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Mata Kuliah : Bisnis Internasional

Hari,Tanggal : Kamis, 20 September 2018
Waktu (Jam) : 10.40-13.20
Ruang : 12.2
Sifat Ujian : Tugas Kelompok ke-1 via E-learning
Dosen : Dr. Intan N. Awwaliyah, SE., M.Sc.

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Pahami materi International Trade and Investment dengan membaca lebih lanjut ebook Griffin
& Pustay Chapter 6. Selanjutnya diskusikan dan jawab pertanyaan berikut dengan analisis yang
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contoh: Dian_Tugas BI Kelompok ke-1

1. In the Chapter example of France trading wine to Japan for clock radios, we arbitrarily
assumed that the countries would trade at a price ratio of one bottle of wine for two clock
radios. Over what range of prices can trade occur between the two countries? (Hint: In
the absence of trade, what is the price of clock radios in terms of wine in France? In
Japan?) Does your answer differ if you use Table 6.2 instead of Table 6.1?
2. In the public debate over ratification of the North American Free Trade Agreement, Ross
Perot said he heard a “giant sucking sound” from U.S. jobs headed south because of low
wage rates in Mexico. Using the theory of comparative advantage, discuss whether
Perot’s fears were valid.
3. Why is intraindustry trade not predicted by countrybased theories of trade?
4. Hyundai decided to build a new automobile assembly plant in Alabama.
a. What factors do you think Hyundai considered in selecting Alabama as the site for
the factory?
b. Who benefits and who loses from the new plant in Alabama?
c. Is the firm’s decision to build the new plant consistent with Dunning’s eclectic
5. Why are clusters established, and why are they important in international trade? Illustrate
you answer with examples.predictions for those industries?
6. Based on what you know about the Japanese market, decide whether the same pattern
of competitiveness that exists in the United States for the computer, consumer
electronics, and automobile industries also holds true for the Japanese market. Why or
why not?
7. The U.S. market for computers is dominated by domestic firms such as Dell, Hewlett-
Packard, and Apple. The U.S. market for consumer electronics is dominated by Japanese
firms and brands such as Sony, JVC, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, and Toshiba. However, the U.S.
automobile market includes both domestic firms such as Ford and General Motors and
formidable Japanese competitors such as Toyota and Honda. What international trade
theories that you have learned can explained this situation? Why?
8. Based on what you know about the Japanese market, decide whether the same pattern
of competitiveness that exists in the United States for the computer, consumer
electronics, and automobile industries also holds true for the Japanese market. Why or
why not?

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