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Arranged by:
Soraya Laili Jabin 17312108
Syahirah Rossya 17312149



1.1 Study Background

Prototyping is the process of making a simple model of software that allows users to
have a basic description of the program and conduct initial testing. Prototyping provides
facilities for developers and users to interact with each other during the manufacturing
process. So, that developer can easily model the software to be created and desired by
customers. Prototyping is one of the most widely used software development methods. In
this paper, we will discuss and explain about prototyping for software. Because software is
closely related to the system analysis and design courses that we are studying at this time.

1.2 The Paper Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to find out how the application of prototyping software
models in real life, and also to introduce prototyping to other students. We also provide
several examples of prototyping software models so that students find it easier to
understand what prototyping is, especially prototyping software models. The purpose of this
paper is also to fulfill the group assignments given by Mr. Dekar Urumsyah, S.E., S.Si.,
M.Com., Ph.D. in the System Analysis and Design (SAD) course.

The prototype is defined as a tool that gives ideas to potential makers and users
about how the system functions in its complete form, and the process of producing a
prototype called prototyping (McLeod, 2011). Prototyping is the process of developing a trial
version of a system (prototype) or component or characteristic to clarify system
requirements or to express critical design considerations.

2.1.1 Kinds of Prototypes

There are several kinds of prototypes may be usefully applied in a particular
a) Patched-Up Prototype

Patched-Up Prototype is related to building a functioning system but

patched or patched together. An example in an information system is a
working model that has all the necessary but inefficient features. In the
example of this prototype, users can interact with the system, familiar with
the interface and type of output available. Information retrieval and storage
may be inefficient because programs are written quickly with the aim of being
able to run rather than efficiently.
b) Nonoperational Prototype
Nonoperational Prototype is a non-work scale model designed to test
certain aspects of the design. An example of this approach is the full-scale car
model used in wind tunnel testing. The size and shape of the car are right, but
the car is not operational. In this case, only car features that are important for
wind tunnel testing are included.

c) First-Of-A-Series Prototype

First-Of-A-Series Prototype involves making the first full-scale model of a

system, often called a pilot. An example is making the first aircraft prototype
of a series, then see if it flies before building the second one. The prototype is
fully operational and is a realization of what the designer expects to be a
series of aircraft with identical features.

d) Selected Features Prototype

Selected features prototype concerns building an operational model

that includes several, but not all, features of the final system. An analogy
would be a new retail shopping center that was opened before the
construction of all shops was completed.

2.1.2 Prototyping for Software

Software prototyping is a process of designing and building prototypes of the
software application or system. Prototyping can also be referred to as the beginning or
standard size to create an object that we will work on later. Prototyping also helps
system analysts to build or create a system or software application that their customers
want. The use of prototyping may be an effective technique for correcting weaknesses
of the traditional “waterfall” software development life cycle by educating the engineers
and users [Har87]. Software prototyping is much the same as prototyping in the border
product design field. It is a necessary step involved in daily software design. Normally,
after doing enough UX research like gathering idea, data, information, demands,
evaluation, then it’s time to build a prototyping.

2.2 Guidelines for Developing a Prototypes

There are four main guidelines to consider when integrating prototyping:
1. Work in manageable modules
When prototyping several system features into workable models, it is very
important that the analyst works in a manageable module. One distinct
advantage of prototyping is that it is not necessary or desirable to build a whole
working system for prototype purposes. Modules that can be managed are
modules that allow users to interact with their main features but can be built
separately from other system modules. Module features that are considered less
important are deliberately excluded from the initial prototype.

2. Build the prototype rapidly (RAD tools)

Speed is very important for the success of an information system
prototype. Analysts can use prototypes to shorten this gap by using traditional
information-gathering techniques to pinpoint important information
requirements, and then quickly make decisions that produce work models. By
showing users very early in the process of how parts of the system really do,
guards rapid prototyping of resources that are too much committed to a project
that might eventually become inoperable.

3. Modify the prototype in successive interations

This guideline is that the construction must support modification. Making a
prototype can be modified means making it in modules that are not
interdependent. Each modification requires another evaluation by the user. The
prototype is not an established system. Entering the prototyping phase with the
idea that prototypes will require modification is an attitude that helps show
users how important their feedback is if the system wants to be improved.

4. Stress the user interface

The user interface with the prototype is very important. Because what you
really try to achieve with a prototype is to make users further articulate their
information requirements, they must be able to interact easily with the system
prototype. They must be able to see how the prototype will allow them to
complete their assignments.

