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Intensive care management of patients

with haematological malignancy

Matrix reference 3D04
Martin Beed BM BS FRCA
Martin Levitt MB ChB FRCA
Syed Waqas Bokhari MB BS MRCP FRCPath

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Key points Serious complications are common among pati- speaking, the commonest types of malignancies
ents admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of hae- admitted to ICU include acute myeloid and
Up to 7% of patients
matological malignancy, with one British study of lymphoblastic leukaemias, and non-Hodgkin’s
admitted to hospital with a
1437 admissions identifying 7% as being compli- lymphoma. Less common diseases include
diagnosis of haematological
malignancy have a critical cated by an episode of critical illness.1 Although Hodgkin’s disease, myeloma, and the chronic
illness. Up to 13% of most of these episodes did not result in admission leukaemias.
haematopoietic stem cell to intensive care unit (ICU), an increasing
transplant recipients require number of patients with a diagnosis of haematolo-
intensive care unit (ICU) gical malignancy are being managed within ICU
admission. or are receiving critical care input.1 – 3
Complications of
Complication rates are higher for post-
chemotherapy and stem cell
Estimates of survival to
hospital discharge after ICU haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT)
admission vary but may be patients with a recent abstract revealing an Many chemotherapy agents, either individually
as high as 40%. overall ICU admission rate for transplant or in combination, are commonly used in order
There is presently no way patients of 13.6% among 1671 British patients to induce cure or remission. They are also used
to predict whether or not over a 10 yr period.4 as part of a conditioning regimen with or
ICU treatment will be futile, ICU admission for patients with haematolo- without total body irradiation before bone
although tracheal intubation gical malignancies, and particularly after bone marrow transplant. Many drugs can give rise to
with mechanical ventilation marrow transplantation, has been associated systemic complications (Table 1); bleomycin
and renal replacement with very poor outcomes, and in some cases, merits a special mention as patients who have
therapy are associated with critical care has been withheld because it was received extensive doses are at risk of develop-
poorer outcomes.
perceived to be futile.5 Newer studies suggest ing pulmonary fibrosis and respiratory failure if
that ICU outcomes have improved, probably as high inspired oxygen concentrations are given.
Martin Beed BM BS FRCA
a result of changes in both haematological Chemotherapy treatment is occasionally
Consultant in Intensive Care and
Anaesthesia treatments and ICU care.6 administered while on ICU, particularly where
Nottingham University Hospital Patients with haematological malignancy may there is evidence of airway or mediastinal com-
City Campus develop critical illness either as part of their first pression; liver, renal, or brainstem invasion; or
Nottingham NG5 1PB
UK presentation with the malignancy or more com- a high leukaemic burden. Chemotherapy drugs
Tel: þ44 115 9691169 monly after chemotherapy or HSCT. Some pre- should only be drawn up and administered by
Fax: þ44 115 8402620 sentations are specific to each scenario, whereas practitioners experienced in their use, and
(for correspondence) others may occur in all groups of patients. facilities should be in place to safely store che-
Respiratory failure is present in approximately motherapy agents and to dispose of unused
Martin Levitt MB ChB FRCA
half of all referrals to ICU. Between 10% and remnants and contaminated body fluids.
Consultant in Intensive Care and
50% of the patients have signs of shock, and there Designated sharps bins and bags/bins for con-
Nottingham University Hospital is evidence of multiple organ failure in about one- taminated linen or containers holding contami-
City Campus fifth. Other causes for admission include neuro- nated body fluids should be provided, alongside
Nottingham NG5 1PB
logical failure, gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, protective masks, aprons, and gloves and pre-
renal failure, and metabolic derangement.3 prepared kits designed for the management of
Syed Waqas Bokhari MB BS MRCP
unexpected extravasation or spillage of cyto-
toxic agents.
Consultant Haematologist University Haematological malignancies In a short series of 37 patients receiving
Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire
Coventry CV2 2DX There is a high degree of subclassification chemotherapy while on ICU, 33% were still
of haematological malignancies. Broadly alive 6 months later.5
doi:10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkq034 Advance Access publication 17 September, 2010
167 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 10 Number 6 2010
& The Author [2010]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
ICU and haematological malignancy

