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Record 1 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh (1102259)

Type: Article in book
Author: Pernot, Laurent
Title of Article: Greek and Latin rhetorical culture
Title of Publication: The Oxford handbook of the Second Sophistic. Ed. Richter, Daniel S. & Johnson, William A., New York : Oxford University Pr., 2017. XIII-758 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-19-983747-2
Pages: 205-216
Abstract: From the 1st cent. A.D. the Greek world experienced a cultural renaissance of which rhetoric was a major manifestation. In the field of practical
oratory, rhetoric’s importance is witnessed in the collections of orations and other works by Dio of Prusa, Aelius Aristides, and Lucian ; in rhetorical
theory, in the treatises handed down under the name of Hermogenes and other handbooks gathered under the name of « Rhetores Graeci ». These
sources belong to the period of the High Empire, corresponding to the era traditionally assigned to the Second Sophistic. In Latin, the works of
Quintilian, Fronto, and Apuleius represent, in certain ways, a community of spirit with the Greek Second Sophistic. Notes on p. 700.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - d) Oratory - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aristides Rhetor - Études
Dio Chrysostomus - Études
Fronto (M. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Hermogenes Tarsensis - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études
Quintilianus (M. Fabius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Rhetorum scripta - Études

Record 2 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh (1102268)

Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Apuleius
Title of Publication: The Oxford handbook of the Second Sophistic. Ed. Richter, Daniel S. & Johnson, William A., New York : Oxford University Pr., 2017. XIII-758 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-19-983747-2
Pages: 345-356
Abstract: The versatile output of Apuleius shows multiple links with the literary culture of the Second Sophistic. Though he could not match the major Greek
sophists in their international fame and imperial contacts, he seems to have operated as a Latin-speaking sophist in his home province of Roman
North Africa. This study considers his life and output from this perspective and gives brief accounts of his two most famous works, the « Apologia »
and the « Metamorphoses », with greater attention given to the former.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius
- Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- Apologia [view article in LLT-A]

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Record 3 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1097450)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Stover, Justin
Kestemont, Mike
Title of Article: Reassessing the Apuleian corpus: a computational approach to authenticity
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 66: 2 (2016) 645-672
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838816000768
Abstract: The Apuleian corpus is riddled with vexing problems of authenticity and transmission. After a description of the methodology of stylometric analysis,
the stylometric analyses of the most common words in a corpus of Latin prose texts that stand in some relation to Apuleius (including philosophical
texts by Seneca and Cicero and works by authors of the generations preceding, following, and contemporary with Apuleius) yields the following
results. 1) The authorship of « De Platone » and « De mundo » should no longer be questioned. 2) The « Asclepius » is probably not by Apuleius : in
word choice, and particularly in the use of function words, Apuleius, Cicero, Seneca, Tertullian, and a number of other authors are closer to each other
than any of them are to the « Asclepius ». This fact corroborates the hypothesis of a 4th-cent. date for the translation. 3) A provisional conclusion is
that there is no good reason to accept the attribution of the « Peri hermeneias » to Apuleius. More research is needed, but the findings suggest that
dating it to a generation after Apuleius would not be inappropriate. 4) There is no reason to dismiss the authenticity of the « Expositio ». In addition to
these specific conclusions, the data also suggest a model for classifying Apuleius’s different works.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


Record 4 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh (354583)

Type: Critical edition

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Editor of text: Stover, Justin A.

Title of Publication: A new work by Apuleius: the lost third book of the De Platone / ed. and transl. with an introd. and commentary by Justin A. Stover
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Oxford: Oxford University Pr., 2016
Description: XVIII-216 p., ill. index
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-19-873574-8

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Citations: Apuleius - De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A]

Jones, Christopher P., in: Sehepunkte , :10 (2017) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2017&volume=17&issue=10&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Moreschini, Claudio, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:3 (2017) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2017&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Record 5 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 87-00708 (1090005)
Type: Article in book
Author: Stephan, Ulrike
Title of Article: Deutsche Übersetzungen der « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius seit 1780
Title of Publication: Studien zur Praxis der Übersetzung antiker Literatur: Geschichte, Analysen, Kritik. Ed. Kitzbichler, Josefine & Stephan, Ulrike C. A. (Transformationen
der Antike, 35), Berlin ; Boston (Mass.) : De Gruyter, 2016. X-412 p.
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 978-3-11-042649-6
Pages: 277-360
Abstract: Auch zu Apuleius’ Text und Stil selbst ; mit Vorstellung und Einzelanalysen der fünf vollständigen deutschen Übersetzungen sowie einer
Parallelanalyse der Übersetzungen des Proömiums

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 6 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 87-05695 (311869)
Type: Monograph
Author: Stefani, Matteo
Title of Publication: Marsilio Ficino lettore di Apuleio filosofo e dell’« Asclepius »: le note autografe nei codici Ambrosiano S 14 Sup. e Riccardiano 709
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Alessandria: Ed. dell’Orso, 2016
Description: IX-146 p., ill. 2 index
Further Information: Edizione e studio di queste note
ISSN/ISBN: 9788862747066
Collection: Minima Philologica. Serie Latina, 8

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Hermetica - Études
Nom récent: Ficino, Marsilio (philosophe et érudit italien ; 1433-1499)

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Record 7 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1097446)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Rudoni, Elia R.
Title of Article: Apuleius, Metamorphoses 11.23.5
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 66: 2 (2016) 812-815
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838816000495
Abstract: S. J. Harrison (=> 71-00301) offered an excellent diagnostic conjecture at Apuleius, Met. 11, 23, 5, to correct the gap that apparently exists between
« lingua » and « aurae », but there is no need to suspect that so many terms were involved in the corruption as he posits. The following text can be
proposed : « sed parem noxam contraherent et aures et lingua, illae temerariae curiositatis ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 23 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
[undefined reversable (forward)]: Apuleius

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Record 8 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1098315)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Rota, Gualtiero
Title of Article: Sir. 27,15 VL : (Apul. Met. 3,24 ; Herm. 3,1,5): empietà : capelli che si drizzano e orecchie che si tappano, tra metafora ed espressionismo
Title of Publication: Paideia: Rivista Letteraria di Informazione Bibliografica
Volume (year) pages: 71: 2 (2016) 575-593
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0030-9435
Abstract: Modelli letterari della « uersio Latina » del libro del « Siracide » : un esempio al riguardo è costituito dal termine « horripilatio » (Sir. 27, 15 VL),
precedentemente attestato solo nella « uulgata » del « Pastore » di Erma (3, 1, 5) e nella forma verbale « horripilare » in Apul., Met. 3, 24

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Hermas - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 24 [CWKB Resolver]
Hermas - Pastor - 3 - 1 - 5

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Record 9 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1095536)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Rodríguez-Neila, Juan Francisco
Title of Article: Los honores y el discurso de agradecimiento de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Rivista Storica dell’Antichità
Volume (year) pages: 46 (2016) 137-175
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0300-340X
Abstract: L’analisi congiunta di Apul., Flor. 16 e di vari testi epigrafici permette non solo di ricostruire le esatte modalità di concessione di « honores » pubblici da
parte dell’« ordo decurionum » di Cartagine in età imperiale, ma anche di chiarire il prestigio etico e ideologico che un simile riconoscimento

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - A. - General history - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 16
Places: Carthage (TUN ; Tunis)

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Record 10 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-02055 (948946)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Piccioni, Francesca
Title of Article: On some « loci uexati » in Apuleius’ « Florida »
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 69: 5 (2016) 799-821
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
Abstract: L’étude de la tradition manuscrite des « Florides » a conduit à confirmer que le manuscrit de Florence, Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 68, 2 (11e s.,
noté F) est l’ancêtre commun de toute la tradition. Le texte de F doit être maintenu en Flor. 14, 4 (« querellant eam »), 14, 6 (« coronae obtutu
magistrum secreto defendisset »), 15, 7 (« fronte »), 15, 14 (« arcanum »), 16, 10 (« uanis postulantibus »). Il faut néanmoins introduire des
conjectures en Flor. 6, 10 (« commemorant » est une glose intralinéaire qui s’est introduite dans le texte), 7, 12 (« dissertes maledicat »), etc.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 11 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-05679 (950125)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Petrovićová, Katarina
Gachallová, Natália
Title of Article: Improved ass ?: Apuleius’ metamorphoses in his novel « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Graeco-Latina Brunensia
Volume (year) pages: 21: 2 (2016) 215-228
Language: anglais
Abstract: Apuleius’ Roman zerfällt nur scheinbar in zwei disparate Teile (Buch 1-10 vs. Buch 11). Eine solche Zweiteilung der Handlung in eine Sektion mit
frivolen Geschichten und komischen Elementen einerseits und in eine Sektion eher ernsthaften, religiös-moralischen Charakters existiert nur in der
Meinung des Protagonisten Lucius, der in Buch 11 eine Initiation in den Isis-Kult erlebt. Trotz seiner Rückverwandlung in menschliche Gestalt und
seinem glücklichen Leben danach vollzieht sich bei ihm keine wie auch immer geartete innere Wandlung ; er bleibt vielmehr der gleiche « Esel », der
er zu Beginn der Erzählung war. Dies schliesst aus, dass der Roman eine tiefergehende religiöse Botschaft besass. Vielmehr schrieb Apuleius seinen

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Roman im Geiste platonischer Dialoge für eine gebildete Leserschaft.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 12 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1093482)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Perry, Ben Edwin
Title of Article: The story of Thelyphron in Apuleius
Title of Publication: Illinois Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 41: 2 (2016) 435-441
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-1923
DOI: 10.5406/illiclasstud.41.2.0435
Abstract: Reprint, with minor changes in the text and notes, of B. E. Perry => APh 4, p. 6, 1st title.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
is another edition of: The story of Thelyphron in Apuleius


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Record 13 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1093480)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Perry, Ben Edwin
Title of Article: The significance of the title in Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Illinois Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 41: 2 (2016) 337-346
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-1923
DOI: 10.5406/illiclasstud.41.2.0337
Abstract: Reprint, with minor changes in the text and notes, of B. E. Perry => APh 1, p. 8, 2nd title.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]

Related Publication(s)
is another edition of: The significance of the title in Apuleius' Metamorphoses


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Record 14 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03312 (949249)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Perry, Ben Edwin
Title of Article: The « Metamorphoses » ascribed to Lucius of Patrae: its content, nature, and authorship
Title of Publication: Illinois Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 41: 2 (2016) 277-336
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-1923
Abstract: Reprint, with minor changes in the text and notes, of the published Princeton University doctoral dissertation by B. E. Perry (New York : G. E. Stechert,

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 15 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1093481)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Perry, Ben Edwin

Title of Article: Some aspects of the literary art of Apuleius in the « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Illinois Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 41: 2 (2016) 347-369
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-1923
DOI: 10.5406/illiclasstud.41.2.0347
Abstract: Reprint, with minor changes in the text and notes, of B. E. Perry « The literary art of Apuleius in the Metamorphoses » => APh 1, p. 8, 1st title.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]

Related Publication(s)
is another edition of: The literary art of Apuleius in the Metamorphoses


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Record 16 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1093478)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Perry, Ben Edwin
Title of Article: On the authenticity of « Lucius siue Asinus »
Title of Publication: Illinois Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 41: 2 (2016) 395-404
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-1923
DOI: 10.5406/illiclasstud.41.2.0395
Abstract: Reprint, with minor changes in the text and notes, of B. E. Perry, « On the authorship of Lucius siue Asinus and its original » => APh 1, p. 8, 4th title.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]

Related Publication(s)
is another edition of: On the authorship of Lucius sive Asinus and its original


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Record 17 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1093477)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Perry, Ben Edwin
Title of Article: On Apuleius’ Metamorphoses 2.31-3.20
Title of Publication: Illinois Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 41: 2 (2016) 387-394
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-1923
DOI: 10.5406/illiclasstud.41.2.0387
Abstract: Reprint, with minor changes in the text and notes, of B. E. Perry => APh 1, p. 8, 3rd title.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 31 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
is another edition of: On Apuleius' Metamorphoses II, 31 ; III 20


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Record 18 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1093476)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Perry, Ben Edwin
Title of Article: On Apuleius’ Metamorphoses 1.14-17
Title of Publication: Illinois Classical Studies

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Volume (year) pages: 41: 2 (2016) 427-433

Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-1923
DOI: 10.5406/illiclasstud.41.2.0427
Abstract: Reprint, with minor changes in the text and notes, of B. E. Perry => APh 4, p. 6, 2nd title.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
is another edition of: On Apuleius' Metamorphoses I 14-17


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Record 19 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1093474)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Perry, Ben Edwin
Title of Article: On Apuleius’ « Hermagoras »
Title of Publication: Illinois Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 41: 2 (2016) 423-426
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-1923
DOI: 10.5406/illiclasstud.41.2.0423
Abstract: Reprint, with minor changes in the text and notes, of B. E. Perry => APh 2, p. 8, 2nd title.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Hermagoras

Related Publication(s)
is another edition of: On Apuleius' Hermagoras


To cite this record

Record 20 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1093471)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Perry, Ben Edwin
Title of Article: An interpretation of Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Illinois Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 41: 2 (2016) 405-421
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-1923
DOI: 10.5406/illiclasstud.41.2.0405
Abstract: Reprint, with minor changes in the text and notes, of B. E. Perry =>APh 2, p. 8, 1st title.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]

Related Publication(s)
is another edition of: An interpretation of Apuleius' Metamorphoses


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Record 21 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-06522 (950433)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nicolini, Lara
Title of Article: Le nozze interrotte : il mito come « exemplum » e un problema testuale sepolto in Apuleio, met. 4.26.8
Title of Publication: Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption
Volume (year) pages: 160: 2 (2016) 372-378
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-7985

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Abstract: Vor dem Hintergrund der historischen Textkritik und -edition zu Text und Verständnis von Apuleius, Met. 4, 26, 8 im Zusammenhang mit den
mythologischen Figuren Protesilaus und Attis.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Attis (divinité)
Protesilaos (héros thessalien)

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Record 22 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-06952 (950657)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nicolini, Lara
Title of Article: Ap., Met. 2, 32, 1: un errore di « concrezione »
Title of Publication: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 144: 1 (2016) 77-79
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6220
Abstract: Si propone di leggere « primum in plateam » anziché « primam plateam »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 23 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1095212)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Moyer, Ian
Title of Article: Why Cenchreae ?: the social topography of a desultory crossing in Apuleius’ « Golden ass »
Title of Publication: Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des Études Classiques
Volume (year) pages: 70: 1-2 (2016) 129-146, pl.
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. et en franç. p. 232
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-8299
DOI: 10.7834/phoenix.70.1-2.0129
Abstract: In the « Asinus aureus », a loose translation of the Greek « Onos », Apuleius shifts the scene of the protagonist’s return to human form from
Thessaloniki to Cenchreae. Intertextual and topographical analysis shows that this changes the end of Lucius’s journey from homecoming to social
transformation and incorporation into a religious community.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]


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Record 24 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1095056)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mimbu Kilol, H.
Title of Article: Apulée et le christianisme: à propos d’une arétalogie isiaque et d’un hymne néotestamentaire
Title of Publication: Revue Africaine des Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 1 (2016) 59-66
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 2311-8938
Abstract: L’examen de Ep. Col. 1, 15-20, comparé à Apul., Met. 11, 5, 1, montre que l’hymne de Paul se serait inspiré d’un hymne à Isis, en raison de la
correspondance thématique entre ces deux passages.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 1
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 25 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1098946)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Stefani, Matteo
Title of Article: Antiche correzioni e integrazioni nel testo tràdito del « De mundo » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 34 (2016) 329-346

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Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0946-8439
Abstract: Collazione di 13 ms. contenenti l’opera, con una proposta di « constitutio textus » dei « loci uexati » principali. G. Magnaldi (p. 329-339) esamina i
paragrafi 297, 299, 300, 310, 314, 322, 326, 329, 338, 340, 342, 345, 350, 355, 358, 360, 363, 374, 370. M. Stefani (p. 340-344) esamina i paragrafi
305-306, 313-314, 285-287

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - De Mundo [view article in LLT-A]
- 297
- 299
- 300
- 310
- 314
- 322
- 326
- 329
- 338
- 340
- 342
- 345

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Record 26 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-05431 (950000)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Laarmann, Matthias
Title of Article: Die Verehrung der Göttin Isis im Römischen Reich: wechselnde Reaktion auf die ägyptische Religion in der Antike
Title of Publication: Der Altsprachliche Unterricht: Latein, Griechisch
Volume (year) pages: 59: 2 (2016) 40-46, ill.
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-6670
Abstract: Ausgehend von einer knappen religionswissenschaftlichen Einordnung antiker Mysterienkulte zeigt sich bei der Lektüre des Serapis-Exkurses in Tac.,
Hist. 4, 83-84 und bei den Stellungnahmen ausgewählter lateinischer Autoren zur römischen Rezeption und Bewertung ägyptischer Religion die
Problematik des Isis-Kultes in Rom. Dieser Eindruck verstärkt sich, wenn man seine Behandlung in jüdischen und christlichen Texten betrachtet. Auch
zum Stellenwert des ägyptischen Isis- und Osiris-Kultes in den « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Tacitus (P. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)
Osiris (divinité égyptienne)
Serapis (divinité)

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Record 27 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1093432)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Krieger, Burkhard
Title of Article: Zu Lucr. 6, 743
Title of Publication: Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 144: 3 (2016) 380-381
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0777
Abstract: Zur möglichen Lesart einer verderbten Textstelle unter Heranziehung von Parallelstellen bei Ovid, Silius Italicus und Apuleius.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucretius Carus (T.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Silius Italicus (Ti. Catius Asconius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Lucretius Carus (T.) - De Rerum Natura [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 743 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 28 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1097434)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Israelowich, Ido
Title of Article: The use and abuse of Hippocratic medicine in the « Apology » of Lucius Apuleius
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 66: 2 (2016) 635-644
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838816000422

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Abstract: In three places in his « Apology » Apuleius drew upon arguments whose origin can be traced back to the Hippocratic corpus. At 24 he disputed his
prosecutors’ claims that his origin dictated his character ; this argument alluded to the treatise « On airs, waters and places », and by using this theme
Apuleius was able to present his accusers as provincial. At 43 Apuleius argued that the slave boy whom his accusers alleged he bewitched suffered
from epilepsy and was more in need of a physician than a purifier ; here he was influenced by the work « On the sacred disease ». At 69 he insisted
that Pudentilla wanted to marry because she thought celibacy was harmful. This argument evoked the gynecological works of Hippocrates. Apuleius’s
use of Hippocratic themes shows that the works of Hippocrates transcended the practical realm of medicine.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Hippocrates, Corpus Hippocraticum - Réception et survie


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Record 29 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-00017 (948355)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Habermehl, Peter
Title of Article: Apuleiana recentiora
Title of Publication: Gymnasium : Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und humanistische Bildung
Volume (year) pages: 123: 3 (2016) 281-284
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: en all.
ISSN/ISBN: 0342-5231
Abstract: Besprechungsaufsatz zu 84-00228, 86-00321 und 86-00296

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 84-00228: Framing the ass
Cf 86-00296: Metamorphoses. Book XI,
Cf 86-00321: Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »

To cite this record

Record 30 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-06769 (950543)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Giacomozzi, Christian
Title of Article: « Mirabile prorsus evenit ostentum »: riprese apuleiane nelle « Vitae » di Romedio BHL 7144 E K
Title of Publication: Hagiographica
Volume (year) pages: 23 (2016) 85-105
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1124-1225
Abstract: Dei due tipi biografici, quello miracolistico riprende a livello narrativo e descrittivo le « Metamorfosi », per esempio nell’episodio dell’orsa (7, 24-26),
mentre a livello testuale « Phoebeo radio », espunto da una parte della tradizione, potrebbe essere indizio di citazione di un passo apuleiano perduto

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Vitae sanctorum et martyrum - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 24 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 31 of 2062 Reference: APh (1104770)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gachallová, Natália
Title of Article: Cultural identity in Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Volume (year) pages: 56: 4 (2016) 489-504
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-5975
DOI: 10.1556/068.2016. 56.4.7
Abstract: Der Autor lässt seine Charaktere irgendwo zwischen römisch und griechisch, städtisch und provinziell, lokal und imperial, barbarisch und kultiviert
fluktuieren. Dabei müssen auch die Erwartung der Leser, ihre Vorurteile und ihr historischer und kultureller Hintergrund in die Betrachtung einbezogen

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


Record 32 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 87-04645 (1091925)

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Type: Article in book

Author: Fuhrer, Therese
Title of Article: Korinth, Rom, Madauros: zur Semantik der Herkunftsräume in Apuleius’ « Metamorphosen »
Title of Publication: Literarische Räume der Herkunft: Fallstudien zu einer historischen Narratologie. Ed. Benz, Maximilian & Dennerlein, Katrin (Narratologia, 51), Berlin ;
Boston (Mass.) : De Gruyter, 2016. VI-406 p.
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 978-3-11-044211-3
Pages: 67-89
Abstract: Die Aussagen über die geographische Herkunft des Prolog-Sprechers und die ebenfalls in geographischen Termini gefassten Informationen über die
Herkunft der Textformen und des Stoffs lassen sich als Topographie der Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte und damit als Ausweis der Globalisierung von
Wissen lesen. Auch die in der Erzählung immanente Topographie kann man als Versuch verstehen, literarische und kulturelle Traditionen zu verorten
und ihnen damit eine lokale und historische Identität zu verleihen. Ferner lässt sich zeigen, dass sich der Text mit den Figurationen von Prolog-
Sprecher und erzähltem Ich und mit den oszillierenden Identitäten von Mensch und Tier, Schreibmaterial, Stil und literarischen Traditionen als
Reflexionsraum seiner Zeit und Kultur ausweist und damit eine Art impliziter Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte schreibt.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 33 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 87 (353806)

Type: Monograph
Author: Dalbera, Joseph
Title of Publication: Le parfait de l’indicatif latin: analyse linguistique à partir d’un corpus narratif romanesque
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Namur: Société des Études Classiques, 2016; Louvain ; Paris: Peeters, 2016
Description: VI-397 p.
Further Information: Ouvrage issu de la thèse de doctorat notée 78-07588. S’appuie sur un corpus de prose romanesque constitué du « Satyricon » de Pétrone, des «
Métamorphoses » d’Apulée et des « Confessions » d’Augustin.
ISSN/ISBN: 978-2-7584-0221-3
Collection: Collection d’Études Classiques, 28
Collection d’Études Classiques, 28

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - c) Grammar (morphology, syntax, textual analysis) - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
Augustinus (Aurelius) - Confessionum libri tredecim [view article in LLT-A]
Petronius Arbiter - Satyrica [view article in LLT-A]

Related Publication(s)
is another edition of: Le parfait de l'indicatif latin


Record 34 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 87-00721 (310830)
Type: Monograph
Author: Brethes, Romain
Guez, Jean-Philippe
Collaborator: Méry, Liza
Kasprzyk, Dimitri
Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle
Title of Publication: Romans grecs et latins / sous la dir. de Romain Brethes et Jean-Philippe Guez ; avec la collab. de Liza Méry, Dimitri Kasprzyk et Danielle Van Mal-
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2016
Description: LV-1, 234 p. cartes
Further Information: Trad. en franç. des romans de Chariton, Xénophon d’Éphèse, Pétrone, Achille Tatius, Apulée, Longus et Héliodore (avec introd., bibliographie, notes
textuelles et glossaire mythologique).
ISSN/ISBN: 978-2-251-44546-5
Collection: Editio Minor, 2

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Textes
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Achilles Tatius Scriptor eroticus - Textes
Chariton - Textes
Heliodorus Emesenus - Textes
Longus - Textes
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Xenophon Ephesius - Textes

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Record 35 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1098054)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Boschi, Alessandro
Title of Article: « Quis ille ? Saturninus sum »: l’enigma della « Prosapia » nel prologo delle « Metamorfosi » di
Title of Publication: Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 5 (2016) 144-162
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-2698
Abstract: Il prologo dell’opera costituisce un gioco enigmistico indirizzato al lettore, da decifrare alla luce dei
riferimenti a Saturno ; questa chiave interpretativa giustifica anche l’identità ambigua del narratore

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 1

To cite this record

Record 36 of 2062 Reference: APh (1103011)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Benson, Geoffrey C.
Title of Article: Seeing demons: autopsy in Maximus of Tyre’s Oration 9 and its absence in Apuleius’ « On the god of Socrates »
Title of Publication: Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature
Volume (year) pages: 45: 1 (2016) 102-131
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0048-671X
DOI: 10.1017/rmu.2016.4
Abstract: Many scholars assert that Apuleius’s closest Greek model for his « On the god of Socrates » is Maximus of Tyre. Attention has, however, been drawn
to how different Maximus’s Or. 8 and 9 and « On the god of Socrates » are. One difference in the treatment of demonology that has been overlooked is
the presence of autopsy in Maximus and its absence in Apuleius. That is, Maximus states at the end of Or. 9 that he has seen « daimones ». Apuleius
never makes this claim. The presence and absence of autopsy reveal that the lecturers’ strategies for persuading their audiences are not the same.
Maximus makes his claim of autopsy in order to cast himself as an authoritative speaker whose discourse can fill auditors’ souls with « daimones ». By
refraining from autopsy, Apuleius, on the other hand, comes off as a self-assured speaker, confident that his audience already accepts him as an
authority. More importantly, he casts himself as a daemonic man whose very presence brings his audience in contact with the daemonic realm.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Maximus Tyrius - Études
Citations: Apuleius - De Deo Socratis [view article in LLT-A]
Maximus Tyrius - Dialexeis


Record 37 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 87 (352226)

Type: Translation
Translator: Brodersen, Kai
Title of Publication: Heilkräuterbuch = Herbarius: Lateinisch und Deutsch / Apuleius ; zweisprachige Ausgabe von Kai Brodersen
Language: multilingue
Place: Publisher, year: Wiesbaden: Marix Verl., 2015
Description: 224 p., index
ISSN/ISBN: 3-7374-0999-4

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

EXTERNAL LINKS (Inhaltsverzeichnis)

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Record 38 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00324 (942375)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Winkle, Jeffrey T.
Title of Article: « Epona Salvatrix » ? : Isis and the horse goddess in Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 12 (2015) 71-90
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540

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Abstract: La rencontre de Lucius et de la statue de la déesse Épona (Met. 3, 27) fonctionne comme une prolepse de l’apparition d’Isis (11, 24). Les deux
déesses relèvent du domaine de la fortune, de l’abondance et de la maternité au point d’avoir parfois fait l’objet d’un syncrétisme dans l’Empire
romain, de façon contemporaine à la rédaction de l’œuvre d’Apulée, comme le montre l’étude de l’iconographie de la déesse celtique (particulièrement
sur les fresques de Pompéi 9, 2, 24 et 9, 3, 10-12) et la comparaison avec Met. 11, 2, 2 et 11, 5, 1. Les déesses sont également mises en relation par
Min. Fel., 28, 7.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Roman and Greco-Roman art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Minucius Felix (M.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 11
- 2 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
- 24
- 5 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 27 [CWKB Resolver]
- 2 - 24 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]
Minucius Felix (M.) - Octauius [view article in LLT-A] - 28 - 7 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Pompei (ITA ; Napoli)
Nom antique: Epona (divinité celtique)
Isis (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 39 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00320 (942373)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Stover, Justin Anthony
Title of Article: Apuleius and the Codex Reginensis
Title of Publication: Exemplaria Classica: Revista de Filología Clásica = Journal of Classical Philology
Volume (year) pages: 19 (2015) 131-154
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: rés. en esp.
ISSN/ISBN: 1699-3225
Abstract: Se explora el lugar del códice Vaticano, Bibl. Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. lat. 1572 en la tradición manuscrita de las obras filosóficas de Apuleyo. Se
señala que su texto es independiente de las dos familias principales, α y δ, y que representa una tercera rama de la « stemma ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 40 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1096322)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Simon, Erika
Title of Article: Das Porträt des Apuleius in Trier
Title of Publication: Thetis: Mannheimer Beiträge zur Klassischen Archäologie und Geschichte Griechenlands und Zyperns
Volume (year) pages: 22 (2015) 188-190, ill.
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0939-4567
Abstract: Zu dem Apuleius-Porträt in einem der insgesamt fünfzehn Bildfelder einer um 310 n. Chr. im Oecus eines spätantiken Wohngebäudes in Trier
eingezogenen Decke, die im Bischöflichen Dom- und Diözesanmuseum von Trier ausgestellt ist.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Art of late antiquity and Christian art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Places: Trier (DEU ; Rheinland-Pfalz)

To cite this record

Record 41 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-03409 (943641)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Setaioli, Aldo
Title of Article: The revelation of the corpse: poetry, fiction, and magic
Title of Publication: Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 4 (2015) 229-257
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-2698
Abstract: Un confronto tra il rito necromantico descritto nel 6° libro di Lucano con quello delle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio e quello del 6° libro delle « Etiopiche »
di Eliodoro ne evidenzia i punti comuni, che possono essere spiegati con la ripresa di riti reali

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Heliodorus Emesenus - Études
Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 42 of 2062 Type: Article in journal
Reference: APh 86-15144 (947622)

Author: Saura-Ziegelmeyer, Arnaud

Title of Article: Agiter le sistre pour la déesse : reconstituer la production
sonore d’un idiophone
Title of Publication: Pallas: Revue d’Études Antiques
Volume (year) pages: 98 (2015) 215-235, ill.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-0387
Abstract: Étude du sistre isiaque au travers des sources textuelles,
archéologiques et iconographiques. La désignation,
l’origine et la classification de l’instrument sont débattues
(Égypte, Mésopotamie ou Afrique subsaharienne). Les
sources permettent à la fois de reconstituer le sistre et de
comprendre son fonctionnement (137 individus
répertoriés pour la période gréco-romaine ; fresques
d’Herculanum cons. au Museo Archeologico Nazionale,
inv. n°8924 et 8919 ; Ou., Pont. 1, 35-47 et Am. 3, 31-34
; Claud. 3, 564-582). Sa sonorité peut également être
appréhendée grâce aux auteurs anciens ( Tib. 1, 3,
23-26 ; etc.). Celui qui en jouait n’était pas considéré
comme un musicien, mais son statut au sein du cortège
et du culte isiaque reste flou (Apul., Met. 11, 4-6 et 12 ;
« Carmen contra Paganos »).

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization
- F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
- G. - Culture
- b) History of art - - Roman and Greco-Roman art - Études
- c) Music, dance and spectacle - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Carmen contra paganos - Études
Claudianus (Claudius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Tibullus (Albius), Corpus Tibullianum [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11
- 12
- 4 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.)
- Amores [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 31 [CWKB Resolver]
- Epistulae ex Ponto [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 35 [CWKB Resolver]
Panegyrici Latini - Panegyrici latini - 3 - 564 [CWKB Resolver]
Tibullus (Albius), Corpus Tibullianum - Elegiae [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 3 - 23 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Afrique
Mésopotamie (rég.)
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 43 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1099315)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Santamaría Hernández, María Teresa
Title of Article: Testimonios de la traducción latina antigua del « De plantis » atribuido a Tésalo de Tralles en la versión del Herbario pseudoapuleyano del manuscrito
de Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, III F. 19
Title of Publication: Myrtia: Revista de Filología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 30 (2015) 99-117
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-7674
Abstract: Se presenta el hallazgo de varios fragmentos de la antigua traducción latina del « De plantis duodecim signis et septem planetis subiectis » atribuido a
Tésalo de Tralles localizados en la versión del « Herbario » del Pseudo-Apuleyo transmitida en el manuscrito de Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka,
III F. 19 (siglo 9º). Se ofrecen además una nueva edición crítica de dichos fragmentos, que presenta variantes con respecto a la última edición de
Howald y Sigerist (APh 3, p. 52), y un comentario donde se explica el procedimiento de adaptación al « Herbario » de los extractos descubiertos y la
relevancia de estos para una nueva edición crítica de la traducción latina.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Thessalus Trallensis - Réception et survie

Related Publication(s)
Cf.: Corpus medicorum Latinorum, IV


Record 44 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-12044 (1088324)
Type: Article in book

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Author: Santalucia, Bernardo

Title of Article: « Praeses provideat »: il governatore provinciale fra « iudicia publica » e « cognitiones extra ordinem »
Title of Publication: I tribunali dell’Impero: relazioni del convegno internazionale di diritto romano : (Copanello, 7-10 giugno 2006). Ed. Milazzo, Francesco (Collana del
Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, Storiche, Economiche e Sociali / Università degli Studi Magna Græcia, Catanzaro, 21), Milano : Giuffrè, 2015. 254
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 9788814190551
Pages: 193-216
Abstract: A partire dal processo di Paolo in Act.Ap. 21-16, a confronto con il processo di Apuleio, descritto nell’« Apologia », e con alcuni frammenti dei « Libri
de iudiciis publicis » di Macro conservatici nel « Digesto », si individuano due procedure nell’ambito della « cognitio » governatoriale, entrambe « extra
ordinem » : la prima improntata alle regole in uso nelle corti permanenti, la seconda condotta dal governatore con ampio potere discrezionale

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - B. - Public life. Institutions - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Corpus iuris ciuilis - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Paulus (personnage biblique ; apôtre)

To cite this record

Record 45 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-03104 (943517)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Rota, Gualtiero
Title of Article: Sismologia e medicina in Giovanni Lido : la tassonomia sismica di Ost. 53
Title of Publication: Sileno: Rivista Semestrale di Studi Classici e Cristiani
Volume (year) pages: 41: 1-2 (2015) 363-386
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en lat.
Abstract: L’analisi del passo permette di individuare il trattato pseudoaristotelico « Περὶ κόσμου » e il « De mundo » di Apuleio come fonti ; l’« hapax »
κυματηδόν è un’inserzione originale dell’autore

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aristoteles Stagirites, Corpus Aristotelicum - Études
Iohannes Lydus - Études
Citations: Iohannes Lydus - De Ostentis - 53

To cite this record

Record 46 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-14314 (947364)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pilipovic, Sanja
Milanović, Ljubomir
Title of Article: All-seeing Helios in the adultery of Venus: the image and context in Roman art and its Christian afterlife
Title of Publication: Classica et Christiana
Volume (year) pages: 10 (2015) 479-499, ill.
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: rés. en roum.
ISSN/ISBN: 1842-3043
Abstract: Dans les sources littéraires et iconographiques, Hélios apparaît comme une divinité omnisciente dans les scènes d’adultère entre Vénus et Mars (Ou.,
Met. 4, 169 et Fast. 4, 575 ; Val. Fl. 5, 245 ; Apul., Met. 1, 5 ; etc. ; miroir provenant d’une sépulture de Viminacium ; reliefs de l’autel Ara Casali,
Musée du Vatican). À la fin du 2e s., la transformation de la représentation d’Hélios est influencée par les thèmes grecs et orientaux. Le rôle de la
divinité dans les scènes d’adultère est clairement différent selon les contextes et apparaît tantôt moralisateur (dans les œuvres chrétiennes), néo-
pythagoricien ou encore céleste.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - b) History of art - - General subjects - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Valerius Flaccus Setinus Balbus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 5
Ouidius Naso (P.)
- Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 169 [CWKB Resolver]
- Fasti [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 575 [CWKB Resolver]
Valerius Flaccus Setinus Balbus (C.) - Argonautica [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 245 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Orient (rég.)
Nom antique: Helios (divinité)
Mars (divinité)
Venus (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 47 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00316 (942371)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Paul, Britt Sarah
Title of Article: « … of cloth-habits and of soul-habits »: la démonologie et les « cinaedi » dans les « Métamorphoses » d’Apulée
Title of Publication: Vita Latina

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Volume (year) pages: 191-192 (2015) 96-116

Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1781-5231
Abstract: Le fondement philosophique du portrait des « cinaedi » (Apul., Met. 8, 27) provient d’une vision démonologique, bien qu’aucun terme ne s’y rapporte
clairement. Les « cinaedi » sont assimilés à des esprits ou des âmes-types. La bigarrure de leur costume (8, 27) devient ainsi la manifestation
extérieure de leur nature désordonnée, de la luxure et de l’hédonisme, incarnés par l’emploi de l’adjectif « uarius », qui s’oppose au « multicolor » de
la tunique rituelle d’Isis (9, 5). Le portrait des « cinaedi », dressé par l’intermédiaire du narrateur Lucius, révèle leur nature ambivalente, partagée entre
la dissimulation de leur nature sous couvert rituel, et l’expression extérieure explicite de celle-ci par leur aspect et leur comportement.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 8 - 27 [CWKB Resolver]
- 9 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 48 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00315 (942370)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pasetti, Lucia
Title of Article: L' arte di ingiuriare: stilistica e retorica dell’insulto in Apuleio
Title of Publication: Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 33 (2015) 363-399
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0946-8439
Abstract: Analisi dei passi (catalogati in appendice) che documentano il linguaggio ingiurioso di Apuleio : la creazione di una stilistica dell’insulto in Apuleio si
fonda su elementi tradizionali (da Plauto e da Cicerone) e sul lessico quotidiano, attraverso iperboli, ironia e reificazioni di concetti astratti

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 49 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00314 (307374)
Type: Monograph
Author: Moreschini, Claudio
Title of Publication: Apuleius and the metamorphoses of Platonism
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Turnhout: Brepols, 2015
Description: 420 p., ill. index
ISSN/ISBN: 9782503554709
Collection: Nutrix, 10

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Ferrari, Franco, in: Elenchos, :1-2 (2016) 279-282&atitle=&pages=279-282&date=2016&volume=37&issue=1-2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Gerzaguet, Camille, in: Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire Anciennes 3e sér., 3e sér.:2 (2015) 196-197&atitle=&pages=196-197&
date=2015&volume=3e sér., 89&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Limone, Vito, Marmodoro, Anna, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:10 (2016) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2016&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Roskam, Geert, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2017) 420-422&atitle=&pages=420-422&date=2017&volume=N. S., 67&issue=2&
id=doi:10.1017/S0009840X17000750&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Record 50 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00295 (307371)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Martos, Juan
Title of Publication: Apología o Discurso sobre la magia en defensa propia ; Floridas ; (prólogo de « El dios de Sócrates ») / Apuleyo de Madauros ; introd., trad. y notas
de Juan Martos
Language: multilingue
Place: Publisher, year: Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2015
Description: CVI-257 p., en partie doubles index
Further Information: Texto griego y traducción al español en páginas enfrentadas.
ISSN/ISBN: 978-84-00-09943-5
Collection: Alma Mater

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

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Henderson, Ian H., in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:2 (2017) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2017&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Macías, Cristóbal, in: Emerita, :1 (2016) 179-182&atitle=&pages=179-182&date=2016&volume=84&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Record 51 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-04322 (1086357)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lévy, Carlos
Title of Article: La « dunamis » philonienne et l’idée de puissance dans la pensée romaine de son époque
Title of Publication: Pouvoir et puissances chez Philon d’Alexandrie. Ed. Calabi, Francesca, Munnich, Olivier & Reydams-Schils, Gretchen (Monothéismes et Philosophie),
Turnhout : Brepols, 2015. XXX-388 p.
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 978-2-503-56637-5
Pages: 159-174
Abstract: La pensée philonienne de la puissance est comparée à Cic., Tusc. 1, 118, Gell. 5, 12, 8 et 13, 23, 1, Apul., Apol. 43, ainsi qu’à des passages du
corpus de Sénèque.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Gellius (Aulus) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Philo Alexandrinus - Études
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 43
Cicero (M. Tullius) - Tusculanae Disputationes [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 118 [CWKB Resolver]
Gellius (Aulus) - Noctes Atticae [view article in LLT-A] - 13 - 23 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

Record 52 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00296 (307372)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Keulen, Wytse H.
Drews, F.
Title of Publication: Metamorphoses. Book XI,: The Isis book / Apuleius Madaurensis ; text, introd. and commentary Wytse H. Keulen [et al.] ; essays by F. Drews [et al.]
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Leiden: Brill, 2015
Description: VII-681 p., ill. plan index
ISSN/ISBN: 9789004269200
Collection: Groningen commentaries on Apuleius

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :3 (2016) 283-284&atitle=&pages=283-284&date=2016&volume=123&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Martos Fernández, Juan, in: Exemplaria Classica, (2015) 229-238&atitle=&pages=229-238&date=2015&volume=19&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 87-00017: Apuleiana recentiora

Record 53 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-15617 (309756)
Type: Monograph
Author: Kendziora, Rüdiger
Title of Publication: Wege und Wandlungen der menschlichen « Seele » : eine begriffsgeschichtlich ausgewählte Darstellung der semantischen Differenzierungen von der
Antike bis heute
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Essen: Verl. Die Blaue Eule, 2015
Description: 126 p., ill.
Further Information: Für die Antike zu Apuleius, Platon, Aristoteles, Plotin und Augustinus.
ISSN/ISBN: 9783899243970
Collection: Kleine Arbeiten zur Philosophie, 65

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aristoteles Stagirites, Corpus Aristotelicum - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plotinus - Études

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Record 54 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00311 (942369)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kehoe, Thomas J.
Vervaet, Frederik Juliaan
Title of Article: Honor and humiliation in Apuleius’ « Apologia »
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 68: 4 (2015) 605-640
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/1568525X-12341673
Abstract: Les actes d’Apulée et de ses détracteurs révèlent
l’importance de la notion d’honneur dans la haute société
provinciale romaine, en particulier en tant que vecteur de
conflit culturel : Apulée utilise le procès intenté contre lui
afin d’humilier ses adversaires. Le rôle de la médisance
et de l’insulte dans la construction de l’« Apologie », ainsi
que des motivations d’Apulée, sont examinés, au fil des
différentes étapes du conflit.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


Record 55 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-08359 (1087357)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hidalgo de la Vega, María José
Title of Article: Espacios de marginalidad, resistencia y dependencia en la novela grecorromana: recorridos imaginarios
Title of Publication: Los espacios de la esclavitud y la dependencia desde la Antigüedad: actas del 35 coloquio del GIREA : homenaje a Domingo Plácido. Ed. Beltrán
Ortega, Alejandro, Sastre Prats, Inés & Valdés Guía, Miriam (Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité), Besançon : Pr. Universitaires de
Franche-Comté, 2015. 822 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 9782848675213
Pages: 401-422
Abstract: Le modèle de géographie inhospitalière et marginale décrit dans la littérature antique incarne un espace de marginalité, d’identité, de dépendance et
de résistance pour les groupes marginaux (« latrones », « fugitiui », « boucoloi », etc.), en opposition à la géographie des espaces de pouvoir et
d’ordre (Petron. 141, 2-6 ; Apul., Met. 4, 8 ; Ach. Tat. 3, 15).

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Achilles Tatius Scriptor eroticus - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]
Achilles Tatius Scriptor eroticus - Leucippe et Clitophon - 3 - 15
Petronius Arbiter - Satyrica [view article in LLT-A] - 141 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

Record 56 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 87-04911 (311676)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Publication: Characterisation in Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses » : nine studies / ed. by Stephen Harrison
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2015
Description: XVII-190 p., index
ISSN/ISBN: 9781443875332
Collection: Pierides, 5

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Palacios, Jimena, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:11 (2016) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2016&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Record 57 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-03699 (1086153)
Type: Article in book
Author: Gaillard-Seux, Patricia

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Title of Article: Sur la distinction entre médecine et magie dans les textes médicaux antiques (1er-6e siècles)
Title of Publication: Écrire la magie dans l’Antiquité: actes du colloque international (Liège, 13-15 octobre 2011). Ed. De Haro Sanchez, Magali (Papyrologica Leodiensia,
5), Liège : Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2015. 360 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 9782875620651
Pages: 201-223
Abstract: Le recours à certains procédés qui relèvent de la magie, telles que les amulettes ou les incantations, est dénoncé par les médecins (Gal., Simpl. 6,
préface ; Cael. Aur., Chron. 1, 4, 119). Leur emploi est mis en relation avec la théorie des sympathies et antipathies naturelles (Plot. 4, 4, 40 ; Apul.,
Apol. 35, 3-6 ; etc.) et ses remèdes (« physica » ou φυσικόν). Aucune confusion n’est faite entre médecine et magie, car leur caractère magique est
clairement distingué des remèdes médicaux par les médecins qui les préconisent (Alex. Trall., De febr. 7, 1, 435, 26-437, 4 ; Gal., Simpl. 6, pr. 11, 792,

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - a) General subjects - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Alexander Trallianus - Études
Caelius Aurelianus - Études
Galenus - Études
Medicorum scripta - Études
Plotinus - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 35 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]
Caelius Aurelianus - Tardae vel chronicae passiones - 1 - 4 - 119 [CWKB Resolver]
Galenus - De simplicium medicamentorum temperamentis ac facultatibus libri xi
Plotinus - Enneades - 4 - 4 - 40 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 58 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-07762 (945180)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gachallová, Natália
Title of Article: Rhetoric and philosophy in the age of the Second Sophistic: real conflict or fight for controversy ?
Title of Publication: Graeco-Latina Brunensia
Volume (year) pages: 20: 1 (2015) 19-32
Language: anglais
Abstract: Was die Spannung zwischen Rhetorik und Philosophie betrifft, die seit Platon ein wichtiges Phänomen in der antiken Literatur darstellt, so lassen die
repräsentativen lateinischen Autoren der Zweiten Sophistik (insbesondere Apuleius, Aulus Gellius und Marcus Cornelius Fronto) erkennen, dass jener
Antagonismus in dieser Zeit eher ein künstlicher ist. In Wirklichkeit kooperierten Rhetorik und Philosophie miteinander, um die Position der
privilegierten Elite gegenüber der drohenden Demokratisierung von Erziehungsinstitutionen zu stärken.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - c) Rhetoric - Études
VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Fronto (M. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Gellius (Aulus) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 59 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00305 (1085320)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fletcher, Richard
Title of Article: « Ex alienis uocibus » : Platonic demonology and Socratic superstition in Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Philosophy and the ancient novel. Ed. Pinheiro, Marília Pulquério Futre & Montiglio, Silvia (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 20), Eelde : Barkhuis,
2015. XIII-179 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 9789491431890
Pages: 93-107
Abstract: L’étude s’appuie notamment sur une étude de Plutarque, « Du démon de Socrate ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études
Socrates Philosophus, Socratis sectatores - Études

To cite this record

Record 60 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-01851 (943009)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ferraces Rodríguez, Arsenio
Title of Article: Sanación de un pasaje problemático en el « Herbario » de París (Herb. Par. 45, 4)
Title of Publication: Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 43 (2015) 223-230
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0531-2175

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Abstract: Se propone la corrección de un pasaje del herbario redactado hacia los s. 7º-8º y transmitido por el ms. París, BN, Lat. 13955, f. 137v-146r (ed. =>
83-01285). La obra remonta principalmente a Dioscórides, a través del herbario falsamente atribuido a Apuleyo, cuya redacción debe situarse hacia la
segunda mitad del s. 4º.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Dioscorides Pedanius - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Herbarium - 45 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
Cf 83-01285: El Herbario del manuscrito de París, Bibliothèque Nationale, lat. 13955, ff. 137v-146r. « Editio princeps »

Record 61 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00302 (1085318)
Type: Article in book
Author: Englert, Walter
Title of Article: Only halfway to happiness : a Platonic reading of Apuleius’ « Golden ass »
Title of Publication: Philosophy and the ancient novel. Ed. Pinheiro, Marília Pulquério Futre & Montiglio, Silvia (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 20), Eelde : Barkhuis,
2015. XIII-179 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 9789491431890
Pages: 81-92
Abstract: La comparaison de passages de l’« Âne d’or » avec Plutarque, « Isis et Osiris », révèle qu’Apulée cherche à inciter ses lecteurs à dépasser la
compréhension trop littérale que se donne Lucius d’Isis et d’Osiris, afin d’atteindre un degré d’interprétation proprement platonicien des vérités que les
divinités représentent.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)
Osiris (divinité égyptienne)

Record 62 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00301 (1085317)
Type: Article in book
Author: Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike
Title of Article: Fickle coloured religion: charlatans and exegetes in Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Holy men and charlatans in the ancient novel. Ed. Panayotakis, Stelios, Schmeling, Gareth L. & Paschalis, Michael (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum,
19), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2015. XII-211 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 9789491431906
Pages: 85-104
Abstract: L’examen des prophéties de Diophanès le Chaldéen (Apul., Met. 2, 12-14) et des prêtres mendiants syriens (8, 24, 9-10) sur les évènements passés
et futurs permet d’éclairer la structure narrative complexe du roman et de montrer que les divinations religieuses et les interprétations littéraires sont

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - 12
- 8 - 24 - 9 [CWKB Resolver]

Record 63 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-13196 (1088744)
Type: Article in book
Author: Bologna, Mirco
Title of Article: Érichto et les autres : la peur de la sorcellerie dans la littérature latine
Title of Publication: Peurs antiques. Ed. Coin-Longeray, Sandrine & Vallat, Daniel (Mémoires / Centre Jean-Palerne, 38), Saint-Étienne : Publications de l’Université de
Saint-Étienne, 2015. 279 p.
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 9722862726
Pages: 229-238
Abstract: L’étude de la diffusion des formes de sorcellerie dans la société romaine et de la crainte de ces pratiques repose sur les témoignages d’Horace (Sat.
1, 8, 23-27 et Epod. 5, 15-56 et 83-102), Sénèque (Med. 828-848), Lucain (6, 507-603), Apulée (Met. 3, 17-18 et 21) et Ovide (Am. 1, 8, 5-18 et 7,

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Horatius [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 3

- 17 [CWKB Resolver]
- 21
- Epodi [view article in LLT-A] - 5
- 15 [CWKB Resolver]
- 83 [CWKB Resolver]
- Sermones [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 8 - 23 [CWKB Resolver]
Lucanus (M. Annaeus) - Bellum Civile [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 507 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Amores [view article in LLT-A] - 1
- 7 - 27 [CWKB Resolver]
- 8 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus - Medea [view article in LLT-A] - 828
Nom antique: Erikhtho (magicienne légendaire de Thessalie)

To cite this record

Record 64 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00298 (942367)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bianco, Maurizio Massimo
Title of Article: Le prove testimoniali nell’« Apologia » di Apuleio : tradizione retorica ed effetti di scena
Title of Publication: Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche
Volume (year) pages: 67: 2 (2015) 384-414
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-0538
Abstract: Nella strategia difensiva dell’orazione apuleiana i resoconti dei testimoni svolgono un ruolo di rilievo in quanto, fondendosi armonicamente con
l’impianto narrativo e le argomentazioni di carattere filosofico e scientifico, dimostrano una eccezionale padronanza degli espedienti dell’« ars
rhetorica » e contribuiscono all’efficacia e alla spettacolarità dell’intero discorso, che impiega con successo movenze proprie sia dell’oratoria
giudiziaria sia di quella epidittica

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - d) Oratory - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 65 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00358 (936497)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Winkle, Jeffrey T.
Title of Article: « Necessary roughness »: Plato’s « Phaedrus » and Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 11 (2014) 93-131
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Plato’s allegory of the tripartite soul in the « Phaedrus » provides a template which explains principal narrative arcs in the « Metamorphoses » as well
as an argument for the overall unity of the novel. Lucius, as the ass, is the unruly black horse of the Platonic allegory. A close reading of the episode
shows that the neighing and tugging of the black horse is necessary to approach the divine ; the black horse reminds the timid and excessively
restrained white horse and charioteer of their ultimate goal and pulls them toward it. The myth goes on to say that after many shameless and lurching
attempts to approach the « beloved », the black horse finally gives in to the guidance of the charioteer, lays aside his hubris, and gazes upon the
divine in reverent awe. This is, in a nutshell, the story of Lucius.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 66 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-06361 (1082372)
Type: Article in book
Author: Whitmarsh, Tim
Title of Article: An I for an I: reading fictional autobiography
Title of Publication: The author’s voice in classical and late antiquity. Ed. Marmodoro, Anna & Hill, Jonathan (Oxford Scholarship Online), Oxford ; New York : Oxford
University Pr., 2014. XVII-420 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 233-247
Abstract: Examination of the reasons for Augustine’s curious assumption, in « The city of God », that in « The golden ass » the claim to have been transformed
into a donkey was Apuleius’, rather than that of the fictional narrator, Lucius. It may be argued that antiquity lacked a strong sense of « the narrator »
(as distinct from « the author »). What we tend to call « first-person », antiquity would have understood as « fictional autobiography », in which the
author illusionistically impersonates the narrating character.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature
- B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
- C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 67 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00357 (936496)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Watson, Nathan

Title of Article: Dreams and susperstition: a reinterpretation of satire in Apuleius, Metamorphoses 11
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 11 (2014) 133-158
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Unlike previous interpretations of satire in Met. 11 that focus upon priestly deception and religious gullibility, it is argued that Lucius’ relationship to the
gods via his dreams reveals an unphilosophical attitude and a lack of insight. As such, the identification of Apuleius and Lucius at 11, 27 aids the satire
by drawing a contrast between author and protagonist that is most apparent when viewed alongside Apuleius’ account of himself as a philosopher in
the « Apologia ». Apuleius thus demonstrates that whilst Lucius’ appearance has changed, he remains the same on the inside

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 27

To cite this record

Record 68 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-14190 (947341)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Veymiers, Richard
Title of Article: La présence isiaque dans le Péloponnèse: sur les traces des lieux de culte
Title of Publication: Revue Archéologique
Volume (year) pages: N. S. (1) (2014) 143-151, ill.
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-0737
Abstract: Appartient au bulletin noté 86-09145. L’étude de la diffusion du culte isiaque repose sur les sources littéraires, numismatiques et archéologiques. Les
témoignages d’Apulée et de Pausanias tantôt exploitent le potentiel exotique de cette divinité (Apul., Apol. 55, 18), tantôt soulignent son intégration
dans le paysage religieux grec (Paus. 2, 4, 6-7 ; 2, 2, 3 ; etc.). Isis apparaît dans les émissions monétaires de cités entre la fin du 2e s. et le début du
3e s. apr. J.-C. La localisation d’une trentaine de lieux de cultes isiaques dans le Péloponnèse témoigne de la popularité de la divinité auprès des
populations du monde grec, dans l’espace civique (chapelle de Sarapis installée dans le portique de la « stoa » romaine à Corinthe), dans les ports
(Kechriai), dans les théâtres (Messène), aux côtés des divinités locales (Isis assimilée à Aphrodite à Épidaure) et enfin dans l’espace domestique
(Corinthe, Loukou, etc.).

Discipline after vol. 67: IV. - Non-literary sources - C. - Numismatics - Études
V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - e) Other religions - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Pausanias Periegeta - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 55 - 18 [CWKB Resolver]
Pausanias Periegeta - Graeciae descriptio - 2
- 2 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]
- 4 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Epidavros (GRC ; Argolis)
Eva-Loukou (GRC ; Arkadia)
Kechriai (GRC ; Korinthia)
Korinthos (GRC ; Korinthia)
Messini (GRC ; Messinia)
Péloponnèse (GRC ; rég.)
Nom antique: Aphrodite (divinité)
Isis (divinité)
Serapis (divinité)

Related Publication(s)
Cf 86-09145: Bulletin de la Société française d'archéologie classique. 44 [i. e. 45],

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Record 69 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00323 (942374)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Vannini, Giulio
Title of Article: Apuleius, Metamorphoses 10.25.1
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 64: 2 (2014) 865-866
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838814000469
Abstract: At Apuleius, Met. 10, 25, 1 read « utque » instead of « et quae » and translate « mortem tam miseram utque minime par erat inlatam » as « a death so
pitiful and inflicted in a way that was the most unfair ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 25 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 70 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00322 (1085327)
Type: Article in book
Author: Tilg, Stefan
Title of Article: The poetics of old wives' tales, or Apuleius and
the philosophical novel
Title of Publication: A companion to the ancient novel. Ed. Cueva,
Edmund & Byrne, Shannon (Blackwell
Companions to the Ancient World. Literature and
Culture), Chichester ; Malden (Mass.) : Wiley-
Blackwell, 2014. XIII-612 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 9781444336023
Pages: 552-569
Abstract: On the story of Cupid and Psyche in the «
Metamorphoses » and its role as « anilis fabula »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 71 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00321 (307375)
Type: Monograph
Author: Tilg, Stefan
Title of Publication: Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »: a study in Roman fiction
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Pr., 2014
Description: X-190 p., 2 index
ISSN/ISBN: 9780198706830

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :3 (2016) 282-283&atitle=&pages=282-283&date=2016&volume=123&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Holzberg, Niklas, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, :3-4 (2014) 238-241&atitle=&pages=238-241&date=2014&volume=67&issue=3-4&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
May, Regine, in: Gnomon, :7 (2016) 610-614&atitle=&pages=610-614&date=2016&volume=88&issue=7&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Nicolini, Lara, in: Mnemosyne Ser. 4, Ser. 4:4 (2016) 719-724&atitle=&pages=719-724&date=2016&volume=Ser. 4, 69&issue=4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 87-00017: Apuleiana recentiora

Record 72 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00356 (1080546)
Type: Article in book
Author: Stone, David L.
Title of Article: Identity and identification in Apuleius’ « Apology », « Florida », and « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 154-173
Abstract: An approach that foregrounds the question of whether Apuleius was Greek, Roman, or African simplifies and essentializes his background and his
contribution to Latin literature. Instead of focusing on national or ethnic identities, we should explore instead how Apuleius identified his characters
through the actions they repeatedly performed, often in particular spaces or with reference to specific items of material culture.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 73 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-06212 (939080)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Soler, Joëlle
Title of Article: Voyage réel et voyage spirituel dans la première littérature chrétienne de langue latine: la « Passion de Marien, Jacques et leurs compagnons »
Title of Publication: Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo
Volume (year) pages: 11: 1 (2014) 43-60
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en ital. et en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1827-7365
Abstract: Questo racconto ha un ruolo importante nella definizione del genere del resoconto di viaggio nella letteratura cristiana antica in lingua latina, perché
coniuga la dimensione del viaggio reale (in Numidia) a quella del viaggio spirituale come « militia Christi ». Si puntualizzano i debiti del testo nei
confronti delle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio. Fa parte del recueil segnato 85-14776

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vitae sanctorum et martyrum - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 85-14776: Viaggi reali e viaggi immaginari nel Cristianesimo antico

Record 74 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00318 (1085325)
Type: Article in book
Author: Slater, Niall W.
Title of Article: Various asses
Title of Publication: A companion to the ancient novel. Ed. Cueva, Edmund & Byrne, Shannon (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Literature and Culture),
Chichester ; Malden (Mass.) : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. XIII-612 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 9781444336023
Pages: 384-399
Abstract: On the models of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and Lucian's « Onos »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études

Record 75 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00353 (1080545)
Type: Article in book
Author: Selden, Daniel L.
Title of Article: Apuleius and Afroasiatic poetics
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 205-270
Abstract: In Apuleius’s North Africa, Libyac, Punic, and Latin were all spoken. It was not necessary for the average African to be conversant in Latin. Fluency in
Latin remained the province of the social and political elite. What is odd about Apuleius is not that he could hold a conversation in Punic, but that he
could also do so in Latin. Inscriptions (particularly bilingual ones), architecture, and religion in 1st-2nd-cent.-A.D. North Africa illuminate the relationship
between colonial and indigenous influences. Apuleius’s florid prose style had more in common with Libyac and Punic poetry than with silver Latin

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - A. - General subjects. Comparative linguistics - Études
IV. - Non-literary sources - B. - Epigraphy - a) General subjects - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

To cite this record

Record 76 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00352 (936493)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Schmitz, Christine
Title of Article: Metamorphose einer Ehebruchgeschichte in Apuleius’ « Metamorphosen »
Title of Publication: Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 142: 4 (2014) 461-473
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0777
Abstract: The adultery tale of the lover in the vat in Met. 9, 5-7 is a farcial narrative of everyday life, which still allows its reader to recognize the narrative
structure of an underlying literary model (Homer, Ovid). In this embedded tale Apuleius presents a modernized version of the famous story of Venus
committing adultery with Mars by transferring his characters into the social environment of poor commoners. By means of specific signals the audience
is pointed towards the well-known constellation of the famous case of adultery among the gods. The new narrative still carries vestiges of the mythical
precedent, in the light of which the narrator’s (Lucius-ass) merry tale about a cuckolded husband can be read. Although the characters of the novel
differ considerably from the prototypes of the myth repeatedly adapted in literature, its narrative structure nevertheless remains recognizable as a foil.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Homerus - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Mars (divinité)
Venus (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 77 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-05659 (944491)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Saudelli, Lucia

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Title of Article: « Dieu » ou « démon » de Socrate ?: Augustin contre Apulée

Title of Publication: Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques
Volume (year) pages: 60: 1 (2014) 67-90
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-2012
Abstract: La polémique d’Augustin sur le dieu de Socrate est une argumentation tendancieuse et disqualifiante qui déstructure le discours d’Apulée et en
dénature la doctrine, dans le but de saper les fondements du paganisme et de leur substituer les valeurs du christianisme

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Socrates Philosophus, Socratis sectatores - Études

To cite this record

Record 78 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-03287 (937758)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Santamaría Hernández, María Teresa
Title of Article: Transmisión indirecta en un compendio altomedieval de toxicología: extractos de la « Medicina Plinii », fragmentos desconocidos de Dioscórides B, y
una nueva versión del capítulo sobre la hierba basilisca
Title of Publication: Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption
Volume (year) pages: 158: 2 (2014) 331-352
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-7985
Abstract: Analysis of three chapters of an early medieval compendium of toxicology preserved in the manuscript Vendôme, Bibliothèque Municipale, 109
(11th c.) and, with variants, in the « Liber de Venenis » of Sante Ardoini (Venice 1492). These chapters were composed from extracts of late antique
medical texts : one derives from the « Medicina Plinii » and provides readings different from the transmitted ones ; another extract is from the ancient
Latin translation of Dioscorides known as B, and contains hitherto unknown fragments of this translation ; finally, the compendium ends with an
adapted version of the chapter on the herb « basilisca » transmitted in the « Herbarium » of Pseudo-Apuleius, which presents new variants and an
additional fragment on harvesting the plant, and provides information that makes possible a textual emendation of that work.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Dioscorides Pedanius - Études
Medicina Plinii - Études
Nom récent: Ardoini, Sante (médecin et philosophe italien ; 15e s.)

Record 79 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00350 (1080543)
Type: Article in book
Author: Sabnis, Sonia
Title of Article: « Procul a nobis »: Apuleius and India
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 271-296
Abstract: Apuleius’s treatment of India in Flor. 6 and 12 is examined through a postcolonial lens. Apuleius’s descriptions diverge from those in other Greek and
Latin literature. He arguably had access to information that previous Indographers had not had, and he engaged the traditional rhetoric of exoticism
only to render it powerless. The Carthaginian (Roman colonial) context not only destabilized but also collapsed the binary of Roman self and oriental

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A]
- 12
Places: Inde

To cite this record

Record 80 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00349 (936492)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Roskam, Geert
Title of Article: Once again on the title of Apuleius’ « Asinus aureus »
Title of Publication: Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 142: 2 (2014) 255-257
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0777
Abstract: « aureus » can be understood as an allusion to the Greek word χρυσοῦς, which can be used ironically to denote a stupid fool. This perfectly fits in with
Lucius, who shows himself throughout his account more than once as a simple fool.

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - e) Semantics and pragmatics - Études

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 81 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00348 (1080542)
Type: Article in book
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Article: Vénus et Cupidon dans les « Métamorphoses » d’Apulée (IV, 28-VI, 24): de la relation conflictuelle à la construction identitaire du fils
Title of Publication: Aphrodite-Vénus et ses enfants : incarnations littéraires d’une mère problématique. Ed. Vial, Hélène (Collection Kubaba. Série Antiquité), Paris :
L’Harmattan, 2014. 225 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 978-2-343-02447-9
Pages: 67-76

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 28
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)
Venus (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 82 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-11626 (941217)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Podvin, Jean-Louis
Title of Article: Illuminer le temple: la lumière dans les sanctuaires isiaques à l'époque gréco-romaine
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Anciennes
Volume (year) pages: 116: 1 (2014) 23-41
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-2004
Abstract: Bei religiösen Zeremonien und innerhalb von Kultstätten spielt Licht eine bedeutende Rolle. Dies gilt besonders für die Isiskulte, sowohl in Ägypten als
auch in der ganzen mediterranen Welt. Lampenfunde in einigen dieser Heiligtümer bestätigen ebenso wie epigraphische und papyrologische
Zeugnisse entsprechende literarische Hinweise (etwa bei Apuleius). Zwar waren diese Beleuchtungen besonders wichtig an Festen ; sie spielten aber
auch im Alltagskult eine Rolle.

Discipline after vol. 67: IV. - Non-literary sources
- B. - Epigraphy - a) General subjects - Études
- D. - Papyrology - Études
V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Méditerranée (mer)
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

Record 83 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00346 (1080541)
Type: Article in book
Author: Plantade, Emmanuel
Plantade, Nedjima
Title of Article: « Libyca Psyche »: Apuleius’ narrative and Berber folktales
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 174-202
Abstract: In the tale of Cupid and Psyche (Met. 4, 28-6, 25), Apuleius used an ancient Berber oral source that can still be discerned when reading North African

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 28
Nom antique: Berbères (peuple d’Afrique du Nord)

To cite this record

Record 84 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00317 (942372)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Piccioni, Francesca
Title of Article: Sulla tradizione manoscritta dei « Florida » di Apuleio: il ruolo dell’Ambrosiano N 180 sup.
Title of Publication: Revue d’Histoire des Textes
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 9 (2014) 143-156
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. et en franç.

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ISSN/ISBN: 0373-6075
Abstract: L’étude du ms de Milan, Bibl. Ambrosiana, N 180 sup. (noté A), en tant que témoin des « Florides » d’Apulée, montre qu’il présente un ensemble de
« uariae lectiones » significatives : il s’agit en général de conjectures dérivées du contexte, qui corrigent les erreurs ou imperfections graphiques du
ms de Florence, Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 68, 2 (noté F). En effet, le manuscrit A présente également des erreurs qui permettent de le relier à
F, ce qui confirme que ce dernier est la source de toute la tradition manuscrite connue. L’intérêt de A est à cet égard qu’il présente un état relativement
ancien de F, qui a été ultérieurement altéré par des mains plus tardives. L’étude a également permis de préciser, grâce à des instruments optiques
perfectionnés, un ensemble de leçons de F difficilement déchiffrables.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 85 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00345 (936491)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pasetti, Lucia
Title of Article: L' avarizia del padre Dite (Apul. met. 6.18.6)
Title of Publication: Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 32 (2014) 368-373
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0946-8439
Abstract: Si legga « nec Charon ille Ditis [et] pater »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 18 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Dis Pater (divinité)
Kharon (nocher infernal)

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Record 86 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-06469 (950400)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pajorin, Klára
Title of Article: Astrologia, magia e culto di Apuleio nella cultura di Mattia Corvino
Title of Publication: Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Volume (year) pages: 54: 2-3 (2014) 235-246
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-5975
Abstract: Apuleius hatte im Mittelalter grosse Bedeutung als Magier ; in der frühen Neuzeit wurde er zur wichtigsten platonischen Quelle und bereitete der
Rezeption Platons und der griechisch-hermetischen philosophischen Schriften den Weg

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Hermetica - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Matthias (roi de Hongrie et de Croatie ; 1 ; 1443-1490)

Record 87 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00344 (1080540)
Type: Article in book
Author: Norena, Carlos F.
Title of Article: Authority and subjectivity in the « Apology »
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 35-51
Abstract: Although Apuleius’s « Apology » employs humor, it is framed within a serious legal context. The « Apology » can be read as an expression of local or
cultural identity, but it can also be treated as a case study in the making of an imperial subjectivity that transcended, and was as important as, the local
and regional sources of identity expressed in the text.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 88 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00343 (936490)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nicolini, Lara
Title of Article: Per una rilettura di due passi apuleiani (Met. II 4,1 e XI 24,4)
Title of Publication: Eikasmos: Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: 25 (2014) 193-198
Language: italien

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Abstract Information: rés. en angl.

