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Business name: Hotel Amazon Lilly Dhaka

Business type: Restaurant or hotel business

Introduction: Restaurants play a significant role in our lifestyles, and dining out is a favorite
social activity. Everyone needs to eat so, to enjoy good food and perhaps wine in the company
of friends and in pleasant surroundings is one of life’s pleasures. Eating out has become a way
of life for families. Today, more meals than ever are being eaten away from home.
The restaurant business going into the restaurant business is not for the faint of heart. People
contemplating opening a restaurant come from diverse backgrounds and bring with them a
wealth of experience. However, there is no substitute for experience in the restaurant business.

 Free Wi-Fi
 Parking
 Paid parking
 24-hour services
 Fitness/Gym
 Sports activities
 Spa and relaxation
 Breakfast
 Food/Drinks
 Meeting facilities
How sustainable in restaurant business?
Reduce Food Waste: The first step to becoming an environmentally friendly restaurant is the
most important for the planet, and for your bottom line. Get a handle on food waste.

Use a Digital Inventory Management Tool: To reduce food waste, most environmentally
friendly restaurant managers rely on the latest tech. They use a digital inventory tool like
PeachWorks or BevSpot. This software sends alerts to your smartphone when inventory is
nearing expiration. You also get a real-time look at inventory so you don’t over order.

Donate Surplus Food: Every environmentally friendly hotel has a food pantry on speed dial.
Even after putting food waste controls in place, you’ll still end up with surplus inventory on
occasion. Donating usable food ensures none of it goes to waste. It’s also a great way to gain
positive press for our hotel.
Highlight Expiration Dates: When your prep chefs grab ingredients, ensure they select those
closest to expiring. Put stickers with a use by date on all ingredients.

Green Your Cleaning Routine

Let’s face it. Conventional cleaning products are bad for the environment. The harsh chemicals
in industrial cleaners don’t break down and pollute the air and water table. Plus, guests aren’t
exactly fans of that just-bleached smell. To be an environmentally friendly restaurant, swap out
conventional cleaners with eco-friendly brands. Ask your distributor to supply products that
contain Design for the Environment or Green Seal certified cleaning chemicals.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:

By reducing waste, reusing containers, and recycling materials, your business can make huge
strides when it comes to sustainability. To get started, here are some ideas:

 Swap regular toilet paper and paper towels with chlorine-free, recycled paper
 Buy kitchen and bar mats made from 100% recycled materials
 Recycle wood boxes, glass bottles, and cardboard
 Exchange plastic and Styrofoam materials for reusable cups and recyclable containers
Try a Kinder Vine:
If your environmentally friendly restaurant already serves organic food, going organic at the bar
is the next step. Start by adding a few organic wines to your drink list.
Most wine is made using chemicals and farming practices that are harmful to the environment.
Some wineries even inject pesticides and other chemicals directly into the soil, contaminating
the surrounding area – and even the vino itself.

Get Smarter about Water:

Conserving water is critical in becoming an environmentally friendly restaurant. Again, it’s also
a way to reduce those energy bills! Here’s how to do it:

 Replace your facilities with water-saving toilets to reduce the amount of water used
with every flush.
 Consider switching from bottled water to an in-house filtration system.
 Install solar thermal panels to heat water for your environmentally friendly restaurant.
Many state and municipal governments are offering grants and rebates for solar panels.

Build a Sustainable Dining Room

Yes, there are even ways to make your dining room sustainable! Start with the furniture.
Purchase locally-built tables and chairs for your dining area. Most local woodworkers may strike
a deal with an environmentally friendly restaurant – especially if you promote their work.
The next step is reducing the use of cloth tablecloths and napkins. Wait, what? Linens seem like
the eco-friendlier option. But to keep those clothes looking great, you use unnecessary
chemical cleaners, bleaches and starches. Not to mention, water is wasted with every wash.
Instead, opt for paper materials that can be recycled. If linens are needed for your ambience,
opt for softer, cloth materials over the traditional, starchy variety.
Food Quality and Safety:

Preparation for food recalls, allergy attacks, and item shortages, as well as maintenance of
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), cooking equipment, and restaurant
cleanliness will prevent the likelihood of a shock to your restaurant’s image (such as a boycott
or bad reviews). In their two-day workshops on crisis management, the United Fresh Produce
Association emphasizes the importance of communication with the outside world, including the
media, so that they know the value a restaurant puts on being honest with its patronage.
Training your waiters and waitresses to disclose ingredients and alert the kitchen when guests
with food allergies are dining is critical in avoiding grave situations and possible financial
liabilities. Alternatively, a bold or highlighted sentence can be included on the menu to advise
guests to alert restaurant staff of allergies.
Contact information for emergency services should be placed near each phone. A checklist for
staff outlining the steps to follow in the event of an allergic reaction should also be placed and
highly visible in common staff areas. Managers should consider conducting drills to make sure
staff are prepared for and well-versed in allergy emergency procedures
Supply chain drivers:
We are selected pricing drivers. Previous year our company had decrease profit. Our company
is a 3 star hotel. our services is expensive so customers avoid this hotel. So we focus on pricing.
Because , Companies with positive attitude towards sustainability will have a precise
orientation towards it and this will lead to proper implementation of sustainable development
practices which are based on the attitude of top management.
So we customizing some pricing step:

