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School of Education Student Name: Mairead Dillon (PME1 Mentor)

Unit of Learning/Scheme of work Helen Brayden (BA1 Mentee)

Lia McCanny (BA1 Mentee)

Year: 2021
Class Name: Theme: Pathways
Year group: 2nd Years
Class Profile: 24 students
Mixed gender.
Mixed abilities.
Mainstream classroom with a variety of SEND students.

Aim of Unit of Learning: Learning outcomes for scheme/unit of learning:

Students can choose to create a booklet or a cut paper collage, using Critical and visual Language
explorative techniques to investigate texture and pattern in response to 1.1 Analyse their work, or that of another, using appropriate vocabulary and knowledge.
the theme ‘Pathways’.
1.5 interpret the world and communicate ideas through visual means.

Visual Culture and Appreciation

1.7 Examine the method of a number of artists and the artwork they created.

Art Elements and Design Principles

1.10 Identify the use of art elements and design principles within an artwork.
1.11 Consider the use of the art elements and design principles in their own artwork.
1.12 Apply their understanding of the art elements and design principles to make an artwork.

1.13 Identify media which are used to create artwork.
1.14 Use media to create their own artwork.
Learning Layers / Cross Curricular Links /Literacy & Numeracy/Oracy (L) Key Skills/ Statements of Learning
(O)(N)/ Wellbeing/Art History/ Contemporary culture.

Leave blank.
Learning layers:
Create a culture of sharing- All of the responses to the theme will be
displayed and available for use as inspiration for the final artwork.
For example, A student who wants to create a cut paper collage can use
an image another student photographed in Lesson 2. Or vice versa, if a
student with literary skills has written a short story, this story will be
available for a student creating a booklet to add into their book.

Culture of difference. Instill an understanding that everyone is different

and unique and that is something to be celebrated.

Cross Curricular Links:

Exploring the landscape provides links to geography.

The option to create a narrative as a response to the theme Pathways in
Lesson 2.

Peer learning task is lesson 4 allows for development of oracy in an
opportunity to describe and demonstrate a process they underwent.
Class conversations about the theme, their work and support study artists.
Lesson 1 verbal mind mapping.

Measuring dimensions for the cut paper collage to achieve a likeness to
the primary source they are using.
Measuring dimensions for the booklet, all the holes need to be punched in
the same place.

The outdoor activity provides an opportunity to engage with a new
environment and workspace. Engage with nature, change of scenery.

Art History:
Support study artists.
SEN/ AEN: Managing Behaviours: Areas needs support/ strengths/Strategies
Angel- Undiagnosed. Lacks motivation, not reaching her potential
academically. Ritual activities:
Anna- Language barrier 1: Drawing and colouring a mandala. (Helen)
Daisy- Undiagnosed. Hard-working but grades don’t reflect effort.
2: Sorting texture and pattern cards. (Mairead)
Faye- Broken leg. Difficulty maneuvering around.
Jack- Moderate dyslexia. 3: Stamp making (Lia)
Sam- Anxiety. struggle to socialise with other students.
Sarah- High achiever. Easily bored.
Steven- ADHD. High level of need.

For more indepth student profile information please see HERE.

Lesson No. 1/6 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions

Lesson type: D Written by Mairead At the end of this lesson students should be able to:
Time: 1hr AEDP: Texture, pattern, line, mark-making.

Stage: Introduction to project, ● Know what we will be doing for the next 6 lessons and be aware of the process we
● Powerpoint slides 1-15.
will go through and where they can access the information covered in our lessons.
Gaining a deeper ● Introduction to project- show the process and
● Identify types of pathways through the discussion activity where we unpack the
understanding of our theme provide a brief.
● Explain the theme using an activity to gain a theme.
through discussion. deeper understanding. ● Recognise the theme in the work of support study artists through observation of
● Show two Support study artists, one for a booklet, their work.
one for a cut paper collage. Discuss how they are
connected to our theme.
● Prepare students for outdoor activity in L2.
Teaching methods Entry System: Students will enter the room as they arrive from their previous lessons. They will be asked to take their seats and take out paper and a pen.
and student learning The student with a broken leg is seated at the front of the room, closest to the door and the teachers desk.
Take attendance.
Key Words: Brief, pathways, process, booklet, cut paper collage.
To include
Resources (SS, VA etc) Support Studies: Clover Robin, Sylvia Convey.
practice Resources: Powerpoint presentation, Brief, Sheets of paper with questions, anonymous answer box, visual aids that demonstrate process, printed images of
Evaluation & Assessment. possible pathways.

Materials: Paper, pen.

