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Lesson plan

School: Colegiul Naţional Avram Iancu Cîmpeni

Date: 20 th of May, 2010
Grade: 11th MIE
Book: Upstream Upper Intermediate
Subject: Mass - Media
Type of lesson: teaching speaking and reading skills
 To express their opinion and bring arguments to sustain the main idea;
 To identify the social means which help a person to become famous;
 To find advantages and disadvantages of mass-media;
 To complete different tasks and present them in front of the class;
 To express themselves in English using specific vocabulary, taking roles and acting
out some real situations
Methods: discussion, brainstorming, word tree, discussion questions, role play, prepared talks
Aids: PC, newspapers, sites, electronic resources, paper, coloured pencils
Students’ interaction: lock step, pair work, group work

Activity 1: fame
 To express their opinions and bring arguments to sustain the main idea;
 To identify the social means which help a person to become famous
Brainstorming: Students are asked to express their opinion about the ways to become
 Have you heard about Herta Muller, Elvis Presley? Why are these people so well
known in the entire world?
 What you should do to become famous? How can you become famous?
 Who, what can help you?
 Could television, the internet or the newspaper help you to become famous? In which
 How can we name all these things into one or two words?
Interaction: lock step
Assessment: current observation
Timing: 5 minutes

Activity 2: mass-media
 To find advantages and disadvantages of mass-media;
 To express their opinion and bring arguments to sustain the main idea
Word tree: Teacher writes on the middle of the blackboard the word mass-media
Brainstorming: Students are asked to write down the main components of mass-media
(television, the internet, press).
 What does the internet mean/imply?
 Why do people use the internet?
 How often do you use the internet? Why?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of its usage?
The same route will be followed with the television (TV shows, reporter, guest, host, news)
and press (newspaper, magazines).
 What kind of shows do you watch/ do you read magazines/newspaper? Why? How
Assessment: students should present at least five advantages and disadvantages of mass-
Interaction: lock step
Timing: 10 minutes

Activity 3: working for a newspaper, television, Internet Company

 To complete different tasks and present them in front of the class;
 To express themselves in English, taking roles and acting out some real situations
Students are split into groups:
1st group: design a website (describing the main features, Tara Motilor)
2 nd group: prepare a show, find an interesting theme to debate, and invite guests.
Someone will be the host of the show (role-play)
3rd group: design a cultural newspaper (prepared talk – Reading Times)
Two students will be reporters and they should choose someone famous and ask some
Students will present their work, explaining the reason for their choice (the title, pictures, why
that field, what can we find in their newspaper or searching the website)
Students will write an article about the cultural issue discussed, expressing their opinion about
reading and its necessity.
Assessment: teacher will mark students’ activity, analyzing the way they perform their tasks,
their implication and interest during the activity.
Interaction: lock step, group work, pair work
Timing: 35 minutes
Lesson plan

School: Colegiul Naţional Avram Iancu Cîmpeni

Date: 20 th of May 2010
Grade: 11th FBE
Unit: Colors and human personality
Subject: What is your favourite colour?
Type of lesson: teaching speaking skills
 To describe the paintings, emphasizing the colours, atmosphere, feelings;
 To read some poems and answer comprehension questions;
 To identify the relationship between colours and human personality;
 To write a poem with their favourite colour/comment on a poem;
 To associate colours with feelings and holidays.
Methods: description, matching exercise, discussing questions, explanation
Aids: paintings, worksheets, colours, PC, tape
Students’ interaction: lock step, group work, pair work

Activity 1: describing paintings, speaking about feelings and colours

 To describe the paintings, emphasizing the colours, atmosphere, feelings;
 To speak about their favourite colour;
Painting description: Teacher brings into the classroom some pictures. Students are asked to
describe the pictures, they should say about the colours, atmosphere, and feelings.
 What colours used the painter? Why?
 What do you feel when you watch that picture?
 What does that colour represent?
 Do you consider that a colour can reflect your mood, personality?
 Is there any connection between a person’s taste and his/her favourite colour?
 What is your favourite colour? How often do you wear that colour?
Assessment: students are expected to describe the paintings using phrases connected with
atmosphere, mood, and feelings (art critics).
Interaction: lock step
Timing: 10 minutes

