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This is to certif that this “Phfsics Investiatorf

Project” on the topic “To determine the combined
iocal lenith oi one concave and one convex lenses
separated bf a fnite distance” has been
successiullf completed bf Shashi Kumari oi class
12th A under the iuidance oi Phfsics teacher Mrs.
iulfllment oi the curriculum oi central board oi
secondarf educaton {CBSE} durini academic fear
Internal examiner External examiner

INDEX Topics

1. Certfcate
2. Acknowlediement
3. Aim
4. Introducton
5. Requirements
6. Procedure
7. Observatons
8. Calculatonssprecautons

9. Biblioiraphf
To determine the combined
iocal lenith oi one concave and
one convex lenses separated bf
a fnite distance.
Manf optcal tasks require several lenses in order to achieve an
acceptable level oi periormance. One such possible approach
to lens combinaton is to consider each imaie iormed bf each
lens as the object ior the next lens and so on. This is a valid
approach, but it is tme consumini and unnecessarf .In various
optcal instruments, two or more lenses are combined to
1. Increase the mainifcaton oi the imaie
2. Make the fnal imaie erect w.r.t the object,
3. Reduce certain aberratons.
It is much simpler to calculate the efectve ecombined) iocal
lenith and principal point locatons and then use the results in
anf subsequent paraxial calculatons. two thin lenses oi iocal
lenith i1 and i2 respectvelf which are in closed contact , then
the efectve iocal lenith oi the combinaton will be iiven bf,

1/F=1/f1 + 1/f2
And the total mainifcatons oi the lens combinaton will be
iiven bf M= m1 x m2
Ii the lenses oi iocal lenith are separated bf a fnite distance d,
the iocal lenith F oi the equivalent lens is iiven bf
1/F= 1/f1 + 1/f2 – d/f1f2
Applications of combination of convex and
concave lens
1. ihromctii cberrction
One common lens aberraton is chromatc aberraton.
Ordinarf liiht is a mixture oi liiht oi manf diferent colours, i.e.
waveleniths. Because the reiractve index oi ilass to liiht
difers accordini to colour, creatni a blurrini oi colours. This
chromatc aberraton can be cancelled out bf combinini convex
and concave lenses oi diferent reiractve indices.

2. telephoto lenses
Most optcal devices make use oi not just one lens, but oi a
combinaton oi convex and concave lenses. For example,
combinini a sinile convex lens with a sinile concave lens
enables distant objects to be seen in more detail. This is
because the liiht condensed bf the convex lens is once more
reiracted into parallel liiht bf the concave lens. This
arraniement made possible the Galilean telescope, named
after its 17th centurf inventor, Galileo.
Addini a second convex lens to this combinaton produces a
simple telephoto lens, with the iront convex lens and concave
lens servini to mainiif the imaie, while the rear convex lens
condenses it. addini a iurther two pairs oi convexsconcave
lenses and a mechanism ior adjustni the distance between the
sinile convex and concave lenses enables the modifcaton oi
mainifcaton over a contnues ranie. This is how zoom lenses
 An optcal bench with three upriihts ecentral upriiht
fxed, two outer upriihts with lateral movement)
 One convex lens
 One concave lens
 Two lens holders
 Two optcal needles
 Hali meter scale
 Take one concave and convex lens.
 Find the rouih iocal lenith oi the two lenses
L1econvex) and L2econcave) individuallf havini iocus
lenith oi i1 and i2 respectvelf.
 Keep the lenses in iront oi the window and obtain a
sharp imaie oi the object placed at infnitf.
 Measure the distance between lenses and the imaie
iormed with the help oi scale.
 Now fnd the accurate iocal lenith oi two lenses L1
and L2 bf usini the experimental setup individuallf
and calculate its iocal lenith readini.
 With left efe closed, see with the riiht open efe
irom the other end oi the optcal bench. An inverted
and enlaried imaie oi the object needle will be
seen. Tip oi the imaie must lie in the middle oi the
 Mount the thick optcal needle in the iourth upriiht
near the other end oi the optcal bench.
 Adjust the heiiht oi the object needle so that its tp
is seen in line with the tp oi the imaie when seen
with riiht efe open .
 Move the efe towards riiht. The tps will iet
separated. The imaie tp and the imaie needle have
 Remove the parallax tp to tp as described.
 Combine the two lenses toiether with the help oi
two lens holder and fnd its accurate combine iocal



1. Convex eL1)
2. ConcaveeL2)

The separaton between the two lenses =

1sF= 1si1 + 1si2 – dsi1i2
Thereiore, F=

 Tips oi the object and imaie needles should lie at
the same heiiht as the centre oi the lens.
 Parallax should be removed irom tp to tp bf
keepini efe at a distance at least 30 cm awaf irom
the needle.
 The object needle should be placed at such a
distance that onlf real, inverted imaie oi it is

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