Introduction & Cognitive link up:

Teacher activity (5 minutes)
Welcome all the students. Tell them we are beginning a new project today and inform them the brief on their desks is theirs to keep. It is also available on
the online learning platform. Check students know what learning platform I am referring to and tell them where they can access the information I post on
Let them know I’ve asked them to take out paper and a pen in case they would like to make any notes during today’s lesson.
Inform them of some rules and codes of conduct we will adhere to in the art room. Set boundaries. Powerpoint slide 2.
In today’s lesson we will:
A. Look at what we will make and the process we will go through over the next 6 lessons.
B. Explain the theme and do a fun activity where we can discuss the theme to help us understand it.
C. Take a look at two artists and think about how their artworks are connected to our theme.

Body of the Lesson:

Teacher activity (10 minutes)
Project the powerpoint presentation for all to see.
Tell the students the end result of this project will either be a booklet OR a cut paper collage, depending on what they choose. Make it clear to students
they don’t have to make both.
● Can anyone tell me what a collage is?
● Do you know what I mean when I speak about a booklet?
Show images of Visual aids on the screen but also hold up physical examples of them for students to see. If possible, let students pass them around the
Display the process in 3 steps. Go through each step and explain with visual aids.

Student learning activity (10 minutes)

Ask students to look at the 4 coloured pieces of paper on their desks. Each piece of paper has a question related to our theme ‘Pathways’. Answer the
questions as best you can and come place your answer in the anonymous answer box.
Let them know they will have 10 minutes to do this. Keep slide 10 with the instruction visible for all to see.

Teacher activity (10 minutes)

Once all the students have placed their answers in the box, give the box a shake and pull out their answers to discuss the theme pathways.
Write the answers in the board for students to see as a visual reference.
Further questioning will depend on the answers students have supplied.

Joint activity (10 minutes)

Pathways photo activity.
Use images to prompt students to think about the theme in a more conceptual way.
Show images one at a time and pose the question:
● Can you see a Pathway? Put your hand up if you can.
Images will be:
1. Motorway
2. Photo of a hand
3. World map
4. Student on 1st day of college
5. Cloud in sky created by an airplane
6. Bark on a tree
7. Line drawn with marker
8. Path made by an animal through grass, fox trail.
This activity should help open up the students minds to what could be considered a pathway.
● What type of pathway do you see here?
● Who does this pathway belong to?
● Why does/ doesn’t this image show a pathway?

Teacher activity (5 minutes)

Show support study artist Clover Robin. Explain who she is and what she does. Tell students her work is an example of a cut paper collage.
● Can you see any pathways in these images?
● If so, where?
Show support study artist Sylvia Convey. (This Support study artist presents a much more conceptual angle towards the theme)
● Can you see any pathways in the textures and patterns here?
● If so, where?
● What art elements can you see in this image? (Looking for texture, pattern, line, mark-making)
Describe how students can make a booklet similar to the work of Sylvia Convey. Our textures and patterns we make in lesson 3 and 4 could be compiled to
make a booklet similar.
Explain that we will be using these artists throughout our project to inspire us and help us gain a deeper understanding of our theme too.

Teacher activity (5 minutes)
Recap the lesson: Today we looked at the brief and the process you will go through in this project. After that you contributed to a discussion on our theme
‘Pathways’, giving some wonderful insights.
Ask students to tell me what we did as I go through the recap.
● If you need to recap what we covered in our lessons, where can you find the information?
● Can you explain to me the process we will go through?
● What will the final artworks be?
● What type of pathways did we discuss?
Tell the student what they will do in Lesson 2 and show the route they will take along with the timings. Powerpoint slides 14-15.
Homework: think about what you consider to be a pathway. Notice them. Record them if you can.
● Any questions?
Answer any questions students might have. Let the class know I am available via email or after our lessons if they have any questions they would like to ask

Success Criteria:
● Students will be able to tell me what we will be doing for the next 6 lessons, explain the process we will go through and show where they can
access the information covered in our lessons.
● All students attempt to answer the questions on the coloured paper. Once they have made an attempt, they have contributed to the discussion on
the theme.
● Recognise the theme in the work of support study artists through observation of their work.

Exit Strategy:
Thank the students for their hard work today and congratulate them on their interesting insights on our theme.
Visual Aids Please see Lesson 1 folder on Google Drive.
Support Studies used
(images if desired)
All VAs and SS should be labelled

Student Teacher personal What went well and why? (In light of group work and planning)
reflection (see template) ● Writing out lesson one provided an example for Helen and Lia to refer to in the following lessons. MD.

What would I do differently? (In light of group work and planning)

● Writing the lesson out over a screenshare on zoom might have been beneficial. MD.

