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1. Does it state whether the design is correlational, survey, comparative, etc.?

2. Does the researcher define his/her design by citing an author that defines the design?

3. Does it mention what the researcher will do with the variable?

4. Was the sampling technique and how to determine the following of respondents mentioned?

5. Does it explain the summary on how to deal with the data gathered?


1. Does it observe the Input-Process-Output model in handling the data?

2. Are the contents of the input, the specific statement of the problems arranged in the same orders

in the statement of the problem?

3. Does the process explain the data gathering procedure?

4. Does the output discuss the output of the study?

5. Is there a figure that illustrate the flow of the study?


1. Does it give the details about the environment like the history courses offered, who heads the

environment without naming any person?

2. Is the map of the environment provided?


1. Does it present who will participate in the study and why are they fitted to participate in the study?

2. Does it provide a distribution of the respondents?

3. Does it discuss the distribution of the respondents which is found on the table?

4. Does it state how the sample size was determined?


1. Does it explain what instrument the researcher will use in data gathering whether it is researcher

made or adopted?

2. Does it enumerate how many parts is there in the instrument and what the contents are of each

part and how the respondents will answer each part such as Likert Scale used to its

corresponding description numerical response?

3. Does it mention pilot testing if it is researcher made? (but if it is adopted, disregard this portion)


1. Does it discuss the steps in gathering the data?

2. Does it explain the process thoroughly before, during and after the data gathering?



1. Does it explain the meaning of the terms used according with its usage in the study?

2. Did not use the meaning of the dictionary but used the contextual definition or what the meaning

of the word is as it is used in the study?

3. Were the terms arranged in alphabetical order?

4. Were the terms in the title defined?

5. Were all the variables defined?

6. Was the output defined?

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