Table 1 Some common complications associated with chemotherapy agents Table 2 Complications of stem cell transplant

Complications Associated chemotherapy agents Early complications (usually ,100 days) Late complications
(usually .100 days)
Idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis Cyclophosphamide
Pulmonary fibrosis Bleomycin; high-dose methotrexate Infections Infections
Haemorrhagic cystitis Cyclophosphamide Haemorrhage Chronic GVHD
Hypertension Cyclosporin Acute GVHD Chronic pulmonary disease
Cardiomyopathy Doxorubicin Graft failure (especially aplastic anaemia) Autoimmune disorders
Thrombotic thrombocytopaenic purpura Cyclosporin, tacrolimus Haemorrhagic cystitis Cataract
Interstitial pneumonitis Infertility
Others, including veno-occlusive disease, Second malignancies
cardiac failure
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation can be subdivided

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according to the origin of the cells ( peripheral or bone marrow),
the donor of the cells (Fig. 1), and the intensity of conditioning
(myeloablative or reduced intensity conditioning). Myeloablative are neutrophils. Neutropaenic patients are at substantial risk of infec-
conditioning involves the pre-transplant destruction of endogenous tions, especially unusual or atypical infections, including fungal or
bone marrow cells using either radiation or drugs, such as busul- viral infections. Patients are often on prophylactic anti-fungal, anti-
phan or cyclophosphamide. The use of myeloablative therapy and viral, or anti-pneumocystis (pneumocystis jerovicii) medications, and
less well HLA-matched stem cell donation are associated with an these should be continued while on ICU unless the dose or drug
increased risk of complications and poorer outcomes if patients are requires adjustment to treat, rather than prevent, active infection. All
admitted to ICU. Admission to ICU is more likely after myeloabla- neutropaenic patients should be reverse-barrier nursed wherever
tive allografts (39.2%), and reduced intensity conditioning allo- possible; in addition, it is worth noting that they are also at particular
grafts (17.9%), than for autografts (5.1%).4 risk from individuals infected with varicella. Iatrogenic infections
Although there is a higher chance of the potentially beneficial such as ventilator-acquired pneumonia, catheter-related bloodstream
graft-vs-disease effect in patients with mismatched transplants, infection (CRBSI), and urinary catheter infections are common in
this effect is partly off-set by higher risk of developing severe neutropaenia; in the early stages of a critical illness, it may be
grade II –IV graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) which adversely affects desirable to avoid invasive procedures such as bladder catheteriza-
the outcomes. The complications of stem cell transplantation are tion, tracheal intubation, or central venous access where possible.
given in Table 2. Most ICU admissions are for early complications, Neutropaenic patients who develop symptoms of infection (e.g.
with at least 50% of admissions being within 30 days of pyrexia or rigors) should be suspected of having an infection even
transplantation. where there is no evidence of a specific source. They are less
likely to develop suppurative symptoms and may not develop clas-
sical chest X-ray appearances of pneumonia. A full septic screen
Neutropaenia and sepsis
of urine, blood, and sputum should be performed, and this is likely
There are different definitions of neutropaenia varying between to need repeating, sometimes on a daily basis. Broad-spectrum
cell counts of 1.5–2109 litre21, although in practice, counts of antibiotics which include anti-pseudomonal cover will be required
,1109 litre21 are considered significantly low. It must be remem- in the first instance, and close liaison with microbiology is essen-
bered that the absolute relative neutrophil count may still be low in tial in tailoring antimicrobial therapy to local resistances (e.g. ami-
patients with high white cell counts in whom only a small fraction kacin may be preferable to gentamicin where there is an increased

Fig 1 Types of HSCT donors.

