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( NAME )





( NAME )


DEAR ____________,
How are you ? I hope you are in good health..




Find the word “on”/ “about” Copy down the question, change There is….
Copy from the phrases next to it “you” to “I”, “your” to “my” There are…
It is…
Change The problem is/ are
You have been asked to write… The reason is / are
I/ We would like to share on...
– SUGGESTION For example,
USE MODALS For instance, Firstly Next,
We can….. As an example, Secondly, Besides
We could….. 1) It is important Thirdly, Moreover,
We should…. because….. Then, Besides,
We must…. 2) It is good Finally, Also,
We have to…. because…..
We need to….. 3) We can….

In conclusion,

Copy down the question, change “you” to “I”, “your” to “my”

Add –

1. I have shared some points.

2. I hope the _______________ can take action.

Sample Question
More and more reports on gangsterism in school have been on the rise. You are concerned about your
school. As the president of the Anti-Crime Club, you have decided to write an article on gangsterism to
be published in the school newsletter.

 Reason of gangsterism  ways to avoid gangsterism

o Follow friends outside of school o Report incidents immediately to parents,
o Want to be popular school authorities, prefects and friends
o Want to be respected o Do not be a show off
o To show they have power o Do not try to fight back
o Lack identity o Do not join school gang
o Stay away from troublemakers
You must remember to

 To give a title
 That your readers are students
 Include the aim of the article
 Use all the notes above
 Add two more suggestions

Written by________________



Point (Label) Sentences Example

C1 Firstly, the problem is they want to follow For example, they have friends outside
friends school.


Point (Label) Sentences Example

C6 Firstly, we can report incidents immediately For example, tell your teachers and


Sample question
Your cousin has been chosen to take part in the National Service Programme and is worried
about going. You have decided to write a letter to tell him/her about the benefits of this
programme and to encourage your cousin to go.
Use the points below to write your letter.

 Develop good habits  be independent

 make new friends  gain new experiences
 learn leadership skills/responsibility  teamwork
 exciting activities  strengthen love of country
 see different parts of Malaysia  keep fit and healthy
When writing the letter, you must:
 lay out your letter correctly (address, greeting, closure)
 use all the notes given
 suggest two other benefits
 remember that the letter is to your cousin


How are you? I hope you are in good health.

Point (Label) Sentences Example

C1 Firstly, we can develop good habits. You can learn to be on time.

I hope you will reply to this letter soon. Take care.

Yours sincerely
FORMAL LETTER (complaint)

_____________________ __________

I would like to complain about________________________________.

Point (Label) Sentences Example (problems)

C1 Firstly, there are damaged walkways. People cannot walk on the walkways.

I hope that you will look into the matter and take action.
( )

Sample Question
Obesity has been on the rise with more young people becoming obese. Your school has decided to
launch a “Health Week” to raise awareness among students about the need to be more health conscious.
As the Chairperson of the school organising committee, you have been asked to give a talk.

 Reasons  Suggestion
 Improper eating habits  Same time eating
 Eating too much fast food  Count your calories
 Drinking sugary drinks  Reduce sugar
 Too many calories  Reduce fatty foods
 Lack of exercise  Drink plenty of water

You must remember to  Use all the notes above

 Address your audience  Add two more suggestions
 Introduce the topic of the talk  End your talk appropriately

Good morning to the Principal, teacher and friends.



Point (Label) Sentences Example
C1 Improper eating Firstly, the reason is improper eating habits. For example, no eating in the morning.

Point (Label) Sentences Example
C6 Same time eating The suggestion is to have same time eating. For example, remember to eat at 6.50 a.m.

Thank you for listening.

1. Descriptive Essay – Describing an event/ people/ place
2. Argumentative Essay
3. Expository Essay
4. Opinion-based Essay
5. Narrative Essay


To describe a person, there are three main aspects that can be discussed namely :
 Appearance / physical attributes
 Personality
 What they do or have done and how they have influenced you

Here are a few well-chosen details to help you in your essay.

Face Shape

 Oval
 Round
 Thin
 Wide

Skin and Complexion

For example, “Mary has glowing complexion.”

 Wrinkled: covered with lines or loose folds of skin; often associated with age
 Ruddy: skin that has a reddish tint; may have the appearance of sunburn
 Tanned: skin with a warm, golden-brown tint
 Other skin-related adjectives: pale, fair, glowing, sunburned, rough, dry, dark

Pay attention to the eyes, as they often reveal much about a person.

