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This happens when an individual is dependent on chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is
causing psychological and physical harm.

Addiction is not misuse or a favorite hobby, Someone with an addiction will continue to misuse the
substance in spite of the harmful effects.

The term addiction does not only refer to dependence on substances such as heroin or cocaine. A person
who cannot stop taking a particular drug or chemical has a substance dependence.

Some addictions also involve an inability to stop partaking in activities, such as gambling, eating, sex, or
working. In these circumstances, a person has a behavioral addiction.

Addiction is a chronic disease that can also result from taking medications. Most people start using a
drug or first engage in an activity voluntarily. However, addiction can take over and reduce self-control.

Man by nature is hedonistic (man is a pleasure seeking and pain avoiding being) and it is usually the case
that when an individual uses a particular substance, or sustains a relationship overtime his\her body gets
accustomed to it and the discontinuation or disuse Of that substance affects the body negatively as the
body becomes inclined to that source of pleasure or satisfaction. The human body develops a
dependence or inclination on what gives it pleasure overtime, this is where discipline and moderation
comes in the use of our gadgets, social media, food, our relationship with others, activities, it is
important that we pay attention to details of our lives in order to detect symptoms of addiction.

Symptoms of addiction

1.Keep thinking about it

2.Get irritated without it-neglecting or losing interest in activities that do not involve the harmful
substance or behavior.

3.Get angry without it.

Steps to overcome addiction

1.Admit to yourself that you are addicted.

2.Admit to someone you look up to that you are addicted; you may not be able to successfully stop the
engagement of the object of addiction on your own without supervision.

3.Withdrawal- As much as you can

4.Treatment It's okay to have Jesus and a therapist too.

The treatment of addiction is highly personalized and often requires the support of the individual's
community or family.

Treatment can take a long time and may be complicated. Addiction is a chronic condition with a range of
psychological and physical effects. Each substance or behavior may require different management.

Dangers of addiction

1.Relationship difficulties, which often involve lashing out at people who identify the dependency

2.An inability to stop using a drug, though it may be causing health problems or personal problems, such
as issues with employment or relationships.

3.Hiding substances or behaviors and otherwise exercising secrecy, for example, by refusing to explain
injuries that occurred while under the influence.

4.Profound changes in appearance, including a noticeable abandonment of hygiene.

5.Increased risk-taking, both to access the substance or activity and while using it or engaging in it.

Both substance use disorders and gambling behaviors have an increased likelihood of being
accompanied by mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety or other pre-existing

Because addiction affects the brain’s executive functions, centered in the prefrontal cortex, individuals
who develop an addiction may not be aware that their behavior is causing problems for themselves and
others. Over time, pursuit of the pleasurable effects of the substance or behavior may dominate an
individual’s activities.

It is important that we treat addicted individuals with love and not neglect or hate them.

It is advisable that we walk in wisdom and be ready for their reactions... (We must be careful with people
whose addiction can result in violence as it affects the mind.)

We have been commanded to love our neighbours, not necessarily those with whom we share the same
faith.James 2:14-17, Romans13:9,10.

Pay close attention to those around you; family, friends, for signs of addiction, don't let them go through
it alone.

Be attentive to yourself daily,and discipline your flesh through deliberate training on your values,
studying God's word,praying, fellowshipping with other believers, set standards and moral values for
youself, as anyone can be addicted.

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