168 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j Volume 10 Number 6 2010
ICU and haematological malignancy

risk of resistant pseudomonal infections). Even when a likely particularly when it is required as part of an emergency resuscita-
pathogen is isolated, it is common for a broad range of antimicro- tion, although a minimum count of 20–30109 litre21 seems
bial therapy to be maintained. Persistent or recurrent fever in neu- prudent. Despite the potentially increased risk of CRBSI, central
tropaenic patients despite adequate antibacterial cover should venous access via the femoral route is often considered in haema-
prompt consideration of fungal infection with a computed tomogra- tology patients with thrombocytopaenia.
phy (CT) chest and empirical treatment with anti-fungal agents. In some cases, patients with thrombocytopaenia are sensitized
The choice and dosage of these anti-fungal agents will depend to, and generate antibodies against, transfused platelets resulting in
upon the liver and renal functions of the individual patient and the platelet refractoriness. In these cases, it may be valuable to do pre-
type of fungal infection suspected, but should cover Aspergillus and 1 h post-transfusion platelet counts. Where there is little or no
and resistant Candida species. increment, specially ordered HLA-matched platelets may be
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) is often used to required.

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promote neutrophil recovery, except in conditions where there is a It is also worth remembering that other potential causes of
low absolute neutrophil count but a high overall white cell count. thrombocytopaenia may co-exist in haematology patients, for
GCSF has, rarely, been associated with splenic rupture especially example, idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura, heparin-induced
in myeloproliferative disorders with associated splenomegaly. thrombocytopaenia, post-transfusion purpura, or drugs such as
Respiratory failure
Tumour lysis syndrome
The default diagnosis for the cause of respiratory failure is often
infection, although alternative causes include pulmonary oedema, Tumour lysis syndrome is most associated with the acute leukae-
GVHD, and infiltration of the lung by the underlying disease, or mias and high-grade lymphomas especially Burkitt’s lymphoma.
pulmonary haemorrhage. Where tracheal intubation and mechan- In certain rare cases, it can happen spontaneously but most com-
ical ventilation are required, they are associated with poorer monly occurs after treatment with chemotherapy (and occasionally
outcome, except where the cause is transient (i.e. after surgical with single-therapy dexamethasone treatment). It results in poten-
procedures, or brief neurological failure such as fitting) or where it tially life-threatening hyperkalaemia, renal failure, and acidosis.
is associated with an episode of pulmonary oedema. In common Serum hyperphosphataemia and hypocalcaemia may also be
with other ICU patients, lung-protective strategies should be present along with increased serum and urine uric acid. Aggressive
adopted where possible. Although it is still unclear, there is some fluid hydration and hyperkalaemia treatment, which may include
evidence to suggest that avoiding tracheal intubation and mechan- renal replacement therapy, combined with the administration of
ical ventilation may improve survival.6 rasburicase (a recombinant urate oxidase enzyme) are the main-
The presence of infection is often hard to prove, and bronchoal- stays of therapy. Forced alkaline diuresis has previously been advo-
veolar lavage may improve detection rates. The diagnosis of lung cated, but its use is declining due to variable efficacy, especially
fibrosis is even harder to prove other than by open-lung biopsy, where renal function is already compromised, and potential
and by the time this is considered, the patient is often too unstable hazards such as fluid overload.
for the procedure. A review of surgical lung biopsy indicated that Where tumour lysis is likely to occur, close monitoring of renal
where a diagnosis was made, it was as likely to be one of infection function, calcium, phosphate, and urate levels is required (e.g. 2, 4,
as it was to be the underlying malignancy (29% vs 27%). The and 8 h after starting chemotherapy). Allopurinol or rasburicase is
most common infection diagnosed by biopsy was aspergillosis.7 commonly used as prophylaxis where there is a high tumour load,
and thus increased risk of tumour lysis (where rasburicase is used,
allopurinol should be withheld).
The commonest coagulopathy present in haematological malig-
Other organ failures
nancy is thrombocytopaenia. Spontaneous bleeding, especially
from sites of minor trauma such as nasogastric tubes or arterial Temporary neurological dysfunction and seizures are relatively
line insertion, may occur with very low platelet counts (e.g. common and may have a whole variety of causes. Given the possi-
5109 litre21). Where there is active bleeding (e.g. a GI haem- bility of thrombocytopaenia, or other coagulopathic states, a CT is
orrhage) or when surgical procedures are planned, a minimum often required to rule out the presence of an intracranial bleed.
platelet count of 50–60109 litre21 should be maintained, using This is especially true in the presence of trauma, no matter how
platelet transfusions if required. The safe level at which to main- minor. Hypercoagulable states may give rise to cerebral infarction
tain patients not expected to undergo such procedures is less clear or venous thrombosis. Hyperviscosity syndrome may lead to drow-
and counts above 10 –20109 litre21 are often considered accepta- siness, coma, and neurological defects and may require therapeutic
ble. There is no clear consensus as to what level is required to apheresis ( plasmapheresis or leucopheresis depending on the
safely insert a central venous catheter under ultrasound guidance, underlying haematological condition). Neurological failure may