 Shape, size, and appearance: large, small, round, deep-set, tear-filled

 Eye color: black, brown, green, blue, grey
 Eye expressions: sad, sorrowful, gentle, warm, bright, lively, sleepy

Mouth and Lips

 Lip shape and size: thin, full,

 Mouth expressions: laugh, smile, grin,


 Hair colour: black, brown,silver

 Texture of hair: fuzzy, wavy, curly, straight, long, short, dull, shiny
 Hair styles: ponytail, bun, gelled
 Lots of hair: thick, full,
 Little hair: thin, fine, flat, bald

Facial Hair

 beard, moustache, clean-shaven, smooth

Choose strong verbs and adjectives.

 Build: small, slim, skinny, plump, muscular

 Posture: stand, sit, bend, walk, run, race, jog


 jeans, skinny jeans, slacks, trousers, skirt, shorts,

 sport shirt, dress shirt, polo shirt, blouse, T-shirt,
 dress, gown, uniform, jacket, coat,
 socks, shoes, slippers, boots,
 hat, necklace, ring, earrings, purse, bag, sunglasses, glasses
 Adjectives (appearance): stylish, smart, chic, elegant,

Here is a list of words that describe behavior:

 Caring: desire to help people
 Funny: causing people to laugh
 Kind: thoughtful, caring
 Polite: showing good manners
 Bossy: always telling people what to do
 Moody: changing moods often
 Rude: treating people badly
 Active: always busy with something
 Careless: not being
 Creative: someone who can make up things easily or think of new things
 Perfectionist: wants everything to be done right and perfectly
 Serious: no-nonsense kind of behavior
 Shy: quite and reserved; lacking in confidence

How to express feelings?

How do you describe a person who is angry?
• He turned red with fury.
• His anger turned into violence.

How do you describe a person who is sad?

• She's feeling blue after what has happened to her son.
• He cried his heart out on hearing the tragic news.
• His eyes were puffy and red after all the crying.

How do you describe a person who is shock/frightened?
• Terror seized us all.
• A chill ran down his spine.
• She stood rooted to the ground.
• A haze of fear surrounded her.
• She was at loss for words.

How do you describe a person who is happy?

• He was over the moon when he heard the good news.
• Her eyes glittered with tears of joy.
• She felt as if the whole world was on her side.

QUESTION: Where there is a will, there is a way. Describe someone who shows strong
determination in his or her life.
FRIEND Introduce:
Personal descriptions & details - Name, age, hobby
REASON FOR CHOOSING THE How do you know your friend?
FRIEND Qualities (5) of the friend + examples
PROBLEM Describe the problem:
How it happened
The effect on friend
SOLVE How the problem is solved:
What did you do?
What did your friend do?
THERE IS A WAY.” Describe success (3) qualities and examples

I have a friend. His name is Siva. Siva is 15 years old. He has an oval face and tanned skin. He
has large brown eyes and he likes to smile. He is skinny with curly hair. He loves wearing jeans and
polo shirt. (Personal descriptions). He likes to eat. Siva likes to eat pizza, fries, burger and chicken
nuggets. Siva also loves to play games. He plays online games. He plays online games after school.
Siva does not like to play football but he likes to play badminton (Personal details) [Describing
people]. [87 words]
Siva and I study at SMK Jertih. We are in 3 Gagah. We have been classmates since form one
(How you know your friend). Siva is smart but he is lazy. He does not like to do revision. At home he
always helps his mother cleaning the house. Sometimes he even cooks for the family. He loves his
family especially his baby brother. He is also a helpful person in school. He always helps his friends
whenever they need help. He also often offers to help the teachers to carry their bags and books.
[Describing 5 qualities + examples]. [94 words]
Siva is weak because he is lazy (problem). He does not do the homework that the teachers give
him. He does not even revise. He fails in many subjects. I know Siva wants to be a smart student. He
always wants to get an A for all the subjects. Siva is weak. Siva fails in many subjects (effect). [56
Siva is a good boy. Siva says he will not give up. He says he will try his best [Describing
people]. I tell him, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Siva pays 100% attention in class. Siva does
not talk in class. He keeps quiet when a teacher is teaching in class. During recess, Siva and I read many
books. We go to the library together. Siva reads many books. Siva asks his father to buy many books
for him Siva and I go home at 3.00 pm. We go home by bus. We do our homework at home. Siva starts

going for tuition. He stops watching television. He stops playing online games [Describing actions by
the friend and you]. [114 words]
In the school examination, Siva passes all his subjects. Siva is so happy. He works harder so
that he can get some As. After six months, Siva is not weak anymore. Siva is one of the best students
in class. In the next examination, Siva aims to get at least five As [Describing success]. Where there is
a will, there is a way. [61 words]

2. Descriptive Essay – place, event

1. Provide sensory details:

a. Smells that are in the air (the aroma of freshly brewed coffee)
b. Sounds (things you can hear)
c. Sights (things you can see)
d. Touch (things you can feel)
e. Taste: sweet, sour, salty, bitter

