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ROLL NU - 69
LENR aka Cold fusion


1) Low energy nuclear reactions / Cold fusion

2) Swedish scientists claim LENR explanation break-through

3) Japan’s Leadership in LENRs Continues

4) BREAKING: The E-Cat has been replicated—here’s the recipe!

5) New LENR Machine is the Best Yet

6) Reference

Dept of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engg

LENR aka Cold fusion

1) Low energy nuclear reaction / cold fusion

Cold fusion is a hypothesized type of nuclear reaction that would occur at, or

near, room temperature. This is compared with the "hot" fusion which takes place

naturally within stars, under immense pressure and at temperatures of millions of

degrees, and distinguished from muon-catalyzed fusion. There is currently no

accepted theoretical model that would allow cold fusion to occur.

In 1989 Martin Fleischmann (then one of the world's leading electrochemists)

and Stanley Pons reported that their apparatus had produced anomalous heat

("excess heat") of a magnitude they asserted would defy explanation except in terms

of nuclear processes. They further reported measuring small amounts of nuclear

reaction byproducts, including neutrons and tritium. The small tabletop experiment

involve delectrolysis of heavy water on the surface of a palladium (Pd)

electrode. The reported results received wide media attention, and raised hopes of a

cheap and abundant source of energy.

Many scientists tried to replicate the experiment with the few details available.

Hopes faded due to the large number of negative replications, the withdrawal of

many reported positive replications, the discovery of flaws and sources of

experimental error in the original experiment, and finally the discovery that

Fleischmann and Pons had not actually detected nuclear reaction byproducts. By

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LENR aka Cold fusion

late 1989, most scientists considered cold fusion claims dead, and cold fusion

subsequently gained a reputation as pathological science. In 1989 the United States

Department of Energy (DOE) concluded that the reported results of excess heat did

not present convincing evidence of a useful source of energy and decided against

allocating funding specifically for cold fusion. A second DOE review in 2004, which

looked at new research, reached similar conclusions and did not result in DOE

funding of cold fusion.

A small community of researchers continues to investigate cold fusion, now often

preferring the designation low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) or condensed

matter nuclear science(CMNS). Since cold fusion articles are rarely published in

peer-reviewed mainstream scientific journals, they do not attract the level of scrutiny

expected for mainstream scientific publications.

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LENR aka Cold fusion

2) Swedish scientists claim LENR explanation break-through

Rickard Lundin

Essentially no new physics but a little-known physical effect describing matter’s

interaction with electromagnetic fields — ponderomotive Miller forces — would

explain energy release and isotopic changes in LENR. This is what Rickard Lundin

and Hans Lidgren, two top level Swedish scientists, claim, describing their theory in

a paper called Nuclear Spallation and Neutron Capture Induced by Ponderomotive

Wave Forcing (full length paper here) that was presented on Friday, October 16, at

the 11th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals, hosted

by Airbus in Toulouse, France.

The basic idea is that ponderomotive forces at resonance frequencies shake out

neutrons from elements such as deuterium and lithium, and that these neutrons are

then captured by e.g. nickel, resulting in energy release by well-known physical


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LENR aka Cold fusion

Hans Lidgren
Lundin and Lidgren have made a brief successful experiment and they have verified

the model through calculations against results from well-known LENR experiments

such as the Lugano report with Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat. Earlier 2015 they also filed a

patent application describing the process.

“We did an experiment on our own but we stopped it. We realised that we were

sitting on a neutron source and that’s not something you should do in your

basement,” Rickard Lundin, Professor of Space Physics at Swedish Institute of

Space Physics and member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA), told


The scientists are now preparing for a well-planned experiment with all

necessary safety measures, ideally with a transparent reactor body since the effect

according to the scientists releases a lot of light.

