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11/11/2019 Turnitin Originality Report

Turnitin Originality Report

BS Thesis by Dawood Khan Similarity by Source

Similarity Index
From Introduction (Students 2019) Internet Sources: 13%

Publications: 3%
Student Papers: 11%
Processed on 11-Nov-2019 23:44 PKT
ID: 1211654783
Word Count: 7384


2% match (Internet from 06-Nov-2018)


2% match (Internet from 28-Sep-2017)


3 2% match (Internet from 02-Jul-2014)

2% match (student papers from 26-Mar-2018)

Submitted to CVC Nigeria Consortium on 2018-03-26

1% match (Internet from 16-Sep-2010)


6 1% match (Internet from 09-Oct-2018)

1% match (Internet from 23-Nov-2016)


1% match (student papers from 16-Feb-2017)

Submitted to Mansoura University on 2017-02-16

1% match (student papers from 13-Dec-2018)

Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2018-12-13

1% match (Internet from 26-Oct-2009)


11 < 1% match (Internet from 13-Oct-2019)… 1/20
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< 1% match (student papers from 04-Apr-2017)

Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2017-04-04

< 1% match (student papers from 13-Mar-2011)

Submitted to National American University on 2011-03-13

< 1% match (Internet from 19-Aug-2019)


< 1% match (Internet from 27-Oct-2017)


< 1% match (student papers from 03-Sep-2015)

Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2015-09-03

< 1% match (student papers from 19-May-2017)

Submitted to R.L. Paschal High School on 2017-05-19

< 1% match (Internet from 06-May-2019)


19 < 1% match (Internet from 07-Apr-2016)

< 1% match (student papers from 19-Dec-2018)

Submitted to Al Khawarizmi International College on 2018-12-19

< 1% match (Internet from 30-Apr-2012)


22 < 1% match (Internet from 19-Feb-2019)

< 1% match (student papers from 26-May-2017)

Submitted to Turun yliopisto on 2017-05-26

< 1% match (student papers from 22-Jul-2019)

Submitted to University of Duhok on 2019-07-22… 2/20
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< 1% match (student papers from 10-Apr-2015)

Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2015-04-10

< 1% match (student papers from 20-Jun-2015)

Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2015-06-20

27 < 1% match (student papers from 09-Aug-2011)

Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2011-08-09

paper text:
CHAPTER NO 1 INTRODUCTION Chapter no 1 Introduction Thyroid vitalizing hormone (TSH) is a hormone
conveyed and released by basophilic cells called as thyrotrophs in within pituitary organ in human and
different vertebrates. Thyroid animating hormone follows up on thyroid organ and control the thyroid
emission (Mori et al, 1978). 1.1 Thyroid organ Thyroid organ is a part of body's endocrine system. It is the
biggest organ particular for endocrine capacity in the human body. It is a butterfly shape organ involve two
projections (left and right).

4It is arranged in the neck, in the front of the trachea just underneath the larynx.
In the adult the largeness of thyroid organ is

15 to 20g. This organ is contain a huge number of follicles, a spheroidal sac of epithelial cells called as
thyrocytes, a station of thyroid hormone forerunner and thyroglobulin (Marshall and Bangert, 2008). The
thyroid organ secretes three hormones which are thyroxin (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and calcitonin The T4
and T3 are iodinated subordinates of tyrosine and created the follicular cells, which are separates the
embryological root. Calcitonin is for all intents and purposes interesting to the following thyroid hormones. It
has a significant activity in calcium homeostasis (Beckett and Toft, 2008). The huge aftereffect of the thyroid
organ T4 (around

490%. Most T3 (over 80%) is gotten from T4 by deiodination in periphery tissues

(liver, kidney muscle)

(Marshall and Bangert, 2008). Thyroid hormones (THs) are fundamental for standard improvement and
progression and stimulates absorption and most tissues. THs increase mitochondrial oxidative
phosphorylation and keep up amino destructive and electrolyte transport into cells. THs increase
calorigenesis and oxygen usage in most tissue. They energizes the blend of protein that can be assistant
protein or impetuses. THs coordinates sugars assimilation, enlivening insulin defilement and growing
gluconeogenesis. THs also increase the affectability of the cardiovascular and tactile framework (Beckett
and Toft, 2008). The association of

4these hormones require the amino destructive tyrosine and the pursue mineral
iodine. The age of these iodinated amino acids begins with association of… 3/20
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thyroglobulin that is posttranslational balanced in a movement of biochemically

novel reactions. Inside thyrocytes, iodide is oxidized to iodine. This reaction is
catalyzed by impetus thyroperoxidase (TPO)

inside seeing

4hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Iodine by then binds to 3' position in the tyrosil
ring, a reaction yielding 3-monoiodotyrosine (MIT). A resulting development of
another iodine to 5' position of the tyrosyl development on MIT makes 3, 5-
diidotyrosine (DIT). T4 is made by the development or coupling of two DIT

iotas. More diminutive proportions of DIT inside the thyroid can in like manner accumulate

4with MIT to outline either T3 or rT3.

All the biosynthetic techniques inside the thyroid organ are compelled by analysis framework inside the
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid turn (Biazhanova and Kopp, 2009). Iodine play a central occupation in thyroid
physiology, being both noteworthy constituent of thyroid hormones and a controller of thyroid organ work.
Thyroid organ concentrates iodine (I-) against an electrochemical slant by a transporter interceded
framework driven by ATP and is affected by thyroid- strengthening hormone (TSH; thyrotropin). The total of
the resulting strides in biosynthesis of thyroid hormones, from oxidation and organification of iodide to the
emanation of T4 and T3 into the course, are strengthened by TSH and prevented by plenitude iodine
(Cavalieri, 1997). 1.1.1 Effect of thyroid hormones on various body capacities Thyroid hormones impact
some particular body work like incitement of sugars digestion, incitement of fat digestion, incitement of
protein digestion, impact on plasma and liver fats. It increment the necessities for nutrients and furthermore
increment the basal metabolic rate (BMR). It impact the cardiovascular framework and have likewise
excitatory consequences for sensory system. It impact the rest, other endocrine organs and sexual
capacities (Guyton and Hall, 2002). 1.2 What is