ISSN/ISBN: 1121-8819
Abstract: In Met. 2, 4, 1 si legga « attollerabant », « delibantes », « inhaerent et iam » ; in 11, 24, 4 si legga « aspectum meum »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 11 - 24 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]
- 2 - 4 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 89 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-11823 (941283)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mielke, Daniel
Title of Article: Das Mysterienwesen im Kontext von Religion und Gesellschaft der römischen Kaiserzeit
Title of Publication: Potestas : Religión, Poder y Monarquía. Revista del Grupo Europeo de Investigación Histórica
Volume (year) pages: 7 (2014) 77-104
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1888-9867
Abstract: En el Imperio romano los círculos mistéricos formaban parte de un abanico de opciones de asociaciones cuya función era dar sentido y servir de guía
en la vida. Se profundiza en su estudio desde una perspectiva histórica. Junto a las prácticas de iniciación, la investigación tipológica se centra en la
comunidad de los círculos. Como pone de manifiesto sobre todo el testimonio de las « Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo, se muestra que determinadas
expectativas tradicionales y visiones resultaban básicas también para los « collegia ». Además, se presta especial atención a determinados
problemas fundamentales sobre los antiguos cultos mistéricos y sobre los estudios acerca de la historia de la religión

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization
- B. - Public life. Institutions - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
- F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 90 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-06571 (1082464)
Type: Article in book
Author: Méthy, Nicole
Title of Article: Le patriotisme des auteurs africains de langue latine au IIᵉ s. p.C.
Title of Publication: Autour de Pline le Jeune: en hommage à Nicole Méthy. Ed. Devillers, Olivier (Scripta Antiqua, 74), Bordeaux : Ausonius, 2014. 321 p.
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 9782356131324
Pages: 75-88
Abstract: Étude des références à Rome chez Apulée et Fronton.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Fronto (M. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)
Roma (ITA ; Roma)

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Record 91 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-00256 (1089829)
Type: Article in book
Author: May, Regine
Title of Article: Roman comedy in the Second Sophistic
Title of Publication: The Oxford handbook of Greek and Roman comedy. Ed. Fontaine, Michael & Scafuro, Adele C. (Oxford Handbooks), Oxford ; New York : Oxford
University Pr., 2014. XIV-894 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 753-766
Abstract: On the popularity and reception of Plautus during the Latin sophistic movement (particularly among Fronto, Gellius, and Apuleius)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Fronto (M. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Gellius (Aulus) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

Record 92 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00339 (1080539)
Type: Article in book
Author: May, Regine
Title of Article: Medicine and the novel : Apuleius’ bonding with the educated reader
Title of Publication: The ancient novel and the frontiers of genre. Ed. Pinheiro, Marília Pulquério Futre, Schmeling, Gareth L. & Cueva, Edmund Paul (Ancient Narrative.
Supplementum, 18), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2014. XII-233 p.

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Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 9789491431661
Pages: 105-124
Abstract: Les « Métamorphoses » d’Apulée (en particulier 5, 10 ; 9, 3 ; 10, 2 et 9) comprennent des références au savoir médical, comme le montre la
comparaison avec Soranus. Les personnages se présentent ainsi comme des πεπαιδευμένοι. Le roman d’Apulée est comparé, de ce point de vue, à
celui de Pétrone.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Soranus Medicus - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 10
- 2 [CWKB Resolver]
- 9 [CWKB Resolver]
- 5 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 93 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-03749 (1081693)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mattiacci, Silvia
Title of Article: Il liberto « greco » in cerca di un’identità romana: autorappresentazione e programma letterario in Fedro
Title of Publication: « Lupus in fabula »: Fedro e la favola latina tra antichità e medioevo : studi offerti a Ferruccio Bertini. Ed. Mordeglia, Caterina (Testi e Manuali per
l’Insegnamento Universitario del Latino. Nuova Serie, 131), Bologna : Pàtron, 2014. 340 p.
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
Pages: 49-71
Abstract: Rilettura dei prologhi, degli epiloghi e di alcune favole di Fedro (3, prol., 15-26 e 52-61 ; 3, epil., 33-35 ; 2, epil., 1-9 ; Appendix P. 30, 2-4) in cui
l’autorappresentazione dell’autore come un liberto orgoglioso delle proprie origini quasi greche e desideroso di ottenere il plauso dei circoli intellettuali
romani, per la propria opera di romanizzazione e versificazione della favola esopica, da un lato lo colloca nel solco della tradizione degli autori latini di
generi minori (Marziale e Apuleio), dall’altro gli permette di adottare una prospettiva dal basso e uno sguardo attento alle relazioni fra culture e classi
sociali diverse, così come fra centro e periferia dell’Impero

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Martialis (M. Valerius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Phaedrus Scriptor fabularum [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Phaedrus Scriptor fabularum
- Fabulae Aesopiae [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - epil. - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- epil. - 35 [CWKB Resolver]
- prol.
- 15 [CWKB Resolver]
- 52 [CWKB Resolver]
- Fabularum Appendix [view article in LLT-A] - 30 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

Record 94 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00337 (1080538)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mattiacci, Silvia
Title of Article: Apuleius and « Africitas »
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 87-111
Abstract: Apuleius, who shows interest in language as a factor of cultural identity, occupies a key position in the study of linguistic relations between the center
and the periphery of the Roman empire. The nature of African Latin has been debated, but two points seem certain : there existed a spoken African
Latin that was also used for subliterary written texts and was influenced by native languages ; and in Africa there was a tradition of schools with
peculiar features that may have influenced literary Latin, determining a partially independent development.

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - g) Sociolinguistics, dialectology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

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Record 95 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00311 (936475)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Martos, Juan José
Title of Article: Traducciones ibéricas de la obra retórica de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 42 (2014) 197-204
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.

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ISSN/ISBN: 0531-2175
Abstract: Se repasan algunas traducciones españolas y portuguesas de las obras retóricas de Apuleyo con el objeto de determinar su fiabilidad y sus fuentes.
Se examinan en particular la traducción portuguesa de la « Apología » por Francisco António de Campos Henriques (Lisboa, 1859) y la traducción
española anónima de la « Flórida » que acompaña la reimpresión de la traducción de las « Metamorfosis » por Diego López de Cortegana (Madrid,
1890, 1ª ed. Sevilla ca. 1513). La traducción portuguesa es digna de aprecio, no así la española, que es una mala traducción de una mediocre
traducción francesa.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Henriques, Francisco António de Campos (écrivain et traducteur portugais ; 1780-1873)
López de Cortegana, Diego (ecclésiastique et traducteur espagnol ; 1455-1524)

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Record 96 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00336 (936487)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Martos, Juan J.
Title of Article: La pobreza en Apuleyo, Apología 18: nota textual
Title of Publication: Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche
Volume (year) pages: 66: 1 (2014) 137-145
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-0538
Abstract: Si citano alcuni paralleli letterari per l’interpretazione del passo, variamente emendato, in favore di una concezione della povertà come possesso
contro la ricchezza

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 18 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 97 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-06566 (939200)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Martino, Luis Marcelo
Risco, Ana María
Title of Article: « Desine, iam conclamatum est » : relatos sobre la muerte aparente en el mundo romano
Title of Publication: Praesentia : Revista Venezolana de Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 15 (2014) non paginé
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1365-1857
Abstract: La llamada muerte aparente ya había sido identificada y definida por la medicina griega antigua. La literatura latina, a su vez, recoge y reelabora
algunos casos y manifestaciones de esta enfermedad. Obras como la « Historia Natural » de Plinio el Viejo y la « Florida » de Apuleyo incluyen
episodios centrados en la muerte y retorno a la vida de catalépticos, algunos de ellos célebres. Se analizan dichos relatos, señalándose sus
paralelismos y contrastes en función de las diferentes normas y convenciones de los géneros en los que se insertan

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plinius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 98 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00334 (936485)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Title of Article: « Loci vexati » nel « De Platone » di Apuleio (190, 194, 206, 219, 229, 230, 241, 247, 252)
Title of Publication: Exemplaria Classica: Revista de Filología Clásica = Journal of Classical Philology
Volume (year) pages: 18 (2014) 55-71
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1699-3225
Abstract: El estudio del texto transmitido del « De Platone » de Apuleyo permite avanzar nuevas propuestas del « constitutio textus » para algunos « loci
uexati » : Plat. 190, 194, 206, 219, 229, 230, 241, 247, 252.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A]
- 190
- 194
- 206
- 219
- 229
- 230
- 241
- 247
- 252

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Record 99 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00310 (936474)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Title of Article: Antichi « marginalia » nei « Florida » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 142: 2 (2014) 376-407
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6220
Abstract: L’analisi dei marginalia presenti nel ms. Firenze, Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 68.2 (11° s.) consente una nuova constitutio textus e il risanamento
di corruttele in alcuni « loci vexati »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

Record 100 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-13666 (309472)
Type: Monograph
Author: Lévi, Nicolas
Title of Publication: La révélation finale à Rome : Cicéron, Ovide, Apulée: étude sur le « Songe de Scipion » (De republica, VI), le discours de Pythagore (Métamorphoses,
XV) et la théophanie d'Isis (Métamorphoses, XI)
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Paris: Pr. de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2014
Description: 537 p., 2 index
Further Information: Version abrégée d'une thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2011 à l'université Paris-IV.
ISSN/ISBN: 9782840509455
Collection: Rome et ses Renaissances

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Auvray-Assayas, Clara, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2016) 305&atitle=&pages=305&date=2016&volume=85&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Fry, Carole, in: Museum Helveticum, :2 (2015) 230&atitle=&pages=230&date=2015&volume=72&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Graverini, Luca, in: Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire Anciennes 3e sér., 3e sér.:1 (2015) 180&atitle=&pages=180&date=2015&
volume=3e sér., 89&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Mihai, Adrian, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:6 (2016) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2016&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 101 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00333 (936484)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Lévi, Nicolas
Title of Article: La chronologie de la vie et de l’œuvre d’Apulée: essai de synthèse et nouvelles hypothèses
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 73: 3 (2014) 693-720
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Réexamen de la chronologie de la vie d’Apulée et de son œuvre. L’« Apologie » (composée en 158-159), les « Florides » et « De deo Socratis »
(159-165) forment un premier ensemble où Apulée affirme l’identité philosophique d’un platonicien. Les « Métamorphoses » (composées avant 165)
sont une œuvre de maturité (le problème de cohérence posé entre cette œuvre et le « De deo Socratis », s’agissant d’Isis et Osiris, est moindre dans
le cadre de cette hypothèse). Le « De Platone » et le « De mundo » ne sont pas des ouvrages de jeunesse mais sont postérieurs à 167.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)
Osiris (divinité égyptienne)
Platonici (école philosophique)

Record 102 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00313 (304270)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Lee, Benjamin Todd
Finkelpearl, Ellen
Graverini, Luca
Barchiesi, Alessandro
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa / ed. by Benjamin Todd Lee, Finkelpearl, Ellen and Luca Graverini ; with a foreward by Alessandro Barchiesi
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: London: Routledge, 2014
Description: XVI-344 p., ill. 2 index

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Further Information: Con un'introduzione dei Curatori (p. 1-19)

ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Collection: Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies, 18

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

Bianco, Maurizio Massimo, in: Bollettino di Studi Latini, :2 (2014) 750-754&atitle=&pages=750-754&date=2014&volume=44&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Gilhaus, Lennart, in: Gymnasium , :3 (2016) 289-290&atitle=&pages=289-290&date=2016&volume=123&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Harrison, S. J., in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2015) 448-449&atitle=&pages=448-449&date=2015&volume=105&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Hunink, Vincent, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:4 (2015) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2015&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Lévi, Nicolas, in: Latomus, :3 (2016) 830-832&atitle=&pages=830-832&date=2016&volume=75&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Record 103 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00332 (1080537)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lee, Benjamin Todd
Title of Article: A sociological reading of « A. V. » (« Africae Viri »): Apuleius and the logic of post-colonialism
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 313-326
Abstract: The mark « A. V. » stands for « Africae Viri » in the manuscript known as F (Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Codex Laurentianus, MS
Plut. 68, 2). The presence of this mark has theoretical implications for our readings of the « Apology », « Metamorphoses », and, especially, the
« Florida » in the manuscript. The mark provokes us to explore the works as local productions of Africa. The abbreviation would have been
nonsensical to an Italian reader. Despite Apuleius’s adherence to the linguistic and literary norms of the center of the Roman empire, we are able to
see his stubborn assertion of local African identity.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

Record 104 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00330 (1080536)
Type: Article in book
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Title of Article: Fronto and Apuleius: two African careers in the Roman empire
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 129-153
Abstract: A comparative investigation of the literary self-fashioning of two 2nd-cent. Africans who became imperial intellectuals, Apuleius and Marcus Cornelius
Fronto. They never mention each other, but they must have known each other at least through reputation. Being scions of the provincial elite, both
rose to high positions and were leading figures in paving the entrance of the African aristocracy into the governing elite of Rome.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Fronto (M. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

To cite this record

Record 105 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00329 (936483)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kenney, E. J.
Title of Article: Apuleiana: textual notes on Book I of the « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Cambridge Classical Journal
Volume (year) pages: 60 (2014) 59-60
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1750-2705
DOI: 10.1017/S1750270514000025
Abstract: Critical and exegetical notes on 8 passages in Book 1 of Apuleius’s « Metamorphoses » that deserve further attention even after the publication of the
well-constituted text in M. Zimmerman’s edition (=> 83-00215).


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Related Publication(s)
Cf 83-00215: Apulei Metamorphoseon libri XI


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Record 106 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00328 (936482)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Jundziłł, Juliusz
Title of Article: Metamorfosa stosunku do mężczyzn : Apulejusz o mężczyznach odpowiedzialnych za patologiczne sytuacje w rodzinie = Metamorphosis attitude
towards man : Apuleius about men responsible for pathological situation in family
Title of Publication: Vox Patrum : antyk chrzescijanski
Volume (year) pages: 34: 62 (2014) 197-212
Language: polonais
Abstract Information: en pol., rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0860-9411
Abstract: Il s'agit de montrer que, dans le roman d'Apulée, le père ou le mari décide de la forme des relations familiales et peut ainsi conduire la femme à
commettre des crimes. Les prêches des Pères de l'Église sur la responsabilité de l'homme dans la cellule familiale sont analysées.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Patres - Études

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Record 107 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00327 (936481)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Jones, Christopher P.
Title of Article: Apuleius, Corinth, and two epigrams from Nemea
Title of Publication: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Volume (year) pages: 192 (2014) 115-120, ill.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0084-5388
Abstract: Die Parallelen zwischen den zwei erstmals 1992 publizierten griechischen Grabepigrammen SEG 41, 273 und Einzelheiten in Apuleius’
« Metamorphosen » sind zu zahlreich, um auf Zufällen zu beruhen. Offensichtlich hat Apuleius ganz bewusst Lucius zu einem Korinther gemacht.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Carmina epigraphica - Études
Places: Korinthos (GRC ; Korinthia)
Nemea (GRC ; Korinthia)


Record 108 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00310 (1085323)
Type: Article in book
Author: James, Paula
Title of Article: Apuleius' « The golden ass »: the nature of the beast
Title of Publication: A companion to the ancient novel. Ed. Cueva, Edmund & Byrne, Shannon (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Literature and Culture),
Chichester ; Malden (Mass.) : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. XIII-612 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 9781444336023
Pages: 119-132

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 109 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00309 (1085322)
Type: Article in book
Author: James, Paula
Title of Article: Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »: a hybrid text ?
Title of Publication: A companion to the ancient novel. Ed. Cueva, Edmund & Byrne, Shannon (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Literature and Culture),
Chichester ; Malden (Mass.) : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. XIII-612 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 9781444336023
Pages: 317-329
Abstract: On strategies of reading Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 110 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00324 (936479)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Haskins, Susan L.
Title of Article: A gendered reading for the character of Psyche in Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 67: 2 (2014) 247-269
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/1568525X-12341201
Abstract: L’importance du personnage de Psychè dans Apulée, Métamorphoses 4, s’explique par le fait qu’il s’agit d’une femme (contrairement aux
interprétations qui y voient, par exemple, un double de Lucius). Si différentes dimensions de la féminité de Psychè sont mises en lumière par le
récit (sa virginité, sa maternité, le fait qu’elle est esclave de l’amour), elle n’en est pas moins en rupture avec un modèle familial, tant que son mariage
n’a pas lieu à proprement parler. Cette réévaluation de Pyschè permet de réexaminer les autres personnages féminins de l’œuvre.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Psukhe (personnification)


Record 111 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-13225 (1088760)
Type: Article in book
Author: Guédon, Stéphanie
Title of Article: La villégiature dans l’Afrique romaine sous le Haut-Empire
Title of Publication: Neronia. 9,: La villégiature dans le monde romain de Tibère à Hadrien : actes du IXe congrès de la SIEN. Ed. Devillers, Olivier (Scripta Antiqua, 62),
Bordeaux : Ausonius, 2014. 380 p.
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 9782356131041
Pages: 195-203
Abstract: Unter Heranziehung von Apuleius als Quelle

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

Record 112 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00322 (1080534)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: The negotiation of provincial identity through literature: Apuleius and Vergil
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 112-128
Abstract: Africa, which features prominently in other Apuleian works, gets almost no space in the « Metamorphoses », likely because the story was adapted
from the « Metamorphoseis » of Lucius of Patrae. Lucius’s setting out for Rome (Met. 11, 26, 1) was an unexpected twist most likely added by
Apuleius. It would have been difficult for Apuleius to make Africa an integral part of the plot because it would have required radical changes from the
Greek model. Nevertheless, the movement in Apuleius’s « Metamorphoses » from Greece to Rome is not as straightforward as it appears and
involved Africa, albeit indirectly. A web of clues connect Hypata, Byrrhena, and Lucius to Carthage, Dido, and Aeneas in Vergil’s « Aeneid ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucius Patrensis - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 26 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

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Record 113 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-06515 (939184)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: Calypso’s emotions
Title of Publication: Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica

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Volume (year) pages: 4a ser., 12: 1 (2014) 80-95

Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0039-2987
Abstract: La letteratura ellenistica e romana tende a confinare l’espressione incontrollata delle emozioni all’universo femminile. Ciò si verifica anche nel
trattamento della figura mitica di Calipso la quale, in un confronto sempre nuovo con il precedente in Omero, è variamente rappresentata in Properzio,
Ovidio e Apuleio, al punto che è possibile supporre per questi autori l’esistenza di un preciso modello ellenistico

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Homerus - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Propertius (Sex.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Kalupso (nymphe)

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Record 114 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00320 (936478)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gianotti, Gian Franco
Title of Article: Tra Platone e Iside: per una rilettura dell’undicesimo libro delle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. 2, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche
Volume (year) pages: 148 (2014) 51-103
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1122-1372
Abstract: Nella storia dell’uomo-asino, un programma (medio-)platonico (con l’ascesa dal caos del mondo sensibile alla gratificante prossimità con il divino),
attraverso una veste folclorico-narrativa e il simbolismo dei culti egizi (specie di quelli isiaci, di larga diffusione), viene divulgato anche tra l’ampio
pubblico dei non-specialisti.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

Record 115 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00319 (1080533)
Type: Article in book
Author: Gaisser, Julia Haig
Title of Article: How Apuleius survived: the African connection
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 52-65
Abstract: North African readers, especially Augustine, who had an interest in Apuleius’s philosophical works were also responsible for the preservation of the
« Golden ass » and other literary works. A review of the material remains and literary testimony from late antiquity to the Renaissance emphasizes the
transition from roll to codex, the phases of Apuleius’s reception in North Africa, preservation of the sole manuscript of the « Golden ass » and other
literary works in the Middle Ages, and the transition of the surviving corpus from manuscript to print in the 15th cent. The current study supplements
the author’s earlier book (=> 79-00276).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

Related Publication(s)
Cf 79-00276: The fortunes of Apuleius and the Golden Ass

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Record 116 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-06500 (939177)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fucecchi, Marco
Title of Article: Il processo nel romanzo greco-latino: analisi di alcune situazioni narrative e delle loro funzioni
Title of Publication: Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: 4a ser., 12: 2 (2014) 190-214
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 252
ISSN/ISBN: 0039-2987
Abstract: Nella tradizione del romanzo greco la scena del processo ha solitamente la funzione di segnare una svolta o lo scioglimento dell’intreccio. Apuleio
nella favola di « Amore e Psiche » rifunzionalizza gli episodi processuali confinandoli in narrazioni collaterali rispetto alla vicenda principale, sia per
stupire con esiti inaspettati, sia per riflettere, con implicazioni metaletterarie, sulla possibilità di narrare una stessa vicenda da punti di vista diversi


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Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 117 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00307 (1085321)
Type: Article in book
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros
Title of Article: Reception of strangers in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »: the examples of Hypata and Cenchreae
Title of Publication: A companion to the ancient novel. Ed. Cueva, Edmund & Byrne, Shannon (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Literature and Culture),
Chichester ; Malden (Mass.) : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. XIII-612 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 9781444336023
Pages: 275-287

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 118 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00318 (1080532)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fletcher, Richard
Title of Article: Prosthetic origins: Apuleius the Afro-Platonist
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 297-312
Abstract: Instead of restricting discussion of Apuleius’s origins to his cultural identity as an African, we ought to expand the question to include his identity as a
philosopher and as a Platonist. Apuleius, Apol. 24 fuses his discussion of his « patria » and his identity as half-Numidian, half-Gaetulian with a broadly
Platonic conception of the limits of earthly human origins and the immortality of the soul. The precision of Apuleius’s treatment of « patria » balances
Hellenic paideia with Roman politics through the shared Platonic concept.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 24
Nom antique: Gaetuli (peuple)
Numidae (peuple d’Afrique du Nord)

Record 119 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-00304 (307373)
Type: Monograph
Author: Fletcher, Richard
Title of Publication: Apuleius’ platonism: the impersonation of philosophy
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Pr., 2014
Description: XI-319 p., index
ISSN/ISBN: 9781107025479
Collection: Cambridge Classical Studies

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Dowden, Ken, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2016) 356-357&atitle=&pages=356-357&date=2016&volume=106&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Eccleston, Sasha-Mae, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:6 (2015) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2015&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
O’Brien, Maeve C., in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2015) 476-478&atitle=&pages=476-478&date=2015&volume=N. S., 65&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Ulrich, Jeffrey, in: Gnomon, :4 (2016) 313-320&atitle=&pages=313-320&date=2016&volume=88&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 120 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-04375 (949608)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fischer, Josef
Title of Article: Regen in der griechisch-römischen Antike
Title of Publication: Orbis Terrarum: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Geographie der Alten Welt
Volume (year) pages: 12 (2014) 87-102
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 1385-285X

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Abstract: Anhand exemplarischer Quellentexte lässt sich zeigen, dass die griechisch-römische Antike die Entstehung von Regen entweder rein
naturwissenschaftlich oder religiös als Werk der Götter erklärte. Zur Vorhersage von Regen bediente man sich der Beobachtung verschiedener
Zeichen wie Wolkenformationen oder Tierverhalten. Ferner versuchte man, zumeist durch Beeinflussung des Götterwillens, das Entstehen von Regen
zu manipulieren. Als Quellen dienen u. a. Apuleius, Euseb von Caesarea, Plinius d. Ä., Tertullian und Vergil.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
VIII. - Science and technology - D. - Earth science and technology - a) Geology, meteorology, climatology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Eusebius Caesariensis [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plinius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Tertullianus (Q. Septimius Florens) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 121 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-05052 (1086499)
Type: Article in book
Author: Finamore, John F.
Title of Article: Plutarch and Apuleius on Socrates’ daimonion
Title of Publication: The Neoplatonic Socrates. Ed. Layne, Danielle A. & Tarrant, Harold A. S., Philadelphia (Pa.) : Pennsylvania State University Pr., 2014. 256 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 9780812246292
Pages: 36-50
Abstract: The topic of the nature of Socrates’s daimonion found renewed interest in the Middle Platonic period. Plutarch’s « De genio Socratis » and Apuleius’s «
De deo Socratis » both focus on Platonic demonology, that is, on where the Socratic daimon fits into the hierarchy of gods, superior classes, and
souls. They speculated about what this daimon might be, how it was related to other sorts of daimons, why Socrates had a daimon, and what benefit
he gained from it. Apuleius emphasized the position of Socrates’s daimonion as a purely separate entity that gives suprarational advice in order to
bring in contemporary theories about the visibility of daimons. Plutarch concentrates almost exclusively on the Socratic daimonion as the highest part
of the hierarchy. Thus, Plutarch’s account makes Socrates’s daimonion an entity that never lived in a human body and that can offer Socrates’s
rational soul advice. Each author is guided by personal opinion and religious belief in determining which aspects of the tradition he accepts.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études

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Record 122 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00303 (1085319)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fernández Corte, José Carlos
Title of Article: ¿ Por qué la bruja Meroe elude nombrar a Sócrates ? : un apunte de poética de los nombres en las « Met. » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Ágalma: ofrenda desde la Filología Clásica a Manuel García Teijeiro. Ed. Martínez Fernández, Ángel, Ortega Villaro, Begoña, Velasco López, María
del Henar & Zamora Salamanca, María del Henar (Lingüística y filología, 80), Valladolid : Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones,
2014. 1 319 p. portr.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
Pages: 675-680
Abstract: En la « Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo adquiere gran relevancia el juego de imponer o eludir nombres propios. Cuando la bruja Meroe presenta a
Sócrates para evitar nombrarlo da un largo rodeo por la mitología en el que emplea nombres de amantes jóvenes de dioses y diosas. El nombre de
Sócrates, el maestro por antonomasia de la ironía antigua, es esquivado irónicamente por Meroe, que además lo compara con aquellos seres que
tenían amantes divinos, como él, que tuvo una relación privilegiada con su δαίμων.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Socrates Philosophus, Socratis sectatores - Études

Record 123 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00317 (1080531)
Type: Article in book
Author: Farrell, Joseph
Title of Article: Apuleius and the classical canon
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 66-84
Abstract: Apuleius has recently become a (slightly marginal or eccentric) canonical author. From the Renaissance until recently the merits of his style have been
debated and, gradually, vindicated. But throughout the modern period, critical reception of Apuleius has been conditioned more by style than by
content. Interest in Apuleius is due, in part, to his status as a provincial and as an African.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 124 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh (1102790)
Type: Article in book
Author: Faraklos, Gerasimos N.

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Title of Article: Χιουμοριστική επιλογή ονόματος: η περίπτωση του Μίλωνα (Milo) στις « Μεταμορφώσεις » του Απουλήιου [Humorous choice of a name : the case of
Milo in Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »]
Title of Publication: Rideamus igitur : το χιούμορ στη λατινική γραμματεία: πρακτικά του Θ΄ πανελληνίου συμποσίου λατινικών σπουδών Αθήνα, 19-22 Μαΐου 2011. Ed.
Michalopoulos, Andreas N., Voutsinou-Kikilia, Maria & Papaioannou, Sophia, Athina : Ethniko kai Kapodistriako Panepistemio Athinon, 2014. 340 p.
Language: grec moderne (après 1453)
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 978-960-466-138-1
Pages: 227-236
Abstract: Examine les connotations humoristiques du nom de Milo, l’hôte de Lucius à Ypati dans les « Métamorphoses » d’Apulée, en considérant les analogies
et les divergences du caractère littéraire avec l’athlète homophone Milon de Crotone.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
Nom antique: Milon (de Crotone ; athlète ; 6e s. av. J.-C.)

Record 125 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00315 (1080529)
Type: Article in book
Author: Bradley, Keith R.
Title of Article: Apuleius’ « Apology »: text and context
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Africa. Ed. Lee, Benjamin Todd, Finkelpearl, Ellen, Graverini, Luca & Barchiesi, Alessandro (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies,
18), London : Routledge, 2014. XVI-344 p.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-415-53309-6
Pages: 23-34
Abstract: An outline of the historical circumstances that may be relevant to understanding Apuleius’s « Apology » that builds on the author’s earlier study
(=> 83-00220). Although some view the work as fiction, it more likely derived from a real event in A.D. 158-159 when Apuleius was tried on charges of
magical practice at Tripolitanian Sabratha before the governor of Africa Proconsularis, Claudius Maximus.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Sabratha (LBY ; Al Zawiyah)

Related Publication(s)
Cf 83-00220: Apuleius and Antonine Rome

Record 126 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-06536 (308364)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Blanton, Thomas R.
Calhoun, Robert Matthew
Rothschild, Clare K.
Title of Publication: The history of religions school today: essays on the New Testament and related ancient Mediterranean texts / ed. by Thomas R. Blanton, Robert
Matthew Calhoun, Clare K. Rothschild
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014
Description: XIII-374 p., 3 index
Further Information: U. a. zum 1. Clemensbrief, zu Polykarp und Polemo, Lukian sowie Apuleius.
ISSN/ISBN: 9783161534362
Collection: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 340

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Clemens Romanus [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études
Polemon Sophista - Études
Polycarpus Smyrnaeus [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 127 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00308 (1080527)
Type: Article in book
Author: Barbara, Sébastien
Title of Article: Le dentifrice d’Apulée (Ludicra, fr. 2): déviance coupable ou banalité frivole ?
Title of Publication: Extravagances: écarts et normes dans les textes grecs et latins : actes du colloque de Louvain-la-Neuve (16-17 mai 2013). Ed. Deproost, Paul-
Augustin (Structures et Pouvoirs des Imaginaires), Paris : L’Harmattan, 2014. 336 p.
Language: français
Pages: 133-170
Abstract: Apulée correspond à une figure d'intellectuel marquée par une forme d'exubérance ou d'extravagance. L'analyse des Ludicra, fr. 2 (= Apol. 6, 1), relatif
à un envoi de dentifrice qui fait penser aux Paignia magiques et à la poésie médicale d'un Damocratès, permet de comprendre comment son intérêt
prononcé pour la médecine et la cosmétique, exprimé au sein d'une poétique facétieuse et maniérée, a pu le rendre suspect et nourrir les critiques de
ses détracteurs à l'époque de son procès pour magie.

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Damocrates (Seruilius) - Réception et survie
Magica - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 128 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00312 (936476)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Adorjáni, Zsolt
Title of Article: Durch Liebe genährt…: ein erotisches Motiv auf Wanderwegen
Title of Publication: Gymnasium : Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und humanistische Bildung
Volume (year) pages: 121: 5 (2014) 457-468
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0342-5231
Abstract: Das Motiv der durch Liebe genährten Verliebten, das Gottfried von Strassburg, Petrarca und Lorenzo da Ponte kennen, findet sich bereits in der
Psyche-Episode der « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius (Met. 5, 22, 2-13).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 22 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Psukhe (personnification)
Nom récent: Da Ponte, Lorenzo (poète et librettiste italien ; 1749-1838)
Gottfried von Strassburg (poète épique allemand ; vers 1180-1215)
Petrarca, Francesco (poète italien ; 1304-1374)

Record 129 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-14638 (307120)
Type: Miscellany
Author: Whitmarsh, Tim
Thomson, Stuart
Title of Publication: The romance between Greece and the East / ed. by Tim Whitmarsh and Stuart Thomson
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Pr., 2013
Description: XIV-396 p., index
Further Information: Neben Beiträgen zu griechischen Romanen (und Historiographen) auch zu Apuleius
ISSN/ISBN: 9781107038240

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
X. - Festschriften and collections - A. - Proceedings and collections
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Hagedorn, Anselm C., in: Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, :2 (2014) 309&atitle=&pages=309&date=2014&volume=126&issue=2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 130 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00254 (931933)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Whitehead, Benedicte Nielsen
Title of Article: « Negitanummius » ? :: suggestion for an emendation of Apuleius' Metamorphoses 10.21.8
Title of Publication: Glotta: Zeitschrift für Griechische und Lateinische Sprache
Volume (year) pages: 89 (2013) 265-275
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-1298
Abstract: Vermutlich bildet nicht « negare », sondern « negitare » die Grundlage einer in Met. 10, 21, 8 mit « poscinummius » korrespondierenden
Wortzusammensetzung, die als « negatinummius » überliefert ist ; denn es ist davon auszugehen, dass beiden Wortbildungen nicht unterschiedliche
grammatische Formen (Infinitiv bei « poscinummius » vs. Partizip Perfekt bei « negatinummius ») zugrunde liegen, sondern beide Male Infinitive.
Unter dieser Voraussetzung ist « negatinummius » in « negitanummius » (oder noch einfacher in « negitinummius ») zu verbessern.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 21 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 131 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-02727 (932919)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Tilg, Stefan
Title of Article: Das « missing link » in der Geschichte des lateinischen Romans: die « Milesiaka »

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Title of Publication: Gymnasium : Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und humanistische Bildung
Volume (year) pages: 120: 4 (2013) 325-342
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0342-5231
Abstract: Die verlorenen « Milesiaka » können als eine Quelle aller hauptsächlichen Spielarten des antiken Romans vermutet werden. Am deutlichsten zeigt
sich ihr Einfluss an den lateinischen Romanen von Apuleius und Petron, die, obwohl sie jünger sind als die ersten griechischen Liebesromane,
dennoch eine ursprünglichere Form des Romans widerspiegeln. Ein indirekter Hinweis auf die Priorität und Bedeutung der « Milesiaka » für die
Entwicklung des antiken Romans kommt von einem der frühesten griechischen Liebesromane, Charitons « Erzählungen von Kallirhoe » : Kallirhoe
lebt in Milet im (unbeabsichtigten) Ehebruch, was innerhalb des griechischen Liebesromans einen unerhörten Verstoss gegen die Gattungskonvention
bedeuten würde. In einem Gesamtpanorama der antiken Romanliteratur mit den « Milesiaka » als Ausgangspunkt bekommt diese Episode aber Sinn ;
denn wenn es irgendeinen Typ von Geschichten gibt, die am häufigsten mit den « Milesiaka » in Verbindung gebracht werden, sind dies

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Chariton - Études
Narratiua - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Balat (TUR ; Aydın)

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Record 132 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00252 (931932)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Scippacercola, Nadia
Title of Article: Psiche e Venere Tesmoforiazuse ? :: Apuleio, « Metamorfosi », 6,10, ovvero Del matrimonio con amore
Title of Publication: Vichiana: Rassegna Internazionale di Studi Filologici e Storici
Volume (year) pages: 4a ser., 15: 1 (2013) 14-33, ill.
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-5079
Abstract: Il confronto tra la prima prova cui Venere sottopone Psiche in Apuleio, un passo di Ateneo sui misteri eleusini (11, 476e-f) e le nubende che si recano
da Persefone sui « pinakes » di Locri Epizefiri (490-460 a.C.) spinge a riconoscere nel primo testo un'allusione ai culti misterici : la favola rappresenta
una ierogamia rispettosa della legge romana e rispecchia una politica imperiale a favore delle unioni matrimoniali

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization
- F. - Religion - b) Greek religion - Études
- G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Greek art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Athenaeus Sophista - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]
Athenaeus Sophista - Deipnosophistae - 476 - e [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Elefsina (GRC ; Attiki)
Locri (ITA ; Reggio di Calabria)
Nom antique: Persephone (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)
Venus (divinité)

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Record 133 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00251 (931931)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Schramm, Michael
Title of Article: Zu Einheit und Intention von Apuleius' « Metamorphosen »
Title of Publication: Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 141: 2 (2013) 171-191
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0777
Abstract: Met. 11 ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Frage, ob das Werk als ganzes eine ernsthafte Absicht verfolgt oder nicht. Gegen die satirische
Deutung des Buches spricht, dass Lucius' dreifache Initiation als ein Zeichen für seine göttliche Auserwähltheit verstehbar ist ; auf jeder Stufe lernt er
Neues über die Religion und über das Leben. Weiterhin zeigt sich, dass der Autor Apuleius am Ende des 11. Buches mit dem gewandelten und
religiös gereiften Lucius, der in allen elf Büchern als durchgehender Ich-Erzähler inszeniert ist, identifiziert werden möchte, während er zu Anfang und
bis zur zweiten Initiation seines Helden noch die Distanz zu seinem Ich-Erzähler sucht. Die « Metamorphosen » wären somit weniger ein
Schelmenroman als eine Didaxe über das menschliche Leben und die richtige Lebensführung im Gewand eines komischen Romans.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 134 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00351 (1080544)
Type: Article in book
Author: Sánchez Mañas, Carmen
Title of Article: La redención de Lucio en la « Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo

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Title of Publication: « Otium cum dignitate »: estudios en homenaje al profesor José Javier Iso Echegoyen. Ed. Beltrán, José Antonio, Encuentra, Alfredo & Fontana,
Gonzalo (Monografías de filología latina: Universidad de Zaragoza, Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigüedad, 16), Zaragoza : Departamento de
Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2013. 791 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
Pages: 357-365
Abstract: Se analizan los parágrafos Met. 11, 1 y Met. 11, 12-14, que constituyen el punto de partida y la culminación del último libro de las « Metamorfosis »,
centrándose en las principales dificultades de interpretación que presenta cada uno de estos pasajes. Asimismo se trata sucintamente las cuestiones
más significativas relativas a la polémica interpretativa generada en torno al libro 11 en su conjunto, para ofrecer una visión general del mismo.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11
- 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 12

To cite this record

Record 135 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00247 (931929)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Piccioni, Francesca
Title of Article: Sull'Assisiate 706 del « De magia » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Segno e testo : international journal of manuscripts and text transmission
Volume (year) pages: 11 (2013) 273-286, pl.
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 2037-0245
Abstract: Osservazioni testuali e paleografiche derivanti dall'esame autoptico del ms. Assisi, Biblioteca del Sacro Convento, nr. 706, di provenienza cassinese e
databile all'11° s. Il codice, che secondo alcuni doveva appartenere a una « recensio » collaterale, pare invece dipendere dal ms. Firenze, BML,
Plut. 68.2, concordemente ritenuto capostipite dell'intera tradizione

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 136 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00340 (936488)
Type: Article in journal
Author: McIntosh, Gillian
Title of Article: Articulating the ineffable, structuring the abstract: Apuleius and Cupid's « domus regia »
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 91 (2013) 170-190
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: rés. en franç.
ISSN/ISBN: 0373-5737
Abstract: The house plays a critical role, as the house-within-the-tale-within-the-tale : it stands as a liminal and transformative epicenter in and through which
many of the complexities of the narrative coalesce, and thereby offer the listener important reflective opportunities.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)

Record 137 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 87-05280 (311783)
Type: Critical edition
Author: May, Regine
Title of Publication: Metamorphoses or The golden ass. Book 1 / Apuleius ; with an introd., transl. and notes by Regine May
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2013
Description: VI-223 p., index
ISSN/ISBN: 9781908343819
Collection: Aris and Phillips Classical Texts

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Graverini, Luca, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2016) 358-359&atitle=&pages=358-359&date=2016&volume=106&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Piccioni, Francesca, in: Exemplaria Classica, (2016) 341-346&atitle=&pages=341-346&date=2016&volume=20&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 138 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00239 (931928)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Martini, Remo

Procchi, Federico
Title of Article: Alcuni aspetti di tecnica retorica nell'« Apologia » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris
Volume (year) pages: 79: 2 (2013) 819-835
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1026-9169
Abstract: L'analisi della struttura del « De magia », se da una parte mostra un uso consapevole della tecnica retorica, dall'altra porta alla luce alcune
problematiche che si possono risolvere immaginando una differenza fra l'orazione effettivamente pronunciata in sede processuale e la versione
pubblicata in un secondo tempo

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 139 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00238 (931927)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Title of Article: La parola-segnale nel cod. Laur. plut. 76.36 (L) di Apuleio filosofo
Title of Publication: Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 31 (2013) 347-357, ill.
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0946-8439
Abstract: Individuazione nel codice di alcuni supplementi per il « De Platone » e per il « De deo Socratis » ; con nuove proposte per la « constitutio textus » di
Plat. 227, Plat 245, Socr. 166

Discipline after vol. 67: III. - Textual transmission - B. - Paleography, codicology, history of books and libraries - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius
- De Deo Socratis [view article in LLT-A] - 166
- De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A]
- 227
- 245

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Record 140 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-05872 (933945)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Lateiner, Donald
Title of Article: Gendered and gendering insults and compliments in the Latin novels
Title of Publication: Eugesta: Revue sur le Genre dans l’Antiquité = Journal of Gender Studies in Antiquity
Volume (year) pages: 3 (2013) 303-351
Language: anglais
Abstract: The chief and subsidiary narrators (generally male) in Petronius' and Apuleius' fictions voice judgments on men's and women's actions, words and
other sounds, and gestures. These and other behaviors are described as suitable or objectionable for their sex. Sexual and gender codes are
fundamental to the functioning of every face-to-face society. This contribution examines examples of denotative, evaluative, and metaphoric language
for males and for females in the two novels (« uir », « homo », « dominus-furcifer », « tortor », « latro », uerbero », « stuprator », « semiuir » ;
« puella », « uirgo », « femina », « matrona », « domina », « anus », « mulier-meretrix », « scortum », « succuba », « miluium »), then examines
frequently-associated gendered and gendering adjectives (e.g., « prudens », « sceleratus/a », « nequissimus/a », « uirilis », « uirginalis ») and gender
paradoxes, such as Giton's and Encolpius' « girlish » behaviors and Psyche's and Charite's « manly spirits » (Sat. 80-82 ; Met. 5, 22 ; 6, 27 ; 8, 14).
These two writers endorse and reinforce asymmetrical and mysogynistic elements infused in Roman conversation, third-person description, and
interior reflection.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 5 - 22
- 6 - 27 [CWKB Resolver]
- 8 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]
Petronius Arbiter - Satyrica [view article in LLT-A] - 80

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Record 141 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00236 (1076701)
Type: Article in book
Author: La Rocca, Adolfo
Title of Article: Apuleio e gli ἐκκλησιασταί
Title of Publication: Parole in movimento: linguaggio politico e lessico storiografico nel mondo ellenistico : atti del Convegno internazionale, Roma, 21-23 febbraio 2011.
Ed. Mari, Manuela & Thornton, John (Studi Ellenistici, 27), Pisa : Serra, 2013. 420 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 207-219
Abstract: L'evoluzione delle funzioni delle assemblee pubbliche nelle province orientali sulla base di Apul., Mund. 35, 365-367, traduzione di Arist., Mu. 400 b
14-20, e di alcune testimonianze epigrafiche

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Discipline after vol. 67: IV. - Non-literary sources - B. - Epigraphy - c) Greek epigraphy - Études
V. - History and civilization - B. - Public life. Institutions - d) The Greek world from the dark ages to the battle of Actium - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Aristoteles Stagirites, Corpus Aristotelicum - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - De Mundo [view article in LLT-A] - 35 - 365 [CWKB Resolver]
Aristoteles Stagirites, Corpus Aristotelicum - De mundo - 400 - b - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 142 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00235 (931926)
Type: Article in journal
Author: La Bua, Giuseppe
Title of Article: « Quo usque tandem cantherium patiemur istum ? » (Apul. Met. 3.27): Lucius, Catiline and the « immorality » of the human ass
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 63: 2 (2013) 854-859
Language: latin
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838813000311
Abstract: At Met. 3, 27 Lucius's servant cries out « Quo usque tandem cantherium patiemur istum ? » (« For how long are we to endure this clapped-out
beast ? ») after Lucius, as an ass, attempts to grab some roses in order to return to his human form. In referring to his formerly human owner as a new
Catiline, the servant's words ironically reformulate the opening of Cicero's first invective against Catiline and also serve as a spoof on Catiline's
paradoxical reading of Cicero's phrase in Sallust, Cat. 20, 9. Apuleius depicts Lucius as a ludicrous copy of Cicero's enemy by manipulating aspects of
the image of Catiline established by Cicero's and Sallust's texts.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Sallustius Crispus (C.), Appendix Sallustiana [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 27 [CWKB Resolver]
Sallustius Crispus (C.), Appendix Sallustiana - Catilinae Coniuratio [view article in LLT-A] - 20 - 9 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Sergius Catilina, Lucius (conspirateur ; préteur en 68 av. J.-C.)


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Record 143 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00234 (931925)
Type: Article in journal
Author: La Bua, Giuseppe
Title of Article: Mastering oratory: the mock-trial in Apuleius' Metamorphoses 3.3.1-7.1
Title of Publication: American Journal of Philology
Volume (year) pages: 134: 4 (2013) 675-701
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9475
Abstract: The manipulation of ritual, literary, and legal elements marks the festival of laughter in the « Metamorphoses » (3, 1-11) as one of the most innovative
episodes of Apuleius's novel. Examination of the rhetorical and judicial strategy adopted by the prosecutor and the defendant in the mock trial leads to
the argument that Lucius's defense speech is modeled on Cicero's « Pro Milone ». By revitalizing the portrait of Cicero acting in defense of Milo,
Apuleius devises a new form of entertainment, increasing the fictionality of the oratorical-theatrical performance and making Lucius-Cicero producer,
performer, and victim of the collective hoax.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 3
- 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 144 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00233 (931924)
Type: Article in journal
Author: La Barbera, Sandro
Title of Article: Il « Dankgebet » di Lucio: (Apul. Met. 11, 25)
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 71 (2013) 214-239
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: L'analisi letteraria, stilistica e linguistica della preghiera di ringraziamento a Iside mette in luce la climax narrativa rispetto ai momenti innodici di 11, 2 e
11, 5, una tendenza alla responsione clausolare, nonché il ricorso a neologismi e innovazioni semantiche. Si propone poi la discussione di problemi
testuali dei seguenti passi : 11, 25, 1 ; 11, 25, 3 ; 11, 25, 4. Con un'appendice sulla ripresa della preghiera da parte dell'umanista tedesco Danhauser,
forse indirettamente influenzato da Beroaldo

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11
- 25
- 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 [CWKB Resolver]
- 4 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)
Peter Danhauser (Petrus Abietiscola Nerimontanus ; humaniste allemand ; 15e s.))

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Record 145 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00229 (931923)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Heidmann, Ute
Title of Article: Zur poetologischen und intertextuellen Bedeutung der « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius für Jean de la Fontaine und Charles Perrault
Title of Publication: Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft
Volume (year) pages: N. F., 37 (2013) 157-190, ill.
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0342-5932
Abstract: In Met. 6, 25 weist Apuleius mit der komischen Assoziation des Esels als eines gelehrten Historiographen bzw. des Historikers als Esel seine Leser
auf seine Erfindung der doppelten fiktiven Erzählerinstanz des Esels und der Alten und das Experimentieren mit verschiedenen Gattungsformen hin.
Gleichzeitig führt er eine neue Dimension in sein komplexes Gattungsexperiment ein : Er erhebt den Anspruch auf realitätsbezogenes Erzählen mit
exemplarischer Funktion auch für eine mit einem fiktiven Vermittler besetzte Redebühne und damit den Anspruch fabulösen Erzählens selbst auf
realitätsbezogenen und moralischen Wahrheitsgehalt. Diese Dimension sollte zum konstitutiven Gattungsmerkmal der Märchen werden

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 25

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Record 146 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00228 (301611)
Type: Monograph
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Publication: Framing the ass: literary texture in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Pr., 2013
Description: X-293 p., index

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: Classical Philology, :3 (2015) 283-288&atitle=&pages=283-288&date=2015&volume=110&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Graverini, Luca, in: Mnemosyne Ser. 4, Ser. 4:6 (2014) 1035-1038&atitle=&pages=1035-1038&date=2014&volume=Ser. 4, 67&issue=6&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :3 (2016) 281-282&atitle=&pages=281-282&date=2016&volume=123&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
James, Paula, in: Ancient Narrative, (2015) 129-139&atitle=&pages=129-139&date=2015&volume=12&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Kirichenko, Alexander, in: Gnomon, :5 (2016) 410-413&atitle=&pages=410-413&date=2016&volume=88&issue=5&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Renda, Chiara, in: Bollettino di Studi Latini, :1 (2016) 365-367&atitle=&pages=365-367&date=2016&volume=46&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Smith, Christopher J., in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:6 (2014) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2014&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 87-00017: Apuleiana recentiora

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Record 147 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00227 (931922)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: Due note al testo di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: 4a ser., 11: 1 (2013) 129-135
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 144
ISSN/ISBN: 0039-2987
Abstract: 1) In Met. 10, 25, 1, leggere « cui minime par erat » in luogo del tràdito « quae minime par erat ». 2) In Met. 11, 12, 1, il tràdito « ornatum » può essere
difeso come apposizione di « sistrum e corona » oppure corretto in « ornatus », congettura già stampata senza commento in un'edizione bilingue

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 10 - 25 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 11 - 12 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 148 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-03062 (1077515)
Type: Article in book
Author: Gianotti, Gian Franco
Title of Article: La narrativa latina: Petronio e Apuleio
Title of Publication: Figure e autori del romanzo. Ed. Casarino, Stefano & Raschieri, Amedeo Alessandro (A10, 915), Roma : Aracne, 2013. 197 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 9-39
Abstract: Profilo delle personalità e delle opere di Apuleio e Petronio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 149 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-10684 (946218)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gervasini, Lucia
Mennella, Giovanni
Title of Article: CIL XI, 1352: un insolito documento sul culto di Iside a « Luna »
Title of Publication: Epigraphica: Periodico Internazionale di Epigrafia
Volume (year) pages: 75: 1-2 (2013) 153-166, ill.
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0013-9572
Abstract: Analisi dell’iscrizione dedicatoria, proveniente dai pressi di Luni, di M. Aulius Eros, in cui si allude al rifacimento di una « maceria » e alla donazione di
un « gradus » a una divinità, la cui identificazione con Iside è possibile grazie allo studio iconografico del reperto e al confronto letterario con Apuleio,
che descrive il « gradus » come lo scalino sul quale i fedeli si inginocchiavano per compiere il gesto rituale di baciare i piedi della statua di Iside
(« osculatio »)

Discipline after vol. 67: IV. - Non-literary sources - B. - Epigraphy - e) Latin epigraphy - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Luni (ITA ; La Spezia)
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 150 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-05478 (950039)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gaston, Christophe
Title of Article: Le secteur nord-ouest de la « domus » du collège Lumière à Besançon (Doubs): des « cellae familiaricae » ?
Title of Publication: Revue Archéologique de l’Est
Volume (year) pages: 62: 185 (2013) 443-451, ill. plans
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. et en all.
ISSN/ISBN: 1266-7706
Abstract: Les fouilles réalisées par l’INRAP en 2004 ont mis au jour les vestiges d’une riche villa, dont la partie nord-ouest a livré une zone aux caractéristiques
architecturales particulières. Il s’agit d’une série de pièces identiques et de modeste facture, s’alignant le long d’un « atrium allongé », entre un
« ambitus » et le péristyle de la maison, ainsi qu’une petite pièce barrant l’accès principal. Cet ensemble pourrait être interprété comme un quartier
servile dévolu au logement des esclaves (« cellae familiaricae »), connu dans les sources littéraires (Colum. 1, 6, 2-3 ; Vitr. 6, 7, 2 ; Apul. 2, 15 ; etc.)
mais encore rarement identifié en Gaule.

Discipline after vol. 67: IV. - Non-literary sources - A. - Archaeology - d) Sites - France - Besançon
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Columella (L. Iunius Moderatus) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vitruuius [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Besançon (FRA ; Doubs)

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Record 151 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00226 (1076699)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fuentes Moreno, Francisco
Title of Article: La guerra y la paz en Apuleyo
Title of Publication: En Grecia y Roma. 4,: La paz y la guerra. Ed. Pociña Pérez, Andrés & García González, Jesús María, Granada : Universidad de Granada, 2013. 422

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Language: espagnol; castillan

Pages: 65-83

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 152 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00225 (931921)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Felton, Debbie
Title of Article: Apuleius' Cupid considered as a Lamia (Metamorphoses 5.17-18)
Title of Publication: Illinois Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 38 (2013) 229-244
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-1923
DOI: 10.5406/illiclasstud.38.0229
Abstract: The intrusion of the monstrous serpent into Apuleius's narrative of Cupid and Psyche has been seen as problematic : Psyche seems too easily
convinced by her sisters that her unseen husband is a creature intent on devouring her. Her credulity, terror, and willingness to kill her husband are
understandable if her reaction is interpreted in the context of Lamia lore, with which Apuleius and his audience were clearly familiar. Relevant evidence
includes Dio's fifth « Oration » and Philostratus's « Life of Apollonius » as well as tales of anguipedal males, such as Typhoeus and Cecrops.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Dio Chrysostomus - Études
Philostratus Maior - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 17 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 153 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-06213 (934062)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Facchini Tosi, Claudia
Title of Article: Neologismi di « nomina agentis » in « -trix »
Title of Publication: Giornale italiano di filologia
Volume (year) pages: 65 (2013) 149-159
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-0461
DOI: 10.1484/J.GIF.1.103446
Abstract: Una rassegna sistematica dal latino arcaico fino ad Apuleio mostra come molti neologismi o hapax assoluti formati con tale suffisso siano nati
all'interno di contesti in cui l'assonanza con altri lessemi con analoga terminazione può avere giocato un ruolo d'ispirazione e di stimolo

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 154 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00224 (931920)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike
Title of Article: Bunte Götter und weisse Kultanhänger: religiöse Farbigkeit im Isisbuch des Apuleius
Title of Publication: Antike Welt: Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte
Volume (year) pages: 6 (2013) 27-32, ill.
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 1015-9274
Abstract: Ein Vergleich des literarischen Texts mit (vor allem kaiserzeitlichen) Bildern und Sakralvorschriften lässt Gemeinsamkeiten wie medienspezifische
Eigenheiten in der Darstellung von Göttern und Kultanhängern erkennen. Dabei ist stets zu bedenken, dass es sich beim Isisbuch des Apuleius weder
um einen Sakraltext noch um ein religionsgeschichtliches Fachbuch handelt. Zeitgenössische Kultpraktiken und -darstellungen sind der literarischen
Personenzeichnung und der Handlung untergeordnet. Im Gegensatz zu den normativen Sakralgesetzen und den typologischen Konventionen der
Bildkunst ist im Roman die Semantik der farbigen Kleidung nicht verbindlich festgelegt. Die zunächst propagierte farbliche Scheidung zwischen
Menschen und Göttern wird in späteren Erzählstadien aufgehoben und von neuen Konzepten wie der punktuellen Vergöttlichung des frisch geweihten
Mysten und der optischen Anzeige einer sakralen Amtsfunktion überlagert.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization
- F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études

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- G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Roman and Greco-Roman art - Études

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 155 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-07856 (1087162)
Type: Article in book
Author: Carver, Robert H. F.
Title of Article: Of donkeys and d(a)emons: metamorphosis and the literary imagination from Apuleius to Augustine
Title of Publication: Transformative change in western thought: a history of metamorphosis from Homer to Hollywood. Ed. Gildenhard, Ingo & Zissos, Paul Andrew,
London : Legenda, 2013. XV-522 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 222-251
Abstract: There are points of contact and contrast between Apuleius’s « Metamorphoses » and its Ovidian precursor. By concentrating his attentions on the
adventures of a single man, Apuleius offers a series of mini- and para-metamorphoses. In so doing, he expanded the remit of metamorphosis and
opened up new rhetorical, mimetic, and hermeneutic possibilities. Augustine’s engagement with Apuleius’s « De deo Socratis » and
« Metamorphoses » covers the topics of « daemones », demons, and metamorphosis (Civ. 8, 14 ; 18, 16-18).

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Augustinus (Aurelius) - De ciuitate Dei [view article in LLT-A]
- 18 - 16 [CWKB Resolver]
- 8 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

Record 156 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 86-16508 (309987)
Type: Miscellany
Author: Carmignani, Marcos
Graverini, Luca
Lee, Benjamin Todd
Title of Publication: Collected studies on the Roman novel = Ensayos sobre la novela romana / Marcos Carmignani, Luca Graverini, Benjamin Todd Lee, ed.
Language: multilingue
Place: Publisher, year: Córdoba: El Copista, 2013
Description: 312 p., 2 index
Further Information: Comprend des contributions en angl., esp. et ital. portant sur les romans de Pétrone et d'Apulée, ainsi que sur l’« Historia Apollonii ».
ISSN/ISBN: 9789875914117
Collection: Ordia Prima. Studia, 7

Discipline after vol. 67: X. - Festschriften and collections - A. - Proceedings and collections
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :1 (2016) 204-205&atitle=&pages=204-205&date=2016&volume=75&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Martin, René, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2014) 353-355&atitle=&pages=353-355&date=2014&volume=92&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Trejo, Malena, in: Auster , (2014) 124-128&atitle=&pages=124-128&date=2014&volume=19&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 157 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00299 (942368)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bianco, Maurizio Massimo
Title of Article: La questione « de patria » nell’« Apologia » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Pan: Rivista di Filologia Latina
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 2 (2013) 97-112
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en ital. et en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0390-3141
Abstract: Al par. 24 dell’« Apologia » Apuleio ribatte all’accusa di essere « Seminumida » e « Semigaetulus » mostrando di non ritenere affatto offensivi tali titoli.
Le parole di Apuleio sembrano sottintendere la sua consapevolezza che l’accusa principale a lui mossa di « crimen magiae » possa derivare da
pregiudizi etnici sulle sue origini « barbare »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 24

To cite this record

Record 158 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00347 (304272)

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Type: Critical edition

Author: Bélime-Droguet, Magali
Title of Publication: Psyché à la Renaissance: actes du LIIe Colloque international d'études humanistes, 29 juin-2 juillet 2009, organisé par le Centre d'Etudes Supérieures
de la Renaissance et le Centre des Monuments Nationaux / textes réunis et édités par Magali Bélime-Droguet [et al.]
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Turnhout: Brepols, 2013
Description: 328 p., ill. plans
Further Information: Das Colloquium fand in Tours statt. Mit mehreren Beiträgen zu Apuleius selbst.
Collection: Études renaissantes ; [9]

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Charlet, Jean-Louis, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2013) 422-424&atitle=&pages=422-424&date=2013&volume=91&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Vintenon, Alice, in: Bibliothèque d’humanisme et Renaissance , :1 (2016) 209-212&atitle=&pages=209-212&date=2016&volume=78&issue=1&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 159 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03402 (1091435)
Type: Article in book
Author: Zimmermann, Maaike
Title of Article: Text and interpretation, interpretation and text
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 1-27
Abstract: Discussion of passages where textual issues in Book 11 of Apuleius’s « Metamorphoses » draw attention to matters of interpretation

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 160 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00215 (298784)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Publication: Apulei Metamorphoseon libri XI / recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Maaike Zimmerman
Language: latin
Place: Publisher, year: Oxford: Clarendon Pr., 2012
Description: LIX-289 p., index
Collection: Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: Ancient Narrative, (2014) 237-245&atitle=&pages=237-245&date=2014&volume=11&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Martos Fernández, Juan José, in: Exemplaria Classica, (2013) 401-411&atitle=&pages=401-411&date=2013&volume=17&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Nicolini, Lara, in: Gnomon, :2 (2014) 130-142&atitle=&pages=130-142&date=2014&volume=86&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Nicolini, Lara, in: Museum Helveticum, :2 (2013) 231-234&atitle=&pages=231-234&date=2013&volume=70&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Puccini, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2012) 344-345&atitle=&pages=344-345&date=2012&volume=90&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 85-00329: Apuleiana

To cite this record

Record 161 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03410 (1091443)
Type: Article in book
Author: Van der Stockt, Luc
Title of Article: Plutarch and Apuleius: laborious routes to Isis
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 168-182
Abstract: Exploration of some conditions for the establishment of a probable relationship between the work of Plutarch and Apuleius. The second part of the
study focuses on Plutarch’s « On Isis and Osiris » as an intertext for Apuleius’s Isis book.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études

Nom antique: Isis (divinité)
Osiris (divinité égyptienne)

To cite this record

Record 162 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03408 (1091441)
Type: Article in book
Author: Tilg, Stefan
Title of Article: Aspects of a literary rationale of Metamorphoses 11
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 132-155
Abstract: Book 11 of the « Metamorphoses » may be read as a light text in which a literary rationale overrides profound messages. The argument is based on
examination of Apuleius’s goals as an orator and writer and their possible models in the literary tradition (especially other novels)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 163 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00319 (1085326)
Type: Article in book
Author: Soler, Joëlle
Title of Article: La déesse Syrienne, « dea peregrina »: la mise en récit de l’altérité religieuse dans les « Métamorphoses » d’Apulée
Title of Publication: Les représentations des dieux des autres. Ed. Bonnet, Corinne, Declercq, Amandine & Slobodzianek, Iwo, Caltanissetta : Sciascia, 2012. IX-260 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
Pages: 17-29
Abstract: La rappresentazione della dea Siria come divinità straniera in Apuleio, che ne esagera i tratti esotici e barbari del culto molto più di quanto avvenisse
nel romanzo greco « L’asino », trasferendo sulla dea anche i tratti di Cibele e contrapponendola invece a Iside, presentata come una divinità molto
meglio integrata nella mentalità romana

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études
Nom antique: Dea Syria (divinité)
Isis (divinité)
Kubele (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 164 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00354 (936494)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Smith, Warren S.
Title of Article: Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses » and Jewish/Christian literature
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 10 (2012) 47-87
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: In mehreren Passagen der « Metamorphosen » bezieht sich Apuleius auf Vorwürfe und Angriffe gegen Christen und Juden im 2. Jh. n. Chr.
Insbesondere in den Büchern 1-10 spiegeln sich Ansichten christlicher Apologeten ; in Buch 11 sind Bezugnahmen auf die jüdisch-christliche
Apokalyptik, besonders auf 2 Esdras, zu finden.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Testamentorum Apocrypha et Pseudepigrapha - Études
Nom antique: Iudaei (peuple)

To cite this record

Record 165 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03412 (1091445)
Type: Article in book
Author: Smith, Warren S.
Title of Article: An author intrudes into his narrative: Lucius « becomes » Apuleius
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 202-219
Abstract: Focus on Met. 11, 27 and parallels in classical literature (especially in the New Testament)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 166 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00248 (931930)

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Type: Article in journal

Author: Sabnis, Sonia
Title of Article: Invisible slaves, visible lamps: a metaphor in Apuleius
Title of Publication: Arethusa
Volume (year) pages: 45: 1 (2012) 79-108
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-0975
DOI: 10.1353/are.2012.0003
Abstract: The lamps in Apuleius's « Metamorphoses » are symbols of slaves, providing voiceless yet observant, even omniscient, assistance to their masters. In
the realms of magic, eros, and cult initiation, these lamps illustrate ideals and functions of slaves while elucidating the types of slavery endured in the
master narrative. The use of lamps exposes and confirms widespread belief in the special knowledge of slaves as well as the anxiety that this
knowledge might compromise their masters' prestige. Also clear are the ways in which slaves were treated as surrogates for their masters, and the
problems resulting from the disruption of this relation.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


To cite this record

Record 167 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-04737 (929385)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Rolle, Alessandra
Title of Article: Il fr. 191 B. delle « Menippee » di Varrone: una testimonianza tardo-repubblicana del culto di Iside a Roma ?
Title of Publication: Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 1 (2012) 133-144
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-2698
Abstract: Sulla base di alcuni paralleli soprattutto con Apul. Met. 11, nel fr. si scorge una polemica contro la popolarità del culto di Iside presso le matrone, tesa
forse a dimostrarne l'incompatibilità con le cerimonie genuinamente romane in onore di Cerere

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Varro Reatinus (M. Terentius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11
Varro Reatinus (M. Terentius) - Saturarum Menippearum fragmenta [view article in LLT-A] - 191b
Nom antique: Demeter (divinité)
Isis (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 168 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-06898 (939287)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Robert, Fabrice
Title of Article: La représentation de la pantomime dans les romans grecs et latins: les exemples de Longus et d’Apulée
Title of Publication: Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne
Volume (year) pages: 38: 1 (2012) 87-110
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 277
ISSN/ISBN: 0755-7256
DOI: 10.3406/dha.2012.3455
Abstract: Longus’ « Daphnis and Chloe » and Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses » contain two descriptions of pantomimes. It is shown that the many distortions
between these novelistic representations and the reality of the pantomimic shows are not meaningless. Indeed they respond to literary stakes and
reveal the intentions of the authors. The original elements can be explained within the narrative framework and contribute to the construction of the
meaning that should be given to the episodes themselves and to the destiny of the characters

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - b) Drama - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Longus - Études


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Record 169 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-05208 (299850)
Type: Monograph
Author: Reinhardt, Udo
Title of Publication: Mythen – Sagen – Märchen: eine Einführung mit exemplarischen Motivreihen
Language: allemand

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Place: Publisher, year: Freiburg im Breisgau ; Wien: Rombach, 2012

Description: 592 p., 5 index
Further Information: Ausgehend von der Antike. Ausführlich zum Märchen von Amor und Psyche. Mit Korrekturen und Nachträgen zum Mythoshandbuch (=> 82-12891)
S. 590-592
Collection: Rombach Wissenschaften. Reihe Paradeigmata, 17

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Amor (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

Riemer, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :4 (2014) 422-424&atitle=&pages=422-424&date=2014&volume=121&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 82-12891: Der antike Mythos

To cite this record

Record 170 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00242 (1072862)
Type: Article in book
Author: Piccioni, Francesca
Title of Article: Sul « de magia » di Apuleio: alcune proposte di « constitutio textus »
Title of Publication: Vestigia notitiai: scritti in memoria di Michelangelo Giusta. Ed. Bona, Edoardo, Lévy, Carlos & Magnaldi, Giuseppina, Alessandria : Ed. dell’Orso, 2012.
XII-549 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 445-454
Abstract: Dopo l'illustrazione della nuova ispezione condotta sui mss Firenze, Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, Laur. 68.2 e 29.2, per verificare l'ipotesi di una
eventuale « recensio » collaterale al primo, costituita dai codici della prima classe il cui miglior rappresentante è il ms. Milano, Bibl. Ambrosiana,
Ambros. N 180 Sup., si fornisce un assetto del testo diverso dagli editori precedenti, motivando le scelte

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 171 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-03578 (933277)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Phillips, Richard Lynn
Title of Article: On the outside looking in: Pliny's « Natural history » and the portrayal of invisibility rituals in the Latin West
Title of Publication: Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
Volume (year) pages: 56-57 (2011-2012) 37-62
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0065-6801
Abstract: In his « Natural history » Pliny includes a selection of invisibility rituals in the course of discussing other topics (e.g., HN 28, 29, 115 ; 37, 50, 165). As
is often the case, Pliny's decriptions provide some of the most useful information regarding these rituals we possess from the Latin West. The tradition
seems to be anchored in Hellenistic times. Whether there was ever a separate tradition of invisibility formularies in the Latin West is undocumented.
Nonetheless, Latin authors over the course of time became aware of the rituals and integrated them into their works. Examples include Vergil, Ecl. 8,
95-99 ; Ovid, Metam. 7, 424 ; Apuleius 3, 21 and 3, 24 ; and Ammianus 30, 1, 17. Though accurately reflecting some of the ritual customs found in the
texts from the « PGM », most of these representations portray magic as an unsanctioned religious activity that is closely tied to criminal behavior - a
depiction not necessarily supported by what we know about the rituals in question. With an appendix of invisibility rituals in the Greek magical papyri.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ammianus Marcellinus [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Magica - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plinius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 3
- 21
- 24 [CWKB Resolver]
Ammianus Marcellinus - Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt [view article in LLT-A] - 30 - 1 - 17 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 424 [CWKB Resolver]
Plinius Secundus (C.) - Naturalis Historia [view article in LLT-A]
- 28 - 29 - 115 [CWKB Resolver]
- 37 - 50 - 165 [CWKB Resolver]
Vergilius Maro (P.) - Eclogae [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 95 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 172 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03403 (1091436)
Type: Article in book
Author: Nicolini, Lara
Title of Article: In spite of Isis: wordplay in Metamorphoses XI (an answer to Wytse Keulen)
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais

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Pages: 28-41
Abstract: A reply to W. Keulen’s communication « per litteras » regarding an earlier study by the author (=>78-00304).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 78-00304: Ad (l)usum lectoris

To cite this record

Record 173 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00240 (927555)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nicolini, Lara
Title of Article: Falsi miti e « fabulae » vere: Apuleio, met. 6, 29 e un insegnamento ovidiano
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 69 (2012) 217-222
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: Nell'episodio di Carite è viva la memoria dell'episodio di Europa in Ou., Met. 2, 861-869 : Apuleio recepisce dal modello il primato della poesia su
qualsiasi realtà, un primato che permette al poeta l'ironia giocosa nei confronti delle « fabulae » della tradizione

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 29
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 861 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 174 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-03576 (1077646)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mastandrea, Paolo
Title of Article: Conoscenza e circolazione del testo a Bisanzio, in età giustinianea
Title of Publication: La « Naturalis historia » di Plinio nella tradizione medievale e umanistica. Ed. Maraglino, Vanna (Biblioteca della Tradizione Classica, 5), Bari :
Cacucci, 2012. 350 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 9-38
Abstract: Impiego (probabilmente diretto) della « Naturalis historia » nel« De ostentis » di Giovanni Lido ; possibile ricorso del Lido anche ad una silloge di passi
pliniani di tematica cosmologica che circolava sotto il nome di Apuleio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Iohannes Lydus - Réception et survie
Plinius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Places: Istanbul (TUR ; Istanbul)

To cite this record

Record 175 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-12156 (936110)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Martos, Juan José
Title of Article: La edición de Apuleyo que tradujo López de Cortegana
Title of Publication: International journal of the classical tradition
Volume (year) pages: 19: 4 (2012) 203-210
Language: espagnol; castillan
ISSN/ISBN: 1073-0508
DOI: 10.1007/s12138-013-0317-8
Abstract: A study of the editions of Apuleius's « Metamorphoses » prior to 1513 allows us to determine that Filippo Beroaldo's editions served as the model for
the first Spanish translation by López de Cortegana.

