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When we live in this world, we meet many people, but only few people

inspire us. The person who inspires me the most is my father seeya. He
is not only a priest, but is also a friend and sometimes like a father. He is
a simple and smart person. He sees different sides of things and
understands the realities of life. Sometimes he understands my
problems more than my parents and any others. I can talk to him about
my problems without any fear. He is very close to me in my life. I think
there is no other person who can inspire me like him.
I always talking with my problems and I talked before getting a dicition

A person that has motivated me, inspired me, and who has always has been
with me since day one is my mom. My mom has been my motivation to
continue school and become someone successful in life and pursue a career.
My mom has always guide me through out the toughest situations and has
taught me to never give up in my dreams. Although sometimes we have our
differences, we always support one another. She is my inspiration. I admire my
mom what she has done to get where she is at today and I know she will
always be there for me when I need her the most. My mom has transform my
life since day one.

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