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After talking about her birth chart, she confirmed that it was
true: she felt lonely, sad and empty. She didn’t know how to cope
with her emotional stress. Her boyfriend went to another coun-
try and he already had a new girlfriend. She was practically in
his past. So she asked me to help her to fill that emotional void.
We tried with fire ceremonies and that helped but just a little.
Her emptiness was immense and the darkness of her grief was
more strong than the light of the sacred fire.

Then, some idea came to me spontaneously. I told her to do an

experiment. As she was not planning dated with anyone, or have
a boyfriend, I told her that I would assume the role of a “spiritu-
al boyfriend”, in that way she would fill her days with beautiful
words, give her some roses, tell her about her virtues and her
strengths. I would look into her eyes and tell her with authentic-
ity how important her existence was, teach her to forgive herself
and love herself. I would sit at her side and talk about life and
the connection of souls. I would take her hands and send a lot of
love like energy, caress her face with delicacy and pure affection.
We would walk through the wide green field, holding hands so
that she felt herself as part of nature, of love and the universe.
She looked at me with her big, nostalgic eyes and said without
hesitation: “Let’s do it.”

We begin the experiment. At first it took a while to adapt to

the strange situation of sharing her mind and deeper thoughts,
but little by little she was releasing everything she had been
carrying for a long time: her eyes began to shine in a different
way, her smile appeared with more frequency. She began to
notice how beautiful her soul was and get released of the dark
mist that surrounded her.

I usually wrote to her in the mornings, wishing her a beau-

tiful day and reminding her how beautiful and valuable she
was to the universe. We met with some frequency, sometimes
for lunch together, go to a movie or just walk in a quiet place.
There was always a day in each lunar cycle in which she re-
lapsed into a deep catharsis, she cried a lot, but her tears were
like the rain that precedes a sunny and colorful weather.

A bright Sunday morning she came to visit me. She appeared

surprisingly with a fresh smile and a mysterious look. She told
me: “You have healed me!” She gave me a big hug. Her ener-
gy had completely transformed; she became a different person
than the one I found. Her habits had changed a lot and even her
way of dressing was different. She looked beautiful, shiny, with
a heart full of deep feelings. My mission was accomplished.

Later, during Christmas, her ex-boyfriend, for which she had

suffered so much, return to the city. He saw her so changed,
different from what he had known about her. He gets captivat-
ed and invited her to dinner. She accepted. At the restaurant,
she was watching him (I had taught her to read people). Sud-
denly, the ex-boyfriend asked if she want go somewhere more
private. She just smiled and said she need go to the bathroom,
but she actually left the place. She sends a message telling him
that she only accepts the dinner to understand why in the past
she had fallen in deep love. She became aware that everything
had been a phantasmagoria of her mind. She said that was not
interested in seeing him again and closed the matter forever.

Later, during one of her trips to Europe, she met a good man
with whom she finally established as a beautiful couple. The last
time I spoke with her, she told me that she was pregnant and she
was very happy with her new life. She had told her husband how
I had helped her. Her husband told me in a chewed Spanish:
“Thank you for taking care of her for me.” And I replied that the
Universe had reserved she for him and I was only an accomplice
of the Universe. So we laughed light-heartedly.

After a few months, she called me and told me in a serious tone:

“I have a very dear and special friend who is going through
something similar to what happens to me ... Can you help her as
you helped me?” I said to her: “If you ask me, of course, give her
my number so she can contact me.” Then another story began
but I won’t tell it at this time. Actually many more stories came
later ... but we go one step at a time.

For now, it’s fine.

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