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Topic: Challenge To Overcome.

Memory Verse: Revelation 3:5 - He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment: and I
will not blot out his name out of the book of life (KJV).

Lessons Text: Revelation 2:1 through 3:22.

Lesson Central Truth: Jesus Christ challenges believers to be obedient to His purpose and plan.

Lesson Focus: To hear Christ's of the need for significant change and accept His challenge to be

Introducing The Lesson:

Have you ever gone to a carnival and looked in the mirror in a fun house? These mirrors distort a
person's appearance. Some mirrors make a person look unusually tall. While another mirror makes that
same person look short and stocky. The mirrors provide many humorous moments.

The seven letters of Revelations 2 and 3 are also mirrors. But these mirrors do not distort our image like
a carnival mirror does. Instead, these letters give us an accurate portrayal of who we are before God.

Sometimes an accurate evaluation of our spiritual lives is painful. We may not want to acknowledge who
we truly are. But if we need to evaluate ourselves and make the necessary changes in our lives. At other
times, an accurate appraisal of out spiritual walk can encourage us to further service. In either case.
Churches and Christians need a regular self-examination in the mirror of God's word. If not, they may
have a distorted picture of their true status before God.

Lesson Outline:

1. Strength Assessed

A. Maintained Doctrinal Purity - Revelation 2:1-3

B. Exhibited Loving Service - Revelation 2:18-19.

2. Weaknesses Exposed

A. Overrated Reputation - Revelation 3:1-3

B. Lukewarm Living - Revelation 3:14-19.

3. Victory Promised

A. Open The Door - Revelation 3:29

B. Called To Overcome - Revelation 3:21,22.

Action Word - Christ sees you and knows what you are experiencing. He will reward you for your
faithfulness. In this you can be assured.

Remain blessed as you join us to study in our Sunday school at any Assemblies Of God church close to
you by 8AM every Sunday.

 Shalom!

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