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Life Plan (5 years)

All personality tests revealed both my personal features, which I believe reflect in my approach
towards work. I like well-organized things and activities and I discovered I like to approach each
challenge in a systematic and analytical manner.
I would structure a 5-year life plan on both professional and personal accomplishments.
Firstly, on the professional side, I enjoy tasks that require concentration and through analysis.
During the internships I got involved in, I discovered I enjoy working in an office-based
environment and I found I am drawn towards activities in which I can show proactivity and take
responsibility. In five years, I would like to finish my studies (both my bachelors and masters
degrees) and find a career I would truly enjoy. In terms of work related events, I believe career
development is my main focus. I am willing to take as many challenges as possible in order to find
a path and a purpose for the things I do. I would love to work for an employer that values
performance and dedication and allows me to express initiative in daily tasks, thus allowing me to
become a valuable and reliable professional.
Furthermore, in 5 years I would like to improve my soft skills as well. I would develop a framework
in order to improve my communication skills in terms of conciseness and coherence. Also, I
believe my professional objectives would prove to be even more fruitful if I focused also on
becoming an active listener. From all my experience so far, being a good listener turned out to be
an invaluable skill in both teamwork as well as in building the professional network.
Secondly, in terms of personal development, I would like to continue my development and learn
as many new things as possible. I think that by experiencing new things, we can truly discover our
potential. For instance, I would love to improve my level at French and maybe learn other foreign
languages. I believe I would also like to explore as much as I can, so travelling would definitely
be one of my priorities. Together with reading, I believe travelling would help develop a broad
view of the surrounding world.
All in all, in 5 years I would like to come to the conclusion that I made use of my skills in the best
possible way and to make sure I enjoyed every opportunity.

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