Use the 5S (sense of touch, smell, feel, see, hear) factor is used
Smell sound see touch taste


Describing an Event

QUESTION: Topic: Describe an interesting day in school

Introduction Describe the celebration
Activity 1 Sound – 2 sentences
See – 2 sentences
Activity 2 Sound – 2 sentences
See – 2 sentences
Activity 3 See – 2 sentences
Taste – 2 sentences
Conclusion Opinion

Yesterday was an interesting day in school. It was Teacher’s Day. I love Teacher’s
Day. Everyone was very happy. All students were also very happy. They were over the moon.
(Describing feelings). Teacher’s Day is a special day in my school. We had many special
activities. [44 words]
The first activity was Fancy Football Match. Lim, Bala, Nasir and I played football with the
teachers. We played football at the school field (Describing activity). When we reached the
field, the students were making a lot of noise. They were clapping and cheering (sound). I
saw my classmates were there supporting us. The other teachers were also there to watch
the match. (see). [60 words]
At 10.00 am, we went to the school hall to watch the show from the students (Activity
2). My school hall was big. The school hall was also beautiful (Describing places). The
teachers wore beautiful clothes. There were students performing, dancing, singing songs and
acting. Some teachers were singing songs. Our principal sang a song too (See). He was a
good singer. All students were clapping and singing along with him (sound). (66)
After that, at 12.00pm, all the classes had a party (Activity 3). There were colourful
balloons and beautiful flowers in the class. My teacher ordered many types of food like pizza,
nuggets, fried noodles and cakes. We put the food on the table (See). The food smell so good.
The pizza and nuggets were delicious. The fried noodles was tasty too but a bit spicy. My
friend, Hani, bought a big cake. The cake was creamy and sweet. We love the cake (Taste).
(79 words)
The Teacher’s Day was a very interesting day to me. I love Teacher’s Day because I
can enjoy the day with my friends and teachers. It was fun to see everyone smiling and
laughing. (Opinion). [34 words]



All subjective questions are based on a comprehension passage.

Types of passage
1. narrative
2. factual.


1. Read all the questions first BEFORE you begin to read the passage
2 Then read the passage to get the general idea of what it is about.
3. Match the question with the paragraph.
4. Identify the key words in the question.
5. Look for answers from the particular paragraph of the passage as stated in the question. Questions
always start with “From paragraph…”.
6. Locate similar key words in the paragraph (could be in the same sentence, next to or before it)
7. Your answers should be short and precise. Do not need to answer in complete sentences. Do not
add in any unnecessary details (overlifting)
8. Make sure that the spelling in your answer is correct.
9. Check the tenses. Your answers must be in the same tense as the question.
10. Check the pronouns. You should not use pronouns ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’, ‘me’ and ‘you’.

11. For vocabulary question:
ONE word = 1 word only
PHRASE = 1 whole phrase
12. For direct questions, lifting is allowed if it is RELEVANT. You can copy a phrase or a sentence
or lines directly from the passage.
13. For implied questions, you need to adjust the word in the phrase or sentence from the passage or
combine phrases from sentences to get the idea.
13. For HOTS questions, you must answer in your own words. Do not look for answers from the
passage. Your ideas should be logical and relevant.
Types of questions
1. direct
2. implied
3. vocabulary (word/phrase)


(Paragraph 1)
I have spent 20 years hunting wild animals in the Sarawak jungles. The leopard is one of the most
unpredictable animals I have ever come across. A cunning animal, it will change its direction for no
obvious reason. Although I had faced numerous encounters with ferocious creatures, none scared me
the way the leopard did, the day it attacked me.

(Paragraph 2)
On January 24, a goat was killed at a nearby farm. Two weeks earlier, farmers had reported missing
livestock. A leopard had been seen around the area at dusk. On that very day, fifteen experienced men
volunteered to track it. Before the hunting party arrived, I went out to look for the tracks. Without a
thought, I left my rifle in the car and that was the worst mistake of my life. Unarmed, I was exposed
to danger.

(Paragraph 4)
Then it happened. The leopard leapt onto my back. I heard nothing when it hit me as it happened very
fast. The impact was enough to set me off balance. For a moment I felt dizzy, as it the surroundings
were spinning. I could not make sense of the things around me. They seemed to be blurring. Before I
realised it, I slumped onto the ground with the leopard clawing at my back. I could faintly hear the
grunting from the leopard. Although I could feel sharp pain all over my back, I still managed to gather
enough strength to roll over. My sudden action took the creature by surprise - I had caused it to let go
of me and I was free for a short time.

