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A boy caught thieving (Red handed)

It was the recess. Jalil and his friend were at the school library. They were
reading their favourite books.
While reading, Jalil looked outside the windows. He saw a boy. The boy
entered his class. There were no one in his class. Jalil was suspicious.
He immediately walked to his class. He saw the books and pencils scattering
on the floor. Jalil opened his bag. Some of his things had gone missing.
Jalil reported the matter to his class teacher. The boy was called to his office.
He was caught red handed
A friend in need, a friend indeed

Alif, who is ten years old, is my best friend. He lives the next door. Alif is very
good at Science. He wants to be an asronaut.
Every afternoon, after school, Alif comes to my house. We study together.
When I have difiiculty to answer the questions, he helps me to solve them.
Alif's mother and my mother are good friends too. Despite busy doing their
chores at home, they have time to talk to each other.Every weekend, they go
to the park for a jog.
I like Alif. He is more than a friend. He is a friend in need, a friend indeed.

104 words
A heart of gold

Mr. Kumaran lives next door. He is a taxi driver. He is a kind and helpful man.
One crispy morning, Mr. Kumaran went to Subang Airport to fetch tourists.
At the airport, a male tourist boarded his car. Mr. Kumaran took him to Hotel
On the way to the taxi station, he saw a black wallet on the backseat. He
took and opened it.
Mr. Kumaran made u-turn and drove back the hotel. There, he returned
the wallet to the owner.
The tourist gave him RM300.00 but he refused. The tourist thanked him. He
has a heart of gold.
100 words
A heart of gold

Pak Ali is a hawker. He sells drinks and traditional Malay cakes.

It was a hot and blaze afternoon. A woman and her little girl passed by his
stall. The girl stopped and asked her mother to buy some drinks.
Her mother took out her purse, checked and found out that there was no
money. She persuaded her daughter to leave but the little girl started crying.
She was very sad.
Pity of her, Pak Ali immediately prepared a plastic cup of orange juice and
gave it to her. The girl was over the moon. She thanked Pak Ali profusely, for he
had a heart of gold.
Highly Immersive Programme (HIP)
Essay Writing competition

Name :……………………………………………………………

Class :………………………..

Topic :…………………………………………………………


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