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ICU and haematological malignancy

also be caused by the underlying malignancy or by electrolyte Table 3 Scoring systems for GVHD
imbalance. The Seattle scoring system for graft-vs-host disease
Hypercoagulable states are associated with many of the under-
Stage Skin rash Liver Gut (diarrhoea,
lying malignancies, chemotherapy treatment and HSCT, and may
(typically face, palms, soles, ears) (bilirubin, litre day21)
also cause veno-occlusive disease of peripheral, pulmonary, or mmol litre21)
hepatic veins; even in patients who have thrombocytopaenia.
GI dysfunction is associated with chemotherapy, GVHD, and 1 Rash ,25% 20 –35 0.5 – 1
2 Rash 25 –50% 35 –80 1 –1.5
infection. Typhlitis, a neutropaenic enterocolitis (sometimes referred 3 Erythroderma 80 –150 1.5 – 2.5
to as caecitis or caecenteritis), commonly occurs between 10 and 14 4 Bullae, desquamation .150 .2.5 (pain, ileus)
days after cytotoxic chemotherapy and is especially associated with
the use of cytosine, vinca alkaloids, and doxorubicin, although other Overall grading of acute graft-vs-host disease

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agents are known to cause it. Typhlitis may be very difficult to
differentiate from appendicitis or infection with Clostridium difficile; 100 day survival
abdominal CT may be helpful in confirming the diagnosis.
I Stage 1 or 2 skin, no gut or liver involvement 78 – 90%
Acute renal failure may be as a result of the underlying disease, II Stage 1–3 skin; with stage 1 gut or liver; mild 66 – 92%
administration of nephrotoxic agents, or related to sepsis and hypo- decrease in performance status
III Stage 2–3 skin; with stage 2– 4 gut or stage 29 – 62%
tension. It is often associated with hepatic failure, especially after
2–3 liver; marked decrease in performance status
HSCT therapy. Renal replacement therapy may be required to IV Similar to grade III; with stage 4 gut or liver; 23 – 25%
support the patient, although anti-coagulation of the filter may be extreme decrease in performance status
relatively contraindicated in patients with a coagulopathy, in whom
haemofiltration using pre-dilution alone may be a safer option.
haemodynamically stable enough to tolerate aliquots of blood
Many studies have shown the need for renal replacement therapy
removal for treatment. GI involvement may necessitate the need
to be an independent predictor of mortality in patients with haema-
for parenteral nutrition to rest the gut. Octreotide may be useful for
tological malignancy, although renal failure suspected to be as a
severe diarrhoea.
result of the disease itself is not necessarily a bar to treatment.8
Chronic GVHD, a multiorgan syndrome resembling autoimmune
disorders, occurs in 30–50% of matched sibling grafts. It may be
Graft-vs-host disease limited or extensive and these patients are usually quite significantly
immunocompromised, despite normal neutrophil counts.
Acute GVHD typically presents with skin rash, diarrhoea, and
hepatitis. It can also lead to significant thrombocytopaenia, con-
junctivitis, and even microangiopathic haemolysis. Incidence of
Outcomes and survival after ICU admission
GVHD increases with HLA incompatibility, unrelated rather
than related donor, donor–recipient sex mismatch, inadequate Patients with haematological malignancies presenting to the ICU
GVHD prophylaxis, myeloablative conditioning, peripheral blood are clearly not a homogenous population. It is difficult to estimate
as stem cell source, increasing age of donor and recipient, and ICU and hospital survival in a group of patients with such a wide
cytomegalovirus-positive status. range of underlying diseases and disease severity, requiring differ-
Acute GVHD (,100 days post-HSCT) can be diagnosed histo- ent treatment regimens, and in whom, the presenting complaint
logically, but in the acute setting, a clinical diagnosis and staging requiring ICU intervention also varies.
system, such as the Seattle scoring system, are more commonly Most studies conclude that high acute physiology and chronic
used. The overall grade of acute GVHD is predictive of day 100 health evaluation (APACHE) scores are associated with increased
survival (Table 3). mortality (and indeed may even underestimate it in this cohort), as
The peak time for developing acute GVHD is 30 –50 days post- are increased number of organ failures, the need for mechanical
transplant, although it can occur later than 100 days after transplant ventilation, and the need for renal replacement therapy. There is no
especially if donor lymphocyte transfusions are required. single clinical feature, or combination of features, that can be used
Identifying acute GVHD as the cause of a critical illness is often to reliably predict futility in patients with haematological malig-
difficult (e.g. where there is hepatic dysfunction which could be nancy requiring ICU support.
due to drugs such as cyclosporin or infection or veno-occlusive A review in 2003 found a wide variation in the reported survi-
disease) and low threshold should be kept to pursue a histological val to hospital discharge for ICU patients with haematological
diagnosis with a skin, rectal, or liver biopsy if in doubt. malignancy, ranging from 17% to 44%.9 A similar review in 2004
Where GVHD requires treatment within ICU, options include concentrating just on HSCT recipients revealed hospital discharge
increased doses of steroids, immunosuppressants such as cyclos- survival ranges of 4–20%.2 In both these reviews, many of the
porin or mycophenolate mofetil, and occasionally extra-corporeal absolute numbers in individual studies were small; nevertheless,
phototherapy, although the latter requires the patient to be there would appear to be a trend towards improved survival over