(Paragraph 7)
A young man, who was a member of the hunting group, was scouting the area. Suddenly, he heard a
loud growl. Sensing someone in danger, he rushed towards the scene. He stood hesitatingly about three
metres away from the leopard, not knowing whether he could shoot accurately. Frantically, I yelled at
him to move nearer. Bang! The first shot went off target. Then the second shot hit the leopard in the
spine. This time he did it. There was a loud growl before it went limp. Seeing the lifeless animal next
to me, I was overcome with relief.


FIRST: Read the question first and identify the key words in the question.

26. From paragraph 1, where does the writer hunt? [1 mark]

Key words? where hunt

SECOND: Match the question with the paragraph.

Where to find? Paragraph 1

THIRD: Locate similar key words in the paragraph, the answer - in the same sentence, next to
or before it.
(Paragraph 1)
I have spent 20 years hunting wild animals in the Sarawak jungles. The leopard is one of the most
unpredictable animals I have ever come across. A cunning animal, it will change its direction for no
obvious reason. Although I had faced numerous encounters with ferocious creatures, none scared me
the way the leopard did, the day it attacked me.

26. From paragraph 1, where does the writer hunt? [1 mark]

Sarawak jungles

(Paragraph 2)
On January 24, a goat was killed at a nearby farm. Two weeks earlier, farmers had reported missing
livestock. A leopard had been seen around the area at dusk. On that very day, fifteen experienced men
volunteered to track it. Before the hunting party arrived, I went out to look for the tracks. Without a
thought, I left my rifle in the car and that was the worst mistake of my life. Unarmed, I was exposed
to danger.

27. From paragraph 2,

(a) what had happened to the farmers' livestock? [1 mark]
Missing livestock


(Paragraph 2)
On January 24, a goat was killed at a nearby farm. Two weeks earlier, farmers had reported missing
livestock. A leopard had been seen around the area at dusk. On that very day, fifteen experienced men
volunteered to track it. Before the hunting party arrived, I went out to look for the tracks. Without a
thought, I left my rifle in the car and that was the worst mistake of my life. Unarmed, I was exposed
to danger.

27. From paragraph 2

(i) what was the mistake? [1 mark]

He left his rifle in the car

(ii) why was it a mistake? [1 mark]

He was exposed to danger

(Paragraph 4)
Then it happened. The leopard leapt onto my back. I heard nothing when it hit me as it happened very
fast. The impact was enough to set me off balance. For a moment I felt dizzy, as it the surroundings
were spinning. I could not make sense of the things around me. They seemed to be blurring. Before I
realised it, I slumped onto the ground with the leopard clawing at my back. I could faintly hear the
grunting from the leopard. Although I could feel sharp pain all over my back, I still managed to gather
enough strength to roll over. My sudden action took the creature by surprise - I had caused it to let go
of me and I was free for a short time.

28. From paragraph 4,

(a) what threw the writer off the balance? [1 mark]

The impact was enough to set the writer off balance.
The impact was enough to set him off balance.

(b) which word means fell? [1 mark]


(Paragraph 7)
A young man, who was a member of the hunting group, was scouting the area. Suddenly, he heard a
loud growl. Sensing someone in danger, he rushed towards the scene. He stood hesitatingly about
three metres away from the leopard, not knowing whether he could shoot accurately. Frantically, I
yelled at him to move nearer. Bang! The first shot went off target. Then the second shot hit the leopard
in the spine. This time he did it. There was a loud growl before it went limp. Seeing the lifeless animal
next to me, I was overcome with relief.

29. From paragraph 7,

(a) what made the young man rush to the scene? [ 1 mark]
Sensing someone in danger, he rushed towards the scene

(b) why did the young man hesitate to shoot? [1 mark]

not knowing whether he could shoot accurately.

The key words in the question is usually mentioned in the paragraph either using the same word, or
with different grammatical structure or synonymous word. (livestock - livestock/ hunt - hunting/ off
the balance - off balance/ hesitate - hesitatingly)


For HOTS questions, use your own words. Give relevant and logical answer.

30. In your own words, give two reasons why do you think the writer felt sorry for the leopard. [ 2
(i) the leopard was hungry
(ii) the writer was a kind-hearted person

Types of questions
1. Direct question 3. Vocabulary question
2. Implied questio 4. HOTS question

2007 Kampung Dek Permai was chosen as its environment had From paragraph 2, why was
been damaged as a result of indiscriminate logging. The Kampung Dek Permai selected for
aim of this activity was to protect the ecosystem and, at the the project?
same time, allow future generations to live in a healthy
2008 I have spent 20 years hunting wild animals in the Sarawak From paragraph 1, where does the
jungles. The leopard is one of the most unpredictable writer hunt?
2012 Determined to become a better player, he asked for extra From paragraph 3, why did the
tips from his coach. Not wanting to disappoint him, the coach agree to give Amir extra
coach agreed but he knew it would not make any tips?

