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Ahmad Dahlan Journal of English Studies

Vol.x, No.x, Month 201x, pp. xx~xx

ISSN: 2356-5012 1

The Analysis of External Conflict Experienced by Antagonist


Tiffani Rahma Ramadhani1


This journal is conducted to analyze conflict that caused by the antagonist character in a novel entitled Lord Of The Flies
by William Golding , which aimed to find out the external conflict experienced by the antagonist character, to find out the
effect of the conflict that caused by the antagonist character and to find out the moral value that can be taken from the
story. The sources data that the writer takes is from book, novel itself, articles, and journals. The writer applies
descriptive qualitative method (reading the references from books and internet) to conducting the data. After collecting
the data, the writer analyzes it by qualitative method it means the writer read the novel then taking notes, visiting library,
and exploring the internet. During reading the novel, (1) first, the writer find the external conflict is the most dominant
problems of the story that is the antagonist character had a external conflict with their friends, (2) second, the writer find
the effect of the conflict that happened between antagonist character and the others character that is their friend was dead
and the group was clashes, (3) third, there is positive and negative moral value that can be taken from the story that is: the
positive moral value is it is good for a leader to be wise, it is good to be positive thinking in every situations, and helping
each other in the difficult times is a good deed and the negative moral value is it is not good to be cruel and it is not good
to be greedy. To strengthen the data, the writer using theory of psychological approach, theory of character and
characterization, theory of conflict and external conflict, theory the effects of conflict and the last is theory of moral

Keywords: antagonist character, conflict, effects of conflict, qualitative method, theory


Every people in this world has different attitude and behavior. In their daily life, people usually faced
with any kinds of conflict. Every person in this world has different attitudes. People have two different sides
bad and good sides. Every time people cannot control their emotion and it can affect other people’s lives and
sometimes it can produce conflict. Conflict cannot be separated from human’s life. Warren and Wallek in
Nurgiyantoro (1998:285) conflict is an event which refers to fight between two balance powers and shows an
action and revenge. Many things cause conflict or problems. The conflict can be caused by the difference of
opinion, a difference of ideas, difference point of view and many others.
People in this life have their conflict. Several conflicts happen from many sides, for example
conflict with family, conflict with friends, conflict with themselves, and many others. In this novel, we learn
about conflict in real life. The conflict occurred when someone cannot control their feelings and do not
understand each other.
According to Nurgiyantoro (1999:124) external conflict is defined as a conflict that exist between
character and in the theory and something beyond his power. External conflict can be divided into two
categories, that is physical and social conflict. Physical conflict is a conflict caused by clash between
character and nature. Social confict is conflict caused by social content among human problems of human
interrelationship such as labor problem, war, quarrel, or other social events.
Furthermore, when the conflict was happened there will be an effects for the environtment and the
other character. The effect of the conflict usually comes both in negative and positive sides. Soejono
Soekarto (1990:115) the effect of conflict may comes in negative and positive terms. The positive aspect of
conflict is conflict is way to reduce dependence between individual and group, conflict improves solidarity
between among members of a group that was having conflict with another group and the negative aspect of

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2 ISSN: 2356-5012

conflict is rift unities between individuals and groups, property damages and loses of human lives and the
change is in personality of individuals.
During analyze this data, the writer analyze conflict experienced by the antagonist character because
the antagonist character is character that caused conflict from the beginning until the end of the story. Subhan
(2015:8) the antagonist character is usually refers to the enemy or the challenger of the protagonist in the
dictatic or in the novel which there is an element of moral teaching, the antagonist character usually immoral
or evil because the protagonist is usually good and true. From the statement above it can be concude that the
antagonist character had a bad attitude so it can leads them to a conflict and affect the other character.

