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The Upgraded FAQ Email

Ry Schwartz and Joanna Wiebe, Copy Hackers

(c) 2017

There?s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all swipe.

That?s why the core focus of our email course 10x Emails is not about giving you
?copy and paste? templates that make your audience cringe. It's about arming you
with the campaign sequencing and copy skills to get your own high-converting emails
out the door QUICKLY.
That said, there?s definitely a time and place for templates.
All good copywriters turn to them.
And what you?ll find here is one of the templates we've returned to over and over
again while writing six- and seven-figure campaigns for private clients (as well as our
own six-figure launches).
This is a tested, reusable and easy-to-follow template.
It should serve as a solid point of reference when writing your own sales emails.
So take it as a compass - a guidepost for inspiration - a starting point - and in some
cases, maybe even an ending point (use discernment).
Yes, this is a playbook that will help you convert more deep passes (and make more
But if you want to be a truly great email copywriter (and not a technician), you need
to know how and when to call an audible at the line of scrimmage.
Tem plat e 1 - Th e Upgr aded FAQ

Abou t :
Maybe you?ve already heard that the FAQ serves as prime copywriting real
estate to help your customer overcome their biggest objections en route to the
buying line.
But did you know it can do SO much more?
Like an overeager golden retriever, this little sucker just wants to please.
And when done right, your UPGRADED FAQ has the power to counter
objections, position you against competitors, rehash your USP, future pace the
desired outcome AND springboard into a risk-reversed offer? all without
breaking form.
It?s stealthy, ninja stuff ;-)
And if your current FAQ has been coasting - maybe getting a little to complacent
on the job.
It?s time to put that little sucker to work.
Gen er al For m at :
The lead-in which frames questions or even skepticism as positive traits (and
pre-cursors to the purchase).
Q1: Objection 1: Take their biggest objection - and transform it into their biggest
Q2: Objection 2: Take objection 2 and use it to point to a SPECIFIC and unique
aspect of your product.
Q3: Objection 3: Bust a major industry-wide myth that empowers them to take
Q4: Position against competitors and get BUY-IN from them on your way of
doing things vs. the comp
Q5: Use it as a spring-board into your fuller USP.
Q6: Answer the ?time? objection or some other universal one.
Q7: Use it to springboard into the offer while keeping frame.
Q8: Use it to for risk-reversal (and guarantees) without breaking frame.