24Thyroid Stimulating Hormone? Thyroid enlivening hormone (TSH) is a

hormone that control the

thyroid organ release. It is transmitted by thyrotrophs in within pituitary organ. TSH follows up on thyroid
organ, fat tissues, eye, etc. TSH increase the appearance of 4 thyroid hormone and causes morphological
changes in thyroid tissue, and advances biosynthesis of the thyroid hormones through progress of inorganic
iodide take-up, iodination of thyrosine in thyroglobulin, and change of iodothyrosine to thyroid hormones.
Thyroid animating hormone propels processing of glucose, phospholipids and nucleic acids in the thyroid. In
the fat tissue, TSH improves glucose take-up, corruption of lipids, and oxygen usage (Woeber and
Braverman, 1979). Thyroid animating hormone (TSH) empowers the age and release… 4/20
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10of the metabolically unique thyroid hormones, thyroxin (T4) and

triiodothyronine (T3), by interfacing with a specific receptor on the thyroid cell

(Rees et al, 1977).

20T3 and T4 are liable for coordinating distinctive biochemical

methodology all through the body which are fundamental enemy run of the mill improvement and metabolic
and neural development (Sterling and Lazarus, 1977). Thyroid invigorating hormone (TSH) receptors
penetrates the cell layer on different occasions and is joined with G-protein-PKA structure. TSH and TSH
metabolites bind to cell film of retro orbital tissue and augmentation adenylate cyclase activity, causing
exophthalmos (Woeber and Braveman, 1979). 1.2.1 Structure and creation Thyroid vivifying

14hormone (TSH) or thyrotropin is a glycoprotein with a sub-nuclear heap of

about 28,000 Daltons, joined by the basophilic cells (thyrotropes) of the first
pituitary (Pierce, 1971). TSH is made out of two non- covalently associated
subunits allocated alpha and beta. Notwithstanding the

5 way that

10the alpha subunits of TSH is essential to luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle

energizing hormone (FSH), and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), the
beta subunits of these glycoproteins are hormone express and present regular
similarly as immunological identity. Both alpha and beta subunits are required

common development (Pierce, 1971). The mix and release of

20TSH is empowered by thyroprotein releasing hormone "TRH"

(Sterling and Lazarus, 1977). 1.2.2 History The verifiable background

17of TSH began with the disclosure of thyroid- enlivening development in the
pituitary… 5/20
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organ. Edward Uhlenhuth was first shown that within fold of the pituitary organ secretes a thyroid trigger
using a couple of kinds of reptiles (Uhlenhuth, 1927). In 1929 two specialist names Leob and M Aaron works
uninhibitedly certified Uhlenhuth's results using Guinea pig. These basic disclosures were pursued during
the 1960s by the refinement of TSH (Ladenson et al, 2000). In the mid-1970s by the confirmation of the
basic structure of the TSH subunits. During the 1980s, the cloning of the human δ- subunit quality, were the
huge accomplishments in studding TSH enunciation, rule, and action from the principal science perspective
(Magner and Endocr, 1990 and Gurr et al, 1983). Another huge jump forward

17occurred in 1994 with the explanation of the valuable stone structure of the
immovably related Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) which exhibited that
the glycoprotein hormones

have a spot with the super gathering of Cystine-Knot Growth Factors (Lapthorn 6 et al; 1994 and Lustbader
et al; 1994).By then in 1966 it was found that TSH applies its natural effects by legitimate to a protein on the
thyroid cell plasma film (Pastan et al; 1966). 1.2.3 Effects of TSH on thyroid organ and human body TSH
sway the thyroid organ release, for instance, T3 and T4 by the thyroid organ. The specific effects of TSH on
thyroid organ on are as seek after. It increase the proteolysis of the thyroglobulin that has quite recently
been store in the follicles, with resultant appearance of the thyroid hormones into the coursing blood and the
diminishment of the follicular substance itself (Dumont et al; 1992). It increase the activity of iodine siphon,
which increase the pace of iodine getting (Dumont et al; 1992). It extended the

4size and secretary activity of the thyroid cells (Dumont et al;

1992). 1.2.4 Diseases causes as a result of the TSH variety from the standard/Thyroid issue The thyroid
issue is related to either completed/excessive or low/lacking age of thyroid hormones which oversee TSH
that inciting the hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism independently (Roderick and Whaley, 1994). The
thyroid level can be recognized in blood serum. Sickness showing low blood TSH levels are
hyperthyroidism, dish hypopituitarism, confined TSH insufficiency, Sheehan's issue, etc on inverse side
diseases demonstrating high blood TSH level are pituitary tumor, ectopic TSH-conveying tumor,
hypothyroidism, etc (Mori and Wakabayashi, 1978). 7 Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism in like
manner called as Thyrotoxicosis. It is an uncommon condition of thyroid organ in over release of thyroid
hormones depicted by an extended absorption and weight decrease (Roderick and Whaley, 1994). The
patient with hyperthyroidism may show enthusiastic delicacy, body weight decrease, extravagant
perspiration, the runs, trembling, hypercholesterolemia, heat bias or menstrual cycle irregulation.
Hyperthyroidism is a fanatical issue wherein tissue is exhibited to over the top proportions of streaming
thyroid hormone (Harjai and Licata, 1997). If there is a great deal of thyroid hormone produced, by then
every limit of the body will as a rule quicken (Tomer and Davies, 1993). Hyperthyroidism is realized by raised

6free T3 and T4 levels and depicted by anxiety, hyperactivity, excitement,

tachycardia and cardiovascular arrhythmia, and weight… 6/20
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decrease on account of the extension of basal metabolic rate (BMR). The hyperthyroid individuals have
different issues like suffering action, change in cardiovascular structure and thyrotoxic myopathy (muscles
inadequacy and rot) which consistently occur in outrageous cases. Raised level of thyroid hormones may
cause the myocardial limited putrefaction,