Activity 2: the significance of colours

 To identify the relationship between colours and human personality;
Brainstorming/ discussion: Students are asked to form groups according to their favourite
 Why have you chosen red? What does red represent? What feelings are connected
with red?
 What about blue/orange/green?
Matching exercise: Students must associate colours with different feelings (red with
Say some words associated with different colours (white- swan, bride, peace, purity; blue –
sky, sea, waves, royality)
Students received some worksheet according to their favourite colour
Discussion questions: Students are asked to read the text and then to comment on it.
 Do you agree? You prefer green, are you calm and optimistic? When? Give examples
from your real life.
 What influence your favourite colour has on you and what you associate that colour
 What things you would like to have in that colour and why? (school objects, rooms,
Assessment: oral assessment
Interaction: Lock step, group work
Timing: 15 minutes

Activity 3: cultural differences

 To associate colours with feelings and holidays.
Association: Discussion about what colours symbolize:
 Do colours have the same significance in the entire world?
 Why is white considered the symbol of purity in Europe and the mourning/death
symbol in Asia?
Students read some clues from their worksheet related to cultural habits.
Students should associate colours with some holidays (Halloween, Easter, Christmas,
Thanksgiving, 8th March, 1st March, and 1st June)
Assessment: students should associate minimum six colours with the holidays and explain the
Interaction: pair work, lock step
Timing: 10 minutes

Activity 4: creative skills

 To read some poems and answer comprehension questions
 To write a poem with their favourite colour/comment on a poem;
Students are given a poem to read.
Students explain some words or expressions from the texts
Students express their thoughts related to it, expressing the main meaning of the poem
In groups they should write a poem having as title the favourite colour
1st line a noun
2nd line two adjectives describing the title
3rd line three verbs in –ing
4th line four words
5th line one word, noun, summarizing the entire poem
Students read poems and songs about colours and comment them, and their ideas
Homework: Prepare a picture and describing it
Assessment: oral evaluation, critical analyzes of their work (poems)
Interaction: pair work, group work
Timing: 10 minutes
Lesson plan

School: Colegiul Naţional Avram Iancu Cîmpeni

Date: 20 th of May 2010
Grade: 9th FBE
Subject: British Culture and Civilization
Type of lesson: teaching speaking and writing skills
 To speak about Great Britain and about its symbols;
 To describe important buildings of London;
 To take roles and perform some plays invented by students;
 To write a poem and built a crossword puzzle
Type of lesson: teaching speaking and listening skills
Aids: pictures, special background
Students’ interaction: lock step, individual work, pair work, group work

Activity 1: speaking about the UK

 To speak about Great Britain and about its symbols;
Teacher starts a talk about Great Britain and its symbols
 What does the UK mean?
 What is the capital of Great Britain?
 What regions make part of Great Britain?
 Do they have their own capitals?
 What do people leaving in Scotland/England/Northern Ireland and Wales are called?
 How about the entire nation?
 What is the official language in Britain?
 Do they have other languages or dialects there?
 What colours are on its flag?
Interaction: lock step
Timing: 5 minutes

Activity 2: talking about London

 To describe important buildings of London;
 To take roles and perform some plays invented by students;
Students are asked to say some pieces of in formation about London
Students are asked to choose a picture and describe it, insisting on the name, importance,
which lived/lives there, what we can see there
 Who lives at Buckingham Palace?
 How many rooms are there?
 What else do you know about it?
 What can we do in our free time?
 What means of transportation can we use in order to visit London?
 Which one is the most expensive?
 Where should you go if you are fond of shopping?
 What about children? What can they do?
Role-play: one student is the Queen and she is supposed to describe her life at the
Buckingham Palace, and the rest of the class ask questions
Interaction: lock step, pair work
Timing: 15 minutes

Activity 3: celebrities and acting-out

 To take roles and perform some plays invented by students;
Teacher initiates a talk about people who lived/lives in London
 What important people lived in London?
 Who was William Shakespeare?
 What do you know about him?
 Can you name some important works?
Students take roles and perform a short scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The same route with Jane Austen and Charles Dickens (important facts, works, characters,
his/her life)
Role –play: Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice
Role –play: Charles Dickens and his hard life which influenced his works
Interaction: pair work, group work, lock step
Timing: 25 minutes

Activity 4: creative activities

 To write a poem and built a crossword puzzle
Students are asked:
 1st group - write a poem about Great Britain;
 2nd group – built a crossword puzzle;
Assessment: Oral assessment of the activity and marking students who participated fully in
the activity
Interaction: pair work, group work
Timing: 5 minutes
Lesson plan