Discipline after vol. 67: IX. - The classical tradition - A. - History of classical scholarship - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)
López de Cortegana, Diego (ecclésiastique et traducteur espagnol ; 1455-1524)


Reference: APh 84-04051 (302132)

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Record 176 of 2062 Type: Monograph
Author: Margagliotta, Giusy Maria Ausilia
Title of Publication: Il demone di Socrate nelle interpretazioni di Plutarco e Apuleio
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Nordhausen: Bautz, 2012
Description: 127 p., 2 index
Collection: Studia Classica et Mediaevalia, 6

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Réception et survie
Socrates Philosophus, Socratis sectatores - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 177 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00234 (927553)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Title of Article: « Vsus » di copisti ed « emendatio » nel « De Platone » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 68 (2012) 153-172
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: Studio delle modalità correttive e segnaletiche adottate dal copista e da due correttori del testo degli opuscoli di Apuleio « De deo Socratis » e « De
Platone et eius dogmate » nel ms. Bruxelles, Bibl. Royale, 10045-10056 (B), del 9° s. (rispettivamente f. 2r-16v e f. 38v-60v). Questi interventi
ripropongono pratiche più antiche

Discipline after vol. 67: III. - Textual transmission - C. - Textual history, textual criticism and editorial techniques - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


To cite this record

Record 178 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00233 (1072859)
Type: Article in book
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Title of Article: Tracce di antiche omissioni-integrazioni nel « De Platone » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Vestigia notitiai: scritti in memoria di Michelangelo Giusta. Ed. Bona, Edoardo, Lévy, Carlos & Magnaldi, Giuseppina, Alessandria : Ed. dell’Orso, 2012.
XII-549 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 351-365
Abstract: Si avanzano nuove proposte di integrazione mediante la tecnica della parola-segnale per Apul. Plat. 191-192, 232, 244-245, 247-248, 260

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A] - 191

To cite this record

Record 179 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00232 (927552)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Title of Article: Il « De Platone » di Apuleio: lezioni e correzioni tràdite
Title of Publication: Bollettino di Studi Latini: Periodico Semestrale d’Informazione Bibliografica
Volume (year) pages: 42: 2 (2012) 570-577
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0006-6583
Abstract: Sulla base della collazione del ms. Bruxelles, Bibl. Royale 10054-10056 (9° s.) si difendono 5 lezioni tràdite (Plat. 189, 211, 221, 223, 235) e si
individuano 2 correzioni antiche (Plat. 229, 258)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A]
- 189
- 229

To cite this record

Record 180 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00231 (927551)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Title of Article: Antiche tracce di « apparato » nel testo tràdito di Apuleio filosofo

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Title of Publication: Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica

Volume (year) pages: 30 (2012) 478-492
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0946-8439
Abstract: Alla luce della collazione del ms. Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale, 10054-10056 (9° s.) vengono proposte nuove lezioni e discusse soluzioni prospettate
da alcuni editori del « de deo Socratis » (con particolare riferimento a 121, 138, 153, 163, 166s.) e del « de Platone » (con particolare riferimento a
207, 230, 240, 260, 261)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius
- De Deo Socratis [view article in LLT-A] - 121
- De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A] - 207

To cite this record

Record 181 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-05143 (299835)
Type: Monograph
Author: König, Jason
Title of Publication: Saints and symposiasts: the literature of food and the symposium in Greco-Roman and early Christian culture
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Pr., 2012
Description: XI-417 p., ill. index
Further Information: An account of the history of the table-talk tradition (focusing among other writers on Plutarch, Athenaeus, Methodius and Macrobius) that also deals
with the representation of transgressive, degraded, eccentric types of eating and drinking in Greco-Roman and early Christian prose narrative texts
(focusing especially on the Letters of Alciphron, the Greek and Roman novels, especially Apuleius, the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles and the early
saints' lives). Writing about consumption and conversation continued to matter : these works communicated distinctive ideas about how to talk and
how to think, distinctive models of the relationship between past and present, distinctive and often-destabilizing visions of identity and holiness.
Collection: Greek Culture in the Roman World

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Alciphron - Études
Athenaeus Sophista - Études
Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Methodius Olympius - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études
Testamentorum Apocrypha et Pseudepigrapha - Études
Vitae sanctorum et martyrum - Études

Eckhardt, Benedikt, in: Theologische Revue, :1 (2014) 67-69&atitle=&pages=67-69&date=2014&volume=110&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Eshleman, Kendra Joy, in: Sehepunkte , :9 (2013) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2013&volume=13&issue=9&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Marks, Susan, in: Church History, :2 (2014) 458-460&atitle=&pages=458-460&date=2014&volume=83&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Nelson, Max, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:7 (2013) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2013&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Wilkins, John M., in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2014) 296-297&atitle=&pages=296-297&date=2014&volume=104&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Record 182 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh (354950)
Type: Miscellany
Editor of bundle: Knape, Joachim
Title of Publication: Kunstgespräche: zur diskursiven Konstitution von Kunst / hrsg. von Joachim Knape
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Baden-Baden: Koerner, 2012
Description: 326 p., ill. index
ISSN/ISBN: 978-3-87320-447-8
Collection: Saecula spiritalia, 47
Abstract: Mit einem Beitrag zu Apuleius.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

See articles from miscellany

Hofmann, Heinz; Knape, Joachim. Gespräch über das Tierische, das Göttliche und das Allzumenschliche in der Antike (Apuleius)

EXTERNAL LINKS (Inhaltsverzeichnis)

To cite this record

Record 183 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00216 (298785)

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Type: Critical edition

Author: Keulen, Wytse Hette
Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers / ed. by Wytse Hette Keulen, Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Leiden ; Boston (Mass.): Brill, 2012
Description: XVI-255 p., ill. index
Further Information: The majority of the papers collected here originated in a conference at The University of Rostock in 2008. The papers' subject is the final book of
Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». For 2 => 71-00290.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Bricault, Laurent, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:12 (2013) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2013&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :4 (2013) 365-366&atitle=&pages=365-366&date=2013&volume=120&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
May, Regine, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2014) 337-338&atitle=&pages=337-338&date=2014&volume=104&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Relihan, Joel C., in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2014) 474-476&atitle=&pages=474-476&date=2014&volume=N. S., 64&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 71-00290: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,
Cf 84-05856: Neuerscheinungen zum lateinischen Roman

Record 184 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh (1105090)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hofmann, Heinz
Knape, Joachim
Title of Article: Gespräch über das Tierische, das Göttliche und das Allzumenschliche in der Antike (Apuleius)
Title of Publication: Kunstgespräche: zur diskursiven Konstitution von Kunst. Ed. Knape, Joachim (Saecula spiritalia, 47), Baden-Baden : Koerner, 2012. 326 p.
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 978-3-87320-447-8
Pages: 159-179
Abstract: Diskussion des Proömiums zu Apul. Met. und seiner vorausweisenden Funktion für den ganzen Roman.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 1 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 185 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00325 (1080535)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hidalgo de la Vega, María José
Title of Article: « Aemilia Pudentilla »: poder económico y estrategias ciudadanas de una aristócrata africana
Title of Publication: L' Africa romana: trasformazione dei paesaggi del potere nell'Africa settentrionale fino alla fine del mondo antico : atti del XIX convegno di studio,
Sassari, 16-19 dicembre 2010. Ed. Cocco, Maria Bastiana, Gavini, Alberto & Ibba, Antonio (Collana del Dipartimento di Storia dell'Università degli
Studi di Sassari. Nuova serie, 43), Roma : Carocci, 2012. 3 vol. (3 196 p. XXI p. de pl.) ill. cartes plans index
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 1, 747-759
Abstract: Attraverso l’« Apologia » di Apuleio, si analizza la vita di « Aemilia Pudentilla », aristocratica della città di « Oea » e sua consorte, come esempio degli
equilibri e delle relazioni di potere tra le famiglie delle élites locali africane.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Tripoli (LBY ; Tarabulus)
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)

To cite this record

Record 186 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03405 (1091438)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Narrative subversion and religious satire in Metamorphoses 11
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 73-85


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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 187 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00227 (927550)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Interpreting the « anteludia » (Apuleius, Metamorphoses 11.8)
Title of Publication: Trends in Classics
Volume (year) pages: 4: 2 (2012) 377-387
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1866-7481
Abstract: Die « anteludia » sind symbolische Wiederholungen früherer Ereignisse in der Handlung des Romans und erinnern besonders an vergangene
Gefahrensituationen des Esels Lucius und zwar an einem Punkt, an dem er dabei ist, seine Menschengestalt wiederzubekommen und sich, den
Gefahren seiner früheren Existenz entronnen, in die offensichtliche Sicherheit des Isiskults zu begeben. Dies betont die narrative Kontinuität zwischen
den Büchern 1-10 und 11, die die frühere Apuleius-Kritik oft bezweifelte.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 188 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-11445 (941172)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Guédon, Stéphanie
Title of Article: Les confins des espaces civiques dans l’Afrique romaine: quelques éléments de réflexion
Title of Publication: Caesarodunum
Volume (year) pages: 45-46 (2011-2012) 597-614, cartes
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0245-5196
Abstract: Examen de la façon dont les peuples habitant les confins des espaces civiques de l’Empire romain, en Afrique, perçoivent leur appartenance à ces
zones périphériques, sur le double fondement des inscriptions latines (CIL 8, 14683c ; 8, 6267-6302, etc.) et des textes littéraires (Apulée,
Apologie 56 ; Arnobe, Contre les Gentils 1, 39, 1 ; etc.). Les espaces civiques des confins se distinguent des limites administratives de la cité, alors
même qu’il est difficile de procéder à des généralisations dans la mesure où l’Afrique du nord présente une grande variété de situations.

Discipline after vol. 67: IV. - Non-literary sources - B. - Epigraphy - e) Latin epigraphy - Études
V. - History and civilization
- B. - Public life. Institutions - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
- E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Arnobius Maior [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 56
Arnobius Maior - Aduersus nationes [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 39 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

Record 189 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00321 (304271)
Type: Monograph
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Publication: Literature and identity in the « Golden ass » of Apuleius / transl. from the Italian by Benjamin Todd Lee
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Columbus (Ohio): Ohio State University Pr., 2012
Description: XVI-239 p., 2 index
Further Information: Zum Original => 78-00285
ISSN/ISBN: 9780814211915

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

James, Paula, in: Ancient Narrative, (2014) 229-236&atitle=&pages=229-236&date=2014&volume=11&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 78-00285: Le « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio

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Record 190 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03406 (1091439)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: « Prudentia » and « providentia »: book XI in context

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Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 86-106
Abstract: On the difference between « prudentia » and « prouidentia » in the first ten books of the « Metamorphoses » and the last book

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 191 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-05111 (1074296)
Type: Article in book
Author: Freund, Stefan
Title of Article: Bekehrungsorte: Rom und Mailand in Topographie und Topik von Konversionsschilderungen
Title of Publication: Rom und Mailand in der Spätantike: Repräsentationen städtischer Räume in Literatur, Architektur und Kunst. Ed. Fuhrer, Therese (Topoi: Berlin
Studies of the Ancient World, 4), Berlin ; Boston (Mass.) : De Gruyter, 2012. XX-448 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 327-341
Abstract: Die Konversionsschilderungen im NT (Paulus), in Justins « Dialog mit dem Juden Tryphon », bei Apuleius (Met. 11), Minucius Felix, Gregor dem
Wundertäter, Cyprian, Laktanz, Hilarius von Poitiers, Athanasius, Hieronymus, Augustinus und Paulinus von Mailand zeigen feste Schemata, zu
denen auch die Topographie gehört. Namentlich der Gegensatz zwischen einem mit dem alten Leben verbundenen Aufenthaltsort und einem
Bekehrungsort spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle. In christlicher Zeit erscheint Mailand als Ort, der aufgrund seiner Zentrumsfunktion Begegnungen
ermöglicht, die ein Bekehrungserlebnis vorbereiten. Die Konversionen selbst sind in nicht-urbanen Räumen innerhalb der Stadt angesiedelt. Rom ist
dagegen ein der Bekehrung abträglicher Raum, der Studien und Begegnungen ermöglicht, von denen man sich distanzieren muss, um eine
Konversionserfahrung machen zu können. Die wachsende Rolle Roms als organisatorisches Zentrum des lateinischen Christentums findet in den
Konversionsschilderungen keinen Niederschalg,

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Iustinus Martyr - Études
Minucius Felix (M.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Patres - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11
Places: Milano (ITA ; Milano)
Roma (ITA ; Roma)

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Record 192 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00225 (927549)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: Double dreams in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Trends in Classics
Volume (year) pages: 4: 2 (2012) 363-376
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1866-7481
Abstract: Die « doppelten » Träume im ersten und letzten Buch (die Hexen- und die Isis-Episode) haben eine unterschiedliche Funktion : In der Hexen-Episode
rekapituliert der geteilte Traum bereits vergangene Ereignisse als reine Erfindung der Einbildungskraft und bringt so Verwirrung in die Erzählung. Dies
geht konform mit der allgemeinen Taktik der Hexen, die ihre Ziele dadurch erreichen, dass sie die Grenze von Schein und Sein verwischen und so die
Individuen täuschen. Die doppelten Träume im Isis-Buch dagegen nehmen die positive Entwicklung, die Lucius als Eingeweihter der Isis erwartet,
vorweg und treiben so die Handlung voran. Diese unterschiedliche Erzählfunktion desselben Traummotivs in den beiden Erzählsequenzen hebt den
starken Kontrast zwischen der dunklen Magie der Hexen und dem (in der Logik des Romans) erhebenden Isiskult hervor.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 193 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03411 (1091444)
Type: Article in book
Author: Finkelpearl, Ellen
Title of Article: Egyptian religion in Met. 11 and Plutarch’s « Dio »: culture, philosophy, and the ineffable
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 183-201
Abstract: On the ways Plutarch and Apuleius’s narrator differ in the representation of Egypt and the ways in which Lucius’s religious experience of Isis departs
from Plutarch’s de-exoticizing and rationalizing of Egyptian ritual and myth

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études
Places: Égypte
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 194 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-01285 (928001)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ferraces Rodríguez, Arsenio
Title of Article: El Herbario del manuscrito de París, Bibliothèque Nationale, lat. 13955, ff. 137v-146r. « Editio princeps »
Title of Publication: Myrtia: Revista de Filología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 27 (2012) 197-257
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-7674
Abstract: Se editan por primera vez los recetarios « De herbis femininis » y « Curae herbarum » (probablemente de los s. 7º-8º ; el manuscrito donde se
conservan es del s. 9º), y se estudian sus fuentes, principalmente Dioscórides, a través de un herbario falsamente atribuido a Apuleyo, cuya
redacción debe situarse hacia la segunda mitad del s. 4º.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Dioscorides Pedanius - Réception et survie

Related Publication(s)
Cf 86-01851: Sanación de un pasaje problemático en el « Herbario » de París (Herb. Par. 45, 4)
Cf 87-06955: Corrección y nueva interpretación de una receta médica del « Herbario » de París

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Record 195 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03404 (1091437)
Type: Article in book
Author: Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike
Title of Article: The gleaming pate of the « pastophorus »: masquerade or embodied lifestyle ?
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 42-72
Abstract: On four embodied lifestyles that shape the identity of the narrator in the « Metamorphoses » : the religious symbolism inherent in the office of «
pastophorus », the self-transformation of Lucius into a body of sound for Osiris, the similarity with the image of Socrates in the Platonic « Symposium
», and the singular body of the forensic orator

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Osiris (divinité égyptienne)

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Record 196 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00316 (1080530)
Type: Article in book
Author: Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike
Title of Article: Des Mysten neue Kleider: gewande(l)te Identität im Isisbuch des Apuleius
Title of Publication: Kleidung und Identität in religiösen Kontexten der römischen Kaiserzeit: altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium in Verbindung mit der Arbeitsgruppe
« Kleidung und Religion », Projekt DressID, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 30. und 31. Oktober 2009. Ed. Schrenk, Sabine,
Vössing, Konrad & Tellenbach, Michael (Mannheimer Geschichtsblätter. Sonderveröffentlichung, 4; Publikationen der Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, 47),
Regensburg : Schnell und Steiner, 2012; Regensburg : Schnell und Steiner, 2012. 288 p.
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 274
Pages: 149-161
Abstract: Dass sich die individuelle und kollektive Identität in religiösen Gemeinschaften massgeblich über die Kleidung und das äussere Erscheinungsbild
definiert, lässt sich an den « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius überprüfen. Das Moment des Wandels ist nicht nur titelgebend für den Roman, sondern
auch konstitutiv für die Erzählstruktur und spiegelt sich in den verschiedenen Lebensformen des Helden Lucius. In der Tat sind Kleidung und Haar in
allen Stadien der Romanerzählung thematisiert, und zwar vorzugsweise an Punkten, die für Lucius zu einem Übergang oder Statuswechsel führen.
Die jeweils durch Gewandwechsel markierten « Schwellensituationen » kongruieren mit Änderungen der Erzählperspektive. Diese
Ausgangsbeobachtung legt nahe, dass religiöser Status, Habitus und erzählerisch konstruierte Identität in den « Metamorphosen » in einer engen
Wechselbeziehung stehen. So wandelt sich die Bedeutung von Kleidung und Glatze als religiösen Zeichen im Verlauf des letzten Romanbuchs
fundamental : Weisses Leinengewand und spiegelnder Kahlkopf markieren zunächst aus der Perspektive des aussen stehenden Beobachters Lucius
die geschlossene Gemeinschaft der Isisanhänger, in die der Held anschliessend aufgenommen wird. Das vielfarbige Weihegewand, in dem sich der
Myste im Zuge seiner ersten initiation dem Festpublikum präsentiert, wird seinerseits am Ende des Buchs zur Auszeichnung, die Lucius’ Anspruch auf
eine exklusive Sonderstellung innerhalb der religiösen Gruppe sichtbar macht. Haartracht und Kleidung verweisen damit nicht nur auf die jeweilige
Position der Romanfigur, sondern stehen ihrerseits als Zeichen einer gewandelten und wandelbaren Identität.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 197 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-05515 (929638)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Dunsch, Boris
Title of Article: « Arte rates reguntur » :: nautical handbooks in antiquity ?
Title of Publication: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science

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Volume (year) pages: 43: 2 (2012) 270-283

Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0039-3681
DOI: 10.1016/j.shpsa.2011.12.024
Abstract: An examination of texts including Caesar's « Gallic War », Apuleius' Florida 18, 15, and Strabo's Geography 6, 1 shows how interest in nautical
handbooks waned in late antiquity due to changes in intellectual tastes that favored more general treatments of nautical life such as periploi.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - e) Philosophical, scientific and technical prose - Études
VIII. - Science and technology - D. - Earth science and technology - c) Voyages, exploration, navigation and transportation - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Caesar (C. Iulius), Corpus Caesarianum [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in
LLT-A] - Études
Strabo Ponticus - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 18 - 15 [CWKB Resolver]
Strabo Ponticus - Geographica - 6 - 1


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Record 198 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03407 (1091440)
Type: Article in book
Author: Drews, Friedemann
Title of Article: Asinus philosophans: allegory’s « fate » and Isis’ « providence » in the « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 107-131
Abstract: The Isis book of the « Metamorphoses » contains more Platonic philosophy, especially as regards the providence theme, than previously assumed.
These features do not contradict the entertaining character present in the first 10 books. Focus on allegorical interpretations of the novel and criticism
of the concept of allegory behind them

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)
Platonici (école philosophique)

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Record 199 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03409 (1091442)
Type: Article in book
Author: Dowden, Ken
Title of Article: Geography and direction in Metamorphoses 11
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3, The Isis book : a collection of original papers. Ed. Keulen, Wytse Hette & Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike, Leiden ;
Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2012. XVI-255 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 156-167

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 200 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00223 (927548)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Cruz Palma, Òscar de la
Title of Article: Apuleyo divulgador científico
Title of Publication: Myrtia: Revista de Filología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 27 (2012) 159-175
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-7674
Abstract: Se analiza la « Florida » de Apuleyo, un grupo de « conferencias » de tema diverso, en las que aparecen contenidos científicos de varias disciplinas
sobre los que Apuleyo hacía divulgación ante un público presente. Los contenidos filosóficos y técnicos de las « Metamorfosis », de la « Apologia »,
del « De deo Socratis » y de las obras atribuidas abundan en la idea de Apuleyo como autor de obras con interés para el estudio de la ciencia clásica.

Discipline after vol. 67: VIII. - Science and technology - A. - General subjects - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 201 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00222 (927547)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Connors, Catherine

Clendenon, Cindy
Title of Article: Remembering Tartarus: Apuleius and the metamorphoses of Aristomenes
Title of Publication: Trends in Classics
Volume (year) pages: 4: 2 (2012) 338-351
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1866-7481
Abstract: Es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass in der Darstellung des Aristomenes in Apuleius' « Metamorphosen » auf Aristomenes von Messene, den legendären
Helden des messenischen Widerstands gegen Sparta, angespielt ist. Der apuleische Aristomenes erinnert sich einer Angst, die sich in dem Eindruck
einer Schau der Tiefen des Tartarus offenbarte. Mehrere Geschichten, die bei Pausanias und Polyainos von dem messenischen Aristomenes erzählt
werden, liefern Versionen vom Motiv des Abstiegs in die Unterwelt, die in hydrogeologischer Terminologie als ein ausgedehntes Fluss- und
Höhlennetz wahrgenommen wird. Die messenische Geschichte von Aristomenes gibt diesem Namen eine spezielle Note für einen Charakter, der eine
besondere Rolle bei Lucius' Verwandlungen spielt.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Pausanias Periegeta - Études
Polyaenus Macedonicus - Études
Places: Sparti (GRC ; Lakonia)
Nom antique: Aristomenes (de Messénie ; chef militaire ; 7e s. av. J.-C.)
Tartarus (séjour infernal)

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Record 202 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00220 (298787)
Type: Monograph
Author: Bradley, Keith R.
Title of Publication: Apuleius and Antonine Rome: historical essays
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Toronto (Ont.): University of Toronto Pr., 2012
Description: XVI-397 p., ill. index
Collection: Phoenix. Supplementary Volume, 50

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Harrison, Stephen J., in: Mouseion , :1 (2012) 119-121&atitle=&pages=119-121&date=2012&volume=12&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:9 (2012) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2012&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Jones, Christopher P., in: New England classical journal, :1 (2013) 50-52&atitle=&pages=50-52&date=2013&volume=40&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Shaw, Brent D., in: Journal of Roman Archaeology , :2 (2013) 712-713&atitle=&pages=712-713&date=2013&volume=26&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 85-00315: Apuleius’ « Apology »

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Record 203 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-13189 (947107)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Beard, Mary
Title of Article: Les Romains riaient-ils ?
Title of Publication: Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales
Volume (year) pages: 67: 4 (2012) 893-909
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0003-441X
Abstract: L’étude du rire à Rome montre qu’il n’existait pas une théorie unique du rire dans l’Antiquité mais une pluralité d’approches. L’examen des pratiques
discursives associées au rire montre qu’il est un moyen de communication politique, que ce soit entre différents niveaux de la hiérarchie politique ou
en traçant les limites de la civilité du despote romain (D.C. 72, 21 ; Plu., Quaest. conu. 2, 1, 11-12, etc.). Le rire fonctionne également comme frontière
entre homme et animal (Apul., Met. 10, 13-17 ; Ou., Ars 3, 281-290).

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Dio Cassius - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]
Dio Cassius - Historiae Romanae - 72 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Ars Amatoria [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 281 [CWKB Resolver]
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Moralia - Quaestiones convivales - 2 - 1 - 11 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 204 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00218 (927546)

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Type: Article in journal

Author: Baker, Ashli J. E.
Title of Article: Doing things with words: the force of law and magic in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Trends in Classics
Volume (year) pages: 4: 2 (2012) 352-362
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1866-7481
Abstract: Die « Metamorphosen » präsentieren eine Welt, die mit dem Übernatürlichen in Verbindung steht : Hexen fügen zahlreichen Charakteren Qualen zu,
die zu physischer Transformation und Tod führen. Die einzige Autorität, die annähernd mit der Magie um die Macht wetteifern kann, ist das römische
Recht. Apuleius stellt den Zwang der Magie dem des Gesetzes durch thematische Kontinuität und den gemeinsamen Sprachgebrauch gleich, so dass
Magie und Gesetz Hand in Hand gehen und dabei Verwüstung im Leben derer anrichten, die darauf treffen. Durch dieses Ineinanderfliessen von
Magie und Gesetz verstärkt Apuleius sein Negativportrait von der Autorität des römischen Kaisers.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 205 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00214 (927545)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Adkin, Neil
Title of Article: A recent emendation in Apuleius (Met. 6, 19, 2)
Title of Publication: Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 40 (2012) 367-369
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0531-2175
Abstract: A propósito de la corrección de L. Nicolini (=> 78-00304) en « polentacium » del sufijo « no literario » « -acium » en « -arium ». Se defiende que
« polentacium » casa con el registro estilístico de los precedentes « futile » e « istud », mientras que contrasta de modo picante con el siguiente
« damnum ». Se intenta definir también de modo más preciso el sentido concreto de « futilis » en el pasaje.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 19 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
Cf 78-00304: Ad (l)usum lectoris

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Record 206 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00330 (922885)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Article: Age and merit: the importance of « recentiores » and « incunabula » for the text of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Segno e testo : international journal of manuscripts and text transmission
Volume (year) pages: 9 (2011) 131-163
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 2037-0245
Abstract: L'esame delle principali tappe della trasmissione del testo dell'opera dall'età tardoantica in avanti (con particolare attenzione ai due testimoni più
antichi, Firenze, BML, Plut. 68.2 dell'11° sec. e Firenze, BML, Plut. 29.2, del 12°-13° sec.) evidenzia da una parte la necessità di una revisione dello
« stemma codicum », dall'altra l'importanza per la costituzione del testo apuleiano anche di codici « recentiores » e di « incunabula »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 207 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00329 (922884)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Zago, Anna
Title of Article: Met. 11, 8 e le proposizioni parentetiche in Apuleio
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 67 (2011) 223-228
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: Considerazioni sintattico-stilistiche

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 208 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00328 (1069176)
Type: Article in book
Author: Vial, Hélène
Title of Article: « In noua mutatas formas corpora », « figuras in alias imagines conuersas »: l'influence d'Ovide dans l'écriture apuléenne de la métamorphose
Title of Publication: Présence du roman grec et latin: actes du colloque tenu à Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 novembre 2006). Ed. Poignault, Rémy & Dubel, Sandrine
(Caesarodunum Bis, 40-41), Clermont-Ferrand : Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l’Antiquité, 2011. 796 p.
Language: latin
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 794
Pages: 121-145

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 209 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00327 (922883)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Tilg, Stefan
Title of Article: Religious feasting in Apuleius's « Metamorphoses »: appetite for change ?
Title of Publication: Transactions of the American Philological Association: Journal of the Society for Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 141: 2 (2011) 387-400
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0360-5949
DOI: 10.1353/apa.2011.0012
Abstract: Food and feasting constitute a significant part of the last, so-called Isis Book of the « Metamorphoses ». The significance of shared meals at the
ultimate stage of Apuleius's narrative has consequences for our interpretation of the « Metamorphoses » in general and allows some conjectures
about its potential secondary reception through recitals.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 210 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00247 (927557)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Taylor, Tristan S.
Title of Article: Magic and property: the legal context of Apuleius' « Apologia »
Title of Publication: Antichthon: Journal of the Australian Society for Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 45 (2011) 149-166
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0066-4774
Abstract: Examination of Apuleius' « Apologia » from the perspective of its legal context gives rise to three questions : 1) what the legal situation was in relation
to the property issues central to the motivation of Apuleius' accusers ; 2) what the effects of a conviction would have been on these property concerns ;
and 3) what light our answers to these questions might shed on the « Apologia ». The applicable legal rules suggest that some of the concerns of the
prosecutors were ill founded. This observation leads to several potential conclusions : either 1) Apuleius' accusers believed their accusation of magic
and thought that only magic threatened their aspirations to Pudentilla's estate ; or 2) the accusers were ignorant about the law, vindictive towards
Apuleius, or both ; or 3) Apuleius misrepresented his accusers' motivations. These conclusions on matters of law could even be taken to suggest that
the speech does not represent a genuine case but is a work of fiction concocted by Apuleius for literary purposes.

Discipline after vol. 67: VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 211 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-08221 (1070969)
Type: Article in book
Author: Strati, Roberta
Title of Article: Itinerari di parole: « unanimus »
Title of Publication: Le parole della passione: studi sul lessico poetico latino. Ed. Mantovanelli, Paolo & Berno, Francesca Romana (Testi e Manuali per l’Insegnamento
Universitario del Latino. Nuova Serie, 120), Bologna : Pàtron, 2011. 308 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 209-242
Abstract: Esamina la linea evolutiva del termine « unanimus » dopo lo snodo virgiliano, continuando le ricerche avviate in => 73-08557 : esamina in poesia l'uso
del termine in Seneca e nell'epica imperiale e nell'epigramma 710 Riese dell'« Anthologia Latina » attribuito a Plinio, mentre per la prosa si sofferma
sulle uniche due occorrenze certe, Livio 40, 8, 14 e Apuleio Met. 7, 9, 1

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études

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Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 9 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

Liuius (Titus) - Ab Urbe Condita [view article in LLT-A] - 40 - 8 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
Cf 73-08557: Appunti per la storia di « unanimus »

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Record 212 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00326 (1069175)
Type: Article in book
Author: Soler, Joëlle
Title of Article: Magie et antidote: le statut du texte de fiction d'après les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Présence du roman grec et latin: actes du colloque tenu à Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 novembre 2006). Ed. Poignault, Rémy & Dubel, Sandrine
(Caesarodunum Bis, 40-41), Clermont-Ferrand : Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l’Antiquité, 2011. 796 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 793
Pages: 193-205
Abstract: Sur la façon dont Apulée utilise la magie comme métaphore évoquant son travail poétique de création d'un texte de fiction. Le lecteur doit se laisser
emporter par l'illusion, comme sous l'effet d'un philtre magique, mais Apulée met à sa disposition toute une série de contrepoisons et d'amulettes sous
la forme d'indices permettant à la raison de garder son contrôle

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 213 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00246 (927556)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Smith, Warren S.
Title of Article: The peculiar problems of translating Apuleius' « Golden ass » :: review article
Title of Publication: International journal of the classical tradition
Volume (year) pages: 17: 4 (2010-2011) 596-607
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1073-0508
Abstract: On Apuleius, translated by J. C. Relihan (=> 78-00276).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 78-00276: The golden ass or A book of changes

To cite this record

Record 214 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00355 (936495)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Smith, Warren S.
Title of Article: The peculiar problems of translating Apuleius’ « Golden ass »: review article
Title of Publication: International journal of the classical tradition
Volume (year) pages: 17: 4 (2010-2011) 596-607
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1073-0508

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 215 of 2062 Reference: APh (1106538)
Type: Article in book
Author: Sandy, Gerald N.
Title of Article: Apuleius, Beoraldo and the development of the (early) modern classical commentary
Title of Publication: Fictional traces: receptions of the ancient novel. Ed. Pinheiro, Marília Pulquério Futre & Harrison, Stephen J. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 14),
Eelde : Barkhuis, 2011. 2 vol. (XXII-254, XXI-211 p.) ill. 4 index
Language: anglais
Pages: 47-59
Abstract: Zu den Gründen für den Erfolg von Beroaldos im Jahr 1500 erschienenem Kommentar zu Apuleius’ « Metamorphosen ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)

To cite this record

Record 216 of 2062 Reference: APh (1106541)
Type: Article in book

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Author: Reitz, Christiane

Winkler-Horacék, Lorenz
Title of Article: Love on a wallpaper : Apuleius in the boudoir
Title of Publication: Fictional traces: receptions of the ancient novel. Ed. Pinheiro, Marília Pulquério Futre & Harrison, Stephen J. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 14),
Eelde : Barkhuis, 2011. 2 vol. (XXII-254, XXI-211 p.) ill. 4 index
Language: anglais
Pages: Vol. 2, 95-107
Abstract: Zur Darstellung von Szenen aus der Erzählung von Amor und Psyche auf französischen Tapeten seit dem Beginn des 19. Jh., ausgehend von
Psyche-Darstellungen der Spätantike. Vgl. auch 79-08300.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Art of late antiquity and Christian art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom antique: Amor (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

Related Publication(s)
Cf.: Amor und Psyche

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Record 217 of 2062 Reference: APh (1106540)
Type: Article in book
Author: Rak, Michele
Title of Article: From word to image: notes on the Renaissance reception of Apuleius’s « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Fictional traces: receptions of the ancient novel. Ed. Pinheiro, Marília Pulquério Futre & Harrison, Stephen J. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 14),
Eelde : Barkhuis, 2011. 2 vol. (XXII-254, XXI-211 p.) ill. 4 index
Language: anglais
Pages: Vol. 2, 83-93

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
Nom antique: Amor (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

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Record 218 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00324 (1069174)
Type: Article in book
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Article: La vertu de silence dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Présence du roman grec et latin: actes du colloque tenu à Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 novembre 2006). Ed. Poignault, Rémy & Dubel, Sandrine
(Caesarodunum Bis, 40-41), Clermont-Ferrand : Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l’Antiquité, 2011. 796 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 791
Pages: 225-236
Abstract: Le silence rythme la vie de Psyché et de Lucius à partir du moment où les deux personnages rencontrent le divin (respectivement, Met. 6 et 11). Ce
silence peut prendre sa source dans l'enseignement de Pythagore qui représentait l'idéal philosophique d'Apulée (voir aussi l'article noté 81-00295)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Pythagoras, Pythagorae sectatores - Réception et survie

Related Publication(s)
Cf 81-00295: Der Archilochos-Kommentar P.Oxy. LXXIII 4952

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Record 219 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00323 (922881)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Piccioni, Francesca
Title of Article: Un manoscritto recenziore del « De magia » di Apuleio: il cod. Ambrosiano N 180 sup.
Title of Publication: Segno e testo : international journal of manuscripts and text transmission
Volume (year) pages: 9 (2011) 165-210
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 2037-0245
Abstract: Vicende del Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, N 180 sup. (A), del 13° sec., analisi codicologica e paleografica, osservazioni sui « marginalia » e sulle
tipologie di errori. Elenco di varianti presenti nel codice che sono da preferirsi alle lezioni offerte dal principale testimone, il Firenze, BML, Plut. 68.2
dell'11° sec. (F). Rapporti genealogici di A con i due più antichi testimoni dell'opera di Apuleio, ossia F e Firenze, BML, Plut. 29.2, del 12°-13° sec. (φ)
e dati di collazione di A, in cui si riportano i casi di divergenza da F e φ

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Record 220 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00244 (1076705)
Type: Article in book
Author: O'Brien, Maeve C.
Title of Article: « Larvale simulacrum » :: Platonic Socrates and the
persona of Socrates in Apuleius, Metamorphoses 1,
Title of Publication: Echoing narratives: studies of intertextuality in Greek
and Roman prose fiction. Ed. Doulamis, Konstantin
(Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 13), Eelde :
Barkhuis, 2011. XV-210 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 123-137
Abstract: Apuleius's story at Met. 1, 1-19 about the traveler
Socrates is examined against the Platonic figure of
Socrates the philosopher. Apuleius's Socrates is unlike
the Platonic figure, a pale imitation (« laruale
simulacrum », Met. 1, 6, 3) of him. This reshaping of
the philosophical Socrates in a novel is a
transformation leading to pleasure, but it is a pleasure
tempered with attention because it reveals that the
reshaped Socrates is a ghostly image, and this
revelation constitutes the first pleasurable step on the
road to true wisdom.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Socrates Philosophus, Socratis sectatores - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- --- - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 1 - 6 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 221 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-05465 (299893)
Type: Monograph
Author: Núñez, Maria Loreto
Title of Publication: Voix inouïes: étude comparative de l'enchâssement dans « Leucippé et Clitophon » d'Achille Tatius et les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Lausanne: [s. n.], 2011
Description: XII-691 p., ill.
Further Information: Thèse Univ. Lausanne

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Achilles Tatius Scriptor eroticus - Études

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Record 222 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00321 (295517)
Type: Monograph
Author: Nicolini, Lara
Title of Publication: « Ad (l)usum lectoris »: etimologia e giochi di parole in Apuleio
Language: latin
Place: Publisher, year: Bologna: Pàtron, 2011
Description: 220 p., 5 index
Collection: Testi e Manuali per l’Insegnamento Universitario del Latino. Nuova Serie, 117

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Adkin, Neil, in: Latomus, :3 (2013) 876-878&atitle=&pages=876-878&date=2013&volume=72&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Fontaine, Michael, in: Gnomon, :4 (2012) 370&atitle=&pages=370&date=2012&volume=84&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Graverini, Luca, in: Ancient Narrative, (2012) 119-126&atitle=&pages=119-126&date=2012&volume=10&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:1 (2012) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2012&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
May, Regine, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2013) 131-132&atitle=&pages=131-132&date=2013&volume=N. S., 63&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Piccioni, Francesca, in: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, :1 (2013) 200-203&atitle=&pages=200-203&date=2013&volume=141&issue=1&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2011) 396-397&atitle=&pages=396-397&date=2011&volume=89&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin, in: Museum Helveticum, :2 (2012) 220-221&atitle=&pages=220-221&date=2012&volume=69&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 223 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-07856 (1070892)
Type: Article in book

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Author: Ndiaye, Émilia

Title of Article: Renouvellement de la topique de l'étranger « barbare » dans les romans latins
Title of Publication: Présence du roman grec et latin: actes du colloque tenu à Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 novembre 2006). Ed. Poignault, Rémy & Dubel, Sandrine
(Caesarodunum Bis, 40-41), Clermont-Ferrand : Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l’Antiquité, 2011. 796 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 790-791
Pages: 285-302
Abstract: Pétrone utilise « barbarus » et « barbaria » seulement à deux reprises (96, 5 et 68, 4-8) et uniquement pour désigner des juifs. Étant donné la
multiplicité des voix du roman, on ne peut déterminer quelle est la connotation de l'adjectif. Chez Apulée, l'adjectif a son sens classique et péjoratif
d'« étranger non civilisé » : il est associé à « feritas » et à « uanitas » et désigne souvent le pirate ou le brigand. D'autres occurrences, dans des
histoires d'adultère (Met. 9, 17, 1 ; 9, 21, 3 ; 9, 21, 7 et 9, 27, 4) révèlent un emploi plus original de l'adjectif qui devient le « cognomen » d'un
personnage. « Barbarus » permet alors à Apulée de donner à la fois une existence romanesque et une dimension psychologique au personnage

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9
- 17 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 21
- 3 [CWKB Resolver]
- 7 [CWKB Resolver]
- 27 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]
Petronius Arbiter - Satyrica [view article in LLT-A]
- 68 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]
- 96 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Iudaei (peuple)

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Record 224 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00320 (295516)
Type: Monograph
Author: Müllers, Josefine
Title of Publication: Amor & Psyche: das Mysterium von Herz und Seele
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Bern ; Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2011
Description: 152 p.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Dietz, Günter, in: Symbolon N. F., N. F. (2012) 365-367&atitle=&pages=365-367&date=2012&volume=N. F., 18&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 225 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-13073 (926650)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mueller, Hans-Friedrich Otto
Title of Article: Spectral Rome from female perspective: an experiment in recouping women's religious experience : (CIL 6.18817 = ILS 8006 = Orelli 2.4775)
Title of Publication: Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity
Volume (year) pages: 104: 2 (2010-2011) 227-243
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8418
Abstract: As a methodological experiment, privileges a female voice belonging to an inferior class that survives in a well-known inscription (CIL 6, 18817 = ILS
8006) as its primary testimony regarding the « manes », and it deploys parallels from literature (Cicero, Tusc. 1, 48 and Top. 90 ; Propertius 4, 7 ;
Vergil, Aen. 6, 824-846 ; Ovid, Fast. 5, 429-444 ; Juvenal, 2, 149 and 152 ; and 6, 530-531 ; and Apuleius, Met. 8, 8-12) as subsidiary aids to the
interpretation of what she had to say. Results suggest that we might use female-authored inscriptions as a means to assess the authenticity of male-
authored representations of female experience, thus allowing us to recoup from both types of sources more evidence than we might have expected
from either in isolation.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Outils
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Iuuenalis (D. Iunius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Propertius (Sex.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]
Cicero (M. Tullius)
- Topica [view article in LLT-A] - 90
- Tusculanae Disputationes [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 48
Iuuenalis (D. Iunius) - Saturae [view article in LLT-A]
- 149 [CWKB Resolver]
- 152 [CWKB Resolver]
- 6 - 530 [CWKB Resolver]

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Ouidius Naso (P.) - Fasti [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 429 [CWKB Resolver]
Propertius (Sex.) - Elegiae [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 7
Vergilius Maro (P.) - Aeneis [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 824 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 226 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00341 (936489)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Méthy, Nicole
Title of Article: Un regard africain sur l’Empire ?: le monde romain dans les « Métamorphoses » d’Apulée
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 70: 1 (2011) 154-165
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Eine « ideologische » Lektüre der « Metamorphosen » lässt eine neue Konzeption des Imperiums aus der Sicht einer Provinz erkennen, die dadurch
gekennzeichnet ist, dass der herkömmliche Gegensatz zwischen Rom und der Provinz aufgehoben wird. Eine « sinnbildliche » Lektüre zeigt darüber
hinaus, dass es Apuleius mit dieser Aufhebung des Gegensatzes um die Darstellung eines kulturell einheitlichen und homogenen Imperiums geht.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 227 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00317 (922880)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Maselli, Giorgio
Title of Article: Riflessi cristiani in Apuleio. 2,: « Daemonium » (Apol. 63, 6) « et alia » (Flor. 9, 32 e 33)
Title of Publication: Invigilata Lucernis
Volume (year) pages: 33 (2011) 181-186
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-8357
Abstract: A completamento di un precedente contributo (=> 80-00335), si pongono in evidenza tre ulteriori liberi riusi di spunti cristiani da parte di Apuleio :
« daemonium » (Apol. 63, 6), « dilector » (Flor. 9, 32), « amare maleficium » (Flor. 9, 33).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius
- Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 63 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]
- Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 9
- 32 [CWKB Resolver]
- 33 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
Cf 80-00335: Riflessi cristiani in Apuleio

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Record 228 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00335 (936486)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Martos Fernández, Juan José
Title of Article: Notes on Apuleius’ « Florida »
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 64: 1 (2011) 104-109
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/156852511X505376
Abstract: En Apulée, Florides 2, 10, « indefessa remigia » ne paraît pas dépendant d’un verbe : le groupe est émendé en « indefessa remigio », où l’ablatif
« remigio » est l’équivalent poétique d’un gérondif « remigando » (« tireless in rowing its wings »). En 20, 4, « commentam » est émendé en
« commendatam », au sens de « gratam ». En 9, 13, « nec autem mutare » est corrigé en « nec saltem mutare ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]
- 20 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]
- 9 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 229 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00316 (922879)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina

Title of Article: Antiche note di lettura in Apul. Plat. 193, 223, 242, 248, 253, 256 e Socr. 120
Title of Publication: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 139: 2 (2011) 394-412
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6220
Abstract: A seguito della collazione diretta del Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale 10054-10056 (9° sec.), si studiano i « marginalia » (glosse e note di vario genere)
confluiti nel testo tràdito dei due opuscoli filosofici apuleiani e si propone una nuova costituzione testuale dei passi in esame

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius
- De Deo Socratis [view article in LLT-A] - 120
- De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A] - 195

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Record 230 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00315 (922878)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Title of Article: Antiche glosse e correzioni nel « De deo Socratis » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 139: 1 (2011) 101-117
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6220
Abstract: Si ipotizza che numerosi problemi testuali posti dal libello apuleiano siano da ascrivere a glosse e correzioni marginali, presenti probabilmente già nel
capostipite dei due rami della tradizione manoscritta, poi confluiti nel testo ; si propongono, a titolo di esempio, alcuni emendamenti

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 231 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00290 (295514)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Macías Villalobos, Cristóbal
Title of Publication: Obra filosófica / Apuleyo ; introd., trad. y notas, Cristóbal Macías Villalobos
Language: espagnol; castillan
Place: Publisher, year: Madrid: Gredos, 2011
Description: 286 p., 2 index
Collection: Biblioteca Clásica Gredos, 397

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

López Carrasco, Nerea, in: Myrtia, (2013) 406-409&atitle=&pages=406-409&date=2013&volume=28&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 232 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00237 (1076702)
Type: Article in book
Author: Macías Villalobos, Cristóbal
Title of Article: Divinidad, providencia y destino en Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Δῶρον Μνημοσύνης: miscelánea de estudios ofrecidos a Mª Ángeles Durán López. Ed. Pérez Jiménez, Aurelio & Calero Secall, Inés, Zaragoza :
Libros Pórtico, 2011. 590 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 307-335

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 233 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-15108 (927171)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Macías, Cristóbal
Title of Article: Los terremotos a la luz de la ciencia antigua: el testimonio de Apuleyo, Mund. 18.329-332
Title of Publication: Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos
Volume (year) pages: (1) N° 31 (2011) 37-67
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1131-9062

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Abstract: El pseudo-aristotélico Περὶ κόσμου y su versión latina, el « De mundo » de Apuleyo, aportaron a la discusión científica sobre los terremotos en la
Antigüedad una precisa clasificación de los mismos sin parangón en ningún otro autor antiguo. Esa clasificación, que se basa en las precisas
descripciones que ya Aristóteles hizo sobre el comportamiento aparente de los movimientos sísmicos, no es de origen aristotélico, pues Aristóteles no
ofrece ni siquiera un esbozo de taxonomía de este tipo de fenómeno telúrico. Debió de ser en un contexto estoico donde surgieron los primeros
intentos de establecer una tipología de los terremotos. Así, la clasificación del Περὶ κόσμου podría ser de origen estoico, lo cual podría ayudar a datar
este pequeño tratado y a saber algo más sobre su posible influencia posterior. Además de los testimonios de Aristóteles y de Apuleyo, se revisan los
de Lucrecio, Plinio el Viejo, Séneca y Posidonio.

Discipline after vol. 67: VIII. - Science and technology - D. - Earth science and technology - a) Geology, meteorology, climatology - Études
Citations: Apuleius - De Mundo [view article in LLT-A] - 18 - 329 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Stoici (école philosophique)

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Record 234 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00314 (922877)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Libby, Brigitte B.
Title of Article: Moons, smoke, and mirrors in Apuleius' portrayal of Isis
Title of Publication: American Journal of Philology
Volume (year) pages: 132: 2 (2011) 301-322
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9475
Abstract: An analysis of moon and mirror imagery in Apuleius' novel as well as in his philosophical and rhetorical works shows how he exploits an inherent
difficulty in Isis' lunar symbol and the mirrors used to represent it. The moon-goddess Isis turns out to be an opportunistic fraud who, like a mirror,
reflects light without producing her own.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)


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Record 235 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00311 (922875)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kirichenko, Alexander
Title of Article: Becoming a book: divination and fictionality in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Museum Helveticum: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Klassische Altertumswissenschaft = Revue Suisse pour l’Étude de l’Antiquité Classique
Volume (year) pages: 68: 2 (2011) 182-202
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0027-4054
DOI: 10.5169/seals-178536
Abstract: En Met. 2, 12, Apulée joue avec le motif de la divination, qui est pour lui l'emblème même de la fiction poétique, oscillant entre un monde
apparemment empirique et un monde d'imagination. Cette labilité de la frontière entre le réel et le rêve est aussi mise en évidence par Cicéron dans
son « De diuinatione » (par ex. 1, 43 ; 1, 60)

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 12
Cicero (M. Tullius) - De Divinatione [view article in LLT-A] - 1
- 43 [CWKB Resolver]
- 60 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 236 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-07403 (924998)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hindermann, Judith
Title of Article: Zoophilie in Zoologie und Roman: Sex und Liebe zwischen Mensch und Tier bei Plutarch, Plinius dem Älteren, Aelian und Apuleius
Title of Publication: Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine
Volume (year) pages: 8 (2011) non paginé
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 1765-3142

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - a) General subjects - Études

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aelianus Sophista - Études
Plinius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études

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Record 237 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00309 (1069172)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hindermann, Judith
Title of Article: La réception de l'élégie romaine dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Au-delà de l'élégie d'amour: métamorphoses et renouvellements d'un genre latin dans l'Antiquité et à la Renaissance. Ed. Chappuis Sandoz, Laure
(Colloques, Congrès et Conférences sur la Renaissance Européenne. Série Lectures de la Renaissance Latine, 2; Colloques, Congrès et
Conférences sur la Renaissance Européenne, 70), Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2011; Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2011. 287 p.
Language: français
Pages: 147-158
Abstract: Sur la réception des motifs élégiaques du « seruitium » et de la « militia amoris » dans les « Métamorphoses ».

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - a) Poetry - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 238 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00271 (917636)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hindermann, Judith
Title of Article: Does Lucius really fail to learn from Socrates' fate ? :: elegiac themes in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » (Books 1-3)
Title of Publication: Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity
Volume (year) pages: 104: 1 (2010-2011) 77-88
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8418
Abstract: Apuleius presents his protagonist Lucius and the slave-girl Photis as an elegiac couple. A comparison with the story of Socrates and Meroe
establishes Apuleius' awareness of the different types of « seruitium amoris » that are featured in Roman elegy. In contesting the communis opinio
concerning the relation between Lucius and Socrates, Lucius does not fail to learn from Socrates' misfortune with women and magic, but successfully
applies the elegiac strategies Ovid recommends in his « Ars amatoria ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 239 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00326 (936480)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hidalgo de la Vega, María José
Title of Article: El sofista Apuleyo de Madaura y la memoria: construcción de la imagen de su esposa Emilia Pudentila, una aristócrata africana
Title of Publication: Studia Historica. Historia Antigua
Volume (year) pages: 29 (2011) 197-221
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-2052
Abstract: Se analiza la imagen que el sofista Apuleyo, a través de la memoria, construye de su esposa Emilia Pudentila, una aristócrata africana, así como las
relaciones de poder entre diversas familias de la elite de la ciudad de Oea. Forma parte del monográfico consignado en 85-14479

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Tripoli (LBY ; Tarabulus)
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)

Related Publication(s)
Cf 85-14479: El narrador como hombre de acción : la construcción de la memoria colectiva en el mundo grecorromano

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Record 240 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-05452 (929626)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Henderson, Jeffrey
Title of Article: The « Satyrica » and the Greek novel: revisions and some open questions
Title of Publication: International journal of the classical tradition
Volume (year) pages: 17: 4 (2010-2011) 483-496
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1073-0508
Abstract: New discoveries and recent scholarship on Greek prose fiction, both ideal and comic-picaresque, encourage us to set aside traditional assumptions
about the date and character of the « Satyrica » and to take a fresh look at its many (other) post-Neronian resonances. If the current picture of
novelistic history seems to destabilize the traditional assignment of the « Satyrica » to Tacitus' Petronius Arbiter (too early to parody at least our
attested Greek romances), it is worth exploring what alternative scenarios may be likely. The terminus ante quem for the « Satyrica » is ca. 200, when
Terentianus Maurus, « De metris », quotes from it, and probably a few decades earlier, if Apuleius knew it, as several apparent allusions suggest. Its

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terminus post quem would be the circulation of works by Martial and Juvenal, but not very much later, in view of the « Satyrica »'s literary complexion :
Flavian or early Hadrianic, maybe the 120s.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Tacitus (P. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Terentianus Maurus - Études

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Record 241 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00307 (1069170)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hébert, Séléna
Title of Article: L' influence de la comédie dans l'élaboration de la société des « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Présence du roman grec et latin: actes du colloque tenu à Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 novembre 2006). Ed. Poignault, Rémy & Dubel, Sandrine
(Caesarodunum Bis, 40-41), Clermont-Ferrand : Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l’Antiquité, 2011. 796 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 783
Pages: 45-60
Abstract: Utilisation par Apulée des types de personnages de la Comédie Nouvelle, tels que le « miles ». Lucius lui-même est tantôt « adulescens », « seruus
currens », ou « parasitus »

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - b) Drama - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 242 of 2062 Reference: APh (1106547)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen
Title of Article: Apuleius on the radio: Louis MacNeice’s BBC dramatisations
Title of Publication: Fictional traces: receptions of the ancient novel. Ed. Pinheiro, Marília Pulquério Futre & Harrison, Stephen J. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 14),
Eelde : Barkhuis, 2011. 2 vol. (XXII-254, XXI-211 p.) ill. 4 index
Language: anglais
Pages: Vol. 2, 181-194
Abstract: Zu zwei bislang unveröffentlichten Hörspielen des Jahres 1944, die auf Auszügen aus Apuleius’ « Metamorphosen » basieren, mit
Gegenüberstellungen von Hörspiel- und Originaltext.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: MacNeice, Louis (poète et dramaturge britannique ; 1907-1963)

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Record 243 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-02752 (1085878)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hardie, Philip R.
Title of Article: Homer in der lateinischen Literatur der Antike
Title of Publication: Homer-Handbuch: Leben, Werk, Wirkung. Ed. Rengakos, Antonios & Zimmermann, Bernhard, Stuttgart : Metzler, 2011. VIII-451 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 308-322
Abstract: Die Geschichte der Homerrezeption in Rom fällt nicht nur mit der Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur zusammen, sondern ist zugleich ein
wesentlicher Teil der Geschichte der Formierung der römischen Kultur insgesamt. Sie beeinflusste nicht nur die lateinische Epik, sondern auch
Tragödie, Satire, Lehrgedicht, Lyrik und Elegie. Insbesondere beziehen sich Vergil und Ovid, aber auch die Vertreter des lateinischen Romans, Petron
und Apuleius, intensiv auf Homer. Die homerischen Werke übten auf die Römer zudem einen besonderen Reiz wegen der Sage von der troianischen
Herkunft des römischen Volkes aus. Auch in den darstellenden und bildenden Künsten Roms wurden die homerischen Epen breit rezipiert.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Roman and Greco-Roman art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Homerus - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 244 of 2062 Reference: APh 87 (1099097)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gasparini, Valentino
Title of Article: Isis and Osiris : demonology vs. henotheism ?
Title of Publication: Numen: International Review for the History of Religions
Volume (year) pages: 58: 5-6 (2011) 697-728
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0029-5973
DOI: 10.1163/156852711X593304

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Abstract: Bei Apuleius ist Isis sowohl ein Dämon als auch die höchste Göttin. Die henotheistischen Züge der Isis sind kein Produkt der kaiserzeitlichen
theologischen Krise, sondern wurzeln bereits im Hellenismus. Plutarch und Apuleius wollten dadurch, dass sie Isis und Osiris als Personifikationen
eines religiösen und philosophischen höchsten Wesens verstanden, zwischen unterschiedlichen kulturellen und philosophischen Systemen vermitteln.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)
Osiris (divinité égyptienne)


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Record 245 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00303 (922874)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gärtner, Thomas
Title of Article: Ein Gattungsinternes Vorbild der Erzählung über Amor und Psyche
Title of Publication: Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S.97 (2011) 103-125
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0033-4987
Abstract: Il racconto di Amore e Psiche nelle « Metamorfosi » ha diversi tratti in comune con i romanzi ellenistici, in particolare quello di Caritone, che sembrano
avere costituito un modello narratologico per Apuleio.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Chariton - Réception et survie


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Record 246 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00302 (922873)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: From impulsiveness to self-restraint: Lucius' stance in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Trends in Classics
Volume (year) pages: 3: 1 (2011) 113-125
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1866-7481
Abstract: Der Charakter des Lucius ändert sich im Laufe des Romans von anfänglichem Leichtsinn zu einer reiferen und beherrschten Haltung. Dieser Wandel
lässt sich vor allem durch den Vergleich zweier strukturell ähnlicher Erzählungen (Episode mit den Weinschläuchen in Hypata (Met. 2, 32) und
Episode mit der Dame aus der Oberschicht in Korinth (Met. 10, 19-22) erkennen, die beide jeweils einem Auftreten des Lucius in der Öffentlichkeit
vorausgehen. In letzterem Fall markiert Lucius' Zögern, in Eselsgestalt mit der Dame geschlechtlich zu verkehren, die Entwicklung der Fähigkeit, die
Konsequenzen seines Handelns vorherzusehen. Diese innere Entwicklung antizipiert Lucius' körperliche Verwandlung in Buch 11.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 10 - 19 [CWKB Resolver]
- 11
- 2 - 32 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Korinthos (GRC ; Korinthia)
Ypati (GRC ; Fthiotis)
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 247 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00300 (922872)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Facchini, Bianca
Title of Article: Giurisprudenza da favola: note sul lessico giuridico delle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 29 (2011) 301-323
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0946-8439
Abstract: Il frequente ricorso al lessico giuridico romano è imputabile al gusto dell'autore per la sperimentazione linguistica e lessicale ; nel caso delle novelle,
tale lessico rientra nella tendenza alla variazione e alla contaminazione stilistica propria del romanzo ; tale contaminazione di linguaggi non solo
suscita il riso, ma suggerisce anche inattese analogie e getta nuova luce su ciascuno degli ambiti coinvolti


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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 248 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-03404 (923861)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fabbrini, Delphina
Title of Article: « Vendere fumo »: da Marziale ad Agostino : (con un'appendice su Erasmo da Rotterdam)
Title of Publication: Philologia Antiqua: An International Journal of Classics
Volume (year) pages: 4 (2011) 83-98
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1971-9078
Abstract: Sull'interpretazione del proverbio « uendere fumos » (o « fumum ») in Mart. 4, 5, 7, attraverso il confronto di passi in cui ricorre la medesima
espressione : Apul., Apol. 60, 5 ; August., serm. 164, 7, 10 ; serm. nouiss. 26, 57 Dolbeau ; c. Iulian. op. imperf. 3, 88 ; Vespa, Anth. Lat. 199 ; Hist.
Aug. Alex. 23, 8 ; 36, 1 ; 67, 2. In appendice : spiegazione dell'espressione negli « Adagia » di Erasmo

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Historia Augusta [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Martialis (M. Valerius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vespa - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 60 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]
Augustinus (Aurelius)
- Contra Iulianum opus imperfectum [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 88 [CWKB Resolver]
- Sermones [view article in LLT-A]
- 164 - 7 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]
- 198 augm. - 57 [CWKB Resolver]
Historia Augusta - Historia Augusta - Alexander Severus
- 23 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]
- 36 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 67 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
Martialis (M. Valerius) - Epigrammata [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 5 - 7 [CWKB Resolver]
Vespa - 199
Nom récent: Erasmus, Desiderius (savant et théologien néerlandais ; 1469-1536)

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Record 249 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00298 (1069167)
Type: Article in book
Author: Échalier, Laure
Title of Article: Un âne au pays des bandits (Apulée, « Métamorphoses », IV, 6-8)
Title of Publication: Présence du roman grec et latin: actes du colloque tenu à Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 novembre 2006). Ed. Poignault, Rémy & Dubel, Sandrine
(Caesarodunum Bis, 40-41), Clermont-Ferrand : Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l’Antiquité, 2011. 796 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 779
Pages: 303-322
Abstract: L'âne Lucius passe la majorité du roman (3, 28-7, 12) au pays des bandits. Loin des stéréotypes de la sauvagerie, ceux-ci habitent un cadre plutôt
raffiné et civilisé. Toutefois, Apulée-Lucius joue avec ce motif et montre que, quelles que soient les circonstances, la barbarie n'est jamais loin sous le
vernis social. Les descriptions de banquets (4, 6-8 et 6, 30) sont à cet égard particulièrement révélatrices et chargées d'ironie

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 3 - 28 [CWKB Resolver]
- 4 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]
- 6 - 30 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 250 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00297 (1069166)
Type: Article in book
Author: Ducos, Michèle
Title of Article: Les criminels dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Présence du roman grec et latin: actes du colloque tenu à Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 novembre 2006). Ed. Poignault, Rémy & Dubel, Sandrine
(Caesarodunum Bis, 40-41), Clermont-Ferrand : Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l’Antiquité, 2011. 796 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 778
Pages: 323-337
Abstract: Rapprochements avec les données juridiques

Discipline after vol. 67: VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 251 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-06060 (1070466)
Type: Article in book
Author: Cancik, Hubert
Title of Article: Commitment und Charisma im lukanischen Geschichtswerk: die Berufung zur Nachfolge im kulturgeschichtlichen Vergleich

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Title of Publication: « In omni historia curiosus »: Studien zur Geschichte von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit : Festschrift für Helmuth Schneider zum 65. Geburtstag. Ed.
Onken, Björn & Rohde, Dorothea (Philippika, 47), Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2011. 402 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 95-109
Abstract: Es gibt in der Verteilung von Charisma und commitment keine leichte Scheidung zwischen Ost- und Westantike. Totales commitment wird bei Lukas
gefordert, von Tacitus begriffen und kritisiert, bei Catull als zerstörerisches Verhängnis abgewehrt und von Apuleius als unverdiente Erlösung gefeiert.
Lukas hat in der Entwicklung seines Themas « Institutionalisierung von Kerygma und Charisma in einer immer wachsenden Ekklesia » die Stadien
« Berufung und Nachfolge » sowie « Mission und Gemeindebildung » deutlich unterschieden, seinen zweiten Logos aber ebenso deutlich im ersten
vorbereitet. Vorgänge und Darstellungen, die formal mit dieser Konstruktion vergleichbar sind, finden sich nicht in den westantiken Religionen, aber
partiell in den Schulen der Philosophen und in Schulgeschichten vom Typus « Über Pythagoras und seine Anhänger ».

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Catullus (C. Valerius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Tacitus (P. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 252 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00296 (1069165)
Type: Article in book
Author: Bouquet, Monique
Title of Article: Les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée ou La voix dans l'écriture
Title of Publication: Présence du roman grec et latin: actes du colloque tenu à Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 novembre 2006). Ed. Poignault, Rémy & Dubel, Sandrine
(Caesarodunum Bis, 40-41), Clermont-Ferrand : Centre de Recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l’Antiquité, 2011. 796 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 772-773
Pages: 207-223
Abstract: Dans le prologue des « Métamorphoses », l'« immutatio uocis » évoquée par l'auteur-narrateur renvoie aux vibrations sonores de la voix. Un son peut
faire surgir un mot inattendu et orchestrer ainsi le déroulement de la pensée. Au même niveau que cette « immutatio » se situe le « stilus » du
narrateur, outil incisif permettant à l'auteur de polir son discours et de maîtriser les variations. Cette solidarité de la voix et du stylet est caractéristique
de la poétique d'Apulée

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 253 of 2062 Reference: APh (1106539)
Type: Article in book
Author: Bertini, Ferruccio
Title of Article: The « Golden ass » and its « Nachleben » in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance
Title of Publication: Fictional traces: receptions of the ancient novel. Ed. Pinheiro, Marília Pulquério Futre & Harrison, Stephen J. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 14),
Eelde : Barkhuis, 2011. 2 vol. (XXII-254, XXI-211 p.) ill. 4 index
Language: anglais
Pages: Vol. 2, 61-82
Abstract: Ausgehend von der antiken Apuleius-Rezeption.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]

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Record 254 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-00314 (936477)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Beer, Beate
Title of Article: Lucius bei den Phäaken: zum νόστος-Motiv in Apuleius, Met. 11
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 9 (2011) 77-98
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 165
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Der Vergleich zwischen der Phäaken-Episode der « Odyssee » und einzelnen Szenen am Ende von Met. 10 und besonders in Met. 11 zeigt, dass das
11. Buch nicht so frei von literarischen Bezügen ist, wie bisher angenommen wurde. Vielmehr bedient sich Apuleius auch hier intertextueller Praxis,
und zwar nicht ohne parodistischen Effekt. Insofern wird eine ausschliesslich ernste, dem ὕψος folgende Lesart, die nicht über die Feststellung von
Lucius’ Bekehrung hinausgeht, dem intertextuellen Spiel von Met. 11 nicht gerecht.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Homerus - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 10 - 1
- 11 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Phaeaces (peuple mythique)

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Record 255 of 2062 Type: Monograph
Reference: APh 83-00217 (298786)

Author: Baker, Ashli J. E.

Title of Publication: Apuleius' political animal: a socio-cultural reading of
identity in the « Metamorphoses »
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2011
Description: 311 p.
Further Information: A close reading of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
alongside his rhetorical works « Florida » and
« Apologia » shows that these texts self-consciously
present socio-cultural and political identity as
fundamentally-unstable constructs. By lifting the veil on
the notion that identity is a stable way of constructing
social hierarchy, Apuleius satirizes the political world of
the 2nd-cent. Roman empire. Thesis (Ph. D.) -
University of Washington, Seattle (Wash.). Summary
available in ProQuest dissertations database, document
ID 887905293.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 256 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-09432 (300661)
Type: Monograph
Author: Assmann, Jan
Ebeling, Florian
Title of Publication: Ägyptische Mysterien: Reisen in die Unterwelt in Aufklärung und Romantik : eine kommentierte Anthologie
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: München: Beck, 2011
Description: 348 p., ill. index
Further Information: Ausgehend von Isis in der griechisch-römischen Welt anhand von Apuleius
Collection: Beck’sche Reihe, 1992

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Égypte
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

Clauss, Manfred, in: Antike Welt:3 (2012) 91&atitle=&pages=91&date=2012&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 257 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00294 (922871)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ammannati, Giulia
Title of Article: Il Laurenziano 68, 2 (F) e il finale delle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 67 (2011) 229-241
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: I « Florida » sono tramessi insieme all'« Apologia » e alle « Metamorfosi » sin dalla tarda antichità. La lacuna presente nel ms. Firenze, Bibl. Medicea
Laurenziana, 68, 2 fra « Metamorfosi » e « Florida » ha intaccato perciò entrambe le opere

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 258 of 2062 Reference: APh (1106142)
Type: Article in book
Author: Albrecht, Michael von
Title of Article: Ovid and the novel
Title of Publication: Fictional traces: receptions of the ancient novel. Ed. Pinheiro, Marília Pulquério Futre & Harrison, Stephen J. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 14),
Eelde : Barkhuis, 2011. 2 vol. (XXII-254, XXI-211 p.) ill. 4 index
Language: anglais
Pages: Vol. 1, 3-19
Abstract: Sowohl zu Ovids Einfluss auf den antiken Roman (insbesondere Petron und Apuleius) als auch zur Anwendung des modernen Romanbegriffs auf
einige von Ovids Werke, insbesondere die « Metamorphosen ».