Wh en t o u se:
In final 48 hours of a
promo period
(cart-close, discount
expiring, etc.)
{Intro describing your reader but making it sound like you're simply describing your best
{Validation of your reader - you appreciate that type of person}
{W hy you appreciate that person, connected to the product you're selling}
{Tell him what you're about to tell him}
{Assure him he'll find answers to his top 2 questions}
1. {Question}
{Repeat for as many FAQs as you've got, being specific and tonal where and as necessary}
{Organize questions almost like a sales page, opening with more of their problem-related
questions and finishing the list with closer questions, like what exactly they'll receive, what
happens immediately after ordering and risk-reducers}
{Light sign-off}
PS: {Scarcity, urgency and other FOMOs}
Questions people asked before saying YES to Courses That
The business owners who get the MOST out of my programs are
usually the ones who ask the most questions.
By inviting skepticism as a "good thing", we
The ones who refuse to let me off the hook.
show confidence and credibility.
The ones who hold my feet to the fire and dare to ask the
hard-nosed questions.
Personally, I love it.
Because at the end of the day, I only want you to join Courses
That Convert if you know, without a doubt, that it?s the missing We link the offer in mind to the OUTCOME
link between you and a fully-leveraged and profitable online the prospect wants to achieve.
So without further ado, here are the most common questions I?ve
been fielding over the last few days.
If you?re still on the fence, chances are at least one or two of them
has been wreaking havoc on your sleep patterns. Specificity in action. Live launches are stressful
for the potential customer. By showing we
(sorry about that).
"get" the other side of it - we earn trust and
Let?s jump in! engagement.
1. W hat if there are other courses on my topic? Lead with the BIGGEST objection.
Awesome! That means there?s a market?
? and an opportunity ;-) Empower your customer by turning their
biggest objection into their biggest
Because where there?s competition, there are also dissatisfied
customers who DIDN?T get their problem solved the first time.
Many people found this to be a VERY
Your job is to discover how current courses have let them down,
empowering "a-ha." moment.
note the failure points, and create a course that rescues them
from those issues and helps them achieve the results they?re
looking for.
2. W hat if I don?t have a list?
Sure, it would be awesome to go into Courses That Convert with
an active list. But your success certainly won?t depend on it.
There?s a crazy myth that you need to have a list of subscribers
that trust you enough to tell you what they want, but in reality
that?s just one of MANY course validation strategies.
In Module 1 of Courses That Convert, you?ll learn how to gauge
Take their SECOND biggest objection, and
market interest and create a course that your market wants
answer it with a unique aspect of your product
EVEN if you don?t have an email list to send surveys to (yet).
(in this example, it's the "MVV Method"), that
I call it the minimum viable validation (MVV) method, and it?s helps them overcome it.
the perfect way to get up and running fast! No list needed.
This creates the perception that YES their
3. How long do I need to be creating free content (blogs, concern is valid, and would be a problem with
podcasts, etc.) BEFORE I create a course? EVERY other solution on the market - but
lucky for you, our product has X.
I bet you?ve heard something along the lines of ?you need to give
free valuable content for 6, 9 or 12 months before you?ve earned
the right to create a course."
W here does this advice even come from?
As long as there?s a PROBLEM your target audience experiences Meeting another big objection, and
that you?re uniquely equipped to solve, it doesn?t matter if you?ve empowering them to get past a myth and
been offering free content for 10 years or 10 days. commonly held belief that's been holding them
Yes, being in the game longer may give you more insights into
what the market wants... but these aspects can easily be By crushing commonly held industry myths
overcome with the strategies you?ll learn inside Courses That (especially disempowering ones) - you take on
Convert. the role of a likeable leader.
In short. You don?t need permission. You need proper strategy
and implementation.
4. I?ve seen other course building programs that also go deep into
Question #4 is all about positioning against
the marketing side. Does Courses That Convert do that?
competitors - in this case, we took what could
Conversion is a two-sided process. be seen as a negative thing (her course NOT
including modules on the promotional side of
Yes, marketing funnels and promotional strategies are sexy.
course building) and turned that into a positive
But as I?m sure you?ve experienced, they also get overwhelming (helps them maintain 100%focus on the task at
and lead you down an endless rabbit hole of delay and hand without racing ahead, so that they
distraction. actually FINISH building their asset... unlike
everyone else who races ahead prematurely).
I want to remind you that what you?re doing inside Courses That
Convert is building a REAL profitable asset that can generate
income for the rest of your life!
It?s a process that requires laser-focus, meticulous step-by-step
detail, and a disciplined approach that back-burns all tactics that
don?t serve the immediate goal of building your course.
I know this will turn off the shiny object seekers. But that?s okay. Re-qualify them as a prospect - and make them
AFFIRM to your way of doing things (vs. your
My obligation isn?t to them? it?s to YOU!
The driven, focused entrepreneur who?s made the big decision to
BUILD a valuable long term asset with as little distraction as