School: Colegiul Naţional Avram Iancu Cîmpeni

Date: 20th of May 2010
Grade: 11th FBE
Unit: Jane Austen
Subject: Pride and Prejudice
Type of lesson: teaching reading, speaking and writing skills
 To identify Jane Austen’s importance in literary history
 To name the most important themes in the author’s novels and comment upon them
 To read the given text;
 To explain some words and phrases using the context, synonyms;
 To answer comprehension questions
 To step into Jane Austen’s characters shoes and act out real situations
 To complete a quiz connected to Jane Austen’s work
Methods: working with the text, comprehension questions, discussion questions,
brainstorming, word tree,
Aids: Pride and Prejudice - the original text, worksheet
Students’ interaction: lock step, pair work, group work

Activity 1: Jane Austen’s role in English literature

 To identify Jane Austen’s importance in literary history
Brainstorming: Teacher starts a talk about Jane Austen
 What have we studied this year at this course?
 Who was Jane Austen?
 What do you know about her life? Can you name some works?
 What is your favourite novel? Why?
 What are the main characters in Sense and Sensibility/ Emma/ Pride and Prejudice?
 What is your favourite character? Why?
Assessment: students should be able to speak about the author’s life and name three
important novels
Interaction: lock step
Timing: 5 minutes

Activity 2: discussing the main issues in her novels

 To name the most important themes in the author’s novels and comment upon them
Discussion questions: Teacher asks students to mention the important issues/themes in Jane
Austen’s books, insisting on social issues
 What was the women’s condition in that society? Do they have any rights? What were
their main duties?
 What was marriage seen? Who had an important role in choosing husbands/wives?
Debate: Students are given some worksheets and they are asked to comment on the following
topic - parents’ role in marriage
Students comment on each of the topics, bringing arguments to support their opinion.
Discussion is focused on Pride and Prejudice, students summarize the story
 How many marriages do we meet in here?
 What are the main reasons for marriage? (Lydia, Elizabeth, Jane, Mr. Collins)
 Why did Darcy consider Jane as unsuitable for Bingley? What made him change his
Assessment: students should prove the ability to sustain their opinions
Interaction: lock step
Timing: 5 minutes

Activity 3: reading comprehension

 To read the given text;
 To explain some words and phrases using the context, synonyms;
 To answer comprehension questions
Working with the text: Students are asked to read the beginning part of Pride and Prejudice
Students explain some words using the context, dictionary
 What, according to the opening sentence, are wealthy young men in search of?
 What does Mrs. Bennet tell give her husband? What does she know about Mr.
 How does Mr. Bennet react to his wife’s suggestion that he should visit Mr. Bingley?
 Which of the daughters seems to be Mr. Bennet’s favourite? Can you guess why?
 How does Mr. Bennet describe his daughters? In which way the author describes Mr.
and Mrs. Bennet?
 What kind of marriage do the Bennets have? Why? Bring examples.
 What kind of man, father is Mr. Bennet? What about Mrs. Bennet?
 Find in the text the questions Mr. Bennet ask his wife. Why does he ask her so many
questions? (Is he really interested of what his wife is talking/ wanted to show his wife
the absurdity of what she is saying)
 Do you consider that Mr. Bennet enjoy teasing his wife? Find examples in the text.
Why this behaviour toward his wife?
Assessment: answering comprehension questions, explaining words and phrases
Interaction: pair work, lock step
Timing: 20 minutes

Activity 4: role –play

 To step into Jane Austen’s characters shoes and act out real situations
 To complete a quiz
Students are ask to take roles and act out some short dialogues starting from the text
 You are Mr. Bingley and you have just found out that the surrounding families
discussed about yourself, your fortune and they want to find a wife. What is your
reaction to such like thing?
 You are Mr. Bennet and his daughters. You have heard his opinion about his girls; all
are silly only Lizy is smart.
 You are Mrs. Bennet try persuade him to pay a visit to Mr. Bingley and ask him to
visit your family, especially because you have five unmarried girls.
Assessment: it will be assessed the students’ skills in performing different tasks
Oral assessment and written
Students will complete a test: multiple choice questions
Homework: write an essay with the following topic: Marriage – social convention or love
Interaction: pair work, group work, individual work
Timing: 20 minutes
Worksheet colours and human personality