2007 Ayub added that the last step is to place wet mulch around From paragraph 7, how can we
the young tree. The mulch will provide protection as well provide nutrients for the young tree?
as nutrients for the roots. “It must be wet and hold enough
water for the plant to grow healthily over the next few
months,” Ayub emphasized.
2009 It had been a year since Misha, thirty-four became blind. From paragraph 2, what caused her
Because of a medical problem, she was suddenly thrown to lose her sight?
into a world of darkness.
2013 He knew he had to keep warm. He felt a cotton cover at the From paragraph 4, what two things
end of the bed. Stretching down, he ripped a piece of the did Daniel use to keep himself
material free. It just covered his stomach and thighs. Next, warm?
he found a jacket he had left on the bed and struggled into
it. He felt warmer and more comfortable after that.
2016 It was a lovely summer’s day and after a challenging From paragraph 1, what was
semester at college, the prospect of being home filled Arvind looking forward to?
Arvind with excitement. Within an hour of leaving his
hotel, he was at the train station ready to begin his long
tedious journey.
2012 In the closing seconds of the game, Amir took control of Which word in paragraph 10 has the
the ball and raced past three defenders. The cheering was same meaning as ‘deafening’?
thunderous. Amir had scored the winning goal! The fans
were overjoyed.
2013 Not long after, he heard a rumbling, gushing sound. Water! From paragraph 3, which word
Just then, a mixture of water and mud rushed through gaps means “without having to think”?
above his head, filling the small space. Instinctively, he
knew that he was in the midst of landslide.
2015 Aware that the situation was critical, I lowered both cubs in From paragraph 8, which word
halfway. Undaunted, I decided to immerse them conveys the meaning of “refusing
completely this time, except for their little snouts. to give up”?
2016 He could vaguely see the shape of a suitcase, followed by From paragraph 3, which phrase
a human silhouette. His eyesight was very poor so he put tells the reader that Arvind was very
on his glasses, and what he saw took his breath away. surprised?
2006 It was Mercy Malaysia’s first mission to Sri Langka. Food From paragraph 6, do you think
such as rice, flour, cooking oil, sugar and salt were MERCY Malaysia’s contribution
distributed to flood and landslide victims. Mobile clinics was important? Give a reason. (2m)
were set up. The victims were given medical treatment.
2007 When the talk was over, the participants got down to work. In your opinion, why were the
After a tiring two hours, the whole area was covered with participants pleased with the tree-
young plants. By the end of the tree-planting activity, it was planting activity? Answer in your
clear from the smiles all around that something lasting had own words. (2m)
been shown in their hearts.

1. Read the question carefully. Find the key words in the question.
2. Mark the first and the last lines of the passage you are asked to refer to.
3. Read the text within the range only.
4. Identify and underline at least 10 content points.
5. Begin the summary with 10 words given.
6. Use selective / intelligent lifting and word substitution techniques.

7. Add conjunctions to combine content points.
8. Cross out examples and supporting details.
9. Change pronouns ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘you’ into ‘he’ ‘she’ ‘the writer’ ‘they’
10. Organize content points in sequence order.
11. Check the spelling.
12. Count the number of words and write the number at the bottom right of the summary. Make sure it
is not more than 130 words.
13. Write in 1 paragraph.
CONTENT 10 marks
LANGUAGE 5 marks
TOTAL 15 marks

1. If Content = 0 mark, then Language = 0 mark
2. If students copy the entire passage, then total mark = 0
3. If students use materials from outside the range, Content = 0 mark Language = 0 mark

Clearly, we did not have much time. “Quick!” I said. “Get a bucket of hot water.” Aware 25
that the situation was critical, I lowered both cubs in halfway. Nothing happened.
Undaunted, I decided to immerse them completely this time, except for their little
snouts. I tried to massage their chests while they were underwater but realized I could
not do both at the same time.
“Ray, you do one while I do the other. “I said as I passed a dripping wet cub over to 30
him. “Remember to pump rhythmically but don’t dig your fingers in too hard. ”They
were such tiny, fragile creatures that we had to take great care with them.
Minutes went by. Suddenly, Ray yelled. “Mine’s moving!”
We looked inside its mouth. It was definitely pinker. Sensing that there might be hope
after all, I instructed Matt to add more hot water while we continued pumping. There 35
was a faint muscular tension growing in the furry creature in my hands and then I felt
my cub moving slightly. “Stethoscope,” I shouted. Placing the instrument against
the chest of one cub, I heard the faint, soft heart sound. Dab-dab, dab-dab. Turning
to the other, I heard the same sound. “They’re alive!” I said quickly. “Carry on with
what we were doing.” 40
There was no more doubt anymore. Both cubs were wriggling their bodies underwater.
Determined to save them at all costs, we pulled both cubs out of the water and held
them by their back legs, at arm’s length. We spun them round and round, hoping that
the force would clear any mucus blocking their windpipes. The cubs were showing
more signs of life now, but there was still not a sound coming out of their throats. 45
“We’ll have to try mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” I said.
Again, Ray took one cub while I took the other and we blew gently into their mouths.
33. In the end, Crystal’s cubs were saved. Write a summary on the steps taken by the team to make the
twin cubs breathe. Your summary must:
 be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
 use materials from line 25 to line 47
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows: To get the cubs breathing again, the writer decided to …