Lesson No. 2/6 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions

Lesson type: D Written by Helen At the end of this lesson students should be able to:
Time: 1hr AEDP: Composition, texture, pattern, ● understand how to capture images on a camera, taking lighting and angles into
Stage: Research, Design, consideration
● Outdoor activity
Development, Realization, ● Develop a greater understanding of what the theme is
● Responding to experience of outdoor activity
Evaluation etc. ● Engage with and interpret the theme by partaking in the outdoor activity or through
either through photography of pathways of short
story/ poem. research in the computer room.
● Need to provide some tips on how to take a ● Generate a response, photography, written piece, drama, sounds, to the pathways
successful photograph and ways to respond to an that were discovered.
experience artistically before we go outside- Can
● find images and maps of pathways, using a computer.
use visual aids and possibly a new support study
● Recognise different and unique patterns
artist for this.
● Alternative activity for students who cannot go ● source materials which resemble certain patterns or have interesting shapes and
out? (Screenshot pathways on google earth street textures
view?) ● Produce a primary source in response to the theme through engagement in the
● Make sure students are all aware we will be using a outdoor activity.
variety of materials to create texture and pattern
in L3.

Teaching methods Entry System: Students will enter the room as they arrive from their previous lessons. They will sit in the place that they had sat during the previous art
and student learning lesson. Students will be told to take out a pen and copy book if they wish to take notes during the powerpoint presentation. The attendance will be taken.
Key Words: Pathways, photography, nature, manmade, textures, patterns, written response, performance, booklet, collage, primary source.

To include Support Studies: Photography: Vivian Maier, Shelly Still. Poetry: Robert Frost, Sara Teasdale. Collage: Clover Robin. Print: Bryan Nash Gill. Nature: Maya
Resources (SS, VA etc) Linn
practice Resources: Cameras, Computer, Google Maps, Google Images, Powerpoint Presentation, pen, colours, paper, support study artists.
Evaluation & Assessment.
Materials: Camera, pen, colours, paper.

Introduction & Cognitive link up:

Teacher Activity 5 mins
Welcome students to the lesson, give them time to get to their seats and to take out their pencil cases and a copy. Begin the class with a simple conversion
about the previous lesson, discuss what the students researched and found out about pathways (record these onto the white board for students to
reference to during the lesson.)
In today's lesson we will:
A. Recap on the plan for today's lesson. Present the powerpoint and allow students to decide whether they would like to use the computers or go on
a walk.
B. Send the computer group to the computer room, which will be supervised by another teacher.
C. Follow the route of the walk with students walking in pairs taking photos
D. Return to the classroom where students can make responses to their walk, either in groups or individually
E. All students return to the classroom to discuss what ideas they have, what they found and created. Cameras are handed up.
F. Discuss what will take place in the next lesson

Body of the Lesson:

Outline and describe exactly what will happen in this lesson, step by step. Teacher activities and student learning activities should alternate.
List what questions you will ask.

Teacher activity (10 minutes)

After the previous lesson has been discussed and comments/ ideas have been recorded on the white board, we will begin the presentation.
1. Students will be taught how to work with a disposable camera and what to consider when taking a photo eg. angle, lighting. Present our
supporting photography artists and visual aids in relation to texture, pathways and shape
Ask the class: Can anyone think of any interesting objects or textures that could be captured on our pathway?
1. Explain the task given to students who wish to go to the computer room, they will research and print images of pathways on google maps and
google images, students can also look up supporting artists for collage, photography, writing and print

Teacher Activity (2 minutes)

Hand out a map to students showing the pathway that the class will be going on
(Hand out to students going to computer room too, for guidance)
Hand out a disposable camera to each of the students going the walk

Student learning activity (15 minutes)

1. Students going on the walk, will walk in the pairs they sit with following the teacher. Leave at 12:20
2. Students going to the computer room will leave at the same time
Teacher will walk at the front of the group and walk slowly to allow students to take photos. Emphasise creativeness and experimentation with the photos
being taken.
● The Class will begin the walk by walking towards the neighbouring fiend. 5 mins will be given to take pictures and information.
Students will be allowed to go wherever within the field - The teacher will stay looking out at everyone.
● When the 5 mins are complete, the students will line back up to complete the rest of the walk
● 10 Minutes will be allocated to slowly walking the rest of the route and allowing students to take pictures
Everyone will make their way back to the classroom

Teacher Activity (4 minutes)

1. The class sit back in their seats and the teacher will put up some examples of responses to nature and pathways

● “The Road Not Taken”by Robert Frost

● A story of a walk
● Illustrations related to pathways

1. Recap that students are to make a response to their work from this class
If students are unsure of what to do give them an option of writing a poem, short story, illustration
Students are allowed to work with their table or work individually

Student Learning Activity (20 minutes)

1. Allow the class to make responses to what they have seen on their walk and what was researched
(i) students from the computer rooms (ii) the students on the walk
can share their discoveries.
A quiet corner is set aside for individuals who would like to work in a peaceful area and are allowed to listen to music or do a ritual activity.

