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Chapter 16 

Indications for Endotracheal


I. Introduction V. Endotracheal Intubation for Intensive Care

II. Endotracheal Intubation for Resuscitation VI. Endotracheal Intubation for Anesthesia
III. Endotracheal Intubation for Prehospital VII. Conclusions
VIII. Clinical Pearls
IV. Endotracheal Intubation for Emergency

I.  INTRODUCTION successfully used, including bag-mask ventilation and

supralaryngeal airway (SLA) devices, and there is no evi-
Endotracheal intubation is placement of an endotracheal dence to support any specific technique for airway main-
tube (ETT) into the trachea as a conduit for ventilation tenance and ventilation during CPR,2 there are many
or other lung therapy. The benefits of endotracheal intu- advantages of endotracheal intubation during resuscita-
bation are shown in Box 16-1. Historically, endotracheal tion. Endotracheal intubation provides ventilation during
ventilation arose as a means of resuscitation by a trache- continuous chest compressions without interruption,3
ostomy and progressed with the development of the ETT, protection against aspiration, minimal gastric inflation,
which provided protection of the lungs from aspiration. and a clear airway for effective ventilation (particularly
The eventual discovery of inhalation anesthesia facili- in the presence of low lung compliance and high resis-
tated surgical applications requiring a secure airway, tance). Disadvantages include unrecognized esophageal
controlled ventilation, and lung therapy. This chapter or endobronchial intubation,4 prolonged intubation
reviews these primary indications for endotracheal intu- attempts, ETT dislodgement, and hyperventilation. These
bation in the context of resuscitation, prehospital airway problems are particularly prevalent among inexperienced
management, emergency medicine, intensive care, and practitioners.
anesthesiology. The best airway technique for resuscitation depends
on the patient’s needs and clinical circumstances, the
II.  ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION   availability of appropriate equipment, and the skill of the
rescuer.2,5 Solutions to these problems involve training in
FOR RESUSCITATION airway management, appropriate selection of airway
In 1543, Andreas Vesalius, a Belgian anatomist, was prob- devices, and patient monitoring.
ably the first to perform endotracheal intubation by Endotracheal intubation for resuscitation of the
inserting a cane tube through a tracheostomy into the newborn is indicated if bag-mask ventilation has been
trachea of a pig. This landmark development allowed prolonged or is ineffective or if chest compressions are
controlled ventilation and laid the foundation for subse- indicated. Care and experience is required to avoid
quent advances in resuscitation. Endotracheal intubation trauma and esophageal intubation. Endotracheal intuba-
for human resuscitation was first performed in 1754 by tion may also be indicated for tracheal obstruction due
an English surgeon, Benjamin Pugh, who orally intubated to meconium or other causes in nonvigorous infants
an asphyxiated neonate with his air pipe. This was fol- when suction is required; however, routine intubation
lowed in 1788 by Charles Kite, another English surgeon, and suctioning of vigorous infants born through meco-
who reported the use of his curved metal cannula, which nium liquor are not recommended.6,7
he introduced blindly into the trachea of several drown- Drowning victims who suffer cardiopulmonary arrest
ing victims from the river Thames.1 require early reversal of hypoxemia and airway protec-
Endotracheal intubation remains the gold standard for tion, ideally with a cuffed ETT.8 A range of ventilation
maintaining an airway and providing ventilation in techniques has been suggested for victims of drowning.
patients requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).2 Endotracheal intubation has the advantage of providing
Although alternative ventilation techniques have been a clear secure airway with positive-pressure ventilation
CHAPTER 16  Indications for Endotracheal Intubation      341

