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Score Worksheet Name________________ Form________

In 1895 the Lumière brothers created music to cover the noise of what?


Which producer of organs was thought to be the best?


Why was the 1933 movie, King Kong’s music a landmark



What instruments did Alfred Newman favour?


What does rubato mean?



What is often a prompt for music to come in?



What is a motif?



What do composers write motifs for?


Where does the kalimba originate from?


What was the first film to incorporate jazz music?


Who wrote the original james bond theme?


Why is the instrument with the crank considered to be a bit of a dinosaur?


Do all directors like the same style and type of film music? What are some differences




Where else has film music been used? Why?


Why was Jerry Goldsmith considered innovative?



What did the public rediscover after watching star wars?


Who does Hans Zimmer say the B part of John Williams Music is for?


Write some descriptive words (your own or from the interviews) about the ET theme


Why do artists pick particular studios to record in?



Why does the roof of the Abbey Road studio need to be able to move?



Why does the sound engineer use so many microphones?



Name some movies that have been recorded at abbey road studios


What is the role of the engineer?



Why do not all composers conduct the orchestra?



Do the musicians get to practice their music before the performance?


Which genre of film typically has the longest or most music?


Thomas Newman was renowned for doing what?


How did the music from Gladiators change the way it was filmed?


What unique thing do the strings do in Hans Zimmer’s writing?


Why was ‘the social networks’ score considered so different?



Why are film composers so important (with reference to the orchestra)



What did you find most interesting about the documentary?



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