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GASHEEM SHOOKAT BAKSH, petitioner, offered a promise of marriage, then

vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS and she could ask for payment for
MARILOU T. GONZALES, respondents damages. Furthermore, since she let
her lover, the petitioner, “deflowered”
G. R. No. 97336. February 19, 1993
her since she believed that his
FACTS: Petitioner was a medicine promise to marry was true, and not
student at Lyceum Northwestern due to her carnal desire, then she
Colleges at Dagupan City. He was an could have her claims against the
Iranian exchange student and was 29 petitioner. Moreover, the father of the
years old. Respondent was a former respondent had already looked for pigs
waitress on a luncheonette, and was and chicken for the marriage reception
22 years old. Petitioner was allegedly and the sponsors for the marriage, and
the lover of the respondent, and was then damages were caused by the
said to promise marriage to the latter, petitioner against the respondents,
which convinced her to live with him in which qualified the claims of the
his apartment. It was even alleged respondent against the petitioner.
that the petitioner went to the house
Air France vs. Carrascoso
of the respondent to inform her family
about the marriage on the end of the FactThe plaintiff, Rafael Carrascoso,
semester. However, the marriage did paid for and was issued a “First class”
not materialize, with several beatings ticket by Air France from Manila to
and maltreatment experienced by the Rome. During a stopover in Bangkok,
respondent from the petitioner. the manager of Air France asked the
plaintiff to vacate his seat because a
The case was filed in the RTC of
white man has a “better right” than
Pangasinan, and the decision was held
him. At first, the plaintiff protested,
in favor of the respondent. However,
but, as things got heated up, he was
the petitioner claimed that the
asked by the other Filipinos on board
judgment of the RTC was an error, for
to give up his seat and transfer in the
the claims of the respondent are not
tourist class. After the trip, Carrascoso
true, and that he did not know about
sued Air France for the embarrassment
the custom of the Filipinos; his acts
and inconvenience he suffered. The
were in accordance of his custom. The
trail court awarded damages to the
decision of the RTC was affirmed in
plaintiff which was affirmed by the
toto by the Court of Appeals. Hence,
Court of Appeals. Air France assailed
the petitioner filed an appeal to the
the decision. According to them, the
Supreme Court.
issuance of a first class ticket does not
ISSUE: Whether or not the respondent guarantee Carrascoso a seat in the
could claim payment for the damages first Class.
incurred by the petitioner.
Issue: Whether or not Air France is
RULING: Mere breach of marriage is liable for the damages to Carrascoso
not punishable by law. However, since and on what basis
the respondent was proved to have a
Decision: Yes. Air France is liable based
good moral character, and that she
on culpa contractual and culpa
had just let her virginity be taken away
aquiliana. Culpa Contractual There
by the petitioner since the latter
exists a contract of carriage between
Air France and Carrascoso. There was France — a case of quasi-delict.
a contract to furnish Carrasocoso a Damages are proper.
first class passage; Second, That said
contract was breached when Air
France failed to furnish first class
transportation at Bangkok; and Third,
that there was bad faith when Air
France’s employee compelled
Carrascoso to leave his first class
accommodation berth “after he was
already, seated”and to take a seat in
the tourist class, by reason of which he
suffered inconvenience,
embarrassments and humiliations,
thereby causing him mental anguish,
serious anxiety, wounded feelings and
social humiliation, resulting in
moraldamages. The Supreme Court
did not give credence to Air France’s
claim that the issuance of a first class
ticket to a passenger is not an
assurance that he will be given a first
classes at. Such claim is simply
incredible. Culpa Aquiliana Here, the
SC ruled, even though there is a
contract of carriage between Air
France and Carrascoso, there is also a
tortuous act based on culpa aquiliana.
Passengers do not contract merely for
transportation. They have a right to be
treated by the carrier’s employees
with kindness, respect, courtesy and
due consideration. They are entitled to
be protected against personal
misconduct, injurious language,
indignities and abuses from such
employees. So it is, that any rule or
discourteous conduct on the part of
employees towards a passenger gives
the latter an action for damages
against the carrier. Air France’s
contract with Carrascoso is one
attended with public duty. The stress
of Carrascoso’s action is placed upon
his wrongful expulsion. This is a
violation of public duty by the Air

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