BOX 16-1  Benefits of Endotracheal Intubation laryngoscopy should be used for prehospital airway man-
agement, particularly by less experienced personnel.5,21
1. A patent airway by oral, nasal or tracheal routes Controlled ventilation improves the outcome of TBI,
2. Controlled ventilation with up to 100% oxygen but prehospital control of PACO2 is inconsistent. In a
3. Ventilation with high airway pressure
randomized, controlled trial of prehospital ventilated TBI
4. Airway protection from aspiration
5. Removal of secretions
patients, normoventilation occurred in only 12.9% when
6. Lung isolation capnography was not used, compared with 57.5% for the
7. Administration of medication including anesthetic gases monitored group.22 Although capnography is commonly
used and recommended to confirm correct ETT place-
ment and monitor mechanical ventilation, the PETCO2 is
not a reliable indicator of PACO2. Arterial blood gas
monitoring may improve the quality of prehospital
(PPV) in the presence of low lung compliance and high mechanical ventilation, particularly for patients who
airway resistance. require tight control of PACO2 or patients needing lengthy
Airway management for electrocution may require transportation.23
early endotracheal intubation if there are electric burns
around the face and neck causing soft tissue edema and IV.  ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION FOR
airway obstruction.8 Chapter 44 provides further details. EMERGENCY MEDICINE
III.  ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION FOR Management of the airway in the emergency department
(ED) is often a fine balance between urgency and risk.
PREHOSPITAL CARE The time to evaluate the patient, examine the airway, and
Emergency endotracheal intubation in the prehospital prepare an airway plan can be limited because the patient
environment often occurs in unfavorable conditions on is deteriorating or in extremis. The patient is often physi-
patients who can be critically ill with shock, cardio­ ologically unstable, at risk for aspiration, uncooperative,
pulmonary arrest, traumatic brain injury (TBI), airway or unconscious but in need of urgent attention. Managing
trauma, or uncorrected respiratory failure. There are no the airway in the presence of a potentially unstable cervi-
prospective, controlled trials comparing basic and cal spine is common. Medical history is often incomplete
advanced prehospital management of adult trauma or unobtainable. Preoperative airway assessment may not
patients, but the benefit of endotracheal intubation has be possible in the ED.24 Such risks must be tempered by
been described in several studies.9-11 Some evidence sug- the urgency of the clinical situation.
gests that clinical outcomes of children who have had In the ED, the urgency of many clinical situations
prehospital endotracheal intubation by paramedics are no means that the benefits of endotracheal intubation out-
better than outcomes of children who have only received weigh the risks. The benefits of endotracheal intubation
bag-mask ventilation.12 Another study of children, for emergency medicine patients are the same as those
however, indicates that prehospital endotracheal intuba- for elective surgical patients: provision of a secure airway,
tion performed by a helicopter-transport medical team is controlled ventilation, airway protection, and removal of
safe and effective, but complications of this procedure secretions. The risks of endotracheal intubation in criti-
performed by emergency medical service paramedics was cally ill patients include hemodynamic instability, esoph-
unacceptably high.13 ageal intubation, pneumothorax, and pulmonary
Prehospital endotracheal intubation is recommended aspiration.25 These risks make it essential that medical
by the international Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines personnel, skilled in airway management and using suit-
for all patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score able airway equipment, are available to attend the patient.
of 8 or less.14 Early treatment of hypoxia, normoventila- Risks are heightened when airway management is
tion, and prevention of aspiration are associated with required away from the operating room and when mul-
improved outcomes in this group of patients.10 Despite tiple endotracheal intubation attempts are made.26,27 In a
these recommendations, compliance is low, and some study observing more than 2500 endotracheal intubation
clinical data have shown an association between early attempts outside the operating room, Mort calculated the
intubation and increased mortality.15-17 increased relative risk for more than two intubation
The increased mortality associated with prehospital attempts for hypoxemia, regurgitation of gastric contents,
intubation may be caused by suboptimal intubation per- aspiration of gastric contents, bradycardia, and cardiac
formance and hyperventilation.18 Endotracheal intuba- arrest and showed a significant increase in these compli-
tion is significantly more difficult to manage in the cations with repeated laryngoscopic attempts.
prehospital setting. In a study of 1106 prehospital endo- The indications for endotracheal intubation often
tracheal intubations by anesthesia-trained emergency relate to clinical urgency. If the patient is in cardiorespira-
physicians, trauma patients were more often associated tory arrest, for example, or near arrest with absent muscle
with difficult airway management and failed intubation tone and loss of protective airway reflexes, endotracheal
than nontrauma patients.19 In this study, the difficult intubation in the ED becomes an emergency. In this situ-
airway occurred in 14.8% of prehospital intubations com- ation, immediate direct laryngoscopy and oral intubation
pared with an estimated incidence of 1% to 4% in the with a cuffed ETT, without adjunct drugs, is indicated.
operating room.20 This has prompted some to suggest Urgent endotracheal intubation is indicated for a range
techniques such as SLAs or alternatives to direct of situations involving the trauma patient, when the
342      PART 4  The Airway Techniques

