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Genetic transfer through the Tithi Lord

In a previous post we explored the link through the time cycle of a father to the fiery component in a child’s chart at the moment when the child is born. The father’s antardasa or
bhukti lord must match the child’s Weekday Lord at Birth. In the Panchang, or Five Pillars of Time, the Weekday Lord holds the agni and is the energy source for the whole
system of the horoscope. Agni is fire, both spirit and metabolic rate.

This was mentioned in a presentation on the Pillars of Time or Panchang by Sanjay Rath on the KRS Channel in 2019. This link from father to child is an instance of astro-
chemistry. Astro-chemistry is a term for planetary tie-ins between people that are quasi-mathematical. In various forms of astro- chemistry, the planets act like variables in an
equation or place-holders in a DNA chain. Planets and stars do glue people together, and to say this is not metaphorical, not a poetic cliche. Sanjay Rath suggests that this planetary
linkage is echoing the role of the Y-chromosome in genetic transmission from father to child.

It’s way beyond statistical probability that the antardasa planet, a component of the cyclical time windows of the father, will always match the Weekday Lord of the child. There
are a few technical requirements for this synchronicity to be observed. It happens not at the mahadasa or larger planetary time cycle level, but at a shorter, fractal time window–the
antardasa period. A mahadasa can last from six years to twenty years; an antardasa can be as short as a few months or up to almost three years.

Also, the dasa system chosen must be the right one—many charts have more than one time cycle that can apply, and usually only one of them will follow the law of astro-
chemistry in this way. So there has to be testing of the relevant dates to make sure that the correct dasa cycle is being used.

The question then arises, is there a similar link for the X-chromosome? Is there a time cycle of the mother that links to the Panchang of her child at birth? If so, this would show the
transmission of jala, the watery element underlying the genetic material in the blood and the affective component of the psyche.

In the Panchang, the water element rules the Tithi. The Tithi is the distance of separation between the Sun and the Moon as the Moon waxes or wanes each fortnight. The Tithi and
its lord explain volumes about the quotient of emotion in anyone’s horoscope, and there is always some kind of harmony between Tithi Lords for two people who stay in a
marriage or other significant relationship.

So it’s natural to turn to the Tithi Lord to see if the mother can transmit from her antardasa planet her deep feeling physically linked to the X chromosome, into the horoscope of
her offspring.

I haven’t come across any authority for this hypothesis, so this must be taken as new research, which will be interesting for serious students of Jyotish. As writer A.S. Byatt has
discussed, writers can pursue

either “the hard idea of truth”1 or the slippery consistency of sincerity. Jyotish is already the discipline that makes inroads into solipsism, the modern pervading idea that
everything written or studied is a subjective construction—something the ego believes is reality– instead of a probe towards universal laws. Here with this modest research I
continue to look for examples of the Game of Principles that makes up the Vedanga. These are real laws of nature.

Rules of the Game:

First, we must make sure that the proper dasa cycle for the mother is chosen out of the usual two to four candidates for dasa that are in her chart. Then each antardasa has to match
the Tithi Lord at birth for all of her children.

Second, the matchup of the mother’s antardasa lord with the child’s Tithi Lord can be a simple direct match or can occur via some more odd linkages such as a conjunction or a
sign exchange. Those will be noted in the study. Each such more complicated linkage carries an interesting freightage of significance but commenting on these are outside the
scope of the study.

The Subject:

This is a mother with a large brood of kids, all of whose birth times were carefully recorded, since they were royals in a high-profile setting.

Queen Victoria Monday, 5-24-18119 4:15 London –Moon hour

Queen Victoria had nine children.

Each child’s Tithi Lord must match Queen Victoria’s antardasa as her time cycles advance through the births of all 9 children. That will be a phenomenal statistical rarity. The way
in which the matching occurs is sometimes through fascinating planetary dance steps. The mother’s antardasa lord might be conjunct the child’s Tithi Lord. Or the mother’s
antardasa lord might exchange sign rulerships with the child’s Tithi Lord. Or one of the lunar nodes may have its sign lord making the matchup, since Rahu and Ketu the nodes are
shadowy and can function as doubles or agents for their sign lords. So some of them are a bit complicated and call for appreciation of these dance steps. I have shown charts of the
children who have these more complicated linkages to Victoria’s antardasa lord.

From the study I found that one dasa system—Vimsottari dasa calculated from the Ascendant rather than from Moon as commonly done—is the one that accounts for every one of
Victoria’s children’s Tithi Lords. Vimsottari dasa is the most widely used system for understanding the periods of the planets. It can be calculated from different vantage points,
although it is usually applied from the Moon. But Parasara says to consider starting from Moon, Ascendant, or Sun, and other possibilities.

It stands to reason that Vimsottari dasa should work from the Ascendant rather than from Moon since Queen Victoria’s Moon is very dark in the shadow of the Sun, while her
Ascendant holds the two royal luminaries and is helped by the exaltation of Moon and by Sun being the Bhava Karaka for Lagna. And indeed Vimsottari from Ascendant does
follow the pattern all the way through, from 1840 till 1857, through the nine births.

1. Princess Victoria

Princess Victoria’s Tithi Lord is Jupiter. What is the link to Queen Victoria’s Ketu antardasa? Jupiter is with Sun and two other planets in Scorpio. Ketu is the Lord of Scorpio.
Ketu is in Leo. Sun is the Lord of Leo. There is an exchange of Sun and Ketu, and since Jupiter is in the very same degree as the royal Sun, it is fully linked to Ketu. These kind of
exchanges are considered to powerfully link planets. Ketu makes for a spirited and headstrong native, and Vicky was known as the most mischievous.

2. Edward VII, heir to the throne

3. Princess Mary Alice Maud

Princess Alice spent her life caring for others and nursing. Mars as the Tithi Lord in gandanta in the last few minutes of Scorpio can show a jala or blood disorder. She transmitted
the hemophilia gene from her mother. A planet in own sign will act like its exaltation lord which is Sun with Mercury, which links to Queen Victoria’s antardasa of Venus,
conjunct Mercury. Also Alice’s Mars is ruled by Ketu which in a Mercury sign is an agent of Mercury. Alice succumbed early to diptheria. Mercury is the Matri Karaka, or
significator of the mother, for Alice, to underline the jala link to Victoria even more.

4. Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Alfred’s is tricky. His Tithi Lord is Rahu the node. As a node it is an agent of its sign lord which is Mars. Mars in turn is in a sign exchange with Moon in Aries. Victoria’s
antardasa Lord is Sun. Her Sun is conjunct the Moon. So the mother and child are linked through Moon. Interestingly, Alfred was a seafaring man and became a Navy Admiral.
Rahu and Mars are in watery houses, the natural places of Cancer and Pisces.

5. Princess Helena

6. Princess Louise

Princess Louise was an accomplished artist and sculptor as well as patron of the arts. Her Tithi Lord Venus is conjunct Saturn and Mercury retrograde. Victoria’s Jupiter antardasa
is in a sign exchange with Saturn, so Saturn is the link. Saturn with Venus and Mercury is unfriendly to progeny so Louise was the only child to have no children herself.

7. Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn

8. Prince Leopold

9. Princess Beatrice

1 A phrase used by Iris Murdoch quoted by A.S. Byatt in “Sugar”/”Le Sucre” in Passions of the Mind, Turtle Bay Books, 1992, p.17.

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