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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics I

12 – Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Chapter 7: Stratification and its Impact to Social Inequality
GROUP 4 | K. Monato, J. Salalima, E. Sarita, E. Lawag, R. Pazo, B. Gamit


______________ 1. A systematic categorization of individuals and institutions based on their roles

and functions and statuses.
______________ 2. It encompasses the properties owned by an individual as well as his or her
material assets and investment capital.
______________ 3. It is a system of political organization brought to the Philippines by Spaniards
which is still practiced until today.
______________ 4. It is a system of political stratification practice in a certain country which
considers street sweepers and latrine cleaners as out caste or untouchables.
______________ 5. The capacity and ability to dominate over a certain set of people by means of
influence and control.


1. The Philippine Government has three branches. What are those?

a. Executive-Legislatory-Judiciary c. Executive-Judiciary-Legislative
b. Executory-Judiciative-Legislative d. Executive-Legislative-Judiciative
2. A stratified social system is determined by three social factors. Which of the following does not
belong to the group?
a. Power c. Wealth
b. Prestige d. Related Power
3. It is the highest post in the government occupied by a Filipino during the Spanish colonial
a. Feudal Administrators c. Gobernadorcillo
b. Cabeza de Barangay d. General Governor
4. It refers to the unequal access to social, political, and symbolic capital of individuals in the
a. Social Stratification c. Social Inequality
b. Social Mobility d. Discrimination
5. It is a system of beliefs rooted in the assertion that men and women are naturally different.
a. Racism c. Poverty
b. Sexism d. Ethnicity
6. It is the belief that humans are subdivided into distinct groups so different in their social
behaviour and mental and physical capacities that they can be ranked as superior or inferior.
a. Racism c. Poverty
b. Sexism d. Ethnicity
7. It is considered as such as stratification is based on social classes, where people’s social position
or status is determined by economic wealth and income.
a. Political Stratification c. Social Stratification
b. Closed Society d. Open Society
8. This type of social inequality occurs when the inborn biological features of people – such as skin
color, eye shape, and hair texture – are used as basis of their social status.
a. Based on Disability c. Based on Race and Ethnicity
b. Based Sex and Gender d. Global Inequality
9. Which one of the following is not a factor of definition to ‘wealth’?
a. Agricultural land c. Number of professionals in the family
b. Material assets d. Number of siblings
10. It is when changes or shifts in social positions or social mobility are limited.
a. Political Stratification c. Social Stratification
b. Closed Society d. Open Society


________ 1. Feudalistic relations during the Spanish colonial period resulted to an equal, facile and
non-abusive form of social relations and production.
________ 2. Inequality and poverty can be attributed to feudalism and its effects.
________ 3. Social mobility exists every time individuals and institutions are categorized or
differentiated into classes or distinct groups.
________ 4. Globalization includes the concentration of resources in certain powerful countries
while other countries are left behind.
________ 5. Disability results from the interaction between persons with impairments and
attitudinal and environmental barriers that develops their full and effective participation in society
on an equal basis with others.

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