airway may be at immediate or potential risk, or the V.  ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION FOR
patient’s medical condition requires urgent airway man- INTENSIVE CARE
agement. These patients may be managed with a rapid
sequence induction (RSI) and endotracheal intubation. The most common indications for endotracheal intuba-
RSI with preoxygenation followed by induction of anes- tion in the ICU are acute respiratory failure, shock, and
thesia with a potent anesthetic agent (etomidate, propo- neurologic disorders.34 Endotracheal intubation is indi-
fol, ketamine, or thiopentone) and a rapid- and short-acting cated for controlled ventilation of a patient with refrac-
muscle relaxant (succinylcholine) is the gold standard tory hypoxemia, often in the presence of multiple organ
technique for oral endotracheal intubation in the ER. RSI failure. Predictors of hypoxemic respiratory failure appear
has a high success rate and is the main back-up procedure in Box 16-3.
when other oral or nasal intubation techniques fail and The decision to intubate is usually made on clinical
require rescue, which occurs in up to 2.7% of emergency grounds and based on the expected prognosis of the
intubations.28 The use of cricoid pressure for RSI is debat- patient’s condition. Clinical signs (see Box 16-2) or evolv-
able and may compromise airway management.29,30 ing deterioration in objective criteria (Table 16-1) may
Urgency may be assessed clinically from signs of respira- support this decision.
tory distress and impending fatigue (Box 16-2). Urgent intubation in the ICU may be required imme-
Other medical conditions may justify a more conserva- diately for apnea, airway obstruction, reintubation, or
tive approach to airway management, depending on the cardiopulmonary arrest. If the patient is unconscious,
progress of medical treatment, including anaphylaxis, without airway reflexes, or paralyzed, endotracheal intu-
burns, asthma, laryngotracheobronchitis, or acute epiglot- bation can proceed without pharmacologic support.
tis. These patients may require endotracheal intubation if RSI, commonly used in the ED, may not be as appli-
the clinical situation deteriorates or if the progress of the cable for the unstable ICU patient. Preoxygenation of the
condition is likely to deteriorate. Airway management for patient with limited respiratory reserve is compromised
unconscious patients with drug overdose is often managed by decreased functional residual capacity (FRC) and
without endotracheal intubation. increased dead space.35 Commonly used induction agents
RSI is contraindicated if the patient has a mouth can adversely affect the unstable patient. In these situa-
opening that is impossible or severely limited and in tions, a non-RSI technique with sedation and local anes-
patients with intrinsic pathology of the larynx, trachea, thetic may be used.
or distal airway. This includes patients presenting with Noninvasive ventilation techniques have become
stridor after a penetrating neck injury and patients in increasingly popular over the past 20 years, with develop-
respiratory distress with a mediastinal mass. Restricted ment of clear indications and a range of masks and inter-
mouth opening can result from angioedema, Ludwig’s faces. Indications include patients with cardiogenic
angina, an immobile mandible, cervical spine pathology, pulmonary edema and exacerbations of chronic obstruc-
a wired jaw, or airway distortion.31 These patients may tive pulmonary disease (COPD). Noninvasive ventilation
require alternative intubation techniques and may benefit is contraindicated for respiratory arrest or patients who
from a collaborative multidisciplinary approach to airway are unable to be mask ventilated.36 Relative contraindica-
management.32 tions for noninvasive ventilation that favor endotracheal
Awake intubation with a flexible fiberoptic broncho- intubation are listed in Box 16-4.
scope is promoted for cooperative, stable patients with a The incidence of airway mishaps in the ICU involving
known or suspected difficult airway.33 This technique is endotracheal intubation is relatively low. In a study of
inappropriate in the ED for the rapidly deteriorating 5046 intubated ICU patients, the airway accident rate
patient, especially when performed by inexperienced was 0.7%. Accidents were less common with ETTs than
practitioners. Endotracheal intubation may also be war- with tracheostomies.37 Self-extubation is the most
ranted for the unstable emergency patient requiring a common ETT accident, with rates of up to 16%. With
secure and safe airway during transfer for computed strict clinical monitoring and in-service education, this
tomography or magnetic resonance imaging in the radiol- rate can be reduced to 0.3%. After unplanned extubation,
ogy department or to the intensive care unit (ICU). reintubation rates range from 14% to 65%.38

