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In-depth explanation of how Stun chance works w/ means on how to get

Immunity to Stun without Orc Hero card.

Written by Idlehands

First and foremost, we need to understand how the formula for the actual Stun Chance works. This is
the general formula, although certain skills may have their own stun formula which is very similar to this

A= (lv*a+b)*StunDam*StateDam*CommonFun.calcAttrDizzyRate(srcUser, targetUser)

So from this, there are these variables:

Lv = Variable coming from the skill used. This is the level of the skill. Normal attacks would have lv=1
since normal attack is actually a level 1 skill that is classified as normal attack. (I know it also made my
head dizzy)

a = Variable coming from the skill used

b = Variable coming from the skill used

StunDam = 1 + StunAtk – StunDef

The following is an example of StunAtk

XMAS antlers Gacha = [34960] = "{id = 34960, BuffName = '圣诞大鹿角', BuffRate =

{Odds = 100}, Condition = _EmptyTable, BuffType = _EmptyTable, BuffEffect = {StunDef = 0.1, Luk = 1,
type = 'AttrChange', Vit = 1, Dex = 1, Str = 1, Agi = 1, MoveSpdPer = 0.02, Int = 1, StunAtk = 0.1},

The following is an example for StunDef

Meteorite Armor = [20760] = "{id = 20760, BuffName = '陨石铠甲', BuffRate = {Odds = 100},
Condition = _EmptyTable, BuffType = _EmptyTable, BuffEffect = {StunDef = 0.5, type = 'AttrChange',
FreezeDef = 0.5}

Fatal Infection = [116410] = "{id = 116410, BuffName = '致命感染', BuffRate = {Odds =

100}, Condition = _EmptyTable, BuffType = _EmptyTable, BuffStateID = 116410, BuffEffect = {StunDef =
{b = 0, type = 1, a = 0.04}, type = 'AttrChange', BlindDef = {b = 0, type = 1, a = 0.04}, PoisonDef = {b = 0,
type = 1, a = 0.04}, SilenceDef = {b = 0, type = 1, a = 0.04}, StoneDef = {b = 0, type = 1, a = 0.04}, FreezeDef
= {b = 0, type = 1, a = 0.04}, ChaosDef = {b = 0, type = 1, a = 0.04}, CurseDef = {b = 0, type = 1, a = 0.04},
SlowDef = {b = 0, type = 1, a = 0.04}}
StateDam = 1 + StateAtk – StateDef

There is currently no gear/card/skill/buff that gives StateAtk

For StateDef we can use the Genetic Skill: Life fusion:

[116220] = "{id = 116220, BuffName = '生命融合(生命体)', BuffRate = {Odds = 100},

Condition = _EmptyTable, BuffType = _EmptyTable, BuffStateID = 116220, BuffEffect = {StateDef = {d =
0.15, b = 0, type = 3250, c = 134080, a = 0}, type = 'AttrChange', AtkPer = {d = 0.1, b = 0, type = 3250, c =
134080, a = 0.1}, MAtkPer = {d = 0.1, b = 0, type = 3250, c = 134080, a = 0.1}}, BuffIcon = '', BuffDesc = '',
Dsc = '', DelBuffID = _EmptyTable}"

I will not explain the computation of this because it will be lengthy but just know that
StateDef can come from this.

DizzyRate = Dizzrate is taken from the Stats vs stats comparison of the attacker and the defender

If you did well in math in highschool you can tell that the rate here will never be 0. Because at most, at
max vit and agi, it will be capped at 0.8. and 1-0.8 leaves you with 0.2.

Ok. Now that you know those variables let us take one skill for example.

Let us pick Meteor storm:

As you can see, Meteor gives the ff buff on enemy: {42000130, 42000230, 85140}. The first one is the Stun,
second one is Firepillar, and last one is burn.

So now let us look at Buff 42000130:

If you look closely, the Buffrate talks about the odds and the BuffEffect is the payload (effect). The effect status
4 is for stun. The BuffRate is the chance of this buff to take effect. Now this Buff refers to type 130
(highlighted). This is actually CalcBuff_130 from the CommonFun.lua file. Before we go there take a look at
variables a and b. which is 3 and 4 respectively.

Before I proceed, let me just tell you that this formula is used by several skills/buffs to determine stun rate. So
anything below the Buff variable is no longer for meteor. That is actually for Normal attack with Skeleton card.

Now since we have all our variables ready let us transcribe it under these conditions:

Level 7 meteor

Defender is LK class (no life fusion for StaeDef)

Attacker is Wizard and has no Xmas horns gacha and Wraith star card and has 0 STR

Defender Vit and Agi is 0 (we will get to max later)

This would make the ff:

Lv = 7



StunDam = 1 + 0 - 0

StateDam = 1 + 0 - 0

DizzyRate = 1 + 0.1 – 0

If laid down on the formula it would look like this:

A= (7*3+4)*1*1*1.1

Which would result into = 27.5

This scenario would give you a 27.5 chance to Stun.

Now let us try to do the same with bash.

This is level 10 Bash:

As like before lets look at the Enemy Buff: 80010

So as you can see it still refers to the same calculation, but this time, a=6 and b=-30.

So in the same assumptions as above it would look like this:

A= (10*6+(-30))*1*1*1.1

Which would result to

A = 33; 33% chance to stun.

Hope everything is still clear up to this point. Otherwise, go back to the start before proceeding.

Now let’s talk about getting stun immunity.

Let us take bash for example under these conditions

Attacker is LK with 0 STR

Defender is LK with 100 Vit and 100 Agi

Defender has no StunDef items

Defender has no StateDef buffs

Attacker has no Wraith Star or XMAS antler gacha

Here our variables would look like this:

Lv = 10


b = -30

StunDam = 1 + 0 - 0

StateDam = 1 + 0 - 0

DizzyRate = 1 + 0.1 – 0.6

If laid down on the formula it would look like:

A= (10*6+(-30))*1*1*0.5

Which results into: 15% chance.

Keep in mind that Vit and Agi value is capped at 0.8, thus even if I had 500 vit and 500 agi, it would only
make DizzyRate to 1+ 0.1 – 0.8.

Now let me show you how to really get Stun immunity.

For this you need to have Meteorite Armor or Deathcat armor, and then 50% more Stun Resist Enchants
or buff. Shadow chasers get 40% from Fatal infection, so it is relatively easy for them to get Stun
immune. For other classes, you need immense luck in enchants.
Let us take bash again for example under these conditions

Attacker is LK with 200 STR

Defender is LK with 0 Vit and 0 Agi

Defender has 100% StunDef items from the above mentioned sources

Defender has no StateDef buffs

Attacker has no Wraith Star or XMAS antler gacha

Here our variables would look like this:

Lv = 10


b = -30

StunDam = 1 + 0 - 1

StateDam = 1 + 0 - 0

DizzyRate = 1 + 0.6 – 0

If laid down on the formula it would look like:

A= (10*6+(-30))*0*1*1.6

Which results into: 0% chance.

There you go. Stun immunity without Orc Hero Card.

This has been tested by some Shadow Chasers and we have validated this to be the case. Getting
StunDam to 0 will result into a No-Stun scenario. For video proofs you can Ping Dudie and Reize.

Unfortunately, I can’t do the test myself since I am unable to get StunDef to 100.

Thanks! Hope this helped in clearing things.

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