Conclusion: How will we finish the lesson? Will you recap the activity we have just done? What have we achieved today? What will we do in our next
Teacher Activity (4 mins)
Tell students their photos will be developed for the next class
Ask students to
1. Briefly explain what will take place in the next lesson
2. Clear their desks
3. leave their cameras at their places
Homework Task
Complete a Response to the theme pathway
- (optional): Give students the task of collecting 2-5 items, interesting shapes, texture, to bring in the next day that will be used to print.

Success Criteria:
● Understand how to capture a good and clear photo
● Recognise shapes and patterns along pathways
● Be able to respond to your pathway with a piece or writing or performance
● Be able to source materials that will be good for printing

Exit Strategy Students can go home and complete their piece of writing which will be used in a later lesson optional: Give students the task of collecting 2-5
items to bring in the next day that will be used to print. Thank the students for their hard work today and congratulate them on their work today.
Visual Aids
& - Video Tutorial - Booklet
Support Studies used - Collage
(images if desired)
All VAs and SS should be labelled - Visual Aids - Class Map
Student Teacher personal What went well and why? (In light of group work and planning)
reflection (see template) This lesson allows students to experience a new classroom environment. It breaks up the repetition of classroom activities and the students are encouraged
to explore and participate. HB
This lesson also incorporates different art forms such as writing which allows students to respond to the theme in a way they mightnt have before. HB

What would I do differently? (In light of group work and planning)

I would ensure that the lesson timing is more accurate and allows students to get the most out of each activity. HB
Lesson No. 3/6 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions
Lesson type: D Written by Mairead At the end of this lesson students should be able to:
Time: 1hr AEDP: Texture, pattern, colour
Stage: ● Differentiate between a texture and a pattern.
● Look at our creative responses to the theme
Experimenting with techniques ● Explain why something is a texture or a pattern.
‘pathways’ displayed on the wall- Primary sources.
● Experiment with a range of materials to create textures and patterns.
in printing, painting and ● Define the difference between texture and pattern,
use S.S artist to demonstrate examples. ● Attempt mimic texture and pattern from photographs taken in L2.
drawing to create textures and
● Short activity sticking cards under texture or
pattern label on wall.
● Demonstrate techniques for creating texture and
● Experimenting with texture and pattern. (discovery
● Mimicking textures in photography from L2.
● Alternative activity for students who don't want to
use paint or wet materials?- Option of dry
materials at one station. Camera for photography
of textures and patterns.

Teaching methods Entry System: Prior to the lesson, the variety of responses to the theme and outdoor activity will be displayed at the front of the room.
and student learning A long desk will be set up at the front of the room full of materials and supplies (See list HERE).
Examples of texture of patterns on students desks, one per desk with bluetack.
There will also be 15 sheets of A5 paper placed on each student’s desk.
Students will enter the room as they arrive from their previous lessons. They will be asked to take a look at the variety of responses to the theme displayed
To include on the wall before they sit down.
Resources (SS, VA etc) The student with a broken leg is seated at the front of the room, closest to the door and the teachers desk.
Differentiation/Inclusive Take attendance.
Evaluation & Assessment. Key Words: Response, texture, pattern, print, material

Support Studies: What artist, designer or craftperson’s work will we use to inform the lesson? They can be an example or the activity we are doing,
something to inspire or a possible reaction to the theme.

Resources: Powerpoint presentation, materials and supplies on the list, large labels for texture and pattern on the wall for the 1st activity, camera for

Materials: Please see list HERE.

Introduction & Cognitive link up:

Teacher activity (5 minutes)
Ask everyone to take their seats again.
In today’s we will:
A. Look at our creative responses to the theme ‘Pathways’.
B. Define texture and pattern.
C. Watch a teacher demonstration on how to create texture and pattern.
D. Experiment by creating your own textures and patterns.

Recap lesson 2 through observation, questioning and discussion of the results of the outdoor activity.
Turn students' attention to the variety of responses to the theme displayed on the wall. Ask everyone to come stand around where we can all see.
● What activity did we do to respond to the theme last week?
● How could you use this image/ text/ audio to create your final artwork?