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A]

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Record 259 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-02485 (923576)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Adkin, Neil
Title of Article: Some alleged echoes of Apuleius in Jerome
Title of Publication: Classical Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Classical Antiquity
Volume (year) pages: 106: 1 (2011) 66-75
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-837X
DOI: 10.1086/659115
Abstract: Examination of the reminiscences of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in Jerome's « Vita Hilarionis » alleged by S. Weingarten (Studia Patristica. 33
=> 69-03396, p. 383-389) casts doubt on their authenticity ; there is no evidence that Jerome read any work of Apuleius.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Hieronymus Stridonius [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

Related Publication(s)
Cf 69-03396: Studia patristica. 33,


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Record 260 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-02901 (1066697)
Type: Article in book
Author: Zanetto, Giuseppe
Title of Article: P.Oxy. LXX 4762 e il « Romanzo dell'asino »
Title of Publication: I papiri del romanzo antico: atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 11-12 giugno 2009. Ed. Bastianini, Guido & Casanova, Angelo (Studi e
Testi di Papirologia / Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli. N. S., 12), Firenze : Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli, 2010. 288 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 51-63
Abstract: Esame del frammento letterario, dei contatti contenutistici con Luc. Asin 51 e Apul. met. 10, 21-22, e degli elementi mimici che permettono un
confronto con la « Moicheutria » e soprattutto con la « Vita di Esopo »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études
Mimographi - Études
Narratiua - Études
Vitae Aesopi - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 21
Lucianus Samosatensis - Asinus - 51

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Record 261 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-10887 (1076492)
Type: Article in book
Author: Vorwerk, Matthias
Title of Article: Maker or Father ? :: the Demiurge from Plutarch to Plotinus
Title of Publication: One book, the whole universe: Plato's « Timaeus » today. Ed. Mohr, Richard Daniel & Sattler, Barbara M., Las Vegas (Nev.) : Parmenides
Publications, 2010. 406 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 79-100
Abstract: Discussion of Plutarch, Platonic questions 2 ; Alcinous, « Didascalius » ; Apuleius, « De Platone et eius dogmate » ; Numenius, « On the Good » ; and

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Alcinous Scriptor Didascalici - Études
Numenius Apamensis - Études
Plotinus - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études
Citations: Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Moralia - Platonicae quaestiones - 1000 - a [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 262 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-13459 (1088859)
Type: Article in book

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Author: Venit, Marjorie S.

Title of Article: Referencing Isis in tombs of Graeco-Roman Egypt: tradition and innovation
Title of Publication: Isis on the Nile: Egyptian gods in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt : proceedings of the IVth International Conference of Isis Studies, Liège,
November 27-29, 2008 : Michel Malaise « in honorem ». Ed. Malaise, Michel, Bricault, Laurent & Versluys, Miguel John (Religions in the Graeco-
Roman World, 171), Leiden ; Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2010. XXVIII-293 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 89-119
Abstract: In his « Metamorphoses » (9, 6) Apuleius provides a Greek version of the mysteries of Isis. Greek mystery cult, however, differed from secret Egyptian
cult ; Greek mysteries have initiation at their heart, whereas pharaonic Egyptian cult lacked the element of initiation, focusing instead on the afterlife.
The designer of the Tigrane Tomb relied upon a faux-Egyptian style to reference Egyptian Isis’s mastery of the afterlife, while the designer of the
Achmim tomb balanced Egyptian and Hellenic elements to encode the same message. Though Isis may be found in diverse guises and enacting
various roles in the tombs of Graeco-Roman Egypt, Isis most often performs the traditional role inherited from her eschatological function in pharaonic

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 6
Places: Égypte
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 263 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00288 (1066177)
Type: Article in book
Author: Stramaglia, Antonio
Title of Article: Le « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio tra iconografia e papiri
Title of Publication: I papiri del romanzo antico: atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 11-12 giugno 2009. Ed. Bastianini, Guido & Casanova, Angelo (Studi e
Testi di Papirologia / Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli. N. S., 12), Firenze : Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli, 2010. 288 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 165-192
Abstract: In base a un'analisi della documentazione figurativa antica riferibile al romanzo apuleiano, si riesaminano il papiro illustrato PSI 8, 919
(= MP3 2641.2), posto a confronto con Apul. Met. 4, 28-5, 24, e il frammento narrativo P.Oxy. 70, 4762 (= MP3 2630.01), posto a confronto con Apul.
Met. 10, 19-22

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Roman and Greco-Roman art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Narratiua - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 10 - 19 [CWKB Resolver]
- 4 - 28

To cite this record

Record 264 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-06652 (1082495)
Type: Article in book
Author: Spaeth, Barbette Stanley
Title of Article: « The terror that comes in the night »: the night hag and supernatural assault in Latin literature
Title of Publication: « Sub imagine somni »: nighttime phenomena in Greco-Roman culture. Ed. Scioli, Emma Jane & Walde, Christine (Testi e Studi di Cultura Classica,
46), Pisa : ETS, 2010. XVII-313 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 231-258
Abstract: Accurata analisi di quattro diverse versioni del motivo folklorico dell’attacco notturno delle streghe nella letteratura latina : Ou., Fast. 6, 131-169 ;
Petr. 63 ; Apul., Met. 1, 5-19 e 2, 21-30

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Fasti [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 131 [CWKB Resolver]
Petronius Arbiter - Satyrica [view article in LLT-A] - 63

To cite this record

Record 265 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00325 (922882)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Santamaría Hernández, María Teresa
Title of Article: Testimonios de una traducción latina antigua del « Liber Alexandri magni de septem herbis septem planetarum » en el « Herbario » de Pseudo
Title of Publication: Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Volume (year) pages: 4 (2010) 149-161
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 281

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ISSN/ISBN: 1973-5049
Abstract: I frammenti del « Liber » attribuito al re Alessandro, tràditi nel trattato dello Pseudo-Apuleio, aiutano a stabilire un terminus ante quem per datare
l'originale greco

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 266 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00284 (917645)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Rocchi, Stefano
Title of Article: Apul. Met. 10, 18, 3: ancora sulla correzione « raedarum » per il tradito « praedarum »
Title of Publication: Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 138: 3 (2010) 381
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0777
Abstract: Trotz neuerer Kritik ist an der Emendation « raedarum » festzuhalten.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 18 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 267 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00283 (917644)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Article: Apulée, un nouveau Socrate ? :: une analyse des rapports d'intertextualité entre le « De magia » et l'« Apologie de Socrate » de Platon
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 69: 2 (2010) 429-445
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Au-delà de la référence à la figure symbolique de Socrate, met en lumière les rapports littéraires et philosophiques étroits entre le texte de Platon et
celui d'Apulée

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 268 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-06441 (919945)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pisano, Alessandra
Title of Article: « Milesiae » apuleiane e petroniane a confronto
Title of Publication: Bollettino di Studi Latini: Periodico Semestrale d’Informazione Bibliografica
Volume (year) pages: 40: 2 (2010) 481-497
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0006-6583
Abstract: Al di là delle caratteristiche peculiari, sono molte le analogie tra le novelle dei due autori sotto il profilo strutturale (secondo le categorie funzionali
proppiane), tematico e della funzione che esse svolgono nei rispettivi macrocontesti

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Propp, Vladimir (folkloriste russe ; 1895-1970)

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Record 269 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00282 (1066175)
Type: Article in book
Author: Piccioni, Francesca
Title of Article: Il « De magia » di Apuleio: un testimone trascurato : il codice Assisiate 706
Title of Publication: Linguaggi del potere, poteri del linguaggio = Langages du pouvoir, pouvoirs du langage. Ed. Bona, Edoardo & Curnis, Michele (Culture Antiche. Studi
e Testi, 23), Alessandria : Ed. dell’Orso, 2010. XII-458 p.
Language: latin
Pages: 365-375
Abstract: Si esaminano le lezioni apportate al « De magia » apuleiano dal ms. Assisi, Biblioteca del Sacro Convento, Fondo antico della Biblioteca
Comunale 706 (11° sec.), « codex descriptus » del ms. Firenze, Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, Laur. 68, 2, e prezioso strumento di verifica per i guasti di

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 270 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-10722 (940942)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Omena, Luciane Munhoz de
Silva, Suiany Bueno
Title of Article: Memória de viajante : as faces da escravidão no Mediterrâneo antigo (século II d.C.)
Title of Publication: Praesentia : Revista Venezolana de Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 11 (2010) non paginé
Language: portugais
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1365-1857
Abstract: Se examinan las relaciones de poder entre esclavos y amos a partir de un instrumento analítico en el que el poder se ejerce mediante mecanismos
generalizados en el que todos los actores actúan y sienten sus efectos. Se explican las acciones de los esclavos, que se muestran en la vida
cotidiana en las « Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo, como prácticas de poder, incluso si se encuentran en situaciones de inferioridad y subordinación,
ejercen un cierto poder en circunstancias en las que realizan sus trabajos o incluso en las negociaciones con sus señores en entornos domésticos o

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 271 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-05931 (1067231)
Type: Article in book
Author: Núñez, Loreto
Title of Article: Performance du mensonge: mise en scène de la narration trompeuse chez Pétrone et Apulée
Title of Publication: Acting with words: communication, rhetorical performance and performative acts in Latin literature. Ed. Fuhrer, Therese & Nelis, Damien P. (Bibliothek
der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaften. Neue Folge. 2. Reihe, 125), Heidelberg : Winter, 2010. 257 p.
Language: français
Pages: 143-177
Abstract: La narration trompeuse est un acte narratif dont la visée est de duper l'interlocuteur. Examine comment les personnages de Pétrone et Apulée utilisent
le mensonge. Celui-ci ne touche pas seulement le rapport entre les personnages impliqués, mais également la relation entre le narrateur principal et
son narrataire, reflets fictionnels de l'auteur et du lecteur

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 272 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00248 (292461)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Norden, Eduard
Thumann, Paul
Title of Publication: Amor und Psyche / Apuleius ; [übertr. von Eduard Norden ; ill. von Paul Thumann]
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Neufahrn: Miniaturbuchverl. Leipzig, 2010
Description: 284 p., ill.
Further Information: Vergleiche auch => 79-00271.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Related Publication(s)
Cf 79-00271: Amor und Psyche

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Record 273 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00280 (917642)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nicolini, Lara
Title of Article: Nota ad Apuleio, Met. 11, 28
Title of Publication: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 138: 1-2 (2010) 194-197
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6220
Abstract: Nota critica

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 28 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 274 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00279 (917641)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nicolini, Lara
Title of Article: Due proposte al testo delle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio (5, 28 e 11, 23)
Title of Publication: Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption
Volume (year) pages: 154: 1 (2010) 149-154
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-7985
Abstract: In Met. 5, 28 ist die richtige Interpunktion « nescio domina : puto puellam - si probe memini Psyches nomine ; dicitur efflicte cupere », wobei « esse »
nach « puellam » logisch zu ergänzen ist. Das problematische « nomine » mit Genitiv wird durch die Lesart « Psychen » beseitigt. In Met. 11, 23 lautet
die richtige Lesart « sed parem noxam contraherent et aures et lingua, < illicitae intemperantiae ista > illae temerariae curiositatis ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 11 - 23
- 5 - 28 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 275 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00237 (927554)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Morwood, James H. W.
Title of Article: Cupid grows up
Title of Publication: Greece and Rome: Journal of the Classical Association
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 2, 57: 1 (2010) 107-116
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-3835
DOI: 10.1017/S0017383509990301
Abstract: The Cupid and Psyche episode in Apuleius's « Metamorphoses » says serious things about the nature of love and the psychology of the lovers. It can
be argued that the Cupid who removes Psyche to an earthly paradise (5, 1) is just as much in need of an emotional education as she is. In the course
of the story the irresponsible youth grows into an individual who has made a commitment to a single woman, and it is appropriate that this union
should last forever.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 1


To cite this record

Record 276 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00254 (1066171)
Type: Article in book
Author: Moreschini, Claudio
Title of Article: La novella di Amore e Psiche
Title of Publication: Atti del convegno nazionale di studi « lector, intende, laetaberis »: il romanzo dei Greci e dei Romani : Torino, 27-28 aprile 2009. Ed. Uglione, Renato,
Alessandria : Ed. dell’Orso, 2010. 277 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 209-241
Abstract: Letture della novella di Amore e Psiche : dall'esegesi allegorica di Fulgenzio (serm. ant. 68 21-22, 69 2-4) e Boccaccio (Genealogia deorum
gentilium 5 22) a quelle folklorica, religiosa, letteraria, moralistica e platonica nel 19° secolo

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Fulgentius Ruspensis [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Fulgentius Mythographus - Expositio sermonum antiquorum [view article in LLT-A]
- 68 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]
- 69 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom récent: Boccaccio, Giovanni (écrivain italien ; 1313-1375)

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Record 277 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00318 (1069173)
Type: Article in book
Author: May, Regine
Title of Article: The function of verse quotations in Apuleius' speeches: making the case with Plato
Title of Publication: Form and function in Roman oratory. Ed. Berry, Dominic H. & Erskine, Andrew, Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Pr., 2010. XIV-353 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 175-192

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Abstract: Apuleius' poetic quotations are more than ornament or stylistic self-representation, but serve to define his speeches as philosophical, and specifically
as Platonic, discourse. His method varies according to genre. Especially in the « Florida » and « Apologia », he uses epic poetry when he wants to
make a Platonic point, a factor which explains the disproportionate amount of epic quotation in these works. The quotations communicate Apuleius'
conception of a Platonic philosopher as an orator and a learned instructor combined. In the « Apologia » Apuleius links himself with his Platonist
predecessors by increasing his quotation of Greek. His tendency to quote poetry is part of his strategy of defiance as the Platonic philosopher on trial.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 278 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-03103 (937670)
Type: Article in journal
Author: May, Regine
Title of Article: An ass from Oxyrhynchus: P.Oxy. LXX.4762, Loukios of Patrae and the Milesian tales
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 8 (2010) 59-83
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: In dem 15 Zeilen umfassenden Papyrus ist von einer Frau die Rede, die einen Esel küsst. Dies lässt auf eine sexuell explizite Szene schliessen, die
Ähnlichkeiten mit Apul. Met. 10, 21 und (Ps.-)Lucian. Asin. 51 aufweist. Dabei handelt es sich wohl nicht um ein Fragment des verloren gegangenen
griechischen Eselsromans des Loukios von Patrai, sondern eher um das Fragment einer prosimetrischen milesischen Erzählung des (ebenfalls
verlorenen) Aristeides von Milet.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aristides Milesius - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études
Lucius Patrensis - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 21
Lucianus Samosatensis - Asinus - 51

To cite this record

Record 279 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-06482 (919955)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mattiacci, Silvia
Title of Article: « Ad cothurnum ascendere »: Fedro, Marziale, Apuleio e le tentazioni del sublime
Title of Publication: Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 36: 2 (2010) 168-184
Language: latin
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-2698
Abstract: Analogie e differenze nel modo in cui i tre autori portano avanti una comune ed autoironica strategia difensiva della loro scelta di un genere letterario
considerato « minore »

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - d) Oratory - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Martialis (M. Valerius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Phaedrus Scriptor fabularum [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 280 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00276 (917639)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mattei, Sofia
Title of Article: L' erbario di Apuleio Platonico: un'ipotesi sulla datazione
Title of Publication: Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale
Volume (year) pages: 52: 1 (2010) 139-144
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6085
Abstract: L'aggiunta dell'attributo « Platonicus » al nome di Apuleius nella « praefatio » permette di considerare l'editto di Giustiniano del 529 d.C. il terminus
ante quem per la redazione della maior dell'« Herbarius Apuleii »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Iustinianus (empereur ; 1 ; 483-565)

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Record 281 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00275 (917638)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Martos, Juan José
Title of Article: Nota a Apuleyo, Florida 9, 8
Title of Publication: Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche
Volume (year) pages: 62: 1 (2010) 59-63
Language: espagnol; castillan

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ISSN/ISBN: 0025-0538
Abstract: Si difende il tràdito « utilitas » sulla base di alcuni paralleli, soprattutto ciceroniani, in cui, come nel passo apuleiano, il termine viene messo in
connessione con « dignitas »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 282 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-12480 (303789)
Type: Miscellany
Author: Mantovani, Dario
Pellecchi, Luigi
Title of Publication: Eparcheia, autonomia e civitas Romana: studi sulla giurisdizione criminale dei governatori di provincia (II sec. a.C-II d.C.) / a cura di Dario Mantovani,
Luigi Pellecchi
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Pavia: IUSS Pr., 2010
Description: XIV-350 p., index
Further Information: Enthält u. a. Beiträge zu Paulus von Tarsus und zu Apuleius
Collection: Pubblicazioni del CEDANT, 7

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - B. - Public life. Institutions - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
X. - Festschriften and collections - A. - Proceedings and collections
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Paulus (personnage biblique ; apôtre)

Robinson, Olivia F., in: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, (2013) 590-592&atitle=&pages=590-592&
date=2013&volume=130&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 283 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-11306 (1084088)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lev Kenaan, Vered
Title of Article: The ancient road to the unconscious: on dream narratives and repressed desires in ancient fiction
Title of Publication: « Sub imagine somni »: nighttime phenomena in Greco-Roman culture. Ed. Scioli, Emma Jane & Walde, Christine (Testi e Studi di Cultura Classica,
46), Pisa : ETS, 2010. XVII-313 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 165-183
Abstract: Connessione fra il concetto antico di sogno « psicologico », ovvero non profetico, e il processo di scrittura : questo tipo di sogno diventa un potente
strumento narrativo (caratterizzato da elementi tipici dei sogni quali la distorsione, la mancanza di logica e l’assurdità), come risulta evidente in autori
quali Platone e Apuleio, che attraverso una vera e propria « poetica del sogno » narrano esperienze inaspettate ma allo stesso tempo rivelatrici di
desideri inconsci dei protagonisti

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - a) General subjects - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 284 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00291 (295515)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Leão, Delfim Ferreira
Title of Publication: Conto de amor e psique / Apuleio ; introd., trad. e notas Delfim Ferreira Leão
Language: portugais
Place: Publisher, year: Lisboa: Sociedade Editora de Livros de Bolso, 2010
Description: 123 p.
Collection: Biblioteca editores independentes, 76

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Teixeira, Cláudia Amparo Afonso, in: Humanitas, (2011) 660-662&atitle=&pages=660-662&date=2011&volume=63&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 285 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00274 (292462)
Type: Monograph
Author: Kirichenko, Alexander

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Title of Publication: A comedy of storytelling: theatricality and narrative in Apuleius' « Golden ass »
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Heidelberg: Winter, 2010
Description: XII-248 p., 2 index
Further Information: Gedruckte Version von 80-00333 mit neuem Titel
Collection: Bibliothek der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaften. Neue Folge. 2. Reihe, 127

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Bairin, Élodie, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2012) 279-280&atitle=&pages=279-280&date=2012&volume=81&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :4 (2013) 364-365&atitle=&pages=364-365&date=2013&volume=120&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
May, Regine, in: Ancient Narrative, (2012) 181-190&atitle=&pages=181-190&date=2012&volume=10&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Núñez, Loreto, in: Museum Helveticum, :2 (2011) 223&atitle=&pages=223&date=2011&volume=68&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Puccini, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2013) 321-322&atitle=&pages=321-322&date=2013&volume=91&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Salles, Catherine, in: Latomus, :3 (2013) 860&atitle=&pages=860&date=2013&volume=72&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Tilg, Stefan, in: Gnomon, :7 (2011) 658-661&atitle=&pages=658-661&date=2011&volume=83&issue=7&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 80-00333: Apuleius' « Golden ass »
Cf 84-05856: Neuerscheinungen zum lateinischen Roman

To cite this record

Record 286 of 2062 Reference: APh 85-11457 (941175)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Title of Article: Different drinking habits: satirical strategies of self-fashioning in Antonine ego-narrative
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 8 (2010) 85-113
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Eine Analyse von Gellius’ « Noctes Atticae » und Apuleius’ « Metamporphosen » aus synchron-kultureller Perspektive lässt erkennen, dass beide
Autoren zwar die griechischen Bildungsideale teilen, dass aber Gellius besonders dem republikanischen Ideal der traditionellen römischen « ueritas »
verpflichtet ist, während Apuleius ein religiös veranlagter Platonist ist.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Gellius (Aulus) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 287 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00247 (917625)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Habermehl, Peter
Title of Article: Apuleiana recentiora
Title of Publication: Gymnasium : Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und humanistische Bildung
Volume (year) pages: 117: 2 (2010) 149-154
Language: latin
Abstract Information: en all.
ISSN/ISBN: 0342-5231
Abstract: Rezensionsaufsatz zu 79-00275 und 79-00276, zu 77-00289 und 77-17515 sowie zu 79-00271, 78-00297 und 78-00274.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Outils

Related Publication(s)
Cf 77-00289: « Desultoria scientia »
Cf 77-17515: « Lectiones scrupulosae »
Cf 78-00274: Apuleius Madaurensis, Metamorphoses. Book I
Cf 78-00297: Apuleius and drama
Cf 79-00271: Amor und Psyche
Cf 79-00275: The Protean ass
Cf 79-00276: The fortunes of Apuleius and the Golden Ass

To cite this record

Record 288 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-06411 (1067383)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: Amore, « dolcezza », stupore: romanzo antico e filosofia

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Title of Publication: Atti del convegno nazionale di studi « lector, intende, laetaberis »: il romanzo dei Greci e dei Romani : Torino, 27-28 aprile 2009. Ed. Uglione, Renato,
Alessandria : Ed. dell’Orso, 2010. 277 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 57-88
Abstract: Influenza della filosofia sul genere del romanzo : lettura allegorica del « Leucippe e Clitofonte » di Achille Tazio in A.P. 9, 203 e confronto con il
« Fedro » platonico ; valore filosofico dello stupore nell'« Asino d'oro » di Apuleio

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Achilles Tatius Scriptor eroticus - Études
Anthologia Graeca - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Anthologia Graeca - Anthologia Graeca - 9 - 203 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 289 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00269 (917635)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gärtner, Thomas
Title of Article: Die Rache der Charite bei Apuleius als kumulative Imitation der euripideischen Hekabe und des sophokleischen Ödipus
Title of Publication: Athenaeum: Studi Periodici di Letteratura e Storia dell’Antichità
Volume (year) pages: 98: 1 (2010) 255-258
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-6574
Abstract: Il racconto di Apuleio della vendetta di Carite all'inizio del libro 8 appare seguire in modo sistematico i modelli dell'« Ecuba » euripidea e dell'« Edipo »
di Sofocle, intrecciando nell'azione di Carite la lenta pianificazione della vendetta propria della prima e il « pathos » della scena dell'accecamento del

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Euripides - Réception et survie
Sophocles Tragicus Maior - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 1

To cite this record

Record 290 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00268 (917634)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gärtner, Thomas
Title of Article: Die Binnenerzählung des Thelyphron in den « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius: ein Reflex des urprünglichen Endes des griechischen Eselromans
Title of Publication: Museum Helveticum: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Klassische Altertumswissenschaft = Revue Suisse pour l’Étude de l’Antiquité Classique
Volume (year) pages: 67: 1 (2010) 35-42
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0027-4054
DOI: 10.5169/seals-109704
Abstract: Le récit de Thélyphron en met. 2, 21-30 possède une cohérence narrative parfaite, sauf dans sa conclusion. Thélyphron, après s'être acquitté de sa
tâche de veilleur de morts est subitement chassé de la maison de la riche veuve. Cet épisode anticipe ce qui arrivera à Lucius à la fin du roman et
peut être donc compris, par un lecteur lettré, comme une allusion intertextuelle au modèle grec

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 291 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-06386 (919935)
Type: Article in journal
Author: García Gual, Carlos
Title of Article: Traducción y literatura
Title of Publication: Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: Anejo 1 (2010) 35-52
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0014-1453
Abstract: Sobre las traducciones del « Asno de oro » de Apuleyo, de las « Etiópicas » de Heliodoro, y de « Dafnis y Cloe » de Longo.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Outils

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Heliodorus Emesenus - Réception et survie
Longus - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 292 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-07238 (1070681)
Type: Article in book
Author: Feichtinger, Barbara
Title of Article: Er, sie, es erzählt: zur Inszenierung der Geschlechtlichkeit der Erzähl-« persona »
Title of Publication: Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften.: Gender-Inszenierungen in der antiken Literatur. Ed. Formisano, Marco & Fuhrer, Therese (Iphis, 5),
Trier : Wissenschaftlicher Verl. Trier, 2010. 235 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 199-217
Abstract: Jede Erzähl-« persona » verfügt über Tiefendimensionen, die auf der Ebene der Narration selbst verankert sind, die gleichsam durch das Erzählen
selbst gebildet werden und die Erzähl-« persona » im engeren Sinne überschreiten. Man kann von drei Rollenerwartungen sprechen, die mit der
Erzähl-« persona » verbunden sind : Sie entwirft eine Welt, verfügt über metapoetische Kompetenzen und ist mit dem Autor verknüpft. Die
Möglichkeiten, wie diese Rollenerwartungen erfüllt werden, bestimmen die Beschaffenheit und Qualität eines Textes. Die unterschiedlichen Aspekte
der Erzählerrolle zeigen sich am Beispiel von Apuleius' « Metamorphosen ». In den Elegien des Sulpicia-Zyklus im Corpus Tibullianum ist das
Problemfeld weiblicher Erzähler/weibliche Autorenschaft von besonderer Bedeutung.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Sulpicia [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 293 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-06030 (1067268)
Type: Article in book
Author: Crismani, Daria
Title of Article: Non solo mal d'amore
Title of Publication: Body, disease and treatment in a changing world: Latin texts and contexts in ancient and medieval medicine : proceedings of the ninth international
conference « Ancient Latin medical texts » Hulme Hall, University of Manchester, 5th-8th September 2007. Ed. Langslow, David R. & Maire, Brigitte,
Lausanne : Éd. BHMS, 2010. 403 p.
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
Pages: 89-101
Abstract: Sur le motif du mal d'amour, de ses symptômes physiologiques et de ses remèdes, notamment chez Apulée (par ex. met. 10, 2). Influence de la
littérature médicale

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
VIII. - Science and technology - E. - Life science and technology - c) Medical science - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 294 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-02573 (918577)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Cioffi, Rob
Trnka-Amrhein, Yvona
Title of Article: What's in a name ? :: further similarities between Lollianos' « Phoinikika » and Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Volume (year) pages: 173 (2010) 66-68
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0084-5388
Abstract: Vermutlich handelt es sich bei μυρρίνη in dem Lollianfragment P.Oxy. 73, 4945 (= MP3 1284.31) um einen Eigennamen. Der gleiche Name erscheint
in Apul. Met. 2, 24. Dies fügt sich ein in eine Kette von Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen beiden Texten. Dabei ist es weitaus wahrscheinlicher, dass
Apuleius von Lollianus (und vom lukianischen « Onos ») beeinflusst ist, als dass Lollianus und der lukianische « Onos » unabhängig voneinander auf
Apuleius' Text anspielen.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Lollianus Scriptor eroticus - Réception et survie
Lucianus Samosatensis - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 24 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 295 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00262 (917630)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Cameron, Alan
Title of Article: Psyche and her sisters
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines

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Volume (year) pages: 69: 4 (2010) 1070-1077

Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Psyché menant ses soeurs à leur perte n'est que l'instrument de la vengeance de Cupidon lui-même ; il est en cela aidé par Pan, qui représente la
violence sauvage et irraisonnée du désir contrarié

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 296 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00260 (917629)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Borghini, Alberto
Seita, Mario
Title of Article: C'è fabbro e fabbro ... :: Apul. Met. 9.7.5
Title of Publication: Sileno: Rivista Semestrale di Studi Classici e Cristiani
Volume (year) pages: 36: 1-2 (2010) 213-216
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en lat.
Abstract: Nota esegetica

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 7 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 297 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00258 (1066173)
Type: Article in book
Author: Bergemann, Lutz
Title of Article: Inversion stoischer Askesevorstellungen in Apuleius' Roman « Der goldene Esel »
Title of Publication: Askese und Identität in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Ed. Röcke, Werner & Weitbrecht, Julia (Transformationen der Antike, 14), Berlin ;
New York : De Gruyter, 2010. VI-307 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 35-53
Abstract: In Apuleius' Roman werden Grundlehren einer ernsthaften asketischen Lebenskunst im Sinne einer therapeutischen Sorge um sich selbst in eine Art
Gegenteil mit karnevalesken Anteilen verkehrt. Dennoch findet Lucius als invertierter stoischer Weiser in völliger Hingabe an sein affektives
Betroffensein und in unmittelbarer Offenheit gegenüber einer unverfügbaren Umwelt zur « Freude ». Auf gleiche Weise soll sich auch der Leser dem
Text anvertrauen und ebenso emotional wie unmittelbar auf ihn mit Lachen, Erschütterung und Erregung reagieren. Der Prolog impliziert, dass dies ein
gewisses Mass an Heilung bedeutet, die zwar ein Stoiker nicht favorisieren würde, die aber der unasketische Gott des Lachens verspricht.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Stoici (école philosophique)

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Record 298 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00257 (1066172)
Type: Article in book
Author: Barchiesi, Alessandro
Title of Article: Le « Metamorfosi » nell'atrio
Title of Publication: Atti del convegno nazionale di studi « lector, intende, laetaberis »: il romanzo dei Greci e dei Romani : Torino, 27-28 aprile 2009. Ed. Uglione, Renato,
Alessandria : Ed. dell’Orso, 2010. 277 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 187-208
Abstract: Valenza metaletteraria e intertestuale di met. 2, 4-5 : la descrizione dell'atrio mitologico di Birrena come esempio di relazione tra un testo letterario e
una sua parte, che viene valorizzata come specchio dell'opera intera e della sua poetica. La possibilità dell'atrio di agire come significante di
romanizzazione sarebbe ripresa da Ovidio (met. 13 968 ; 14 9-10, 260, 314), come la tendenza a reinterpretare la tradizione greca in termini di un
gusto « imperiale »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 4
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A]
- 13 - 968 [CWKB Resolver]
- 14
- 260 [CWKB Resolver]
- 314 [CWKB Resolver]
- 9 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 299 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00344 (911419)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Toschi, Alberto
Title of Article: Apul. Flor. 16,13 « occipiunt inter se queri »
Title of Publication: Eikasmos: Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica

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Volume (year) pages: 20 (2009) 269-271

Language: latin
Abstract Information: en ital., rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1121-8819
Abstract: Il tradito « queri » deve essere mantenuto : il poliptoto con il precedente « queruntur » ha effetto di potenziamento espressivo e la rappresentazione di
un pubblico turbolento è coerente con il contesto ; Plin. Epist. 1, 13, 4 utilizza il verbo con lo stesso significato

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plinius Caecilius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 16 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]
Plinius Caecilius Secundus (C.) - Epistulae [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 13 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 300 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00343 (911418)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Takács Sarolta, Anna
Title of Article: Initiations and mysteries in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics
Volume (year) pages: 12: 1 (2008-2009) 15
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1320-3606
Abstract: Discussion of the concept of initiation ritual in relation to Apuleius' description of Lucius' multiple initiations into the cult of Isis and Osiris. Apuleius does
not tell us anything about the mysteries other than what an uninitiated one would know : there was a ritual death and rebirth ; at the moment of
initiation all senses were heightened ; and the divine and the human world collapsed into one. Throughout the novel, Apuleius tries to explain playfully
that the uninitiated may know the cult's secret intuitively or accidentally, but because we are uninitiated we have no way of knowing that we know this.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - e) Other religions - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Osiris (divinité égyptienne)

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Record 301 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00287 (1066176)
Type: Article in book
Author: Speyer, Wolfgang
Title of Article: Das « Märchen » von Amor und Psyche als Offenbarungstext mit einem Ausblick auf Goethes « Selige Sehnsucht »
Title of Publication: Aiakeion: Beiträge zur klassischen Altertumswissenschaft zu Ehren von Florens Felten. Ed. Reinholdt, Claus, Scherrer, Peter & Wohlmayr, Wolfgang,
Wien : Phoibos, 2009. 177 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 161-169
Abstract: Das Märchen des Apuleius kann als Offenbarungstext über die Einheit der Gegensätze und damit als ein Schlüsseltext zum Verständnis der
Wirklichkeit gelesen werden. In Spannung stehen Gottheit und Mensch, Mann und Frau. Nur dort, wo es den Gegensatz gibt, kann es auch
menschliche Entwicklung geben, d. h. infolge der Spannung der Gegensätze eine Einheit entstehen. Goethes Gedicht aus dem « West-östlichen
Divan » enthält Reflexe des Märchens von Amor und Psyche. Beiden Autoren geht es um das Mysterion der Einswerdung des Menschen mit seinem
Ursprung und seinem Ziel, dem Göttlichen.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (homme de lettres allemand ; 1749-1832)

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Record 302 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00342 (911417)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Smith, Warren S.
Title of Article: Apuleius and the New Testament: Lucius' conversion experience
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 7 (2009) 51-73
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Le livre 11 des « Métamorphoses » témoigne d'un désir de renouveau spirituel, même si Apulée partage l'hostilité de plusieurs auteurs romains de son
époque envers le christianisme. On peut établir un parallèle entre la conversion isiaque de Lucius et celle de Paul dans les « Actes de apôtres » :
cette expérience transforme complètement leur vision d'eux-mêmes et du monde et les conduit à changer radicalement leur style de vie. Mais la
consécration de sa vie à un idéal, motif commun aux deux textes, considérée parfois par la critique comme irréaliste ou ironique, peut être envisagée
avec légèreté ou moquerie par les non-initiés incapables de participer à l'expérience mystique

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11
Nom antique: Paulus (personnage biblique ; apôtre)

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Record 303 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00341 (1062995)
Type: Article in book

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Author: Schneider, Catherine

Title of Article: Discours écoutés, discours prononcés dans l'Afrique romaine: l'« Apologie » d'Apulée ou le trompe-l'œil absolu
Title of Publication: Discorsi alla prova: atti del quinto colloquio italo-francese « Discorsi pronunciati, discorsi ascoltati : contesti di eloquenza tra Grecia, Roma ed
Europa » : Napoli - S. Maria di Castellabate (Sa) 21-23 settembre 2006. Ed. Abbamonte, Giancarlo (Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Filologia
Classica dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II ; N. S. N. S., 1), Napoli : Giannini, 2009. 639 p.
Language: français
Pages: 391-419
Abstract: Per determinare la natura dell'opera apuleiana occorre considerare le numerose digressioni che vi compaiono : elogi, riflessioni estetiche, filosofiche e
fisiche, esempi di « controuersiae » e « suasoriae », esercizi tipici delle scuole di grammatica, come l'etopea, la prosopopea e l'ekphrasis, svelano
l'intento retorico-pedagogico di distrarre, ma anche istruire il pubblico, tramite un'orazione di difesa che si rivela una sorta di « institutio oratoriae »

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - d) Oratory - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 304 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-12442 (1065517)
Type: Article in book
Author: Santapau Pastor, María del Carmen
Title of Article: « Votum postulare, pomum adponere, paulisper adsidere »: religiosidad, vías y viandantes en época romana
Title of Publication: Perfiles de Grecia y Roma: actas del XII Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, Valencia, 22 al 26 de octubre de 2007. 1. Ed. González Castro,
José Francisco, Siles Ruiz, Jaime & Villa Polo, Jesús de la, Madrid : Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, 2009. 996 p.
Language: latin
Pages: 823-830
Abstract: A partir de Apuleyo, Flor. 1, se estudia la relación entre un conjunto de datos literarios, arqueológicos y epigráficos que informan acerca de las
manifestaciones de culto expresadas en el recorrido de ciertas vías antiguas. Estas expresiones religiosas aparecen en ámbitos culturales y
temporales diversos, tanto en áreas de influencia romana como de raigambre céltica o germánica.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 1

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Record 305 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00310 (289429)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Rode, August
Title of Publication: Der goldene Esel / Lucius Apuleius ; in der Übers. von August Rode [Behutsam rev. und neu bearb. nach der Ausg. Berlin, 1920]
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Wiesbaden: Marix Verl., 2009
Description: 255 p., Behutsam rev. und neu bearb. nach der Ausg. Berlin, 1920
Further Information: Zur 1. Ausg. => J. Marouzeau, Dix années de bibliographie classique, S. 24

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

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Record 306 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00312 (289430)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Relihan, Joel C.
Title of Publication: The tale of Cupid and Psyche / Apuleius ; transl., with prefaces, allegorical appendices, notes, afterthoughts, and index, by Joel C. Relihan
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Indianapolis (Ind.): Hackett, 2009
Description: XXIII-102 p., index

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Carlisle, David P. C., in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:9 (2009) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2009&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Lux, Jarrod, in: The Classical Bulletin, :2 (2009) 153-154&atitle=&pages=153-154&date=2009&volume=85&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 307 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00340 (1062994)
Type: Article in book
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Article: La vertu de sagesse existe-t-elle dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée ?
Title of Publication: Passions, vertus et vices dans l'ancien roman: actes du colloque de Tours, 19-21 octobre 2006. Ed. Pouderon, Bernard, Bost-Pouderon, Cécile &
Montanari, Sébastien (Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 42; Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. Série
Littéraire et Philosophique, 14), Paris : De Boccard, 2009; Paris : De Boccard, 2009. 457 p.
Language: français

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Abstract Information: rés. en angl.

Pages: 283-296
Abstract: Lecture des « Métamorphoses » à la lumière de la théorie platonicienne de la sagesse exposée par Apulée dans ses œuvres philosophiques

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 308 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00281 (917643)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Penwill, John L.
Title of Article: On choosing a life: variations on an epic theme in Apuleius Met. 10 & 11
Title of Publication: Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature
Volume (year) pages: 38: 1 (2009) 85-108
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0048-671X
Abstract: The epic theme (e.g., Homer, Il. 9, 410-416 ; Silius 15, 107-108) of choice between two kinds of life is taken up in the final two books of Apuleius'
« Metamorphoses ». The choice for Lucius is between two goddesses, Venus and Isis, one representing self-indulgence and the other self-denial. An
additional feature is a representation of the judgement of Paris, it too revolving around the issue of choice, although here the choice is more between
competing male pleasures than between virtue and pleasure. Apuleius weaves both themes into his narrative.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Homerus - Études
Silius Italicus (Ti. Catius Asconius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 10 - 1
- 11 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Homerus - Ilias - 9 - 410 [CWKB Resolver]
Silius Italicus (Ti. Catius Asconius) - Punica [view article in LLT-A] - 15 - 107 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)
Paris Alexandros (héros ; fils de Priam)
Venus (divinité)

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Record 309 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00338 (1062993)
Type: Article in book
Author: Núñez, Loreto
Title of Article: « Apuleius : orator metasophisticus »: miroirs d'un orateur
Title of Publication: Jeux de voix: énonciation, intertextualité et intentionnalité dans la littérature antique. Ed. Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin, Burnier, Alexandre, Núñez,
Loreto & Bertholet, Florence (Echo, 8), Bern ; Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2009. XVII-406 p.
Language: latin
Pages: 285-316
Abstract: Sur les différents masques qu'Apulée arbore dans le recueil des « Florides » lorsqu'il se compare à certains philosophes ou sophistes

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 310 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00255 (917627)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Navarro Lázaro, Andrés
Title of Article: « Fabola de Psiche », traducción renacentista italiana: edición
Title of Publication: Rinascimento : rivista dell’Istituto nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento
Volume (year) pages: 49 (2009) 101-207
Language: espagnol; castillan
ISSN/ISBN: 0080-3073
Abstract: Edizione critica con introduzione e note del volgarizzamento rinascimentale di autore incerto della favola di Amore e Psiche

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 311 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00335 (911414)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Maselli, Giorgio
Title of Article: Riflessi cristiani in Apuleio: un possibile antecedente della « laus paupertatis » : (Apol. 18, 2-6)
Title of Publication: Invigilata Lucernis
Volume (year) pages: 31 (2009) 119-129
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-8357

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Abstract: Nonostante vari studi si siano recentemente concentrati sui possibili nessi intercorrenti fra Apuleio e la religione cristiana, essi appaiono piuttosto
tenui. Tuttavia, è verosimile che Apuleio abbia assorbito un certo lessico proprio del cristianesimo, senza che ciò sia fatto obbligatoriamente con un
intento derisorio. In tal senso può essere utile un confronto tra la « laus paupertatis » contenuta in Apol. 18, 2-6 e il passo concernente la
personificazione di ἀγάπη nella paolina « Prima lettera ai Corinzi » (13, 4-7)

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - d) Christianity - - General subjects. Institutions and history of the church - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 18 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Paulus (personnage biblique ; apôtre)

Related Publication(s)
Cf 82-00317: Riflessi cristiani in Apuleio. 2,

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Record 312 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00313 (922876)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Konstan, David
Title of Article: From Isis to Islam: the metamorphoses of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Giornale italiano di filologia
Volume (year) pages: 61: 1-2 (2009) 173-180
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-0461
DOI: 10.1484/J.GIF.5.101773
Abstract: Una tecnica tipica della narrazione delle « Metamorfosi » consiste nell'intreccio di diverse storie per creare un racconto più complesso e articolato.
Questa tecnica è esaminata per una novella del 10° libro e messa a confronto con un racconto popolare egiziano pubblicato nel 1980

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 313 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00272 (917637)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hindermann, Judith
Title of Article: The elegiac ass: the concept of « seruitium amoris » in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature
Volume (year) pages: 38: 1 (2009) 75-84
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0048-671X
Abstract: Although it has been observed that Lucius acts like a slave towards his beloved, the slave girl Photis, the idea of elegiac « seruitium amoris » has not
been analyzed systematically as an explanation of this relationship. In presenting the two as an elegiac couple, Apuleius adds another form of love to
the spectrum of relationships between the sexes that he presents in the work. The fact that Lucius' relationship to the goddess Isis, the other main
female character in the novel, also shows typically elegiac elements makes it possible to reopen the old discussion concerning the relationship of the
first ten books to the eleventh. The assumption that Book 11 is basically a religious text where love has no place has led critics to overlook the erotic
undertone and the parallels between elegiac « amator » and religious devotee.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - a) Poetry - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 314 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00332 (289433)
Type: Monograph
Author: Hindermann, Judith
Title of Publication: Der elegische Esel: Apuleius' « Metamorphosen » und Ovids « Ars amatoria »
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Bern ; Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2009
Description: 229 p.
Further Information: Interpretation des Romans vor dem Hintergrund von Ovids Werk
Collection: Studien zur Klassischen Philologie, 162

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :2 (2012) 520-522&atitle=&pages=520-522&date=2012&volume=71&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Gärtner, Thomas, in: Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft, (2010) 1007-1013&atitle=&pages=1007-1013&date=2010&volume=13&issue=&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Kirichenko, Alexander, in: Wiener Studien, (2010) 282-283&atitle=&pages=282-283&date=2010&volume=123&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Müller-Reineke, Hendrik, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:9 (2010) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2010&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Tilg, Stefan, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2011) 297-298&atitle=&pages=297-298&date=2011&volume=101&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 315 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00331 (1062991)
Type: Article in book
Author: Heinrich, Fritz
Title of Article: Der religiöse Intellektuelle: Apuleius und Ali Schariati als Repräsentanten eines religionswissenschaftlichen Typus
Title of Publication: Religiöse Philosophie und philosophische Religion der frühen Kaiserzeit: literaturgeschichtliche Perspektiven. Ed. Hirsch-Luipold, Rainer,
Görgemanns, Herwig, Albrecht, Michael von & Thum, Tobias (Ratio-religionis-Studien, 1; Studies and texts in antiquity and Christianity, 51), Tübingen :
Mohr Siebeck, 2009; Tübingen : Mohr, 2009. X-418 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 315-327
Abstract: Die Strategie, die Apuleius gegen den Vorwurf wählte, er habe Magie betrieben, nämlich dass er Magie gar nicht betrieben haben könne, war nur dann
möglich, wenn er eine überzeugende Unterscheidung von legitimer und nicht legitimer Religionsausübung vorlegen konnte, die ihm ermöglichte, das,
was er offenbar tatsächlich betrieben hatte, unter die gängige Praxis von Religion zu subsumieren. In diesem Zusammenhang rekurrierte Apuleius so
auf Platon, dass das religiöse Element für ihn zur notwendigen Voraussetzung von Philosophietreiben überhaupt wurde.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 316 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00329 (1062990)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: Apuleio e Achille Tazio: una scena di caccia e una « regola aurea »
Title of Publication: Il romanzo latino: modelli e tradizione letteraria : atti della VII giornata ghisleriana di filologia classica (Pavia, 11-12 ottobre 2007). Ed. Gasti, Fabio
(Studia Ghisleriana), Como : Ibis, 2009. 138 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 61-95
Abstract: Analogie e parallelismi tra Apuleio e Achille Tazio, in particolare nella distinzione tra caccia pericolosa e caccia sicura, l'unica cui dovrebbero dedicarsi
gli innamorati (Apul. met. 8, 4, 1 e Ach. 2, 34, 1-3)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Achilles Tatius Scriptor eroticus - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 4 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Achilles Tatius Scriptor eroticus - Leucippe et Clitophon - 2 - 34 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 317 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00327 (911412)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Giangrande, Giuseppe
Title of Article: La voz del asno en Apuleyo y la sintaxis latina
Title of Publication: Veleia: Revista de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua, Arqueología y Filología Clásicas
Volume (year) pages: 26 (2009) 353-354
Language: espagnol; castillan
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-2095
Abstract: Se propone una solución al debatido pasaje de Apuleyo, Met. 7, 3. Se señala que la lectura « non non » es sana. La solución se encuentra, por un
lado, en la propia obra, en la que el autor informa a los lectores de que el asno sólo puede decir « o » ; por otro lado, hay que entender « clamitaui » y
« boaui » como perfectos conativos, valor del perfecto atestiguado en época de Apuleyo.

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - c) Grammar (morphology, syntax, textual analysis) - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 318 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00326 (911411)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gärtner, Thomas
Title of Article: Die lykischen Bauern bei Ovid und eine Strukturimitation dieser Geschichte bei Apuleius
Title of Publication: Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche
Volume (year) pages: 61: 3 (2009) 568-570
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-0538

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Abstract: Si nota il parallelismo contenutistico e formale nel motivo della trasformazione in rana tra Ovidio, Met. 370 s. e Apuleio 1, 8-9

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 370 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 319 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00325 (1062989)
Type: Article in book
Author: Garbugino, Giovanni
Title of Article: La perception des passions dans le roman d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Passions, vertus et vices dans l'ancien roman: actes du colloque de Tours, 19-21 octobre 2006. Ed. Pouderon, Bernard, Bost-Pouderon, Cécile &
Montanari, Sébastien (Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 42; Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. Série
Littéraire et Philosophique, 14), Paris : De Boccard, 2009; Paris : De Boccard, 2009. 457 p.
Language: français
Pages: 209-221

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 320 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-06979 (1064359)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fucecchi, Marco
Title of Article: Encountering the fantastic: expectations, forms of communication, reactions
Title of Publication: Paradox and the marvellous in Augustan literature and culture. Ed. Hardie, Philip R., Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2009. XIII-388 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 213-230
Abstract: In Apuleius' met. 2, 1, 1-5 and in Ovid's met. 15, 259-420, while the worlds of nature and magic remain distinct, the encounter with the marvelous is
constantly present in the speakers' horizons of expectation. In contrast, the sudden appearance of metamorphoses in the « Aeneid » (the
transformation of Polydorus into myrtle at 3, 12-68 and the transformation of the ships into nymphs at 10, 215-255) coincides with a violation of a set of
literary expectations. Aeneas experiences the change after the fact, coming across a being that now reveals its former identity. When similar situations
occur in Ovid's « Metamorphoses », these encounters also signal the introduction of new narrative developments within established contexts.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 1 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A] - 15 - 259 [CWKB Resolver]
Vergilius Maro (P.) - Aeneis [view article in LLT-A]
- 10 - 215 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 12 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Poludoros (héros troyen ; fils de Priam)

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Record 321 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00323 (1062988)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fletcher, Richard
Title of Article: The best of intentions ? :: intertextuality and the philosophers's « Vita »
Title of Publication: Jeux de voix: énonciation, intertextualité et intentionnalité dans la littérature antique. Ed. Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin, Burnier, Alexandre, Núñez,
Loreto & Bertholet, Florence (Echo, 8), Bern ; Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2009. XVII-406 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 257-283
Abstract: À partir d'une réflexion théorique sur Julia Kristeva et Umberto Eco, explore les relations entre intentions du « sujet biographique » et intentions de
l'auteur biographe. Étude de la biographie de Platon qui forme la préface du traité d'Apulée « De Platone et eius dogmate »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Eco, Umberto (écrivain italien ; 1932-2016)
Kristeva, Julia (linguiste et psychanalyste française ; 1941-)

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Record 322 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00266 (917633)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fletcher, Richard
Title of Article: Plato re-read too late: citation and Platonism in Apuleius' « Apologia »
Title of Publication: Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature
Volume (year) pages: 38: 1 (2009) 43-74
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0048-671X

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Abstract: Apuleius' strategy of literary citation as juridical defense in the first half of the speech (4-65) undergoes a process of « Platonization » that relies upon
direct quotation of Plato's Greek. This Platonization chimes with two related themes in Apuleius' corpus : first, the role of the philosopher's biography
as a heuristic device for encouraging an induction into philosophy and, second, the uniting of Platonic philosophical theory with Apuleius' particular
dramatic and rhetorical concerns. In the second half of the speech, in spite of the absence of literary and Platonic citation, the ideas of citation and
Platonism are still at work in the contested place of Pudentilla's Greek letter as evidence for both the prosecution and the defense.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 4
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)

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Record 323 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00265 (917632)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Finkelpearl, Ellen
Title of Article: Marsyas the satyr and Apuleius of Madauros
Title of Publication: Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature
Volume (year) pages: 38: 1 (2009) 7-42
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0048-671X
Abstract: Revisits the question of Apuleius' hybrid and fluctuating identity as a Romano-African who, on the one hand, actively imparted Roman culture to his
homeland, and on the other pronounced his allegiance to Carthage (over Athens and Rome) and refused to be ashamed of his Numidian-Gaetulian
roots. Apuleius' anomalous rendition of the Marsyas myth in Florida 3 illustrates both the pull toward the dominant elite culture and a significant
identification with the marginalized local population.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 3
Places: Carthage (TUN ; Tunis)
Nom antique: Gaetuli (peuple)
Marsuas (silène)
Numidae (peuple d’Afrique du Nord)

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Record 324 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-06975 (914174)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fick, Nicole
Title of Article: La postérité des mythes grecs: Actéon chez Ovide et Apulée
Title of Publication: Pallas: Revue d’Études Antiques
Volume (year) pages: 81 (2009) 169-178
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 218
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-0387
Abstract: Les deux auteurs exploitent les thèmes de la métamorphose et du réalisme pour faire d'Actéon un symbole du rapport entre art et vérité. Chez Ovide,
où le châtiment disqualifie les dieux qui sévissent abusivement contre le jeune chasseur, l'esthétique de la « ueritas » s'impose face à la « maiestas »
du passé. Chez Apulée, à travers le mouvement perpétuel et la fragilité des apparences, on s'oriente vers une mystique de la beauté. Apulée fait du
reflet d'Actéon dans l'eau le révélateur du sacrilège : ce changement est conforme aux préoccupations philosophiques du 2e s. apr. J.-C. et aux
intentions pédagogiques de son récit

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Aktaion (héros)

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Record 325 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-06049 (1067274)
Type: Article in book
Author: Elm, Dorothee
Title of Article: « Wird auch kahl sein mein Haupt »: Alterstopoi in Lukians « Alexander oder Der Lügenprophet » und in der « Apologie » des Apuleius
Title of Publication: Alterstopoi: das Wissen von den Lebensaltern in Literatur, Kunst und Theologie. Ed. Elm, Dorothee & Fitzon, Thorsten, Berlin ; New York : De Gruyter,
2009. VI-346 p.
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
Pages: 71-99
Abstract: In beiden Texten dienen Alterstopoi als « loci argumentorum » : Bei Lukian demaskieren sie die Diskrepanzen zwischen der Rolle und dem
tatsächlichen Menschen Alexander ; Apuleius distanziert sich in seiner Selbstdarstellung mittels der Alterstopoi von den Vorwürfen seiner Ankläger.
Beide Texte eröffnen durch ihren intentionalen Gebrauch der Polyvalenz der Topoi einen Spielraum für innovative Arrangements und verhandeln somit
die Autorität und Legitimität eines neuen Typus von religiös-philosophischem Experten.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études
Nom antique: Alexandros (d’Abonotique ; devin pythagoricien ; 2e s.)

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Record 326 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00299 (1069168)
Type: Article in book
Author: Échalier, Laure
Title of Article: Pouvoir des mots, faiblesse des hommes: un discours électoral dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Pouvoirs des hommes, pouvoir des mots, des Gracques à Trajan: hommages au professeur Paul Marius Martin. Ed. Devillers, Olivier & Meyers, Jean
(Bibliothèque d'études classiques, 54), Louvain ; Paris : Peeters, 2009. XXIII-623 p.
Language: français
Pages: 101-117
Abstract: Il existe dans les « Métamorphoses » une micro-société dont le mode de fonctionnement est étudié dans sa dimension politique : il s'agit de la bande
de brigands qui enlève Lucius, puis Charité. À la fin de l'épisode (7, 4-13), Tlépolème, fiancé de Charité, cherche à intégrer la bande. Il prononce dans
ce but un discours où il se présente comme un célèbre bandit. Tous les arguments d'un discours de type électoral sont utilisés, comme l'éloge de soi-
même, de son origine, de sa fortune, de son apparence physique et de ses actes. Le caractère démagogique de ce type de discours est dénoncé par
Apulée. Il montre que la position d'un homme qui recherche les honneurs est ambiguë, car elle l'expose à devenir le serviteur de son électorat

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - d) Oratory - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 327 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-14156 (291692)
Type: Monograph
Author: Drews, Friedemann
Title of Publication: Menschliche Willensfreiheit und göttliche Vorsehung bei Augustinus, Proklos, Apuleius und John Milton
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Frankfurt am Main: Ontos Verl., 2009
Description: 2 vol. (XIV-804 p.)
Further Information: Enthält : 1, Augustinus und Proklos ; 2, Apuleius, Milton, Zusammenfassungen
Collection: Topics in ancient philosophy, 3

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Proclus Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] - Études

O'Brien, Carl, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:2 (2013) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2013&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 328 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00224 (298788)
Type: Monograph
Author: De Trane, Ginetta
Title of Publication: Scrittura e intertestualità nelle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Lecce: Pensa Multimedia, 2009
Description: 353 p.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Graverini, Luca, in: Athenaeum, :1-2 (2012) 633-637&atitle=&pages=633-637&date=2012&volume=100&issue=1-2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 329 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-12664 (297738)
Type: Monograph
Author: Curry, Susan A.
Title of Publication: Human identities and animal others in the second century C.E.
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2009
Description: 262 p.
Further Information: On : 1) the use of human/animal comparisons in works of literature and art from the 1st and 2nd cents. B.C., focusing especially on the writings of
Apuleius ; and 2) the use of human/animal comparisons in 2nd-cent.-B.C. practices including dream interpretation, physiognomy, and slavery, and the
intertwining of anxieties concerning being « animal » with those concerning human bodies. Thesis (Ph. D.) - Indiana University, Bloomington (Ind.).
Summary available in ProQuest dissertations database, document ID 304899230.

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Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
V. - History and civilization
- E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
- G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Roman and Greco-Roman art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 330 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00263 (917631)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Chebbi, Najoua
Title of Article: Les réalités économiques et sociales dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Africa : revue des études et recherches préhistoriques, antiques, islamiques et ethnographiques
Volume (year) pages: 22 (2009) 113-137
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0330-8235
Abstract: La société africaine et, partant, méditerranéenne apparaît par bribes à travers le roman d'Apulée. Avec beaucoup de subtilité, Apulée a fait surgir à la
surface et traité différentes catégories sociales et professionnelles. Tout en étant conscient des clivages entre riches et pauvres, ville et campagne, il a
su décrire, analyser le mode de vie, les activités, la mentalité des uns et des autres, ainsi que les relations qui existaient entre eux

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

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Record 331 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-07338 (296819)
Type: Monograph
Author: Carlisle, David Paul Christian
Title of Publication: καὶ ὄναρ καὶ ὕπαρ: dreaming in the ancient novel
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2009
Description: 336 p.
Further Information: In : Chariton, « Callirhoe » ; Xenophon of Ephesus, « Ephesiaca » ; Achilles Tatius, « Leucippe and Clitophon » ; Longus, « Daphnis and Chloe » ;
Heliodorus, « Aethiopica » ; Petronius, « Satyrica » ; Apuleius, « Metamorphoses », and the anonymous « Historia Apollonii ». Thesis (Ph. D.) - The
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Summary available in ProQuest dissertations database, document ID 304956434.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Achilles Tatius Scriptor eroticus - Études
Chariton - Études
Heliodorus Emesenus - Études
Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri - Études
Longus - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Xenophon Ephesius - Études

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Record 332 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00261 (1066174)
Type: Article in book
Author: Braidotti, Cecilia
Title of Article: « Fabella », una singolarità apuleiana
Title of Publication: Οὐ πᾶν ἐφήμερον: scritti in memoria di Roberto Pretagostini : offerti da colleghi, dottori e dottorandi di ricerca della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Ed.
Braidotti, Cecilia, Dettori, Emanuele & Lanzillotta, Eugenio, Roma : Quasar, 2009. 2 vol. (XXIX-1184 p., 78 p. de pl.) ill. portr.
Language: latin
Pages: 35-46
Abstract: Dopo un'introduzione sull'impiego delle espressioni « fabella » e « fabula » considerandone l'evoluzione semantica, si analizza il loro valore in Apul.
met. 4, 27 e 6, 25, 1 : il diminutivo « anicula » rivela una leggera ironia, mentre la scelta di « fabella » è spiegabile da un punto di vista stilistico, in
quanto in rapporto allitterante, omoteleutico e isosillabico con l'aggettivo « bella », e da uno affettivo, mostrando Apuleio-Lucio un coinvolgimento
emotivo nella narrazione della vicenda di Amore e Psiche

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 4 - 27 [CWKB Resolver]
- 6 - 25 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 333 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00316 (289431)
Type: Monograph
Author: Ávila Vasconcelos, Beatriz
Title of Publication: Bilder der Sklaverei in den « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Göttingen: Ruprecht, 2009

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Description: 281 p., index

Further Information: Die in diesem Roman verwendete sklavenbezeichnende Terminologie zeigt, wie das sozialökonomische Phänomen der Sklaverei durch die lateinische
Literatur auch imaginativ aufgegriffen wurde.
Collection: Vertumnus, 7

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Hindermann, Judith, in: Gnomon, :3 (2011) 279-280&atitle=&pages=279-280&date=2011&volume=83&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Smith, Warren S., in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:8 (2010) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2010&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 334 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00250 (1072868)
Type: Article in book
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Article: « Cenatus solis fabulis » ? :: a symposiastic reading of Apuleius' novel
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 135-155
Abstract: Many episodes in the « Metamorphoses » contain allusions to banquets, banquet literature, and various symposiastic entertainments, with allusions to
Plato's « Symposium » playing an important role. The elite « conuiuium » was possibily an original venue for the reading of the « Metamorphoses ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 335 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-08300 (287347)
Type: Monograph
Author: Winkler-Horaček, Lorenz
Reitz, Christiane
Title of Publication: Amor und Psyche: eine Erzählung in zwölf Bildern : eine Ausstellung der Abguss-Sammlung Antiker Plastik des Instituts für Klassische Archäologie
der Freien Universität Berlin und des Fachgebietes Latein des Heinrich-Schliemann-Instituts für Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Rostock /
hrsg. von Lorenz Winkler-Horaček und Christiane Reitz
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Rahden: Leidorf, 2008
Description: 141 p., ill.
Further Information: Gegenüberstellung von antiken Kunstwerken und Darstellungen einzelner Szenen aus Apuleius' Erzählung von Amor und Psyche auf französischen
Tapeten sowie einzelne Essays, u. a. auch zu Apuleius

Discipline after vol. 67: IV. - Non-literary sources - A. - Archaeology - c) Catalogs of museums, collections and exhibitions - Allemagne - Berlin
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Amor (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

Related Publication(s)
Cf.: Love on a wallpaper : Apuleius in the boudoir

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Record 336 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00303 (905355)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Vössing, Konrad
Title of Article: « Exceptum » instead of « excerptum » in Apuleius, Florida 9.13
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 58: 1 (2008) 395-397
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838808000499
Abstract: The reading « exceptum » at Apuleius, Flor. 9, 13 should be retained. The passage stands as important evidence for the fact that public speeches
were recorded by means of stenographers (« exceptores ») independent of the orator, and of course not only in Africa. Among other comparisons we
may point to Dio 42, 4-5, in which he talks about the popularity of his speeches which are spread throughout the world, in the process of which their
exact wording is deliberately or unintentionally changed.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Dio Cassius - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]
Dio Cassius - Historiae Romanae - 42 - 4

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Record 337 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00249 (1072867)
Type: Article in book
Author: Vander Poppen, Robert E.
Title of Article: A festival of laughter: Lucius, Milo, and Isis playing the game of « hospitium »
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 157-174
Abstract: M. Fernández Contreras' study (=> 68-00264) of « hospitium » in Apuleius, Met. 1 limits the scenes to play with Homeric epic conventions and
underestimates the importance of the practice in the world of the novel and in the society of the Second Sophistic. Such scenes were meaningful to
the 2nd-cent. reader because the practices resonated with their expectations, not just with a Homeric model, and gave them a set of criteria on which
to evaluate Lucius' behavior and transformation. The quality of hospitium offered illuminates the character of the host, and reactions to hospitium allow
us to see the progression of Lucius' character. The theme of broken compacts of hospitium is threaded throughout the work in order to play with the
reader's perception of Lucius' journey and transformation, and to provide an avenue for commentary on and criticism of aspects of 2nd-cent. society.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Homerus - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1

Related Publication(s)
Cf 68-00264: El tema de la hospitalidad en Apuleyo

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Record 338 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00301 (905353)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Tordoff, Robert
Title of Article: A note on Echo in Apuleius, « Metamorphoses » 5.25
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 58: 2 (2008) 711-712
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
Abstract: Echo's phrase « deam eamque » at Apuleius, Met. 5, 25 is an instance of the use of a device similar to that found in the Echo and Narcissus episode
in Ovid, met. 3, 501 (« uale, ‹ uale › inquit et Echo »). Apuleius' echo both echoes and modifies the text that is echoed, adding something (« -que »).
Thus Apuleius' text both echoes Ovid's echo and also modifies it (or her) by alluding to texts behind Ovid, in this case Lucretius 4, 580-581 ; 586-589.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Lucretius Carus (T.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 25 [CWKB Resolver]
Lucretius Carus (T.) - De Rerum Natura [view article in LLT-A] - 4
- 580 [CWKB Resolver]
- 586 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 501 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Ekho (nymphe)
Narkissos (héros)

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Record 339 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00248 (1072866)
Type: Article in book
Author: Tilg, Stefan
Title of Article: « Eloquentia ludens »: Apuleius' « Apology » and the cheerful side of standing trial
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 105-132
Abstract: We may work out Apuleius' idea of literary play in the « Apology » by focusing on passages that refer in a self-conscious way to eloquence in its
various forms from poetry to philosophy and oratory. At Apol. 5-13 Apuleius develops a rhetorical program characterized by the notions of
outspokenness, cheerfulness, and charm that underlies the whole of his « Apology » and possibly a larger part of his oeuvre. These themes are suited
to an accomplished sophistic defendant in court and cannot but help his cause ; the program also lies at the heart of his understanding of articulate
speech and literary discourse. Such a reading contributes to a fuller comprehension of Apuleius' literary playfulness and to our understanding of the
coherence of the « Apology ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 5

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Record 340 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00300 (905352)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Taisne, Anne-Marie

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Title of Article: Magie de l'image chez Apulée

Title of Publication: Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé
Volume (year) pages: 1 (2008) 163-189, ill.
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-5527
DOI: 10.3406/bude.2008.2287
Abstract: Examine le Mercuriolus dans l'« Apologie » (61-64), la description de la statue de Bathylle à Samos (Fl. 15), les portraits d'Alexandre le Grand (Fl. 8),
les propres statues d'Apulée en projet à Carthage (Fl. 16) et la description de l'atrium de Byrrhène dans Met. 2, 4, notamment la représentation de
Diane et d'Actéon. La comparaison avec les œuvres d'art réelles qui traitent des mêmes thèmes montre qu'Apulée respecte en général les topoi de la
rhétorique ecphrastique, tout en donnant à ses ecphraseis une valeur symbolique et en les associant souvent à des pratiques magiques et cultuelles.
Il vise non seulement à stimuler l'imagination du lecteur, mais aussi à mettre en valeur sa vaste culture littéraire et artistique

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - c) Rhetoric - Études
V. - History and civilization
- F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
- G. - Culture - b) History of art - - General subjects - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius
- Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 4
- Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 61
- Florida [view article in LLT-A]
- 15
- 16
Places: Carthage (TUN ; Tunis)
Samos (GRC ; Samos ; île)
Nom antique: Aktaion (héros)
Alexandros (dit le Grand ; roi de Macédoine ; 3 ; 356-323 av. J.-C.)
Bathullos (de Samos ; 6e s. av. J.-C.)
Diana (divinité)
Mercurius (divinité)


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Record 341 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00286 (917646)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Soler, Joëlle
Title of Article: Lucius, parent de Plutarque ou Comment lire les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire Anciennes
Volume (year) pages: 3e sér., 82: 2 (2008) 385-403
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-1652
Abstract: S'interroge sur la valeur de la référence à Plutarque, comme parent supposé de Lucius, au début des « Métamorphoses ». Le détail généalogique, s'il
souligne avec beaucoup d'ironie la prétention d'un jeune homme « distingué » qui se prend pour un grand intellectuel, n'en annonce pas moins aussi
un programme littéraire et moral, que confirment d'autres allusions à Plutarque au début du roman. Plusieurs éléments renvoient en effet au « De
audiendis poetis », qui semble inspirer Apulée dans sa façon d'orienter et de guider la lecture de sa fiction.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Réception et survie

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Record 342 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00245 (1072865)
Type: Article in book
Author: Slater, Niall W.
Title of Article: Apuleian ecphraseis: depiction at play
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 235-250
Abstract: Apuleius' « The golden ass » reimagined a story and a narrator that pre-existed his own, particularly in the Greek « Onos ». Like the great declaimers
of the Second Sophistic, he refashioned earlier material into a virtuoso display for new cultural purposes. It is revealing to approach « The golden
ass » as an extended μελέτη. Two examples of ecphrasis (the description of the cityscape of Hypata at Met. 2, 1-2 and Psyche's vision of her new
home at Met. 5, 1-2) are explored for evidence of Apuleian innovation.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]

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Record 343 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00299 (905351)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Santamaría Hernández, María Teresa

Title of Article: Fuentes griegas en el « Herbario » de Pseudo-Apuleyo: la cura de la verbena contra la mordedura del perro rabioso
Title of Publication: Emerita: Revista de Lingüística y Filología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 76: 1 (2008) 35-53
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0013-6662
Abstract: Se analiza el fragmento del capítulo sobre la « herba uerbenaca » del « Herbario » de Pseudo-Apuleyo, que ofrece el remedio contra la mordedura de
un perro rabioso. Este fragmento es cotejado con otras fuentes médicas griegas y latinas, al tiempo que se revisan manuscritos importantes del
« Herbario ». De este modo se detectan adiciones a la sección inicial, que parece ser original, relacionadas con determinadas fuentes griegas,
concretamente Oribasio y los escritos toxicológicos de Pseudo-Dioscórides. También se obtienen algunas conclusiones sobre lecturas rechazadas
que pueden ser aceptadas, y sobre la presumible existencia de traducciones latinas antiguas de textos médicos griegos que aún no se han

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Dioscorides Pedanius - Réception et survie
Oribasius - Réception et survie

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Record 344 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00244 (1072864)
Type: Article in book
Author: Rives, James Boykin
Title of Article: Legal strategy and learned display in Apuleius' « Apology »
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 17-49
Abstract: Apuleius' displays of learning in the « Apology » were central to his legal strategy in countering the charge against him. The charge that he was a
« magus » was in essence that he possessed socially-suspect knowledge and used it for subversive ends. Apuleius instead demonstrated that his
knowledge was socially respectable. An important part of his strategy was to present himself as a philosopher, but debates over who counted as a real
philosopher meant that this line of argument could get him only so far ; he needed to supplement it with something more immediate. He thus put his
knowledge on display.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 345 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00294 (286001)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Riess, Werner
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius / ed. by Werner Riess
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Groningen: Barkhuis, 2008
Description: XXI-302 p., index
Further Information: Revised versions of papers originally read at the international conference « Apuleius and the Second Sophistic : an orator at play », which took place
at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on March 24-25, 2007
Collection: Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Beer, Beate, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, :3-4 (2013) 244-248&atitle=&pages=244-248&date=2013&volume=66&issue=3-4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
James, Paula, in: Ancient Narrative, (2010) 167-179&atitle=&pages=167-179&date=2010&volume=8&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Nicolini, Lara, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:12 (2008) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2008&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2010) 463-465&atitle=&pages=463-465&date=2010&volume=79&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 346 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00243 (1072863)
Type: Article in book
Author: Riess, Werner
Title of Article: Apuleius « Socrates Africanus » ? :: Apuleius' defensive play
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 51-73
Abstract: The similarities between Apuleius' « Apology » and the defense speech of Socrates as presented by Plato and Xenophon are striking, but there are
considerable deviations that stem from the different contexts of the trials and from Apuleius' free and playful appropriation of literary genres and motifs,
as was typical of an erudite orator of the Second Sophistic movement. By aligning himself with but also dissociating himself from Socrates, Apuleius
skillfully appropriated the Socratic tradition and the Greek literary genres of apology and μελέτη. In response to Socrates' notorious irony, Apuleius
transforms and contextualizes the idea of irony, making it a strategic tool in his hands.