6increase risk for osteoporosis and may grow insulin necessities for diabetics

(Tomer and Davies, 1993). The crucial driver of hyperthyroidism is Graves' contamination. Graves' infirmity
is an insusceptible framework issue in

6which antibodies (TS Ab) against 8 the TSH receptor act to strengthen the

without TSH. This ordinarily realizes goiter course of action as a result of perpetual and

6uncontrolled thyroid induction, with T3 levels commonly extended more than

those of T4

(Tomer and Davies, 1993). Another cause is hurtful adenoma which are non-undermining yet

6produce T3 and T4 autonomously. As might be typical, these patients

present with high T4, high T3, and low TSH

(Tomer and Davies, 1993). Hyperthyroidism is similarly cause on account of the

6pituitary adenoma. Pituitary adenomas release TSH, happening in

hyperthyroid condition and goiter. The adenomas regularly don't respond to

(Tomer and Davies, 1993). Various purposes behind hyperthyroidism are outrageous T3 and T4 ingestion,
thyrotoxicosis facticia (thyroid hormone ingestion), ectopic thyroid tissue and thyroid risk moreover called as
thyroid harmful development which is especially decreased ability to conveyed thyroid hormone (under 1%
of normal tissue, etc (Tomer and Davies, 1993). The symptoms of hyperthyroidism are anxiety, crabbiness,
extended sweating, heart running, hand tremors, strain, inconvenience snoozing, reducing of the skin, fine
delicate hair and inadequacy in the muscle as a rule in the upper arms and thighs. In hyperthyroidism the
patient may have dynamically visit poos, anyway free insides is exceptional. The patient may get
increasingly fit regardless of an OK hankering and, for women, menstrual stream may help and menstrual
periods may happen less consistently. Since hyperthyroidism grows the body assimilation, various
individuals from the outset have a huge amount of imperativeness. Regardless, as the 9 hyperthyroidism… 7/20
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continues, the body will when all is said in done isolate, so being depleted is incredibly ordinary.
Hyperthyroidism generally begins step by step anyway in some energetic patients these movements can be
outstandingly sudden. From the beginning, the signs may be mistaken for direct dread in view of pressure.
Hyperthyroidism in Graves' illness (generally called Basedow's Disease), which is the most broadly
perceived kind of hyperthyroidism, the eyes may look intensified considering the way that the upper spreads
are raised. Every so often, one or the two eyes may grow. A couple of patients have developing of the front
of the neck from an expanded thyroid organ (goiter) (Tomer and Davies, 1993). Hyperthyroidism can be
treated by antithyroid meds like methimazole or propylthiouracil. It is moreover be managed radioactive
iodine to smash the thyroid cells that make the thyroid hormones (Tomer and Davies, 1993).

13Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid organ.

Hypothyroidism suggests that the thyroid organ can't make enough thyroid
hormone to keep the body running conventionally. People are hypothyroid if
they have too insignificant thyroid hormone in the blood. Hypothyroidism is
where the

thyroid organ can't convey enough thyroid hormone. In this condition people have symptoms related with a
moderate assimilation. Hypothyroidism has been connected with a lessening in bone thickness,
improvement hindrance, congestive heart deficiency, bradycardia, stoppage, body weight expansion or 10
myxedema. Hypothyroidism, like hyperthyroidism, probably is begun through autoimmunity against the
thyroid organ, yet invulnerability that obliterates the organs rather than energizes (Shargel et al; 2013).
Hypothyroidism can be either subclinical or clear. Subclinical hypothyroidism is depicted by high TSH
obsession and average fT4 and fT3 center in the serum. Such patients will be asymptomatic. In plain
hypothyroidism, the TSH levels will be high and fT4 levels will be low. Patients

23with a high serum TSH center and a low serum fT4

avow the examination of hypothyroidism (James and Groot, 2016 and Wass, Owen and Turner, 2014)
Discretionary hypothyroidism can be a result of pituitary issue, Sheehan's issue, damage and hypophysitis.
Patients with huge scale adenoma are hypothyroid after restorative technique or radiation. These patients
have various types of pituitary hormone deficiency (Shargel et al; 2013). Tertiary hypothyroidism is attributed
to deficiency in TRH to empower the pituitary. Most patients with central hypothyroidism have low or run of
the mill serum TSH centers (James and Groot, 2016). Helper and tertiary hypothyroidism can be suspected
in the going with conditions, for instance, known pituitary or hypothalamic ailment, mass damage in the
pituitary and when appearances are related to other hormonal deficiencies. Insurance from thyroid hormone
(RTH), an unprecedented issue is portrayed by diminished response to extended hovering levels of fT4 and
fT3 and non-covered serum 11 TSH. These patients present with short stature, hyperactivity, goiter, learning
inadequacy and thought deficiency (Shargel et al; 2013). Symptoms of hypothyroidism are exhaustion,
inadequacy, cold extremism, weight increment, decreased basal metabolic rate, edema, advancement
frustration, dry skin, reduced hearing, etc (Shargel et al; 2013). Hypothyroid status also realizes reduced
cardiovascular limit which can provoke congestive cardiovascular breakdown. Hypothyroidism can provoke… 8/20
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6both hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, and is connected with extended

peril for headway of atherosclerosis

(Weetman and Macgregor, 1994). The critical purposes behind hypothyroidism is iodine inadequacy. It is a
significant issue wherever all through the world which lead to the various issues during pregnancy and lead
to the goiter. Hypothyroidism may cause due to auto safe diseases, hyperthyroidism treatment, radiation
treatment and hypertension (Shargel et al; 2013). Condition rises as a result of hypothyroidism
Cretinism: Hypothyroid conditions during fetal improvement realize impedance of advancement and
cerebrum working. The hypothyroidism may be a result of iodide deficiency or to natural flaws, for instance,
nonappearance of TSH receptor. The result is a judiciously hindered, prevailed newborn child (Weetman
and Macgregor, 1994). Goiter: 12 The thyroid is fit for gigantic increments in size, bringing about an
outwardly evident lump in the neck. Goiter Objectives The present study was design to find out the following
objectives ? To find out the thyroid disorders in the population of Dir upper and Lower ? To find out the
proportion of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in the study area. ? To evaluate the hypothyroidism and
hyperthyroidism of the study area according to age, gender and season wise. CHAPTER NO