Student learning activity (5 minutes)

Ask students to sign their name on every piece of A5 paper on their desks. Give 5 minutes for students to do this.
Explain that it is important their names are on the back of everything they do today. If you need more paper, there is more on the long desk, show them
where. Reminder, they will need to sign any extra paper they take.

Body of the Lesson:

Teacher activity (5 minutes)
Show powerpoint to explain texture and pattern. Slides 24-27.
Give definitions and show examples.
Show Support study artists to demonstrate a variety of textures and patterns achievable.

Student learning activity (5 minutes)

Ask students to look at the example texture/ pattern on their desks.
● Is this a texture or a pattern?
Use bluetack to stick your card under the label you think it fits best, texture or pattern.
This is an interactive activity to reinforce and aid comprehension of texture and pattern.

Teacher activity (10 minutes)

Demonstration of how to create two textures and two patterns
1. Pulling paint across paper with a ruler. (Texture)
2. Printing cling film onto paper. (Texture)
3. Stamping using wood and string stamps with acrylic paint. (Pattern)
4. Drawing using markers and repetition of shape. (Pattern)
Show students the range of materials and supplies on the table. Explain how examples of what can be created are on the walls.
Explain that they can go to the long desk to get materials and then return to their seats to work.
Explain where students need to place their work when it is complete.
Stress the importance of cleaning as you go so we don’t have a big rush for the sinks, bin and drying rack at the end of class.
If any students don’t want to use dry materials there are plenty of options for dry materials. Alternatively, there will be a camera available for a student to
photograph textures and patterns close up.

Student learning activity (10 minutes)

Allow students to begin. Keep images of S.S artist work displayed on Powerpoint slide

Teacher activity (2 minutes)

Stop students working for 2 minutes. Show examples of mimicking textures and patterns.
Explain using visual aids.
Ask students to start considering what textures and patterns they may need to mimic if they want to create a cut paper collage.

Student learning activity (10 minutes)

Let students continue working.

Conclusion: Stop everyone working with 15 minutes left.

Recap what we just covered.
Ask students to tidy up their work spaces- show the powerpoint slide on a cleaning checklist.
Tell the student what they will do in Lesson 4.
Homework: none
● Any questions?
Answer any questions students might have. Let the class know I am available via email or after our lessons if they have any questions they would like to ask

Success Criteria:
● Students are able to differentiate between a texture and a pattern.
● They can explain why something is a texture or a pattern.
● Each student has created textures and patterns using a range of materials.
● Some students have attempted to mimic texture and pattern from photographs taken in L2.

Exit Strategy:
Thank the students for their hard work today and congratulate them on the textures and patterns they created.
Visual Aids Please see Lesson 3 folder on Google Drive.
Support Studies used
(images if desired)
All VAs and SS should be labelled

Student Teacher personal What went well and why? (In light of group work and planning)
reflection (see template) ● This lesson offers a variety for all students to work with whatever mediums they want and still create texture and pattern. MD

What would I do differently? (In light of group work and planning)

● There is a lot of prior planning involved in this lesson. Responses from L2 need to be gathered, printed and displayed. A5 paper needs to be
counted and put out. All possible materials and supplies need to be put out. Slightly unrealistic? MD
Lesson No. 4/6 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions
Lesson type: D Written by Lia At the end of this lesson students should be able to:
Time: 1hr AEDP:
Stage: Research, Design,
● Recap what we did in L3 and support study artists.
● Demonstrate and communicate a process they underwent in lesson 3 through a
Development, Realisation, peer learning activity.
● Let students look at the work they did in L3.
Evaluation etc. ● Groups of 2 peer learning activity - 5 minutes to
explain, 15 minutes to do. ● Communicate with peers in order to give and receive feedback to/from peers.
● No need for a teacher demonstration because
students will demonstrate to each other in their
groups. (We will still need to create a demo video ● Investigate and experiment texture and pattern using materials and supplies
for assessment) provided.
● Continue experimenting with texture and pattern.
(discovery learning) Same as L3, materials will be
laid out on a long desk at front of the room and ● Produce a series of mimicked textures and patterns from a primary source created
example textures made from the materials Explain in lesson 2.
that they can go to the long desk to get materials
and then return to their seats to work. ● Consider pattern and texture with the intention that these principles will enhance
● Mimicking textures in photography form L2 their engagement with the theme ‘Pathways’.
● Alternative activity for students who don't want to
use paint or wet materials?- Option of dry
materials at one station. Camera for photography
of textures and patterns?

