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NIM : 16010006
A. Simple present tense
1. Definition
Simple present tense are forms that are used to express current or
repeated events (habits).
2. Function
declare work that is currently happening or habit
3. Adverb of time
Always : Selalu Today : Hari ini
Often : Sering Everyday : Setiap hari
Usually : Biasanya Every week : Setiap minggu
Sometimes : Kadang – kadang Every month : Setiap bulan
Seldom : Jarang
Never : Tak pernah
Ever : Pernah
4. Formulation
He I
She Does You Do
It They

 Verbal
(+) S + V1 + O
 He goes to office everyday
(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O
 He does not go to office everyday
(?) Do/does + S + V1 + O?
 Does he go to office everyday?

 Nominal
(+) S + Tobe (is, am, are) + Nominal
 They are my friend
(-) S + Tobe (is, am, are) + Not + Nominal
 They are not my friend
(?) Tobe (is, am, are) + S + Nominal?
 Are they my friend?
B. Present continuous tense
1. Definition
indicates that an action or condition is happening now.
2. Adverb of time

This morning : Pagi ini

This moment : Saat ini
Now : Sekarang
Today : Hari ini

3. Formulation
He I Am
She Is You
It They Are

 Verbal
(+) S + is, am, are + Ving + O
 You are studying English today
(-) S + is, am, are + not + Ving + O
 You are not studying English today
(?) Do/does + S + V1 + O?
 Are you studying English today?

 Nominal
(+) S + Tobe (is, am, are) + Adj / Noun
 He is handsome
(-) S + Tobe (is, am, are) + Not + Adj / Noun
 He is not handsome
(?) Tobe (is, am, are) + S + Adj / Noun?
 Is he handsome ?
C. Simple future tense
1. Definition
This is to declare the work that will happen in the future
2. Adverb of time

Next week : Minggu depan

Next year : Tahun depan
The day after tomorrow : Lusa
Tonight : Nanti malam
Tomorrow : Besok

3. Formulation

 verbal
(+) S + Shall / Will + V1 + O
 He will bring his family to hongkong next
(-) S + Shall / Will + Not + V1 + O
 He will not bring his family to hongkong
next week
(?) Shall / will + S + V1 + O?
 Will he bring his family to hongkong next
 Yes, he will
 No, he won’t

 Nominal
(+) S + Shall / will + Be + O
 Nanda will be the winner next competition
(-) S + Will Not + Be + O
 Nanda will not be the winner next competition
(?) Will + S + Be + O?
 Will Nanda be the winner next competition
D. Simple past tense
1. Definition
used to express events in the past
2. Adverb of time

Last night : Tadi malam

Last month : Bulan lalu
Yesterday : Kemarin
Two days ago : Dua hari yang lalu

3. Formulation

 Verbal
(+) S + V2 + O
 She bough ferrari two days ago
(-) S + Did + Not + V1 + O
 She did not buy Ferrari two days ago
(?) Did + S + V1 + O?
 Did she buy ferriari two days ago?

 Nominal
(+) S + Was / Were + O
 I was in the school last week
(-) S + Was / Were + Not + O
 I was not on the school last week
(?) Was / Were + S + O?
 Were you in the school last week
E. Present perfect tense
1. Definition

2. Formulation
He I
She Has You Have
It They

 Verbal
(+) S + Has / Have + V3 + O
 He has eaten lunch five minutes ago
(-) S + Has / Have + Not + V3 + O
 He has not eaten lunch five minutes ago
(?) Has / Have + S + V3 + O?
 Has he eaten lunch five minutes ago?
 Yes, he has
 No, he hasn’t

 Nominal
(+) S + Has / Have + Been + O
 She has been here for five minutes ago
(-) S + Has / Have + Not + Been + O
 She has not been here for five minutes ago
(?) Has / have + S + Been + O?
 Has she been here for five minutes ago?

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