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1.Check before start up

(a) Check if oil is filled in oil level gauge atleast 50 % above .

(b) Check the cooling water , check inlet and outlet valves are opened.

(d)Check if no person at work by the machine.

(e)Check if discharge valve of air compressor outlet is open.

(d) Check filling valve of Service Air Reciever Tank is open.

2. Turn the main switch on.Display shows:Ready+Voltage on light

3.Push the starting button-display shows:Starting busy and it display 100 % onload on the panel.

4.Check for Abnormality after Start

(a) Check temperature at cooling water outlet

(b) Check temperature of discharging Air on Panel.

(c) Check for any abnormal sound or smell

5.If any abnormality Detected immediately stop the Compressor by pressing red button on panel

6.When the pressure in Service Air Reciever Tank has reached upper limit set pressure , the pressure
switch operates to run the compressor in unloaded condition , when pressure in air receiver tank has
dropped to the lower limit set pressure , the pressure switch operates again and compressor starts.

Stopping :

1.Push the Red stop button on panel

2.The display shows:Blow Out.

3.Wait for 1 minute to allow the compressor to stop.

4.Turn the main switch off.

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