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1week 5days 1hour 47minutes 19sec-


...The time is ticking. Time untill the final

judgment . Our minds are going crazy, our
bodies are refusing to work. How long can
we stay like this?

Stress, tiredness and madness is taking its

price. But we are strong! We, Architects,
who will not give up. We work day and
No distractions. No stress. No failure.

“The weak are meat the strong do eat.”

where the fuck is everyone?

What is happening?
Final submissiona and exams are almost here, but the minds of ARCHIP students
seem to be somewhere else.
The studios, normally full with hard working students, are half empty. Instead of the
clapping sounds of the cutter knifes and keyboard typing, we hear the kicking of the
ball, and the terrible sounds, that some students call singing.
Serieusly, even the security guys are going crazy.
The shadow of procrastination hangs above ARCHIP, keeping it’s students under it’s
Procrastination-the avoidance of doing a task which needs to be accomplished.It is the practice of doing
more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks instead of
more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time. Sometimes, procrastination takes
place until the “last minute” before a deadline. Procrastination can take hold on any aspect of life —
putting off cleaning the stove, repairing a leaky roof, seeing a doctor or dentist, submitting a job report or
academic assignment or broaching a stressful
issue with a partner.


tragicomedy in 2 acts
By Samuel Beckett
A country road. A tree.
Estragon, sitting on a low mound, is trying to take off his boot. He pulls at it with both hands,
He gives up, exhausted, rests, tries again.
As before.
Enter Vladimir.
(giving up again). Nothing to be done.
(advancing with short, stiff strides, legs wide apart). I’m beginning to come round to that
opinion. All my life I’ve tried to put it from me, saying Vladimir, be reasonable, you haven’t yet
tried everything. And I resumed the struggle. (He broods, musing on the struggle. Turning to
Estragon.) So there you are again.
Am I?
I’m glad to see you back. I thought you were gone forever.
Me too.
Together again at last! We’ll have to celebrate this. But how? (He reflects.) Get up till I embrace
(irritably). Not now, not now.
(hurt, coldly). May one inquire where His Highness spent the night?
In a ditch.
(admiringly). A ditch! Where?
(without gesture). Over there.
And they didn’t beat you?
Beat me? Certainly they beat me.
The same lot as usual?
The same? I don’t know.

to be continued...
Františka Křížka 1, 170 00 Praha 7
Don’t know where to sleep tonight?
Do you need a place to work and have fun at
the same time?
Do you like small couches or the hard floor?
Can you sleep in any possible position?
You are lucky!
Hotel ARCHIP is here for you.
We offer bad coffee machine and non-stop
Burrito Loco close by.
If you are quick enough you might get a spot
on the couch.
We are oppened 24/7 and looking forward to
your visit!
coffee machine
As there are serious discussion about
replacing the old coffee machine with the new
one, roumor has spread that the new coffee
machine may be contaminated by unknown
supstance. Drinking of such a coffee may
cause hyperactivity, sleeping dissorders and
innability of proper speech.

Be safe.

Drink beer!

Does alcohol makes us productive? Or is it an
obstacle? Many of our students work more
under the influence. On the other hand, some
of old alcoholics have choosen the way of
Who works harder?
Who will submit better project?


August 12, 1962 – 1986
The famous Polish celebrites have honoured
ARCHIP with their visit.

Meet Bolek and Lolek...

two young friends and their fun and
sometimes silly adventures
is not a bullshit...

An educational short story about a lifestyle that

isnt fully understood, and used without proper

Once upon a time, there lived a bullshit. Now,

we cannot judge it by the way it was, because
bullshit is a way. Way to bullshit is the way
bullshit lives. If we consider the fact, that not a
single fuck is given, then bullshit is real. Only
the real bullshit can be considered a bullshit, since its enormous power comes from the
shit. Bull shall not influence the size of the of its shit, because even the smallest bullshit is
a massive one. Massive is not necessarily meant in size. In our lives we are ruled by
bullshits, bullshiters and masterbullshitpieces. A wise man once said “You are not a
bullshiter, until you realize the true concept of bullshit and become a bullshit yourself”. To
understand this, we must go far into the history of bullshitkind. To the times when bullshits
were born from simple shits. The view of bullshit became known to us, from fathers’
bullshiters. This fact though, can lead us through wrong perspectives of bullshiting. How do
we know that bullshit is real? How do we know, that the bullshiter didn’t gave us a wrong
perspective of bullshit, by his bullshiting? To answer this question, we must see and grasp
the initial idea of bullshit, bullshit it ourselves and reverse it on the bullshiter. We must
consider bullshit as a living thing capable of adapting itself. We must accept the fact, that
bullshit is our past, presence and future. By doing this, we need to be extremely careful, not
to bullshit ourselves in our own bullshit.

Bullshit can easily evolve into The Bullshit and completely take over us, in which
case we become Karlo.


Bullshit (also bullcrap in the US) is a common English expletive which may be shortened to the
euphemism bull or the initialism BS. In British English, “bollocks” is a comparable expletive. It is mostly
a slang profanity term meaning “nonsense”, especially in a rebuking response to communication or
actions viewed as deceiving, misleading, disingenuous, unfair or false. As with many expletives, the term
can be used as an interjection or as many other parts of speech, and can carry a wide variety of

It can be used either as a noun or as a verb as in the question “are you bullshitting me?”. While the
word is generally used in a deprecating sense, it may imply a measure of respect for language skills, or
frivolity, among various other benign usages. In philosophy, Harry Frankfurt, among others, analyzed the
concept of bullshit as related to but distinct from lying.

The everyday exclamation or epithet bullshit conveys a measure of dissatisfaction with something or
someone, but this usage need not be a comment on the truth of the matter.
is a new beef

‘‘Phenomenology strives to depict phenomena

appealing directly to the consciousnes as such
without any theories nd categories taken from
the natural sciences or psychology.
Phenomenology thus means examining a
phenomenon or the consciosness into own
dimension of consciousnes.’’ follow the white rabit!!!
Little bit hard? Ok. Rabbit is the new beef.
For more mindfucks please attend the Contemporary Architecture lessons. It’s fun.

the daymare
What is an architect afraid of?
You might think that we fear that our building
may collapse, or won’t even get built, but these
are wrong assumptions.
We meet with our nightmares every day.
Its hands touch us with the first light piercing
through the windows. We hear it scream...
through the songs of birds and sometimes we
even stare into its face, by being awoken Klara.
The daymare. The time our senses are dull,
bodies weak and yet we go on. After every sweet
night, must come the sour morning.
The nightmare of architects.

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