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Lesson Title: Non- Standard Measurement Wonder and Estimation Center

Grade: 1
Class/Subject: Math/ ELA
Unit: Trees- Measurement
Lesson Duration: 15 minutes (repeated for small groups in centers)
OUTCOMES FROM 2013 MINISTERIAL ORDER: Cross-curricular Competencies
Outcomes (a to j from M.O.):
A) Know how to learn: to gain knowledge, understanding or skills through experience,
study, and interaction with others
B) Think critically: conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate to construct
C) Identify and solve complex problems
D) Manage information: access, interpret, evaluate and use information effectively,
efficiently and ethically
E) Innovate: create, generate and apply new ideas or concepts
F) Create opportunities through play, imagination, refection, negotiation and competition,
with an entrepreneurial spirit
G) Apply multiple literacies: reading, writing, mathematics, technology, languages, media,
and personal finance
H) Demonstrate good communication skills and the ability to work cooperatively with
J) Identify and apply career and life skills through personal growth and well-being
General Learning Outcomes:
Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems

Develop number sense

2- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and
respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
Demonstrate an understanding of measurements a process of comparing by:
 Identifying attributes that can be compared
 Making statements of comparison

Estimate quantities to 20 by using referents

2.4- Generate ideas
 Generate and contribute ideas for individual or group oral, print and other media texts
Structure Texts
 Write, represent and tell brief narratives about own ideas and experiences

OUTCOMES stated in learner friendly language

Students will:
● Identify items that can be used to measure other items
● Make statements that compare the size of objects based on their measurements
● Estimate the size of something in relation to their measurement tool
● Generate and contribute ideas about measurement for their drawing/ writing project
● Write, represent and tell about their own ideas about measurement
Pre-assessment (prior Formative: Summative (if applicable):
knowledge) (if applicable): The conversation that I have
with students before they draw
and write will be a formative
assessment of their
understanding of measurement
and the tools we can use to
measure things.
Resource #1:
Resource #2:
Resource #3:


● Visual Journals

Student Differentiation:
Differentiation is not
expected for this
assignment- students will
be given help with their
writing as needed and
work together on their
ideas for measurement.
Introduction (time: 1 )

Hook/Attention Grabber:
Greet students at my station and wait for their attention. “1,2,3 eyes on me” if necessary.

Transitioning from Hook to Body:

Have students retrieve their visual journals

Body (time: )

Learning Activity #1:

Have a discussion with students about things in the school that we could measure. Together,
and with my guidance, they will choose something fun, but still logical, to measure. Then we
will make the same decision about our measuring tools. I will briefly remind students what
estimation is, and why it is beneficial for our learning to estimate before we find the real

Learning Activity #2:

Students will first write their predictive sentence (ex. “I think that the front entrance of the
school is ____ wooden blocks long”), and then draw their picture of this estimation.

Learning Activity #3:

Closure (time: )

Feedback From Students on Learning:

Explain to students that tomorrow during our station time, we will go and make their
measurement and then write it down in their visual journals.
Transition To Next Lesson(s):
Tidy space, and send them to next station.
Reflections on lesson:

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