BOX 16-2  Signs of Respiratory Distress and

Impending Fatigue BOX 16-3  Predictors of Hypoxemic Respiratory
1. Look of anxiety (frowning)
2. Signs of sympathetic overactivity (dilated pupils, 1. No or minimal rise in the ratio of PaO2 to FIO2 after 1 to 2
forehead sweat) hours
3. Dyspnea (decreased talking) 2. Patients older than 40 years
4. Use of accessory muscles (holds head off pillow) 3. High acuity illness at admission (simplified acute
5. Mouth opens during inspiration (licking of dry lips) physiology score > 35)65
6. Self-PEEP (pursed lips, expiratory grunting, groaning) 4. Presence of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
7. Cyanosed lips 5. Community acquired pneumonia with or without sepsis
8. Restlessness and fidgeting (apathy and coma) 6. Multiorgan failure

PEEP, Positive end-expiratory pressure. Adapted from Nava S, Hill N: Non-invasive ventilation in acute
Data from references 61 to 64. respiratory failure. Lancet 374:250–259, 2009.
CHAPTER 16  Indications for Endotracheal Intubation      343

TABLE 16-1 
Objective Quantitative Criteria for Endotracheal Intubation
Acceptable Possible Intubation, Chest PT, Possible Intubation, Probable
Category Variable Range Oxygen, Drugs, Close Monitoring Intubation, and Ventilation
Mechanics Vital capacity (mL/kg) 67-75 65-15 <15
Inspiratory force (cm H2O) 75-100 50-25 <25
Oxygenation PAO2 − PaO2 (mm Hg) room air <38 38-55 >55
FIO2 = 1.0 <100 100-450 >450
PaO2 (mm Hg) room air <72 72-55 <55
FIO2 = 1.0 >400 400-200 <200
Ventilation Respiratory rate (breaths/min) 10-25 25-40 or <8 >40 or <6
PaCO2 (mm Hg) 35-45 45-60 <60
PAO2 − PaO2, Alveolar-arterial partial pressure of oxygen difference; PaCO2, arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PaO2, arterial partial pressure of
oxygen; FIO2, inspired concentration of oxygen; PT, physical therapy.
Adapted from Pontpoppidan H, Geffin B, Lowenstein E: Acute respiratory failure in the adult: 2. N Engl J Med 287:743–752, 1972.

In addition to mechanical ventilation, endotracheal VI.  ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION  