And if you do have a slight case of funnel fever (don?t we all),
you?ll get access to a very special bonus:
?The Course Launch Master Plan?that reveals the EXACT
campaign I use in my own 7-figure course launches, and more
importantly, the downloadable step-by-step project plan that
allows you to replicate it!
5. W ill I really have time to build my own online course?In
The "time" objection is pretty universal -
short, the busier you are, the MORE you need a leveraged,
however, it's your job to answer it as
freedom-building, profit generating online course in your
SPECIFICALLY as possible (as it pertains to
your audience). How does lacking time mean
And I get it. that they need your thing even more?Is there
a catch-22 you can point to?
You?re a super busy entrepreneur with a million things (and
maybe even a day job) on your plate. That?s why Courses That I like tying the 5th objection back to our USP:
Convert was built with one thing in mind: In this case, the USP is that Amy's course is
geared towards implementation. It really is
step-by-step and takes out all the guesswork.
We?ve laid out all the steps in crystal clear fashion so that you
W hereas other courses like to list of 20+ hours
don?t have to worry about being your own ?project manager?.
of content as if it's a "good thing"... we're all
Instead, you just have to block off a couple hours a week, dive in about helping them achieve the specific
and follow the step-by-step processes that guides you towards outcome.
your first profitable online course.
6. How many hours will I need to invest every week?
Courses That Convert is self-paced.
Once you enroll, you?ll have instant access to all 5 Modules (plus
the Tech Library) so that you can build your course at whatever
speed your situation allows.
I?d say that at a minimum, you should be ready to invest at least
2-3 hours per week. A small time investment considering you?re A "time objection" will be common across
building an asset that could be worth more than most people?s many programs/ products. The best way to
homes. counter it is to talk about "Return on time".
7. Can you remind me what I?m getting when I enroll TODAY: Also, notice the specificity + imagery here.
Of course :) We could've easily said "worth 6 figures", but
instead we said "an asset worth more than
W hen you enroll today during this special PROMOTIONAL
most people's homes". <-- it's grounded in
PERIOD, you?ll get access to:
something that feels real and instantly
The FULL Courses That Convert Implementation Program with conceivable.
access to all 5 video modules, cheat sheets, resource guides,
project plans, and every tool you need to build your first
profitable course with confidence and ease.
You will all get access to my entire Tech Library with 10+
step-by-step videos to ensure you know exactly how to
implement every step of the way.
Bonus #1 : Access to the Courses That Convert Facebook Group
where you?ll interact with like-minded course creators, form
valuable partnerships. trade feedback, and receive virtual
high-fives and encouragement every step of the way.
Bonus #2: The Course Launch Master Plan that gives you a
COMPLETE step-by-step action plan for launching your course
in a powerful and profitable way without the overwhelm. Value
- $497
Bonus #3: How to Create A High-Converting Sales Page so that
you can confidently create a winning sales page that maximizes
conversions and gets your course into the hands of those who
need it most. Value - $297
Once again, we're bringing in the "risk
8. Is it really risk free?
reversal" without breaking form on the FAQ.
Yep! I don?t want you to foot the bill unless Courses That
Book-ending with the EXACT same promised
Convert really is the missing link between you and owning a
outcome we stated early on the email.
profitable online course.
Repetition, but this time in the frame of the
That?s why I?m giving you a FULL 60 DAYS to put the plan into
action before making a final commitment. If you do the work
(details here) and decide this course is not right for you, just let
us know and we will refund your investment.
So that?s it, Ryan.
At this point you should have everything you need to make the
Re-affirm that they're now ready to make a
best choice for you and your business.
If that road leads you into Courses That Convert? .
Then I look forward to meeting you on the inside.
ALL my best,
P.S. If you DO decide to join me and hundreds of your peers
inside Courses That Convert, then make sure to do it before the Adding in the social proof of "hundreds of
special promo period expires. peers inside the Course". Another way to do
this would be if you have a Facebook
I?d hate for you to lose access to the the high impact bonuses.
community, to take a screen cap of how many
</ Call to Action Button> members).
Finish by sprinkling in a little bit of loss
Extra Credit:
Have you noticed what?s missing from the list of objections
covered in Amy's FAQ email example?
W herever possible, I try not to mention price in the FAQ
Here?s why?
There?s no such thing as a price objection. Only an
objection to perceived value (and one?s ability to
Unlike the objections above, when you try to address price
head-on in an FAQ it tends to have the opposite effect.
It confirms and strengthens the objection instead of disarms
Ie: ?W hy does it cost so much??
Or? ?$1,497?Isn?t that expensive??
These do nothing but CONFIRM their suspicion.
And worse? if it wasn?t already a conversation in their
head - you just made it one.
The only 2 times I?ll use a ?price objection?is:
If I?m ready to do some pretty slick price anchoring (lesson
for another time)
I?m in a position to do a reverse price objection (ie. W hy is
this so much less expensive than the other guy?W hat?s
But for now, I suggest you NOT include the price objection
in your FAQ.

Relaunching soon...

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