222 Review of literature Chapter no 2 Review of literature Occurrence of

Graves' ailment which is for the most part cause hyperthyroidism and which is lead to the development of
Goiter was 5.5 per 100,000 every year, which was lower than the paces of 50 for every 100,000 revealed in
the United Kingdom. A 60% expanding in the rate in Graves' ailment was seen over a multiyear time span
somewhere in the range of 1974 and 1984. As indicated by Parl etal. (1991) in iodine – adequate nations the
pervasiveness of hypothyroidism ranges from 1% to 2%, ascending to 7% in people matured somewhere in
the range of 85 and 89 years. Hypothyroidism is ten time more predominant in ladies than man. In 2002 as

19United States National Health and Nutrition assessment Survey (NHANES


unmistakable hyperthyroidism was distinguished in 0.5% of in general populace while 0.75 of the all-
inclusive community had subclinical hyperthyroidism. A populace base study from a few care homes for
matured individuals in Cape Town showed a pervasiveness of hyperthyroidism 0.6% and hypothyroidism in
1.7% of the populace. As per Khan et al. (2002), in Pakistan the pervasiveness of hyperthyroidism was 5.1
% and hypothyroidism was 4.1 % of the overall public. The commonness of hypothyroidism and
hyperthyroidism is higher in females than guys. In 2005 distinctive TSH cut-beyond reach have been
accounted for in populace based thinks about directed in different nations. Ensuing discoveries affirmed that
ethnicity, iodine admission, sex, age, and weight list can impact the reference scope of serum TSH. Truth be
told the typical TSH maximum farthest point

11was lower in African Americans (3.6 mIU/L) than in Mexican Americans or

Caucasians (4.2 mIU/L).… 9/20
11/11/2019 Turnitin Originality Report

As per Teng et al. (2006) over the previous decade in China, the commonness of subclinical hypothyroidism
has expanded (16.7%). Like the information from Chinese companions, a huge cross sectional multicity
study in India revealed in 2013 amazingly high paces of hypothyroidism (10%).

3Hypothyroidism is one of the commonest constant issue in Western populaces.

In the United Kingdom, the yearly occurrence of essential hypothyroidism in
ladies is 3.5 per 1000 and men 0.6 per 1000. During 2006 12 million solutions for
levothyroxine (50 μg or 100 μg tablets) were administered in England, identical
to about 1.6 million individuals taking long haul thyroid substitution treatment,
about 3% of the populace. The administration of 16 hypothyroisism is

commonly viewed as direct and is generally done in essential consideration

21in the UK. Cross sectional studies of patients taking levothyroxine have,

in any case, demonstrated that somewhere in the range of 40% and 48% are either over treated or under-
treated. Usha et al. (2009) reports have been distributed from Nepal, where thyroid brokenness is seen as
increasingly common in Nepali females (42.85%) than in guys (30.04%). Kardara et al. (2010) led a
populace based study in India and detailed higher pervasiveness pace of hypothyroidism in female (11.4%)
than guys (6.2%). As per Vanderpump et al. (2011) in Europe, 44% of school-age kids still have lacking
iodine admission, and Italy appears to turn out to be gently iodine insufficient in past decade. As indicated by

18et al. (2012); Mosso et al. (2012); Altomare et al. (2013) and Larsen et al. (2014)

the commonness of any level of hypothyroidism in pregnancy has changed from 12.3% (Finnish), 15.5%
(Americans), 35.3% (South Americans) and 17% (Danish) in these ongoing examinations. As indicated by
Blatt et al. (2012) in the Americans study with samles from over a large portion of a million pregnant ladies,
there were huge contrasts in the predominance of hypothyroid issue among Asian American ladies (19.3%)
when contrasted with African Americans (6.7%) and Caucasians (16.4%). Dhanwal et al. (2013) announced
from Delhi in 2013 that a hypothyroidism pervasiveness of 14.3% with a cut-off of 4.5 mIU/L as furthest point
of confinement of ordinary in an associate of 1000 pregnant ladies. As per Unnikrishnan et al. (2013) a local
varieties were accounted for in India, with higher paces of hypothyroidism in inland than in beach front
districts. Among all urban communities, Kolkata recorded the most elevated pervasiveness of
hypothyroidism (21.67%). Urban communities situated in the inland locales of India (Dlhi, Ahmadabad and
Kolkata) detailed an altogether higher commonness of hypothyroidism (11.73%) than those in the seaside
regions (Mumbai, Chennai and Goa) (9.45%). A Chinese report by Li et al. (2014) indicated that the Chinese
populace shows 0.5 to… 10/20
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85.08 mU/ I as first trimester reference go; as a result, utilizing the recommended


82.5 mU/ I as reference run, about 28% of the pregnant patients in China

experience the ill effects of

8hypothyroidism, versus 4% when utilizing an ethnically explicit reference

go. Not every one of them will have thyroid sickness. As indicated by Du Y et al. (20140) A Japanese report
detailed the event of hypothyroidism going somewhere in the range of 4 and 8.5% of the populace which
may be ascend to about 20% in ladies more than 60 years old. Goel et al. (2015) conduced an imminent
observational investigation in all the continuous first trimester pregnant ladies going to Santosh Medical
College, Hospital, and Ghaziabad from June 2014 to April 2015. They discovered serum 18 TSH level
typical in 66.2% ladies, 32.5% ladies had subclinical hypothyroidism and 1.3% ladies had clear
hypothyroidism. Deoker et al. (2015) found 22.16% subjects having thyroid brokenness in the investigation
populace in India. Out of these, 4.24% were clear hypothyroid, 9.44% were subclinical hypothyroid, 2.5%
unmistakable hyperthyroid and 5.97% were seen as subclinical hyperthyroid. They directed investigation in
various period of gatherings among them the most noteworthy TSH focus was found in the age bunch 60—
69 years and least TSH was found in age bunch 10—19 years. Tiwari et al. (2016) led a cross sectional
examination on 1000 pregnant ladies. Generally speaking pervasiveness of hypothyroidism was seen as