Conflict may comes in the different times and shapes. There may external conflict an internal
conflict but both of them correlate each other. According to Hocker & Wilmot (1991:23) states that conflict
is expressed struggle between at least two independent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scare
resources and inference from the other party in achieving their goals. Conflict in our daily lives can comes in
many different shapes one of them is when two people have different opinion in achieving their goals.
Conflict divided into two parts external and internal conflict. People usually faced both of these conflict.
Nurgiyantoro (1999:124) states internal conflict is experienced of major character of the story that is
protagonist. Internal conflict are the conflict that happen to the character’s heart and mind for instance
because of the dual desires or different wishes and choices, etc. Internal conflict may comes from human’s
feelings itself. Every people in this world always faced with this internal conflict and only his/her can solve
this conflict. Meanwhile, external conflict is conflict that happens between two character or more there can
be physical and social conflict. Physical conflict is conflict that happens between people with their
environment. Social conflict is conflict that happens between human in a social events and it can leads them
to a fight and war.

2.1 Type of research
The writer uses library method to conducting this data. A library research is a kind of research
method that is conducted by reading sources such as books, articles, journals, and bulletins. In the
library method it can be divided into two part that is primary data and secondary data.
a. Primary data
According to Klaler (2004:4) primary sources denote the traditional object of analysis in literary
criticism, including texts from all literary genres, such as fiction, poetry, or drama. In this research
the weiter takes the novel entitled Lord Of The Flies as the prmary data.
b. Secondary data
Klaler (2004:4) stated that the terms secondary source applies to texts such as article (or essays),
book review, and notes (brief comments on a very specific topic), all of which are published in
scholarly journals. The secondary data also called the supporting data because the function is to
support the primary data.
2.2 Data collecting method
The writer uses the library research to collect the data of the research. The writer do following
activities during conducting the data :
a. Reading novel
b. Reading some books related to the theories
c. Visiting library
d. Taking notes
e. Exploring the internet
2.3 Data Analyzing method
The writer uses qualitative method to analyse the data. According to C.R Kothari (2004:3)
qualitative research is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, i.e , phenomena relating to our
involving quality or kind. Qualitative research is especially important in the behavioural sciences
where the aim is to discover the underlying motives human behavior.

ADJES Vol. x, No. x, Month201x : xx–xx

ADJES ISSN: 2356-5012 3


3.1. Antagonist character conflict

a. conflict between Jack and Ralph (antagonist and protagonist character)
There are many conflict that caused by the antagonist character with the other characters in the novel. One
of them is conflict with his friend named Ralph. Conflict comes one of them is because of different opinions
and jelaoulessness of other people’s achievement. Here is the quotation that the writer found in the novel
about conflict that caused by the antagonist character.
A shadow fronted him tempestuously
“ you shut up, you fat slug!” there was a moment’s struggle and the glimmering conch jigged up and
down. Ralph leapt to his feet. “ Jack, Jack! You haven’t got the conch! Let him speak”.
“ and you shut up! Who are you anyway? (William,1982)
The quotation shows Jack was angry about Ralph’s opinions. In here Jack broke the rules because he haven’t
got the conch in his hand when he speak in front of the other people. Everyone kows if someone wahts to talk
in front of the other people they should got the conch in their hand because it as a signal that someone was
started to talk in front of the others and everyone should pay attentions to someone who wants deliver their
speech. But, in the quotation can be found that Jack broke the rules and makes Ralph as leader feels mad and
Jack started to deliver a bad words to Ralph then they argued each other.
Another quotation that proofs the conflict between Jack and Ralph is when Jack stole Ralph fire. The
quotation as follow:
“ we’ll shall take fire from the others, listen tomorrow we’ll hunt and get meat. Tonight I’ll go along
with two hunters, who’ll come? ( William, 1982:161)
In the middle of the night when all of them was fall a sleep the hunters or Jack’s group started to stole
Ralph’s fire. Knowing the hunters stole his fire and Piggy’s specs he started to comes in Jack shelters and
asks about the stolen fire. Ralph wants the fire and Piggy specs back, but when Ralph comes to Jack’s shelter
and Jack does not admit that he is the only one that stole the fire and specs. At the end of the short debate
between Jack and Ralph, Jack does not accept that and with his emotional ego, he made a rush and stabbed
at Ralph’s chest.

