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Down the lane 3 years what do you want to be ?

I wanted to be a key person in my team who can definetely benifit the organization
by giving inputs so i would be a technical lead where i can lead my team and also i
can handle my automation responsibilities. I will adopt new technologies.
you can also say:
-- I wanted to be an technical qa architect
--I wanted to be an Sr Automation Lead
--I wanted to be a Project Manager
-- I wanted to be a Scrum Master

What Technical Difficulties you faced as a QA test engineer?

While i was doing manual testing, i faced a issue of time constraint and then when
coming to automation, we had issue with Selenium captacha, bar code automation. So,
there as i was the only Sr Qa in my team who had to deal with this i have learnt
third party tool called auto it and automated it by giving its path.
--I also dealt with Ajax request , for synchroniation which i resolved by using
waits and giving conditions.

What architecture you used?

We used Hybrid approach, we used data driven, key drivena and page object model.
For appliction, we use n-tier , 3-tier we used.
It had Web layer( jsp), business logic layer and back end.
(Describe relating to your project about 3 tier or n-tier)

Technical Profile ?
Hi this is Sai Boju. I am a Sr QA Automation Test Engineer with over 8 years of
experience. My major was computer science and information systems. I am a java
certified and ISTQB certified professional. I have worked with both Manual and
Automation testing. I have worked on different diversified domains like banking,
insurance and health care. i have extensively worked on banking domain. I have used
different tools like Selenium, Java and Cucumber. For Continuous integration we
used Jenkins, for build tool i have been using Maven. For webservices i used soap
ui and restful web services. I worked in both Agile and Waterfall environments. I
have developed framework from scratch. I was working on Data driven framework,
hybrid framework and page object model as a design pattern.

Day to Day Activities?

My Day starts with daily scrum call where we will discuss what did we do yesterday
what am i going to do today and any impedimens , i would check all my emails,
voicemails, reply back, attend meetings if any, i would work on the tasks assigned
to me and end my day with logging all my tasks performed on that day into
jira/rally. If it is a sprint last day i would attend my sprint review meeting
where i give demo of the work performed in that sprint and if it is the last day of
the sprint i would attend sprint retrospective meeting where i would discuss about
the scrum and improvements to be made in the scrum.

Why should i hire you ?

-As u know, i have worked as a lead for 3 years so i have a capability of leading
of group of people.
-That shows i am a very good team player.
-I am a Java and ISTQB certified professional, so that would add value to my
technical profile.
-I have worked on banking domain for 3 years so i know in and out of the project
and i can work on it(Stress your domain)
-I was involved in all phases of SDLC and STLC so i can work with the project with
a healthy flow.
-I recieved Best performer award in my office twice for my performance.

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