Ponderomotive forces derive from the electrical part of oscillating electromagnetic

fields, and act on all particles, bodies or plasmas. They are all characterized by a

transfer of electromagnetic energy and momentum to charged or non-charged

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LENR aka Cold fusion

particles. One of them, the gradient force, works independently of the sign of


Initially the phenomenon was thought to describe the “heaviness” of light — the

ability of light to have a “pushing” force on matter. What Lundin and Lidgren have

investigated and published in 2010 is that the phenomenon has a resonance

frequency, specific for each particle or cluster of particles, and that the force

increases close to the resonance frequency, being repulsive on the low-frequency

side but attractive on the other.

“The forces are not intuitively predictable, and a bit strange, for example making hot

bodies attract matter,” Lundin says.

Lidgren, M Sc in Physics Engineering, and co-founder of the oil exploration

company Rex International Holding, started to investigate the phenomenon when he

discovered strange characteristics of satellite orbits while analysing satellite altimeter

surveys to detect potential hydrocarbon reservoirs.

The light from the sun was expected to have a pushing force on satellites, but

Lidgren discovered the contrary. After a pendulum experiment in vacuum, showing

the same effect, Lidgren and Lundin published their paper “On the Attraction of

Matter by the Ponderomotive Miller Force“.

Lundin was a colleague in the Academy of Sciences (KVA)* with late Prof. Sven

Kullander, previous head of the KVA Energy Committee. Prof. Kullander became

closely involved in investigations performed by Swedish researchers’ on Andrea

Rossi’s devices. Lundin’s interest started with the publication of the Lugano report.

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LENR aka Cold fusion

“When I saw the Lugano report and the isotopic shifts it all became so obvious,”

Lundin told me.

He explained that extracting neutrons from the nuclei of deuterium and/or lithium

requires energy, and that the trick is to do this in the most efficient way.

“Our method is more precise, using the lowest possible amount of energy [through

resonance] to shake loose the neutrons. Others like Rossi are creating turbulence

through square waves [in the electrical current feeding the heat resistors controlling

the reaction — square waves containing a large number of harmonics and thus

many different frequencies], and they get a turbulent wave spectrum risking that

some frequencies become a little too high,” Lundin explained to me.

The advantage with the theory by Lundin and Lidgren, apart from that it fits with

experimental data and observations, is that you don’t need to overcome the

Coulomb Barrier — the repulsive force between the positive charged nuclei in the

traditional concept of fusion, which is one reason why many scientists think that cold

fusion is impossible.

“I also thought so — you can’t overcome the Coulomb Barrier [at low temperatures].

So fusing nuclei with protons won’t work. You may perhaps initiate a very weak

process but not reach a level with significant energy release,” Lundin told me.

Neutrons, which have no charge, can easily be captured by an atomic nucleus

without this problem. A few other LENR theories are also based on neutrons but

what this model adds is a solid explanation of where the neutrons come from, which

is often lacking in other models.


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LENR aka Cold fusion

“Our model describes quite a natural process. It’s probably one of the main sources

for maintaining a high temperature inside Earth, since there’s high pressure, high

temperature and good availability of neutron producing elements [through this

process] with basically unlimited resources of deuterium,” Lundin said.

In the conclusions of the report, the authors write:

“This report demonstrates, theoretically and experimentally, that nuclear energy

production may be accommodated in rather small units, operating at modest

temperatures (≈900-2000°C), and produce sustainable power output in the range 1 –

10 kW – at minute fuel consumption (few grams per year). (…) The magnitude of the

power output, delivered from a miniscule amount of fuel, demonstrates that it is a

nuclear process with great potentials. Properly utilized the process has potentials of

becoming an unlimited and sustainable energy source, producing essentially no

long-lived radioactive waste.”

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LENR aka Cold fusion

3) Japan’s Leadership in LENRs Continues

One more Japanese auto company, Nissan, is researching low-energy nuclear

reactions (LENRs),New Energy Times has learned.

The information comes from an e-mail sent today by LENR researcher Akito

Takahashi to other LENR researchers. Takahashi is a former professor at Osaka

University and is affiliated with Technova, a member of the Toyota Motor Corp.

family of businesses.