intubation facilitates other types of respiratory therapy. FOR ANESTHESIA
Patients with moderate to severe carbon monoxide poi-
soning benefit from 100% oxygen. This concentration of Significant improvements to the design of the ETT have
oxygen in normobaric conditions is most reliably achieved been historically precipitated by evolving surgical tech-
through an ETT. Other therapy through an ETT includes niques. Upper airway surgery performed in the early 19th
synthetic surfactant for premature newborns with estab- century led to an increase in postoperative pneumonia
lished respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Nitric oxide cases caused by aspiration of surgical debris. In 1878,
is administered to adults, infants, and neonates receiving William Macewen first used an ETT in anesthesia for a
mechanical ventilation to treat acute lung injury, acute patient with a tumor of the base of the tongue.40 Macewen
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and RDS. Heliox was also concerned with preventing aspiration, and in
is a blend of oxygen and helium gas used to improve gas 1880, he developed a metal ETT with a sponge collar
flow to patients with airway narrowing such as in asthma. that he introduced blindly through the mouth for endo-
Use of the ETT as a route for emergency drug administra- tracheal intubation. In 1888, O’Dwyer designed a curved
tion during CPR is no longer recommended due to metal cannula with a conical end to provide a laryngeal
unpredictable plasma concentrations and the reliability seal. This device helped raise intratracheal pressure to
of the intraosseous route.2 avoid pulmonary collapse during thoracic surgery. In
Clearing secretions by suctioning through the ETT is 1895, Alfred Kirstein performed awake direct laryngos-
important to maintain ventilation by avoiding atelectasis copy with the autoscope.41 This primitive instrument was
and consolidation. Suctioning is associated with a number the precursor of other laryngoscopes developed by
of complications such as hypoxemia, cardiovascular insta- Jackson and others, aiding application of the ETT. World
bility, elevated intracranial pressure, atelectasis, infection, War I precipitated a demand for plastic surgery of the
and trauma to the airway. Evidence-based recommenda- head and neck, which led to oral and nasal ETT designs
tions for endotracheal suctioning of adult intubated with pharyngeal or tracheal cuffs by Rowbotham and
intensive care patients are provided in Box 16-5.39 Magill. Anesthetic management for thoracic surgery

BOX 16-4  Relative Contraindications to BOX 16-5  Recommendations for Endotracheal

Noninvasive Ventilation and Suctioning of Intubated Adult Patients
Indications for Endotracheal in Intensive Care
1. Suction no longer than 15 seconds.
1. Medically unstable 2. Perform continuous rather than intermittent suctioning.
2. Agitated and uncooperative 3. Avoid saline lavage.
3. Unable to protect the airway 4. Provide hyperoxygenation before and after suctioning.
4 Swallow is impaired 5. Provide hyperinflation combined with hyperoxygenation
5. Excessive secretions that are not being adequately routinely.
managed 6. Always use an aseptic technique.
6. Multiple organ failure (two or more organs) 7. Use closed or open suction systems.
7. Recent upper airway or upper gastrointestinal surgery
8. Failed noninvasive ventilation Adapted from Pedersen CM, Rosendahl-Nielsen M, Hjermind J,
et al: Review. Endotracheal suctioning of the adult intubated
Adapted from Nava S, Hill N: Non-invasive ventilation in acute patient—What is the evidence? Intensive Crit Care Nurs
respiratory failure. Lancet 374:250–259, 2009. 25:21–30, 2009.
344      PART 4  The Airway Techniques