710.2% with SCH (6/4%) being normal person than OH (3.8%), 33 hypothyroid
ladies avoided who were at that point on treatment. Out of 69 remaining
hypothyroid ladies, 48 had SCH (69.56%) and 21 had OH (3 .43%) and were
arranged as gathering A1 and A2

progressively. As indicated by Ahmad et al. (2016), 200 million people worldwide and 42 million individuals
in India have thyroid issue and 1.6% individuals in danger. Yousaf, Shah and Jan. (2017) led a cross
sectional examination in Peshawar city Pakistan and they found a higher pervasiveness pace of
hyperthyroidism (60%) and hypothyroidism (73.3%) in female when contrasted with male in the investigation
populace. As indicated by Schraga. (2018) the general occurrence of hyperthyroidism is evaluated
somewhere in the range of 0.05% and 1.3%, with the greater part 19 comprising of subclinical ailment. A
populace based study in the United Kingdom and Ireland found a frequency of 0.9 cases per 100,000 kids
more youthful than 15 years, demonstrating that the ailment rate increments with age. The hyperthyroidism
is roughly 5 to multiple times not as much as hypothyroidism. According to Kalk. (1981) at Johannesburg in
1981, the pace of Graves' disease which is prevalently cause hyperthyroidism and which is lead to the plan… 11/20
11/11/2019 Turnitin Originality Report

of Goiter was 5.5 per 100,000 consistently, which was lower than the paces of 50 for each 100,000 declared
in the United Kingdom. A 60% growing in the event in Graves' disease was seen over a multiyear time
period some place in the scope of 1974 and 1984. As showed by Parl etal. (1991) in iodine – sufficient
countries the inescapability of hypothyroidism ranges from 1% to 2%, climbing to 7% in individuals
developed some place in the scope of 85 and 89 years. Hypothyroidism is ten time more typica in women
than man. In 2002 as demonstrated by

19United States National Health and Nutrition evaluation Survey (NHANES III),

clear hyperthyroidism was recognized in 0.5% of all around masses while 0.75 of the general open had
subclinical hyperthyroidism. A people base study from a couple of care homes for developed people in Cape
Town exhibited a regularity of hyperthyroidism 0.6% and hypothyroidism in 1.7% of the masses. Showed by
Khan et al. (2002), in Pakistan the inescapability of hyperthyroidism was 5.1 % and hypothyroidism was 4.1
% of the general open. The transcendence of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism is higher in females than
folks. In 2005 unmistakable TSH cut-unapproachable have been represented in people based considers
drove in various countries. Coming about revelations asserted that ethnicity, iodine affirmation, sex, age, and
weight record can affect the reference extent of serum TSH. To be sure the conventional TSH uttermost
most distant point

11was lower in African Americans (3.6 mIU/L) than in Mexican Americans or

Caucasians (4.2 mIU/L).

According to Teng et al. (2006) over the earlier decade in China, the inescapability of subclinical
hypothyroidism has extended (16.7%). Like the data from Chinese colleagues, a colossal cross sectional
multicity study in India nitty gritty in 2013 astoundingly high paces of hypothyroidism (10%).

3Hypothyroidism is one of the commonest constant issue in Western peoples.

In the United Kingdom, the yearly event of basic hypothyroidism in women is
3.5 per 1000 and men 0.6 per 1000. During 2006 12 million answers for
levothyroxine (50 μg or 100 μg tablets) were allocated in England, proportionate
to about 1.6 million people taking whole deal thyroid substitution treatment, about
3% of the masses. The organization of hypothyroisism is

normally seen as clear and is generally finished in fundamental thought

3in the UK. Cross sectional reviews of patients taking levothyroxine have,
regardless, showed that

some place in the scope of 40% and 48% are either over treated or under-treated. Usha et al. (2009) reports
have been circulated from Nepal, where thyroid brokenness is viewed as dynamically prevalent in Nepali… 12/20
11/11/2019 Turnitin Originality Report

females (42.85%) than in folks (30.04 Kardara et al. (2010) coordinated a masses based study in India and
uncovered higher normality pace of hypothyroidism in female (11.4%) than folks (6.2%). As demonstrated by
Vanderpump et al. (2011) in Europe, 44% of school- age kids still have lacking iodine affirmation, and Italy
seems to end up being tenderly iodine insufficient in past decade. As showed by Blatt

18et al. (2012); Mosso et al. (2012); Altomare et al. (2013) and Larsen et al. (2014)

the inescapability of any level of hypothyroidism in pregnancy has moved from 12.3% (Finnish), 15.5%
(Americans), 35.3% (South Americans) and 17% (Danish) in these continuous assessments. As showed by
Blatt et al. (2012) in the Americans study with samles from over a huge part of a million pregnant women,
there were basic differentiates in the inescapability of hypothyroid issue among Asian American women
(19.3%) when stood out from African Americans (6.7%) and Caucasians (16.4%). Dhanwal et al. (2013)
uncovered from Delhi in 2013 that a hypothyroidism ordinariness of 14.3% with a cut-off of 4.5 mIU/L as
most extreme purpose of imprisonment of run of the mill in an accessory of 1000 pregnant women. 22 As
demonstrated by Unnikrishnan et al. (2013) a regional assortments were represented in India, with higher
paces of hypothyroidism in inland than in sea shore front regions. Among every single urban region, Kolkata
recorded the most raised normality of hypothyroidism (21.67%). Urban people group arranged in the inland
locale of India (Dlhi, Ahmadabad and Kolkata) reported a basically higher power of hypothyroidism (11.73%)
than those in the waterfront zones (Mumbai, Chennai and Goa) (9.45%). A Chinese report by Li et al. (2014)
demonstrated that the Chinese masses demonstrates 0.5 to