Recently scientists have discovered that colours can influence our lives. Here are some of the
meanings that contemporary scientists have attributed to colours.
Green: is a peaceful colour which makes you feel calm and rested. In some schools,
blackboards have been replaced by green boards because green light is better for the eyes.
 Harmony
 Stability
 Hope
 Peace
If you prefer green, you are:
 Persistent, possessive and quite selfish.
 Dominated by the verb to have;
 You would like to have the best things, such as CDs and computers.
Green means that you do not like change. You want to impress people but you are afraid of
being unsuccessful.
Green is the colour of leaves. It is a harmonious colour; it symbolizes growth in nature. It is
also a peaceful colour which make feel calm and rested.
In different cultures:
 It stands for life in some cultures, while in others it symbolizes inexperience and envy

Colour Things, people, feelings, attitude


Holiday Symbolic colours

1st March
8th March
1st June

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. - George Sand
Recently scientists have discovered that colours can influence our lives. Here are some of the
meanings that contemporary scientists have attributed to colours.
Red: light can help you solve mathematical problems. It is good for blood problems like
anemia and blood circulation
If you prefer red:
 Your heart rules your life;
 They are represented by the verb to do;
 You are energetic, impulsive and fond of adventure;
 Represents passion and energy and you are a good leader;
 You want to enjoy life
Red is the colour of fire; it helps to get things moving; it reflects passion and anger to some
and vitality to others
In different cultures:
 In China, it is a lucky colour for brides.

Colour Things, people, feelings, attitude


Holiday Symbolic colours

1st March
8th March
1st June

To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. - David Viscott
Recently scientists have discovered that colours can influence our lives. Here are some of the
meanings that contemporary scientists have attributed to colours.
Blue: is also a pacifying colour or even a sedative one. It is good for emotional stress. Blue
light is cold. It encourages daydreaming.
 Faith . Wisdom

 Loyalty Truth
 Heaven Friendship
If you prefer blue:
 Your mind controls the most important decisions of your life.
 You are dominated by the verb to think;
 You are very intellectual and spiritual, though sometimes a bit reserved;
 A person who favors blue is sensitive and easily hurt
Blue is the colour of the ski. It is a spiritual and intellectual colour.
In different cultures:
 In Africa blue symbolizes youth;
 In America this is the colour of sadness;
 In other countries blue is thought you guard against the evil eye

Colour Things, people, feelings, attitude


Holiday Symbolic colours

1st March
8th March
1st June

I loved you when love was Spring, and May, Loved you when summer deepened into June,
and now when autumn yellows all the leaves... - V. Sackville-West
Recently scientists have discovered that colours can influence our lives. Here are some of the
meanings that contemporary scientists have attributed to colours.
Yellow: is conductive thought and mental work. It is good for stomach upsets
 Happiness
 Joy
 Energy
 Intellect
If you prefer yellow:
 You look to the future, rarely to the past;
 They are represented by the verb to be;
 You do your best to make your life relaxed;
 You are a bit lazy;
 Problems do not exist for you

Colour Things, people, feelings, attitude


Holiday Symbolic colours

1st March
8th March
1st June

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. - Bill Wilson
The Language of Colors

Have you ever heard the language of color, / it defines us, our feelings, and even each other?
Consider the few that I've listed below, / that tell us exactly what we want to know.

If somebody tells you you're looking quite green,/ perhaps there's just trouble that's caught in
your spleen.
Or co-workers grumble and label you green, / that means very simply, you're new on the

Now today, if you're known as someone that's green,/ you're working to keep mother nature
And then there's that color we refer to as blue,/ which says you are cold or eternally true.

The color that's next we all know as yellow / implies we're a coward, now isn't that so?
Or can we infer, of this color yellow/ that you might just barf, from too much vino.

Now I could keep on, with all colors galore, / pink blankey says girl, but there's oh so much
more./ It's blue for the boy, and the man in all black/ hey Johnny my boy, here's some Cash for
that track.

