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When you start a business, getting excited at the idea of being your own boss and working things

your own way

in natural. But without a plan in mind for finances and directions, the future you dream of would not be a reality. A
business would not survive without a budget and a proper financial plan of cash flow that favors the company's
growth. Any first-time business owner may find the world of numbers a confusing state of affairs, but it is
important you live on a budget.

Starting a business brings a string of challenges that you need to overcome. According to the Small Business
Administration, statistics reveal that half the number of institutions survive at least five years, and only a third
make it beyond the ten-year mark. From hiring staff to tracking expenses and growing customer base, all these
costs can soon grow and entrepreneurs will find themselves struggling to stay within budget.

Using technology to keep track of cash flow is a great option in the current world. Softwares like QuickBooks
streamline your income and expenses in one place. QuickBooks Cloud Hosting is another feature that has proven
to be a boon for accounting professionals. It integrates cloud technology and allows its authorized users to access
their finances and sensitive files from anywhere, anytime.

Here is a short guide of Solutions that can help manage budgets in small businesses.

1. Research your Options

It is important that you are aware of all the financing options, their pros and cons, and qualification requirements.
Consult with your finance expert on the best ways to keep your books and organize the cash flow.

2. Marketing Wisdom

It is no secret that a good amount of investment goes into marketing your company's name and brand. Marketing
is an essential part of growth and building a customer base, which cannot be ignored. But small businesses have a
small marketing budget and not the best insight on implementing the schemes to achieve maximum ROI.

Internet marketing is the best solution. As most of the target audience is now browsing the internet, utilizing this
platform means competing in the same arena as larger enterprises without spending much.

3. Negotiate Your Way

The costs of goods and essentials are the second highest expenses for a business after payroll. Thus, do not shy
away from negotiation when buying products or services you need. Ask for quotations and choose what is best
according to your budget. Deals and discounts are always welcome.
4. Stick to Targets

Strategizing and planning is crucial when starting a business. Evan a small detail, if not taken care of, can affect the
entire budget. If the expenses for a certain area are larger than expected, it might drain the capital amount that is
saved for another purpose.

5. Make Budget your Partner

Your business plan and financial plan are associated with one another. To reach your business targets,
streamlining your cash flow is of critical importance. While it's natural to lose focus and not engage regularly or
revisit budgets, it is utterly essential that we do return for continual assessment to track our finances. This is
perhaps the most important point, review and revisit regularly.

Budgets are the one thing that will never stop being a crucial part of your business. Above solutions will guide you
towards better management and reduce your hassles considerably. The use of accounting software has
revolutionized the way accounting works. QuickBooks Cloud Hosting has made the popular accounting software
affordable for small businesses. Thus, make the smart move and use the technological advancements to your

Ever since the cloud technology has surfaced, claims have been made about how cost-effective it can be. Quite
obviously, installing an in-house server, maintaining it, and hiring people to manage it is more cost-intensive than
storing your data on a remote server. The cloud services provider has it all- a team of trained professionals who
know what they are doing, updated and upgraded software so you do not have to pay for it, storage space at
affordable prices, remote data centers that are always up and running, data backup so your data is always secure,
and a lot more. The cloud is, thus, affordable and cheaper than the infrastructure you were planning to install on-

But, is it always the case? What happens when the cloud does not prove to be as cheap as you thought it would
be? You need to learn how to manage your costs in the cloud. Including a few good habits in your daily process
can help to significantly cut down your costs.

Here are 5 tips that will make the cloud cost-effective for you:

1. Find the right fit of your server instance

If your chosen server instance comes with too many or too little resources, you will either end up paying extra or
your process will not run with efficiency. Therefore, the selection of your server instance needs to be done
carefully. Before you make a decision, you first need to understand your current need for resources. Also, consider
how the requirements will alter in the coming years. This way, you will be only paying for the resources you
actually need and your business process will run with utmost efficiency.
2. Install auto-scaling tools

Where, on one hand, finding the right size for your server instance is necessary, including automation will further
simplify the process. Automatic scaling tools provided by your hosting provider will
questions-do-you-know-the-right-ones help to scale up resources when needed and also allows you to
automatically scale back when those resources are no longer in need. It is cost and time-saving and is of great
help during the peak season.

3. Wave goodbye to resources you do not need

If your databases and virtual servers are running in the background and you are no longer using them, understand
that you are paying for resources you are not even using. Your cloud provider will continue to charge you for the
services that are running continuously, whether you are using it or not. The best way to avoid wasteful expenditure
like this is to shut down the resource once it is no longer required.

4. Choose apps that run in the cloud

Oftentimes, organizations fail to identify the egress and ingress charged by their cloud services provider. In
layman terms, egress is the fee charged when data is moved out of the cloud storage, and ingress is the fee
charged while transferring data into the cloud. Although, the fee is not always avoidable, businesses can be careful
while selecting the data they need to transfer in and out of the cloud. Avoid transferring useless or unimportant
data. Also, choosing applications that are cloud compatible is the best way to avoid frequent transfers of data.

5. Understand the cloud storage tiers before choosing one

If you are unfamiliar with the cloud tiers, you might need to understand it in detail from your services provider.
Your cloud vendor will offer cloud space at different prices, where the lowest-cost tier offers a slow speed while
transferring data and vice versa. So, if you need to store a piece of data that you do not need frequently, you can
choose a low-cost tier. For data that you need every day, a higher cost storage tier will be beneficial.

In Conclusion

There is no rule of thumb when it comes to saving costs in the cloud. All you need to do is to be aware, ask the
right questions, and leverage the right tools that will help you identify the problem areas in time. Speaking to your
hosting provider in detail before finalizing a plan will help clear a number of doubts. Segregating your data on the
basis of importance will also be a helpful trick. Providing adequate training to your teams and monitoring activities
will significantly prevent wasteful expenditures in the cloud.

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