet have hit the floor.

It is been my experience that though ducks don’t lay all year long, they lay
much larger eggs and are much hardier birds than chickens.
5. Ducks love Water, but don’t Need a
Whole Dam
People that have never raised ducks might assume that they need a body of
water in order to have them. I know I did! This is not the case.

Ducks do not require water besides for drinking purposes.

Even for that, fill up a 5-gallon bucket of fresh water every day, and they will
be very happy!
Though ducks don’t require water for swimming to survive, they do love water.
If you live on a property without a source of swimming water, invest in a $5
kiddie pool.

Ducks don’t care! They love to swim and will swim all day long in a plastic
kiddie pool!

6. Food for Ducks

Ducks eat a lot of food. They love to eat!

They can make quite a mess with their food and waste a lot if certain steps
aren’t followed to prevent that. The most important thing to do is to keep their
food and water separate.

They love to play in the water, and they love to eat so, of course, they are
going to try and mix the two!

Ducks do forage so they will eat all weeds and any other plants you offer

Ducks love fodder. Here is how you can grow fodder systems to feed them

They also love corn. Corn will make them much fatter so if you are planning
on using them for meat be careful how much corn you feed them.

Read this post for even more information on feeding ducks.

7. Ducks are Great Garden Guards

Ducks are a gardener’s best friend!

They will patrol your plants for all bugs that might be trying to eat them. They
are great at pulling the bugs off of the plants without harming the actual plant.
The only word of caution is to be sure not to allow your ducks in your garden
until the plants have passed the seedling stage. Ducks have a tendency to
step on small plants and kill them.

8. Great for Meat

Ducks are great for raising as a source of meat, especially Pekin ducks. They
can grow to be 10+ pounds in a matter of 3-4 months.

It does not take long to have a viable meat source.

They are great foragers, so they help feed themselves in order to pack on

The butchering process is very similar to that of a chicken. This makes not
only for a fast growing meat source but a simple butchering process as well.

9. The Difference in Gender

You do not sex a duck the way you would most animals. It is important to
know the difference in characteristics of ducks, so you don’t end up with two

The female duck will look like a regular duck. However, her quack sounds
more like a honk.

She is the louder of the two, hands down.

The boy duck will have a little tail feather that curls at the tip of his tail. He will
usually follow behind her and be the quieter of the two of them.

When he leads her, you will see him bob his head up and down to
communicate and quack softly at her to get her to go where he wants her to.

Though male ducks are softer spoken they are very brave birds!
If you are getting too close to his hen and her eggs he will guard her. He won’t
flog as a roost would. Instead, he will start off by bobbing his head (as though
to nudge you) to get you to move away from her.

If you don’t take the hint is when he will get angry. The female will hiss and let
you know you need to back off.

10. Mating
It is important to know that male ducks (a drake) usually require more than
one female.

They have an extremely high sex drive and can literally breed a female duck
to death. One drake can handle up to 12 hens!

Also, if you ever come across your ducks mating don’t panic!

He is not trying to kill her.

A lot of times they will look like they are playing in their pool together when
really they are mating. If you see him push her head underwater, don’t panic
and think he is trying to drown her.

He isn’t, they are just mating.

It is very common during mating that the drake will pull rather harshly on the
hen’s neck. If it is hurting her, you’ll know because she’ll honk really loudly to
let you (and him) know that she doesn’t appreciate it!

If you don’t hear her honking, then let them be.

11. Keeping Ducks with Chickens

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