3.2. The effect of conflict between antagonist and protagonist character

There are two effect of conflict between antagonist and protagonist character that is group was clashes
becomes two and lost of human lives. The group clash becomes two with different goals and desires. One of
the biggest cause of the group clashes is the antagonist and protagonist character is defend their argument and
they think their argument is true. At the other side, one of their friend named Piggy was dead because of
battle between antagonist and protagonist character. The quotation was follow :
a. Group clashes
The effect or impact of the conflict has two parts. There are positive and negative effects. Conflict
does not always have a negative impact but it also has a positive impact. Conflict can change the way
human think and also the personality of the human itself. Another effect of conflict is it can make
someone in danger situation in which they can be killed by the other enemies. When Ralph friend named
Piggy becomes one of the people that had a negative effect of the conflict between Jack and Ralph. The
quotation was below:

“:Ralph shouted against the noise. “ which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking
things up?”. Now Jack was yelling too and Ralph could no longer make himself heard. Jack had
backed right against the tribe and they were a solid mass of menace that bristled with spears. Ralph
stood facing them, a little to one side, his spear ready. By him stood Piggy still holding out the
talisman, the fragile, shining beauty of the shell. The storm of sound beat at them, an incantation of
hatred. High overhead Roger with sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the
lever. Ralph heard the great rock before he saw it”. (William, 1982: 180)
According to the quotation, there was a big battle between Jack and Ralph in the top of the mountain.
They argue and hurting each other with a spears in their hand. One of their friend named Piggy becomes
one of the victims of the battle between Jack and Ralph. Piggy was died because of the rock struck and it
hit Piggy’s body and finally dead in the middle of the battle.

b. Lost of human lives

Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)
2 ISSN: 2356-5012

Another effect of conflict is clashes between the group. These 2 groups have opposite characters,
Ralph’s group portrays the good side of human and Jack’s group portrays the bad side of humanity. Jack
and Ralph have opposite characters and perspective so they always fight each other and finally, the
group clashes become two. Based on the statement above, it can be seen that one of the effects of the
conflict is can cause some clashes in the individuals and groups life. In this story, the effect of the
conflict that is caused by Jack and Ralph is the clashes of a group. The quotation as follow :
“ Ralph, having begun the business of unburdening himself, continued. “ Piggy what’s wrong ?”.
Piggy looked at him in astonishment. “ do you mean the---?” “ no, not it, I mean what makes
things break up like they do ?”. Piggy rubbed his glasses slowly and thought. When he understood
how far Ralph had gone toward accepting him he flushed pinkly with pride. “ I dunno, Ralph. I
expect him.” “ Jack?”. “ yes,’ he said, “ I suppose it must be.”(William:1982:139)
The quotation above shows that what makes a group become clashes is because of the different
opinion and each of them wants to defend their argument. Both of them still thinks that their argument is
true then the conflict was happening. The effect of these conflict is clashes between one group into two
groups with different goals and desires.
3.3 Moral value of the story
Every story has its moral value even its good or bad. Moral value is a lesson of life inside the
literary works that can reflect human behavior. People can apply good moral values into their lives and
put the bad one as a lesson of life in the future.
According to Nurgiyantoro (2002:321), moral value is a direction given by the author in a literary
work that contains many things related to our lives such as attitude, behavior, and manner.
The novel Lord Of The Flies, has moral value both good and bad moral value. In the literary work,
the author also wants to give a good message to the readers and it can be applied to the reader’s life and
put the bad one as a lesson of life in the future. In this part, the researcher wants to explain what moral
values found in the novel.
a. Positive moral value
1. It is good to be positive thinking in every situations