led to the next advance in ETT design with the intro­ The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
duction of the first endobronchial tubes in 1932 by Practice Guidelines for Management of the Difficult Airway
Gale and Waters.1 By this time, the technique of recommend awake intubation for the patient with a
endotracheal intubation was established, prompting the known difficult airway.33 This usually involves endotra-
statement by Macintosh that “the ability to pass an ETT cheal intubation with a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope,
under direct vision was the hallmark of a successful but other techniques have been described, including ret-
anesthesiology.”42 rograde awake intubation,53 submental awake intuba-
Endotracheal intubation is used extensively in modern tion,54 awake intubating LMA,55 and awake lightwand
anesthesia for elective and emergency indications as a intubation.56 The outcome of each technique is a secure
primary and a rescue airway. Patient characteristics and airway with an ETT.
surgical indications often dictate the appropriateness of Endotracheal intubation is regarded as the gold stan-
an ETT. Elective endotracheal intubation is indicated for dard for protection against aspiration of gastric contents
patients requiring anesthesia for major surgery when con- in anesthetized patients.57 However, evaluation of the
trolled ventilation, resuscitation, airway access, patient cuff seal is important because of the risk of fluid draining
positioning, and duration of surgery are factors in the past the cuff. This particularly applies to high-pressure,
overall airway plan. Specialized ventilation tubes are used low-volume cuffs.58 Evidence evaluating the relative risk
for specific indications. Examples include thoracic surgery of an ETT or SLA for pulmonary aspiration is limited.
requiring lung isolation, laryngeal surgery requiring An analysis of the relative risk in 65,712 procedures
microlaryngoscopy or laser treatment, and nasal intuba- found that the use of an LMA was not associated with
tion for limited mouth opening, oral surgery, and maxil- an increased risk of pulmonary aspiration compared with
lofacial surgery. an ETT.59
Endotracheal intubation may occur when the primary
surgical plan changes. An example is conversion of a VII.  CONCLUSIONS
diagnostic procedure such as bronchoscopy to a lung
resection. Occasionally, complications arise during simple The benefits of endotracheal intubation apply to patients
anesthesia that necessitate endotracheal intubation during in many clinical situations. Although recent develop-
resuscitation, such as major hemorrhage, anaphylaxis, or ments of SLAs have provided a useful alternative, par-
malignant hyperthermia. ticularly for day surgery procedures or for inexperienced
SLAs rival the oral ETT for routine airway manage- practitioners in emergency situations, endotracheal intu-
ment in the fasted elective patient. Limitations of the bation remains the first choice in many situations. The
SLA include the inability to provide a nasal airway, the limiting factors for the safe application of this important
volume of the SLA in the oral cavity, and inadequate PPV technique are the skill of the practitioner, the use of
due to a disrupted airway, low lung compliance, or high patient monitoring, and an understanding of the indica-
airway resistance. These are important considerations tions for endotracheal intubation. The ability to safely
when choosing a suitable airway device. Second genera- perform endotracheal intubation remains one of the most
tion laryngeal masks with improved cuff seal and gastric important skills for airway specialists.
drainage tubes have extended the application of the
SLA.43 Procedures that previously were only considered VIII.  CLINICAL PEARLS
suitable for endotracheal intubation such as laparoscopic
surgery,44 prone position,45,46 surgery in obese patients,47,48 • The best airway technique for resuscitation depends on
prolonged surgery,49 tonsillectomy,50 and craniotomy in the patient’s needs and clinical circumstances, the
sedated patients can now be managed with an SLA in availability of appropriate equipment, and the skill of
experienced hands with close monitoring of airway the rescuer.2,5
quality.51 Selection of an SLA as a ventilation device • Prehospital endotracheal intubation improves outcome
should be based on case selection with careful individual for all patients with a GCS score of 8 or less, with early
patient assessment. treatment of hypoxia, normoventilation, and preven-
Safe airway management should always include a tion of aspiration, and it is recommended by the inter-
plan B for failed mask or SLA ventilation. Conversion national Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines.10
of the airway to endotracheal intubation may occur as
plan B after inadequate mask or SLA ventilation. • The increased mortality associated with prehospital
Impossible mask ventilation during anesthesia has an intubation may be caused by suboptimal intubation
incidence of 0.15% and is associated with neck changes performance and hyperventilation.18
from irradiation, male gender, sleep apnea, a Mallam-
• Elective endotracheal intubation is indicated for
pati III or IV score, and the presence of a beard.52 In a
patients requiring anesthesia for major surgery when
study by Kheterpal of 53,041 operations that included
controlled ventilation, resuscitation, airway access,
an attempt at mask ventilation, 77 patients proved
patient positioning, and duration of surgery are factors
impossible to ventilate (0.15%). Of those 77 patients,
in the overall airway plan.
19 (25%) were also difficult to intubate, but 15 of the
patients were intubated. Ultimately, 74 of the 77 • SLAs rival the oral ETT for routine airway manage-
impossible mask ventilation cases were intubated,52 ment in the fasted elective patient, but limitations of
reinforcing the value of endotracheal intubation for the SLA include inadequate PPV (particularly in the
failed ventilation. presence of a disrupted airway, low lung compliance,
CHAPTER 16  Indications for Endotracheal Intubation      345

or high airway resistance), the volume of the SLA in 4. Timmermann A, Russo SG, Eich C, et al: The out-of-hospital esoph-
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