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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Xenophon Atheniensis - Réception et survie

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Record 347 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00298 (1058686)
Type: Article in book
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Article: Début et fin des excursus dans le « De magia » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Commencer et finir: débuts et fins dans les littératures grecque, latine et néolatine. Ed. Bureau, Bruno & Nicolas, Christian (Collection du Centre
d’Études et de Recherches sur l’Occident Romain. Nouvelle Série, 31), Paris : De Boccard, 2008. 2 vol. (830 p.) 2 index
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 821
Pages: 2, 465-474
Abstract: Ce qui est en jeu aux deux bordures du cadre des digressions, c'est l'« ethos » de l'avocat selon la vision d'Apulée et la particularité de l'esthétique du
« De magia »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 348 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00295 (1058684)
Type: Article in book
Author: Pociña, Andrés
Title of Article: La « Apología » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: En Grecia y Roma. 2,: Lecturas pendientes. Ed. Pociña Pérez, Andrés & García González, Jesús María, Granada : Universidad de Granada, 2008.
434 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 269-285
Abstract: Se comenta el discurso « Pro se, de magia » (« Apología »), que permite una mayor aproximación a la personalidad de su autor.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 349 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00296 (1058685)
Type: Article in book
Author: Pociña, Andrés
Title of Article: De la tragedia al cuento: la madrastra enamorada en « El asno de oro » (Apul., met. 10, 2-12)
Title of Publication: Fedras de ayer y de hoy: teatro, poesía, narrativa y cine ante un mito clásico. Ed. Pociña, Andrés & López, Aurora (Monográfica. Biblioteca de
Humanidades. Estudios Clásicos, 25), Granada : Universidad de Granada, 2008. 650 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 269-285
Abstract: Se comenta el relato de la madrastra enamorada inserto en el libro 10 de la novela de Apuleyo. Se plantean la cuestión de cuál puede considerarse la
fuente primordial del relato, y la de las novedades del relato de Apuleyo y su personal interpretación del tema.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 350 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00292 (905349)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Müller-Reineke, Hendrik
Title of Article: « Rarae fidei atque singularis pudicitiae femina »: the figure of Plotina in Apuleius' novel (Metamorphoses 7, 6-7)
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 61: 4 (2008) 619-633
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/156852508X252803
Abstract: Apulée a choisi le nom de Plotina pour désigner un personnage de femme particulièrement admirable et vertueuse. Il a sans doute ce faisant construit
volontairement un effet de miroir avec Pompeia Plotina, l'épouse de l'empereur Trajan, également vertueuse mais possédant néanmoins une part
d'ambiguïté. En tant que figure idéale dans le roman, le personnage de Plotina est une clef de lecture possible quant au sens de la rédemption de

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 6
Nom antique: Pompeia Plotina (épouse de l’empereur Trajan ; 1er-2e s.)


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Record 351 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-14034 (916979)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Montemayor Aceves, Martha Elena
Title of Article: Leyes contra el crimen de magia (« crimen magiae »): la « Apología » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Nova Tellus: Anuario del Centro de Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 26: 2 (2008) 201-222
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0185-3058
Abstract: En Sabrata, en torno al año 158 d.C., Apuleyo fue acusado de haber enamorado a cierta viuda mediante el uso de la magia, con el fin de heredar su
fortuna. A la luz de las fuentes jurídicas (« Lex Remnia de calumniatoribus », « Lex Cornelia de sicariis et ueneficiis », « Pauli sententiae »,
« Digesta », « Lex XII Tabularum », « Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio »), se aclaran los aspectos legales que envuelven a una acusación
de esta naturaleza, así como las penas establecidas para los culpables de tal crimen.

Discipline after vol. 67: VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Sabratha (LBY ; Al Zawiyah)

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Record 352 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00236 (1072861)
Type: Article in book
Author: McCreight, Thomas D.
Title of Article: The « riches » of poverty: literary games with poetry in Apuleius' « Laus paupertatis » (Apology 18)
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 89-104
Abstract: Contrasting cultural attitudes toward poverty created room for Apuleius in the « Apology » to expatiate across a range of thought, exploiting praise and
blame when it suited him. He counters the charge of being a predatory sorcerer by depicting himself as a benevolent but misunderstood philosopher,
and makes a case for the virtue of poverty that goes beyond philosophical commonplaces. He appeals to old-fashioned Roman heroes, but
interweaves references to the literary heritage of both Greece and Rome. In a digression on the tradition of philosophical poverty (Apol. 18) he
presents himself as the embodiment of historically-validated virtues, both Greek and Roman, but also as the living exemplar of a philosophical and
aesthetic tradition that reaches back almost a thousand years.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 18

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Record 353 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00235 (1072860)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mathis, Amanda G.
Title of Article: Playing with elegy: tales of lovers in Books 1 and 2 of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 195-214
Abstract: In the prologue (Met. 1, 1, 6) Apuleius makes clear that his novel will be a literary game involving changes of language and style and that one must
pay attention to the interweavings of language, style, and allusion within the narrative. Elegy provides many of the paradigms for Lucius'
misadventures, particularly the central elegiac figures of the lover, mistress, and witch. Apuleius often combines and conflates the traditional roles of
elegiac characters with the result that elegy is assimilated into the literary game he offers. Lucius' ability to read (or misread) the conflation of elegiac
roles depends upon the presence of elegiac discourse and imagery, which creates a richly allusive theme of eroticism in the narrative.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - a) Poetry - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 1 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 354 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-03404 (1059465)
Type: Article in book
Author: Marangoni, Claudio
Title of Article: La « glabella medietas » di Filologia (Mart. Cap. II 132) ovvero Le vicende di un aggettivo che diventò sostantivo
Title of Publication: Incontri triestini di filologia classica. 7,: 2007-2008 : atti del III convegno « Il calamo della memoria : riuso di testi e mestiere letterario nella tarda
antichità » Trieste, 17-18 aprile 2008. Ed. Cristante, Lucio & Filip, Ireneo (Polymnia: Studi di Filologia Classica, 10), Trieste : EUT, 2008. VII-377 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 233-247
Abstract: L'appropriazione da parte di Marziano del raro diminutivo apuleiano di « glaber », le vicende dell'aggettivo « glabellus » tra codici deteriori, commenti
medievali e lessici portano alla creazione del sostantivo « glabella »


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Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Martianus Capella [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Martianus Capella - De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 132 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 355 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00334 (1062992)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lucifora, Rosa Maria
Title of Article: I sogni di Charite, una seconda volta
Title of Publication: « Amicitiae templa serena »: studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò. Ed. Castagna, Luigi & Riboldi, Chiara (Letteratura greca e latina. Ricerche), Milano :
Vita e Pensiero, 2008. 2 vol. (XLII, XII, 1 614 p.) portr.
Language: italien
Pages: 2, 929-949
Abstract: Si analizza il sogno allegorico di Charite in Apul. Met. 4, 27 e si pone a confronto la figura di Charite con quelle di Laodamia, Medea e Didone,
considerando passi legati al tema dell'attività onirica, dell'assenza dell'amato, dell'abbandono amoroso e della vedovanza, utili per l'analisi di relativi
topoi e forme letterarie

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 27 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Dido (héroïne ; reine de Carthage)
Laodameia (héroïne ; épouse de Protésilaos)
Medeia (héroïne ; épouse de Jason)

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Record 356 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00230 (1072858)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lakhlif, Mustapha
Title of Article: La richesse et les stratégies matrimoniales en Afrique au Haut-Empire: Aemilia Pudentilla, épouse d'Apulée de Madaure
Title of Publication: L' Africa romana : le richezze dell'Africa: risorse, produzioni, scambi : atti del XVII convegno di studio, Sevilla, 14-17 dicembre 2006. Ed. González,
Julián (Collana del Dipartimento di Storia dell'Università degli Studi di Sassari. Nuova serie, 35), Roma : Carocci, 2008. 4 vol. (IX-2 866 p. 16 p. de pl.)
ill. cartes plans 3 index
Language: français
Pages: 1, 319-325
Abstract: L'« Apologia » di Apuleio, in cui l'autore si difende dall'accusa di aver tratto vantaggi economici dal suo matrimonio con la ricca e colta Aemilia
Pudentilla, offre lo spunto per riflettere sulle strategie matrimoniali messe in atto nelle province africane durante la prima epoca imperiale.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)

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Record 357 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00288 (905348)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kirichenko, Alexander
Title of Article: Satire, propaganda, and the pleasure of reading: Apuleius' stories of curiosity in context
Title of Publication: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
Volume (year) pages: 104 (2008) 339-371
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0073-0688
Abstract: The adjective « curiosus » and its cognates occur in Apuleius' « Golden Ass » with conspicuous frequency. Despite the fact that curiosity is
condemned on a few occasions, it is also mentioned with positive connotations. Some scholars ascribe to the novel the role of one of the most
important milestones in the development of the concept of curiosity in Western thought in general, whereas others argue that the curiosity motif lends
the novel a purely formal rather than conceptual unity. An interpretation of the theme may be offered that accounts for the obvious ambiguities of its
meaning. The theme falls into a few overlapping patterns whose deliberate incompatibility turns the novel into an exuberantly ironic comedy of
curiosity. Of the three stories of curiosity that Apuleius tells, that of the reader's curiosity turns out to be the most coherent, whereas the two intertwined
stories of Lucius' curiosity - intellectual curiosity vs. trivial nosiness, and sacrilegious curiosity - only serve as episodes in this overarching narrative.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 358 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00287 (905347)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kirichenko, Alexander
Title of Article: « Asinus philosophans »: platonic philosophy and the prologue to Apuleius' « Golden Ass »
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava

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Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 61: 1 (2008) 89-107

Language: latin
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/156852507X169636
Abstract: Interprétation du rôle joué par la philosophie dans le récit, rôle rhétorique et narratif, puisque les références philosophiques renforcent l'effet comique
de certaines scènes et sont utilisées pour prévenir toute tentation de lecture allégorique. Attention particulière portée au prologue du texte, qui
inaugure ce traitement de la philosophie en s'inscrivant fortement contre la critique platonicienne des arts mimétiques et des fables.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie


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Record 359 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00229 (1072857)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: Homer in Apuleius' « Apology »
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 75-87
Abstract: On Homeric references in the « Apology » and « Florida ». Apuleius makes clever use of Homeric texts and subtexts. In the « Apology » these
references form part of his strategy to turn a piece of self-defense into a literary text that is erudite and witty.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Homerus - Réception et survie

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Record 360 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00286 (905346)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Holford-Strevens, Leofranc
Title of Article: « Trimalchio dimidiatus »: Milo gives himself away
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 61: 3 (2008) 477-478
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
Abstract: Note sur Apul. Met. 1, 23, 6

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 23 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 361 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00308 (1069171)
Type: Article in book
Author: Herrmann, Katrin
Title of Article: « Alles ist ein Märchen »: zum Aufbau von Novalis' « Heinrich von Ofterdingen » und Apuleius' « Metamorphosen »
Title of Publication: « Dona sunt pulcherrima »: Festschrift für Rudolf Rieks. Ed. Herrmann, Katrin, Geus, Klaus, Fehn, Ulrich & Porsch, Elisabeth, Oberhaid : Utopica,
2008. 514 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 201-212
Abstract: Die Komposition von Apuleius' « Metamorphosen » ist durch die blosse Aneinanderreihung von Abenteuern eher kunstlos und entspricht dem
griechischen Vorgängerroman. Dennoch signalisiert das vom Autor zusätzlich eingefügte Märchen von Amor und Psyche einen Einschnitt in der
Handlung, nach dem der Esel aktiv wird und aus den Händen seiner Räuber zu entkommen versucht. Es beginnt für Lucius eine Wanderung durch
Griechenland, die nach der Initiation in den Mysterienkult in Rom sein Ende findet. Zwar dauert im Gegensatz zu Novalis bei Apuleius die Reise und
Entfaltung des Lucius nur eine bestimmte Zeit, während Heinrich im zweiten Teil des Romans in die Zeitlosigkeit übergeht, doch beginnt für beide
Helden jeweils nach einem grossen Märchen, das sie in der Mitte ihrer Abenteuer und Entwicklung hören, ein entscheidender Abschnitt.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Lucius Patrensis - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Novalis (poète allemand ; 1772-1801)

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Record 362 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00228 (1072856)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: The sophist at play in court: Apuleius' « Apology » and his literary career

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Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 3-15
Abstract: Apuleius was concerned with presenting himself in the « Apology » as the master of literary paideia, both Greek and Latin. This self-display as a
learned author and reader was intended to promote both his acquittal and his incipient sophistic career. We find the sophist in court ranging in learned
play through the whole field of literature, stressing both his versatile authorship and wide reading, both as a tool for self-defense and as an
advertisement for his intellectual prestige to the type of Roman North African audience before whom he was to make his subsequent career.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

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Record 363 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00226 (1072855)
Type: Article in book
Author: Greene, Elizabeth M.
Title of Article: Social commentary in the « Metamorphoses »: Apuleius' play with satire
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 175-193
Abstract: Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » can be read on two levels, as a literary achievement that seeks to entertain and as a serious reflection on aspects of
historical reality such as social disparity. These two levels of reading are addressed and Apuleius' work is aligned with the satirical tradition in order to
suggest that we may accept both a comic and serious purpose for the « Metamorphoses ». Verbal similarities and thematic resonances are illustrated
between the « Metamorphoses » and the « Satires » of Juvenal. The literary nature of Apuleius' text thus stands alongside a secondary function of
providing social commentary.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Iuuenalis (D. Iunius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 364 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00284 (905345)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gore, Jeffrey
Kershaw, Allan
Title of Article: An unnoticed acrostic in Apuleius « Metamorphoses » and Cicero De diuinatione 2.111-12
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 58: 1 (2008) 393-394
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838808000487
Abstract: Apuleius 4, 33 contains an acrostic that is a slight variant of the « gamma-acrostic » type, where the first word is also spelled out by the initial letters of
the following lines (in the case of Apuleius' text, the first word, which appears in the genitive [« montis »], is spelled out in the nominative [« mons »] by
the initial letters of the following lines). This passage may shed light on a problematic passage in Cicero (diu. 2, 111) on the nature of acrostics.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 33 [CWKB Resolver]
Cicero (M. Tullius) - De Divinatione [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 111 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 365 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00276 (285998)
Type: Monograph
Author: Gaisser, Julia Haig
Title of Publication: The fortunes of Apuleius and the Golden Ass: a study in transmission and reception
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Princeton (N. J.): Princeton University Pr., 2008
Description: XIII-365 p., ill. 2 index
Collection: Martin Classical Lectures

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

Bradley, Keith R., in: Phoenix, :3-4 (2008) 363-378&atitle=&pages=363-378&date=2008&volume=62&issue=3-4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Carver, Robert H. F., in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:1 (2010) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2010&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :2 (2010) 149-150&atitle=&pages=149-150&date=2010&volume=117&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Leach, Eleanor Winsor, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2009) 482-485&atitle=&pages=482-485&date=2009&volume=N. S., 59&issue=2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Relihan, Joel C., in: New England classical journal, :4 (2008) 322-324&atitle=&pages=322-324&date=2008&volume=35&issue=4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2009) 334-335&atitle=&pages=334-335&date=2009&volume=78&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Rose, Anna, in: Gnomon, :6 (2009) 514-521&atitle=&pages=514-521&date=2009&volume=81&issue=6&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Soler, Joëlle, in: Anabases:11 (2010) 261-262&atitle=&pages=261-262&date=2010&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 80-00319: Apuleiana
Cf 81-00247: Apuleiana recentiora
Cf 85-00319: How Apuleius survived

To cite this record

Record 366 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00283 (285999)
Type: Monograph
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Publication: Witches, Isis and narrative: approaches to magic in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Berlin ; New York: De Gruyter, 2008
Description: XII-255 p., index
Collection: Trends in Classics. Supplementary Volumes, 2

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

Baldwin, Barry, in: Petronian Society Newsletter, (2009) 18-20&atitle=&pages=18-20&date=2009&volume=38&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Barbieri, Chiara, in: Maia, :3 (2011) 628-629&atitle=&pages=628-629&date=2011&volume=63&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Gianotti, Gian Franco, in: Gnomon, :8 (2010) 695-702&atitle=&pages=695-702&date=2010&volume=82&issue=8&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Hindermann, Judith, in: Museum Helveticum, :4 (2009) 250&atitle=&pages=250&date=2009&volume=66&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Isetti, Giulia, in: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, :1-2 (2010) 248-249&atitle=&pages=248-249&date=2010&volume=138&issue=1-2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Keulen, Wytse Hette, in: Ancient Narrative, (2010) 195-221&atitle=&pages=195-221&date=2010&volume=8&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Kirichenko, Alexander, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:6 (2009) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2009&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Onorato, Marco, in: Bollettino di Studi Latini, :1 (2009) 296-297&atitle=&pages=296-297&date=2009&volume=39&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Phillips, Richard L., in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2014) 361-364&atitle=&pages=361-364&date=2014&volume=83&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2008) 443-445&atitle=&pages=443-445&date=2008&volume=86&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Riess, Werner, in: The Classical Bulletin, :2 (2009) 89-90&atitle=&pages=89-90&date=2009&volume=85&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Stern, Sheila, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2010) 313-314&atitle=&pages=313-314&date=2010&volume=100&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Tilg, Stefan, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2010) 137-139&atitle=&pages=137-139&date=2010&volume=N. S., 60&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 367 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-04253 (296227)
Type: Monograph
Author: Fowler, Ryan Coleman
Title of Publication: The platonic rhetor in the Second Sophistic
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2008
Description: 372 p.
Further Information: On the significant influence of Plato on authors of the Second Sophistic including Lucian, Maximus of Tyre, Aelius Aristides, and Apuleius. Thesis
(Ph. D.) - Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick. Summary available in ProQuest dissertations database, document
ID 304511379.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Aristides Rhetor - Réception et survie
Lucianus Samosatensis - Réception et survie
Maximus Tyrius - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 368 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-05224 (913532)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Feraco, Fabrizio
Title of Article: Solino 52 43-45: il pappagallo indiano e la presenza di Apuleio nei « Collectanea rerum memorabilium »
Title of Publication: Res Publica Litterarum: Studies in the Classical Tradition

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Volume (year) pages: N. S., 11 (2008) 39-67

Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0275-4304
Abstract: Accanto a Plin. Nat. 10, 117-119, fonte del passo è Apul. Flor. 12, 1-7, come mostrano le numerose analogie stilistiche e lessicali (in particolare il
diminutivo « clauicola ») e i frequenti echi apuleiani in altri passi dell'opera soliniana

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plinius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Solinus (C. Iulius) - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 12 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Plinius Secundus (C.) - Naturalis Historia [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 117 [CWKB Resolver]
Solinus (C. Iulius) - Collectanea rerum memorabilium - 52 - 43 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 369 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-07814 (1070869)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fehn, Ulrich
Title of Article: Antike Biografik und moderne Gattungsdefinition
Title of Publication: « Dona sunt pulcherrima »: Festschrift für Rudolf Rieks. Ed. Herrmann, Katrin, Geus, Klaus, Fehn, Ulrich & Porsch, Elisabeth, Oberhaid : Utopica,
2008. 514 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 213-320
Abstract: Ausgehend von Augustinus, Ovid, Mark Aurel und Apuleius sowie einer Untersuchung möglicher autobiographischer Elemente im antiken Roman
lässt sich plausibel machen, dass der antike Roman nach Anlage und Entwicklungstendenz in den Mitteln der Raum-Zeit-Regie und Perspektivführung
kein Modell zur realistischen Erfassung inneren und äusseren Lebens sowie kein Schema zur narrativ geordneten Darstellung eines Lebensweges
und Entwicklungsganges hervorgebracht hat, die von den (auto-)biographischen Genres hätten adaptiert werden können.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Marcus Aurelius - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 370 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00281 (905344)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Échalier, Laure
Title of Article: De l'univers épique à l'univers impérial: « l'histoire de Plotine » (Apulée, Métamorphoses VII, 5-9)
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 67: 3 (2008) 721-736
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Tlépolème, au sein d'un discours autobiographique mensonger destiné à le faire passer pour un brigand, enchâsse l'histoire édifiante de Plotine,
femme vertueuse qui incarne des valeurs de don de soi et de fidélité conjugale aux antipodes des exactions revendiquées par le jeune homme. Cette
incise révèle, derrière l'ambiguïté du personnage de Tlépolème, l'opposition voulue par Apulée entre le héros épique proche du monstrueux et la
justicière civilisée qui incarne l'harmonie d'un ordre impérial idéalisé.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 5

To cite this record

Record 371 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00321 (1062986)
Type: Article in book
Author: Duret, Luc
Title of Article: Plaisir érotique et plaisir esthétique: l'éloge de la chevelure dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Le plaisir dans l'Antiquité et à la Renaissance. Ed. Galand-Hallyn, Perrine, Lévy, Carlos & Verbaal, Wim (Latinitates, 1), Turnhout : Brepols, 2008. 452
Language: français
Pages: 171-186
Abstract: Met. 2, ch. 8 et 9. Examine l'éventuelle influence d'Ovide (am. 1, 14)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Amores [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 14

To cite this record

Record 372 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-01217 (1058903)
Type: Article in book
Author: De Wilde, Mark

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Title of Article: Catullus' « Coma Berenices »: an investigation of a « true interpreter »'s poetic licence and its reception by Apuleius
Title of Publication: Studies in Latin literature and Roman history. 14. Ed. Deroux, Carl (Collection Latomus, 315), Bruxelles : Latomus, 2008. 528 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 144-176
Abstract: Catulle (c. 66) n'est pas un « fidus interpres » du poème de Callimaque, comme le montre la comparaison métrique et lexicale de quelques vers
pouvant être rapprochés (v. 1 ; 7-8 ; 44-64 ; 75-78). Il adapte la poésie de son prédécesseur à sa propre thématique qui n'a rien de politique ou
d'idéologique, mais concerne l'amour, la séparation et le deuil. Le c. 65 sur la mort de son frère placé en quelque sorte en exergue de la « Coma
Berenices » montre bien l'unité du projet esthétique de Catulle et ses préoccupations plus profondes sur le sort de l'âme. Cet aspect du poème a
touché Apulée, notamment dans le livre 3 des « Métamorphoses »

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - F. - Metrics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Callimachus - Réception et survie
Catullus (C. Valerius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 3
Catullus (C. Valerius) - carmina [view article in LLT-A]
- 65
- 66
- 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 44 [CWKB Resolver]
- 7 [CWKB Resolver]
- 75 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 373 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-06936 (907777)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Castillo García, Carmen
Title of Article: Cuatro rostros del amor en la prosa y en la vida de Roma
Title of Publication: Myrtia: Revista de Filología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 23 (2008) 157-175
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-7674
Abstract: Se reflexiona sobre cuatro facetas del amor en la prosa latina : el amor de amistad, basado en el « De amicitia » de Cicerón ; la « pietas erga
patriam », que tiene como punto de referencia el texto « Ab urbe condita » de Tito Livio ; el amor erótico, sobre el relato de Psique y Cupido en las
« Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo ; y, finalmente, el amor trascendente, reflejado en las obras mayores de Agustín, « Confesiones » y « De ciuitate Dei ».
Se acompaña un apéndice con la traducción al español de los pasajes comentados.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Liuius (Titus) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Eros, Erotes (divinités)

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Record 374 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00221 (1072854)
Type: Article in book
Author: Carlisle, David P. C.
Title of Article: « Vigilans somniabar »: some narrative uses of dreams in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Paideia at play: learning and wit in Apuleius. Ed. Riess, Werner (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 11), Groningen : Barkhuis, 2008. XXI-302 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 215-233
Abstract: Lucius' conversion at the end of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » may be interpreted as having achieved a blessed union with the divine, or as his having
been deceived by a false belief in a religious redemption that never takes place. Interpretation of Lucius' religious experience depends on how the
cluster of Isis-dreams is seen to relate to the waking world. Within the novel, dreams are never false and are always borne out by subsequent events.
They authorize stories and are themselves authorized by events. Thus Lucius' religious belief is not false.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 375 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00319 (911410)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bradley, Keith R.
Title of Article: Apuleiana: review article
Title of Publication: Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des Études Classiques
Volume (year) pages: 62: 3-4 (2008) 363-378
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-8299
Abstract: On R. H. F. Carver (=> 79-00275), J. H. Gaisser (=> 79-00276), and R. May (=> 78-00297).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Related Publication(s)
Cf 78-00297: Apuleius and drama
Cf 79-00275: The Protean ass
Cf 79-00276: The fortunes of Apuleius and the Golden Ass


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Record 376 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00219 (1072853)
Type: Article in book
Author: Bradley, Keith R.
Title of Article: Appearing for the defence: Apuleius on display
Title of Publication: Roman dress and the fabrics of Roman culture. Ed. Edmondson, Jonathan C. & Keith, Alison M. (Phoenix. Supplementary Volume, 46), Toronto
(Ont.) ; London : University of Toronto Pr., 2008. XVIII-370 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 238-256
Abstract: Apuleius' « Apology » is the only source of information on the author's trial for practicing magic and is clearly partial, but it is an important historical
document on the society and culture of Roman North Africa under the high empire. Emphasis is on one of Apuleius' accusers' subsidiary allegations
concerning Apuleius' physical appearance. It is striking that Apuleius must deflect the accusation of being handsome and a skillful speaker in Greek
and Latin. Both the charge and Apuleius' defense speak to cultural identity, the local contexts at Sabratha and Oea, and tensions felt on the fringes of
empire in the process of cultural exchange.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)
Sabratha (LBY ; Al Zawiyah)
Tripoli (LBY ; Tarabulus)

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Record 377 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00279 (1058681)
Type: Article in book
Author: Borghini, Alberto
Seita, Mario
Title of Article: Egeo-otre e i tre otri apuleiani: un versante di significato
Title of Publication: Quaderni del Dipartimento di filologia linguistica e tradizione classica « Augusto Rostagni ». N. S. 7, 2008. Ed. (Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di
Filologia, Linguistica e Tradizione Classica / Università degli Studi di Torino, 27), Bologna : Pàtron, 2008. 169 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 93-97
Abstract: L'episodio dei tre otri in Apul. met. 3, 18 viene letto in considerazioni della possibile valenza sessuale dell'otre, testimoniata dalla storia del responso
oracolare a Egeo (Plut. Thes. 3) e da altri esempi nella letteratura greca

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études

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Record 378 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00317 (289432)
Type: Monograph
Author: Binternagel, Alexandra
Title of Publication: Lobreden, Anekdoten, Zitate: Argumentationstaktiken in der Verteidigungsrede des Apuleius
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Hamburg: Kovac, 2008
Description: 288 p.
Collection: Schriftenreihe Altsprachliche Forschungsergebnisse, 5

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 379 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00302 (905354)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Viarengo, Gloria
Title of Article: Norma e diversità in scena: il processo per magia di Apuleio : (Imperia, 20 aprile 2007)
Title of Publication: Iura : rivista internazionale di diritto romano e antico
Volume (year) pages: 56 (2006-2007) 451-453
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0021-3241
Abstract: Resoconto dell'incontro-dibattito

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 380 of 2062 Reference: APh (1102399)
Type: Article in book
Author: Trapp, Michael
Title of Article: Apuleius of Madauros and Maximus of Tyre
Title of Publication: Greek and Roman philosophy: 100 BC - 200 AD. Ed. Sorabji, Richard & Sharples, Robert W.
(Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplement, 94), London : Institute of Classical
Studies, University of London, 2007. 2 vol. (XII-X-720 p.) 2 index
Language: anglais
Pages: 467-482
Abstract: Focus on demonology.

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Maximus Tyrius - Études

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Record 381 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00311 (898775)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Tilg, Stefan
Title of Article: Lucius on poetics ? :: the prologue to Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » reconsidered
Title of Publication: Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: 4a ser., 5: 2 (2007) 156-198
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0039-2987
Abstract: Discussione delle principali prospettive esegetiche, analisi puntuale e nuova proposta di lettura del prologo dell'opera. Al di là del tema della
traduzione, esso traccia un vero e proprio programma letterario : una serie di espressioni si chiariscono alla luce del riferimento al « sermo Milesius »,
che rimanda anche a una lingua e a uno stile compositi e irregolari, che infrangono le regole formali e gli schemi della composizione letteraria, quali si
possono riconoscere nei frammenti superstiti di Sisenna, in particolare della sua opera storica. La seconda parte del proemio difende l'adeguatezza di
tale stile a una scrittura di livello basso come quella novellistica. Infine si discutono l'identità di chi pronuncia il prologo e il suo significato, alla luce
della prospettiva esegetica suggerita e in rapporto al modello greco

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Sisenna (L. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 382 of 2062 Reference: APh (1100821)
Type: Article in book
Author: Schroeder, Frederic M.
Title of Article: The final metamorphosis : narrative voice in the prologue of Apuleius’ « Golden ass »
Title of Publication: Reading ancient texts : essays in honour of Denis O'Brien. 2,: Aristotle and Neoplatonism. Ed. Stern-Gillet, Suzanne & Corrigan, Kevin (Brill’s Studies
in Intellectual History, 162), Leiden : Brill, 2007. XXIV-280 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 115-135
Abstract: There is a seamless continuity between Lucius the protagonist/narrator and the final metamorphosis of Lucius into a book (following S. J. Harrison
=> APh 61-00211). This final metamorphosis symbolizes the bookish and unphilosophical character of the « Metamorphoses » and the Second
Sophistic, for which the book (e.g., the book of Plato) becomes a revered object. Apuleius is aware of the limitations of such an approach and delivers
this message to the astute reader by means of a highly developed irony (namely, the transition from dialectical conversation to myth familiar in Plato).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]

Related Publication(s)
in response to: The speaking book : the prologue to Apuleius' Metamorphoses

To cite this record

Record 383 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-06859 (901391)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Sauron, Gilles
Title of Article: Le thème du vrai dieu dans les « Métamorphoses », d'Ovide à Apulée
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 85 (2007) 131-154, ill.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en lat.
ISSN/ISBN: 0373-5737
Abstract: Dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Ovide et d'Apulée, les dieux sont représentés de diverses façons. Si la plupart des dieux célestes paraissent être des
personnages de comédie, seule une déesse, sous le nom de Vénus ou d'Isis, semble posséder la véritable nature divine, qui allie la majesté à l'amour


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Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Record 384 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-03927 (1081741)
Type: Article in book
Author: Sauron, Gilles
Title of Article: Éros et Psyché : les avatars romains d’un couple platonicien
Title of Publication: « Des dieux et du monde »: fonctions et usages de la mythographie. Ed. Fabre-Serris, Jacqueline (Ateliers : cahiers de la Maison de la recherche, 38),
Villeneuve-d’Asq : Université Charles-de-Gaulle – Lille III, 2007. 148 p.
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 978-2-84467-101-1
Pages: 89-103
Abstract: Étude des adaptations romaines du mythe platonicien d’Éros et de Psychè, dans la littérature (particulièrement chez Apulée) et dans l’art (à partir
d’œuvres découvertes à Pompéi et dans la « uilla Hadriana » à Tivoli).

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Roman and Greco-Roman art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Places: Pompei (ITA ; Napoli)
Tivoli (ITA ; Roma)
Nom antique: Eros, Erotes (divinités)
Psukhe (personnification)

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Record 385 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00310 (898774)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Santamaría Hernández, María Teresa
Title of Article: La pervivencia de la literatura griega sobre venenos y animales venenosos en el « Herbario » del Ps. Apuleyo: una tradición adaptada
Title of Publication: Myrtia: Revista de Filología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 22 (2007) 165-179
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-7674
Abstract: Se estudia la influencia de la literatura toxicológica griega en el « Herbario » del Pseudo-Apuleyo, señalándose que, aunque esta influencia puede
proceder en muchos casos de una fuente última latina, en la mayor parte de los casos remite directamente a la tradición griega.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 386 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00309 (898773)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Robitschko, Simone
Title of Article: Archetypisches im Märchen von « Amor und Psyche »
Title of Publication: Der Altsprachliche Unterricht: Latein, Griechisch
Volume (year) pages: 50: 4-5 (2007) 49-59, ill.
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-6670
Abstract: Zu Parallelen zwischen dem Märchen von Amor und Psyche und Texten des Alten Testaments (Ester-Novelle und Hoheslied), vor allem, was
Charakteristika der Frau und des Mannes sowie typische Gefährdungen und typisches Glück der Liebe betrifft.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Amor (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

To cite this record

Record 387 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-08579 (1079119)
Type: Article in book
Author: Riemer, Ulrike
Title of Article: Fascinating but forbidden ? :: magic in Rome
Title of Publication: A kind of magic: understanding magic in the New Testament and its religious environment. Ed. Labahn, Michael & Lietaert Peerbolte, Bert Jan (Library
of New Testament Studies, 306), London ; New York : Clark, 2007. XIII-208 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 160-172
Abstract: Roman emperors made several attempts to stop magical practices, but the picture is contradictory : some emperors prosecuted magic, astrology,
attempts to read the future, and fortune telling, but others patronized magicians. Since there is no clear standpoint from the official side, texts such as
Apuleius's « Apology » offer a glimpse into ways of dealing with magic and magicians. The text shows that although efforts were made on the part of
the state to stop magic, it flourished among the people.

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Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - A. - General history - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 388 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00276 (282494)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Relihan, Joel C.
Title of Publication: The golden ass or A book of changes / Apuleius ; transl., with introd., by Joel C. Relihan
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Indianapolis (Ind.): Hackett, 2007
Description: XLV-277 p., index

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

May, Regine, in: Petronian Society Newsletter, (2009) 21-22&atitle=&pages=21-22&date=2009&volume=38&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
O'Donnell, James J., in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:11 (2008) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2008&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Shumate, Nancy J., in: New England classical journal, :4 (2008) 312-314&atitle=&pages=312-314&date=2008&volume=35&issue=4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Smith W. S., in: International journal of the classical tradition, :4 (2011 2010) 596-607&atitle=&pages=596-607&date=2011&volume=17&issue=4&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Smith, Warren S., in: International journal of the classical tradition, :4 (2011 2010) 596-607&atitle=&pages=596-607&date=2011&volume=17&
issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 83-00246: The peculiar problems of translating Apuleius' « Golden ass » :

To cite this record

Record 389 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00308 (898772)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pisano, Alessandra
Title of Article: Apuleio e Virgilio
Title of Publication: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Cagliari
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 25 (2007) 27-43
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1125-8713
Abstract: Quadro di sintesi della presenza di Virgilio nella favola di Amore e Psiche, per capire il valore e il significato del modello letterario e le nuove sfumature
che esso viene ad assumere nel romanzo

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 390 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-10270 (1079771)
Type: Article in book
Author: Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria
Title of Article: From μαγεíα to magic: envisaging a problematic concept in the study of religion
Title of Publication: A kind of magic: understanding magic in the New Testament and its religious environment. Ed. Labahn, Michael & Lietaert Peerbolte, Bert Jan (Library
of New Testament Studies, 306), London ; New York : Clark, 2007. XIII-208 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 3-19
Abstract: Spells drawn from PGM 1, 232-247 and 1, 262-347 and from Apuleius, Apol. 26 illustrate the problem of defining magic within the study of religions.
These texts reveal different usages of μαγεíα and « magia » within different cultural discourses. While in the PGM texts magic is a practical activity
encompassing different techniques of action and of language, the rhetorical and forensic context of the « Apology » reveals a rational, theoretical
approach to a phenomenon belonging to the ordinary experience of the author. An overview is given of scholarly approaches to magic and to the
relationship between magic and religion.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - b) Greek religion - Outils
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Magica - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 26

To cite this record

Record 391 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-04304 (283123)
Type: Monograph
Author: Pasetti, Lucia
Title of Publication: Plauto in Apuleio
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Bologna: Pàtron, 2007

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Description: 227 p., 3 index

Collection: Testi e Manuali per l’Insegnamento Universitario del Latino. Nuova Serie, 94

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

Buono, Valentina, in: Aufidus , :65-66 (2008) 93-96&atitle=&pages=93-96&date=2008&volume=22&issue=65-66&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :4 (2008) 1068-1070&atitle=&pages=1068-1070&date=2008&volume=67&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Di Stefano, Anita, in: Bollettino di Studi Latini, :2 (2007) 742-743&atitle=&pages=742-743&date=2007&volume=37&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
May, Regine, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:12 (2008) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2008&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Moussy, Claude, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2007) 360-361&atitle=&pages=360-361&date=2007&volume=85&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2008) 458-459&atitle=&pages=458-459&date=2008&volume=77&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Zimmerman, Maaike, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2008) 496-497&atitle=&pages=496-497&date=2008&volume=N. S., 58&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 392 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00306 (1056033)
Type: Article in book
Author: Palacios, Jimena
Title of Article: Mujeres infieles, narradores desleales: la ineficacia didáctica de los « exempla » en Apuleyo, Met. 9, 14-31
Title of Publication: Enseñar y dominar: las estrategias preceptivas en Roma. Ed. Caballero de del Sastre, Elisabeth & Schniebs, Alicia, Buenos Aires : Universidad de
Buenos Aires, Instituto de Filología Clásica, 2007. 240 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 177-199

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 393 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00271 (285996)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Norden, Eduard
Radke, Gyburg
Title of Publication: Amor und Psyche / Apuleius ; aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt von Eduard Norden ; und mit einem Nachwort vers. von Gyburg Radke
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: München: Beck, 2007; , 2007
Description: 89 p.
Collection: Die grossen Geschichten der Menschheit, 5
Beck’sche Reihe, 1804

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :2 (2010) 152&atitle=&pages=152&date=2010&volume=117&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 81-00247: Apuleiana recentiora
Cf 81-00248: Amor und Psyche

To cite this record

Record 394 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00293 (905350)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nicolini, Lara
Title of Article: Una lettura di L. Graverini, « Le Metamorfosi di Apuleio, letteratura e identità »
Title of Publication: Ordia Prima : Revista de Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 6 (2007) 197-212
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1666-7743
Abstract: Análisis y comentario de la obra consignada en 78-00285.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 78-00285: Le « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio

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To cite this record

Record 395 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00304 (898770)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nicolini, Lara
Title of Article: Ad (l)usum lectoris: giochi di parole nelle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 58 (2007) 115-179
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: In frequente rapporto con Plauto, Apuleio costruisce figure etimologiche, poliptoti, paronomasie, doppi sensi, ipersemantizzazioni, neologismi, scarti

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

Related Publication(s)
Cf 83-00214: A recent emendation in Apuleius (Met. 6, 19, 2)
Cf 87-03403: In spite of Isis


To cite this record

Record 396 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00302 (1056032)
Type: Article in book
Author: Nenadic, Roxana
Title of Article: Todos los saberes conducen a Roma: el camino ideológico del « De mundo » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Enseñar y dominar: las estrategias preceptivas en Roma. Ed. Caballero de del Sastre, Elisabeth & Schniebs, Alicia, Buenos Aires : Universidad de
Buenos Aires, Instituto de Filología Clásica, 2007. 240 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 201-221

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 397 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00301 (898768)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nenadic, Roxana
Title of Article: ¿ Qué es un hombre ? :: reflexiones sobre « De deo Socratis » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Praesentia : Revista Venezolana de Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 8 (2007) non paginé
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1365-1857
Abstract: Partiéndose de las diferentes expresiones que en el tratado designan al género humano (« homo, animal, terricola, humana pars, uir »), se discute
cómo define Apuleyo al hombre, tanto en su relación con los dioses y los démones, con quienes conforma una tríada demónica, como con el resto de
los animales.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 398 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00300 (898767)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nenadic, Roxana
Title of Article: Di que fui yo quien te lo dijo: la presencia de Apuleyo en su « Vita Platonis »
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 66: 4 (2007) 942-958
Language: espagnol; castillan
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Examines, from a literary and discursive perspective, the coincidences between Plato's life as depicted by Apuleius and the life of Apuleius himself.
Particular attention is paid to the way the author uses lexical selection and narrative disposition to give form to the anecdotal material at his disposal,
thus providing insight into the effects of meaning produced by the biography in contrast to the rest of the epitome

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 399 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00299 (898766)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Montiglio, Silvia

Title of Article: « You can't go home again »: Lucius' journey in Apuleius's « Metamorphoses » set against the background of the « Odyssey »
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 58 (2007) 93-113
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: Il viaggio odissiaco è il modello per il viaggio delle « Metamorfosi », ma Lucio presenta caratteristiche opposte a quelle di Odisseo : dimentica il ritorno,
cerca volontariamente l'esperienza del magico, elude la propria genealogia, ha scarso controllo del proprio viaggio, muta la « prudentia » di Odisseo in
volgare « sagacitas » e la « multiscientia » in « curiositas », per lui il ritorno a casa non è lo scopo del viaggio ma solo una breve sosta

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Homerus - Réception et survie
Nom antique: Lucius
Odusseus (héros)


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Record 400 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-03545 (900148)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mazzoli, Giancarlo
Title of Article: Le « Metamorfosi » tra Ovidio e Apuleio
Title of Publication: Athenaeum: Studi Periodici di Letteratura e Storia dell’Antichità
Volume (year) pages: 95: 1 (2007) 7-20
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-6574
Abstract: Nel mettere in rilievo le modalità più peculiari del racconto ovidiano, si indaga il Fortleben delle « Metamorfosi » nella successiva letteratura latina a
partire da allusioni e rimandi presenti in altre opere dello stesso Ovidio fino a giungere al romanzo apuleiano, imperniato su un fattore metamorfico
magico che è del tutto alieno da quello ovidiano

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 401 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03299 (1091371)
Type: Article in book
Author: May, Regine
Title of Article: Visualising drama, oratory, and truthfulness in Apuleius Metamorphoses 3
Title of Publication: Seeing tongues, hearing scripts : orality and representation in the ancient novel. Ed. Rimell, Victoria (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 7), Eelde :
Barkhuis, 2007. XXI-340 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 86-105
Abstract: Focus on Apuleius’s representation of the Risus festival and the events leading up to it and how this episode influences the reader’s perception of the
veracity of the described situation. Apuleius prioritizes oral and descriptive genres (like oratory) over the multisensual entertainments of theatrical

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 402 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-06809 (1057198)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mattiacci, Silvia
Title of Article: Da Apuleio all'« Aegritudo Perdicae »: nuove metamorfosi del tema di Fedra
Title of Publication: Fedra: versioni e riscritture di un mito classico : atti del convegno AICC : Firenze, 2-3 aprile 2003. Ed. Degl'Innocenti Pierini, Rita, Lambardi, Noemi &
Magnelli, Enrico (Il diaspro. Piccola biblioteca de La fortezza, 3), Firenze : Polistampa, 2007. 173 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 131-156
Abstract: Analisi di due riscritture del mito di Fedra e Ippolito : la novella della matrigna innamorata in Apul. met. 10, 2-12 e l'« Aegritudo Perdicae »

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aegritudo Perdicae [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Hippolutos (héros ; fils de Thésée)
Phaidra (héroïne ; fille de Minos et de Pasiphaé)

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Record 403 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-14147 (910313)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Malaise, Michel

Title of Article: Les hypostoles: un titre isiaque, sa signification et sa traduction iconographique
Title of Publication: Chronique d’Égypte
Volume (year) pages: 82: 163-164 (2007) 302-322
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-6067
DOI: 10.1484/J.CDE.2.309328
Abstract: Ayant fait l'objet d'hypothèses interprétatives diverses mettant en jeu une étymologie liée tantôt à στολη (« vêtement »), tantôt à στόλος (« habilleur »),
ὑπόστολος semble en fait désigner un collège de hauts personnages préposés, dans les cérémonies isiaques, au port d'objets de culte et revêtus d'un
long pagne de lin blanc, héritage de la 26e dynastie pharaonique, noué sous les seins et descendant jusqu'aux pieds. Apulée (met. 11, 10) les nomme
« antistites » et leur existence est largement confirmée par l'iconographie, tant par les peintures romaines (Pompéi, Herculanum, Palestrina) que par
les terres cuites dites gréco-égyptiennes. Le terme n'est attesté que dans trois inscriptions (IG 12, Suppl. 571, de l'Iseion d'Érétrie en Eubée, 2e s. av.
J.-C. ; IG 9 2, 1107, de Démétrias en Thessalie, vers 117 av. J.-C. ; RICIS 113/0908 d'Amphipolis en Macédoine, 67-66 av. J.-C.).

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - C. - Greek - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
IV. - Non-literary sources - B. - Epigraphy - c) Greek epigraphy - Études
V. - History and civilization
- F. - Religion - e) Other religions - Études
- G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Roman and Greco-Roman art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Ercolano (ITA ; Napoli)
Palestrina (ITA ; Roma)
Pompei (ITA ; Napoli)


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Record 404 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00295 (898764)
Type: Article in journal
Author: López Barja de Quiroga, Pedro
Title of Article: Violencia servil en las « Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Studia Historica. Historia Antigua
Volume (year) pages: 25 (2007) 305-313
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-2052
Abstract: En el juego de espejos de la novela de Apuleyo, donde nada es lo que parece, la protección que supuestamente ofrecen las leyes a los hombres se
revela falsa. Esto es especialmente verdad en el caso de la violencia ejercida sobre los esclavos, cuya condición se nos describe con un inesperado
realismo. Los esclavos no pueden confiar ni en obtener la manumisión ni en la protección de la ley. Su destino es un castigo que sólo pueden evitar
huyendo o suicidándose.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 405 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00651 (898910)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kiss, Sebestyén
Title of Article: Apuleius Christianus ? :: (zu Arnobius : « Adversus nationes »)
Title of Publication: Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis
Volume (year) pages: 43 (2007) 201-210
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0418-453X
Abstract: Summarizes the author's dissertation, which focuses on points of contact between the works of Arnobius and of Apuleius. These include the influence
of stylistic features of the Second Sophistic, and of demonology

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Arnobius Maior [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 406 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00294 (898763)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kirichenko, Alexander
Title of Article: Writing like a clown: Apuleius' metafiction and Plautus' metatheater
Title of Publication: Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft: (GFA)
Volume (year) pages: 10 (2007) 259-271
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1437-9082

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Abstract: The identity of the primary narrator of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses », as well as the identities of some of its internal storytellers, is constructed in such
a way as to draw attention to the manipulating presence of the implied author and thus to the novel's fictionality. This metafictional game, which
Apuleius begins in the prologue and plays throughout his entire novel, is based on the same principles as metatheatrical jokes in Plautus' prologues.
Apuleius' indebtedness to the characteristically Plautine humor is in fact much deeper than has been previously assumed.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 407 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00293 (898762)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kirichenko, Alexander
Title of Article: « Lectores in fabula »: Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » between pleasure and instruction
Title of Publication: Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 33: 3 (2007) 254-276
Language: multilingue
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-2698
Abstract: Analisi contenutistica delle « Metamorfosi » : il prologo, la conclusione e il 2° libro, con particolare attenzione al ruolo del narratore, ai richiami
intertestuali e soprattutto al confronto con l'opera omonima di Ovidio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 408 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00274 (282493)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Keulen, Wytse H.
Title of Publication: Apuleius Madaurensis, Metamorphoses. Book I: text, introduction and commentary / [by] Wytse H. Keulen
Language: latin
Place: Publisher, year: Groningen: Forsten, 2007
Description: 569 p., 3 index
Collection: Groningen commentaries on Apuleius

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1

Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :2 (2009) 478-480&atitle=&pages=478-480&date=2009&volume=68&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Cueva, Edmund Paul, in: The Classical Journal, (2009) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2009&volume=Recensio&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :2 (2010) 153-154&atitle=&pages=153-154&date=2010&volume=117&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
James, Peter, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2010) 311-312&atitle=&pages=311-312&date=2010&volume=100&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Magnaldi, Giuseppina, in: Exemplaria Classica, (2008) 423-433&atitle=&pages=423-433&date=2008&volume=12&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Morgan, Edward, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2011) 153-155&atitle=&pages=153-155&date=2011&volume=N. S., 61&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2007) 331-332&atitle=&pages=331-332&date=2007&volume=85&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2008) 457-458&atitle=&pages=457-458&date=2008&volume=77&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 81-00247: Apuleiana recentiora

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Record 409 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03300 (1091372)
Type: Article in book
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Title of Article: « Vocis immutatio »: the Apuleian prologue and the pleasures and pitfalls of vocal versatility
Title of Publication: Seeing tongues, hearing scripts : orality and representation in the ancient novel. Ed. Rimell, Victoria (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 7), Eelde :
Barkhuis, 2007. XXI-340 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 106-137
Abstract: Analysis of the prologue to the « Metamorphoses » as a rhetorical program that stages the activity of the reader as an impersonating performance,
especially regarding the varied use of the voice

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 410 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00231 (1076700)

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Type: Article in book

Author: Kahane, Ahuvia
Title of Article: Disjoining meaning and truth: history, representation, Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and Neoplatonist aesthetics
Title of Publication: Philosophical presences in the ancient novel. Ed. Morgan, John R. & Jones, Meriel (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 10), Groningen : Barkhuis,
2007. 282 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 245-269
Abstract: Representations of truth and history in Apuleius's « Metamorphoses » - particularly in Met. 10, 30 and 10, 33, and in the paradox of mute speakers -
are read against the relationship between meaning and truth in Neoplatonic philosophy ; in E. Auerbach's study of μίμησις (=> 75-06404) ; and in the
work of the philosopher J. Rancière. Apuleius's idea of the truth is close to Neoplatonic conceptions.

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10
- 30 [CWKB Resolver]
- 33
Nom antique: Neoplatonici (école philosophique)
Nom récent: Auerbach, Erich (philologue allemand et historien de la littérature ; 1892-1957)

Related Publication(s)
Cf 75-06404: Mimesis

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Record 411 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00292 (898761)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Janni, Pietro
Title of Article: Apuleio, i briganti e la sepoltura in mare
Title of Publication: Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S.86 (2007) 125-134
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0033-4987
Abstract: In contrasto con l'idea antica che la « sepoltura in mare » fosse qualcosa di intollerabile, Apuleio (met. 4, 10-11), descrive in termini positivi
l'abbandono in mare del cadavere del pirata Lamaco : l'eccezione risulta motivata dal tono di parodia e di grottesco rovesciamento di ogni prospettiva
consueta che pervade il racconto

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 412 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00330 (898780)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Jal, Paul
Title of Article: Archimède et les miroirs ardents: quelques remarques
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 85 (2007) 39-45
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en ital.
ISSN/ISBN: 0373-5737
Abstract: C'est au cours du 2e s. après J.-C. que semble être née la tradition, attestée chez Apulée (Apol. 16, 4-6), Lucien (Hippias 2) et Dion Cassius (ap.
Zonaras 9, 4), selon laquelle, lors du siège de Syracuse (212 av. J.-C.), Archimède aurait incendié les navires romains à l'aide de miroirs réfléchissant
les rayons du soleil. En effet aucun des auteurs antérieurs qui détaillent les moyens mis en œuvre par Archimède pour lutter contre la flotte ennemie
(Polybe 8, 3-6 ; Tite-Live 24, 34 ; Plutarque, Marc. 15-17) n'évoque ce procédé, mentionné en revanche au 12e s. par Jean Tzetzès, Chil. 2, 103-149,
qui se réfère non seulement à Dion Cassius mais aussi à Diodore de Sicile. Il est toutefois permis de douter que Diodore ait bien rapporté ce fait au
livre XXVI de sa « Bibliothèque », dont nous n'avons que des fragments, puisque que ni Tite-Live, qui écrivait seulement une trentaine d'années après
lui, ni Plutarque, grand amateur de détails pittoresques, ne l'ont signalé

Discipline after vol. 67: VIII. - Science and technology - C. - Physical science and technology - b) Physics, chemistry, alchemy - Études
Ancient author and text: Archimedes - Réception et survie
Dio Cassius - Réception et survie
Diodorus Siculus - Réception et survie
Liuius (Titus) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Réception et survie
Polybius Historicus - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 16 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]
Liuius (Titus) - Ab Urbe Condita [view article in LLT-A] - 24 - 34 [CWKB Resolver]
Lucianus Samosatensis - Hippias - 2
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Vitae - Marcellus - 15
Polybius Historicus - Historiae - 8 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Siracusa (ITA ; Siracusa)

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Nom récent: Iohannes Tzetzes (grammairien et érudit byzantin ; vers 1110-1180)

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Record 413 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00291 (898760)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Jacobson, Howard
Title of Article: Apuleiana. 2
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 57: 2 (2007) 796-800
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838807000766
Abstract: Textual and exegetical notes on fourteen passages in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and on flor. 5. For 1 => 77-00304.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 414 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-07191 (901484)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Holzberg, Niklas
Title of Article: Der antike Roman: Textspektrum und Lektüreangebot
Title of Publication: Der Altsprachliche Unterricht: Latein, Griechisch
Volume (year) pages: 50: 4-5 (2007) 4-14, ill.
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-6670
Abstract: Die ältesten idealisierenden Romane stammen aus dem 1. Jh. n. Chr. und wurden von Angehörigen der hellenistischen Oberschicht gelesen. Die
erhaltenen Liebes- und Abenteuerromane evozieren die Dichtungen von Homer, Euripides und Menander. Obwohl erst in der Kaiserzeit entstanden,
findet sich in den idealisierenden Romanen nirgends auch nur eine Anspielung auf die römischen Eroberer. Petron und Apuleius scheinen die
idealisierenden Romane zu parodieren, indem sie deren Motive spielerisch ins Groteske verzerren.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Euripides - Réception et survie
Homerus - Réception et survie
Menander Comicus - Réception et survie
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 415 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-06311 (901182)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Holmes, Nigel
Title of Article: False quantities in Vegetius and others
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 57: 2 (2007) 668-686
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838807000626
Abstract: Continuation of a previous article by the author (=> 73-07288). This study left untouched the question of false quantities. Vegetius is diverging from
classical prosody in some cases. If one asks in what ways the untypical clausulae differ from the typical, certain regularities emerge that are best
explained as arising from systematic errors or particular licences. The variations that occur in the « Epitoma rei militaris » are examined, with account
taken of sentence-endings that differ from a favored clausula only in the quantity of one syllable. Appendix on the authenticity of Apuleius' « De
mundo » and « De Platone ».

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - F. - Metrics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vegetius Renatus (P. Flauius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 73-07288: Metrical notes on Vegetius' « Epitoma rei militaris »


To cite this record

Record 416 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00288 (1056030)

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Type: Article in book

Author: Hidalgo de la Vega, María José
Title of Article: The flight of slaves and bands of latrones in Apuleius
Title of Publication: Fear of slaves, fear of enslavement in the ancient Mediterranean = Peur de l'esclave, peur de l'esclavage en Méditerranée ancienne: (discours,
représentations, pratiques) : actes du XXIXe colloque du Groupe international de recherche sur l'esclavage dans l'Antiquité (GIREA), Rethymnon,
4-7 novembre 2004. Ed. Serghidou, Anastasia (Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité), Besançon : Pr. Universitaires de Franche-Comté,
2007. 453 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 325-337
Abstract: Reflet de la situation sociale

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 417 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00289 (898758)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hidalgo de la Vega, María José
Title of Article: Iniciación religiosa e interiorización de la dependencia en las « Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo de Madaura (libro XI)
Title of Publication: Studia Historica. Historia Antigua
Volume (year) pages: 25 (2007) 371-396
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-2052
Abstract: Se analizan y explican, a través del libro 11 de la novela de Apuleyo, aspectos significativos de los usos religiosos y de su comportamiento en el
imaginario de una sociedad. En este sentido, las religiones de misterios pueden llegar, en su complejidad y a través de sus diversas máscaras, a
simbolizar la integración de las fuerzas del cosmos, presentando un sistema de representación y de integración global del mundo y de la sociedad. La
universalidad de las mismas es el escenario en donde los fieles creen que conseguirán la igualdad prometida, aunque ficticia, ya que en realidad
implica una sumisión y dependencia de las órdenes y dictados de los dioses, en nuestro caso de la diosa Isis, cuya supremacía y soteriología
garantizará a los fieles la protección y salvación en esta vida y en el más allá. El análisis del léxico de dependencia, presente en todo el texto,
desvela, en el nivel simbólico-religioso, las relaciones sociales propias de la sociedad romana, reforzando-renovando el control ideológico sobre los
creyentes-fieles, hasta el punto de interiorizar estas relaciones de dependencia y considerarlas como igualitarias en un horizonte de dominación-

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 418 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00287 (898757)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Henneböhl, Rudolf
Title of Article: « The good, the bad and the ugly »: lektürebegleitende Tagebücher zu « Amor und Psyche »
Title of Publication: Der Altsprachliche Unterricht: Latein, Griechisch
Volume (year) pages: 50: 4-5 (2007) 60-71, ill.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-6670
Abstract: Zu existenziellen und symbolischen Elementen der Erzählung

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Amor (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

To cite this record

Record 419 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-11812 (1071684)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harlow, Mary
Title of Article: Blurred visions: male perceptions of the female life course : the case of Aemilia Pudentilla
Title of Publication: Age and ageing in the Roman Empire. Ed. Harlow, Mary, Laurence, Ray & Eger, A. Asa (International Roman Archaeology Conference series; Journal
of Roman Archaeology. Supplementary Series, 65), Portsmouth (R.I.) : Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2007; Portsmouth (R.I.) : Journal of Roman
Archaeology, 2007. 220 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 195-208
Abstract: The case-study of Aemilia Pudentilla, the older rich widow whom Apuleius wed and who is known from his « Apologia », illustrates the methodological
problems historians face as they attempt to track the life course of women. This work highlights the economic power of women, their position in the
inheritance network, and the fact that the life courses of older women are frequently given meaning only by their ties to men. But upper-class women
also took increased responsibility for running the household and bringing up their children as they aged ; they followed the lives of their adult children
and were involved with grandchildren ; and they may have acted as patronesses. It is difficult to know to what extent growing older might have offered
independence for women of means.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)

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Record 420 of 2062 Reference: APh 87-03301 (1091373)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: The ass’s ears and the novel’s voice: orality and the involvement of the reader in Apuleius’ « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Seeing tongues, hearing scripts : orality and representation in the ancient novel. Ed. Rimell, Victoria (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 7), Eelde :
Barkhuis, 2007. XXI-340 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 138-167

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 421 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00285 (282495)
Type: Monograph
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Publication: Le « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio: letteratura e identità
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Ospedaletto: Pacini, 2007
Description: X-260 p., index
Collection: Arti, spazi, scritture. Letteratura latina, 5

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Borgo, Antonella, in: Atene e Roma N. S., N. S.:3-4 (2007) 191-193&atitle=&pages=191-193&date=2007&volume=N. S., 1&issue=3-4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :3 (2009) 775-777&atitle=&pages=775-777&date=2009&volume=68&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Cannas, Franco, in: Athenaeum, :1 (2011) 279-283&atitle=&pages=279-283&date=2011&volume=99&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Fletcher, Richard, in: Ancient Narrative, (2010) 181-193&atitle=&pages=181-193&date=2010&volume=8&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Kirichenko, Alexander, in: Mnemosyne Ser. 4, Ser. 4:3 (2009) 514-519&atitle=&pages=514-519&date=2009&volume=Ser. 4, 62&issue=3&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Martos, Juan José, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:3 (2010) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2010&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
May, Regine, in: Gnomon, :1 (2011) 81-83&atitle=&pages=81-83&date=2011&volume=83&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Nicolini, Lara, in: Ordia Prima , (2007) 197-212&atitle=&pages=197-212&date=2007&volume=6&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Patrone, Michela, in: Maia, :1 (2010) 148-150&atitle=&pages=148-150&date=2010&volume=62&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2007) 358-360&atitle=&pages=358-360&date=2007&volume=85&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Tilg, Stefan, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, :3-4 (2009) 206-210&atitle=&pages=206-210&date=2009&volume=62&issue=3-4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Toribio Pérez, Pablo, in: Emerita, :2 (2010) 367-369&atitle=&pages=367-369&date=2010&volume=78&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 79-00293: Una lettura di L. Graverini, « Le Metamorfosi di Apuleio, letteratura e identità »
Cf 85-00321: Literature and identity in the « Golden ass » of Apuleius

To cite this record

Record 422 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00284 (898755)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Échalier, Laure
Title of Article: Tlépolème émule d'Ulysse ? :: l'invention d'un discours autobiographique mensonger (Apulée, Métamorphoses VII, 4-5)
Title of Publication: Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 35 (2007) 141-157
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0531-2175
Abstract: Se analizan las técnicas y las fuentes literarias utilizadas por Apuleyo para inventar el relato autobiográfico de Tlepólemo intentando hacerse pasar
por un ladrón, y para transmitirle a su lector el carácter artificial de dicho relato. El Tlepólemo mentiroso se inspira en el Odiseo mentiroso de la
literatura épica. La presencia de un discurso autobiográfico falso en el corazón del discurso autobiográfico ficticio de Apuleyo se presenta como uno
de los elementos de una reflexión más amplia sobre lo que éste dice de la mentira, de la ficción y de la verdad.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Homerus - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Odusseus (héros)
Tlepolemos (héros ; fils d’Héraclès)

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Record 423 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh 85-00309 (1080528)
Type: Article in book
Author: Deremetz, Alain
Title of Article: Quelques interprétations du « mythe de
Psyché » d’Apulée : Macrobe, Fulgence,
Title of Publication: « Des dieux et du monde »: fonctions et
usages de la mythographie. Ed. Fabre-Serris,
Jacqueline (Ateliers : cahiers de la Maison de
la recherche, 38), Villeneuve-d’Asq : Université
Charles-de-Gaulle – Lille III, 2007. 148 p.
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 978-2-84467-101-1
Pages: 105-113

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Fulgentius Mythographus [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom antique: Psukhe (personnification)
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)

To cite this record

Record 424 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00275 (285997)
Type: Monograph
Author: Carver, Robert H. F.
Title of Publication: The Protean ass: the « Metamorphoses » of Apuleius from antiquity to the Renaissance
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Pr., 2007
Description: XIII-545 p., 4 index
Collection: Oxford Scholarship Online
Oxford Classical Monographs

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

Bradley, Keith R., in: Phoenix, :3-4 (2008) 363-378&atitle=&pages=363-378&date=2008&volume=62&issue=3-4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Colton, Robert E., in: Latomus, :4 (2009) 1130-1132&atitle=&pages=1130-1132&date=2009&volume=68&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :2 (2010) 149-150&atitle=&pages=149-150&date=2010&volume=117&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Leach, Eleanor Winsor, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2009) 482-485&atitle=&pages=482-485&date=2009&volume=N. S., 59&issue=2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Lee, Benjamin Todd, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:3 (2009) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2009&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Soler, Joëlle, in: Anabases:11 (2010) 250-252&atitle=&pages=250-252&date=2010&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 80-00319: Apuleiana
Cf 81-00247: Apuleiana recentiora

To cite this record

Record 425 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-06715 (901334)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bussi, Chiaffredo
Title of Article: L' ira di Venere tra Stazio e Apuleio
Title of Publication: Acme: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano
Volume (year) pages: 60: 2 (2007) 281-294
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0001-494X
Abstract: Il retroterra filosofico e culturale di Stat. Th. 5, 57ss. e Apul. Met. 4, 29ss., accostabili per il collegamento fra emozioni interiori ed esteriorità umana e
per un'atmosfera molto simile, va individuato nel « De ira » senecano

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Statius (P. Papinius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 29
Statius (P. Papinius) - Thebais [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 57 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Venus (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 426 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00318 (911409)

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Type: Article in journal

Author: Boscherini, Silvano
Title of Article: L'« Erbario » di Apuleio e i precetti dei profeti
Title of Publication: Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Volume (year) pages: 1 (2007) 113-118
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 229
ISSN/ISBN: 1973-5049
Abstract: Alcuni « nomina herbarum » sono utili a illustrare l'interazione nel tempo della farmacologia egizia, greca e latina

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 427 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00281 (898753)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bianco, Maurizio Massimo
Title of Article: Il « cadavere » della bellezza: riflessioni estetiche e strategie retoriche in Apuleio
Title of Publication: Bollettino di Studi Latini: Periodico Semestrale d’Informazione Bibliografica
Volume (year) pages: 37: 2 (2007) 593-609
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0006-6583
Abstract: Analisi della strategia retorica adottata nell'« Apologia » per le questioni « de speculo » (13ss.) e « de sigillo » (61ss.)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A]
- 13
- 61

To cite this record

Record 428 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00259 (917628)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bianco, Maurizio Massimo
Title of Article: « Col torno e col coturno »: i « Florida » di Apuleio e l'equilibrio dei registri
Title of Publication: Aevum Antiquum
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 7 (2007) 65-74
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1121-8932
Abstract: Apuleio (flor. 16) mette in evidenza il πρέπον della scrittura del commediografo greco Filemone, che delinea i personaggi in modo che questi
rappresentino precisi « topoi » di maniera e situazione, calibrando di volta in volta toni e registro

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Philemon Comicus - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 16

To cite this record

Record 429 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00280 (1056028)
Type: Article in book
Author: Annequin, Jacques
Title of Article: Esclaves-esclavage, peurs individuelles et peurs sociales dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Fear of slaves, fear of enslavement in the ancient Mediterranean = Peur de l'esclave, peur de l'esclavage en Méditerranée ancienne: (discours,
représentations, pratiques) : actes du XXIXe colloque du Groupe international de recherche sur l'esclavage dans l'Antiquité (GIREA), Rethymnon,
4-7 novembre 2004. Ed. Serghidou, Anastasia (Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité), Besançon : Pr. Universitaires de Franche-Comté,
2007. 453 p.
Language: français
Pages: 231-239

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization
- C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
- E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 430 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00334 (1052186)
Type: Article in book
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Article: Awe and opposition: the ambivalent presence of Lucretius in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Authors, authority, and interpreters in the ancient novel: essays in honor of Gareth L. Schmeling. Ed. Byrne, Shannon Nora, Cueva, Edmund Paul &
Alvares, Jean (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 5), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XXV-356 p.