170 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j Volume 10 Number 6 2010
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time.6 Of those patients who do survive for a prolonged period 3. Kroschinsky F, Weise M, Illmer T et al. Outcome and prognostic features
after ICU discharge, a significant number are cured or in complete of intensive care unit treatment in patients with hematological malignan-
cies. Intensive Care Med 2002; 28: 1294– 300
remission. The aetiology and severity of that acute illness does not
4. Holroyd A, Townsend W, Naik P et al. Favourable outcome for haemato-
affect the long-term prognosis or quality of life, these being predo- poietic transplant recipients requiring intensive therapy unit admission:
minantly affected by the underlying nature of their malignancy.10 a 10-year single-centre experience. Bone Marrow Transplant 2009; 43:
A decision not to treat an episode of critical illness in a patient S23
with haematological malignancy should be made with due regard 5. Benoit DD, Depuydt PO, Vandewoude KH et al. Outcome in severely ill
to both their underlying condition, physiological reserve, the pres- patients with haematological malignancies who received intravenous
chemotherapy in the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Med 2006; 32:
ence of co-morbidities, and their current condition and should be 93– 9
made after informed discussion with the referring team and the
6. Azouley E, Alberti C, Bornstain C et al. Improved survival in cancer
patient or their representative. patients requiring mechanical ventilator support: impact of noninvasive

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mechanical ventilator support. Crit Care Med 2001; 29: 519– 25
7. Zihlif M, Khanchandani G, Ahmed HP, Soubani AO. Surgical lung biopsy in
Conflict of interest patients with hematological malignancy or hematopoietic stem cell trans-
plantation and unexplained pulmonary infiltrates: improved outcome with
None declared. specific diagnosis. Am J Hematol 2005; 78: 94–9
8. Mallick NP, Olujohungbe A, Drayson MT. Renal impairment in myeloma:
time for a reappraisal. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1998; 13: 30– 2
References 9. Silfvast T, Pettil V, Ihalainen A et al. Multiple organ failure and outcome of
critically ill patients with haematological malignancy. Acta Anaesthesiol
1. Gordon AC, Oakervee HE, Kaya B et al. Incidence and outcome of criti-
Scand 2003; 47: 301– 6
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a prospective observational study of ward and intensive care unit based 10. Yau E, Rohatiner AZ, Lister TA, Hinds CJ. Long term prognosis and
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