Discount Codes to Stimulate Direct Bookings

Although a price parity strategy may prohibit some of the pricing incentives that can stimulate
direct bookings, one highly effective strategy involves the use of discount codes to encourage
future direct bookings.
So, when a guest visits your hotel or property after booking through a third party, we could
offer them a discount code for any future direct bookings they make with you. This has the dual
benefit of encouraging repeat business and encouraging them to book directly if they opt to
stay in our hotel again in the future.

Offer a Package
Another solid option for those in the hotel industry attempting to maximize revenue is to create
packages, allowing customers to pay for more than just a room. Additional items, services or
products that may feature in a package deal include meals, bicycles, access to golf courses and
equipment, and so on.

With packages, the actual room rate may be lower than the equivalent rate for an identical room
on its own. However, our hotel will be able to sell more products at the same time.

Price Per Segment

One of the most commonly used pricing strategies for those in the hotel industry is price per
segment, and this is where we offer the same product at different prices to different types of
While open market prices should be subject to a rate parity strategy, prices for corporate
segments could be lower, especially if they commit to a certain number of rooms, or a certain
number of meals. Another option would be to sell multiple rooms to travel agents for a lower
rate, so the travel agent can include the rooms in packages.
If we follow this all steps and implementation then we get more customers.
Idea implementation:
The challenge for hotels is to identify and learn about each customer’s contact with the hotel,
during the decision making process before and during the purchase, and during and after the
stay. Any interaction through any channel (multi-channel experience), constitutes for the
customer an experience. And his satisfaction and loyalty depends on this experience.
Change of philosophy.
SMART objectives.
Data integration
Buyer Personas and Buyer’s Journey.
Legal aspects
Automation and customization
Real-time reporting and monitoring of each interaction

Idea generation:
When you distribute your rooms through online travels agents you are liable to pay a
commission fee for the bookings they drive for us. The good news is it doesn’t have to be lost
money. We can regain this expenditure through ancillary revenue. Ancillary revenue is when
you take income from additional services or products offered at your hotel. In order to optimise
this, you need to think of our hotel as more than rooms and rates, but in a more holistic way
that leans towards complete revenue generation. Although it should be a secondary
consideration to making sure your guests receive quality service and value for money, it is still a
clever and effective method to boost our revenue while also offering guests an even more
enriching experience.
Ultimately, implementing ancillary revenue ideas will lead to a more fulfilling experience for the
guests who accept them and flood our hotel with a whole new source of revenue.

Install a cellar
Perhaps the most obvious idea. Stocking local wine or beer for sale is a surefire winner in
generating revenue. As always, this could be combined into some sort of package or extra deal
for the guest.
While discussing beverages, don’t forget food. If guests can’t get enough of your restaurant,
make our own cookbook to sell for them to take home.
Become a meeting place
And finally, don’t ignore the corporate sector. Business travelers converge from all over the
world for their meetings so having a space such as a conference room to hire out will make it
easier for them to conduct their business and gives us another steady stream of revenue.

Let the guests take your hotel home

When you get feedback from guests during or after their stay we might notice them raving
about the quality of your sheets or pillow cases, or they may adore the wallpaper, or crave the
shampoo you stock. The list is endless. A lot of this you have to buy anyway so why not also
partner with your supplier to offer it for sale to guests?
Not only will our guests be reminded of our hotel even in their own home, but it’s a simple way
for you to get a little extra revenue on top of your reservations. As with the artwork, this could
also be sold online.
From the above discussion it can be concluded that in a service related business as in case of a
hotel the need of education and training cannot be ignored. The basis of a strong and loyal
customer base that is satisfied and happy with the services, there is a need to provide proper
and systematic training to the staff members right from the front desk employees to the sales
force o the hospitality workplace. Executives are also required to be trained on a different front
to acquire some special skills required to be successful in hospitality workplace which is
characterized with high attrition rate and low job satisfaction among employees. Computers
can be used as an efficient and low cost medium of providing training to employees of a café.
However, there is a need to install suitable equipment as per the designed training program so
as to make the whole system affordable even for a small scale service oriented company.

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