85.08 mU/ I as first trimester reference run; as a result, using the proposed 0.1


82.5 mU/ I as reference reach out, about 28% of the pregnant patients in China

encounter the evil impacts of

8hypothyroidism, versus 4% while using an ethnically unequivocal reference

go. Only one out of every odd one of them will have thyroid disease. According to Du Y et al. (20140) A
Japanese report uncovered the occasion of hypothyroidism heading off to some place in the scope of 4 and
8.5% of the masses which might be rise to about 20% in women over 60 years of age. Goel et al. (2015)
conduced an unavoidable observational examination in all the consecutive first trimester pregnant women
going to Santosh Medical College, Hospital, and Ghaziabad from June 2014 to April 2015. They found
serum TSH level customary in 66.2% women, 32.5% women had subclinical hypothyroidism and 1.3%
women had clear hypothyroidism. Deoker et al. (2015) found 22.16% subjects having thyroid brokenness in
the assessment people in India. Out of these, 4.24% were clear hypothyroid, 9.44% were subclinical
hypothyroid, 2.5% evident hyperthyroid and 5.97% were viewed as subclinical hyperthyroid. They… 13/20
11/11/2019 Turnitin Originality Report

coordinated assessment in different time of get-togethers among them the most essential TSH center was
found in the age pack 60—69 years and least TSH was found in age bundle 10—19 years. Tiwari et al.
(2016) coordinated a cross sectional examination on 1000 pregnant women. For the most part power of
hypothyroidism was viewed as

710.2% with SCH (6/4%) being normal resident than OH (3.8%), 33 hypothyroid
women dismissed who were by then on treatment. Out of 69 remaining
hypothyroid women, 48 had SCH (69.56%) and 21 had OH (3 .43%) and were
requested as social affair A1 and A2

logically. As showed by Ahmad et al. (2016), 200 million individuals worldwide and 42 million people in India
have thyroid issue and 1.6% people in risk. Yousaf, Shah and Jan. (2017) coordinated a cross sectional
examination in Peshawar city Pakistan and they found a higher regularity pace of hyperthyroidism (60%)
and hypothyroidism (73.3%) in female when appeared differently in relation to male in the assessment
masses. As showed by Schraga. (2018) the general pace of hyperthyroidism is assessed some place in the
scope of 0.05% and 1.3%, with the larger part involving subclinical ailment. A masses based study in the
United Kingdom and Ireland found a recurrence of 0.9 cases per 100,000 adolescents more young than 24
15 years, showing that the illness rate increases with age. The hyperthyroidism is around 5 to various
occasions not as much as hypothyroidism. CHAPTER NO 3 Methods and materials Chapter no 3 Methods
and Materials 3.1 Study Area Location.

2District Dir is a region in northwestern Pakistan, in the Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa. It is located in foothills of the Himalayas.

2Before Pakistan was created, District Dir was a princely state and it remained
so until 1969 when it was abolished by a presidential declaration, with the
Dir District being made the next year. Dir District was 5,280 square kilometers in
zone and lay along the contested fringe constrained by the Afghan patriots. The
district is arranged among Chitral and Peshawar. In 1996 the District was part
into Lower Dir and Upper Dir. It is circumscribed by Chitral toward the northwest
and north, Swat toward the east, Malakand toward the south, Bajaur Agency
toward the southwest and Afghanistan toward the west

(Sayed, 2015). Area Dir Upper

5is the upper piece of old District Dir. At the hour of autonomy, Dir was a state
controlled by Nawab Shah Jehan Khan. It was converged with Pakistan in 1969… 14/20
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and later on pronounced a District in 1970 and it was bifurcated into Upper and
Lower Dir Districts

(Sayed, 2015). Region Dir upper is arranged

16in the northern piece of Pakistan. It is limited on the North and northwest by
the Chitral District and Afghanistan, on the East by Swat District, and on the
South by Lower Dir District.


5District is separated into Dir and Wari subdivisions and 5 Tehsils, including
Wari, Dir. Barawl, Larjam and

Sheringal. The District is isolated into 28 association boards which are all provincial. The District incorporate

51 National seat and 3 Provincial seats of

authoritative gatherings. Fig no: 3.1 (Map of District Dir Upper) In District Dir Upper the principle language is
Pashto and greater part of the individuals (98%) are Pashtuns. A couple of individuals are speal Hindko,
Gojari and Khowar Chitrali. Most of the populace around there are Yousafzai, Swati, Mishwani,
Sahibzadgan, Miagan and Roghani. The decision class is Yousafzai Pashtuns. Geography of District Dir
Upper The geography

27of the District Dir Upper is


2by high mountains. The most significant mountain go is the Hindu Raj. It runs
from Northeast to Southwest along the northern fringe with Chitral District. In
winter, entire zone remain snow secured. The mountains in Westren some portion
of the District are secured with backwoods, while the Eastren mountains extend,
Dir Kohistan, is infertile. Dir Kohistan is the starting point of the

primary stream of Chitral for example Panjkora stream. Locale headquarter… 15/20
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5Upper Dir is associated with metal drove or shingled streets to all Tehsil base
camp. The District is absolutely precipitous so there is no railroads and

air terminals (Sayed, 2015). Atmosphere of District Dir Upper The late spring

12season is direct and worm, where June and July are most blazing months.
Overall, the most extreme and


5temperature in June is around 33 and 16 degree centigrade separately. Winter

season is seriously cold and brutal. Temperature quickly tumbles from November
onwards. During the long stretch of December, January and February,
temperature ordinarily falls beneath the point

of solidification.