Language is color, and a rainbow of sound nuanced of message, that's both plain and profound

Brown: is the colour of physical health and is an indicator of how fit you think you are
 Friendship
 Concentration
 Courage
 Energy
If you prefer brown:
 you are always restless and rather insecure;
 physical appearance is important for you

Black: is the negation and means no. Black represents evil or sadness. This is why the
color black is used more in funerals. Black is also used when celebrating birthdays of
people reaching middle age. The reason for this is that everyone is supposed to be sad that
the person is getting old.
 Sadness , Despair

 Elegance Power

If you prefer black:

 you are in revolt against your destiny;
 you are prepared to give up everything else in order to achieve what you want

Violet: represents a conflict between impulsiveness and calm sensitivity

Purple is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It
is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good
color to use in meditation.
If you prefer violet:
 you want to find a mystical, magical relationship
 you dream a lot and you are not very realistic
In different cultures:
 symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. - Paul McCartney

Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none. - William Shakespeare

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet - Plato

Blues and greens are my delight / Set in garlands of the white.
When God made the violet /He made nothing better yet.
Lilac and the lavender /Fit for queens of Heaven to wear.
Many russets and the rose, /God be praised for these and those!
For the silvers and the greys /Likewise ye shall give Him praise.
Scarlet is a King's colour /That the King of Kings once wore.
Yet when everything is said, /Bring me neither rose nor red.
Give me blue and green below, / Apple bloom and cherry snow.
Blue forget-me-nots beneath /Pear and plum-bloom in a wreath.
Or wild hyacinths in a glade -- /Nothing better God has made.
Blues and greens and a white bough / Turn the earth to Heaven now.

Color Quiz

1. I almost always take the consequences for my actions. Yes No

2. I very seldom indulge in self-pity. Yes No

3. I want to live life to the full and I work at it everyday. Yes No

4. I am a persistent person and endeavor to attain my goals. Yes No

5. I consider myself an ambitious person, as I work for my dreams to come true. Yes No

6. I like to have a little magic and mystery in my life. Yes No

7. I am a very active person and really like new things and changes. Yes No

8. I look inside myself everyday and try to know myself. Yes No

9. I enjoy my own company and often like being alone. Yes No

10. I am good at explaining what I'm thinking and getting my point understood. Yes No

11. I am a calm person and avoid arguments. Yes No

12. I take great pride in all that I do and try to do my best. Yes No

13. I am a spiritual person. Yes No

14. I enjoy competitive games. Yes No

15. I have lots of spontaneity and will do things at the "drop of a hat". Yes No
How colour-conscious are you?

Name the colours. The maximum number of colours is in brackets:

1. a colour associated with our planet (1)
2. the colour of the sun (1)
3. the possible colours of the sky (3)
4. the seven colours of the rainbow (7)
5. the possible colours of leaves (3)
6. the colours associated with the four seasons (4)

From 1-10 You are almost colour blind. You are in danger of becoming a robbot, an alie non
your own planet
From 10-15 You are a colour-insensitive person, unable to see the variety of colours around
you. You should learn to see, t olive in harmony with the nature. The trouble ist hat you do not
know how to use your eyes for the beenif of your body and soul.
Over 15 Congratulations! You are a colour-conscious person, a person sensitive to beauty in
nature. Your mind and soul can contact the beautiful world of plants and flowers. You have
got the soul of an artist.
If you answered "NO" to one or more of these questions (1, 9, 11) you need more serenity in
your life.
You may be a person who does not take enough time for yourself. This causes you to go out
of balance spiritually and you may feel overwhelmed or frustrated more often than is
appropriate for the situation. By adding more of the color blue to your environment, you will
promote a peaceful feeling of serenity that can balance your active life. Blue can put you more
in tune with your inner self, so that your activity is more focused and effective in reaching
your goals.

If you answered "NO" to one or more of these questions (3, 7, 14) you need more energy, and
action in your life:
You have dreams and desires, but are lacking the energy to make them real. You may be an
intelligent person with ambitious plans, but you are missing the passion you admire in others.
Add some red to your life to encourage more activity and energy. Red is the color of vitality
and passion.
If you answered "NO" to one or more of these questions (5, 15, 10), you lack creativity and
need more intellectual energy in your life:
You may feel a sense of emptiness at times. You could be an energetic person but at the end of
the day you feel that you haven't really accomplished anything of substance. You might
consider that your life is dull, boring and lacking focus. Yellow will stimulate the intellectual
energy that is buried within you. Creativity makes even the smallest pieces in the game of life
more interesting.
If you answered "NO" to one or more of these questions(6, 8, 13) you must bring a better
spiritual feeling into your life:
You may feel restless, or incomplete, or unhappy. If you are severely lacking in spirituality,
you might feel bitter, angry or even emotionless at times. Spiritual health is the base from
which all your dreams and goals will spring. It is the foundation for lasting happiness. Purple
is a very powerful color.

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