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Unit 1: Aa

1. Trace and write.

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the a sound.

ant apple alligator acrobat
4. Choose the correct words by circling.

ant amt
alligator alligator

acrobat acrabat
appte apple

5. Underline the correct words.

a. An an /ant!

b. An apple / aple!

c. An acrobat / acrobac and an

aligator/ alligator!
Unit 2: Bb
2. Trace and write.

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the b sound.

3. Color the right pictures.


4. Match.

 bed

 ball

 bee

 bear
5. Choose the correct words by circling.
a ball
a balt
a bea
a bee

a beer
a bear

a bed
a bad
Unit3: Cc
1. Trace and write

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the c sound

carrot clock cat car
4. Circle the correct pictures.

a. I am a cat !

b. A cat with a carrot !

c. I am a car with a carrot on a clock !

5. Choose the best answer.

a. b.
cat acrobat
apple ball
bed carrot

ant d.
clock car
bear bee
Unit 4: Dd
1. Trace and write

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the d sound


dog dragon drum doll

4. Circle the correct words.

dob/ dog drum/ drun

dolt/ doll dragon/ dragom

5. Tick the correct answers.

It is a dog. It is an drum.
It is an dog. It is a drum.

It is a dragon. It is a doll.
It is an dragon. It is an doll.
Review 1(Aa Bb Cc Dd)
1. Color the right pictures.




2. Circle the correct words.

ant aunt bell ball car cat

dell doll
bear beer dog don
3 . Match.

 acrobat

 dragon

 alligator

 drum

 clock

 car
4. Underline the correct words.

a. A ant/ An ant !

b. An apple/ A apple for an alligator!

c. Look! A ball/ An ball !

d. Look at the bee/ bae with the ball on the

bad/ bed !

e. I am a carrot/ an carrot !

f. I am an cat/ a cat on a clock/ an clock

5. Word Search Puzzle
Circle the words that you find in the following word
Unit 5: Ee
1. Trace and write

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the e sound

3. Color the right pictures.


egg elf elephant elbow

4. Choose the correct words by circling.

an elbow a elbow a elf an elf

a egg an egg an elephant a elephant

Unit 6: Ff
1. Trace and write

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the f sound

3.Circle the correct words.

fox fish fish frog

fish fork fox fork

4. Match.

 fish

 fork

 fox

 frog
5. Circle the correct pictures.

a. My funny fox !

b. My funny frog !

c. It is a fish .
Unit 7: Gg
1.Trace and write

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the g sound

a. b. c.

d. e. f.


_orill_ _ _ rden

 goat

 glass

 garden

 gorilla

3. Draw and color.

A glass or a garden
Unit 8: Hh
3. Trace and write.

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the h sound.

3. Circle the correct words.

hippo hen hen horse

hat hippo hat horse

4 . Underline the correct words.

a. A hen/ han !

b. A hippo/ hipo with a hat!

c. It is a hose/ horse .
5. Write.

__n _ e_r

_ llig_tor

hi_ _ o _ ors_
Review 2 ( EeFfGgHh)
1. Color the right pictures.




2. Write.

_ o_t _l_phant

_ox _ ors_
3. Match.

 goat

 fox

 hat

 glass

 fish

 elf

 egg

 hen
6. Circle the correct words.

a. An elaphant/ elephant !

b. My funny fox/ fos !

c. Look at my graden/ garden !

d. Look at the gorilla/ gorila !

e. A hippo/ hipo with a hat!

f. A happy hosre/ horse with a hat!

7. Word Search Puzzle.
Circle the words that you find in the following word
Unit 9: Ii
1. Trace and write

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the i sound


_ nk _ _ loo _ gu _ na _ ns _ ct
4. Circle the right pictures.

a. Here is my iguana !

b. Here is my ink in my igloo

c. My igloo with my insect !

5. Color.
Unit 10: Jj
1. Trace and write

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the j sound

3. Choose the correct words by circling.

jam elf carrot jacket

juice ink
doll jelly
4. Underline the correct words.

a. I like jem/ jam .

b. I like jelly/ jilly .

c. I like juice/ juica .

5. Match.

 jam

 jelly

 jacket

 juice
Unit 11: Kk
6. Trace and write

2. Color the pictures beginning with the k sound

3. Choose the correct words by underline.

koala kite kite goat

horse kitten lion kangaroo

3. Read and circle the right pictures.

Look at the kite .

The kitten has a kite.

The koala has a kitten.

Fly the kite, kitten!
4. Match.
 kangaroo

 kite

 kitten

 koala
Unit12: Ll
7. Trace and write

2. Color the pictures beginning with the l sound.


 lion

 lamp

 lemon

 lollipop

4. Write.

a. Look ! A _ _mon .

b. Who has a _ _ mp ?

c. The _ i_n has a _o_lipop .

Unit13: Mm
8. Trace and write

2. Circle the pictures beginning with the m sound


 moon

 milk

 monkey

 mouse

4. Circle.

a. Can you see the moon/ mon ?

b. Can you see the momkey/ monkey ?

Can you see the mouse/ mousa on the moon

with some milk/ mill ?

Review 3( IiJjKkLlMm)
1. Color the right pictures.

ink insect


kitten kangaroo

lollipop lion

milk moon
2. Write.

a. _ g _oo b. _ ac _ et

d. _ e _ on
c. _o _la

e. _ ous _ f. _ o _ m

3. Circle the correct words.

a. Here is my iguane / iguana !

b. I like jam/ jan . Yum!

c. Look at the like/ kite .

d. Who has a lanp/ lamp ?

e. Can you see the monkey/ money ?
4. Translate into Vietnamese.

a. Who has a lollipop ?

The lion has a lollipop .


b. Can you see the mouse on the moon

with some milk ?

_ _ _ Good Luck_ _ _

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