2.3 Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping is a procedure for making a reasonable model of an item's user
interface. A rapid prototyped user interface is anything but difficult to change and gets
clients included right off the bat in the plan of the item. To model effectively, you should pick
a rapid prototyping apparatus that addresses your issues, structure a little prototyping
group, get bunches of client input, and emphasize until clients are enchanted with your user

2.3.1 Traditional Process VS Rapid Prototyping

The explanation of traditional process diagram:

 Step 1 "Analyze Proposed System"
Marketing and planning identify customer needs and determine whether
the company can develop profitable products that will meet those needs.
 Step 2 "Specify Requirements"
Marketing and planning draft general requirements for the proposed

 Step 3 "Design System"
Development writes detailed specifications for the proposed product.
 Step 4 "Develop System"
The development creates a product.
 Step 5, "Release Product"
The company released the product.

The differences of traditional process and rapid prototyping:

1. Customer Involvement
Customers are only involved indirectly at the beginning of the
traditional process, when marketing and planning determine requirements.
In making rapid prototypes, customers are directly involved in the entire
development process.
2. Repetitive Design
In traditional process, the process is not repeated while in rapid
prototyping, the process is repeated. This makes rapid prototyping easier to
change or add requirements that will make the product more popular with

2.4 Experience Prototyping in Software Development

According to Sauvola, Rontti, Laivamaa, Oivo, and Kuvaja (2016), there is a prototype
experience in software development, as follows.
The use of SD experience prototyping methods has benefits and challenges. The findings
from each case study company show, that at their best, these methods can nourish and
support innovation and development culture. The most important offering of the
workshops, according to many of the participants, was the liberalisation of mindsets.
Experience prototyping methods also allow for the efficient constitution of a complete
understanding of all stakeholders' viewpoints. These methods were seen as pleasant and
motivating but also challenging because participants had to step out of their comfort
zone. According to workshop participants, they were able to develop significant
knowledge, skills, and emotions by experience prototyping in an emergent process that
empowered people to engage in discovery, reflection and even action (Fig. 2). Testing of
business hypotheses and assumptions in product development could be then turned into
faster and more accurate decision-making and value creation. Table I categorises and
describes the identified benefits and Table II categorises and describes the identified
challenges of experience prototyping based on the research data. In Table III, we also
identified critical factors that need to be considered in order to successfully implement
experience prototyping within company processes.

2.4.1 The Benefits of Experience Prototyping

2.4.2 Challenges of Experience Prototyping
2.4.3 Critical Factors of Experience Prototyping
2.5 The Disadvantage of Prototyping
 It can be quite difficult to manage prototyping as a project in the larger system effort.
 The users and analysts may adopt a prototype as a completed system when it is in
fact inadequate and was never intended to serve as a finished system.
 Leads to implementing and then repairing way of building systems.
 Practically, this methodology may increase the complexity of the system as scope of
the system may expand beyond original plans.
 Incomplete application may cause application not to be used as the full system was
designed Incomplete or inadequate problem analysis.

2.6 The Advantage of Prototyping

 Users are actively involved in the development
 Since in this methodology a working model of the system is provided, the users get a
better understanding of the system being developed.
 Errors can be detected much earlier
 Quicker user feedback is available leading to better solutions
 Missing functionality can be identified easily
 Confusing or difficult functions can be identified
 Requirements validation, Quick implementation of, incomplete, but functional,
2.7 The Users’ Role in Prototyping
The users’ role in prototyping can be summed up in two words “honest involvement”
without user involvement, there is little reason to prototype. There are three main ways a
user can be help in prototyping:
1. Experimenting with the prototype
Users should be free to experiment with the prototype. In contrast to a
mere list of system features, a prototype allows users the reality of hands-on
2. Giving open reactions t the prototype
Analysts need to present at least part of the time when experimentation is
occurring. They can be observe users’ interaction wit the system, and they are
bound to see interactions they never planned.
3. Suggesting additions to or deletions from the prototype
Their willingness to suggest additions to or deletions from the features
being tried. The analyst’s role is to elicit such suggestions by assuring users that
the feedback they provide is taken seriously, by observing users as they interact
with the system, and by conducting short, specific interviews with users
concerning their experiences with the prototype.

An important step in prototyping is to properly record user reactions, user

suggestions, innovation, and revision plans.

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