don’t 2 words Line 31
Mine’s Line 33
Dab-dab Line 38
They’re Line 39
arm’s Line 43
We’ll Line 46
mouth-to-mouth Line 46

To get the cubs breathing

again, the writer decided to

( words)

opposite seat, was a girl about his age with all the features that a teenage boy
would look in his dream girl.
Of course she did not notice Arvind, but other passengers glanced at him
curiously – what was a teenager doing sleeping with his glasses on. He may 20
have looked as if he was asleep but Arvind slept very little that night.
The next day, he was very energetic, or as teenagers often say, ‘hyperactive’ –
one of the chief symptoms of trying to impress a girl. It was the first time in his
life that he’d ever gone to the bathroom on a train to freshen up and make
himself look more presentable. Funnily enough, the person opposite did the 25
same. Minutes later, she was back in her seat.
There was no eye contact yet. His mind was racing fast, planning his next move
while the train thundered along. A line from his favourite song popped into his
head, ‘It’s Now or Never ….”Plucking up courage, Arvind asked her, “Tea?”
Short and sweet to begin with. First, silence, then a nod. That was the start that 30
Arvind had been hoping for. He behaved like a perfect gentleman. Then he
began to tell about himself. She, on the other hand, was somewhat shy and
said very little. Lunch and dinner were at his invitation and eventually, it was
time to sleep. Just because she had said goodnight did not mean that Arvind was
to have a good night’s sleep. He spent the whole night planning how he would 35
impress her further.
31. Arvind had an interesting encounter with Sneha during the train journey. Based on the passage, write a
summary on
 why Arvind was attracted to Sneha, and
 what he did as a result of meeting her
Your summary must:
 be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
 use materials from line 17 to line 36
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows: During the journey, Arvind was attracted to a girl who…

he’d 2 words Line 24
it’s Line 29
goodnight Line 34
good night’s Line 35

During the journey, Arvind was
attracted to a girl who

( words)



“Good values bring positive effects.”

How far is this true in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.

Point 1 : We need to be a responsible person (Chapter 1)

• Every morning, Newt would prepare a breakfast for his family. Since last year, Newt offered
to take over on making breakfast for his family because his mom, Mary Newman, seemed to
be very busy with her work and phone calls.
• As a responsible kid to her parents, Newt offered to help his mom prepared breakfast every

P.O.V : In my opinion, Newton has shown a good lesson by showing his responsibility towards his
family by helping his mom to make a breakfast. If I were a 10-year-old Newt, I could hardly
boil myself water! My mother wouldn’t allow me to be near the stove as she is frantic that I
might cause a disaster.

Point 2 :We must always help those who are in need. (Chapter 12 , 13)

• Newt was feeling excited after he helped Cecil to take a big bass drum when someone from
behind a stack of cupboard boxes pile grabbed him by his ankle.
• It was Mr.Clay, who was a locksmith that suffered from amnesia.

• He forgot his way back home and got lost.
• Newt helped to walk him home.

P.O.V :In my opinion, Newt has shown a good lesson in helping others by helping his friend Cecil,
to take a big bass drum and walked Mr.Clay to his house. From this event, I have learnt that
the value of helpful is need in one’s to build a prosperous community.

Point 3 : We must be brave to face our fear. (Chapter 11)

• Newt has acrophobia. When Cecil asked him to climb the dumpster to take the drum for him,
he was hesitated at first. But when Cecil reminded him that he was Captain Nobody and he
should not have fear, he started to feel confident with himself and climbed up to the dumpster.

P.O.V :No matter who we are, we should face our fear to be braver to face any circumstances in life.
As a good friend to Cecil, he fulfilled his friend’s wish to have the drum bass. Though he was
afraid of height, he was willing to forget all that and crawled up to get it for him. He valued
their friendship more than his own acrophobic. His determination to accomplish his friend’s
wise is admirable and should be considered as admirable.


