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Lesson Title: Comic Strip Problems

Grade: 6
Class/Subject: ELA
Unit: Story Makers
Lesson Duration: 45 minutes
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2020

OUTCOMES FROM 2013 MINISTERIAL ORDER: Cross-curricular Competencies

Outcomes (a to j from M.O.):
A) Know how to learn: to gain knowledge, understanding or skills through experience,
study, and interaction with others
B) Think critically: conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate to construct
C) Identify and solve complex problems
D) Manage information: access, interpret, evaluate and use information effectively,
efficiently, and ethically
E) Innovate: create. Generate and apply new ideas or concepts
F) Create opportunities through play, imagination, reflection, negotiation, and competition
with an entrepreneurial spirit
G) Apply multiple literacies: reading, writing, mathematics, technology, languages, media
and personal finance
H) Demonstrate good communication skills and the ability to work cooperatively with


J) Identify and apply career and life skills through personal growth and well-being
General Learning Outcomes:
1- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas,
feelings and experiences.

2- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond
personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.

3- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and

4- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and
artistry of communication.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
1.1.2- read, write, represent and talk to explore and explain connections between prior
knowledge and new information in oral, print and other media texts

2.3.3- discuss the connections among plot, setting and characters in oral, print and other
media texts

2.4.1- Choose life themes encountered in reading, listening and viewing activities, and in own
experiences, for creating oral, print and other media texts

3.3.2- Organize and develop ideas and information into oral, print or other media text with
introductions that interest audiences and state the topic, sections that develop the topic and

4.3.1- Use various styles and forms of presentations, depending on content, audience and
OUTCOMES stated in learner friendly language
Students will:
● Students will write, represent and talk to explore and explain connections between prior
knowledge and new information about story writing
● Students will discuss the connections among plot, setting and characters in their own
created comic strip
● Students will choose life themes to create a comic strip
● Students will organize and develop ideas and information into a comic strip
● Students will use these styles of presentation: a comic strip
Pre-assessment (prior Formative: Summative (if applicable):
knowledge) (if applicable): Comic Strip


Resource #1: Narrative Writing by Lucy Calkins
 Chromebooks-
 Blank paper
Student Differentiation:
Students who are weaker writers will be given extra support during this time

Introduction (time: 5 minutes )

Hook/Attention Grabber:

Transitioning from Hook to Body:

Explain assignment to students and pass out assignment sheet. Be clear that this is an
individual project, and that the classroom should not be loud during this time. We will do this
similarly to a writer’s café and have soft music playing while the students work. Encourage
students to write down ideas in their writing logs.

Body (time: 38 minutes )


Learning Activity #1:

Comic Strip Activity
Have student work on their comic strips. I will circulate during this time to provide support for
students who need it.

Closure (time: 2 minutes )

Feedback From Students on Learning:

If students finish, we will incorporate some time for them to share their work
Transition To Next Lesson(s):
Clean up and head to gym
Reflections on lesson:

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