Takahashi’s e-mail confirms that the Japanese government’s initiative to fund LENR

research — for the first time in two decades — has moved forward. The LENR

research is sponsored through the New Energy and Industrial Technology

Development Organization (NEDO), a national research and development

agency. New Energy Times first reported the NEDO story on Aug. 24, 2015.

“The nano-metal hydrogen energy project (NEDO-MHE),” Takahashi wrote, “has

been adopted, conditionally, by NEDO for one of leading projects of eco-energy

innovation. The NEDO-MHE project started on Oct. 26, 2015, officially.

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LENR aka Cold fusion

“The joint research team (Nano-METS) comprises six institutions: two companies,

Technova and Nissan; and four universities, Tohoku, Kyushu, Nagoya and Kobe.”

The experimental program will involve four areas, according to Takahashi: a)

development of a new calorimetry system at Tohoku University with the assistance

of Technova; b) joint experiments to analyze for excess heat using nano-metal

composite samples with gas-loading experiments at Kobe University and other

laboratories; c) materials science research at Nagoya University and Kyushu

University; and d) evaluation and survey studies by Technova and Nissan.

Takahashi is the chairman of the group. Other members are Yasuhiro Iwamura (vice

chairman), Jirohta Kasagi (Tohoku University), Koh Takahashi (Technova),

Masanori Nakamura (Nissan), Masahiro Kishida (Kyushu University), Tatsumi Hioki

(Nagoya University), Akira Kitamura (Technova and Kobe University), and other


Half a dozen Japanese universities have been active in LENR research in the past

decade. Japanese industries conducting LENR research include Mitsubishi Heavy

Industries and Toyota.

LENRs are a diverse set of new scientific phenomena that suggest a strong potential

for a new source of clean energy.


Dept of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engg

LENR aka Cold fusion

4) BREAKING: The E-Cat has been replicated—here’s the recipe!

The ‘open science’ group, Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, MFMP, that I

mention at the end of my book An Impossible Invention, has announced that they

have performed a true replication of the effect in Rossi’s energy device, the E-Cat.

The group has also published a complete recipe of how to replicate the effect,

adding a clear method for detecting a successful replication.

In a letter to donors, MFMP’s writes:

“What we will share is that the way in which we discovered it and the journey of

analysis (…) makes it virtually impossible to say that Rossi does not have what he

claims. It also shows that, whilst he may have been optimistic in how fast this would

play out, he has been telling the truth, quite openly for years. Not only that, nature

itself has been telling the same story and it told us too.”

Bob Greenyer, co-founder of the group, explained to me that the successful

replication was based on all available information MFMP had got from from

experienced LENR researchers Francesco Piantelli and Francesco Celani, and from

the Russian scientist Alexander Parkhomov who also claims to have replicated

Rossi’s effect, as well as openly shared information by Andrea Rossi himself.

The main evidence for the effect in MFMP’s experiment is a combination of ‘excess

heat’—i.e. thermal energy released from the reaction, beyond the input energy—and

x-ray radiation—i.e. the same kind of low energy radiation used in


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LENR aka Cold fusion

medical radiography. Important is that the x-ray emissions were observed only

together with excess heat.

The character of the x-ray signal is, according to MFMP, the best way to detect that

the replication is successful. The energy of the x-ray photons are between 0 and 300

keV (medical radiography typically uses x-rays between 5 and 150 keV), and there’s

a brief but massive burst of x-rays when the reaction starts. This was observed also

at the first semi-public demonstration of the E-Cat by Rossi in January 2011.

The heat from Rossi’s devices supposedly comes directly from the reaction and from

the low energy x-rays which are thermalised—turned into harmless heat—by

shielding materials such as lead.

The experiments by MFMP have been performed during the last three weeks, with

a duration of about 20 hours of excess heat/x-rays on February 1-2. Everything is

publicly documented at MFMP’s website, also the recipe, which

essentially explains how to prepare the fuel consisting of nickel, lithium, hydrogen

and aluminium, and how to run the experiment.

The preparation is fairly complicated and probably requires significant practice to

master. It must be underlined that attempts should only be undertaken by

trained people and with all necessary safety measures in place.

