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Gridding Report
Fri Mar 15 21:16:11 2019
Elapsed time for gridding: 0.02 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\Windows 7\Documents\blnnn1.bln
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Data Counts
Active Data: 5

Original Data: 5
Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 0
Retained Duplicates: 0
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 3E-005
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 2.3E-005

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Data Counts
Active Data: 5
Univariate Statistics


Count: 5 5 5

1%%-tile: 150 100 277

5%%-tile: 150 100 277
10%%-tile: 150 100 277
25%%-tile: 185 205 284
50%%-tile: 215 250 307
75%%-tile: 275 289 331
90%%-tile: 275 289 331
95%%-tile: 275 289 331
99%%-tile: 275 289 331

Minimum: 150 100 277

Maximum: 410 300 338

Mean: 247 228.8 307.4

Median: 215 250 307
Geometric Mean: 232.040396867 213.571153573 306.433495853
Harmonic Mean: 219.311491938 194.76783687 305.468646855
Root Mean Square: 263.315400233 240.019165901 308.363097662
Trim Mean (10%%): N/A N/A N/A
Interquartile Mean: 225 248 307.333333333
Midrange: 280 200 307.5
Winsorized Mean: 220 226.6 306
TriMean: 222.5 248.5 307.25

Variance: 10407.5 6574.7 741.3

Standard Deviation: 102.01715542 81.0845238008 27.2268250077
Interquartile Range: 90 84 47
Range: 260 200 61
Mean Difference: 122 96.8 33.8
Median Abs. Deviation: 60 45 24
Average Abs. Deviation: 70 56.8 21.6
Quartile Dispersion: 0.195652173913 0.17004048583 0.0764227642276
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.493927125506 0.423076923077 0.109954456734

Standard Error: 45.6234588781 36.2621014284 12.1762063057

Coef. of Variation: 0.413024920729 0.354390401227 0.0885713240329
Skewness: 0.596929459062 -0.585834882275 0.00881364699614
Kurtosis: 1.49724913937 1.45542177785 0.85195950566

Sum: 1235 1144 1537

Sum Absolute: 1235 1144 1537
Sum Squares: 346675 288046 475439
Mean Square: 69335 57609.2 95087.8

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 10407.5 6274.25 2342.75
Y: 6274.25 6574.7 1737.85
Z: 2342.75 1737.85 741.3

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 0.758 0.843
Y: 0.758 1.000 0.787
Z: 0.843 0.787 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 0.900 0.900
Y: 0.900 1.000 0.800
Z: 0.900 0.800 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: -0.59522788283 -0.59522788283 -0.153584640728
Y: 0.80355520845 0.80355520845 -0.115808236321
Z: 0.00167166810378 0.00167166810378 -0.115808236321

Lambda: 15623.2360161 1930.70865232 169.555331595


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: 0.15482369561 0.116575270023 242.486125403
Standard Error: 0.141100092061 0.177526232465 28.0608510522

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 -0.758 -0.144
B: -0.758 1.000 -0.505
C: -0.144 -0.505 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 2261.2141836 1130.6070918
Residual: 2 703.985816403 351.992908202
Total: 4 2965.2

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.762584036017

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%%-tile: 54.083269132 7
5%%-tile: 54.083269132 7
10%%-tile: 54.083269132 7
25%%-tile: 54.083269132 23
50%%-tile: 78.1024967591 23
75%%-tile: 110.679718106 30
90%%-tile: 110.679718106 30
95%%-tile: 110.679718106 30
99%%-tile: 110.679718106 30

Minimum: 54.083269132 7
Maximum: 135.447406767 47

Mean: 86.4792319792 26
Median: 78.1024967591 23
Geometric Mean: 80.7097320285 22.0574124924
Harmonic Mean: 75.5267391128 17.5794136324
Root Mean Square: 92.2453250848 29.0379062606
Trim Mean (10%%): N/A N/A
Interquartile Mean: 80.9551613323 25.3333333333
Midrange: 94.7653379497 27
Winsorized Mean: 81.525694247 22.6
TriMean: 80.241995189 24.75

Variance: 1288.17804535 209

Standard Deviation: 35.891197324 14.4568322948
Interquartile Range: 56.5964489739 7
Range: 81.3641376354 40
Mean Difference: 43.8649448489 17.4
Median Abs. Deviation: 24.0192276271 7
Average Abs. Deviation: 27.5921173219 9.4
Quartile Dispersion: 0.343502202301 0.132075471698
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.507230971472 0.669230769231

Standard Error: 16.0510314021 6.4652919501

Coef. of Variation: 0.415026781605 0.556032011338
Skewness: 0.272553074007 0.159656965248
Kurtosis: 1.00043928573 1.48906847371

Sum: 432.396159896 130

Sum Absolute: 432.396159896 130
Sum Squares: 42546 4216
Mean Square: 8509.2 843.2

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 9.61538461538e-005
Clark and Evans: 1.69599727455
Skellam: 25.7042694307

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters
No Search (use all data): true

Output Grid
Grid File Name: C:\Users\Windows 7\Documents\blnnn1.grd
Grid Size: 77 rows x 100 columns
Total Nodes: 7700
Filled Nodes: 7700
Blanked Nodes: 0
Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 150
X Maximum: 410
X Spacing: 2.6262626262626

Y Minimum: 100
Y Maximum: 300
Y Spacing: 2.6315789473684

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 7700

1%%-tile: 283.23553397
5%%-tile: 289.592260429
10%%-tile: 293.296637277
25%%-tile: 298.451157512
50%%-tile: 306.839020498
75%%-tile: 319.298560814
90%%-tile: 329.120238651
95%%-tile: 332.479436148
99%%-tile: 336.349296244

Minimum: 277
Maximum: 338.395562396

Mean: 308.954816142
Median: 306.840000537
Geometric Mean: 308.665069631
Harmonic Mean: 308.377364661
Root Mean Square: 309.24636977
Trim Mean (10%%): 308.795807335
Interquartile Mean: 307.519732585
Midrange: 307.697781198
Winsorized Mean: 309.037896721
TriMean: 307.85693983

Variance: 180.262209366
Standard Deviation: 13.4261762749
Interquartile Range: 20.8474033022
Range: 61.3955623956
Mean Difference: 15.3327949102
Median Abs. Deviation: 9.7869953921
Average Abs. Deviation: 11.3332359581
Quartile Dispersion: 0.033747329515
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.049627952403
Standard Error: 0.153005478794
Coef. of Variation: 0.0434567631688
Skewness: 0.283000280648
Kurtosis: 2.14802909782

Sum: 2378952.08429
Sum Absolute: 2378952.08429
Sum Squares: 736376542.564
Mean Square: 95633.3172161

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