12The mean most extreme and least temperature in January is 11 and

- 2 degree centigrade separately (Sayed, 2015). Locale

1Lower Dir is the lower some portion of the old District Dir. At the hour of
freedom Dir

Lower is additionally governed

1by Nawab Shah Jehan Khan. It was converged in Pakistan in 1969 and later
on proclaimed a District in 1970. In 996, it was bifurcated into Upper and Lower
Dir Districts. This District

9is situated in North-western piece of KPK Province and is spread over in zone
of 1583 square kilometers. Aside from little region in the south-west, the
District is for the most part a rough uneven territory. The District fringe with
Swat District on its East, Afghanistan on its West, Upper Dir and Chitral on… 16/20
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its North and North-West separately and Malakand and Bajaur Agency on its
South. The District is


1subdivided into two Tehsil which contain an aggregate of 37 association boards.

The District is spoken to in commonplace gathering by 4 chosen MPAs. The short
course that connections District lower Dir to the common Capital is the one that
goes through District Charsada and Malakand District. For the individuals
originating from down

nation, in any case, the more advantageous methodology

1is through the Mardan and Malakand Districts. There is no railroad tract
prompting the District.

Fig No: 3.2 (Map of District Dir Lower) Pashto

1is the principle language of Dir, while Gugru, Kohistani are the language of
Kohistnis and Gugars. Scarcely any individuals speak Hindko and Chitrali. Most of

the populace here have a place with Isazai and Ismailzia clans (Sayed, 2015). Geology of the District Dir
Lower The geology of the

15District is overwhelmed by the mountains and slopes which are a piece of the
range/parts of the southern Hindukush with the most elevated tops in the
Northern piece of Dir. The greater part valleys of lower Dir incorporates,
Timergara, Jandul, Midan, Samarbagh and Asband. Atmosphere of the District Dir
Lower The


1season is hot in winter is very cold. A lofty ascent of temperature happen from
May to June, and afterward very sweltering during July to the finish of August
however during September climate turns typical, particularly at evenings. A quick
falls in temperature happen from October onwards. In the coldest months are… 17/20
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December and January. The mean least temperature recorded for the period of
January is - 8

degree centigrade. A large portion of the downpour fall happen in the period of

1July, August, December, January and February. Towards the finish of the
chilly climate, there are intermittent rainstorm and hailstorms

(Sayed, 2015). 3.2 Study Design The hospital based cross sectional 1 year study was conducted from
September 2018 to august 2019. Blood samples and data were collected from patients visiting the Qazi
clinical laboratory Timergara KPK Pakistan for various tests. The exclusion criteria were diseases like
kidney, bone, heart, diabetes and liver. All the patients are belonging to different areas of Dir lower and
Upper. Approval of the study was given by the Department of Zoology and for the conducting tests approval
was given by Sahib Zada Fazal Ahad sir ‘head of Qazi clinical laboratory”. The study subject is divided into
three groups hyperthyroid, hypothyroid and euthyroid. A total of 360 numbers of persons were examined 32
for TSH tests. They are includes gender wise, age wise and season wise, where 231 are females and 129
are males and their ages are ranging from 30 months to 85 years. Blood samples (5ml) was collected from
each patient and keep in -20 °C. For the further processing the samples were placed to the Cobas e 411
analyzer to obtain the resulting value of TSH test. Cobas e 411 is an analyzer using for TSH, T3 and T4
tests. For these tests the blood serum is kept in the CalSet, 4 x 1.3 mL and then the CalSet placed in the
analyzer machine for about 40 minutes. After 40 the machine gives the result value on screen automatically.
To the reference of American Thyroid Association the international normal TSH value is 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L. In
Qazi clinical laboratory the normal TSH value for 1 year to 20 years is0.7 -- 6.4 mU/L, for 21 to 50 years is
0.4 -- 4.2 mU/L and for 50 to 85 and above is 0.5 -- 8.9 mU/L ( mU/L stands for milliunits per liter).
CHAPTER NO 4 Results Chapter 4 Results The current