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Language: anglais
Pages: 317-339

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Lucretius Carus (T.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 431 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-07308 (894835)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Vergari, Gabriella
Title of Article: Dall'uomo-asino all'uomo insetto: percorsi di metamorfosi nel tempo
Title of Publication: Sileno: Rivista Semestrale di Studi Classici e Cristiani
Volume (year) pages: 32: 1-2 (2006) 215-222
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en lat.
Abstract: Sulla metamorfosi e sull'« imbestiamento » dall'« Asino d'oro » di Apuleio a « La metamorfosi » di F. Kafka

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Kafka, Franz (écrivain tchèque ; 1883-1924)

To cite this record

Record 432 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00333 (1052185)
Type: Article in book
Author: Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin
Title of Article: Lucius descripteur: quelques remarques sur le livre 11 des « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: français
Pages: 252-265
Abstract: La place et la fonction des descriptions dans le livre 11 et celles du descripteur. Ce qu'elles révèlent de l'éducation rhétorique de Lucius

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - c) Rhetoric - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 433 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00331 (1052183)
Type: Article in book
Author: Tatum, James
Title of Article: Marcus Tullius Cicero, author of the « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 4-14
Abstract: Réflexions sur des aspects narratologiques de l'œuvre, notamment sur le personnage de Lucius, à la fois « actor » et « auctor ». Démonstration par
l'absurde que le roman aurait pu être attribué à Cicéron, si l'on tenait compte des nombreux renvois et références possibles à son œuvre

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 434 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00016 (1072784)
Type: Article in book
Author: Stucchi, Silvia
Title of Article: Aspetti dell'attenuazione della tematica incestuosa nell'« Aegritudo Perdicae »
Title of Publication: Quesiti, temi, testi di poesia tardolatina: Claudiano, Prudenzio, Ilario di Poitiers, Sidonio Apollinare, Draconzio, « Aegritudo Perdicae », Venanzio
Fortunato, « corpus » dei « Ritmi Latini ». Ed. Castagna, Luigi & Riboldi, Chiara (Studien zur Klassischen Philologie, 153), Bern ; Frankfurt am Main :
Lang, 2006. XVI-222 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 105-121
Abstract: In dem anonymen Gedicht wird die Inzestthematik (hier zwischen Mutter und Sohn) ähnlich wie bei Ovid in den Geschichten von Byblis und Caunus
(Met. 9, 454-665) sowie von Myrrha und Cinyras (Met. 10, 298-502) systematisch abgeschwächt. Möglicherweise ist die « Aegritudo Perdicae » von
Claudians « De Polycaste et Perdicca » (Carm. min. 8) sowie von der bei Apuleius (Met. 10, 2-12) erzählten Geschichte beeinflusst, die eine
bürgerliche Variante der Geschichte von Phaedra und Hippolytus darstellt. Im Falle des Perdica geht die Abschwächung so weit, dass er schliesslich
geradezu als Anti-Oedipus erscheint.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Aegritudo Perdicae [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Claudianus (Claudius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Claudianus (Claudius) - Carmina minora uel potius miscellanea [view article in LLT-A] - 8
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A]
- 10
- 2 [CWKB Resolver]
- 298 [CWKB Resolver]
- 9 - 454 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 435 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00329 (1052182)
Type: Article in book
Author: Schmeling, Gareth L.
Montiglio, Silvia
Title of Article: Riding the waves of passion: an exploration of an image of appetites in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 28-41
Abstract: Le motif de la vague et des mouvements ondulants (cheveux, vêtements,…). Connotations érotiques

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 436 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00284 (1052148)
Type: Article in book
Author: Sandy, Gerald N.
Title of Article: Two Renaissance readers of Apuleius: Filippo Beroaldo and Henri de Mesmes
Title of Publication: Authors, authority, and interpreters in the ancient novel: essays in honor of Gareth L. Schmeling. Ed. Byrne, Shannon Nora, Cueva, Edmund Paul &
Alvares, Jean (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 5), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XXV-356 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 239-273
Abstract: Aspects philologiques

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)
Mesmes, Henri de (homme d’État français et collectionneur de mss. ; 1532-1596)

To cite this record

Record 437 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00285 (292463)
Type: Monograph
Author: Sabnis, Sonia
Title of Publication: Storytelling slaves and narrative resistance in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2006
Description: 251 p.
Further Information: Argues that the rhetoric and social dynamics of Roman slavery pervade Apuleius' novel, both at the level of plot and in the narratological strategies
employed. Thesis (Ph. D.) - University of California, Berkeley. Summary in : DAI-A 2007-2008 68 (2).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 438 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00327 (892355)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Riemer, Ulrike
Title of Article: Apuleius, « De magia »: zur Historizität der Rede
Title of Publication: Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte = Revue d’Histoire Ancienne
Volume (year) pages: 55: 2 (2006) 178-190
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-2311
Abstract: Eine Analyse der Kernthesen der Verteidigung sowie die Tatsache, dass über ein Urteil nichts bekannt geworden ist, wirft die Frage auf, ob der
Prozess gegen Apuleius überhaupt stattgefunden hat. Die Form der Anklageerhebung sowie die eigentliche Anklage sprechen dagegen. Apuleius, der
sich des Ausgangs des Verfahrens schon sicher zu sein scheint, spielt mit der Anklage. Auch die Publikation der Rede lässt sich weder mit der
angeblichen Schwere der Anklage noch mit dem Vorwurf selbst in Einklang bringen. Insgesamt bietet die Rede daher eher Stoff für eine Komödie als
für einen Prozess.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - B. - Public life. Institutions - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 439 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-07619 (894934)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Article: Présence-absence de la figure du « lector » dans les romans latins de l'époque impériale
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Anciennes
Volume (year) pages: 108: 1 (2006) 313-326
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-2004
Abstract: Le « Satiricon » et les « Métamorphoses », les deux œuvres de fiction latine parvenues jusqu'à nous, inscrivent en elles la ou les lectures que nous
pouvons en faire grâce au « narrataire » extradiégétique qu'elles mettent en scène et à diverses stratégies textuelles qui induisent certaines réactions
chez le lecteur. L'une de ces stratégies laisse au lecteur une grande liberté dans sa démarche herméneutique, tandis que l'autre, dans une certaine
mesure, guide et oriente cette démarche. L'œuvre de Pétrone serait donc plutôt du côté de la « dissémination », celle d'Apulée du côté de

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 440 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00326 (1052180)
Type: Article in book
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Article: Les discours dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée: vérité ou mensonge ou Faut-il croire celui qui parle ?
Title of Publication: Discours et débats dans l'ancien roman: actes du colloque de Tours, 21-23 octobre 2004. Ed. Pouderon, Bernard, Peigney, Jocelyne & Bost-
Pouderon, Cécile (Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. Série Littéraire et Philosophique, 10; Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et
de la Méditerranée, 36), Lyon : Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2006; Lyon : Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2006. 362 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
Pages: 141-152
Abstract: Chez Apulée, chaque récit diégétique ou métadiégétique cherche à se présenter comme une communication entre un narrateur digne de foi et un
lecteur croyant. Pourtant, le doute s'installe toujours. Seule la parole divine est vraie (Met. 11)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 441 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00324 (1052178)
Type: Article in book
Author: Plaza, Maria
Title of Article: « Nomen omen »: narrative instantiation of rhetorical expressions in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: latin
Pages: 68-85
Abstract: Examine le procédé par lequel prennent vie des expressions proverbiales ou imagées, en étant comprises au premier degré : ainsi, « utres inflati »
(Met. 3, 9, 9). Note critique à Met. 11, 27, 7 : il faut lire « reformationis meae < in > asinum nomen », au lieu de « reformationis meae < minime >
alienum nomen »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Gnomica et prouerbia - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 11 - 27 - 7 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 9 - 9 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 442 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00323 (892354)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pisano, Alessandra
Title of Article: La novella di Aristomene: (Met. 1, 5-19)
Title of Publication: Paideia: Rivista Letteraria di Informazione Bibliografica
Volume (year) pages: 61 (2006) 481-519
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0030-9435
Abstract: Nella novella emergono tratti non marginali della tecnica narrativa di Apuleio : il rovesciamento dei topoi narrativi, la « tecnica del segnale », con la
quale l'autore allude allo sviluppo dell'intreccio, la commistione fra elementi favolistici e reminiscenze letterarie

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 5

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Record 443 of 2062 Type: Article in journal
Reference: APh 77-13411 (897384)

Author: Pasquato, Ottorino

Title of Article: Iniziazione pagana e iniziazione cristiana (I-III sec.): le
vie della salvezza
Title of Publication: Augustinianum: Periodicum Semestre Instituti Patristici
Volume (year) pages: 46: 1 (2006) 5-23
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-8011
Abstract: Quadro e confronto dell'iniziazione religiosa, delle sue
tappe e delle sue finalità, nei culti misterici pagani (con
particolare attenzione per il racconto di Apuleio,
Met. 11) e nella religione cristiana, in relazione
soprattutto al catecumenato e al battesimo, nelle
modalità attestate in Giustino e in Teofilo d'Antiochia

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Iustinus Martyr - Études
Theophilus Antiochenus - Études

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Record 444 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00321 (1052177)
Type: Article in book
Author: Paolucci, Paola
Title of Article: « Voces absonae » di Lucio-asino (Apul. met. VII 3)
Title of Publication: « Concentus ex dissonis »: scritti in onore di Aldo Setaioli. Ed. Santini, Carlo, Zurli, Loriano & Cardinali, Luca (Quaderni del Dipartimento di Filologia e
Tradizione greca e latina / Università degli Studi di Perugia, 4), Napoli : Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 2006. 2 vol. (801 p.) portr.
Language: italien
Pages: 2, 511-529
Abstract: Si propone l'emendamento « onon », in luogo di « non non », come resa onomatopeica del raglio d'asino

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 445 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00320 (1052176)
Type: Article in book
Author: Panayotakis, Stelios
Title of Article: The overseer of Hades: Charon in Apuleius' Metamorphoses 6,18,6
Title of Publication: « Concentus ex dissonis »: scritti in onore di Aldo Setaioli. Ed. Santini, Carlo, Zurli, Loriano & Cardinali, Luca (Quaderni del Dipartimento di Filologia e
Tradizione greca e latina / Università degli Studi di Perugia, 4), Napoli : Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 2006. 2 vol. (801 p.) portr.
Language: anglais
Pages: 2, 503-510
Abstract: Si propone l'emendamento « Ditis sectator » in luogo del tràdito « Ditis et pater »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 18 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 446 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-03250 (1052933)
Type: Article in book
Author: Panayotakis, Stelios
Title of Article: A pain in « The Ass »
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 111-122
Abstract: Dans la version grecque de l'« Âne » par Lucius de Patras, lorsque le héros est jeté à la rue par sa maîtresse sexuellement insatisfaite (Asin. 56),
l'expression τῶν νώτων doit être amendée en τῶν ὠτων (« par les oreilles »). Rarement attestée dans la littérature, cette tournure se retrouve chez
Apulée (met. 9, 36, 1), ce qui pose la question des modalités de l'utilisation par cet auteur de la source grecque (=> 72-00369)

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - C. - Greek - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucius Patrensis - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 36 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Lucianus Samosatensis - Asinus - 56

Related Publication(s)

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Cf 72-00369: « Lector, intende : laetaberis »

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Record 447 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00319 (1052175)
Type: Article in book
Author: Palacios, Jimena
Title of Article: Mujeres engendran monstruos: la construcción de los vicios femeninos en Apuleyo, Metamorfosis IV-VI
Title of Publication: Monstruos y maravillas en las literaturas latina y medieval y sus lecturas. Ed. Caballero de del Sastre, Elisabeth, Rabaza, Beatriz & Valentini, Carlos,
Rosario : Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, 2006. 409 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 207-228
Abstract: Se intenta demostrar que el texto de Apuleyo sugiere una determinada representación de las relaciones de poder entre familiares que reproduce la
diferenciación de estatus social entre « agnati »/« cognati ». El texto confirma la prioridad del vínculo con el marido frente a la relación entre
hermanas. Las hermanas de Psique, en tanto que representan una amenaza para el matrimonio, resultan comparables con seres monstruosos para
Cupido. Apuleyo, desde la perspectiva patriarcal, construye a las mujeres y a sus vicios como inquietantes y amenazantes monstruos, cuya poderosa
peligrosidad justifica la necesidad de someterlas a la subordinación.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

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Record 448 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00318 (892353)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Osgood, Josiah Warren
Title of Article: « Nuptiae iure civili congruae »: Apuleius's story of Cupid and Psyche and the Roman law of marriage
Title of Publication: Transactions of the American Philological Association: Journal of the Society for Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 136: 2 (2006) 415-441
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0360-5949
Abstract: Throughout the tale of Cupid and Psyche embedded in the « Metamorphoses » Apuleius refers to Roman practices, especially legal practices. Most
conspicuous are the references to the Roman law of marriage. Examination of passages (5, 26 ; 6, 4 ; 6, 8 ; and 6, 23) shows how knowledge of law
enhances the reader's pleasure. Connections between Apuleius's tale and the account of his own marriage to Aemilia Pudentilla in his « Apologia »
are explored. Apuleius seems to be recalling, playfully, his own legal success. At the same time, both works suggest that problems arose in families
not because of the actions of official enforcers, but because of appeal to the law by family members.

Discipline after vol. 67: VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 5 - 26 [CWKB Resolver]
- 23 [CWKB Resolver]
- 8 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)
Cupido (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)


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Record 449 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00317 (1052174)
Type: Article in book
Author: Nenadic, Roxana
Title of Article: Monstruo no se nace: monstruosidad y conocimiento en la « Apología » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Monstruos y maravillas en las literaturas latina y medieval y sus lecturas. Ed. Caballero de del Sastre, Elisabeth, Rabaza, Beatriz & Valentini, Carlos,
Rosario : Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, 2006. 409 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 185-205
Abstract: Sobre la creación de la imagen monstruosa de Sicinio Pudente en los capítulos 85 y 86 de la « Apología » de Apuleyo, y los elementos culturales que
intervienen en la construcción de dicha imagen.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A]
- 85
- 86
Nom antique: Pudens, Sicinius (père de Pudentilla)

To cite this record

Record 450 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00278 (917640)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nenadic, Roxana

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Title of Article: Apuleyo, orador y poeta: acerca de Apologia 9-13.4

Title of Publication: Anales de Filología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 18-19 (2005-2006) 77-108
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0325-1721
Abstract: Se analiza la estructura fónico-métrica de las dos elegías « homoeróticas » de Apuleyo citadas en Apología 9, 25-30 y 9, 33-44. Se señalan asimismo
los paralelismos y coincidencias léxicas, semánticas y estructurales entre los poemas y la defensa propiamente dicha. Los paralelismos y
coincidencias se interpretan en términos de influencia del material poético sobre el argumentativo, y en relación con un sistema de producción y
recepción de la autodefensa concebido como una verdadera poética de la connivencia. Apuleyo, orador poético y poeta diserto, busca no sólo la
mirada aprobadora de su oyente sino también el guiño cómplice que disimule lo inconfesable.

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - F. - Metrics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9
- 25 [CWKB Resolver]
- 33 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 451 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00289 (278698)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Nauta, Ruurd R.
Title of Publication: « Desultoria scientia »: genre in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and related texts / ed. by Ruurd R. Nauta
Language: latin
Place: Publisher, year: Leuven: Peeters, 2006
Description: IX-121 p., index
Further Information: Proceedings of the fifth Fransum Colloquium held on May 18, 2002 in the countryside north of Groningen
Collection: Caeculus, 5

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: Ancient Narrative, (2008) 141-149&atitle=&pages=141-149&date=2008&volume=6&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :2 (2010) 151&atitle=&pages=151&date=2010&volume=117&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
O'Brien, Maeve C., in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2008) 497-499&atitle=&pages=497-499&date=2008&volume=N. S., 58&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin, in: Mnemosyne Ser. 4, Ser. 4:2 (2009) 334-335&atitle=&pages=334-335&date=2009&volume=Ser. 4, 62&issue=2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 81-00247: Apuleiana recentiora

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Record 452 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-07606 (894931)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nardi, Carlo
Title of Article: « Reformatio » di Apuleio, « Confessio » di Agostino: fenomenologie di conversione a confronto
Title of Publication: Vivens Homo : rivista di teologia e scienze religiose
Volume (year) pages: 17: 1 (2006) 67-94
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en ital. et en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1123-5470
Abstract: Les itinéraires de conversion de Lucius dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée ou l'« Âne d'Or » attribué à Lucien diffèrent de celui des
« Confessions » par l'expérience de la grâce divine qui est au centre du récit d'Augustin

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études

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Record 453 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00316 (892352)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Müller-Reineke, Hendrik
Title of Article: A Greek miscellanist as a libidinous Thessalian witch ? :: Pamphile in Apuleius' Metamorphoses 2-3
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 56: 2 (2006) 648-652
Language: anglais

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ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1017/S0009838806000760
Abstract: Among the significant « speaking » names in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » is that of Pamphile. Throughout the novel, Apuleius mentions real-life
figures and/or names his characters after famous historical persons and authors. By choosing the name Pamphile, Apuleius had the opportunity to
make a literary pun on his acquaintance with an author, Pamphila of Epidaurus, who lived a century earlier than himself and wrote histories, epitomes
of historical and other authors, and a treatise about sex.

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - G. - Onomastics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Pamphila - Réception et survie


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Record 454 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-01335 (892726)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mosetti Casaretto, Francesco
Title of Article: Modelli e antimodelli per la « Cena Cypriani »: il « teatro interiore », Zenone e … Apuleio !
Title of Publication: Wiener Studien: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und Lateinische Tradition
Volume (year) pages: 119 (2006) 215-246
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0084-005X
Abstract: The « Cena Cypriani » is a parodic text. Therefore, from a hermeneutic point of view, it does not make sense to speak strictly of « sources » ; it would
be more correct to speak of cultural « models » and « anti-models » in order to identify the textual parameters that form the strategy of this work and
its meaning. Thus, on the one hand, the meaning of the « Cena Cypriani » itself is investigated in the literature of Late Antiquity, connecting it to the
original dialectics between Christianity and « theatre » ; on the other hand, all the sources so far identified (e. g. Zeno Veronensis or the
« Constitutiones Apostolorum ») are discussed. Apuleius' influence proves to be the most recent reference, after the Bible, in the conception and
composition of the « Cena ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cena Cypriani - Réception et survie
Constitutiones apostolorum - Réception et survie
Zeno Veronensis [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 455 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00337 (911415)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Montemayor Aceves, Martha Elena
Title of Article: Contenidos jurídicos en el relato de « Cupido y Psique » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Nova Tellus: Anuario del Centro de Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 24: 2 (2006) 245-261, ill.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0185-3058
Abstract: Apuleyo, quien ejerció la profesión de abogado, tuvo un amplio conocimiento del Derecho romano. Así se evidencia en su historia sobre Cupido y
Psique (Met. 4, 28-ss.), donde emplea con fines estrictamente literarios sus conocimientos jurídicos sobre las instituciones romanas del matrimonio y
la esclavitud : en el « Digesto » se documentan conceptos por él empleados como « deductio in domum maritii », « couentio in manum »,
« confarreatio », « repudium », hijo « spurius » y « seruus fugitiuus ».

Discipline after vol. 67: VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 28

To cite this record

Record 456 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-00253 (917626)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Michelon, Francesca
Title of Article: Dal romanzo latino al teatro di corte rinascimentale: « Le noze di Psiche e Cupidine » di Galeotto del Carretto
Title of Publication: Rendiconti/ Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche
Volume (year) pages: 140 (2006) 75-98
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0021-2504
Abstract: L'analisi degli elementi drammatici che caratterizzano la favola di « Amore e Psiche » nelle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio consente di comprendere
l'impiego del testo nella produzione teatrale del Quattrocento


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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Del Carretto, Galeotto (poète italien ; 1452-1531)

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Record 457 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00291 (1058683)
Type: Article in book
Author: Michalopoulos, Andreas N.
Title of Article: Naming the characters: the cases of Aristomenes, Socrates and Meroe in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » (1.2-19)
Title of Publication: What's in a name ? :: the significance of proper names in classical Latin literature. Ed. Booth, Joan, Maltby, Robert & Biville, Frédérique, Swansea :
Classical Pr. of Wales, 2006. IX-196 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 169-187
Abstract: The poet carefully chooses the names of his heroes in the first embedded story of the work. The fictional names Socrates and Meroe and the narrator
Aristomenes are bearers of multiple meanings to whose etymologies the poet constantly alludes, thereby creating a rich nexus of meanings and

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 2

To cite this record

Record 458 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00314 (1052172)
Type: Article in book
Author: McCreight, Thomas D.
Title of Article: Psyche's sisters as « medicae » ? :: allusions to medicine in « Cupid and Psyche »
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 123-167
Abstract: Avec étude lexicale

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
VIII. - Science and technology - E. - Life science and technology - c) Medical science - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 459 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00313 (1052171)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mayer, Marc
Title of Article: Viajes, aventuras y desventuras de un hombre con ideas proprias: Apuleyo de Madaura
Title of Publication: Serta antiqua et mediaevalia. 9,: Le vie della storia : migrazioni di popoli, viaggi di individui, circolazione di idee nel Mediterraneo antico : atti del
II incontro internazionale di storia antica (Genova 6-8 ottobre 2004). Ed. Angeli Bertinelli, Maria Gabriella & Donati, Angela (Storia antica/ Università
degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità e del Medioevo, 5), Roma : G. Bretschneider, 2006. XIV-405 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 223-236
Abstract: Il contesto storico-sociale e culturale dei viaggi avventurosi descritti nell'opera di Apuleio, tra autobiografia e invenzione narrativa

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 460 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00312 (1052170)
Type: Article in book
Author: May, Regine
Title of Article: The prologue to Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and Coluccio Salutati: MS Harley 4838 (with an appendix on Sozomeno of Pistoia and the Nonius
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 281-312
Abstract: Dans la tradition manuscrite d'Apulée, n'est pas mentionné le ms. London, British Libr., Harley 4838, daté du 14e s. Pourtant, il contient des notes
marginales, ainsi qu'une version versifiée du prologue des « Métamorphoses », rédigées par C. Salutati à la Renaissance, qui sont importantes pour
l'histoire du texte. Publication et étude de ces notes, avec d'autres se référant à Nonius et concernant Plaute, qui sont dues au propriétaire suivant du
ms., Sozomène de Pistoia

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nonius Marcellus - Études
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Salutati, Coluccio (notaire et érudit italien ; 1331-1406)
Sozomenus Pistoriensis (érudit italien et possesseur de mss. ; vers 1387-1458)

To cite this record

Record 461 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00297 (282496)

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Type: Monograph
Author: May, Regine
Title of Publication: Apuleius and drama: the ass on stage
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Oxford: Clarendon Pr., 2006
Description: XI-379 p., index
Further Information: On the use of drama as an intertext in the « Metamorphoses ».
Collection: Oxford Classical Monographs

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - b) Drama - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Bradley, Keith R., in: Phoenix, :3-4 (2008) 363-378&atitle=&pages=363-378&date=2008&volume=62&issue=3-4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2008) 170-171&atitle=&pages=170-171&date=2008&volume=N. S., 58&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :2 (2010) 152-153&atitle=&pages=152-153&date=2010&volume=117&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
James, Paula, in: Ancient Narrative, (2008) 131-140&atitle=&pages=131-140&date=2008&volume=6&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Pasetti, Lucia, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:2 (2008) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2008&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Pausch, Dennis, in: Gnomon, :7 (2008) 600-603&atitle=&pages=600-603&date=2008&volume=80&issue=7&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Sabnis, Sonia, in: Hermathena :186 (2009) 120-123&atitle=&pages=120-123&date=2009&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Slater, Niall W., in: Scholia N. S., N. S. (2007) 149-151&atitle=&pages=149-151&date=2007&volume=N. S., 16&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Stehlíková, Eva, in: Listy Filologické = Folia Philologica, :3-4 (2008) 541-543&atitle=&pages=541-543&date=2008&volume=131&issue=3-4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 80-00319: Apuleiana
Cf 81-00247: Apuleiana recentiora

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Record 462 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-07219 (1053852)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mattiacci, Silvia
Title of Article: Da Apuleio all'« Aegritudo Perdicae »: nuove metamorfosi del tema di Fedra
Title of Publication: « Concentus ex dissonis »: scritti in onore di Aldo Setaioli. Ed. Santini, Carlo, Zurli, Loriano & Cardinali, Luca (Quaderni del Dipartimento di Filologia e
Tradizione greca e latina / Università degli Studi di Perugia, 4), Napoli : Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 2006. 2 vol. (801 p.) portr.
Language: italien
Pages: 2, 437-456
Abstract: Analisi della novella della matrigna innamorata in Apul. met. 10, 2-12, con una laicizzazione e umanizzazione del tema tragico di Fedra, a confronto
con l'evoluzione della leggenda di Perdicca testimoniata nell'anonimo poemetto

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aegritudo Perdicae [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Phaidra (héroïne ; fille de Minos et de Pasiphaé)

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Record 463 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00311 (1052169)
Type: Article in book
Author: Marangoni, Claudio
Title of Article: Sui modelli della « Venus uulgaria » di Apuleio, apol. 12: (con un appunto su Iside-Luna, met. XI 1)
Title of Publication: Incontri triestini di filologia classica. 5,: 2005-2006. Ed. Cristante, Lucio (Polymnia: Studi di Filologia Classica, 7), Trieste : EUT, 2006. VII-345 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 273-283

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius
- Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 12

To cite this record

Record 464 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00310 (892351)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Lucifora, Rosa Maria
Title of Article: Da Medea a Charite: sogni di eroine « rapite »
Title of Publication: Kleos: estemporaneo di studi e testi sulla fortuna dell’antico

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Volume (year) pages: 11 (2006) 333-352

Language: italien
Abstract: Sul sogno del personaggio di Apuleio e la sua interpretazione in Met. 4, 27 anche in rapporto al paradigma di Medea

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 27 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Medeia (héroïne ; épouse de Jason)

To cite this record

Record 465 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00333 (289434)
Type: Monograph
Author: Kirichenko, Alexander
Title of Publication: Apuleius' « Golden ass »: a comedy of storytelling
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2006
Description: 292 p.
Further Information: Thesis (Ph. D.) - Harvard University, Cambridge (Mass.). Summary in : DAI-A 2006-2007 67 (5) : 1720.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 81-00274: A comedy of storytelling

To cite this record

Record 466 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-17515 (282409)
Type: Festschrift
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Nauta, Ruurd R.
Panayotakis, Stelios
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman / ed. by Wytse
Keulen, Ruurd R. Nauta, Stelios Panayotakis
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Eelde: Barkhuis, 2006
Description: XV-338 p., portr. 3 index
Collection: Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6

Discipline after vol. 67: X. - Festschriften and collections - B. - Festschriften
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Personalia et festschrift: Zimmerman, Maaike

Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :2 (2010) 151&atitle=&pages=151&date=2010&volume=117&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

See articles from miscellany

Bitel, Anton.
Dowden, Ken. A tale of two texts
Finkelpearl, Ellen. The language of animals and the text of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Graverini, Luca. An old wife's tale
Harrison, Stephen J.. Some textual problems in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Hijmans, Benjamin Lodewijk. Apollo's sn(e)aky tongue(s)
Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian. The « spurcum additamentum » (Apul. Met. 10, 21) once again
James, Paula; O'Brien, Maeve C.. To baldly go
Keulen, Wytse. « Ad amussim congruentia »
May, Regine. The prologue to Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and Coluccio Salutati
McCreight, Thomas D.. Psyche's sisters as « medicae » ? :
Montiglio, Silvia; Schmeling, Gareth L.. Riding the waves of passion
Panayotakis, Stelios. A pain in « The Ass »
Plaza, Maria. « Nomen omen »
Reardon, Bryan P.; Zimmerman, Maaike. From Perry to Groningen
Tatum, James. Marcus Tullius Cicero, author of the « Metamorphoses »
Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin. Lucius descripteur

Related Publication(s)
Cf 81-00247: Apuleiana recentiora

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Record 467 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00308 (1052168)
Type: Article in book
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Title of Article: « Ad amussim congruentia »: measuring the intellectual in Apuleius
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.

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Language: latin
Pages: 168-202
Abstract: Byrrhène analyse la physionomie de Lucius de manière à déterminer son caractère et son origine (Met. 2, 2). Les schémas utilisés reflètent la culture
de l'époque antonine et s'adressent au « lector doctus », comme le montre l'expression « ad amussim » qui, héritée du vocabulaire architectural,
désigne la « norme », la « juste proportion ». Dans ce contexte, l'adverbe « execrabiliter » n'est pas négatif, mais caractérise le pouvoir magique du
charme de Lucius

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 468 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00307 (892349)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Janoušek, Jan
Title of Article: Le « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio alla luce delle sue opinioni filosofiche
Title of Publication: Sborník Prací Filosofické Fakulty Brnenské University = Studia minora Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Brunensis. Rada archeologicko-klasicka
= Series archaeologica et classica
Volume (year) pages: 11 (2006) 27-35
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en tchèque
ISSN/ISBN: 0231-7915
Abstract: Im Rom des 2. Jh. n. Chr. gab es eine wachsende Tendenz zum Synkretismus auf religiösem, kulturellem und philosophischem Gebiet. Ein Beispiel
hierfür sind die Werke des Apuleius, namentlich seine philosophischen Traktate und seine « Metamorphosen ». Sie spiegeln Apuleius' Interesse an
Mystizismus, am Kult von Isis und Osiris sowie an der Hermetik.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Hermes (divinité)
Osiris (divinité égyptienne)

To cite this record

Record 469 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00306 (1052167)
Type: Article in book
Author: James, Paula
O'Brien, Maeve C.
Title of Article: To baldly go: a last look at Lucius and his counter-humiliation strategies
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 234-251
Abstract: Compléments à l'article noté 75-00306. Comment, tout au long du roman (Met. 3, 11 ; 11, 15), Lucius tente de regagner son identité et son statut
social : sa « dignitas »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 11 - 15 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 11 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
Cf 75-00306: The unbearable lightness of being

To cite this record

Record 470 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-07417 (1064527)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hunter, Richard L.
Title of Article: Plato's « Symposium » and the traditions of ancient fiction
Title of Publication: Plato's « Symposium »: issues in interpretation and reception. Ed. Lesher, James H., Nails, Debra & Sheffield, Frisbee C. C. (Hellenic Studies, 22),
Cambridge (Mass.) : Harvard University Pr., 2006. XI-446 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 295-312
Abstract: Parodies and echoes of elements from Plato's « Symposium » and from Homer are combined in scenes in the ancient novel in which, through the
figure of Socrates, the novelists reflect upon their literary heritage. Apuleius, like Plato, uses repeated telling of oral tales in the « Metamorphoses » to
foreground the role of the audience. The story of Lucius' journey ( met. 1, 2, 20) echoes the journeys of the characters of the « Symposium » (173 B
7-8). Homeric echoes include the twists and turns of fortune the Apuleian Socrates faces (met. 1, 6). In Petronius' « Satyrica », Encolpius' interactions
with Giton (128, 7) reference both Alcibiades (Smp. 219 C 7-D 2) and Odysseus (Od. 10, 341). Both novels suggest that the end of fiction is pleasure,
and overturn Homeric models and Platonic philosophy.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Homerus - Réception et survie
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1
- 2 - 20 [CWKB Resolver]
Homerus - Odyssea - 10 - 341 [CWKB Resolver]
Petronius Arbiter - Satyrica [view article in LLT-A] - 128 - 7 [CWKB Resolver]
Plato Philosophus - Symposium
- 173 - b - 7 [CWKB Resolver]
- 219 - c - 7 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 471 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00303 (1052164)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: The « spurcum additamentum » (Apul. Met. 10, 21) once again
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 266-279
Abstract: À propos de l'article de E. Lytle (=> 74-00341). On ne saurait en aucun cas défendre l'authenticité de l'« additamentum », qui ne se trouve pas dans le
ms. F (Florence, Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, 68, 2), mais dans la marge de φ (Florence, Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, 29,2) et de L 1 (Florence, Bibl.
Medicea Laurenziana, 54, 32). Des raisons textuelles, stylistiques et thématiques justifient la conclusion qu'il s'agit d'une interpolation médiévale. Avec
texte et trad. de ce passage (p. 277-279)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 21

Related Publication(s)
Cf 74-00341: Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and the « Spurcum additamentum » (10.21)

To cite this record

Record 472 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00302 (1052163)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: Dreams in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Land of dreams: Greek and Latin studies in honour of A. H. M. Kessels. Ed. Lardinois, André Pierre M. H., Van der Poel, Marc G. M. & Hunink, Vincent
Jan Christian, Leiden : Brill, 2006. XXIV-414 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 18-31

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 473 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00301 (892348)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hilton, John L.
Title of Article: Apuleius, Florida 23 and popular moral philosophy
Title of Publication: Acta Classica: Acta Classica : Verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika = Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa
Volume (year) pages: 49 (2006) 137-144
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0065-1141
Abstract: Apuleius, Flor. 23 ; Philo, De prouidentia 2, 22 ; and popular philosophical ideas in the work of Seneca (« De prouidentia ») all use the metaphors of a
rich man whose wealth matters little in comparison with his health, and a ship whose costly fittings are useless in a storm. Such material is also to be
found in Flor. 14, 22, and 23, which suggests that these fragments are related and may have come from the same original speech.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Philo Alexandrinus - Études
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A]
- 14
- 22
- 23
Philo Alexandrinus - De providentia - 2 - 22 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 474 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00300 (1052162)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hijmans, Benjamin Lodewijk
Title of Article: Apollo's sn(e)aky tongue(s)
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 15-27

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Abstract: À propos de Met. 4, 32 : « deus Milesius », Apollon profère son oracle en latin et non en grec

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 32 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 475 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00298 (1052160)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Some textual problems in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 59-67
Abstract: En complément à l'édition notée 75-00278. Divers problèmes de critique textuelle posés par la trop grande part donnée au ms. F (Firenze, Bibl.
Medicea Laurenziana, 68, 2)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 75-00278: Las metamorfosis o El asno de oro

To cite this record

Record 476 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00297 (1052159)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Divine authority in « Cupid and Psyche »: Apuleius Metamorphoses 6, 23-24
Title of Publication: Authors, authority, and interpreters in the ancient novel: essays in honor of Gareth L. Schmeling. Ed. Byrne, Shannon Nora, Cueva, Edmund Paul &
Alvares, Jean (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 5), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XXV-356 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 172-185
Abstract: Apulée joue avec les attentes et la culture de son lecteur en le renvoyant à tout un répertoire littéraire, cité et parodié de manière plus ou moins
allusive. Une de ses références principales est Catulle (c. 64)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Catullus (C. Valerius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 23 [CWKB Resolver]
Catullus (C. Valerius) - carmina [view article in LLT-A] - 64

To cite this record

Record 477 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00295 (1052157)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: An old wife's tale
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 86-110
Abstract: Appliquée au conte d'« Amour et Psyché », l'expression « anilis fabula » est certes à prendre au sens propre, mais elle remonte aux dialogues de
Platon (Tht. 176b ; Ly. 205d ; R. 1, 350e, etc.). On l'utilise ensuite dans les polémiques littéraires pour désigner une œuvre inutile, relative à la
mythologie et donc sans grande portée. Apulée reprend cette formule, mais la connote ironiquement, engageant son lecteur à dépasser la satire
(reprend un chapitre de l'ouvrage noté 77-07587)

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Plato Philosophus
- Lysis - 205 - d [CWKB Resolver]
- Respublica - 1 - 350 - e [CWKB Resolver]
- Theaetetus - 176 - b

Related Publication(s)
Cf 77-07587: Il romanzo antico

To cite this record

Record 478 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-08001 (895094)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fleck, Frédérique
Title of Article: « Non possum quin »: évolution d'une construction des comédies de Plaute à la prose d'art de Fronton et d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines

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Volume (year) pages: 65: 1 (2006) 34-48

Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Étudie l'évolution aussi bien synchronique que diachronique de « non possum quin » et « facere non possum quin ». Cette construction, qui se trouve
à l'origine dans des comédies au registre familier, finit par être employée dans la prose d'art

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - c) Grammar (morphology, syntax, textual analysis) - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Fronto (M. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 479 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00293 (1052155)
Type: Article in book
Author: Finkelpearl, Ellen
Title of Article: The language of animals and the text of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 203-221
Abstract: Les frontières entre les catégories, comme celles de l'humain et de l'animal, se révèlent poreuses chez Apulée. Cette fluidité l'autorise à une grande
créativité linguistique. Examen de diverses difficultés textuelles qui peuvent se résoudre à la lumière de cette constatation

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 480 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00322 (1062987)
Type: Article in book
Author: Finamore, John F.
Title of Article: Apuleius on the Platonic gods
Title of Publication: Reading Plato in antiquity. Ed. Tarrant, Harold A. S. & Baltzly, Dirk C., London : Duckworth, 2006. IX-268 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 33-48
Abstract: Apuleius' « De Platone et eius dogmate », « De mundo », and « De deo Socratis » address two topics of concern to Platonists of his time : 1) the
relation of the Demiurge to the universe he designed, and whether he is the highest god ; and 2) the role of invisible gods as intermediaries. An
investigation of Plat. 190 ; Plat. 193-194 ; Plat. 204 ; Mund. 343-344 ; and Mund. 350-352 shows consistency of outlook on the Demiurge. In Soc.
121-123 Apuleius adds the category of invisible gods to visible gods (the stars and planets) and the intermediary daemons as a Middle Platonic
attempt to solve a perceived dilemma in the text of Plato.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius
- De Deo Socratis [view article in LLT-A] - 121
- De Mundo [view article in LLT-A]
- 343
- 350
- De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A]
- 190
- 193
- 204

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Record 481 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-03942 (286543)
Type: Monograph
Author: Elefante, Maria
Pignataro, Chiara
Title of Publication: Aspettando Clio: con Petronio ed Apuleio per Oplonti e Pompei / con postf. di Stefano De Caro
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Castellammare di Stabia: Longobardi, 2006
Description: 119 p., ill.
Further Information: Concerne principalement le « Satyricon » de Pétrone et Pompéi comme cadre d'activité littéraire

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Pompei (ITA ; Napoli)
Torre Annunziata (ITA ; Napoli)

Cioffi, Maria Teresa, in: Bollettino di Studi Latini, :1 (2008) 288-290&atitle=&pages=288-290&date=2008&volume=38&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 482 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00292 (892347)

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Type: Article in journal

Author: Drews, Friedemann
Title of Article: Der Sprecherwechsel zwischen Apuleius und Lucius im Prolog der Metamorphosen
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 59: 3 (2006) 403-420
Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/156852506778132428
Abstract: The prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » has been considered as an unsolvable conundrum, especially as regards the identity of the speaker,
supposed to be interrupted by the question : « quis ille ? ». First, the outlines of some famous interpretations are followed and their pros and cons
explored. An exchange of roles already occurs between two prologue speakers at Met. 1.1.3 : « quis ille ? » is conceived as the end of the first
prologue-speaker's (Apuleius') speech, while « paucis accipe » is the beginning of the second speaker's, i.e. Lucius' narrative. Consequently the
structure of the whole novel consists of two frames, formed by the four chiastic metamorphoses of Apuleius into Lucius, Lucius into the ass and back
again into Lucius, who finally becomes Apuleius in Met. 11.27 (« Madaurensem »). If Apuleius (as concrete and fictional author) is the speaker of the
first words (including « sermone isto Milesio »), this interpretation allows us to take the famous « propter Milesiae conditorem » in Book 4 as a hint
pointing to Apuleius himself.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 1 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]
- 11 - 27


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Record 483 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00291 (1052154)
Type: Article in book
Author: Dowden, Ken
Title of Article: A tale of two texts: Apuleius' « sermo Milesius » and Plato's « Symposium »
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 42-58
Abstract: Dette d'Apulée envers Platon en ce qui concerne la forme dialoguée

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 484 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-08055 (895116)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Domínguez Domínguez, Juan Francisco
Title of Article: « Collimo », un verbo fantasma
Title of Publication: Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos
Volume (year) pages: (2) N° 26 (2006) 5-16
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1131-9062
Abstract: Se sostiene que el verbo no existe y debería ser eliminado tanto de los futuros diccionarios latinos como de los textos de Apuleyo, Cicerón y Aulo

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Gellius (Aulus) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 485 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-07588 (283763)
Type: Monograph
Author: Dalbera, Joseph
Title of Publication: Le parfait de l'indicatif latin: analyse linguistique à partir d'un corpus de narration romanesque
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2006
Description: 489 f. index
Further Information: Thèse de doctorat de l'université de Nice. Étude fondée sur le témoignage de Pétrone, des « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée et des « Confessions » de
saint Augustin

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Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - c) Grammar (morphology, syntax, textual analysis) - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
is another edition of: Le parfait de l’indicatif latin

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Record 486 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00287 (1052151)
Type: Article in book
Author: Bitel, Anton
Title of Article: < Aristomenes sum >: Apuleius, Asinus aureus 1, 5, 3 and the interpretative implications of naming narrators
Title of Publication: « Lectiones scrupulosae »: essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » in honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ed. Keulen, Wytse,
Nauta, Ruurd R. & Panayotakis, Stelios (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 6), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2006. XV-338 p.
Language: latin
Pages: 222-233
Abstract: < Aristomenes sum > a été suppléé par L. Castiglioni en 1930 (=> APh 6, p. 9) et adopté depuis par tous les éditeurs. Or cet élément n'est pas
nécessaire et contrevient même, par sa précision, au parti pris de mystère et d'ambiguité mis en place par Apulée pour tous les narrateurs. Aussi faut-
il revenir à la leçon du ms. F (Firenze, Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, 68, 2) : « qui sim : Aegiensis… »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 5 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 487 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-02241 (1052700)
Type: Article in book
Author: Biondi, Laura
Title of Article: A proposito di tradizione glossografica ed etimologia in testi ortografici del Medioevo latino
Title of Publication: Studi linguistici in onore di Roberto Gusmani. Ed. Bombi, Raffaella, Alessandria : Ed. dell’Orso, 2006. 3 vol. (XLVI-1 866 p.) ill. cartes portr.
Language: italien
Pages: 1, 235-248
Abstract: Il ricorso a glossari bilingui (greco-latino e latino-greco) e ad « auctoritates » della grammatica antica nel « de nota aspirationis » e nel « de
diphthongis » di Apuleius

Ancient author and text: Glossaria et lexica - Réception et survie
Grammaticorum scripta - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Apuleius (grammairien du 12e s.)

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Record 488 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00285 (1052149)
Type: Article in book
Author: Beck, Roger Lyne
Title of Article: « Divino quodam stellarum consortio coniunctum »: the astrological relationship of Lucius to the priest of Isis as a « chronotopic » template for
Apuleius, Metamorphoses 11
Title of Publication: « Concentus ex dissonis »: scritti in onore di Aldo Setaioli. Ed. Santini, Carlo, Zurli, Loriano & Cardinali, Luca (Quaderni del Dipartimento di Filologia e
Tradizione greca e latina / Università degli Studi di Perugia, 4), Napoli : Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 2006. 2 vol. (801 p.) portr.
Language: anglais
Pages: 1, 85-96

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 489 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00279 (898752)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Alpers, Klaus
Title of Article: Metamorphosen als « hermeneutische Zeichen »: Entschlüsselung bisher unerkannter versteckter Handlungsstrukturen im « Goldenen Esel » des
Title of Publication: Abhandlungen der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft
Volume (year) pages: 56 (2006) 9-50
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0068-0737
Abstract: Neben den bereits bekannten Motiven, die die Einheitlichkeit des Werkes erweisen, ist die Warnung der Byrrhena vor Magie und Vergessen zu
erwähnen, die in Beziehung zur Geschichte des Socrates und dem Leiden der Psyche steht. Wichtiger noch ist die Entdeckung, dass der alte Mann,
der sich in einen Drachen verwandelt, für Saturn steht. Davon ausgehend lässt sich der Roman in vier den Planetengöttern Venus (Photis), Mars
(Räuber), Saturn und Luna (= Isis) zugeordnete Teile gliedern. Dies bestätigt Beobachtungen zur Gliederung und zur Bedeutung der in der
pythagoreischen Lehre wichtigen Zahlen 4 und 11 (u. a. vier Aufgaben Psyches ; viermaliger Verkauf des Esels, zuletzt für 11 Denare). Sie dürfte für
die mittel- und neuplatonisch geschulten Leser des Romans erkennbar gewesen sein, wurde möglicherweise aber auch von Grimmelshausen
bemerkt, der seinen « Simplicissimus » sieben Planetengöttern zuordnete.


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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Luna (divinité)
Mars (divinité)
Neoplatonici (école philosophique)
Psukhe (personnification)
Saturnus (divinité)
Venus (divinité)
Nom récent: Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoph von (écrivain allemand ; vers 1620-1676)

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Record 490 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00335 (1052187)
Type: Article in book
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Article: Les grandes villes dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Lieux, décors et paysages de l'ancien roman des origines à Byzance: actes du 2e colloque de Tours, 24-26 octobre 2002. Ed. Pouderon, Bernard &
Crismani, Daria (Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. Série Littéraire et Philosophique, 8; Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de
la Méditerranée, 34), Lyon : Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2005; Lyon : Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2005. 400 p.
Language: français
Pages: 29-41
Abstract: Apulée ne décrit jamais les grandes villes de l'Empire que traverse Lucius. Il ne les évoque que par rapport à la tradition littéraire et n'en donne qu'une
image stéréotypée. Ce qui compte, c'est la création d'un univers romanesque qui a sa propre réalité, unifiée par la conscience d'un « je » narrant

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 491 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00312 (898776)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Wald, Lucia
Title of Article: Tăcerea: act de limbaj în « Metamorfozele » lui Apuleius. /
Title of Publication: Studii Clasice
Volume (year) pages: 40-41 (2004-2005) 295-296
Language: roumain; moldave
ISSN/ISBN: 0081-8844

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 492 of 2062 Reference: APh 83-00744 (1073014)
Type: Article in book
Author: Vessey, Mark
Title of Article: History, fiction, and figuralism in Book 8 of Augustine's « Confessions »
Title of Publication: The cultural turn in late ancient studies: gender, asceticism, and historiography. Ed. Martin, Dale B. & Miller, Patricia Cox, Durham (N.C.) : Duke
University Pr., 2005. 364 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 237-257
Abstract: In Conf. 8, Augustine tells three conversion stories, linking them together in ways designed through foreshadowing to make the fullest sense of his
own conversion. Victorinus and the two imperial agents are affected by their reading of Christian texts. The dramatic narrative of their conversions not
only prefigures Augustine's own, but also implicates his readers. Augustine inserts himself as a character, as he recounts how the tale about the
conversion of the imperial agents was told to him before his own conversion and how he reacted to it at the time. The objectification of « Augustine »
as a hermeneutical figure can be seen as the product of two literary models, the annalistic self-dramatization of Jerome and the novelizing autodeixis
of Apuleius.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Hieronymus Stridonius [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Marius Victorinus - Réception et survie
Citations: Augustinus (Aurelius) - Confessionum libri tredecim [view article in LLT-A] - 8

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Record 493 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00332 (1052184)
Type: Article in book
Author: Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin
Title of Article: Le discours réflexif dans le « Conte d'Amour et Psyché »: d'Apulée à Jean de La Fontaine
Title of Publication: Lieux, décors et paysages de l'ancien roman des origines à Byzance: actes du 2e colloque de Tours, 24-26 octobre 2002. Ed. Pouderon, Bernard &
Crismani, Daria (Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. Série Littéraire et Philosophique, 8; Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de
la Méditerranée, 34), Lyon : Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2005; Lyon : Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2005. 400 p.
Language: français
Pages: 153-161
Abstract: Apulée, Met. 4, 28-6, 24, mêle aventures humaines et divines, ce qui a pour conséquence un élargissement de la dimension spatiale qui s'étend à la
mer, au ciel, à la terre et aux Enfers. En dehors de ces espaces, les autres lieux ne sont que de simples mentions qui assurent à la fiction un arrière-
fond vraisemblable. Toutefois, par leur aspect topique, ils attirent l'attention du lecteur sur la littérarité de l'œuvre et ne parlent pas tant de l'énoncé que
de son énonciation. Le décor le plus réflexif dans le conte est le palais de Cupidon au début du livre 5

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Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 4 - 28
- 6 - 24 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 494 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00340 (885350)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Trzaskoma, Stephen
Title of Article: Apuleius, Apologia 15.12-4: « ut Stoici rentur » ?
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 58: 4 (2005) 583-590
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
Abstract: A survey of Greco-Roman theories of vision, in particular that of the Stoics, leads to the proposition of reading « fulti » instead of « facti ».

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 15 - 12 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Stoici (école philosophique)

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Record 495 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00330 (892356)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Sick, David H.
Title of Article: Apuleius, Christianity, and virgin birth
Title of Publication: Wiener Studien: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und Lateinische Tradition
Volume (year) pages: 118 (2005) 91-116
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0084-005X
Abstract: Es gibt frappierende Ähnlichkeiten zwischen der Empfängnis von Psyches Kind bei Apuleius und der Empfängnis Jesu in den biblischen Texten. Auch
wenn Apuleius nirgends auf das Christentum verweist, das in seiner Zeit gerade in seinem Kulturkreis den Durchbruch erlebte, gibt es eine Reihe von
Punkten bei ihm, die sich auf biblischen Sprachgebrauch beziehen, wie etwa den Namen Charite, die Bezeichnung Psyches als « ancilla » und den
euphemistischen Gebrauch der Verben des Erkennens. Eine direkte Verbindung zum Protevangelium Jacobi ist nicht beweisbar ; doch könnte
Apuleius durch Celsus ein Zugang zu christlichen Quellen vermittelt worden sein.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Celsus Philosophus - Réception et survie
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Testamentorum Apocrypha et Pseudepigrapha - Réception et survie
Nom antique: Iesus Christus
Psukhe (personnification)

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Record 496 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00332 (1048626)
Type: Article in book
Author: Shelton, Jo-Ann
Title of Article: Putting women in their place: gender, species and hierarchy in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Defining genre and gender in Latin literature: essays presented to William S. Anderson on his seventy-fifth birthday. Ed. Batstone, William W. & Tissol,
Garth (Lang Classical Studies, 15), New York : Lang, 2005. X-363 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 301-329
Abstract: Apuleius depicts the magical shape-shifting of witches and the lawless violence of bandits as disturbances of the social order and as violations of the
boundaries that assign all beings their proper place. When the novel's hero Lucius, a human in an ass's shape, is almost forced to copulate with a
female criminal in the arena, Apuleius exhibits both the transgression and enforcement of hierarchy as a spectacle.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 497 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00330 (885347)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Santini, Carlo
Title of Article: La metafora del giogo matrimoniale: dai « Commentarii in Asinum Aureum » di Beroaldo il Vecchio a Apuleio
Title of Publication: Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 33 (2005) 151-160
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0531-2175

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Abstract: Selon les éditeurs modernes, Apulée, Met. 6, 4, 3, utiliserait le mot Zygia pour qualifier Junon, ce qui constitue un hapax. On note une intéressante
suggestion de Béroalde l'Ancien dans son commentaire ad loc. : il proposait de lire « zygiae », la flûte utilisée dans les cérémonies du mariage, avec
les implications qu'entraîne ce choix

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 4 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)

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Record 498 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00329 (1048625)
Type: Article in book
Author: Rosen, Klaus
Title of Article: Der Mythos von Amor und Psyche in Apuleius' Metamorphosen
Title of Publication: Griechische Mythologie und frühes Christentum. Ed. Haehling, Raban von, Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005. XIII-399 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 58-64
Abstract: Bei der Antwort auf die Frage nach der Intention dieser Geschichte muss berücksichtigt werden, dass sich der Autor ausdrücklich an einen erfahrenen
und genauen Leser wendet. Dies legt eine tiefergehende (z. B. allegorisierende) Interpretation nahe, auch wenn man kein geschlossenes System,
etwa das des zeitgenössischen Mittelplatonismus, in dieser Geschichte suchen sollte.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Amor (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

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Record 499 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-03060 (893348)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Rosellini, Michela
Title of Article: Giulio Valerio e il « futuro del congiuntivo »
Title of Publication: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 133: 4 (2005) 452-462
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6220
Abstract: Esame dell'uso piuttosto libero delle forme del futuro anteriore e del congiuntivo perfetto, molto spesso non distinguibili, da parte di Giulio Valerio,
forse influenzato in questa direzione dal desiderio di imitare la lingua latina arcaica e il modello apuleiano

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - c) Grammar (morphology, syntax, textual analysis) - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Iulius Valerius - Réception et survie

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Record 500 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-07275 (1050051)
Type: Article in book
Author: Renger, Almut-Barbara
Title of Article: Geschichte eines Topos: von μύθοι γραῶν/τιτθῶν über « fabulae aniles/nutricularum » zu « Altweibergeschwätz » und « Ammenmärchen »
Title of Publication: Pontes. 3,: Die antike Rhetorik in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte. Ed. Kofler, Wolfgang & Töchterle, Karlheinz (Comparanda, 6), Innsbruck :
Studien Verl., 2005. 413 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 64-76
Abstract: Das negative Gepräge dieses Topos geht bereits auf Platon zurück und festigt sich vor allem seit Cicero durch schlagwortartigen Gebrauch. In der
Spätantike wurde er besonders von den Apologeten rhetorisch effizient eingesetzt, während Apuleius mit der negativen Konnotation des Begriffs
ironisch spielte.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - c) Rhetoric - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Patres - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 501 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00325 (1052179)
Type: Article in book
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Article: De la campagne à la plage: symbolique des espaces dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Lieux, décors et paysages de l'ancien roman des origines à Byzance: actes du 2e colloque de Tours, 24-26 octobre 2002. Ed. Pouderon, Bernard &
Crismani, Daria (Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. Série Littéraire et Philosophique, 8; Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de
la Méditerranée, 34), Lyon : Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2005; Lyon : Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2005. 400 p.
Language: français
Pages: 289-298
Abstract: À chaque paysage correspond une symbolique particulière : danger de la montagne ; illusion des « loci amœni » ; sacralité de la plage qui conduit au

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 502 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-08365 (888372)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pasetti, Lucia
Title of Article: « Ille ego »: il tema del doppio e l'ambiguità pronominale
Title of Publication: Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 23 (2005) 237-253
Language: latin
ISSN/ISBN: 0946-8439
Abstract: Analisi dell'impiego a-grammaticale dei pronomi personali in rapporto al tema del doppio in Plaut. Amph. 597-601 (con proposta di mantenere lo iato al
v. 598) e 177-179, Ou. met. 14, 675-677, Apul. met. 11, 2 e Sen. contr. 1, 4, 1

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - e) Semantics and pragmatics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Rhetor [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 2
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A] - 14 - 675 [CWKB Resolver]
Plautus (T. Maccius) - Amphitruo [view article in LLT-A]
- 177
- 597
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Rhetor - Controversiae [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 4 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
Cf 79-07023: Un corpo per due

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Record 503 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-04681 (887050)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Paniagua, David
Title of Article: Nota a Plinio, Nat. Hist. 10, 117
Title of Publication: Athenaeum: Studi Periodici di Letteratura e Storia dell’Antichità
Volume (year) pages: 93: 2 (2005) 631-633
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: en esp.
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-6574
Abstract: L'ambiguo « hoc » del testo pliniano in questione si riferisce a « caput » e non a « rostrum », come dimostra un confronto con brani di Apuleio (flor. 12)
e Solino (52, 43-44), fondati sulla medesima fonte impiegata da Plinio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plinius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Solinus (C. Iulius) - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 12
Plinius Secundus (C.) - Naturalis Historia [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 117 [CWKB Resolver]
Solinus (C. Iulius) - Collectanea rerum memorabilium - 52 - 43 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 504 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00339 (911416)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Palacios, Jimena
Title of Article: Las historias de Lámaco, Alcimo y Trasileón (Apul. Met. IV, 7-22): las « fabulae » intercaladas como « exempla » y sus posibles lecturas
Title of Publication: Argos: Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 29 (2005) 91-106
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0325-4194
Abstract: Se estudia la funcionalidad didáctica de las « fabulae » intercaladas, acerca de los bandidos Lámaco, Alcimo y Trasileón, en las « Metamorfosis » de
Apuleyo. Se analizan los principales rasgos que las identifican como discursos ejemplares en el contexto de la cultura romana, y se estudian los
indicios formales que evidencian la transmisión de enseñanzas doctrinarias.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 7 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 505 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00277 (275139)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Nicolini, Lara

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Title of Publication: Le metamorfosi o L'asino d'oro: testo latino a fronte / Apuleio ; introd., trad. e note di Lara Nicolini
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Milano: Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 2005
Description: 769 p., index
Collection: BUR. Classici Greci e Latini

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Harrison, Stephen J., in: Ancient Narrative, (2007) 94-96&atitle=&pages=94-96&date=2007&volume=5&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 506 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-05280 (887238)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Neri, Camillo
Citti, Francesco
Title of Article: Sudore freddo e tremore: (Sapph. fr. 31,13 V. - Sen. Tro. 487s. - Apul. Met. I 13, II 30, X 10)
Title of Publication: Eikasmos: Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: 16 (2005) 51-62
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1121-8819
Abstract: La nozione di freddo nei riecheggiamenti, tra gli altri, di Seneca e Apuleio sembra provare la sua presenza anche nel testo saffico, che si può
ricostruire in καδ δ' ἴδρως ψῦχρος χέεται

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Sappho - Études
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]
- 10 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]
- 2 - 30 [CWKB Resolver]
Sappho - Fragmenta - 31 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus - Troades [view article in LLT-A] - 487

To cite this record

Record 507 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00319 (885344)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Murgatroyd, Paul
Title of Article: Erotic play in Apuleius' tale of the tub
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 64: 1 (2005) 121-124
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Studies two forms of erotic play in Met. 9, 5-7 : extensive use of the double entendre, and numerous twists on « topoi » of love poetry

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 508 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-07211 (1057296)
Type: Article in book
Author: May, Regine
Title of Article: Chaste Artemis and lusty Aphrodite: the portrait of women and marriage in the Greek and Latin novels
Title of Publication: Satiric advice on women and marriage: from Plautus to Chaucer. Ed. Smith, Warren S., Ann Arbor (Mich.) : University of Michigan Pr., 2005. XIV-295
Language: anglais
Pages: 129-153
Abstract: In their full range the ancient novels portray two ultimate contrasts, the idealized chaste and goddess-like woman on one side, and the satirized
promiscuous adulteress on the other. The difference between these opposites (with examples from Petronius 111-112 and 126-130 ; and Apuleius,
Met. 2, 17 ; 3, 22 ; and 9, 5-31) derives from the individual novelist's concept of his society and his own agenda in portraying it.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - 17 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 22 [CWKB Resolver]
- 9 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]
Petronius Arbiter - Satyrica [view article in LLT-A]
- 111

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- 126

To cite this record

Record 509 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00272 (275137)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Lee, Benjamin Todd
Title of Publication: Apuleius' « Florida »: a commentary / by Benjamin Todd Lee
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Berlin ; New York: De Gruyter, 2005
Description: VIII-215 p., index
Further Information: Version remaniée de la thèse notée 73-00284
Collection: Texte und Kommentare, 25

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Freyburger, Gérard, in: Gnomon, :1 (2008) 64-66&atitle=&pages=64-66&date=2008&volume=80&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :5 (2007) 497-500&atitle=&pages=497-500&date=2007&volume=114&issue=5&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Harrison, Stephen J., in: Sehepunkte , :11 (2006) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2006&volume=6&issue=11&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2006) 370-372&atitle=&pages=370-372&date=2006&volume=N. S., 56&issue=2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Krapinger, Gernot, in: Museum Helveticum, :4 (2006) 234-235&atitle=&pages=234-235&date=2006&volume=63&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Moreschini, Claudio, in: Plekos, (2005) 165-167&atitle=&pages=165-167&date=2005&volume=7&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Sandy, Gerald N., in: Classical World, :3 (2007 2006) 309-310&atitle=&pages=309-310&date=2007&volume=100&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Wolff, Étienne, in: Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire Anciennes 3e sér., 3e sér.:2 (2005) 382-383&atitle=&pages=382-383&
date=2005&volume=3e sér., 79&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 510 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00273 (275138)
Type: Critical edition
Author: La Rocca, Adolfo
Title of Publication: Il filosofo e la città: commento storico ai « Florida » di Apuleio / [introd., trad. e commento] a cura di Adolfo La Rocca
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2005
Description: 301 p.
Further Information: Con testo latino a fronte
Collection: Saggi di Storia Antica, 24

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

To cite this record

Record 511 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00282 (275140)
Type: Monograph
Author: Küenzlen, Franziska
Title of Publication: Verwandlungen eines Esels: Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » im frühen 16. Jahrhundert : der Kommentar Filippo Beroaldos d. Ä., die Übersetzungen
von Johann Sieder, Guillaume Michel, Diego López de Cortegana und Agnolo Firenzuola, der Schelmenroman Lazarillo de Tormes
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Heidelberg: Winter, 2005
Description: 435 p., ill. index
Collection: Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift. Beiheft, 25

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)
Firenzuola, Agnolo (bénédictin et poète italien ; 1493-1543)
López de Cortegana, Diego (ecclésiastique et traducteur espagnol ; 1455-1524)
Michel, Guillaume (traducteur français ; vers 1500-1550)
Sieder, Johann (traducteur allemand ; † vers 1535)

Müller-Reineke, Hendrik, in: Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft, (2007) 1101-1105&atitle=&pages=1101-1105&date=2007&volume=10&
issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Schreiber, Michael, in: Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, :1 (2007) 126-128&atitle=&pages=126-128&date=2007&volume=123&issue=1&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Schubert, Werner, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, :1-2 (2006) 39-46&atitle=&pages=39-46&date=2006&volume=59&issue=1-2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 512 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-07842 (888168)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kuch, Heinrich

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Title of Article: Elemente des antiken Romans in den « Bekenntnissen des Hochstaplers Felix Krull »
Title of Publication: Grazer Beiträge : Zeitschrift für die klassische Altertumswissenschaft
Volume (year) pages: 24 (2005) 275-295
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0376-5253
Abstract: Zu möglichen direkten Einflüssen der « Satyrica » des Petron und der « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius auf Thomas Manns Roman sowie insgesamt
zur Tradition des pikaresken Romans seit der Antike.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Mann, Thomas (écrivain allemand ; 1875-1955)

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Record 513 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00305 (1052166)
Type: Article in book
Author: James, Paula
Title of Article: Real and metaphorical mimicking birds in the « Metamorphoses » of Apuleius
Title of Publication: Metaphor and the ancient novel. Ed. Harrison, Stephen J., Pachalis [i. e. Paschalis], Michael & Frangoulidis, Stavros A. (Ancient Narrative.
Supplementum, 4), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2005. XIII-281 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 210-224

Discipline after vol. 67: VIII. - Science and technology - E. - Life science and technology - a) Biology, zoology, botany, ecology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 514 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00299 (1052161)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: « Waves of emotion »: an epic metaphor in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Metaphor and the ancient novel. Ed. Harrison, Stephen J., Pachalis [i. e. Paschalis], Michael & Frangoulidis, Stavros A. (Ancient Narrative.
Supplementum, 4), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2005. XIII-281 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 163-176
Abstract: Dette d'Apulée envers la tradition épique grecque et romaine pour la métaphore des « vagues d'émotion ». Étude du champ sémantique des mots de
la famille de « fluctus » et « aestus »

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - a) Poetry - Études
II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 515 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-00306 (1069169)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: The poetics of fiction: poetic influence on the language of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Aspects of the language of Latin prose. Ed. Reinhardt, Tobias, Lapidge, Michael & Adams, James N., Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2005.
X-497 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 273-286
Abstract: Unlike the rhetorical works of Apuleius, which are full of verse citations, the « Metamorphoses » do not engage in extensive overt citation of poetic
texts. What we find, rather, is the consistent embedding of poetic diction and allusion into the fundamental texture of its style. The traditional view that
poetic elements in the novel are evidence of post-classical Latinity can be superseded by a more positive and contextualized approach which opens
up new perspectives on Apuleius' place in the history of Latin prose.

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - f) Stylistics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 516 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-13157 (1062004)
Type: Article in book
Author: Grottanelli, Cristiano
Title of Article: « Sorte unica pro casibus pluribus enotata »: literary texts and lot inscriptions as sources for ancient kleromancy
Title of Publication: Mantikê: studies in ancient divination. Ed. Johnston, Sarah Iles & Struck, Peter Toline (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World, 155), Leiden ; Boston
(Mass.) : Brill, 2005. 322 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 129-146

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Abstract: A study of lot divination as presented in Cicero, Diu. 1, 34 and 2, 85-87 and Apuleius, Met. 8 and 9, and in extant Latin inscriptions inscribed on actual
lots, e.g. CIL 12, 2183. Mockery of such practices by authors such as Gellius (3, 3, 7-8) highlights the contradictory attitudes of the literati towards

Discipline after vol. 67: IV. - Non-literary sources - B. - Epigraphy - e) Latin epigraphy - Études
V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Gellius (Aulus) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
Cicero (M. Tullius) - De Divinatione [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 34 [CWKB Resolver]
- 2 - 85 [CWKB Resolver]
Gellius (Aulus) - Noctes Atticae [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 3 - 7 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 517 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00296 (1052158)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: Sweet and dangerous ? :: a literary metaphor (« aures permulcere ») in Apuleius' prologue
Title of Publication: Metaphor and the ancient novel. Ed. Harrison, Stephen J., Pachalis [i. e. Paschalis], Michael & Frangoulidis, Stavros A. (Ancient Narrative.
Supplementum, 4), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2005. XIII-281 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 177-196
Abstract: Sur la valeur programmatique, au double plan stylistique et sémantique, de la métaphore « auresque tuas beniuolas lepido sussuro permulceam »
(met. 1, 1, 1). Le lecteur est renvoyé à de nombreuses références intertextuelles relatives au charme et à la séduction

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 1 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 518 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00304 (885338)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: A book-like self: Ovid and Apuleius
Title of Publication: Hermathena : a Trinity College Dublin review
Volume (year) pages: 177-178 (2004-2005) 225-250
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0750
Abstract: Ovid's « Tristia » offer an interpretative key for our comprehension of some passages of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Trist. 3, 1 arrives in Rome a
stranger and apologizes for any solecism it may contain (cp. Apuleius, met. 1, 1, 4). Three passages in Apuleius (met. 2, 12, 5 ; 6, 29, 1-5 ; and 11, 27,
9) allude to the extra-textual reality of the book and/or the author and can be read as reflections made by the narrator or author on his literary renown.
This theme may also indicate Apuleius' appropriation of an Ovidian model (cp. trist. 1, 1, 57ff., which refers to Ovid's wish to « become a book »).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 1 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]
- 11 - 27 - 9 [CWKB Resolver]
- 2 - 12 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]
- 6 - 29 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Tristia [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 1 - 57 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 519 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-04122 (900387)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Garnsey, Peter D. A.
Title of Article: Pythagoras, Plato and communality: a note
Title of Publication: Hermathena : a Trinity College Dublin review
Volume (year) pages: 179 (2005) 77-87
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0750
Abstract: Despite the statements of Apuleius, Flor. 15, 26 and Iamblichus, VP 167, Plato's ideal polity was not modelled on the community established by
Pythagoras in the South Italian town of Croton in the 6th cent. B.C. Plato's Guards, on the one hand, had no property of their own to share, and on the
other, had wives and children in common. Rather, the Pythagorean example can be said to have been influential with Plato in his construction of an
ideal city ruled by philosophers who put the interests of the community as a whole ahead of their own.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Iamblichus Philosophus - Réception et survie

Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Pythagoras, Pythagorae sectatores - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 15 - 26 [CWKB Resolver]
Iamblichus Philosophus - De vita Pythagorica - 167
Places: Crotone (ITA ; Crotone)

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Record 520 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00281 (1048601)
Type: Article in book
Author: Gaisser, Julia Haig
Title of Article: Filippo Beroaldo on Apuleius: bringing Antiquity to life
Title of Publication: On Renaissance commentaries. Ed. Pade, Marianne (Noctes neolatinae, 4), Hildesheim ; Zürich : Olms, 2005. 138 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 87-109

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)

To cite this record

Record 521 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00300 (885336)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Gaide, Françoise
Title of Article: Le « De magia » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Pallas: Revue d’Études Antiques
Volume (year) pages: 69 (2005) 97-106
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 431-432
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-0387
Abstract: Le « De magia » illustre la vie d'un homme qui, par sa « curiositas », fut intellectuellement supérieur aux néo-sophistes proprement dits :
« demonstratiuus » n'est ici que très partiellement synonyme de « futile » et l'« ostentatio » (de la vie philosophique selon Apulée) n'exclut pas la
« demonstratio » (de l'innocence d'Apulée) ; le démonstratif peut nourrir le judiciaire

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - c) Rhetoric - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 522 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-07170 (1050031)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fuhrmann, Manfred
Title of Article: Mythen, Fabeln, Legenden und Märchen in der antiken Tradition: mit einer Einleitung : das Märchen von Amor und Psyche im « Goldenen Esel » des
Title of Publication: Griechische Mythologie und frühes Christentum. Ed. Haehling, Raban von, Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005. XIII-399 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 1-20
Abstract: Zu den Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden zwischen den drei antiken Gattungen oder Textcorpora « Mythen », « Fabeln » und « Legenden » sowie
zur Diskrepanz zwischen der Präsenz von Märchenmotiven in antiker Literatur seit Homer einerseits und der Absenz ausgeformter Märchen vor und
nach Apuleius andererseits ; letztere lässt sich darauf zurückführen, dass das Märchen von seinem nächsten Verwandten, dem Mythos, absorbiert

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - A. - General subjects. Literary history - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Amor (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

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Record 523 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00299 (885335)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fuentes Moreno, Francisco
Title of Article: La música en la obra de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Florentia Iliberritana : Revista de Estudios de Antigüedad Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 16 (2005) 79-116
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1131-8848
Abstract: El interés y el profundo conocimiento que Apuleyo tuvo por las cuestiones musicales queda patente en el abundante léxico técnico que utiliza. Junto
al léxico que también se halla en la obra de otros autores anteriores o coetáneos, se encuentran en la suya términos o expresiones técnicas que no
aparecen en la de otros ; términos o expresiones que pueden ir referidos a instrumentos musicales (la « zygia tibia », el « oblicus calamus », el
« pulsabulum »), o bien referidos a instrumentistas (los « ceraulae monumentarii ») o a tipos de danza. Algunos de estos términos que no se hallan en
autores anteriores a él luego se documentan en posteriores tratadistas de música.