MFMP now plans to do follow-up experiments with the isotope Ni62 (an isotope is a

special variety of any element, with the number indicating the number of nucleons in

the atomic nucleus) which might enhance the effect.


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LENR aka Cold fusion

In the following months, we should also expect an increased activity of replication

attempts all over the world, possibly leading to a broad confirmation of the effect in

Rossi’s E-Cat. On the other hand, it can be noted that Rossi had this knowledge

already some five or six years ago, and reasonably has been able to further develop

the process since.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate MFMP for its achievement, as a

result of intense efforts, supported by a large group of donors and people offering

their advice. As MFMP ends the letter to the donors:

“We did it. We lit the New Fire Together!”


Dept of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engg

LENR aka Cold fusion

5) New LENR Machine is the Best Yet

The new leader is Brillouin Energy with a new process named the Hot Tube Boiler.

Sterling Allen at PESN interviewed Brillouin’s Robert W. George II, CEO; and the

inventor, Robert Godes, the Chief Technology Officer. Mr. Allen learned Brillouin

has had two significant independent validations of their scientific model and claims.

One of those was by Los Alamos National Laboratories. The other was by Dr.

Michael McKubre of Stanford Research International (SRI), who subsequently joined

their board of advisors.

What puts Brillion out in front first is the temperature output. Brillouin expects the

test of the new Hot Tube model at SRI will be capable of delivering steam at

temperatures from 400ºC to 500ºC (750-932ºF). These kinds of temperatures are

called superheated or deliver “dry steam”, a steam form that does not contain water

mechanically suspended. Dry steam is what’s needed for generating power and

moving heat because it saves a great deal of water and is more efficient. Pressures,

especially for turbine drives can be much higher.


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LENR aka Cold fusion

Brillouin Hot Tube Boiler.

The second Brillouin advantage is control and predictable output. The Brillouin team

noted Dr. McKubre has joined the Brillouin Board of Directors because of the

consistency of the results. So far as we know, Brillouin is the first cold fusion or

LENR process that is able to repeat tasks every time, without exception.

Brillouin believes they understand how LENR works, and if operating results are

proofs, then the company has the idea worked out.

Robert Godes explained it’s not a nickel-hydrogen fusion reaction. Nickel is merely a

catalyst. “A tiny amount of hydrogen protons are converted into neutrons. These

newly produced neutrons are soon captured by hydrogen ions or other atoms in a


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LENR aka Cold fusion

metallic (e.g. nickel) lattice near to where the hydrogen ions were converted to

neutrons. The captured neutrons generate heat because the new atoms that are one

neutron heavier shed excess binding energy as heat to the lattice, resulting in a

dramatically clean, low-cost, hi-quality heat output.”

Godes goes on to explain the error in “cold fusion” and “LENR”, instead using the

terms Controlled Electron Capture Reactions or “CECR”, for “phonon-moderated

hydrogen reactions.”

For documentation the suggestion is in the firm’s business summary, “Evidence

suggests this reaction involves the synthesis of neutrons, which accumulate on

hydrogen dissolved in a matrix (lattice), which progresses to deuterium, then tritium

and on to quadrium that decays to helium. In a Brillouin reaction the process is

promoted and catalyzed in a highly energized nickel matrix. The process releases

thermal energy far in excess of what is possible from chemical reactions. The

important feature is that neutrons are generated and accumulate in a comparatively

low-energy environment, and this accumulation generates heat.”

Simply stated, hydrogen in a nickel lattice exposed to Brillouin’s proprietary electro-

stimulation will yield heat and at the end, helium.


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LENR aka Cold fusion

Brillouin 4-steps to Heat and Helium.

Godes noted that 1.024 ml, a volume about the size of a #2 pencil eraser, of water

provides as much energy as two 48-gallon drums of gasoline. “That is 355,000 times

the amount of energy per volume – five orders of magnitude.”

Refueling and service expectations are extraordinary as well. Godes expects

systems will last 3-5 years before servicing, including refills or replacement of the

nickel lattice.


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LENR aka Cold fusion

6) Reference











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