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Section B : Continuous Writing (Question 3)

“Social networking helps people to get connected from all around the
world. It is indeed essential in a modern human’s life,”. That is what we have
always heard or read about an opinion of the social networking sites. But
honestly, how far can we agree on this statement? As an intellectual human being,
it is extremely crucial for us to view stuffs from different perspective. Obviously,
without any doubts, I would say that social networking does more harm than
good. Therefore, I completely agree with the statement of ‘Social networking has
caused a lot of problems,”. Before I jump into the content, first let me ask, how
many times have the issues about social networking problems have been raised
in the bulletin, news or newspaper? Who were the victims of all the crimes linked
to the social networking sites? How did they happen in the first place? These
kinds of things happen not only to meticulous teenagers and children, but it also
happens to successful adult and senior citizens. Therefore, we should all play our
roles to drastically reduce the amount of problems related to social networking.

First and foremost, the main issue of social networking is it has become the
major platform to share information whether they are true or not. Since social
networking such as Facebook, Twiter and Instagram are completely free and
easily access by any person with an Internet connection, it becomes ridiculously
impossible to filter out any bad contents such as cursing words, false information
and rumours. All of these rumours can ruin someone else’s life as there will be
irresponsible users who delightfully using their keyboards to type out hatred
comments on the victim’s profile. Not only this act can make the victim
flabbergasted and trembling in terror, it can also harshly destroy the victim’s
future as the so-called ‘news’ got viral until his or her co-workers see it. Adding
to that, they are also those who share illegal download links to the pirated games,
movies, and song albums. This action will bring the creative creators or artists to
big depression and grief as their works are not appreciated and also are not getting
paid enough which then lead them to bankruptcy.

On top of that, social networking also makes people from all walks of life
wasted a lot of their precious dear time. Remember back then, when people used
to read a lot of classical books such as the fantasy books written by C.S. Lewis,
the weird but cool mystery novels written by Edogawa Ranpo and the magical
books that bring everyone to the cloud-nine written by J.K. Rowling? Well, those
kind of scenes are almost impossible to find and also are getting bizarrely rare
nowadays as all of the ‘21st century’ human beings are busy with their modern
lifestyles also known as their smartphones. Instead of reading a book, they read
useless stuffs on the social networking sites. As for students, they are busy
looking at stuffs in social networking until late night without finishing any chores.
They will burn the midnight oil to finish their homeworks. As a result, they do
not have enough sleep and got big eye bags almost like a panda! In addition,
social networking shows the ‘utopia’ side of one’s life which means they hide all
their imperfect sides and just show everything nice and aesthetic about
themselves. This makes all the young children are trying too hard being someone
who are not them and just to fulfil the society’s expectations.

Furthermore, social networking can also be too open and easily access.
People from these days are not aware of the dangers and some are too naive to
know that they are getting stalked by random strangers on the social networking
sites. If one provides too much information on their social network profile such
as showing their exam results without censoring their identity card numbers or
posting selfies that provide useful information for the stalkers to find out your
location. In the world wide web, literally anyone can steal your stuffs and use it
for their own benefits or crimes. For instance, secretly using the selfies for illegal
advertising or as profile picture to make a believable fake account, stealing
someone’s artwork and reposted it as their own and any other false copyright
claims. These can impacted someone’s private life and make he or she lives in
insecurity or inferiority complex. They feel insecure and anxious and are living
in internal pains of dystopia.

All in all, social networking sites have more negativity than positivity
especially to the teenagers. It sets up high demands of perfection to the society
and ruining the humanity by letting all the manipulative bad people ruling the
social networking. It also greatly shares the ideas of unhealthy life and depressing
thoughts to the children. Not only that, it also shows how humans will never ever
have an eye to eye towards an issue. At the end of the day, it is up to the humans’
capabilities to use something to its fullest potential.

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