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Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - c) Music, dance and spectacle - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 524 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-04844 (1049554)
Type: Article in book
Author: Frazier, Françoise
Title of Article: « Sed saeuum atque ferum uipereumque malum… »: poésie et parénèse dans le Περι ἔρωτος (fragment 136 Sandbach)
Title of Publication: Valori letterari delle opere di Plutarco: studi offerti al professore Italo Gallo dall'International Plutarch Society. Ed. Pérez Jiménez, Aurelio & Titchener,
Frances Bonner, Logan : Utah State University, Department of History, 2005. 476 p.
Language: français
Pages: 133-145
Abstract: Se evocan unos versos de las « Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo (4, 43), donde el futuro esposo de Psique es presentado (en estilo oracular) a su
desdichado padre, a modo de introducción del estudio sobre las imágenes poéticas negativas vinculadas a la figura de Eros en Plutarco, y su empleo
enigmático al servicio de la moral (psicológico-parenético). Se comparan con las de otros autores

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 43 [CWKB Resolver]
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Fragmenta (Moralia) - 136
Nom antique: Eros, Erotes (divinités)

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Record 525 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00294 (1052156)
Type: Article in book
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: A pivotal metaphor in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »: Aristomenes' and Lucius' death and rebirth
Title of Publication: Metaphor and the ancient novel. Ed. Harrison, Stephen J., Pachalis [i. e. Paschalis], Michael & Frangoulidis, Stavros A. (Ancient Narrative.
Supplementum, 4), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2005. XIII-281 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 197-209
Abstract: Induites par la sorcellerie, la mort et la résurrection d'Aristomène (Met. 1, 14), constituent en quelque sorte l'envers négatif de celles de Lucius, au livre
11, dues au pouvoir positif d'Isis

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 526 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00282 (1058682)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fick, Nicole
Title of Article: L'« Apologie » d'Apulée: une querelle d'Africains en Tripolitaine ?
Title of Publication: De Cyrène à Catherine: trois mille ans de Libyennes : études grecques et latines offertes à Catherine Dobias-Lalou. Ed. Poli, Fabrice & Vottero, Guy
(Études Anciennes, 30), Nancy : Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche sur l’Antiquité, 2005. 468 p.
Language: français
Pages: 349-364
Abstract: Les griefs retenus contre Apulée (coquetterie, connaissance du grec, cheveux longs, poèmes licencieux, possession d'un miroir et d'une statuette de
Mercure en ébène) témoignent, aux yeux de ses ennemis, de compromissions avec de vieilles pratiques africaines qui jettent le doute sur la
prétendue romanité d'Apulée, si intensément affirmée, ce qui apparente, en quelque sorte, ce procès à un réglement de comptes entre Africains

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Tripolitaine (LBY ; rég.)
Nom antique: Mercurius (divinité)

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Record 527 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00290 (1052153)
Type: Article in book
Author: Diouf, Eugène
Title of Article: L'« Apologie » d'Apulée: la rhétorique au secours d'un étranger. « Alii orabunt causas melius » (Virgile, En. 6, 849), « D'autres feront de meilleures
plaidoiries »
Title of Publication: Antiquité tardive et humanisme: de Tertullien à Beatus Rhenanus : mélanges offerts à François Heim à l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire. Ed.
Lehmann, Yves, Freyburger, Gérard & Hirstein, James S. (Studia humanitatis Rhenana, 2), Turnhout : Brepols, 2005. XIII-550 p.
Language: français
Pages: 69-99
Abstract: Examine la manière dont Apulée réfute une à une les accusations portées contre lui, avec une argumentation subtile et une rhétorique persuasive


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Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - c) Rhetoric - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Vergilius Maro (P.) - Aeneis [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 849 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 528 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-09799 (921391)
Type: Article in journal
Author: De Marre, Martine E. A.
Title of Article: Arming or charming: « obsequuium » and domestic politics in Roman North Africa
Title of Publication: Akroterion : tydskrif vir die klassieke in Suid-Afrika = journal for the classics in South Africa
Volume (year) pages: 50 (2005) 39-50
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-2033
Abstract: On the mechanics by which women could achieve their aims within the boundaries of marriage, and how the concept of « obsequuium » could have
been understood and implemented by both partners to the marriage contract. Examples are from Romanized North Africa from the 1st-6th cents. A.D.,
including inscriptions, Apuleius' « Apologia » and Augustine's « Confessions ».

Discipline after vol. 67: IV. - Non-literary sources - B. - Epigraphy - a) General subjects - Études
V. - History and civilization - B. - Public life. Institutions - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)

To cite this record

Record 529 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00290 (885334)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Corsaro, Francesco
Title of Article: Conversione pagana e μετάνοια cristiana: le « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio e le « Confessioni » di Agostino
Title of Publication: Orpheus : rivista di umanità classica e cristiana
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 26: 1-2 (2005) 28-47
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-5832
Abstract: Dal confronto tra i due testi risulta una notevole affinità tra l'itinerario spirituale di Agostino e il misticismo di Apuleio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 530 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-02027 (899519)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Canellis, Aline
Title of Article: Fulgence le Mythographe: remarques sur une relecture et une réécriture du « Conte d'Amour et Psyché » (Apulée, Met. 4, 28-6, 24)
Title of Publication: Studii Clasice
Volume (year) pages: 40-41 (2004-2005) 35-44
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0081-8844
Abstract: En annexe, texte et traduction de Myth. 3, 6, avec une mise en relief des mots et expressions empruntés à Apulée, des expressions chrétiennes
propres à Fulgence et des termes et idées du conte que Fulgence commente en deuxième partie

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Fulgentius Mythographus [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Fulgentius Mythographus - Mythologiarum libri tres (Mitologiarum libri tres) [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 531 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-04738 (887068)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bouton-Touboulic, Anne-Isabelle
Title of Article: Présences des « Moralia » de Plutarque chez les auteurs chrétiens des IVe et Ve siècles
Title of Publication: Pallas: Revue d’Études Antiques
Volume (year) pages: 67 (2005) 95-113
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 460
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-0387
Abstract: La présence des « Moralia » chez les auteurs chrétiens des 4e et 5e s. est à la fois diverse et complexe. Chez les Grecs, en dehors de l'exploitation
apologétique, Plutarque moraliste et penseur de la cité est mis au service de catégories chrétiennes ; ainsi, chez Jean Chrysostome qui dénonce la
vaine gloire en radicalisant la critique plutarchéenne de l'évergétisme. Chez les Latins domine une influence indirecte, moins massive, et due
notamment aux œuvres philosophiques et religieuses ; c'est peut-être le cas au sujet des démons pour les échos du « De defectu oraculorum » que
recèlerait le « De Deo Socratis » d'Apulée, réfuté par Augustin dans la « Cité de Dieu ». Bien qu'il se prévale de son autorité sur la question du
mariage, Jérôme lui-même soumet Plutarque à une réécriture ascétique drastique


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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Hieronymus Stridonius [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Iohannes Chrysostomus - Réception et survie
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 532 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00284 (885331)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Asztalos, Monika
Title of Article: Apuleius' « Apologia » in a nutshell: the « exordium »
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 55: 1 (2005) 266-276
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
Abstract: Examination of rhetorical strategies in the exordium of Apuleius' « Apologia » (1-3) reveals difficulties. The exordium makes use of a strategy of
defense that gives the most space to the least dangerous allegations. This same strategy of inverted proportion structures the work as a whole.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 1

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Record 533 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-16308 (891805)
Type: Article in journal
Author: André, Jean-Marie
Title of Article: Du serment hippocratique à la déontologie de la médecine romaine
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 83 (2005) 140-153
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en lat.
ISSN/ISBN: 0373-5737
Abstract: La déontologie hippocratique et le Serment ne laissent aucune trace dans la littérature républicaine, en raison d'une persistance d'un « anti-
Hippocrate » romain, résumé par l'« Histoire Naturelle » de Pline. Celse lui-même révèle une éthique médicale d'inspiration hippocratique, mais sans
référence à l'« Orkos ». Or le pharmacien Marcellus de Bordeaux a écrit une lettre apocryphe de Celse qui explique les thèmes majeurs du
« Serment » comme fondement de la profession. Cet apocryphe reprend littéralement la première transcription paraphrastique du « Serment », celle
de Scribonius Largus dans sa « Préface ». Dès lors la législation impériale, organisant la profession, trahit la connaissance de cette déontologie et des
valeurs fondamentales de la « misericordia » et de l'« humanitas ». Un écrivain comme Apulée, curieux de médecine et cultivé en la matière, confirme
la diffusion de l'idéal hippocratique

Discipline after vol. 67: VIII. - Science and technology - E. - Life science and technology - c) Medical science - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Celsus Medicus [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Hippocrates, Corpus Hippocraticum - Réception et survie
Marcellus Medicus - Réception et survie
Plinius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Scribonius Largus [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 534 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00276 (272214)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Publication: Apuleius Madaurensis, Metamorphoses. Books IV 28-35, V and VI 1-24: the tale of Cupid and Psyche : text, introduction and commentary / [by]
Maaike Zimmerman [et al.]
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Groningen: Forsten, 2004
Description: 596 p., index
Further Information: Pour le vol. paru en dernier => 72-00311
Collection: Groningen commentaries on Apuleius

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 4 - 28
- 6 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

Callebat, Louis, in: Gnomon, :3 (2007) 267-269&atitle=&pages=267-269&date=2007&volume=79&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :4 (2006) 1013-1015&atitle=&pages=1013-1015&date=2006&volume=65&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: Phoenix, :1-2 (2006) 165-168&atitle=&pages=165-168&date=2006&volume=60&issue=1-2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Frangoulidis, Stavros A., in: Ordia Prima , (2007) 243-245&atitle=&pages=243-245&date=2007&volume=6&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Graverini, Luca, in: Ancient Narrative, (2007) 97-107&atitle=&pages=97-107&date=2007&volume=5&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :5 (2007) 497-500&atitle=&pages=497-500&date=2007&volume=114&issue=5&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Kuch, Heinrich, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, :1-2 (2005) 41-44&atitle=&pages=41-44&date=2005&volume=58&issue=1-2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Lateiner, Donald, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:8 (2005) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2005&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Moreschini, Claudio, in: Plekos, (2005) 169-173&atitle=&pages=169-173&date=2005&volume=7&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Murgatroyd, Paul, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2006) 137-139&atitle=&pages=137-139&date=2006&volume=N. S., 56&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
O'Brien, Maeve C., in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2006) 269-270&atitle=&pages=269-270&date=2006&volume=96&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2005) 292-293&atitle=&pages=292-293&date=2005&volume=83&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2006) 365-367&atitle=&pages=365-367&date=2006&volume=75&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Schubert, Werner, in: Museum Helveticum, :4 (2005) 247&atitle=&pages=247&date=2005&volume=62&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 72-00311: Apuleius Madaurensis, Metamorphoses. Livre II

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Record 535 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00335 (879162)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Watson, Lindsay C.
Title of Article: Making water not love: Apuleius, Metamorphoses 1.13-14
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 54: 2 (2004) 651-655
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1093/clquaj/bmh076
Abstract: In Apuleius, met. 1, 13-14 two witches empty their bladders over Aristomenes, a gesture that has an inhibiting magical function (cf. Petronius 57, 3 and
62, 6), in this instance to prevent Aristomenes from escaping. In the sentence that follows mention of the witches' departure, the phrase « lotio perlitus,
quasi recens utero matris editus » underlines the fact that Aristomenes is as helpless as a newborn baby (cf. Cato, agr. 157, 10) while reinforcing the
following contrast « immo uero semimortuus, uerum ipse mihi superuiuens et postumus », a conceit for which Apuleius may be indebted to Martial 7,
47, 10.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cato (M. Porcius) Censorius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Martialis (M. Valerius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]
Cato (M. Porcius) Censorius - De Agri Cultura [view article in LLT-A] - 157 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]
Martialis (M. Valerius) - Epigrammata [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 47 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]
Petronius Arbiter - Satyrica [view article in LLT-A]
- 57 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]
- 62 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 536 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-05261 (881172)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Viansino, Giovanni
Title of Article: Cornelio Tacito e Ammiano Marcellino
Title of Publication: Aevum: Rassegna di Scienze Storiche, Linguistiche e Filologiche
Volume (year) pages: 78: 1 (2004) 109-135
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0001-9593
Abstract: Confronto fra Tacito e Ammiano : provenienza sociale, visione politica, capacità narrativa, cultura. Indagine parola per parola sugli usi lessicali di
Ammiano, per dimostrare nell'autore una memoria, sia pur marginale, di Tacito, nonché la conoscenza dell'opera di Apuleio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Ammianus Marcellinus [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Tacitus (P. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 537 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-06676 (1047140)
Type: Article in book
Author: Van der Paardt, Rudi Th.
Title of Article: Four portraits of Actaeon
Title of Publication: Metamorphic reflections: essays presented to Ben Hijmans at his 75th birthday. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike & Van der Paardt, Rudi Th., Leuven :
Peeters, 2004. X-345 p.

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Language: anglais
Pages: 21-39
Abstract: En particulier chez Ovide (met. 3, 138-252) et Apulée (met. 2, 4-5)

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 4
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 138 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Aktaion (héros)

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Record 538 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-15883 (1055848)
Type: Article in book
Author: Suciu, Liliana
Title of Article: Plants in the medicine of Dacia
Title of Publication: Orbis antiquus: studia in honorem Ioannis Pisonis [Piso]. Ed. Ruscu, Ligia Cristina (Bibliotheca Musei Napocensis, 21), Cluj-Napoca : Nereamia
Napocae, 2004. 933 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 779-786
Abstract: Bei Ps.-Apuleius und Dioskorides sind 47 dakische Heilkräuter belegt. Davon tragen 40 dakische, zwei lateinische und vier griechische Namen ; für
eine Pflanze existiert sowohl eine dakische als auch eine lateinische Bezeichnung.

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - A. - General subjects. Comparative linguistics - Études
VIII. - Science and technology - E. - Life science and technology
- a) Biology, zoology, botany, ecology - Études
- c) Medical science - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Dioscorides Pedanius - Études
Places: Dacie (ROU ; rég.)

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Record 539 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00331 (885348)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Schmale, Michaela
Title of Article: « Lector asinus est »: zum Verhältnis von Erzähler und Leser in Apuleius' « Metamorphosen »
Title of Publication: Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft
Volume (year) pages: N. F. 28 (a) (2004) 125-139
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0342-5932
Abstract: Lucius verwandelt sich auf der erzählerischen Ebene von einem personalen Erzähler, dessen Wissen nie über den momentanen Stand hinausreicht,
der meist von den eigenen Handlungen erzählt und wenig Distanz zum Geschehen zeigt, zu einem auktorialen Erzähler, der Hintergrundinformationen
geben und Vorausdeutungen machen kann, der weniger von sich als von anderen erzählt und über diese in seiner Erzählerrolle ausführlich reflektiert.
Nach der Rückverwandlung im 11. Buch geraten jedoch Figur und Leser in die grösstmögliche Entfernung zueinander. Indem der Erzähler vorgibt,
seinen Sinn nun auf Höheres zu richten, entlässt er den Leser mit einem gewissen Überlegenheitsgestus aus dem Roman. Ist Lucius am Ende der
geläuterte Eingeweihte, so ist der bisher trefflich unterhaltene Leser der « Esel ».

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 540 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00328 (1052181)
Type: Article in book
Author: Roskam, Geert
Title of Article: Virtue in Apuleius
Title of Publication: « Virtutis imago »: studies on the conceptualisation and transformation of an ancient ideal. Ed. Partoens, Gert, Roskam, Geert & Van Houdt, Toon
(Collection d’Études Classiques, 19), Leuven : Peeters, 2004. X-586 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 187-217
Abstract: Die unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften des Apuleius als platonischer Schriftsteller, als Redner und als Romanautor bedingten zwar vom jeweiligen
diskursiven Kontext abhängige Differenzen seines « uirtus »-Verständnisses, doch war er wohl insgesamt dem Ideal einer menschlichen
Vollkommenheit verpflichtet, in der moralische Überlegenheit mit umfassender Bildung und rhetorischem Geschick Hand in Hand ging und zugleich mit
dem Besitz äusserlicher Güter wie Geld, Freundschaft und Ruhm vereinbar war. Apuleius äusserte sich jedoch nicht dazu, wie man « uirtus »
erreichen kann.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 541 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-13637 (890742)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Robert, Jean-Noël

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Title of Article: « Virtus romana » et « taedium vitae »: remarques sur l'évolution des mentalités et de la morale à l'époque de Martial
Title of Publication: Humanitas: Revista do Instituto de Estudos Clássicos
Volume (year) pages: 56 (2004) 69-86
Language: latin
ISSN/ISBN: 0871-1569
Abstract: À l'époque de Martial, Rome adapte aux circonstances nouvelles les anciennes vertus : elle a mission de gouverner le monde ; son empire doit son
équilibre aux principes d'intégration et de tolérance. Mais il y a une crise morale : « taedium uitae » et intempérance, explicables par la prééminence
de l'argent et l'individualisme (« sibi uiuere »), sont dénoncés par Martial et Juvénal. Cependant la lecture de Pline et d'Apulée permet d'entrevoir la
naissance de nouvelles valeurs

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Iuuenalis (D. Iunius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Martialis (M. Valerius) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plinius Caecilius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 542 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00328 (272217)
Type: Monograph
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Publication: « De Magia » d'Apulée
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Neuilly: Atlande, 2004
Description: 157 p.
Collection: Clefs concours. Lettres latines

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Méthy, Nicole, in: Revue des Études Anciennes, :1 (2004) 320-321&atitle=&pages=320-321&date=2004&volume=106&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Stenuit, Bernard, in: Latomus, :2 (2008) 559&atitle=&pages=559&date=2008&volume=67&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 543 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00327 (879161)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Article: Apulée est-il un « uir bonus dicendi peritus » dans le « De Magia » ?
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 82 (2004) 227-237
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en lat.
ISSN/ISBN: 0373-5737
Abstract: Dans Apol. 4, 1-3, Apulée détourne à son avantage l'accusation d'être un « philosophus disertissimus » coupable de « facundiae crimina ». Malgré la
connotation péjorative des adjectifs « disertus » et « facundus » dans la tradition cicéronienne de l'analyse du discours public, la « facundia » d'Apulée
n'est pas un art léger et mensonger, car elle possède un fondement moral. Une métaphysique de la « facundia » se fait jour, lorsqu'Apulée évoque la
beauté originelle de la parole humaine et son essence sacrée. Le seul Romain auquel il réserve le privilège d'incarner l'idéal du « uir bonus dicendi
peritus » est le proconsul d'Afrique Avitus (Apol. 94, 6 ; 95, 1-6), dont la « facundia » emporte l'admiration.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - d) Oratory - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A]
- 4 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 94 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]
- 95 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Lollianus Auitus, L. (cos. en 144 apr. J.-C.)

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Record 544 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00280 (272216)
Type: Monograph
Author: Plank, Birgit
Title of Publication: Johann Sieders Übersetzung des « Goldenen Esels » und die frühe deutschsprachige « Metamorphosen »-Rezeption: ein Beitrag zur
Wirkungsgeschichte von Apuleius' Roman
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2004
Description: VII-260 p., index
Collection: Frühe Neuzeit, 92

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Nom récent: Sieder, Johann (traducteur allemand ; † vers 1535)

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Record 545 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00322 (879160)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pailler, Jean-Marie
Title of Article: Les déboires d'un âne ou Les métamorphoses du commerce dans le roman d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Pallas: Revue d’Études Antiques
Volume (year) pages: 66 (2004) 119-136
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 210-211
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-0387
Abstract: Objet du commerce et en même temps vecteur de celui-ci, l'âne Lucius est un témoin privilégié de toutes les activités s'y rattachant . La
métamorphose s'érige en métaphore des déplacements et des transformations qui en sont l'essence

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 546 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00320 (1045650)
Type: Article in book
Author: O'Brien, Maeve C.
Title of Article: Thelyphron the « weak-minded » or What's in a name ?
Title of Publication: Metamorphic reflections: essays presented to Ben Hijmans at his 75th birthday. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike & Van der Paardt, Rudi Th., Leuven :
Peeters, 2004. X-345 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 161-173
Abstract: Le long épisode de Thélyphron (met. 2, 21-32) doit être une addition d'Apulée qui donne à ce personnage tous les traits caractéristiques des
Sophistes définis par Platon et qu'il caricature jusqu'à l'absurde. Le nom même de Thélyphron signifie « faible d'esprit »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 547 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00318 (879159)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Murgatroyd, Paul
Title of Article: Thelyphron's story (Apul. Met. 2.21-30)
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 57: 4 (2004) 493-497
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/1568525042226020
Abstract: On irony and pre-figuring in Apuleius' tale

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 548 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00317 (879158)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Murgatroyd, Paul
Title of Article: The ending of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 54: 1 (2004) 319-321
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1093/cq/54.1.319
Abstract: Subversive elements present in met. 11 invalidate the interpretation of the book as a straightforward account of a religious experience. Isis is linked
with the staged Judgement of Paris, with actors playing the bribing goddesses, at the end of Book 10 (11, 3-5 : cf. 10, 30-31). The comic picture of a
perspiring ass (11, 7) ; Lucius' inability to follow instructions (11, 12-13) ; and the high price of Lucius' initations into the Isis cult (11, 21-24) are some of
these elements.

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 10 - 30 [CWKB Resolver]
- 11
- 12
- 21 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 [CWKB Resolver]
- 7 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 549 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-00313 (1085324)
Type: Article in book
Author: Möllendorff, Peter von
Title of Article: Im Grenzland der literarischen Satire: Apuleius’ « Metamorphosen »
Title of Publication: Alte Texte - neue Wege. Ed. Kussl, Rolf (Dialog Schule-Wissenschaft. Klassische Sprachen und Literaturen, 38), München : Bayerischer Schulbuch
Verl., 2004. 197 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 45-72

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 550 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00315 (1052173)
Type: Article in book
Author: Merlier-Espenel, Véronique
Title of Article: La grotte des brigands dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Les espaces du sauvage dans le monde antique: approches et définitions. Ed. Charpentier, Marie-Claude (Institut des Sciences et Techniques de
l’Antiquité), Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 2004. 313 p.
Language: français
Pages: 209-222
Abstract: Met. 4, 6

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 551 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00317 (885343)
Type: Article in journal
Author: McCreight, Thomas D.
Title of Article: « Exemplum » or « historiola » ? :: literature and magic in Apuleius' « Apology »
Title of Publication: Syllecta classica
Volume (year) pages: 15 (2004) 153-175
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1040-3612
Abstract: The nexus between magic, rhetoric, and literature in Apuleius' « Apology » is illustrated by examination of Ch. 37. Here Apuleius uses an « exemplum
» that is reminiscent of the « historiola », an illustrative story encountered in some magical texts. The « historiola » works as an analogy that invokes
some past event in order to encourage similar action in the future. By using it, Apuleius demonstrates his knowledge of the literary and philosophical
debate about the magic of speech, but he also comes close to producing a magical spell against the charge of magic.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 37


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Record 552 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-04739 (880948)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mastrorosa, Ida
Title of Article: Filippo Beroaldo il Vecchio e gli « Scriptores rei rusticae »: dall'esegesi dotta alla descriptio della villa patrizia
Title of Publication: Giornale italiano di filologia
Volume (year) pages: 56: 2 (2004) 245-260
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-0461

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Abstract: L'interesse beroaldiano per l'agronomia antica e per l'edilizia rustica e il lessico architettonico emerge non solo nell'edizione commentata delle fonti
agronomiche latine edita nel 1482, ma anche nel Commento all'« Asino d'oro » di Apuleio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Scriptores de re rustica - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)

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Record 553 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00315 (879157)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Masselli, Grazia Maria
Title of Article: Apuleio, apol. 30-35 e le « trappole » dell'eufemismo
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 53 (2004) 195-213
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: Per dimostrare la dimestichezza di Apuleio con le pratiche magiche in cui venivano impiegati i pesci quali mediatori di magia erotica, gli accusatori
rimproverano al madaurense indecenze e abusi linguistici, dovendo però loro stessi far uso di un lessico scabroso e contravvenendo alle regole della
« uerecundia » verbale che imponeva il ricorso all'eufemismo. Si indaga qui tale strategia retorica, ben nota ad Apuleio, che ne dà prova nei suoi testi
e sulla quale basa, in questo passo, la sua linea difensiva

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - c) Rhetoric - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 554 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00314 (879156)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Martos, Juan José
Title of Article: A note on Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Exemplaria Classica: Revista de Filología Clásica = Journal of Classical Philology
Volume (year) pages: 8 (2004) 83-87
Language: espagnol; castillan
ISSN/ISBN: 1699-3225
Abstract: Sobre la lectura « dixisse/uixisse » en Met. 10, 8, 13

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 8 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 555 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-01197 (1045814)
Type: Article in book
Author: Marangoni, Claudio
Title of Article: Reggio come Samo: una traccia dei « Florida » di Apuleio nelle « Variae » di Cassiodoro
Title of Publication: Incontri triestini di filologia classica. 3,: 2003-2004. Ed. Cristante, Lucio & Tessier, Andrea (Polymnia: Studi di Filologia Classica, 5), Trieste : EUT,
2004. VII-390 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 215-225
Abstract: In uar. 12, 14, 1 Cassiodoro parla del territorio di Reggio riprendendo verosimilmente la descrizione di Samo fatta da Apuleio in Flor. 15

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cassiodorus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 15
Cassiodorus - Variarum libri duodecim - 12 - 14 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Reggio di Calabria (ITA ; Reggio di Calabria)
Samos (GRC ; Samos ; île)

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Record 556 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00296 (1056031)
Type: Article in book
Author: Maggiulli, Gigliola
Title of Article: I verbi delle preparazioni farmaceutiche nell'« Herbarius » dello ps. Apuleio
Title of Publication: Lingue tecniche del greco e del latino. 4, Testi medici latini antichi : le parole della medicina : lessico e storia : atti del VII Convegno internazionale,
Trieste, 11-13 ottobre 2001. Ed. Sconocchia, Sergio, Cavalli, Fabio, Baldin, Maurizio, Cecere, Marialuisa & Crismani, Daria (Edizioni e Saggi
Universitari di Filologia Classica. Fuori Sezione, 9), Bologna : Pàtron, 2004. 730 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 143-154

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Abstract: L'osservanza dei verbi della preparazione e della loro formularità (anche nel rapporto con quelli della prescrizione) rivela la forte attenzione dello
pseudo-Apuleio alla formulazione farmaceutica della ricetta

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 557 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00313 (879155)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Lucifora, Rosa Maria
Title of Article: « Mulieres plusciae »: Medea e Circe dall'antinomia alla pseudonimia, vale a dire Maghe e magie dalla « narrazione epica » alla « fabula milesia » di
Title of Publication: Kleos: estemporaneo di studi e testi sulla fortuna dell’antico
Volume (year) pages: 8 (2004) 79-141
Language: italien
Abstract: L'analisi dei documenti letterari a nostra disposizione, a partire dalla scena magica dell'« Eneide » e dalla Bucolica 8 di Virgilio, risulta avvalorata
l'ipotesi di una continuità tra la poesia augustea e il romanzo di Apuleio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 558 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-06603 (1047114)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lucifora, Rosa Maria
Title of Article: Il racconto della metamorfosi dall'epica (di Ovidio) al romanzo (di Apuleio)
Title of Publication: La cultura ellenistica: l'opera letteraria e l'esegesi antica : atti del Convegno COFIN 2001, Università di Roma « Tor Vergata », 22-24 settembre 2003.
Ed. Pretagostini, Roberto & Dettori, Emanuele (Quaderni dei Seminari Romani di Cultura Greca, 8), Roma : Quasar, 2004. VIII-486 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 213-230
Abstract: Le modalità della metamorfosi, con riferimento ai passi rilevanti e con attenzione anche per Virgilio

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 559 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00312 (879154)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Lev Kenaan, Vered
Title of Article: Delusion and dream in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Classical Antiquity
Volume (year) pages: 23: 2 (2004) 247-284
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0278-6656
Abstract: Considering the absence of any ancient systematic approach to the reading of the novel, we may turn to dream-hermeneutics as a field of reference
that can provide the theoretical framework for studying Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » within its own cultural context. Apuleius' logic of dreams is
connected to a view of dreams as being the source of creative writing. The dreamlike qualities in the narrative are characteristic of those dreams that
Artemidorus' Ὀνειροκριτικά (1, 11 ; 4 praef.) and Macrobius somn. 3, 10 regard as inferior and not worthy of interpretation. In contrast to divinely-sent
symbolic dreams, the « insomnium », conceived as a by-product of the lower functions of the soul, provides a notion of textuality that clarifies the
status of this novel as a marginal work of art.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - a) Critical approaches - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Artemidorus Daldianus - Études
Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Artemidorus Daldianus - Onirocriticon - 1 - 11 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]
Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius - Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 560 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-04497 (1056773)
Type: Article in book
Author: Keulen, Wytse H.
Title of Article: Lucius' kinship diplomacy: Plutarchan reflections in an Apuleian character
Title of Publication: The statesman in Plutarch's works : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the International Plutarch Society, Nijmegen/Castle Hernen,
May 1-5, 2002. 1,: Plutarch's statesman and his aftermath : political, philosophical, and literary aspects. Ed. De Blois, Lukas (Mnemosyne.
Supplements, 250), Leiden ; Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2004. VIII-350 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 261-273
Abstract: Plutarch's moral writings, including his « Table queries », form an invaluable frame of reference to understand and judge Apuleius' literary use of the
symposium and his technique of portraying immoral character types in the « Metamorphoses ».

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études

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Record 561 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00307 (879153)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Junod, Helena
Title of Article: Image sans fond: Apulée vu par lui-même dans l'« Apologie » et dans les « Florides »
Title of Publication: Études de lettres : revue de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Lausanne
Volume (year) pages: 1-2 (2004) 111-126
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0014-2026
Abstract: Accusé d'être un charlatan et un magicien, Apulée rétorque en offrant une image de lui en rhéteur, en philosophe et en savant qui ne révèle que par
reflets la réalité de son propre personnage

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 562 of 2062 Reference: APh 81-11024 (1068361)
Type: Article in book
Author: Jordan, David
Title of Article: Two descriptions of « myêsis »
Title of Publication: Myth and symbol. 2,: Symbolic phenomena in ancient Greek culture : papers from the second and third international symposia on symbolism at the
Norwegian Institute at Athens, September 21-24, 2000 and September 19-22, 2002. Ed. Des Bouvrie, Synnøve (Papers from the Norwegian Institute
at Athens, 7), Sävedalen : Åströms Förl., 2004. 391 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 243-278
Abstract: Étude de deux parodies littéraires de la μύησις : l'une, dans le « Protagoras » de Platon, où les sophistes assemblés chez Callias accomplissent
certaines parties du rite ; l'autre, plus particulièrement analysée, chez Apulée (Met. 1, 2-20) concerne la scène où le travesti s'échappe de Hypata

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 2

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Record 563 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00304 (1052165)
Type: Article in book
Author: Jacobson, Howard
Title of Article: Apuleiana
Title of Publication: Studia palaeophilologica: Professoris G. M. Browne in honorem oblata. Ed. Bay, Stephen M., Champaign (Ill.) : Stipes Publishing L.L.C., 2004.
XLIV-104 p.
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: en angl.
Pages: 37-44
Abstract: 27 critical and exegetical notes on Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 564 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00305 (879152)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Iannucci, Alessandro
Title of Article: « Heraclitus lugens » in Apuleio: (osservazioni ad Apul. Mund. 335)
Title of Publication: Sileno: Rivista Semestrale di Studi Classici e Cristiani
Volume (year) pages: 30: 1-2 (2004) 191-197
Language: italien
Abstract: Correggere il tràdito « nobilis » in « nebulis », con riferimento alla oscurità e alla melancolia di Eraclito

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Heraclitus Ephesius - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - De Mundo [view article in LLT-A] - 20

To cite this record

Record 565 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00304 (1045642)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: The « persona » in Apuleius' « Florida »

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Title of Publication: Metamorphic reflections: essays presented to Ben Hijmans at his 75th birthday. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike & Van der Paardt, Rudi Th., Leuven :
Peeters, 2004. X-345 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 175-187
Abstract: Le « je » des « Florides » n'est pas autobiographique. Il renvoie à une image de l'auteur forgée intentionellement à la manière d'un masque

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 566 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-04491 (1056770)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: Plutarch and Apuleius
Title of Publication: The statesman in Plutarch's works : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the International Plutarch Society, Nijmegen/Castle Hernen,
May 1-5, 2002. 1,: Plutarch's statesman and his aftermath : political, philosophical, and literary aspects. Ed. De Blois, Lukas (Mnemosyne.
Supplements, 250), Leiden ; Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2004. VIII-350 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 251-260
Abstract: On : 1) comparison of Apuleius' demonology, as expressed in his « De deo Socratis », with Plutarch's « De genio Socratis » ; and 2) Apuleius' use of
the name « Plutarch » at Met. 2, 3. The influence of Plutarch is not necessary in either case.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 567 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-13569 (884742)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Huby, Pamela M.
Title of Article: Elementary logic in the ancient world
Title of Publication: Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London
Volume (year) pages: 47 (2004) 119-128
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0076-0730
DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-5370.2004.tb00246.x
Abstract: Formal education in elementary logic began in Plato's Academy and can be traced into the Middle Ages. Evidence from Aristotle, « Prior analytics »,
Apuleius, « De interpretatione », Galen, « Institutio logica », and anonymous sources suggests that many works may have been written to be
memorized by students. The views of the Peripatetics and Stoics, originally different, coalesced, and later handbooks covered both at an elementary
level. The origin of a concept of a syllogistic mood is obscure ; it may have existed for some time before appearing first in Apuleius.

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aristoteles Stagirites, Corpus Aristotelicum - Études
Galenus - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 568 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00303 (879151)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Holmes, Nigel
Title of Article: A trimeter in Apuleius
Title of Publication: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 147: 3-4 (2004) 430-431
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-449X
Abstract: Das Vokabular und die auffällige Metrik in Socr. 1 p. 116-117 legen nahe, an der Stelle ein Zitat zu erkennen, über dessen Herkunft und
Rezeptionsgeschichte keine gesicherten Aussagen zu treffen sind.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 569 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00286 (898756)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Häussler, Alexander
Title of Article: Der Prolog der « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius als Spiegel des Gesamtwerkes
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative

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Volume (year) pages: 4 (2004) 30-65

Language: allemand
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 223
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Ce prologue réutilise, à des fins parodiques, deux modèles traditionnels mais opposés d'introduction à la première personne du singulier : celui des
récits historiographiques et celui de la rhétorique judiciaire. La « uocis immutatio » constatée chez Apulée conduit à une tripartition du prologue et
modifie les rapports entre narrateur et récit, et entre narrateur et narrataire. Cette structure du prologue, considérée sous l'angle des approches
narratologiques de G. Genette et J. Lintvelt, préfigure celle du récit des « Métamorphoses » dans son ensemble

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Genette, Gérard (théoricien français de la littérature ; 1930-2018)
Lintvelt, Jaap (théoricien hollandais de la littérature ; 20e s.)

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Record 570 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00302 (885337)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Giovini, Marco
Title of Article: « Amare liceat »: appunti di lettura di un carme giambico attribuito ad Apuleio : (Anth. Lat 712 R.)
Title of Publication: Res Publica Litterarum: Studies in the Classical Tradition
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 7 (2004) 129-151
Language: multilingue
ISSN/ISBN: 0275-4304
Abstract: Considerazioni testuali ed esegetiche

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 79-00217: A proposito di alcuni recenti studi sui carmi della « Anthologia latina »

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Record 571 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00297 (879150)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Garraffoni, Renata Senna
Title of Article: Robbers and soldiers: criminality and Roman army in Apuleius' Metamorphoses
Title of Publication: Gerión
Volume (year) pages: 22: 1 (2004) 367-377
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: rés. en esp.
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-0181
Abstract: Se analiza la relación entre los ladrones y el ejército romano en « Las Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo. Dado que esta obra ofrece muchas informaciones
acerca de la vida de los bandoleros y desertores, es posible considerarla como una importante fuente para cuestionar diversos aspectos de las obras
historiográficas modernas y sus interpretaciones acerca de la « plebs » romana.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 572 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00294 (1045636)
Type: Article in book
Author: Finkelpearl, Ellen
Title of Article: The ends of the « Metamorphoses » (Apuleius Metamorphoses 11. 26. 4-11. 30)
Title of Publication: Metamorphic reflections: essays presented to Ben Hijmans at his 75th birthday. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike & Van der Paardt, Rudi Th., Leuven :
Peeters, 2004. X-345 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 319-342

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 26 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 573 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-01682 (879749)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ferraces Rodríguez, Arsenio
Title of Article: Las « Curae herbarum » y las interpolaciones dioscorideas en el « Herbario » del Pseudo-Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 32 (2004) 223-240
Language: espagnol; castillan

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Abstract Information: rés. en angl.

ISSN/ISBN: 0531-2175
Abstract: L'analyse de l'interpolation, dans un certain nombre de mss de l'« Herbarium » du Ps.-Apulée, de prescriptions tirées d'une traduction latine de
Dioscoride et qui sont relatives aux « Curae herbarum », permet de distinguer trois étapes dans l'utilisation de Dioscoride : la traduction en latin, son
adaptation à la structure des prescriptions « titulus morbi + cura » (datable du milieu du 6e s.) et la compilation des textes conservés des « Curae
herbarum »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Dioscorides Pedanius - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 574 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00292 (1045635)
Type: Article in book
Author: Dowden, Ken
Title of Article: Getting the measure of Apuleius's « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Metamorphic reflections: essays presented to Ben Hijmans at his 75th birthday. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike & Van der Paardt, Rudi Th., Leuven :
Peeters, 2004. X-345 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 279-295
Abstract: L'évaluation de la longueur des « Métamorphoses » selon le standard VPL (virtual papyrus lines) permet de tirer un certain nombre de
renseignements sur l'organisation de l'œuvre et son échelle par rapport à d'autres textes notables de la littérature latine

Discipline after vol. 67: III. - Textual transmission - C. - Textual history, textual criticism and editorial techniques - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 575 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00290 (879149)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Deremetz, Alain
Title of Article: Narration et argumentation dans l'« Apologie » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 82 (2004) 209-226
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0373-5737
Abstract: Étudie deux dimensions de l'art rhétorique d'Apulée qui portent la marque de l'enseignement de Quintilien : la première, argumentative, se révèle à
travers la mise en évidence du procédé de la figuration dans son discours du réquisitoire de ses adversaires ; la seconde, narrative, se découvre dans
la « narratio » de la deuxième partie du discours. À cette dette s'ajoute sans doute celle, plus directe encore, d'Apollonios de Tyane, qui constitue le
chaînon reliant Apulée à son maître Platon

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Apollonius Tyanaeus - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Quintilianus (M. Fabius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 576 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00289 (879148)
Type: Article in journal
Author: De Marre, Martine
Title of Article: « Docta nimis visa et facunda »: wishful thinking or social reality ?
Title of Publication: Acta Classica: Acta Classica : Verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika = Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa
Volume (year) pages: 47 (2004) 51-74
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0065-1141
Abstract: In his « Apologia », a speech in which Apuleius defends himself against the charges of magic and legacy hunting, the writer depicts his wife, Aemilia
Pudentilla, as a highly-educated woman. It was in fact possible, given the period and location, for her to have been well-educated.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - a) General subjects. Intellectual life - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)

To cite this record

Record 577 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00286 (879146)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Buffa Giolito, Maria Franca
Title of Article: La caduta dei re: Fedra e Ippolito banalizzati (Apul., met. X, 2-12)
Title of Publication: Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 32 (2004) 189-202
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.

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ISSN/ISBN: 0531-2175
Abstract: Apulée banalise les caractères de Phèdre et d'Hippolyte sous l'influence des « declamationes », mais aussi des mimes, surtout celui de Decimus

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Laberius (Decimus) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 578 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00283 (1056029)
Type: Article in book
Author: Buffa Giolito, Maria Franca
Title of Article: L' attesa della guarigione negli avverbi prognostici finali delle ricette pseudoapuleiane
Title of Publication: Lingue tecniche del greco e del latino. 4, Testi medici latini antichi : le parole della medicina : lessico e storia : atti del VII Convegno internazionale,
Trieste, 11-13 ottobre 2001. Ed. Sconocchia, Sergio, Cavalli, Fabio, Baldin, Maurizio, Cecere, Marialuisa & Crismani, Daria (Edizioni e Saggi
Universitari di Filologia Classica. Fuori Sezione, 9), Bologna : Pàtron, 2004. 730 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 131-142
Abstract: A proposito di « continuo », « mox » e « statim »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 579 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00282 (898754)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bradley, Keith R.
Title of Article: Apuleius and Carthage
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 4 (2004) 1-29
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Étudie les références à la réalité historique, sociale et intellectuelle de la cité de Carthage et au public auquel les discours de la « Florida » étaient
destinés en tant que distraction éducative. Reflétant les rapports fluides et évolutifs entre la colonie et la métropole, la « Florida » est un témoignage
du processus complexe de la romanisation de l'Afrique du Nord sous le Principat, et révèle ainsi la multiplicité des influences qui ont construit l'identité
d'Apulée, reliant appartenance à l'élite latine et enracinement dans sa culture d'origine

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization
- D. - Regional history and historical geography - Études
- G. - Culture - a) General subjects. Intellectual life - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)
Carthage (TUN ; Tunis)

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Record 580 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00287 (885333)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bonavero, Marie-Martine
Title of Article: Le conte de Psychè dans les « Métamorphoses» d'Apulée: les mémoires d'un âne ou la mémoire des mythes
Title of Publication: Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé
Volume (year) pages: 2 (2004) 156-177
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-5527
DOI: 10.3406/bude.2004.2169
Abstract: L'héritage de la comédie et de la tragédie dans le traitement du mythe de Psychè

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - b) Drama - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Psukhe (personnification)


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Record 581 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00284 (1045632)
Type: Article in book
Author: Beck, Roger Lyne
Title of Article: Lucius and the sundial: a hidden chronotopic template in Metamorphoses 11

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Title of Publication: Metamorphic reflections: essays presented to Ben Hijmans at his 75th birthday. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike & Van der Paardt, Rudi Th., Leuven :
Peeters, 2004. X-345 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 309-318
Abstract: Étude chronotopique du livre 11. C'est le cycle du soleil qui régit l'arrivée de Lucius à Rome, son séjour et son initiation. On peut y voir une allusion à
l'Horologium Augusti

Discipline after vol. 67: VIII. - Science and technology - C. - Physical science and technology - a) Astronomy, astrology, horology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Roma (ITA) – Horologium Augusti

To cite this record

Record 582 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00273 (272213)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Baltes, Matthias
Title of Publication: De deo Socratis = Über den Gott des Sokrates / Apuleius ; eingel., übers. und mit interpretierenden Essays vers. von Matthias Baltes [et al.]
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004
Description: 230 p., 2 index
Further Information: Avec le texte latin
Collection: SAPERE: Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam Religionemque Pertinentia, 7
Texte zur Forschung

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Harrison, Stephen J., in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2006) 139-141&atitle=&pages=139-141&date=2006&volume=N. S., 56&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Hilton, John L., in: Gnomon, :7 (2006) 647-648&atitle=&pages=647-648&date=2006&volume=78&issue=7&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2005) 356-357&atitle=&pages=356-357&date=2005&volume=74&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Turcan, Robert, in: Latomus, :3 (2007) 736-737&atitle=&pages=736-737&date=2007&volume=66&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 583 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00283 (879145)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bajoni, Maria Grazia
Title of Article: L' itinerario conoscitivo nella « praefatio » del « De mundo » apuleiano
Title of Publication: Habis: Filología Clásica, Historia Antigua, Arqueología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 35 (2004) 313-317
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0210-7694
Abstract: En De mundo 287-289, Apuleyo emplea el motivo del viaje celeste, bien atestiguado en la literatura antigua, como metáfora del viaje cognitivo que
sigue el alma que alcanza la contemplación. Apuleyo se sirve de ciertos pensamientos e imágenes procedentes de los tratados ciceronianos
(« Tusculanae disputationes », « De oratore » y « De natura deorum »)

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - De Mundo [view article in LLT-A] - prol.

To cite this record

Record 584 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00282 (278697)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Arfé, Pasquale
Title of Publication: Cusanus-Texte. 3,: Marginalien. 5, : Apuleius, Hermes Trismegistus : aus Codex Bruxellensis 10054-56 / hrsg. und erl. von Pasquale Arfé
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Heidelberg: Winter, 2004
Description: X-196 p., index
Further Information: Notes de Nicolas de Cues sur le « De deo Socratis », le « De Platone et eius dogmate » et le « De mundo » d'Apulée, ainsi que sur la traduction
attribuée à Apulée de l'« Asclepius ». Pour 3, 2, 2 => 57-03809
Collection: Schriften der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 32

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Hermetica - Textes
Nom récent: Nicolaus Cusanus (théologien et philosophe allemand ; 1401-1464)

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Stenuit, Bernard, in: Les Études Classiques, :2 (2006) 177&atitle=&pages=177&date=2006&volume=74&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 57-03809: Cusanus-Texte, III

To cite this record

Record 585 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-06943 (1047206)
Type: Article in book
Author: Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin
Title of Article: La mise en scène déclamatoire chez les romanciers latins
Title of Publication: The ancient novel and beyond. Ed. Panayotakis, Stelios, Zimmerman, Maaike & Keulen, Wytse Hette (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 241), Leiden : Brill,
2003. XIX-489 p.
Language: français
Pages: 345-355
Abstract: Le roman de Pétrone a beau se faire l'écho d'un débat critique contre la pratique des déclamations, celles-ci n'en nourrissent pas moins de leur
substance la trame romanesque. La même constatation peut être faite pour Apulée où certaines figures du roman rappellent les personnages
peuplant l'univers déclamatoire. On trouve aussi dans ces romans des discours obéissant à toutes les règles du genre, mis au service de la réalité

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature
- B. - Literary theory and analysis - c) Rhetoric - Études
- C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 586 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00357 (1041266)
Type: Article in book
Author: Turcan, Robert
Title of Article: « Fani quidem aduena, religionis autem indigena » (Apulée, « Métamorphoses » XI, 26, 3)
Title of Publication: Hommages à Carl Deroux. 4,: Archéologie et histoire de l'art, religion. Ed. Defosse, Pol (Collection Latomus, 277), Bruxelles : Latomus, 2003.
XXIII-567 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: en franç.
Pages: 547-556
Abstract: La phrase d'Apulée signifie que les cultes à mystère promettent à un étranger anonyme de lui rendre une identité, non pas celle d'un pays ou d'une
nation, mais celle d'une patrie religieuse. Étude de la cohabitation des cultes étrangers à Rome, qui forment une sorte d'œcuménisme païen dont
Apulée est un témoin précieux

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 26 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 587 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00331 (1045655)
Type: Article in book
Author: Slater, Niall W.
Title of Article: Spectator and spectacle in Apuleius
Title of Publication: The ancient novel and beyond. Ed. Panayotakis, Stelios, Zimmerman, Maaike & Keulen, Wytse Hette (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 241), Leiden : Brill,
2003. XIX-489 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 85-100
Abstract: À propos de Met. 3, 2-12 ; 4, 13 sq ; 10, 35-11. Les évocations de scènes théâtrales montrent que Lucius perd peu à peu sa position de spectateur
pour devenir lui-même spectacle et acteur manipulé par autrui

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 10 - 35 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
- 4 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 588 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-11804 (1080241)
Type: Article in book
Author: Sharples, Robert W.
Title of Article: Threefold providence: the history and background of a doctrine
Title of Publication: Ancient approaches to Plato's « Timaeus ». Ed. Sharples, Robert W. & Sheppard, Anne (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplement, 78),
London : Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, 2003. 228 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 107-127

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Abstract: Three texts preserve a distinctive classification of providence into three levels : Apuleius, Plat. 1, 12 ; Plutarch, Mor. 9, 572 F-573 A ; and Nemesius,
Nat. Hom. 43, 125, 21-43, 126, 12). The influence of Plato's « Timaeus » on these is considered. Some wider views concerning providence held in the
late Hellenistic and Roman periods help put these works in their intellectual contexts. The possible relationship between Alexander of Aphrodisias's
now-lost « De prouidentia » and « De fato » and these texts is discussed.

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Alexander Aphrodisiensis - Réception et survie
Nemesius Emesenus - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 12 [CWKB Resolver]
Nemesius Emesenus - De natura hominis - 43 - 125 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]
Plutarchus Chaeronensis - Moralia - De fato - 572 - f [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 589 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00356 (872475)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Schmidt, Victor M.
Title of Article: Is there an allusion to the Christian Eucharist in Apuleius, Met. 9, 14-15 ?
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 62: 4 (2003) 864-874
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: In pursuance of a previous contribution (=> 68-00279), examines the drunkenness of the Baker's wife in the passage in question as an allusion to the
character's Christianity, given that excessive drinking and sexual debauchery, in combination with cannibalism, were the usual reproaches made by
pagans against Christians

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - d) Christianity - - Cults and religious life - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
Cf 68-00279: Reaktionen auf das Christentum in den « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius

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Record 590 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00354 (872473)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Sánchez-Ostiz, Álvaro
Title of Article: Notas sobre « numen » y « maiestas » en Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 62: 4 (2003) 844-863
Language: espagnol; castillan
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: On the origins and meaning of the formula « deuotus numini maiestatique eius », combined with a lexical analysis of the occurrences of the terms
« numen » and « maiestas » in Apuleius. By the mid-2nd cent., both terms become practical synonyms, used to designate divine action and the
reverential feelings it inspires in humans. Includes discussion of Middle-Platonic demonology, and the significance of these concepts for emperor-
worship. The emperor's « numen », as a celestial spirit that selects and elevates him above other men, can manifest its presence through divine
« imagines »

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
V. - History and civilization - B. - Public life. Institutions - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 591 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00353 (1041265)
Type: Article in book
Author: Rosati, Gianpiero
Title of Article: « Quis ille ? »: identità e metamorfosi nel romanzo di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Memoria e identità: la cultura romana costruisce la sua immagine. Ed. Citroni, Mario (Studi e Testi / Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di
Scienze dell’Antichità, 21), Firenze : Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità, 2003. XII-323 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 267-296
Abstract: Analisi di quest'opera come adattamento culturale di una storia greca nel mondo romano, in relazione al tema della metamorfosi come conquista di

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 592 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-10749 (1047792)
Type: Article in book

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Author: Rodríguez Neila, Juan Francisco

Title of Article: Política y políticos municipales romanos: una visión desde las fuentes literarias latinas
Title of Publication: « Vrbs aeterna »: actas y colaboraciones del coloquio internacional « Roma entre la literatura y la historia » : homenaje a la profesora Carmen
Castillo. Ed. Alonso del Real, Concepción (Mundo Antiguo. Nueva Serie, 9), Pamplona : EUNSA, 2003. XXXVIII-958 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 101-154
Abstract: A través de las fuentes literarias (principalmente Cicerón, Suetonio, Petronio y Apuleyo), se realiza una aproximación al escenario de la
administración e instituciones municipales romanas y de los sectores sociales que controlaban su gestión pública. Se contrasta la visión que nos
aportan los autores latinos con la que ofrecen otros tipos de documentos.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - B. - Public life. Institutions - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Suetonius Tranquillus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 593 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-06670 (1060172)
Type: Article in book
Author: Robertson, Noel
Title of Article: Aesop's encounter with Isis and the Muses, and the origins of the « Life of Aesop »
Title of Publication: Poetry, theory, praxis: the social life of myth, word and image in ancient Greece : essays in honour of William J. Slater. Ed. Csapo, Eric & Miller,
Margaret Christina, Oxford : Oxbow Books, 2003. XIV-266 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 247-266
Abstract: The Life of Aesop in manuscripts G (New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, ms. 397) and W (Florence, Bibl. Medicea Laurentiana, conv. soppr. 627)
presents a connected story that can only have originated in early Greece. The Muses as the traditional source of knowledge are replaced by Isis in a
new version of the Life composed in the 1st or 2nd cent. A.D. It was perhaps echoed at once by Apuleius (Met. 11).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vitae Aesopi - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11
Nom antique: Mousa, Mousai (divinités)

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Record 594 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-03422 (873648)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Rives, James Boykin
Title of Article: Magic in Roman law: the reconstruction of a crime
Title of Publication: Classical Antiquity
Volume (year) pages: 22: 2 (2003) 313-339
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0278-6656
DOI: 10.1525/ca.2003.22.2.313
Abstract: The Roman law on magic grounded in the « Lex Cornelia de sicariis et ueneficiis » gradually shifted from a focus on harmful and uncanny actions to a
concern with religious deviance. This shift was already underway at the time of Apuleius' trial (« Apologia », esp. 102, 9-103, 1), and was firmly
established in the formal discourse of Roman law by ca. A.D. 300, the date of « The opinions of Paulus » (5, 23). « Magic » should be retained as a
heuristic category, since it is the only term fluid enough to function as an inclusive rubric for this shifting set of concerns.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 102 - 9 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 595 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00351 (269035)
Type: Monograph
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Publication: Amour et désir dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Bruxelles: Latomus, 2003
Description: 317 p., index
Collection: Collection Latomus, 274

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Clarot, B., in: Les Études Classiques, :1-2 (2004) 157&atitle=&pages=157&date=2004&volume=72&issue=1-2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Deschamps, Lucienne, in: Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire = Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, :1 (2005) 203-205&atitle=&
pages=203-205&date=2005&volume=83&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Martin, René, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2004) 352-354&atitle=&pages=352-354&date=2004&volume=82&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2005) 357-358&atitle=&pages=357-358&date=2005&volume=74&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 596 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00350 (872472)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Plaza, Maria
Title of Article: « Solventur risu tabulae » :: saved by laughter in Horace (S. II.i.80-6) and Apuleius (Met. III.i-ii)
Title of Publication: Classica et Mediaevalia: Revue Danoise de Philologie et d’Histoire
Volume (year) pages: 54 (2003) 353-358
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0106-5815
Abstract: Argues that the ending of the Deus Risus episode in Apuleius' Met. 3, 1-2 alludes to the court scene in Horace's « Satires » (2, 1, 80-86), where the
defendant is likewise freed by general laughter. Of the basis of a comparison of both similarities and differences between the two episodes, it is further
suggested that both function as emblems of the respective comic genres in which they appear.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Horatius [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Horatius - Sermones [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 1 - 80 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 597 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00348 (269034)
Type: Monograph
Author: Pecere, Oronzo
Stramaglia, Antonio
Title of Publication: Studi apuleiani / note di aggiornamento di Luca Graverini
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Cassino: Ed. dell’Università degli Studi di Cassino, 2003
Description: 298 p., ill. 3 index
Further Information: Raccolta di studi già editi, qui aggiornati
Collection: Studi / Università degli Studi di Cassino

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :4 (2005) 1049-1050&atitle=&pages=1049-1050&date=2005&volume=64&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Dimundo, Rosalba, in: Aufidus , :53-54 (2004) 261-262&atitle=&pages=261-262&date=2004&volume=18&issue=53-54&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Magnani, Adriano, in: Analecta Papyrologica, (2003 2002) 379-382&atitle=&pages=379-382&date=2003&volume=14-15&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Majani, Cristina, in: Athenaeum, :1 (2007) 547-548&atitle=&pages=547-548&date=2007&volume=95&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Martos, Juan José, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2005) 152-153&atitle=&pages=152-153&date=2005&volume=N. S., 55&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Ottonello, Andrea, in: Maia, :2 (2006) 375-380&atitle=&pages=375-380&date=2006&volume=58&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Papaioannou, Sophia, in: Ordia Prima , (2006) 239-241&atitle=&pages=239-241&date=2006&volume=5&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Pasetti, Lucia, in: Eikasmos, (2005) 590-594&atitle=&pages=590-594&date=2005&volume=16&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Piras, Giorgio, in: Res Publica Litterarum N. S., N. S. (2006) 210-213&atitle=&pages=210-213&date=2006&volume=N. S., 9&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2004) 354-355&atitle=&pages=354-355&date=2004&volume=82&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Pérez Vega, Ana, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:7 (2004) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2004&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 598 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00349 (1041264)
Type: Article in book
Author: Pecere, Oronzo
Title of Article: La tradizione dei testi latini e la fortuna dei classici: il caso della favola di Amore e Psiche di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Latina didaxis. 18,: « Ricerca e didattica del latino » : atti del Congresso, 11-12 aprile 2003. Ed. Rocca, Silvana (Pubblicazioni del D.AR.FI.CL.ET.
Nuova Serie, 213), Genova : Compagnia dei Librai, 2003. 189 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 53-78
Abstract: Panoramica sulla storia del testo del romanzo apuleiano e osservazioni su PSI 919, del 2° sec. d.C., con una illustrazione riferita all'episodio di Amore
e Psiche


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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 599 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00346 (872471)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Paolucci, Paola
Title of Article: Metamorfosi di ruoli
Title of Publication: Giornale italiano di filologia
Volume (year) pages: 55: 1 (2003) 131-143
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-0461
Abstract: A proposito del saggio di S. A. Frangoulidis schedato 72-00332

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 72-00332: Roles and performances in Apuleius' Metamorphoses

To cite this record

Record 600 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00321 (1045651)
Type: Article in book
Author: Ors, Álvaro d'
Title of Article: La dote de Pudentila, mujer de Apuleyo de Madaura
Title of Publication: « Vrbs aeterna »: actas y colaboraciones del coloquio internacional « Roma entre la literatura y la historia » : homenaje a la profesora Carmen
Castillo. Ed. Alonso del Real, Concepción (Mundo Antiguo. Nueva Serie, 9), Pamplona : EUNSA, 2003. XXXVIII-958 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 783-787
Abstract: Se propone una corrección de lectura en el pasaje donde Apuleyo habla de la dote constituida por su mujer (Apol. 91, 7) : la lectura « cautionem » por
« c(on)lectione(m) », paleográficamente posible y que se ajusta mejor a la argumentación que otras sugerencias de los editores

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 91 - 7 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)

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Record 601 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00303 (898769)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Newbold, Ron
Title of Article: Benefits and moral development in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 3 (2003) 88-105
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Suivant la théorie de L. Kohlberg sur les étapes successives du développement moral des individus dans différents types de sociétés (The philosophy
of moral development : moral stages and the idea of justice, San Francisco 1981), les personnages des « Métamorphoses » agissent de façon plus ou
moins désintéressée en tirant toujours des bénéfices pour eux-mêmes ou pour leurs proches dans un contexte de réciprocité, mais sans conscience
de l'intérêt collectif. Même l'initiation religieuse de Lucius au livre 11 ne lui confère pas un niveau supérieur de développement moral, comme le
montre le ton ironique et ludique employé par Apulée pour la décrire

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 602 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00344 (1041261)
Type: Article in book
Author: Nenadic, Roxana
Title of Article: Así en la vida como en el teatro: retórica y poder político en Florida 16 de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Discurso, poder y política en Roma. Ed. Caballero de del Sastre, Elisabeth & Rabaza, Beatriz (Estudios sociales, 12), Rosario : HomoSapiens, 2003.
352 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 251-270

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 16

To cite this record

Record 603 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00298 (898765)
Type: Article in journal
Author: McNamara, Joanne
Title of Article: « The only wife worth having ? »: marriage and storytelling in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »

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Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative

Volume (year) pages: 3 (2003) 106-128
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Examine les rares mariages considérés comme réussis selon le critère de la fidélité : Cupidon et Psyché (4, 28, 1-6, 24, 4), Charité et Tlépolème (4,
26, 1-27, 4 ;7, 52-15, 3 ; 8, 1, 5-13, 5), Plotina et son mari (7, 6, 2-7, 4) et le mariage symbolique de Lucius avec Isis au livre 11. Il est évalué pour
chacun combien il contribue à rehausser l'image généralement négative du mariage dans les « Métamorphoses », et comment son statut
narratologique, c'est-à-dire son insertion dans le récit global et son caractère fictionnel éclairent l'ensemble de l'œuvre

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 26 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 28 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 52 [CWKB Resolver]
- 6 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
- 8 - 1 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

To cite this record

Record 604 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-05122 (874277)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Maurice, Lisa
Title of Article: « Amici et sodales »: an examination of a double motif in Plautus
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 56: 2 (2003) 164-193
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/156852503321625132
Abstract: One of the ways in which Plautus investigates friendship is through his use of the stock characters so central to Roman comedy. Among the twelve
stock characters of comedy that Apuleius lists (Florida 16), appears the figure of the « sodalis opitulator » (the « helpful mate »), who has not so far
drawn much attention. Not only does Plautus use this character frequently, in five of his twenty extant plays he employs not one friend, but two, as a
double motif. In these plays, Plautus uses these double stock characters to parody the ideals of friendship which had developed in the literary tradition,
and to play with the conventions of drama as part of a metatheatrical approach to comedy. By a doubling of this motif, Plautus highlights friendship, in
order to look at other literary or dramatic themes that include the ideal literary friendship, the supremacy of the Plautine slave and drama itself.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 16


To cite this record

Record 605 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00328 (872463)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mattiacci, Silvia
Title of Article: Apuleio in Fulgenzio
Title of Publication: Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: 4a ser., 1: 1-2 (2003) 229-256
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0039-2987
Abstract: Forme, modalità e significati dell'abbondante presenza di Apuleio nelle opere di Fulgenzio ; inoltre sulla contaminazione fulgenziana di parte della
tradizione manoscritta apuleiana e sui contributi che le riprese fulgenziane forniscono alla costituzione del testo di Apuleio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Fulgentius Ruspensis [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 606 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-09230 (1043604)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mastandrea, Paolo
Title of Article: Novità nel campo della critica congetturale: (ed esempi di restauro a testi di prosa latina)
Title of Publication: Culture europee e tradizione latina: atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Cividale del Friuli, Fondazione Niccolò Canussio, 16-17 novembre 2001.
Ed. Casarsa, Laura, Cristante, Lucio & Fernandelli, Marco (Polymnia: Studi di Filologia Classica, 1), Trieste : EUT, 2003. VIII-152 p.
Language: italien

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Pages: 111-118
Abstract: Proposte testuali per Sallustio, Iug. 95, 3 ; Tacito, ann. 15, 53, 2 ; Apuleio, Socr. 16, 155 ; Lattanzio, mort. pers. 3, 5

Discipline after vol. 67: III. - Textual transmission - C. - Textual history, textual criticism and editorial techniques - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lactantius Firmianus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Sallustius Crispus (C.), Appendix Sallustiana [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Tacitus (P. Cornelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - De Deo Socratis [view article in LLT-A] - 16
Lactantius Firmianus - De mortibus persecutorum [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]
Sallustius Crispus (C.), Appendix Sallustiana - Bellum Iugurthinum [view article in LLT-A] - 95 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]
Tacitus (P. Cornelius) - Annales [view article in LLT-A] - 15 - 53 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 607 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00343 (872470)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Masselli, Grazia Maria
Title of Article: Apuleio « mago » e l'« incanto » della parola
Title of Publication: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’ Università degli Studi di Bari
Volume (year) pages: 46 (2003) 121-157
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0522-4136
Abstract: L'ironia e il ridicolo, finalizzati alla demolizione dell'avversario, sono i due artifici retorici di cui si serve Apuleio nella propria difesa

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 608 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00278 (272215)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Martos, Juan José
Title of Publication: Las metamorfosis o El asno de oro / Apuleyo de Madauros ; introd., texto latino, trad. y notas de Juan José Martos
Language: espagnol; castillan
Place: Publisher, year: Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2003
Description: 2 vol. (CLV-68, VII-226 p.)
Further Information: Contient : 1, Libros 1-3 ; 2, Libros 4-11
Collection: Alma Mater

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :2 (2007) 435-437&atitle=&pages=435-437&date=2007&volume=66&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Carmignani, Marcos, in: Ordia Prima , (2005) 222-224&atitle=&pages=222-224&date=2005&volume=4&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Harrison, Stephen J., in: Gnomon, :3 (2006) 227-231&atitle=&pages=227-231&date=2006&volume=78&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:12 (2004) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2004&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Kenney, Edward John, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2005) 149-152&atitle=&pages=149-152&date=2005&volume=N. S., 55&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Ottonello, Andrea, in: Maia, :2 (2006) 373-374&atitle=&pages=373-374&date=2006&volume=58&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2004) 303-304&atitle=&pages=303-304&date=2004&volume=82&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Socas, Francisco, in: Habis, (2005) 505-508&atitle=&pages=505-508&date=2005&volume=36&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Sousa, Ana Alexandra Alves de, in: Euphrosyne N. S., N. S. (2012) 464-465&atitle=&pages=464-465&date=2012&volume=N. S., 40&issue=&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Zimmerman, Maaike, in: Ancient Narrative, (2004) 208-222&atitle=&pages=208-222&date=2004&volume=4&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 77-00298: Some textual problems in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »

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Record 609 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-13643 (910189)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Martínez Gázquez, José
Title of Article: Los dioses médicos y el culto a la salud en herbarios romanos: Pseudo-Musa y Pseudo-Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Antigüedad y Cristianismo: Monografías Históricas sobre la Antigüedad Tardía
Volume (year) pages: 20 (2003) 67-75
Language: espagnol; castillan
ISSN/ISBN: 0214-7165

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Abstract: Se comentan las menciones en estos herbarios romanos a los distintos dioses patrocinadores de las plantas y de sus efectos medicinales y mágicos,
así como las plantas que reciben nombres de dioses y héroes, en ocasiones citadas con los distintos nombres con los que se las conoce en otros

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
VIII. - Science and technology - E. - Life science and technology - c) Medical science - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Musa (Antonius) - Études

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Record 610 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-04202 (873929)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnani, Adriano
Title of Article: « Sensum tantum retinebam humanum »: Ovidio, Apuleio e la metamorfosi
Title of Publication: Vichiana: Rassegna Internazionale di Studi Filologici e Storici
Volume (year) pages: 4a ser., 5: 1 (2003) 3-37
Language: multilingue
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-5079
Abstract: Diverso atteggiamento dei due autori alla luce di un esame degli episodi di Io, Callisto e Atteone in Ovidio (met. 1, 568-747 ; 2, 411-495 ; 3, 155-255) e
di Lucio e Atteone in Apuleio (met. 3, 24s. e 2, 4)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 3 - 24 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 568 [CWKB Resolver]
- 2 - 411 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 155 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Aktaion (héros)
Io (héroïne)
Kallisto (nymphe)

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Record 611 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00341 (872469)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Lytle, Ephraim
Title of Article: Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and the « Spurcum additamentum » (10.21)
Title of Publication: Classical Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Classical Antiquity
Volume (year) pages: 98: 4 (2003) 349-365
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-837X
DOI: 10.1086/422371
Abstract: The designation « spurcum additamentum » is the modern description of a much-abbreviated passage that appears in the margin of Florence, Bibl.
Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 68, 2 of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Most of the arguments against Apuleian authorship proceed from the assumption,
a priori, that the « additamentum » is not by Apuleius, with the object of demonstrating that it cannot be. In fact, the « additamentum » occupies a vital
position within its scene.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 21

Related Publication(s)
Cf 77-00303: The « spurcum additamentum » (Apul. Met. 10, 21) once again


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Record 612 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00311 (1045647)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lateiner, Donald
Title of Article: Tlepolemus the spectral spouse
Title of Publication: The ancient novel and beyond. Ed. Panayotakis, Stelios, Zimmerman, Maaike & Keulen, Wytse Hette (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 241), Leiden : Brill,
2003. XIX-489 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 219-238
Abstract: Étude et signification du motif du conjoint revenant dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée et dans la littérature antique en général

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 613 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00340 (1041260)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lamberti, Francesca
Title of Article: Ricchezze e patrimoni femminili in Apuleio
Title of Publication: Moneta mercanti banchieri: i precedenti greci e romani dell'Euro : atti del convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli, 26-28 settembre 2002. Ed. Urso,
Gianpaolo (I convegni della Fondazione Niccolò Canussio, 2), Pisa : ETS, 2003. 320 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 301-320
Abstract: Concerne soprattutto il ritratto di Pudentilla nell'« Apologia », che mette in risalto l'accortezza e l'indipendenza della donna nelle questioni patrimoniali

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)

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Record 614 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-07386 (888004)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kritzinger, J. P. K.
Title of Article: « O, die donkie is 'n wonderlike ding ! »: die voorstelling en uitbeelding van die donkie in enkele Klassieke, Bybelse en Patristiese tekste
Title of Publication: Akroterion : tydskrif vir die klassieke in Suid-Afrika = journal for the classics in South Africa
Volume (year) pages: 48 (2003) 69-80
Language: afrikaans
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-2033
Abstract: Numerous passages concerning donkeys, with special attention to Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and Jerome's « Life of Hilarion ».