Write about an event that has shown you the importance of making a responsible decision.
Support your answer with close reference to the text.

AN EVENT :When he decided to save Reggie Ratner.

• When Reggie Ratner climbed up to the water tower to spray encouragement words for his
school, his leg got stuck between the two beams on the water tower.
• People at the ground thought that Reggie wanted to kill himself. So Newt climbed up to the
water tower to save Reggie Ratner.
• Even though height was the problem on that time, but he ignored it and faced his fear to save
a life.
• With the help of his friends, Newt climbed up to the water tower. The water tower seemed
old. Newt almost fell down when his leg reached one of the rotten rung.
• Every time Newt looked down, he felt scared and his fears started to embrace him.
• But, since he felt that this was his responsibility to save Reggie, he continued climbing up.
• He wanted to do so because he was the only one that knew what actually happened during the
Big Game.
• When he reached the water tower, he tried to talk to Reggie.
• He told Reggie that he knew what really happened in the Big Game.
• It was not Reggie Ratner who put Chris in coma. It was Daryl Peeps’s head that bumped onto
Chris’s head.
• Reggie Ratner was shocked to hear that because he was trying to say the same thing to the
people but no one believed him.
• Newt promised that when they got down, he would tell people the truth.

P.O.V : In my opinion, it was a right decision when Newt decided to help Reggie Ratner. After the
Big Tackle, everybody blamed Reggie for knocking Chris down into coma. He had such a
tensed life after that. His tire was slashed and his house was sprayed with paints. People were
fumingly mad over Reggie. Reggie, on the other hand, kept quiet and did not fight back. He
knew it was pointless to tell people the truth because they would never listened to him. When
he decided to climb on the Appleton Water Tower, everybody expected he wanted to kill
himself. Everybody panicked! Seeing this, Newt thought that it was his responsibility to
rescue Reggie and tell him he knew what had happened and that he was not the person who
knocked Chris down. At first, Newt hesitated because he was so afraid to climb up the water
tower. However, since Newt determined to save Reggie and tell him what he saw during the
game, he climbed up being himself (Newt Newman) not Captain Nobody. This incident
shows that Newt’s decision on climbing up made him a new person: braver, more confident
and not afraid of height. Newt overcomes his fear of height. In this situation, by helping

others has made Newt helped himself as well. Therefore, it is wise that Newt has made the
responsible decision because the decision he made saves people’s life, changed him to be a
better person and showed people that violence is not the core solution to problems. His action
taught us the importance of making a responsible decision: to believe in oneself, to believe in
the truth and to not blame people solely over mistakes he/she has made.


“We can learn so much from a person”

Based on the novel you have studied, discuss the lessons you have learnt based on one main event.
Support your answer with close reference to the text. (Selangor , SPM Trial 2017)

Newton Newman / Captain nobody

EVENT : Newt helped Cecil in getting the big bass drum from the top of the dumpster.
Point 1 : The Value of Friendship

• After school, Cecil saw a big bass drum and he summoned Newt so that he could get it down
for him.
• At first, Newt refused since he was afraid of height and thought that Cecil was only joking
• However, when he knew how much Cecil wanted the drum bass (since he is a music
instrument lover), he climbed up the dumpster and handed him the bass.
• He managed to bring the drum bass down which brought joy to Cecil’s life.

P.O.V :
• From this event, it taught me that we have to be helpful with our friends because one day they
will help us when we are in our hard times.
• Through this event, it shows how Newt cares for his friend so much that forgets his own fear.
• He sacrifices himself to fulfill his friend’s wish.
• We should make Newt’s action as exemplary, in order to achieve our goals, we also need to
support our friends when they really need our help.

Point 2 : Courage to achieve goals in life

• Through this event, we have learnt that Newt was afraid of height.
• He hesitated at first when he saw how tall the dumpster was. However, he still pushed himself
nonetheless for the sake of his friend’s dream.
• Newt succeeded in taking down the drum for Cecil which resulted to Cecil’s happy face.
• Although, Newt was unknown during this time, but this is the event that first sparked his

P.O.V :
• In my opinion, no matter what kind of challenges that we might face, we must face it with
courage. We need to believe in ourselves and move forward to overcome any circumstances.
If I were Newt, I will definitely do the same just to overcome my fear in order to help people.

Point 3 : Determination is the essence of success

• Newt had climbed up the dumpster to get the drum for Cecil
• Even though he afraid of height, but remembering himself as Captain Nobody made him
became brave to face his fear.
• Newt crawled up to the dumpster without fear. But to fulfill his best friend wish, he pushed
himself up.