Teaching methods Entry System:

and student learning ● Similar to l3, the variety of responses to the theme and outdoor activity will be displayed at the front of the room once again to remind students of
the task. A long desk will be set up at the front of the room again full of materials and supplies (See list HERE).
● There will also be 15 sheets of A5 paper placed on each student’s desk. Students will enter the room as they arrive from their previous lessons.
● They will be asked to take a look at the variety of responses to the theme displayed on the wall before they sit down. Once seated they will take
To include out their texture/pattern prints from their last art class.
Resources (SS, VA etc) ● The student with a broken leg is seated at the front of the room, closest to the door and the teachers desk. Attendance will be noted.
Differentiation/Inclusive ● Powerpoint presentation will be displayed on the board explaining the key point on peer sharing, the teacher will begin presenting once everyone
practice is seated.
Evaluation & Assessment.
Key Words: peer sharing, show, explain, listen, reflect, co-operation , texture, photograph, materials, print, pattern, response
Support Studies: Megan Coyle.

Resources: Powerpoint presentation, materials on list, prints made from previous class

Materials: Please see list HERE.

Introduction & Cognitive link up:

Teacher activity (5 minutes)
Welcome students to the class. Remind students to take out their prints they created from the last art lesson if they haven't already. Recap on what we did
last week in an open class discussion.
● Have you ever done a peer sharing activity before?
● Do you know what a peer sharing activity involves?
● Do you know the benefits of peer sharing?

In today's class we will:

A. Look at the textures and patterns we created last week
B. Peer share with prints created last week in groups of 2
C. Continue experimenting with texture and pattern.
D. Watch a teacher demonstration on mimicking textures from pathway photo
E. Create textures and patterns from mimicking your pathway photographs

Body of the Lesson:

Student learning activity (4 minutes)
Ask students to sign their name on every piece of A5 paper on their desks. Give 4 minutes for students to do this.
Explain that it is important their names are on the back of everything they do today. If you need more paper, there is more on the long desk, show them
where. Reminder, they will need to sign any extra paper they take.

Teacher activity (5 minutes)

Show Support study artists to demonstrate a variety of textures and patterns achievable.
Show powerpoint on how to peer sharing and the benefit peer sharing is for both students involved (slide 35).
● Do you have any questions before beginning the activity ?
● Ask students to give feedback to each other during peer sharing.

Student learning activity (15 minutes)

Students will be in groups of 2 with the student sitting on their right hand side beside them. Student 1 shows them their texture or pattern and explains to
them how they created their texture or pattern. Then student 2 shows student 1 how they created one too.

Teacher activity (3 minutes)

Explain to the students that they will continue to create texture and pattern just like the previous class. Show them the powerpoint slide of lesson 3 recap
to remind them what they were doing.
Explain that they can go to the long desk to get materials and then return to their seats to work.
Explain how examples of what can be created are on the walls.
Stress the importance of cleaning as you go so we don’t have a big rush for the sinks, bin and drying rack at the end of class. Explain where students need to
place their work when it is complete.

Student learning activity (10 minutes)

Allow students to continue where they left off in the last lesson. Keep images of S.S artist work displayed on Powerpoint slides. Students who do not want
to work with a wet material like paint can use dry materials like a marker to create their desired texture. Students who do not like the feel of textures have
the opinion of using a camera to take a picture of the texture they would like to use in their booklet or cut paper collage.

Teacher activity (3 minutes)

Demonstration on how to mimic textures in pathway photos

1. Printing tin foil to mimic a tree. (Texture)

2. Stamping using wood to micic bark. (Pattern)
3. Printing grass to mimic grass. (Texture)
4. Stamping using a pen to mimic flowers. (Pattern)
5. Printing using foam material to mimic grass. (Texture)
6. Printing using netting to mimic gravel. (Texture)

Student learning activity (10 minutes)

Allow students to begin mimicking textures. Keep images of S.S artist work displayed on Powerpoint slide

Conclusion: Ask students to start cleaning up their work space 5 mins before class is over. Once the workspace is tidy, spend the last 2 minutes recapping
the activity we just completed. Briefly discuss what we will do in our next class.

Success Criteria:
● Students will have ungone the peer sharing activity and see the benefits from it.
● Each student has created textures and patterns using a range of materials.
● All students have attempted to mimic texture and pattern from photographs taken in L2.

Exit Strategy: Thank the students for their hard work today and congratulate them on the textures and patterns they created.

