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Influence of Literature on Western Civilization

Western civilization started in the Western Mediterranean and Western Europe. This

refinement is connected to the Roman Empire as well as Medieval Christendom which occurred

from the Middle Ages. The western advancement has led to the transformation of various

episodes including the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, the scientific

revolution, the Enlightenment, and it also led to the improvement of liberal democracy. The

western culture is portrayed by a host of philosophic, artistic, traditions, literary and legal

themes. Furthermore, this culture is characterized by the heritage of Germanic, Celtic, Slavic,

and Latin, Jewish and other linguistic and ethnic groups (Salisbury and Dennis 543). Conversely,

literature has positively impacted western civilization.

The Alphabet

The alphabet knowledge has affected western civilization positively. This acquaintance is

made up of a typical set of letters written in graphemes or symbols through following a general

principle. The alphabetical knowledge has enabled people to keep information as well as

conducting various transactions without experiencing difficulties. Moreover, this know-how has

boosted formal learning hence leading to the instigation of schools where individuals attained

scholarly training in different fields. As a result, the alphabet made many transformations in
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Europe including the way of doing things such as recording information in written form,

therefore, depleting chances of losing vital details (Classen 45).


Moreover, literature has led to the invention of libraries which impacted western

civilization in an optimistic manner. During the Renaissance period, many people were

conducting lots of research concerning nature, galaxies, plants, human being, and animals among

other creatures. Consequently, the scholars needed a medium for harnessing the necessary

information concerning different topics. At this point, the notion of having a library was

manifested to enable the researchers to undertake their analytical tasks in an effective way.

Essentially, the library offered a flexible environment with an inclusive and wide range of

resources which supported teaching and studying in the learning institutions. Moreover, the

existence of libraries has played a vibrant role in the advancement of culture that boosts broader

reading as well as motivating learners and readers. Similarly, this research medium has also

created a room for creativity, collaborative learning, and leading to the development of

information literacy expertise and independent research. Since the community members acquired

lots of knowledge through reading scholarly materials from different researchers, then there

arose many inventions and people changed their traditional methods of doing things (Salisbury

and Dennis 565).

The Olympics

Literature has moreover led to Olympics hence impacting western civilization positively.

Due to receiving literacy knowledge, the scholars thought of coming up with an activity which

could promote the social relationship between people through arranging competition. As a result,
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the first Olympic Games were started in ancient Greece where the participants were from cities

of the host nation and its colonies. Thereafter, these games started to be conducted in every 4

years in respect of the king of god, Zeus. The rewards for winning were glory and fame, and

sometimes the statues of the champions were erected and their faces were put on faces of the

coins. Currently, people still celebrate Olympic Games and they use some of the ancient

exercises such as opening and closing merriments as well as the application of olive leaf crowns.

Undeniably, sports have greatly impacted ancient western culture since many people are

currently using games to earn their living, a thing that was not there before in primordial Europe

(Duelt 417). Nowadays, people are participating in games and sports to keep their bodies fit.


The introduction of literature has led to the advancement of cultural practices,

particularly in the science field. Because of the above knowledge, Greece is recognized as the

mother country of numerous celebrated scientists and mathematicians. Some of these geniuses

are Eratosthenes, individuals who came up with the formula of calculating the circumference of

the earth as well as Aristarchus, the author of the theory denoting that the earth revolves around

the sun. The other inventors from Greece included Hipparchus, who established a system for

explaining the way stars and planet moves; and Archimedes who offered comprehensive

understanding about pulleys and levers. Definitely, these innovators have changed the ways in

which ancient individuals did their things including the timing of seasons, conducting

calculations and application of simpler devices of lifting heavy objects (Kirkpatrick 53).

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The literature has led to the introduction of architecture hence influencing western

civilization in a constructive manner. Because of having the knowledge, the architectural sector

has undergone numerous transformations that were facilitated by various designers namely

Michael Angelo, Brunelleschi Bramante, Manetti, and Alberti. Some of the unique elements in

this phase included Greek column’s rows, Roman arches, Islamic decoration and Oriental domes.

The above changes are believed to cause depletion of Gothic architecture which entailed flying

buttresses and pointed arches and it was substituted with a simple mark of the Greek temple or

the temperate and elegant Roman dome curve. At the same time, the Corinthian, Ionic and Doric

styles used in ancient Greece got revived. These new architectural skills have been used in the

construction of great cities of Europe as well as great cathedrals and churches such as St. Mark at

Venice, St. Peter’s at Rome, and St. Paul’s at London. In contemporary Europe, there are various

developments in building and construction sector such as painting and application of pillars

during the establishment of tall houses (Malanima 236).


The literature has also led to the establishment of democracy in Europe. Since Greek had

received literacy know-how earlier than other nations, then this was the first country to practice

democracy globally. In particular, Athens was initially having a monarchical form of

administration but after the community members became educated, the rule changed to an

oligarchy government and finally reached democracy. As a result of literature, the democratic

government was able to carry out voting practices as well as passing various rules through

considering majority ballots. Presently, the western world uses indirect democracy through

having representatives voted by the citizens to air their grievances and requirements. Essentially,
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the above form of the regime is promoting equality and equity among the community members

hence reinforcing peace co-existence in the country (Duelt 458).

Storage of Information

The existence of literature has promoted western civilization since it has created a

medium for storing information concerning different transactions. For example, the above know-

how has led to the article and narrative writing where the future generation can learn about the

cultural practices and norms exercised by their forefathers. As a result, the community members

are protected from indulging themselves into actions which can bring bad omen to them or

practicing activities that are not acceptable in the community. The retention of communal norms

in a written form has helped Europe to preserve its inspiring traditions hence leading to the

sustenance of national dignity. Moreover, the recording of information has made the Europeans

prosper economically since they are able to determine when they are making losses and profits.

Furthermore, literature has promoted peace and harmony in the nation since the citizens are

guided by the constitutions thus distancing themselves from criminal acts (Malanima 163).


While summing up, this paper has comprehensively explained the way literature has

positively impacted western civilization. If were it not for formal education, Europe could be

still raging behind as far as national progress is concerned. Fortunately, this experience has led to

the introduction of various things including alphabets, democracy, architecture, Olympics,

libraries as well as an effective mean of storing information. For instance, the western people

have embraced literature and they are applying it on various fields such medical sector, artistic

arena, engineering and philosophy (Salisbury and Dennis 621). Indeed, the above practices have
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conducted a crucial role in bringing about western civilization since most of the scholarly

invention are still applicable in the contemporary community. Undeniably, literature has made

the current world to be the way it is.

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Works Cited

Classen, Albrecht. Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: the results of a paradigm

shift in the history of mentality. de Gruyter, 2017. Print.

Duelt, Daniel Duran. "An Arrested Community: Christians of the Girdle in Fifteenth-Century

Barcelona." Medieval Encounters 22.4 (2016): 379-426. Print.

Kirkpatrick, Robin. The European Renaissance 1400-1600. Routledge, 2014. Print.

Malanima, Paolo. "Italy in the Renaissance: a leading economy in the European context, 1350–

1550." The Economic History Review (2018). Print.

Salisbury, Joyce, and Dennis Sherman. The West in the World. 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill

Education, 2013. Print.

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