12study was carried out for one year to evaluate the prevalence of

thyroid stimulating hormones in District Dir upper and lower, also analyzed the hypothyroid, hyperthyroid
during the study. During the current survey a total of 360 cases were conducted from the study area in them
64 (17.77%) cases were found hypothyroid, 111 (30.83%) hyperthyroid and 185 (51.38%) euthyroid (Table
4.1). Table.4.1 Shows Hypo and Hyperthyroid percentage of Dir Upper and lower. S.NO Parameters =n
%age Normal Valve 1 Hypothyroid 64 17.77% 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L 2 Hyperthyroid 111 30.83% 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L 3
Euthyroid 185 51.38% 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L Total 360 100 *** =n represented numbers i.e., 1, 2, 3……. and %age
for percent. Season wise arrangement of hypo and hyperthyroid caused persons at Dir Upper and Lower, a
total of 360 cases were recorded in them 90 cases were collected per season of the year. Table 4.2 showed
that in autumn season the highest of cases 42 (46.66%) euthyroid, followed by Hyperthyroid of 36 (40%)
then 12 (13.33%) cases by hypothyroid. Table. 4.2 shows season wise %age of hypo and hyperthyroidism
Season S.No Parameters =n %age Normal Valve 1 Hypothyroid 12 13.33% 0.4 -- 4.0 Autumn mU/L 2
Hyperthyroid 36 40% 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L 3 Euthyroid 42 46.66% 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L Total 90 100 1 Hypothyroid 24
26.66% 0.4 -- 4.0 Winter mU/L 2 Hyperthyroid 24 26.66% 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L 3 Euthyroid 42 46.66% 0.4 -- 4.0
mU/L Total 90 100 1 Hypothyroid 12 13.33% 0.4 -- 4.0 Spring mU/L 2 Hyperthyroid 23 25.55% 0.4 -- 4.0
mU/L 3 Euthyroid 55 61.11% 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L Total 90 100 Summer 1 Hypothyroid 16 17.77% 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L… 18/20
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2 Hyperthyroid 28 31.11% 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L 3 Euthyroid 46 51.11% 0.4 -- 4.0 mU/L Total 90 100 mU/L stands
for Milliunits per liter Age wise the subjects are divided into three groups. Group 1 ranging from 1 year to 20
years, group 2 ranging from 21 to 50 years and group 3 ranging from 51 years up to 80 and above aged
persons. Fig: 4.1 shows the percentage of hypo and hyperthyroidism among different age groups in that the
young people that have highest percentage of normal value and healthier than the elders followed by
72.91% normal value (euthyroid) and also shows the total number of hypo and hyper thyroid peoples of
different ages. 80.00% 72.91% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 47.48% 49.46% 40.00% 38.70% 30.59% 30.00%
21.91% 20.00% 16.66% 10.41% 11.82% 10.00% 0.00% hypo=5 hype=8 eu=35 hypo=48 hyper=67 eu104
hypo=11 hyper=36 eu=46 total=48 total=219 total=93 1 to 20 21 to 50 50+ Fig no: 1 shows the total no and
%age Age wise prevalence of hypo and hyperthyroidism Fig: 4.2 represents the Gender wise division. The
study were included 129 males and 231 females. Fig no: 4.2 represent the %age and total number of hypo
and hyperthyroidism in males and females. The Fig no: 4.2 shows that female are more hyperthyroid than
the males, ranging 34.05% and 24.80% respectively. 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 57.36% 48.05% 40.00%
30.00% 20.00% 17.82% 24.80% 17.74% 34.19% 0.00% hypo=23 hyper=32 total=129 Males eu=74
hypo=41 hyper=79 total=231 Females eu=111 10.00% Fig no: 4.2 shows the Gender wise division of hypo
and hyperthyroidism CHAPTER NO 5 Discussion Chapter no 5 Discussion Thyroid gland is very important
gland in human body. It produced hormones which are basic for development, advancement and digestion in
many body tissues.These hormones have also a vital role in proteins synthesis, carbohydrates metabolism,
insulin degradation and increase the cardiovascular activities and nervous system. TSH regulates the
secretions of thyroid gland so TSH regulates the above mentioned functions including growth, metabolism
and development etc. According to Ahmad et al. (2016), 200 million people worldwide and 42 million
individuals in India have thyroid issue and 1.6% individuals in danger. The

25current study was conducted to explore the prevalence of

TSH levels in District Dir upper and lower. District Dir is a rural area and the people’s lives here have many
hurdles and complications especially women’s that they are housewives and have difficult life span. In the
current study 360 patients were studied (males and females) visiting Qazi clinical laboratory and investigate
that the people of District Dir upper and lower are more hyperthyroid (30.38%) as compare to hypothyroid
(17.77%). According to Khan et al. (2002), in Pakistan the prevalence of hyperthyroidism was 5.1 % and
hypothyroidism was 4.1 % of the universal population. The prevalence of hypothyroidism and
hyperthyroidism is developed in females than males. In gender wise investigation a high prevalence of
hyperthyroidism in females (34.19%) were found as compare to males (24.80%). The study shows that the
occurrence of hypothyroidism is almost same in both sexes (males and females) which are 17.82% and
17.74% respectively. A Japanese study investigate the occurrence of hypothyroidism ranging from 4 to 8.5%
and which might be increase about 20% in women with the age of 60. Yousaf, Shah and Jan. (2017)
conducted a cross sectional study in Peshawar city Pakistan and they found a higher prevalence rate of
hyperthyroidism (60%) and hypothyroidism (73.3%)

12in female as related to male in the study

population. Kardara… 19/20
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26et al. (2010) conducted a population based study in

India and reported higher occurrence rate of hypothyroidism in female (11.4%) than males (6.2%). Different
seasons have a clear impact on TSH secretion. In this study the subjects were divided season wise and
investigate that in the spring season people are healthier as compare to other seasons. The prevalence of
euthyroidism (normal TSH range) is high in spring season (61.11%). In the current study the high occurrence
of hypothyroidism were found in season winter (26.66%) and high hyperthyroidism in season autumn (40%).
The study shows that the autumn and winter seasons are least favorable for health and have low prevalence
of euthyroidism (46.66% both). 42 Just like other factors age have also effects on different body parts and
their functions. The older person’s body parts slowly lose their function and many complications can
developed with aging. There for in the current study the subjects also divided into age wise groups and
found that the young people (group of 1—20 years people) are healthier (72.91% euthyroid) as compare to
aged. The current study investigate a high prevalence of hypothyroidism (21.91%) in group 21—50 years
people and a high prevalence of hyperthyroidism (38.70%) in group of 50+ people. Deoker et al. (2015)
found 22.16% subjects having thyroid brokenness in the examination populace in India. Out of these, 4.24%
were obvious hypothyroid, 9.44% were subclinical hypothyroid, 2.5% plain hyperthyroid and 5.97% were
seen as subclinical hyperthyroid. They directed examination in various period of gatherings among them the
most elevated TSH focus was found in the age bunch 60—69 years and least TSH was found in age bunch
10—19 years. Conclusion This study proposed that the occurrence of thyroid disorders is high in the study
population and hyperthyroidism is more common than hypothyroidism. In the study population females are
more suffering from thyroid disorders. The high occurrence of thyroid disorder was found in the age group of
21 to 50 years. The highest concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone (133.5 mU/L) was found in the 50
years old man and lowest (<0.005 mU/L) was found in the age between 20 to 60 years. This study
suggested that the prevalence of thyroid disorder is more mutual in females than males and also more
common in cold and dry weather. Recommendation ? More study are required to investigate the reason of
the high prevalence of thyroid disorder especially for the high prevalence of hyperthyroidism in females. ? It
is recommended to find, how to control the high prevalence of thyroid disorders. ? It is recommended to
study iodine level in water and food diet in the study area which play a vital role in thyroid hormones
regulation. ? Hyperthyroidism is more common in women in the study population so it is necessary to
investigate the prevalence of TSH level in the pregnancy stage of the women in the study population and
also study the mental level of the school children’s. 1 2 3 13 14 15 17 20 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45… 20/20

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