Visual Aids Please see link below for visual aid on lesson 4
Support Studies used
Please see link below for support studies on lesson 4
(images if desired)
All VAs and SS should be labelled
Student Teacher personal What went well and why? (In light of group work and planning)
reflection (see template) ●
What would I do differently? (In light of group work and planning)
● We could be trying to squeeze too much into L3 and L4. Might need to be stretched out over 3 lessons in real life. MD

Lesson No. 5/6 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions

Lesson type: D Written by Helen At the end of this lesson students should be able to:
Time: 1hr AEDP: - Relate certain objects with certain textures
Stage: Research, Design, - Recognise shapes and to be able to combine them to create an image
● Recap how we made our textures and patterns in
Development, Realisation, - Translate photography into collage
L3 and L4.
Evaluation etc. - Create one or more collages from printed textures and shapes
● Explain that we will now create a cut paper collage
using a pathways photograph captured in L2 OR - Bind pages to create a booklet
create a booklet full of textures and patterns using - Illustrate a narrative
a short story/ poem from L2.
● Demonstration on how to make a cut paper
● Demonstration on how to make a booklet.
(Support study artist who makes booklets?)
● Allow students time to work on this.
● Let them know they will have L6 to complete their

Teaching methods Entry System:

and student learning Students will enter the room as they arrive from their previous lessons. the right half of the classroom will be denoted to the collage area and the left half
to the booklet. Signs will be put on each of the tables to clarify which station it is.
Explain to students that they will have the opportunity to do one task or to do both task if they wish
If students want to begin with collaging, tell them to take a seat at the right hand tables, students doing booklets first, to the left.
To include ● Each table will have 25 of the Pathway images to use for inspiration and guidance during the lesson.
Resources (SS, VA etc) ● At the print station there will be wool, string, hole punchers.
Differentiation/Inclusive ● At the collaging there will be glue sticks, scissors, A4 cardboard cutouts
practice ● At the print stations will be a folder of prints done by the teacher, if students run out
Evaluation & Assessment. There will be visual aids presented on a Powerpoint Presentation.

Seating time allocate (2 minutes)

Key Words: Collage, booklet, pathways, textures, patterns, shape, narrative, illustration, poem, layering

Support Studies: Collage: Clover Robin, Megan Coyle Booklet: Sylvia Convey

Resources: Our prints from the previous lesson, our response writing, reference images, powerpoint

Materials: scissors, hole puncher, wool, pen, colours, glue

Introduction & Cognitive link up:

1. Welcome the students to today lesson
2. The attendance will be taken
3. Ask students to take out their prints from the previous lesson, their responses to their pathway, and their pencil cases
4. . Recap on what we did last week in an open discussion.
Ask students: Were there any printing techniques or materials that they particularly enjoyed?
What does this texture remind them of?
Teacher activity (10 minutes)
1. With reference to the presentation describe what the lesson will consist of. Briefly show a visual aid of a booklet and show a visual aid of a collage
2. Explain to students that our class pathway images are on the tables for us to share and look at and there are extra prints if a student runs out.
For students who are reluctant to cut up and draw over their prints from the previous lesson, explain to them that they have access to the classroom
photocopier, if they’d prefer to work from copied images.
3. Visit the Powerpoint in more depth and show supporting artists, Clover Robin, Megan Coyle, Sylvia Convey.
Ask students: Do they like these artists? What do they like about them?

Body of the Lesson:

Student Learning activity (35 mins)
Allow students to begin their pathway art pieces.
Pass around the visual aids for the groups to look at whilst they are doing their artwork
In the background show the supporting artists on the presentation while the students work

Booklet Students: 1. Ask students, once their books are binded, to begin by writing their poem, song, story in their book
2. Once this is completed ask them to illustrate their books, with reference to out images and their writing and pathway experience
Ask Students: What could you draw that reminds you of the pathway?

Collaging Students: 1. Remind the students to consider the textures and patterns that they are collaging with
Ask Students: Tell me why you used this print for eg. the trees?

Teacher activity (2 minutes)

Check on class and see how everyone is getting on

Teacher Activity (5 minutes)

Explain that we will need to start finishing up for today
There is 5 minutes left to finish what what you are doing
write their names somewhere on their work
Emphasise that our next class will be dedicated to finishing our pieces and to not worry if you don't have much work done.

Student learning activity (3 minutes)

Give students time to tidy up their workspace
Leave Boxes out on the tables for students to put paper scraps into
Tell students to stack up the pathway photographs and booklet instructions and put them in the centre of the table, where they were found

Teacher Activity (3 minutes)
Once the classroom is tidy
Recap on what we did in today's lesson
Explain to students what next week's lesson will consist of

Success Criteria:
Students will have begun creating either a collage or a booklet, they can recognise patterns and textures and translate them into collage. Students can
illustrate a narrative.

