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G: Hello, I don’t think we’ve met. Sophia Do

Ng: Anne Bui. Pleased to meet you.
G: Nice to meet you, too. Well, let me introduce you to someone. Nhi, this is Anne Bui
and her asisstant, Thu.
N: Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Mrs.Do’s sale manager.
Ng: Nice to meet you, too
N: How do you do Mrs Bui ?
Ng: I’m very well. Thank you. This is my assistant .
T: Good evening, Mrs Bui, Mrs Thu. Nice to meet you.
G and N: Nice to meet you, too. And what company are you from Mrs Bui?
Ng: ABC Company. I’m the sales department. I manage our sales team.
G: Ah yes. I know your company. Your business is expanding very rapidly at the moment
Ng: Yes, we’re doing quite well. And yourselft? Who do you work for?
G: Actually I work for myselft. I’m the C.E.O of a small export and packing company.
We specialise in seafood.
Ng: It’s a growing market
G: Yes, but a very competitive one Mrs Bui
Ng: Please, call me Anne
G: Well, Anne.
T: The weather is very nice to celebrate the outside party conviniently
Ng: That’s right.
N: You look very beautiful in your dresses tonight.
Ng: thank you
T: thank you. You too!
G and N: thank you
G: Now, it’s time to party. Let’s enjoy the atsmosphere of the party together.
A: Good morning. ACTO alarm. ....... speaking.
B: Good morning. I’m ....... from SKT Ltd. I’m calling you about new burglar alarm
system had just fitted by your company.
A: Oh, What’s wrong with it?
B: My boss checked carefully that and the alarma keep on going off for no apparent
A: Oh, I’m so sorry about that.
B: Well, it has caused problem with our security system.
A: I can imagine. We will fix it as soon as possible.
B: So please make sure when the problem will be solved
A: Tomorrow at least and I’m so sorry again about that. We’ll personally to make sure it
doesn’t happen again.
B: That’s great. Thanh you for your help. Bye
A: Bye
A: Hi, Bath College of Higher Education
B: Hello. This is Anne from ABC company. Could you put me through to Robert Snell,
A: Oh, I’m afraid RS isn’t here at the moment. Would you like to leave a message for
B: Yes, please
A: Just a moment. Let me get a pen. Ok. I’m ready now. Go ahead
B: Right. I’m calling about an email he sent me yesterday, but forgot to include the
attachment. It's an important document. So, I wanted him sent the document again. I need
it by tomorrow.
B: That’s right.
A: Shall I ask Robert call you back?
B: Yes. That would be great.
A: Could you give me your mobile phone number, please?
B: Yes, 0123556655
A: 0123556655, right?
B: Well
A: Ok. I make sure Robert get your message.
B: Thank you very much
A: You’re welcome. Bye
B: Bye

A: Suzanna Warren speaking

B: Hi Suzanna Warren. This is Sophie here.

A: Oh hi Sophie. How are you doing?

B: Fine thanks, and you?

A: Oh, can’t complain. So, what can I do for you?

B: I’m calling about seeing you to discuss the shipment number 7741. Yesterday I made
an appoinment to see you concerning this one at 3pm on Tuesday, but I am unable to
keep the appoinment at that time. I’m recently informed about meeting with my boss and
coworkers on that day, it is very important for me. So Could I meet you on Wednesday
from 8am to 9am ?

A: Well, I understand. I am afraid that I will busy on this day because of my work at the

B: So, when would suit you?

A: Let’s me check my diary. I’m flying in on Thursday morning. I’ll be in a meeting all
morning and then I’m having dinner with my client in the evening. I should be free on
Friday morning, though. Would that be ok for you?

B: Yes, that would be good for me. Shall we meet in your office?

A: Yes, that sounds good.

B: I will call you before I arrive. See you!

A: Bye
6/ Practice opening two different kinds of meeting, one informal and one formal.

Informal meeting

Ok let’s make a start. I’d like to welcome you all to this meeting. As you know, we’re
here today to decide on a new appraisal system for the company. I suggest we go round
the table first to get some ideas. Then we can discuss them afterwords. And I’d like, to
finish by 4.00, if that’s ok with you. So, Anny perhaps you’d like to start.

Formal meeting

Well ladies and gentlemen, let’s get down to business. It’s a pleasure to welcome all of
you here today. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the possibility of a point venture
between our two companies. As you will see from the agenda that you were sent, there
are 7 items for dicussion. This meeting is due to finish at approximately four o’clock, so I
would like to limit each item to 30 minutes. So, the first item on the agenda is

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