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Amazing Scribbles – They’ll Like It & They’ll Buy It

I wish, I wish that someday I could make,

A huge castle with kids in it!

Let’s transport ourselves to a world of endless possibilities and adventures. With so much of
chaos being created by our own fellow mates, we have forgotten what it feels like to cherish
the innocence and simplicity of our childhood days. Kids these days, have forgotten that
simplicity too. With the ‘Digital World’ bursting with new forms of entertainment and
enhancements for the young and old, there seems to be a melancholy in the hearts of the
people. More & more brands these days are trying to engage the consumers with a narrative,
an emotional one, that could help them relive the beautiful days.

Let’s also not forget the days of our Tinkle binge reading and Supandi tales where a simple
ending was all the happy ending, we ever wanted. Where are those days? They aren’t dead,
they are here to stay. With Amazing Scribbles, kids can recreate their imagination and explore
the Picasso that lives inside them. So much to offer, so much to learn, it just never ends.

Amazing Scribbles – A Bird’s Eye View

The case beautifully captures the emotions of children and their longing to be known as little
artists with their innate talent, trying to be their own selves. Sowmya, is a talented lady who
has dared to dream and make her dreams come to reality. With the simple publication of a
magazine, she has captured the emotions of young kids and the latent emotions of all the
people who long for those simple days that no longer exist. An online magazine offers the
convenience and benefits to the audiences. The children are successfully able to showcase their
talent. More than this, art can reveal interesting things:

1. Art can showcase the latent desires and ambitions of people. With the help of paintings,
sketches and drawings, people express their desires to achieve something in life.
2. The drawings can be a form of expression to the world where something unique lies in every
artform. Through this platform, various budding junior artists can be identified and provided
with a platform to showcase their abilities.
3. Apart from just being glued to the electronic devices, children can spend some meaningful
time doing worthy jobs.

Further in the case, it also mentioned how she is looking to make the platform more interactive
and gamify the whole idea of the website and the magazine. Gamification, in recent years, has
seen a huge boom in the working of businesses and generated significant loyal customer base
for companies. It works wonders for anyone when you integrate some form of games, puzzles
and quizzes for the kids to sharpen their brains and keep them on their toes. With the launch of
this interactive platform, she can effectively leverage the power of gaming and interactions that
kids can have.
Sowmya is now facing a dilemma related to the kind of business model she can pursue to keep
the magazine alive and kicking. As far as the email is concerned, she can look into matters of
utmost importance considering the kind of subscriptions and readership she is having. Her
online model will never die, considering the increase usage of digital media platforms for
learning and development and holistic personality building of kids. Since her offline printing
business of publishing the magazine is not really kicking off, she could walk her way to some
creative advertising strategies which are as follows:

1. Ambient Advertising:
It is the simple use of outside environment and surroundings to effectively market and
advertise your product or brand to consumers which would otherwise not be possible to do.
Sowmya can employ various ambient advertising strategies such as creating half made figures
of animals or birds, keeping the pieces to complete on the road and asking kids and parents to
engage in the fun-filled activity. In this way, she could advertise her magazine by encouraging
kids to take their imagination on the paper and create wonders for themselves and the world.
Secondly, she can also provide pencils and colors in local newspapers and ask people to
recreate their imaginations.

2. Contests on Social Media:

Sowmya can hold several contests on social media to entice kids and their parents to take part
and earn the subscription for the magazine free for one year. These could include completing
puzzles on Facebook, finding the missing pieces and solving several challenges to win the

Road Ahead –

Amazing Scribbles has received top-notch reviews so far. When we visit the website, it looks
responsive and appealing. The look and feel of the website remind us of our childhood days
where we could draw up our imagination without the fear of the world.

The case mentions about a scenario where parents talk about how kids do not have sufficient
time to read physical magazines. This is particularly true considering the kind of digital tsunami
we now have drowned ourselves in. But there’s one thing we are forgetting. The smell, feel and
touch of physical magazines can always win over the digital format of a magazine.

After a careful analysis of the case, it would not be in favor of Sowmya to discontinue with the
printing of her magazines. For a while, she could invest in promoting the magazine online while
wait for consumers, mostly parents, to provide her with the feedback. She could then shift to
offline publication and send out copies to those most interested in reading her content.

Books never die. They always live with us, even after long. Let’s make Amazing Scribbles a
roaring success!
Team Members:
Tabish Shivani (Team Leader)
Ashi Bhargava

Team Name: The Roarers

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