P.O.V :
• In my personal view, every effort that is followed by determination will ease us in achieving
success. Through this event, it is undeniable that determination can help us chasing our

Event 1 – Saving Reggie Ratner / Captain Nobody overcomes his fear
 News on TV regarding Reggie Ratner on Appleton  Cecil suggested Captain Nobody to sit down and  Actually Reggie climbs the tower to paint the water
water tower, the tallest structure in town talk to Reggie, man--‐to-man. Even Captain tank so that he would be remembered for, but his
 Authorities fear it is a suicide attempt. Nobody has the fear of heights – Acrophobia, he foot stomps a hole in the roof and his shoe is stuck
 Conversation with Reggie’s parents, classmates takes the challenge. between two beams.
and teachers that Reggie has grown increasingly  Captain Nobody’s mask was ripped off due to a  Newt helps to untie the shoe and Reggie is
depressed as students and friends of Fillmore jutting nail while climbing the ladder --‐ Captain released.
High school has repeatedly harassed him. Nobody becomes Newt Newman
Captain Nobody / Newt Newman brave concerned eager stubborn Bravery We must be true to ourselves.
Reggie Ratner honest anxious determined defensive Honesty We must help those in need
helpful Determination We must have self- confidence.
We must not easily give up.
Event 2 – The Robbery
 JJ feels irritated with Sullivan’s Jewelry Store  The Sullivans’ eyes keep darting between me, the  The customer @ thief sweeps and arms across
signboards, eg: Jeweller (Jewelry)karat merchandise and the customer, the customer is the countertop and hugs a pile of jewellery
(carrot), necklace(neckless), earrings twitching with irritation, his right hand poking against his chest, spins around and bumps
(earring’s) forward in his sweatshirt pocket. into Captain Nobody.
 Captain Nobody enters the store to inform the  Mr Sullivan’s hand slips under the desktop to give  The guy scrambles to his feet and races out
owners and notices theSullivans are waiting Captain Nobody a piece of paper to correct the after he warns Captain Nobody. Captain
on the only customer. errors. At the same time, he presses the hidden button Nobody leaves the store.
and an alarm spills the air.
Captain Nobody innocent gullible stubborn ignorant Bravery we should be wise
The thief / customer concerned cunning spontaneous supportive We must help those in need
Mr and Mrs Sullivans alert wise We must have self‐confidence
Event 3 – The Drum
• Cecil wants a good condition • Captain Nobody • As Captain Nobody • The hand belongs to an old, grey- • Captain Nobody
drum that has been thrown climbs the dumpster climbs down the -whiskered man – Mr Clay, a former walks Mr Clay to his
among garbage piles in a ignoring his fear of dumpster a hand locksmith, his mother use to work with house.
dumpster. heights as Cecil is grabs his ankle. and he knew that Mr Clay is sick as he
afraid of garbage bags. overheard his mum told his dad before.

Captain Nobody Cecil
helpful selfish bravery  we must learn to overcome our own fear.
Mr Clay
senile filial courage  We must not give up easily.
kind, responsible concerned Helpfulness  We must always help those in need.

Event 4 – The Ferret

 Spirit Squad from Fillmore High, Colby Bryn  Ricky Ratner and his pals cluster around Ferocious’  Captain Nobody raced after Ferocious down a
and the football team, Daryl Peeps come to cage when Captain Nobody was on his way home. dead end street. They all tumble down after
Appleton Elementary bringing Ferocious The The cage door flew open and Ferocious gets his him and got themselves onto a highway.
Ferret, the mascot. newfound freedom.  Captain Nobody waves his arm and screams
 Captain Nobody is the lucky student who gets  Ferocious sits at Captain Nobody’s ankle and Captain ‘STOP’ to the traffic.
to take Ferocious home overnight. Nobody reaches down and scoops him up and dashes  A small airplane flying so low that it’s tyres
for the roadside. Cecil, JJ and hit an open freeway up ahead.
Captain Nobody Brave Wise Bravery We must be responsible of our own action.
Cecil Responsible Spontaneous Courage We must be brave to face any challenges.
JJ Helpful Responsibility We must help those in need.
Ferocious, Ricky Ratner Perseverance We must not easily give up.

Event 5 – The Halloween

 Newt wears his brother’s outgrown outfit to cheer  At the same time, his friends Cecil and JJ  When trick of treating, a neighbor noticed the
his mum. arrived for Trick or Treat. initials C.N. on his mask and that is when
 His mum leaves for hospital not seeing him in the  They help to fix the outfit by adding a mask Captain Nobody is born.
outfit. and cape.  Newt becomes a new person behind the mask
of Captain Nobody.
Captain Nobody Creative Optimism We must help those in need.
Cecil Optimistic We must have self confidence.
JJ We must not give up easily.
Ferocious, Ricky Ratner


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