Exit Strategy: There will be no homework assigned. Students will leave their work on their desks with their names on the back of their pieces.
Thank the students for their hard work today and congratulate them for their work done today.
Once the students leave Collect up the boxes of scrap paper, art supplies and store the student’s booklets in the cupboard and collage pieces on the drying
rack for the glue to dry
Visual Aids - Clover Robin
& - Megan Coyle - Biju Karman
Support Studies used - Sylvia Convey
(images if desired)
All VAs and SS should be labelled - Visual aids

Student Teacher personal What went well and why? (In light of group work and planning)
reflection (see template) This lesson works well as it combines a wide range of artistic techniques. Our Visual aids and support artist are relevant and helpful. HB

What would I do differently? (In light of group work and planning)

There is a lot to cover in this lesson in relation to the power point. I would narrow down the support artists. HB
It is important to ensure that students do not feel under pressure to complete their work in this lesson. I would emphasise that this is an activity done over
two classes more.
Lesson No. 6/6 Teaching & Learning Content Learning Intentions
Lesson type: D Written by Lia At the end of this lesson students should be able to:
Time: 1hr AEDP:
Stage: Research, Design, ● Consider the completion needs of their own work and make design decisions
● Continue to work on cut paper collage and
Development, Realisation, individual to their booklets or cut paper collages.
Evaluation etc. ● Demonstration on how to add finishing touches to
cut paper collage. ● Apply knowledge of texture, pattern, collage and booklet making gained through
● Demonstration on how to add short story/ poem
observation of S.S artist work.
to booklet.
● Finishing the project, remind students we will be
moving on to another project next week and this is ● Demonstrate an understanding of my finishing touches demonstration through
their last lesson working on this. applying finishing touches to their own work.
● Congratulate them on a job well done.

● Feel as if they accomplished the task successfully.

Teaching methods Entry System: Students will enter the class on time and sit in their allocated seats.The student with a broken leg is seated at the front of the room, closest
and student learning to the door and the teachers desk. Students will take out their work they've done in their previous art class and their materials. Attendance will be noted.
Key Words: finishing touches, short story, poem, paper collage, booklets, reflection

To include Support Studies: Clover Robin, Sylvia Convey.

Resources (SS, VA etc)
Differentiation/Inclusive Resources: Powerpoint presentation, materials on list, prints made from previous class
Evaluation & Assessment. Materials: Please see link:

Introduction & Cognitive link up:

Teacher activity (5 minutes)
Welcome students to the class. Remind students to take out their work they created from the last art lesson if they haven't already. Recap on what we did
last week in an open class discussion. Check how far along the majority students are in terms of finishing the project.

In today's class we will:

A. Continue to work on cut paper collage and booklets.
B. Demonstration on how to add finishing touches to cut paper collage.
C. Demonstration on how to add a short story/ poem to the booklet.
D. Finishing the project, remind students we will be moving on to another project next week and this is their last lesson working on this.

Body of the Lesson:

Teacher activity (5 minutes)
Recap on Support study artists on powerpoint to demonstrate an achievable result. Remind students there is no right or wrong way to respond to our
theme and that their finished piece doesn't not have to look like the example shown. Explain that the support study artists are put in to inspire and help you
create the booklet/cut paper collage.
● Do you need any help on finishing constructing your college or booklet?

Student learning activity (15 minutes)

Continue to work on cut paper collage and booklets.

Teacher activity (5 minutes)

1. Demonstration on how to add finishing touches to cut paper collage.
2. Demonstration on how to add a short story/ poem to the booklet.
3. Remind students we will be moving on to another project next week and this is their last lesson working on this.

Student learning activity (20 minutes)

Using their creative responses from Lesson 2 students will add finishing touches to their artworks.

Teacher activity (5 minutes)

Congratulate them on a job well done. You are all great artists. You are all wonderfully individuals with unique responses to the theme pathways. Briefly
explain what new project we will begin next week.

Conclusion: Ask students to start cleaning up their work space 5 mins before class is over.

Success Criteria: Students will have fully completed either a booklet or cut paper collage and added their individual finishing touches.

Exit Strategy: No homework will be assigned as the project is now completed. Remind them they will begin a new project in the next art lesson.
Congratulate them on successfully completing the pathway project.
Visual Aids Please see link below for visual aid on lesson 6
Support Studies used
Please see link below for support studies on lesson 6
(images if desired)
All VAs and SS should be labelled
Student Teacher personal What went well and why? (In light of group work and planning)
reflection (see template) ● Lesson 6 gives a good bit of time for the student to finish up making the booklets from lesson 5 but also allows them time to add their finishing
touches. L.M.
What would I do differently? (In light of group work and planning)
● There might be too much time allocated to finishing touches alone so maybe we could use some of that time to clean up a bit earlier. L.M.

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