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Principles of PR Team PR Plan for Nonprofit Client

Ellie McCartney, Brooke Wegner, Rachel Brader, Alex Graff and David Todd

Faculty Advisor: Karen Weber or


CEO: Robert Patterson

COO: Josh Gillman

Client: Kids Can Community Center (402) 731-6988

For our PR plan, we are promoting Kids Can’s Out-of-School and Early Education

Situational Analysis

Kids Can Community Center was originally founded in 1908 as the Social Settlement
Association of Omaha. In 2009, we changed our name to Kids Can Community Center
to better reflect our vision for children and families in our community. Today we are a
state-licensed childcare provider for children ages 18-months to 13-years old, offering
full-day early childhood education and out-of-school programs.

Using a team approach, we are actively participating in Nebraska's Step Up To Quality

to ensure we provide high-impact programming for our youngest children. We partner
with Collective For Youth to provide additional after-school programming at Wakonda,
Gilder, Miller Park, and Nelson Mandela Elementary Schools. Our mentoring program is
accredited through Midlands Mentoring Partnership. Our mission is to educate, engage
and inspire children through our out of school and early childhood programs.


Certain things that we found challenging were that the website was hard to navigate
around with finding information. There was a lot of tabs that had different options which
really didn’t correlate with the information each tab had to offer. The website layout
was really inconsistent with layout and where the photos were located. We didn’t find it
being polished enough. It was not easy to navigate if you are just going in it to find

Karen Weber Faculty Advisor (402) 554-2246

what the organization does and what they have to offer. We found that we would be
searching for a while just to find the simple information.

Another challenge that we had to work around was the logo. The colors are not
consistent and the font difficult to work with because it is drawn and there physically
wasn’t a font that we could find to match it with our work. Another thing that was
difficult for us is that we couldn’t find a reversible logo type which made it difficult
change the logo from black to white or white to black.

We have noticed that on certain forms of communication, they are not consistent with
what they are naming their programs. We have found that they flip back and forth
between, “Out of School Program” and “Out of School Experience.” This is something
that they need to change to allow them to build a brand that stays consistent with Kids


● To develop effect tactics that promote fall sign up for Kids Can programs.

● Increase awareness for Kids Can programs at each location for those who will
utilizing the programs.

● Increase awareness of the impact that early education and out of school
programs can have on children’s development.

● To provide resources to guardians who need quality childcare while they’re at


● Establishing relationships with the families in our community.


● Create a stronger brand identity that attracts their target audience.

● Create marketing materials that inform community members about each


Objective 1: Create a consistent brand identity that increases the awareness of Kids
Can’s Out of School and Early Childhood programs by 30 percent by May 2, 2019


● Create informational brochure. Deadline: May 2.

● Create infographic for programs impact. Deadline: May 2.
● Create direct mailer for both programs. Deadline: May 2.

Karen Weber Faculty Advisor (402) 554-2246

Objective 2: Promote Fall sign-up for Kids Can’s Out of School and Early Childhood
programs by July 30, 2019


● Write script for 30-sec radio public service announcement. Deadline: May 2.
● Write Fact Sheet for programs impact. Deadline: May 2.

Objective 3: Gain traffic to the website by July 30, 2019


● Promoting the website on mailers, fact sheets, brochures, and

infographics as well as a radio commercial

Budget for Fall sign-up promotion:

● Printing: $748/200 copies

● Distribution of mailers: $880 per 4,972 addresses


● Track number of people with children in our school districts.

● Track traffic to website and effectiveness based off of mailer, brochure,
infographic, 30-second radio script or fact sheets.
● Track number of new children coming into the program in the Fall.

Karen Weber Faculty Advisor (402) 554-2246

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