According to Longman (2001:411) positive means sure that something is true. Positive is put all
thought in the optimistic situations. To make sure that everything that will happen in the future
will be okay. Ralph as a chief when faced the difficult times, he always stays positive and makes
sure that everything is okay. The quotation as follow :
“ tell us about the snake-thing”. “ now he says it was a beastie”. “ beastie?”. “ a snake-
thing. Ever so big. He saw it”. “ where?”. “ in the woods”. Either the wandering breezes or
perhaps the decline of the sun allowed a little coolness to lie under the trees. The boys felt it
and stirred restlessly. “ you couldn’t have a beastie, a snake-thing, on an island this size,”
Ralph explained kindly. “ you got them in big countries, like Africa, or India.” (William,
The quotation above shows that the small boy said that he saw a snake-thing and a beastie on
the island and he was scared about that. Knowing that, Ralph wants the small boy comes in front
of other children to tell the stories. Then the small boy told the story about what happened to him
with scary faces. Ralph, does not believe about his story, he makes sure that it was just a nightmare
and the snake-thing and beastie only exist in a big country like Africa and India.
b. Negative moral value
1. It is not good to be cruel

According to Longman ( 2001:124) cruel means hurting people or animals. In the story, Jack is a
cruel child who wanted all his desire comes true by hurting other people and animals in the forest.
The quotation as follow :
Suddenly Jack bounded out from the tribe and began screaming wildly. “ see? See? That’s
what will you get! I mean that! There isn’t a tribe for you anymore! The conch is gone. He ran
forward, stooping. “ I’m chief!”. Viciously, with full intention, he hurled his spear at Ralph.
The point tore the skin and flesh over Ralph’s ribs, then sheared off and fell in the water.
(William, 1982:181)
The hangman’s horror clung round him. The chief said no more to him but looked down at
Sanmeric. “ you got to join my tribe”. “ you lemme go—“ “ and me.”he chief snatched one of
the few spears that were left and poked Sam in the ribs. (William, 1982: 182)
The quotation above shows that Jack as a hunter’s chief was burned by his emotions and he told
Ralph and his friend that he is the only chief in this group and everyone should follow his rule.

ADJES Vol. x, No. x, Month201x : xx–xx

ADJES ISSN: 2356-5012 3

Ralph as the real chief and his friend named Sanmeric does not want to follow Jack’s rules. Then
Jack was angry and hurled his spear at Ralph and Sanmeric ribs.

Based on the research finding, the researcher wants to give a conclusion as follow :
First, the researcher analyzes the antagonist character’s conflict in the Lord Of The Flies Novel by William
Golding. The conflict occurs because of the antagonist character that had an immoral or evil character. In the
novel, the antagonist character had many conflicts with his friends. The first conflict is the conflict between
the antagonist character named Jack and protagonist character named Ralph. The second is a conflict between
Jack and his friend named Piggy.
Second, there is some impact of the conflict that happens between antagonist and protagonist character. The
impact of the conflict is the loss of human lives, Piggy and Simon death because of the conflict and the group
is clashes become 2 group and Simon death because of the conflict and the group clashes becomes 2 groups
with different rules and goals. The first group is joined with Jack, in this group focuses on hunting rather than
being rescued. The second group is with Ralph the old chief that is focusing on the rescued and fire.
Third, there is moral value that can be taken from the novel Lord Of The Flies are positive and negative
moral value. Positive moral values are helping each other in a difficult time, it is good for a leader to be wise
and it is good to be positive thinking in every situation. Negative moral value is it is not good to be greedy
and it is not good to be arrogant.

Abrams, H.M. 1999. A Glossary of Literary Terms Seventh Edition. Boston. USA: Thomson Learning Incorportion

Golding, William. 1954. Lord Of The Flies. New York: Penguin Putnam, Inc

Gunarsa, Singgih D. 2004. Psikologi Praktis: Anak, Remaja dan Keluarga. Jakarta.PT BPK Gunung Mulia

Klarer, Mario. 2004. An Introduction to Literary Studies. London: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt

Nugiyantoro, Burhan.1999. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.

- - - - - 2002. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.

Subhan, Bustami. 2015. A Guide to Literary Criticism: Yogyakarta LPPDMF

Soekarto, Soejono. 1990. Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta : PT Raja Grafindo

Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)

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