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Surya Grahan 2019: What are the harmful

effects of annular Solar Eclipse, precautions

for pregnant women and what you must NOT
do during the eclipse
By -
Updated: Dec 26, 2019, 11:08 IST

What are the harmful effects of Surya Grahan and what you must NOT do during the grahan
A Total Surya Grahan or Total Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and
the Earth, obscuring Earth's view of the sun completely. To put it simply, when the Sun, Moon
and the Earth come in a straight line and the Moon tends to block the rays of the Sun from
reaching the Earth, it is said to be Total Solar Eclipse.
Total Solar Eclipse is a natural phenomenon and according to Hindu mythology, it has its own
impact on the human body. It is a rare phenomenon and over the years, it is believed that this
eclipse can have a harmful impact on the human body. Starting from the diet, mood to even the
harmful effects on pregnant women and the newborns, there is no dearth of questions that
surround this astronomical phenomenon.

When is Total Solar Eclipse 2019

According to Pandit Manav Jaitly, this year total solar eclipse is falling on the 26th of December
(Thursday) from 8 am to 1:30 pm.

Here are some of the harmful effects of the total solar eclipse on the human body:

If you are planning on going out during the total solar eclipse or viewing the eclipse, you must
wear eclipse glasses at all times or use an indirect viewing method when watching a total solar
eclipse. It is strongly advised against viewing the sun directly during the total solar eclipse as it
may cause permanent damage to your retina and may result in total or partial blindness.

Moreover, there are a host of superstitions and myths surrounding the phenomenon of the solar
and lunar eclipse. It is said to pose health risks to pregnant women and the unborn child. The
primary reason behind the same is said to be the altered wavelength and intensity of light
radiations on the surface of the Earth.

What not to do during the solar eclipse 2019

Expectant mothers are usually asked to stay indoors during a solar eclipse. In some cultures
across the world including India, it is also believed that exposure to solar eclipse may lead to
physical birth deformity to the foetus like cleft lip and birthmarks.

1. Do not travel during the solar eclipse.

2. Doing any auspicious task must be avoided.
3. It is advised that one should not eat any food or drink water during the solar eclipse.

What happens in a solar eclipse?

During a solar eclipse, the Moon comes in way of the Sun's path and blocks its rays. When the
Moon blocks a certain part, it is known as a partial solar eclipse. This causes the day to turn dark
and during the eclipse, it is not considered safe to look at the sun without protective gear on.
There are also precautions and preventive measures which are observed in many places,
especially for pregnant women. Because the Sun's rays are very harsh and potentially harmful,
moms-to-be are advised to stay safe keeping the baby and the mom's health in mind. However,
not all these precautions have a scientific backing behind them.
Solar Eclipse 2019: Precautions for pregnant women during Surya Grahan

Expecting mothers are advised to not have any meal or even a glass of water during the entire
duration of the eclipse. But following this type of diet can be harmful and dehydrate the mother.
It can even cause symptoms such as a headache, dizziness and acidity.

One of the most commonly observed precautions is to not step out during the eclipse. This
particularly extends to expecting mothers as it is believed that the harmful rays of the sun can
cause the baby to be born deformed or with a cleft. In some families, moms-to-be are not even
advised to step outside the room. Again, there is no scientific evidence behind this.

It is also commonly believed that once the eclipse gets over, people should take a bath to get rid
of the toxins. Pregnant women are advised to take a bath especially to get rid of any kind of
negative energy or rays which might be absorbed.

It is important to remember that these myths and harmful effects do not have any scientific
backing to date.


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