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Hieronymus Stridonius [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 615 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00289 (286000)
Type: Monograph
Author: Krabbe, Judith K.
Title of Publication: « Lusus iste »: Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Dallas (Tex.) ; Oxford: University Pr. of America, 2003
Description: VIII-630 p., index

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Harrison, Stephen J., in: International journal of the classical tradition, :1 (2007 2006) 139-142&atitle=&pages=139-142&date=2007&volume=13&
issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 616 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00309 (1045645)
Type: Article in book
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Title of Article: Swordplay-wordplay: phraseology of fiction in Apuleius's « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: The ancient novel and beyond. Ed. Panayotakis, Stelios, Zimmerman, Maaike & Keulen, Wytse Hette (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 241), Leiden : Brill,
2003. XIX-489 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 161-170
Abstract: Le début du roman (1, 2, 1 sqq.) possède une valeur programmatique. Par la bouche de Lucius, malgré le ton satirique, Apulée y développe ses idées
sur la fiction et son credo philosophique. L'image de l'avaleur de sabres (1, 4, 2) symbolise l'acuité des mots et, en quelque sorte, la force pénétrante
de la fiction

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1
- 2 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 4 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 617 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00339 (872468)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Title of Article: Comic invention and superstitious frenzy in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » :: the figure of Socrates as an icon of satirical self-exposure

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Title of Publication: American Journal of Philology

Volume (year) pages: 124: 1 (2003) 107-135
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9475
DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2003.0021
Abstract: The Apuleian Socrates (met. 1, 6-9) may be read as a programmatic figure who reflects both the comic ambiguity of the novel and the paradoxical
identity of its protagonist and main narrator, Lucius, author of an entertaining narrative and a superstitious initiate of a religious cult. It offers a reading
of a satiric Socrates as a parallel to a satiric Lucius. Socrates' ambiguous exhibitionistic gesture (1, 6) is a tribute to his Socratic-Cynic pedigree and
can be viewed as an icon of satirical self-exposure. Both Socrates and Lucius seem to be literary projections of Apuleius himself as an author of comic
autobiographical fiction.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Socrates Philosophus, Socratis sectatores - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 6


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Record 618 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00338 (872467)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kenney, Edward John
Title of Article: In the mill with slaves: Lucius looks back in gratitude
Title of Publication: Transactions of the American Philological Association: Journal of the Society for Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 133: 1 (2003) 159-192
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0360-5949
Abstract: At Apuleius met. 9, 13, 3-5 Lucius confesses that his experiences as an ass have profited him only as a literary artist, not as a philosopher, an
admission borne out by his own narrative. This, it is suggested, reflects Apuleius' retrospective assessment of an attempt to reconcile Egyptian religion
with Platonism. The Greek ass-story that he appropriated provided a fictional « alter ego » as narrator, a dramatic metaphor with Egyptian resonances
for Apuleius' own experiences, and an opportunity for a display of the rhetorical talents on which his reputation as Sophist and Platonic philosopher
was based.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 13 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 619 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00966 (872706)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: « Apuleius, qui nobis Afris Afer est notior » :: Augustine's polemic against Apuleius in « De civitate dei »
Title of Publication: Scholia : studies in classical antiquity
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 12 (2003) 82-95
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1018-9017
Abstract: Augustine studied his fellow-African author Apuleius intensely. Links between these authors can be traced, as shown in the polemic of Augustine in
ciu. 8-9 against Apuleius' writings on demonology. Augustine's discussion of Apuleius shows a remarkable one-sidedness and does not do justice to
the content of Apuleius' text.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Augustinus (Aurelius) - De ciuitate Dei [view article in LLT-A] - 8

To cite this record

Record 620 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00320 (269031)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Heredia Correa, Roberto
Title of Publication: Apología o Discurso sobre la magia en defensa propia / Apuleyo ; introd., trad. y notas de Roberto Heredia Correa
Language: espagnol; castillan
Place: Publisher, year: México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2003
Description: CLXIII-127 p., en partie doubles index
Collection: Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Mexicana

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

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Carracedo Fraga, José, in: Latomus, :3 (2006) 791-792&atitle=&pages=791-792&date=2006&volume=65&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2006) 365&atitle=&pages=365&date=2006&volume=75&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Valdés García, Olga, in: Nova Tellus, :2 (2004) 241-244&atitle=&pages=241-244&date=2004&volume=22&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 621 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00300 (1045639)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Epic extremities: the openings and closures of books in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: The ancient novel and beyond. Ed. Panayotakis, Stelios, Zimmerman, Maaike & Keulen, Wytse Hette (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 241), Leiden : Brill,
2003. XIX-489 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 239-254
Abstract: L'héritage de l'épopée. La distance qu'Apulée prend par rapport à ses modèles est l'indice de son intention parodique

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 622 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00298 (1045638)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: The winged ass: intertextuality and narration in Apuleius's « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: The ancient novel and beyond. Ed. Panayotakis, Stelios, Zimmerman, Maaike & Keulen, Wytse Hette (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 241), Leiden : Brill,
2003. XIX-489 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 207-218
Abstract: Éléments épiques, en particulier homériques, dans les « Métamorphoses » et, notamment, dans le conte d'« Amour et Psyché »

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - a) Poetry - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Homerus - Réception et survie

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Record 623 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-09219 (270398)
Type: Monograph
Author: Giardina, Giancarlo
Title of Publication: Contributi di critica testuale: da Catullo alla « Historia Augusta »
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Roma: Herder Ed., 2003
Description: XII-186 p., index
Further Information: Recueil d'articles concernant Catulle, Varron, Virgile, Horace, Properce, Ovide, Sénèque, Pétrone, Apulée, Porphyrion et l'« Histoire Auguste » et
ayant déjà fait l'objet d'une publication

Discipline after vol. 67: III. - Textual transmission - C. - Textual history, textual criticism and editorial techniques - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Catullus (C. Valerius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Historia Augusta [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Horatius [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Porphyrio (Pomponius) - Études
Propertius (Sex.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Varro Reatinus (M. Terentius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Flobert, Pierre, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2006) 278-280&atitle=&pages=278-280&date=2006&volume=84&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Formicola, Crescenzo, in: Vichiana 4a ser., 4a ser.:2 (2004) 338-355&atitle=&pages=338-355&date=2004&volume=4a ser., 6&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Fossati, Clara, in: Maia, :2 (2005) 404-406&atitle=&pages=404-406&date=2005&volume=57&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Reeve, Michael D., in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2004) 246-247&atitle=&pages=246-247&date=2004&volume=N. S., 54&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Soubiran, Jean, in: Latomus, :1 (2006) 196-197&atitle=&pages=196-197&date=2006&volume=65&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 75-02646: Una congettura (e una variante) a torto trascurata
Cf 75-07577: Di filologia in filologia

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Record 624 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00295 (1045637)
Type: Article in book
Author: Finkelpearl, Ellen
Title of Article: Lucius and Aesop gain a voice: Apuleius Met. 11. 1-2 and Vita Aesopi 7
Title of Publication: The ancient novel and beyond. Ed. Panayotakis, Stelios, Zimmerman, Maaike & Keulen, Wytse Hette (Mnemosyne. Supplements, 241), Leiden : Brill,
2003. XIX-489 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 37-51
Abstract: Si l'on ne peut assurer qu'Apulée connaissait la « Vita Aesopi », il existe des parallèles entre les deux œuvres, en particulier dans le rôle d'Isis. Les
deux textes jouent aussi, l'un et l'autre, sur la tension entre littérature élevée et populaire, entre écrit et oral

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vitae Aesopi - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Vitae Aesopi - Vita G - 7

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Record 625 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-08046 (1043177)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fick, Nicole
Title of Article: L' amitié, une absence significative dans le roman latin
Title of Publication: Histoire, espaces et marges de l'Antiquité: hommages à Monique Clavel-Lévêque. 1. Ed. Garrido-Hory, Marguerite & Gonzalès, Antonio (Histoire et
politique), Besançon : Pr. Universitaires Franc-Comtoises, 2003. 291 p.
Language: français
Pages: 233-247
Abstract: Pratiquement absente dans le roman latin, l'amitié échappe à la parodie comme à la critique, tandis que les autres valeurs traditionnelles qui y sont
toutes ridiculisées. Pétrone et Apulée présentent en effet un monde foncièrement égoïste

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 626 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00334 (872466)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ferradou, Carine
Title of Article: Le banquet de Byrrhène dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée (II, 19-31): la mise en scène de la parole et du rire
Title of Publication: Pallas: Revue d’Études Antiques
Volume (year) pages: 61 (2003) 349-359
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 380
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-0387
Abstract: Apulée ne traite pas cet épisode comme un pur prétexte visant à introduire dans son roman l'histoire fantastique de Thélyphron, mais il s'est efforcé
de traiter à sa manière un « topos » de la littérature antique, tout en l'insérant étroitement dans les divers fils de la trame narrative

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 19 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 627 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-06609 (874784)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Du Toit, David S.
Title of Article: « Ein Türhüter, der nichts ungeprüft passieren lässt … » :: Überlegungen zur Pointe der Türhütermetaphorik in Mk 13, 33-37 im Licht von Lukian,
« Calumniae » 30 und anderen antiken Zeugnissen
Title of Publication: Wort und Dienst : Jahrbuch der Kirchlichen Hochschule Bethel
Volume (year) pages: 27 (2003) 201-215
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0342-3085
Abstract: Überlegungen zur Parallelüberlieferung bei Lukas, zur Rolle des antiken Türhüters und ihrer Darstellung bei Lukian und Apuleius (Met. 9, 17-21)
machen wahrscheinlich, dass die Pointe nicht in der steten Bereitschaft liegt, Jesus bei seiner Wiederkunft zu empfangen, sondern darin, während
seiner Abwesenheit die Ansprüche aller Messiasprätendenten wachsam zu prüfen und zu verwerfen.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 17
Lucianus Samosatensis - Calumniae non temere credendum - 30
Nom antique: Iesus Christus

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Record 628 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00288 (879147)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Cugusi, Paolo
Title of Article: Pour une lecture narratologique du conte d'Amour et
Title of Publication: Ktèma
Volume (year) pages: 28 (2003) 271-292
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en ital.
ISSN/ISBN: 0221-5896
Abstract: £A propos de Met. 4, 28-6, 24

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 28

To cite this record

Record 629 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00332 (872465)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Conte, Gian Biagio
Title of Article: Due note al testo di Apuleio: (Metam. 2, 32 e 3, 2)
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 51 (2003) 257-260
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: Proposta di correggere « liberati » in « hebetati » (Met. 2, 32). Nuova proposta di lettura ed esegesi del testo di Met. 3, 2

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - 32 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 630 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00330 (872464)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Cipriani, Marco
Title of Article: Una lettera inedita e due congetture dimenticate di Eduard Norden: Apul. met. 8, 5, 10 ; 10, 1, 2
Title of Publication: Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption
Volume (year) pages: 147: 2 (2003) 307-315
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-7985
Abstract: Der hier edierte Brief Nordens schlägt zwei Konjekturen vor, zu Apul. met. 10, 1, 2 (p. 236, 17 Helm) und zu Apul. met. 8, 5, 10 (p. 180, 13 Helm), die
nicht unbedingt überzeugen.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 10 - 1 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
- 8 - 5 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom récent: Norden, Eduard (historien et philologue allemand ; 1868-1941)

To cite this record

Record 631 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-12865 (884433)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Cavassa, Laëtitia
Title of Article: Lucius « outricide » sur une lampe de Cumes ?
Title of Publication: Annali di Archeologia e Storia Antica / Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 9-10 (2002-2003) 245-247, ill.
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 343
ISSN/ISBN: 1127-7130
Abstract: L'immagine che orna un frammento lampada di età giulio-claudia rinvenuto a Cuma nel 2002 (scavi del Centre Jean Bérard) riproduce una scena
presente anche nelle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio, e conferma l'ipotesi di un originale greco anteriore all'opera di Luciano, cui Apuleio si è ispirato

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Roman and Greco-Roman art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études

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Places: Cuma (ITA ; Napoli)

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Record 632 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-14014 (1051476)
Type: Article in book
Author: Cancik, Hubert
Title of Article: Römische Dämonologie (Varro, Apuleius, Tertullian)
Title of Publication: Die Dämonen: die Dämonologie der israelitisch-jüdischen und frühchristlichen Literatur im Kontext ihrer Umwelt = Demons : the demonology of
Israelite-Jewish and early Christian literature in context of their environment. Ed. Lange, Armin, Lichtenberger, Hermann & Römheld, K. F. Diethard,
Tübingen : Mohr, 2003. XIV-687 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 447-460
Abstract: Apuleius unternimmt eine Adaptation des sokratischen « Daimon in uns ». Varro verfasst eine « politische Theologie » als Integration aller in Rom
praktizierten Kulte und beschreibt die Dämonen darin als Seelengestalten. Die Dämonologie, wie sie beide entwickeln, ist ein konsistentes System im
Rahmen ihrer Theologie. Für Tertullian verkörpern die in ihrer Existenz nicht bezweifelten Dämonen, zu denen die Christen auch die heidnischen
Götter zählten, die fremden, gefährlichen Religionen.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Socrates Philosophus, Socratis sectatores - Réception et survie
Tertullianus (Q. Septimius Florens) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Varro Reatinus (M. Terentius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 633 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-13579 (904177)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bradley, Keith R.
Title of Article: Sacrificing the family: Christian martyrs and their kin
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 3 (2003) 150-181
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Les témoignages des « Actes des martyrs » concernant le renoncement volontaire des premiers chrétiens à leur famille afin d'accéder à l'élévation
spirituelle grâce à l'affirmation de leur foi étaient considérés comme une menace pour les valeurs familiales traditionnelles de la société romaine,
comme l'indique la polémique lancée par le philosophe Celse (dans Origène, Contre Celse 3, 55). Appendice, p. 176-177 : correspondance possible
entre la « Passion de Perpétue et de Félicité » et Apulée, Met. 10 ; Perpétue lectrice d'Apulée

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - d) Christianity - - Cults and religious life - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Celsus Philosophus - Réception et survie
Vitae sanctorum et martyrum - Réception et survie
Citations: Origenes Alexandrinus - Contra Celsum - 3 - 55

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Record 634 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00327 (269033)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Bellès, Joan
Title of Publication: L' Ase d'or / Apuleu ; trad. de Joan Bellès
Language: catalan; valencien
Place: Publisher, year: Barcelona: Empúries, 2003
Description: 292 p.
Collection: Narrativa, 209

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

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Record 635 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00329 (1041258)
Type: Article in book
Author: Annequin, Jacques
Title of Article: Rire, ironie et narration dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Histoire, espaces et marges de l'Antiquité: hommages à Monique Clavel-Lévêque. 1. Ed. Garrido-Hory, Marguerite & Gonzalès, Antonio (Histoire et
politique), Besançon : Pr. Universitaires Franc-Comtoises, 2003. 291 p.
Language: français
Pages: 31-45

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 636 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00341 (1048633)
Type: Article in book
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike

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Title of Article: On the road in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »

Title of Publication: Space in the ancient novel. Ed. Paschalis, Michael & Frangoulidis, Stavros A. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 1), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2002. XIV-192
Language: anglais
Pages: 78-97
Abstract: Examine les routes parcourues par le personnage principal, sous sa forme animale, dans les livres 1-10. Leur caractérisation suggère une fonction
symbolique à connotation morale, qui s'accroît au fur et à mesure qu'Apulée s'éloigne de l'Ὄνος du pseudo-Lucien

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Lucianus Samosatensis - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 637 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-07884 (888185)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Article: Latinising the novel: scholarship since Perry on Greek « models » and Roman (re-)creations
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 2 (2002) 123-142
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Réexamen de la thèse de B. E. Perry (=> APh 38, p. 329) sur le simple élargissement ou la contamination des modèles grecs dans le roman latin. Des
processus complexes d'intertextualité créative apparaissent, impliquant des modèles tant grecs que latins, notamment dans l'usage du « je » narratif.
Apulée et Pétrone en sont les exemples les plus significatifs

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature
- B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
- C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 638 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00336 (272219)
Type: Monograph
Author: Winkle, Jeffrey Thomas
Title of Publication: Daemons, demiurges, and dualism: Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and the mysticism of late antiquity
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2002
Description: 245 p.
Further Information: Comparison of the « Metamorphoses » and contemporary mystical texts including the Chaldean oracles and Gnostic and hermetic texts. Thesis
(Ph. D.) - Northwestern University, Evansville (Ill.). Summary in : DAI-A 2002-2003 63 (11) : 3936.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Gnostica - Études
Hermetica - Études
Oracula Chaldaica - Études

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Record 639 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-01633 (866222)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Vielberg, Meinolf
Title of Article: Farbausdrücke im heidnischen und christliche Roman: die Metamorphosen des Apuleius und die pseudoklementinischen Rekognitionen im Vergleich
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 61: 1 (2002) 108-121
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: With a view to backing up the observation (=> 71-01427) that descriptions and color terms are absent from the Pseudo-Clement's Recognitions, offers
a systematic classification and comparision of color terms in the Recognitions and in Apuleius' Metamorphoses

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Clementina - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 71-01427: Klemens in den pseudoklementinischen Rekognitionen

To cite this record

Record 640 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00336 (885349)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Smith, Warren S.
Woods, J. Baynard
Title of Article: Tale of Aristomenes: declamation in a Platonic mode

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Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative

Volume (year) pages: 2 (2002) 172-193
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Sur les sources possibles de cette histoire contenue dans le premier livre des « Métamorphoses ». Les références juridiques renvoient à Cicéron
(« De inuentione », « De diuinatione »). La présence des sorcières présente des analogies avec le conte populaire grec moderne et suggère donc une
liaison avec des traditions antiques similaires. Le portrait de Socrate confirme l'importance du modèle platonicien

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 641 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00334 (1048628)
Type: Article in book
Author: Slater, Niall W.
Title of Article: Space and displacement in Apuleius
Title of Publication: Space in the ancient novel. Ed. Paschalis, Michael & Frangoulidis, Stavros A. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 1), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2002. XIV-192
Language: anglais
Pages: 161-176
Abstract: Sur le motif du mouvement perpétuel dans les « Métamorphoses », tant dans les voyages de Lucius que dans les histoires intercalées. Arbitraire, il
dénote la vulnérabilité de l'espace et sa manipulation par la magie. La fin de l'œuvre pourrait être interprétée comme un processus ouvert de
déplacement sans fin, qui se démarque du modèle de retour cyclique propre au roman grec

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 642 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00288 (265580)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Roncoroni, Federico
Marziano, Nino
Title of Publication: « Metamorfosi » / Apuleio ; introduzione di Federico Roncoroni, traduzione e note di Nino Marziano
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Milano: Garzanti, 2002
Description: XXVIII-454 p.
Further Information: Testo originale a fronte
Collection: I grandi libri Garzanti, 861

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Corsaro, Francesco, in: Orpheus , :1-2 (2002) 192-194&atitle=&pages=192-194&date=2002&volume=23&issue=1-2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 643 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00323 (1048623)
Type: Article in book
Author: Paschalis, Michael
Title of Article: Reading space: a re-examination of Apuleian « ekphrasis »
Title of Publication: Space in the ancient novel. Ed. Paschalis, Michael & Frangoulidis, Stavros A. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 1), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2002. XIV-192
Language: anglais
Pages: 132-142
Abstract: Dans les « Métamorphoses », l'ἔκφρασις devient non seulement un moyen de présenter ce qui est visible, mais aussi une stimulation de l'imaginaire
et un mode d'interprétation de l'un et de l'autre

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - b) History of art - - General subjects - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 644 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00325 (865715)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Parker, Sarah
Murgatroyd, Paul
Title of Article: Love poetry and Apuleius' « Cupid and Psyche »
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 52: 1 (2002) 400-404

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Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1093/cq/52.1.400
Abstract: The connection of Apuleius' « Cupid and Psyche » with earlier Greek and especially Latin love poetry has been largely neglected. In fact Apuleius
picks up (often with variation) from these poetic predecessors much of their imagery, terminology, themes, details, and characters.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - a) Poetry - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 645 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00322 (885345)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Papaïoannou, Sophia
Title of Article: The staging of adultery: theatricality and playwriting in Apuleius, Met. 9.14-30
Title of Publication: The Classical Bulletin: A Journal of International Scholarship and Special Topics
Volume (year) pages: 78: 1 (2002) 29-41
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8337
Abstract: In the narrative sequence of the adultery tales in Apuleius, met. 9, 14-30, the novelist weaves together techniques of multiple literary genres while
patterning his clusters of tales in the structure of a literary performance. The development of each of the three tales of adultery features themes and
terms that utilize theatrical terminology and encourage metatheatrical interpretations. All three tales mingle elements of the Plautine comedy and the

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 646 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00321 (275141)
Type: Monograph
Author: O'Brien, Maeve C.
Title of Publication: Apuleius' debt to Plato in the « Metamorphoses »
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Lewiston (N. Y.): Mellen Pr., 2002
Description: XVI-139 p., index
Collection: Studies in classics, 21

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

Drews, Friedemann, in: Plekos, (2004) 11-18&atitle=&pages=11-18&date=2004&volume=6&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
May, Regine, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2005) 294-295&atitle=&pages=294-295&date=2005&volume=95&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 647 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00321 (1038381)
Type: Article in book
Author: Moreschini, Claudio
Title of Article: ¿ Apuleyo mago o « Apuleius philosophus Platonicus » ?
Title of Publication: « Daímon páredros »: magos y prácticas mágicas en el mundo mediterráneo. Ed. Pérez Jiménez, Aurelio & Cruz Andreotti, Gonzalo (Mediterránea,
9), Málaga : Charta Antiqua, 2002. 294 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 159-188

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 648 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00320 (865713)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Michalopoulos, Andreas N.
Title of Article: Lucius' suicide attempts in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 52: 2 (2002) 538-548

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Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1093/cq/52.2.538
Abstract: Lucius contemplates suicide at met. 4, 3 by self-poisoning ; at 7, 24 by throwing himself from a cliff ; and at 10, 29 by using a sword. Nowhere in the
work is suicide morally condemned.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 10 - 29 [CWKB Resolver]
- 4 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]
- 7 - 24 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 649 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00318 (865712)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Martos, Juan J.
Title of Article: Notes on the « Metamorphoses » of Apuleius
Title of Publication: Classical Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Classical Antiquity
Volume (year) pages: 97: 4 (2002) 360-365
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-837X
Abstract: Textual notes on met. 4, 22, 2 ; 5, 5, 1 ; 6, 28, 1 ; 7, 8, 1 ; 7, 14, 1 ; 8, 2, 3 ; and 8, 5, 10.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 4 - 22 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
- 5 - 5 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 6 - 28 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 14 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 8 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 2 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]
- 5 - 10 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 650 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00309 (892350)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Lucarini, Carolus Martinus
Title of Article: De Apulei fabella ex comoedia petita: (Metam. 10.23 = Men. Perikeir. 131-144)
Title of Publication: Studi Classici e Orientali
Volume (year) pages: 48 (2002) 431-432
Language: latin
ISSN/ISBN: 0081-6124
Abstract: Eco di Menandro in Apuleio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Menander Comicus - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 23 [CWKB Resolver]
Menander Comicus - Periciromene - 131

To cite this record

Record 651 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-14493 (1051569)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lightfoot, Jane L.
Title of Article: Sacred eunuchism in the cult of the Syrian Goddess
Title of Publication: Eunuchs in antiquity and beyond. Ed. Tougher, Shaun & Abusch, Ra'anan, London : Duckworth, 2002. XIII-269 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 71-86
Abstract: Discussion of evidence from « De dea Syria » and Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ».

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - e) Other religions - Études

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études
Nom antique: Dea Syria (divinité)

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Record 652 of 2062 Reference: APh 82-07838 (1070883)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lalanne, Sophie
Title of Article: Hellenism and Romanization: a comparison between the Greek novels and the tale of Psyche in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Greek Romans and Roman Greeks: studies in cultural interaction. Ed. Ostenfeld, Erik Nis, Blomqvist, Karin & Nevett, Lisa (Aarhus Studies in
Mediterranean Antiquity, 3), Aarhus ; Oakville (Conn.) : Aarhus University Pr., 2002. 287 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 225-232
Abstract: Apuleius' story of Psyche in the « Metamorphoses » shares a number of themes with contemporary Greek novels. This example of a Roman novel is
set alongside five Greek novels of the 2nd and 3rd cent. A.D., especially to explore the changes in the Greek novels over time. Two characteristics of
the Greek novel, the spectacular and the macabre, were not present at the beginning of the genre but became evident over time from Chariton to
Heliodorus. These characteristics are arguably the mark of a Latin influence and of the tastes of an increasingly Romanized public.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Chariton - Études
Heliodorus Emesenus - Études

To cite this record

Record 653 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00313 (1038377)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: The date of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Hommages à Carl Deroux. 2,: Prose et linguistique, médecine. Ed. Defosse, Pol (Collection Latomus, 267), Bruxelles : Latomus, 2002. XXIII-577 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 224-235
Abstract: Différents arguments plaident en faveur d'une composition des « Métamorphoses » à Rome, vers 150, et d'une publication plus tardive, vers 160, à
Rome ou en Afrique

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 654 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-08534 (861420)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Housman, Alfred E.
Title of Article: Praefanda
Title of Publication: Arion : a journal of humanities and the classics
Volume (year) pages: 3rd ser., 9: 2 (2001-2002) 181-200
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0095-5809
Abstract: Annotated English translation by James Jayo of Housman's Latin notes on Catullus 56, 5-7 ; Priapea 21 ; 37, 3-12 ; 52 ; 69 ; 80 ; Seneca nat. 1, 16, 7 ;
Persius 4, 33-36 ; CIL 4, 2360 ; Martial 2, 83 ; 4, 17 ; 6, 36 ; 7, 35 ; 11, 58 ; Suetonius Tib. 44, 1 ; Dom. 22 ; gramm. 23 ; Apuleius Ascl. 21. For the
original publication in Hermes 1931 => APh 6, p. 9, 35, 86, 97, 113, 120, 125 and 302

Discipline after vol. 67: III. - Textual transmission - C. - Textual history, textual criticism and editorial techniques - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Carmina epigraphica - Études
Catullus (C. Valerius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Persius Flaccus (A.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Priapea - Études
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Suetonius Tranquillus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Catullus (C. Valerius) - carmina [view article in LLT-A] - 56 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]
Martialis (M. Valerius) - Epigrammata [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - 83 [CWKB Resolver]
- 4 - 17 [CWKB Resolver]
- 6 - 36 [CWKB Resolver]
- 7 - 35 [CWKB Resolver]
Persius Flaccus (A.) - Saturae [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 33 [CWKB Resolver]
Priapea - Priapea (Appendix Vergiliana)
- 21
- 37 - 3 [CWKB Resolver] [CWKB Resolver] [CWKB Resolver]
- 52
- 69
- 80
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus - Naturales Quaestiones [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 16 - 7 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom récent: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)

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Record 655 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00308 (1048614)

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Type: Article in book

Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Literary topography in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Space in the ancient novel. Ed. Paschalis, Michael & Frangoulidis, Stavros A. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 1), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2002. XIV-192
Language: anglais
Pages: 40-57
Abstract: Les références topographiques révèlent les liens de l'œuvre latine avec son modèle grec perdu et son épitomé, l'Ὄνος du pseudo-Lucien. Elles
apparaissent pour la plupart dans les histoires intercalées, établissant des rapprochements intertextuels avec la poésie épique ou l'historiographie qui
permettent à Apulée de prendre ses distances avec la réalité

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres
- a) Poetry - Études
- c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Lucianus Samosatensis - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 656 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00307 (885340)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Constructing Apuleius: the emergence of a literary artist
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 2 (2002) 143-171
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Passe en revue les jugements sur les « Métamorphoses », depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à nos jours, en soulignant l'impact des présupposés idéologiques
sur l'évaluation de l'œuvre et de son auteur. Considéré longtemps comme un compilateur de second rang, Apulée se trouve aujourd'hui réhabilité. Ses
qualités littéraires ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives et pistes de recherche

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 657 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00282 (265577)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Hammerstaedt, Jürgen
Title of Publication: De magia = Über die Magie / Apuleius ; eingel., übers. und mit interpretierenden Essays vers. von Jürgen Hammerstaedt [et al.]
Language: latin
Place: Publisher, year: Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2002
Description: 376 p., index
Further Information: Avec le texte latin en regard
Collection: Texte zur Forschung
SAPERE: Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam Religionemque Pertinentia, 5

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Desy, Philippe, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2004) 406&atitle=&pages=406&date=2004&volume=73&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Dillon, John M., in: Hermathena :175 (2003) 103-105&atitle=&pages=103-105&date=2003&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Fick, Nicole, in: Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire = Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, :1 (2005) 202-203&atitle=&
pages=202-203&date=2005&volume=83&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2003) 394-395&atitle=&pages=394-395&date=2003&volume=93&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Foubert, Frédéric, in: Les Études Classiques, :4 (2002) 420&atitle=&pages=420&date=2002&volume=70&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Gleason, Maud Worcester, in: Classical Philology, :2 (2003) 199-202&atitle=&pages=199-202&date=2003&volume=98&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Graf, Fritz, in: Biblische Zeitschrift N. F., N. F.:1 (2006) 150-151&atitle=&pages=150-151&date=2006&volume=N. F., 50&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Levitan, William, in: American Journal of Philology, :1 (2003) 156-160&atitle=&pages=156-160&date=2003&volume=124&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
May, Regine, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2004) 115-116&atitle=&pages=115-116&date=2004&volume=N. S., 54&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Méthy, Nicole, in: Gnomon, :3 (2004) 228-231&atitle=&pages=228-231&date=2004&volume=76&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Thür, Gerhard, in: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, (2005) 400&atitle=&pages=400&date=2005&
volume=122&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 658 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-01603 (1038626)
Type: Article in book
Author: Gualandri, Isabella
Title of Article: Echi apocalittici nell'« In Rufinum » di Claudiano
Title of Publication: Tra IV e V secolo: studi sulla cultura latina tardoantica. Ed. Gualandri, Isabella (Quaderni di Acme, 50), Milano : Cisalpino, 2002. X-331 p.
Language: italien

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Pages: 53-74
Abstract: Claudiano rappresenta Rufino come incarnazione della malvagità assoluta non solo attraverso il ricorso a modelli classici, ma soprattutto attraverso
precisi richiami alla profezia di Hermes Trismegisto contenuta nell'« Asclepius » pseudo-apuleiano (24-25), nota anche a Lattanzio, Inst. 7, 15-18 e 24

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Claudianus (Claudius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lactantius Firmianus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Lactantius Firmianus - Diuinae Institutiones [view article in LLT-A] - 7
- 15
- 24 [CWKB Resolver]
Unmatched WorkId: tll:Ps. Apul. Ascl. - 24

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Record 659 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00305 (1048613)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: Corinth, Rome and Africa: a cultural background for the Tale of the Ass
Title of Publication: Space in the ancient novel. Ed. Paschalis, Michael & Frangoulidis, Stavros A. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 1), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2002. XIV-192
Language: anglais
Pages: 58-77
Abstract: Dans les « Métamorphoses », le rôle central de Corinthe s'accorde à la valeur symbolique de la ville aux yeux des Grecs et des Romains.
Contrairement à l'opinion souvent défendue, le premier lectorat visé par Apulée ne se limite pas aux habitants de Rome : les références provinciales
montrent l'importance de la périphérie dans le processus de la double intégration culturelle greco-romaine

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - a) General subjects. Intellectual life - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)
Korinthos (GRC ; Korinthia)
Roma (ITA ; Roma)

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Record 660 of 2062 Reference: APh 86-13388 (1088831)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graf, Fritz
Title of Article: Theories of magic in antiquity
Title of Publication: Magic and ritual in the ancient world. Ed. Mirecki, Paul Allan (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World, 141), Leiden : Brill, 2002. XVII-468 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 93-104
Abstract: Focus on definitions of magic given by Apuleius, Plato, Augustine, and Plotinus

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Plotinus - Études

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Record 661 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00294 (865707)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fuoco, Ornella
Title of Article: Sull'esegesi dei « Florida » di Apuleio nei secoli XVI e XVII
Title of Publication: Bollettino di Studi Latini: Periodico Semestrale d’Informazione Bibliografica
Volume (year) pages: 32: 2 (2002) 474-521
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en franç. p. 521
ISSN/ISBN: 0006-6583
Abstract: L'examen des études sur les « Florides » aux 16e et 17e s. en révèle l'utilité pour l'établissement du texte et son interprétation ; elle permet des
corrections à l'attribution de certaines conjectures dans les apparats critiques ; elle précise l'idée que les « Florides » sont une anthologie et montre
qu'on en était arrivé à une subdivision presque identique aux actuels 23 chapitres face à la division en 4 livres des mss.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 662 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00296 (1048609)
Type: Article in book
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: The laughter festival as a community integration rite in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Space in the ancient novel. Ed. Paschalis, Michael & Frangoulidis, Stavros A. (Ancient Narrative. Supplementum, 1), Eelde : Barkhuis, 2002. XIV-192
Language: anglais

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Pages: 177-188
Abstract: Lucius accomplit un rite d'intégration dans la communauté d'Hypata (Met. 3, 1-12), participant involontairement à une parodie de tribunal, sous la
forme d'une représentation théâtrale et dans le cadre de la célébration de la divinité imaginaire du rire. Sa transformation en âne serait la
conséquence du refus des honneurs que la cité s'apprête à lui accorder et de sa crédulité persistante à l'égard de la magie

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - b) Drama - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 12 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Ypati (GRC ; Fthiotis)

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Record 663 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00308 (1038376)
Type: Article in book
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: Mutilation as emasculation in Apuleius' tale of Thelyphron (Met. 2, 21-30)
Title of Publication: Hommages à Carl Deroux. 2,: Prose et linguistique, médecine. Ed. Defosse, Pol (Collection Latomus, 267), Bruxelles : Latomus, 2002. XXIII-577 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 164-172
Abstract: L'histoire de Télyphron est une variante sur le thème des changements de rôle, qui assure la cohérence interne des « Métamorphoses » et l'unité du
conte lui-même

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 664 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00292 (865705)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Escobar Borrego, Francisco Javier
Title of Article: Diego López de Cortegana, traductor del « Asinus aureus »: el cuento de Psique y Cupido
Title of Publication: Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos
Volume (year) pages: (1) N° 22 (2002) 193-209
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1131-9062
Abstract: Se analizan las principales técnicas, los elementos retóricos y los aspectos estilísticos de la traducción (publicada en Sevilla ca. 1513) : Cortegana
dota a su texto de un nivel retórico que trata de adaptar el de Apuleyo, aunque sin llegar nunca a las altas cotas que alcanza este último

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: López de Cortegana, Diego (ecclésiastique et traducteur espagnol ; 1455-1524)

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Record 665 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00304 (1038375)
Type: Article in book
Author: Deremetz, Alain
Title of Article: Les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée: de l'aventure à l'œuvre
Title of Publication: Hommages à Carl Deroux. 2,: Prose et linguistique, médecine. Ed. Defosse, Pol (Collection Latomus, 267), Bruxelles : Latomus, 2002. XXIII-577 p.
Language: français
Pages: 128-141
Abstract: Les « Métamorphoses » traitent de façon allégorique de leur propre genèse en tant que fable milésienne. C'est l'histoire de la renaissance de ce
dernier genre qui constitue en fait le vrai sujet de l'œuvre. Dans cette perspective, le narrateur représente la figure textuelle de l'auteur, et son
indétermination participe à la nature fictive du roman. Grec romanisé, il s'accorde au statut du récit lui-même, traduction latine d'une milésienne

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 666 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-05833 (1078340)
Type: Article in book
Author: Branham, R. Bracht
Title of Article: A truer story of the novel ?
Title of Publication: Bakhtin and the classics. Ed. Branham, R. Bracht (Rethinking theory), Evanston (Ill.) : Northwestern University Pr., 2002. XXVII-299 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 161-186
Abstract: The rise of the novel has been placed by some critics in 18th-cent. England, but novelistic fiction may be traced back to antiquity. M. Bakhtin's idea of
the chronotope and his theory of the novel are applied to a study of ancient fiction, particularly by Achilles Tatius ; Apuleius ; and Petronius. The fiction
of Apuleius and Petronius can be distinguished from heroic romances written in Greek. While such early examples of novels are still related to
romance and other prenovelistic and oral forms of storytelling, they also provide precedents for what have been considered some of the early modern
and modern novel's distinguishing features.

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Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Achilles Tatius Scriptor eroticus - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Bakhtine, Mikhail Mikhaïlovitch (critique littéraire russe ; 1895-1975)

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Record 667 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00324 (269032)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Brand, Edward
Ehlers, Wilhelm
Holzberg, Niklas
Title of Publication: Amor und Psyche: lateinisch-deutsch / Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis ; übers. von Edward Brand und Wilhelm Ehlers ; mit einer Einf. von Niklas
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: München ; Zürich: Artemis und Winkler, 2002
Description: 104 p.
Collection: Tusculum Studienausgaben

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

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Record 668 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-11728 (1048019)
Type: Article in book
Author: Assmann, Jan
Title of Article: Pythagoras und Lucius: zwei Formen « ägyptischer Mysterien »
Title of Publication: Ägyptische Mysterien ?. Ed. Assmann, Jan & Bommas, Martin (Kulte, Kulturen), München : Fink, 2002. 151 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 58-75
Abstract: Zu den Mysterien in der Überlieferung zu Pythagoras und im « Goldenen Esel » des Apuleius.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Pythagoras, Pythagorae sectatores - Études
Places: Égypte

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Record 669 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00283 (1048602)
Type: Article in book
Author: Annequin, Jacques
Title of Article: Lucius au marché: à propos de deux passages des « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Routes et marchés d'esclaves: 26e colloque du GIREA, Besançon, 27-29 septembre 2001. Ed. Garrido-Hory, Marguerite, Besançon : Pr.
Universitaires Franc-Comtoises, 2002. 370 p.
Language: français
Pages: 327-336
Abstract: Lucius se rend deux fois au marché : à Hypata, comme acheteur (1, 24) ; à Béroia, sans doute, comme marchandise (8, 23). Ainsi voit-il les deux
aspects du marché. Étude de cette double vision

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 24 [CWKB Resolver]
- 8 - 23 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Veroia (GRC ; Imathia)
Ypati (GRC ; Fthiotis)

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Record 670 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00342 (1048634)
Type: Article in book
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Article: « Quis ille...lector »: addressee(s) in the Prologue and throughout the « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 245-255

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 671 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00370 (1035323)

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Type: Article in book

Author: Weiss, Charles Gray
Title of Article: Transformation and conversion in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » :: a Roman invention ?
Title of Publication: Essays in honor of Gordon Williams: twenty-five years at Yale. Ed. Tylawsky, Elizabeth Ivory & Weiss, Charles Gray, New Haven (Conn.) : Henry R.
Schwab Publ., 2001. X-315 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 295-311
Abstract: Apuleius deliberately invented the problematic juxtaposition of transformation and conversion as a means of representing religious conversion in an
effective and yet critical way, using techniques from Roman poetry.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 672 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00311 (262084)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin
Title of Publication: Apuleius Madaurensis, Metamorphoses. Livre II: texte, introduction et commentaire / [par] Danielle Karin Van Mal-Maeder
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Groningen: Forsten, 2001
Description: XI-488 p., index
Further Information: Reprend en la complétant la thèse notée 71-00283
Collection: Groningen commentaries on Apuleius

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Bitel, Anton, in: Ancient Narrative, (2003) 185-197&atitle=&pages=185-197&date=2003&volume=3&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :1 (2004) 185-188&atitle=&pages=185-188&date=2004&volume=63&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2003) 379-381&atitle=&pages=379-381&date=2003&volume=N. S., 53&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :1 (2004) 65-66&atitle=&pages=65-66&date=2004&volume=111&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Méthy, Nicole, in: Les Études Classiques, :2 (2003) 206-208&atitle=&pages=206-208&date=2003&volume=71&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, in: Revue de Philosophie Ancienne, :1 (2003) 160-161&atitle=&pages=160-161&date=2003&volume=21&issue=1&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2003) 413-414&atitle=&pages=413-414&date=2003&volume=72&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Schubert, Paul, in: Museum Helveticum, :4 (2004) 248&atitle=&pages=248&date=2004&volume=61&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 71-00283: Apulée, Les Métamorphoses, Livre II, 1-20
Cf 75-00276: Apuleius Madaurensis, Metamorphoses. Books IV 28-35, V and VI 1-24

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Record 673 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00307 (262082)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Valette, Paul
Pigeaud, Jackie
Title of Publication: Apologie / Apulée ; texte établi et trad. par Paul Vallette ; notes par Jackie Pigeaud
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2001
Description: XXXVII-243 p.
Further Information: Texte latin et traduction française en regard. Pour la 1re éd. du texte et de la trad. => APh 1 (1927), p. 7
Collection: Classiques en Poche, 45

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

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Record 674 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00339 (1048632)
Type: Article in book
Author: Trapp, Michael B.
Title of Article: On tickling the ears: Apuleius' Prologue and the anxieties of philosophers
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 39-46
Abstract: At the beginning of the « Metamorphoses », Apuleius is creating a character of a kind easily recognizable to an educated audience of the
2nd cent. A.D., and he triggers the necessary chain of associations by a carefully planted reminiscence of Plato's « Phaedrus ».

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 675 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00338 (1048631)
Type: Article in book
Author: Too, Yun Lee
Title of Article: Losing the author's voice: cultural and personal identities in the « Metamorphoses » Prologue
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 177-187
Abstract: On how the Prologue destabilizes the idea of a unitary and stable speaking voice, through the idea of « metamorphoses » and through the complex
cultural associations of the speaking voice, which themselves reinforce the separation from authorial origins. The rhetoric of dissociation offers a
Barthean perspective on the « death of the author », which in the case of Apuleius entails that the author is less important than his fictions.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 676 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00337 (1048630)
Type: Article in book
Author: Swain, Simon C. R.
Title of Article: The hiding author: context and implication
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 55-63
Abstract: On the Prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » as an example of a text whose author's self-identification takes place in a playful or even misleading

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 677 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00335 (1048629)
Type: Article in book
Author: Smith, Warren S.
Title of Article: Apuleius and Luke: prologue and epilogue in conversion contexts
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 88-98
Abstract: Comparison of the indistinct identity of the narrator of the Prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and that of the Gospel according to Luke and the
Acts of the Apostles.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 678 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00333 (1048627)
Type: Article in book
Author: Slater, Niall W.
Title of Article: The horizons of reading
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 213-221
Abstract: A linear reading of the Prologue that seeks to imitate a strictly sequential first reading of the text.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 679 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00330 (272218)
Type: Monograph
Author: Sapota, Tomasz
Title of Publication: Magia i religia w twórczości Lucjusza Apulejusza z Madaury: studium wpływów orientalnych w kulturze rzymskiej w drugim wieku naszej ery
Language: polonais
Place: Publisher, year: Kraków: Nomos, 2001

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Description: 265 p.
Further Information: Trad. du titre : Magie et religion dans l'œuvre d'Apulée de Madaure : étude sur les influences orientales dans la culture romaine du second siècle de
notre ère

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Aleksandrowicz, Tadeusz, in: Przeglad historyczny , :4 (2003) 209-211&atitle=&pages=209-211&date=2003&volume=94&issue=4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 680 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00361 (858133)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Romeo, Alessandra
Title of Article: Note sulle tecniche di interlocuzione col pubblico nei « Florida » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Bollettino di Studi Latini: Periodico Semestrale d’Informazione Bibliografica
Volume (year) pages: 31: 2 (2001) 518-537
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en franç.
ISSN/ISBN: 0006-6583
Abstract: Si les « Florida » sont bien un recueil de προλαλιαί dont la fonction est de solliciter l'attention de l'auditoire avant le début du discours proprement dit,
elles permettent d'identifier et d'analyser les caractéristiques de ce sous-genre de l'éloquence épidictique diffusé au sein de la Seconde Sophistique.
La technique d'interlocution employée relève d'une stratégie de communication particulière à l'éloquence épidictique d'Apulée, basée sur différents
traits linguistiques qui soulignent la volonté de l'orateur de se rapprocher de son public.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - d) Oratory - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 681 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00328 (885346)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Riess, Werner
Title of Article: Between fiction and reality: robbers in Apuleius' « Golden Ass »
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 1 (2000-2001) 260-282
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: La confrontation des scènes où Apulée décrit la violence des bandits avec la documentation papyrologique relatant des faits similaires permet de
constater que, loin de refléter la réalité, ces récits révèlent les méthodes de construction de la vraisemblance dans la fiction antique et s'inscrivent, de
façon symbolique, dans le projet philosophique d'un monde en quête de rédemption

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
IV. - Non-literary sources - D. - Papyrology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 682 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00360 (262089)
Type: Monograph
Author: Riess, Werner
Title of Publication: Apuleius und die Räuber: ein Beitrag zur historischen Kriminalitätsforschung
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Stuttgart: Steiner, 2001
Description: 463 p.
Collection: Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien, 35

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Bauman, Richard A., in: Latomus, :3 (2003) 730-731&atitle=&pages=730-731&date=2003&volume=62&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Christ, Karl, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, :3-4 (2002) 214-217&atitle=&pages=214-217&date=2002&volume=55&issue=3-4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Herz, Peter, in: Historische Zeitschrift, :3 (2002) 714-716&atitle=&pages=714-716&date=2002&volume=275&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Scevola, Roberto, in: Rivista Storica dell’Antichità, (2005) 378-382&atitle=&pages=378-382&date=2005&volume=35&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Schubert, Werner, in: Museum Helveticum, :4 (2003) 238&atitle=&pages=238&date=2003&volume=60&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Shaw, Brent D., in: Ancient Narrative, (2002) 268-279&atitle=&pages=268-279&date=2002&volume=2&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Slater, Niall W., in: Classical World, :1 (2003 2002) 105-106&atitle=&pages=105-106&date=2003&volume=96&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 683 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00359 (1035317)
Type: Article in book
Author: Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine
Title of Article: Figures du narrateur et du narrataire dans les œuvres romanesques de Chariton d'Aphrodisias, Achille Tatius et Apulée
Title of Publication: Les personnages du roman grec: actes du colloque de Tours, 18-20 novembre 1999. Ed. Pouderon, Bernard, Hunzinger, Christine & Kasprzyk, Dimitri
(Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. Série Littéraire et Philosophique, 7; Collection de la Maison de l’Orient et de la
Méditerranée, 29), Lyon : Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen, 2001; Lyon : Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen, 2001. 460 p.
Language: français
Pages: 87-100
Abstract: Outre une stratégie de « captatio beneuolentiae » qui revêt la plus grande importance dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée, les interventions du
narrateur, dans les deux romans grecs, cherchent à provoquer chez le lecteur une activité prévisionnelle des événements à venir, obéissant à une
fonction de clarification, par des récapitulations régulières, ainsi qu'à la fonction métanarrative d'émouvoir. L'œuvre latine est la seule à poser
d'emblée un « lector » anonyme, dominé souvent par le narrateur, mais libre de ses conclusions. Les deux romans grecs, où le narrateur fait suivre à
son lecteur un axe interprétatif précis, apparaissent au contraire comme des œuvres fermées à la fonction didactique

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Achilles Tatius Scriptor eroticus - Études
Chariton - Études

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Record 684 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00325 (1048624)
Type: Article in book
Author: Powell, Jonathan G. F.
Title of Article: Some linguistic points in the Prologue
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 27-36

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 685 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00356 (858132)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Panayotakis, Costas
Title of Article: Vision and light in Apuleius' tale of Psyche and her mysterious husband
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 51: 2 (2001) 576-583
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1093/cq/51.2.576
Abstract: The importance of vision in the « Golden ass » as a means for Psyche to approach the light of truth and wisdom supplements the recent scholarly
focus on Platonic elements in Apuleian studies. Psyche's ardent desire to see her husband should be explained primarily in terms of the continuous
struggle of the soul to view divine light, from which truth and all other good things stem. The heroine's inability to grasp the real essence of her
husband's nature is due to her poorly focused vision. Cupid's identification with divine light can be clearly seen in the text not only in the prominence of
expressions denoting bright light in connection with him, but also in the recurring juxtaposition in the narrative of motifs of eternal light and of
everlasting knowledge versus the blindness of ignorance and the darkness of witchcraft.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)


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Record 686 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00320 (1048622)
Type: Article in book
Author: Nisbet, Robin G. M.
Title of Article: Cola and clausulae in Apuleius' Metamorphoses 1.1
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 16-26

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 1

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Record 687 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00324 (1038382)
Type: Article in book
Author: Nikitas, Dimitrios Z.
Title of Article: Δίγλωσση ποίηση: Απουλήιου « De Aesculapii maiestate » : (Flor. 18, 38-43)
Title of Publication: Η πνευματική ζωή στο Ρωμαϊκό κόσμο από το 14 ως το 212 μ. Χ.: στ’ Πανελλήνιο συμπόσιο Λατινικών σπουδών, Ιωάννινα 11-13 Απριλίου 1997 :
Πρακτικά. Ed. Raïos, Dimitris K., Papadimitriou, Maria K. & Gasti, Eleni, Ioannina : Panepistimio Ioanninon, 2001. XVIII-352 p.
Language: grec ancien (jusqu''à 1453)
Abstract Information: rés. en all.
Pages: 271-294
Abstract: Voir 73-000000

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 18 - 38 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 688 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00355 (1035314)
Type: Article in book
Author: Nenadic, Roxana
Title of Article: Creer en la erudición, creerle a la erudición: para una lectura de la « Apología » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: La « fides » en Roma: aproximaciones. Ed. Caballero de del Sastre, Elisabeth & Schniebs, Alicia, Buenos Aires : Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2001. 232 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 181-208

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 689 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00354 (858131)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nelson, Max
Title of Article: A note on Apuleius's magical fish
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 54: 1 (2001) 85-86
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/15685250151099481
Abstract: Discusses testimony from Apuleius' « Apologia » and the « Cyranides » (4.62.8-10) on the use of fish in erotic magic

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cyranides - Études
Citations: Cyranides - Cyranides - 4 - 62 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 690 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00322 (265583)
Type: Monograph
Author: Nelson, Elizabeth Eowyn
Title of Publication: Psyche's knife
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2001
Description: 307 p.
Further Information: Thesis (Ph. D.) - Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria (Calif.). On the literal and symbolic role of the knife, a neglected image in the story of Cupid
and Psyche. Summary in : DAI-A 2001-2002 62 (10) : 4828.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 691 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00353 (858130)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Murgatroyd, Paul

Title of Article: Foreshadowing in Apuleius, Metamorphoses I-III
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 60: 3 (2001) 647-652
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: A study of the full extent of genuine foreshadowing, as well as of the false foreshadowing, of the episode of Lucius' transformation into an ass (Met. 3,
24), and of the various problems attendant thereon, demonstrates Apuleius' subtlety, adroitness, and playfulness in connection with his narrative

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 24 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 692 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00352 (858129)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Murgatroyd, Paul
Title of Article: Embedded narrative in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » 1. 9-10
Title of Publication: Museum Helveticum: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Klassische Altertumswissenschaft = Revue Suisse pour l’Étude de l’Antiquité Classique
Volume (year) pages: 58: 1 (2001) 40-46
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0027-4054
DOI: 10.5169/seals-45166
Abstract: Dans ce passage, la structure du récit enchâssé est particulièrement complexe, puisque ce ne sont pas moins de cinq anecdotes qui sont rapportées,
toutes signifiantes, à la fois par rapport à l'ensemble du récit et en elles-mêmes, car elles visent à rendre crédibles certains effets de la magie.
L'interruption du récit principal tend ainsi à augmenter le suspens, en retardant le dénouement, à créer une atmosphère d'étrangeté et à mieux cerner
les caractères des personnages principaux, en dépeignant leurs réactions de crédulité ou d'incrédulité. Ces récits enchâssés permettent aussi
d'anticiper des événements futurs

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 9


To cite this record

Record 693 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00318 (1048621)
Type: Article in book
Author: Morgan, John R.
Title of Article: The prologue of the Greek novels and Apuleius
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: afrikaans
Pages: 152-162

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 694 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00348 (858128)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Merlier-Espenel, Véronique
Title of Article: « Dum haec identidem rimabundus eximie delector »: remarques sur le plaisir esthétique de Lucius dans l'« atrium » de Byrrhène : (Apulée, Mét. II,
4-II, 5, 1)
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 60: 1 (2001) 135-148
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Lorsque, au début du livre 2 des « Métamorphoses », Lucius contemple une statue figurant le mythe de Diane et d'Actéon, cet épisode mythologique
ne représente pas seulement pour lui un avertissement. Il ressent aussi un plaisir esthétique devant cette œuvre d'art, en essayant d'en discerner les
éléments constitutifs

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 4
Nom antique: Aktaion (héros)
Diana (divinité)

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Record 695 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00319 (1038380)

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Type: Article in book

Author: Mattiacci, Silvia
Title of Article: Riscritture apuleiane del « locus amoenus »
Title of Publication: Ποίκιλμα: studi in onore di Michele R. Cataudella in occasione del 60° compleanno. Ed. Bianchetti, Serena, La Spezia : Agorà Ed., 2001. 2 vol.
(XXIII-719 p., XI-632 p.) 27 p. de pl. 3 index portr.
Language: italien
Pages: 843-859
Abstract: Analisi del riuso spesso ironico o antifrastico che Apuleio fa di questo motivo, con particolare attenzione per Met. 1, 19 e 4, 2

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 19 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 696 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00316 (885342)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mangoubi, Sandra
Title of Article: La structure littéraire des « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée: études des jeux de miroirs
Title of Publication: Folia electronica classica
Volume (year) pages: 2 (2001) non paginé
Language: français
Abstract: Les « Métamorphoses » contiennent de nombreux motifs récurrents qui participent à son unification. Des épisodes se correspondent dans l'histoire
même de Lucius ou entre celle de Lucius et celle de Psyché ; des personnages présentent des parallélismes de caractère ou d'événements vécus ou
au contraire de fortes oppositions. Après avoir réfléchi sur la structure globale des « Métamorphoses », on se propose ici de mettre en lumière les plus
importants de ces rapports qu'on appelle des « jeux de miroirs ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 697 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-05410 (867767)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnani, Adriano
Title of Article: Iside, Apuleio ed il P. Oxy. XI 1380
Title of Publication: Analecta Papyrologica: Rivista di Studi Papirologici
Volume (year) pages: 13 (2001) 107-113
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1122-2336
Abstract: I parallelismi tra alcuni passi del libro 11 dell'« Asino d'oro » di Apuleio e il papiro, contenente una lunga invocazione a Iside e databile al 2° sec. d.C.,
lasciano supporre che lo scrittore, nel redigere il proprio romanzo, abbia tenuto conto di questo genere di testi sacri, che dovevano circolare
nell'ambiente cultuale a lui più familiare

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Precationes - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 698 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00286 (265579)
Type: Monograph
Author: Lee, Benjamin Todd
Title of Publication: A commentary on Apuleius' « Florida »: Carthaginian orations with text, translation, and notes
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2001
Description: 427 p.
Further Information: Thesis (Ph. D.) - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Pa.). Summary in : DAI-A 2001-2002 62 (11) : 3769.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

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Record 699 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00345 (858127)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Lateiner, Donald
Title of Article: Humiliation and immobility in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Transactions of the American Philological Association: Journal of the Society for Classical Studies
Volume (year) pages: 131 (2001) 217-255
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0360-5949

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Abstract: Apuleius portrays the contemporary aggressive practices (gestures, postures, and verbal behaviors) that circumscribe his characters. The novel's
incidents of dishonor and immobilization (3, 2 ; 3, 10 ; 3, 11 ; 11, 14 ; 11, 17) document Apuleius' « appreciation » of the pervasive infliction of shame in
2nd-cent. provincial Roman society.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 11
- 14 [CWKB Resolver]
- 17 [CWKB Resolver]
- 10 [CWKB Resolver]
- 11 [CWKB Resolver]
- 2 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 700 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00314 (1048619)
Type: Article in book
Author: Laird, Andrew
Title of Article: Paradox and transcendence: the Prologue as the end
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 267-281
Abstract: On the discrete roles of discourse (sermo) and narrative (fabula) in the Prologue, and the ways in which they are paradoxically conjoined.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 701 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00303 (265581)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Kahane, Ahuvia
Laird, Andrew
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » / ed. by Ahuvia Kahane and Andrew Laird
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Pr., 2001
Description: XV-325 p., index

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Casali, Sergio, in: Vergilius, (2003) 170-175&atitle=&pages=170-175&date=2003&volume=49&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Fitzgerald, William, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2003) 107-108&atitle=&pages=107-108&date=2003&volume=N. S., 53&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Graverini, Luca, in: Ancient Narrative, (2002) 251-262&atitle=&pages=251-262&date=2002&volume=2&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Keulen, Wytse, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:8 (2002) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2002&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
May, Regine, in: Hermathena :173-174 (2003 2002) 244-246&atitle=&pages=244-246&date=2003&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Méthy, Nicole, in: Les Études Classiques, :3 (2003) 302-303&atitle=&pages=302-303&date=2003&volume=71&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2003) 406-408&atitle=&pages=406-408&date=2003&volume=81&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Wifstrand Schiebe, Marianne, in: Opuscula Romana , (2003) 93-94&atitle=&pages=93-94&date=2003&volume=28&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 702 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00313 (1048618)
Type: Article in book
Author: Kahane, Ahuvia
Title of Article: Antiquity's future: writing, speech, and representation in the Prologue to Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 231-241
Abstract: The Apuleian practice of representation differs significantly from classical models of representation, and is somewhat closer to modern perspectives ;
example of the representational relationship between speech and writing.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 703 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00314 (865711)
Type: Article in journal
Author: James, Paula
Title of Article: Kicking the habit: the significance of « consuetudo » in
interpreting the fable of Cupid and Psyche
Title of Publication: Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature
Volume (year) pages: 30: 2 (2001) 152-168
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0048-671X
Abstract: At Apuleius, met. 6, 8 a figure named « Consuetudo »
appears as a servant of Venus. Apuleius' use of « habit
» as an ally of love suggests the Lucretian passage 4,
1278-1287 in which « consuetudo » is possibly
portrayed as a positive process. In her corporeal
manifestation in Apuleius' work, « Consuetudo » invites
Lucretian resonances but also benefits from a more
culturally expansive reading or rationalization of her
presence. As « Force of Habit », « Consuetudo » joins
the company of other deified emotions whose control
over fallible humans could turn out for good or ill.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Lucretius Carus (T.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]
Lucretius Carus (T.) - De Rerum Natura [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 1278 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 704 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00312 (885341)
Type: Article in journal
Author: James, Paula
Title of Article: Keeping Apuleius in the picture: a dialogue between Buñuel's « Discreet charm of the bourgeoisie » and the « Metamorphoses » of Apuleius
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 1 (2000-2001) 185-207
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Concerne la symbolique des motifs du jeûne et du festin en tant qu'éléments de subversion de la réalité apparente. La magie ainsi produite sert une
stratégie narrative expérimentale permettant une réflexion sur la solidité des structures sociales

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Buñuel, Luis (cinéaste espagnol ; 1900-1983)

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Record 705 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00311 (1048617)
Type: Article in book
Author: James, Paula
Title of Article: From prologue to story: metaphor and narrative construction in the opening of the « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 256-266

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 706 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00310 (1048616)
Type: Article in book
Author: Innes, Doreen C.
Title of Article: Why « Isthmos Ephyrea » ?
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 111-119
Abstract: On allusions in the phrase « Hymettos Attica et Isthmos Ephyrea et Taenaros Spartiatica » in the Prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » and their
connection to questions of theme and claimed authorial biography.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Ephyra (GRC ; Preveza)
Tainaron (GRC ; Lakonia ; cap)
Ymittos (GRC ; Attiki ; mont.)

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Record 707 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00341 (858125)

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Type: Article in journal

Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: Was Apuleius' speech stenographed ? :: (Florida 9.13)
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 51: 1 (2001) 321-324
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1093/cq/51.1.321
Abstract: « Excerptum » rather than « exceptum » should be read in Flor. 9, 13. As such the reference would be not to court stenographers, but to excerpts from
written speeches by Apuleius that were somehow brought into circulation.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 708 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00285 (265578)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Publication: Florida / Apuleius of Madauros ; ed. with a comment. by Vincent Jan Christian Hunink
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Amsterdam: Gieben, 2001
Description: 258 p., index

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Bajoni, Maria Grazia, in: Gnomon, :2 (2004) 173-175&atitle=&pages=173-175&date=2004&volume=76&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Hilton, John L., in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2002) 303-304&atitle=&pages=303-304&date=2002&volume=N. S., 52&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
May, Regine, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2002) 258&atitle=&pages=258&date=2002&volume=92&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2002) 345-346&atitle=&pages=345-346&date=2002&volume=71&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 709 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00339 (858124)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Holmes, Nigel
Title of Article: Two notes on Apuleius
Title of Publication: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 144: 3-4 (2001) 432
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-449X
Abstract: Zur Lesung von Met. 1, 9, 1-2 und 1, 12, 2.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1
- 12 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
- 9 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 710 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00312 (265582)
Type: Monograph
Author: Hoffer, Noreen Lynn
Title of Publication: Apuleius' « Cupid and Psyche » and the Egyptian cult
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 2001
Description: 185 p.
Further Information: Thesis (Ph. D.) - University of Washington, Seattle (Wash.). Summary in : DAI-A 2001-2002 62 (12) : 4154.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - e) Other religions - Études
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Record 711 of 2062 Type: Article in journal Reference: APh 72-00338 (858123)
Author: Heredia Correa, Roberto
Title of Article: Apuleyo: seducción y magia
Title of Publication: Nova Tellus: Anuario del Centro de Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 19: 1 (2001) 141-161
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0185-3058
Abstract: Historique de l'affaire qui amena Apulée devant le
tribunal et paraphrase de l'« Apologie ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 712 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00309 (1048615)
Type: Article in book
Author: Henderson, John
Title of Article: In ya (Pre)face
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 188-197
Abstract: Observations on the Prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » as a prefatory initiation into the supernatural world of Isiac religion.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 713 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00279 (1048599)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Winterbottom, Michael
Title of Article: The Prologue to Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » :: text, translation, and textual commentary / by Stephen J. Harrison and Michael Winterbottom
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 9-15

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

To cite this record

Record 714 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00306 (885339)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Apuleius, Aelius Aristides and religious autobiography
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 1 (2000-2001) 245-259
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Une étude comparative de Met. 11 et d'Or. 47-52 met au jour le regard parodique d'Apulée sur la conversion autobiographique d'Aristide, avec qui
Lucius présente bien des similitudes. Apulée semble tourner en dérision l'auto-suffisance du rhéteur, pratique courante dans les milieux intellectuels
de son temps. Les « Métamorphoses » seraient donc postérieures à 170-175 apr. J.-C.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Aristides Rhetor - Réception et survie

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Record 715 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00335 (858122)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: L' incontro di Lucio e Fotide: stratificazioni intertestuali in Apul. Met. II 6-7
Title of Publication: Athenaeum: Studi Periodici di Letteratura e Storia dell’Antichità
Volume (year) pages: 89: 2 (2001) 425-446
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-6574
Abstract: L'analisi delle numerose allusioni dotte (virgiliane, ovidiane, omeriche) presenti nell'episodio consente osservazioni sul tenore del perduto originale
greco delle « Metamorfosi » e sull'impiego della tradizione letteraria da parte di Apuleio.

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Homerus - Réception et survie
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 716 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00310 (865710)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: Apul. met. 2, 12, 5: una profezia ambigua
Title of Publication: Maecenas : studi sul mondo classico
Volume (year) pages: 1 (2001) 183-194
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1724-6385
Abstract: Esame degli echi letterari nel passo

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 12 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 717 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00328 (911413)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Granados de Arena, Dolores
López de Vega, Laura
Title of Article: Apuleyo, Metamorfosis IX: una seguidilla de adúlteros descubiertos
Title of Publication: Revista de Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 30 (2001) 71-85
Language: espagnol; castillan
ISSN/ISBN: 0325-3465
Abstract: Se analizan cuatro episodios de adúlteros sorprendidos por el marido engañado que llega de improviso en Met. 9 de Apuleyo. Se señalan los
elementos básicos presentes en estos episodios y se estudia cómo se combinan en cada caso dichos elementos.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 718 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00303 (1048612)
Type: Article in book
Author: Gowers, Emily
Title of Article: Apuleius and Persius
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 77-87
Abstract: On ways in which the Prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » gains in significance by being read as a response to Persius.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Persius Flaccus (A.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 719 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00301 (1048611)
Type: Article in book
Author: Gibson, Bruce John
Title of Article: « Argutia Nilotici calami »: a Theocritean reed ?
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 67-76
Abstract: On auditory elements in the phrase « papyrum Aegyptiam argutia Nilotici calami inscriptam » from the opening of the Prologue of Apuleius'
« Metamorphoses » that connect it to Theocritus, Id. 7, a poem that provides an important parallel for the type of nebulous first-person narrator found
in the « Metamorphoses ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Theocritus Syracusanus - Réception et survie
Citations: Theocritus Syracusanus - Idyllia - 7

To cite this record

Record 720 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-07803 (861119)
Type: Article in journal
Author: García Teijeiro, Manuel

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Title of Article: El cuento de miedo en la Antigüedad clásica

Title of Publication: Mene: Revista Internacional de Investigación sobre Magia y Astrología Antiguas
Volume (year) pages: 1 (2001) 61-90
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1578-4517
Abstract: Se considera la existencia o no en la literatura clásica del cuento de miedo como género literario. En cuanto a la prosa, encontramos narraciones
potencialmente terroríficas, pero sus autores no estuvieron interesados en desarrollar esas posibilidades. En la épica y en la tragedia, los episodios
en que interviene lo sobrenatural no tienen independencia de acción, ni en ellos se pone el énfasis en producir miedo. La comedia no desarolla
argumentos terroríficos. Y tampoco parece haber existido lo que pudiéramos llamar la novela de terror. No obstante, sí hay verdaderos cuentos de
miedo en la novela, narraciones completas en sí mismas, insertadas en ella con la intención de mantener el interés mediante el recurso del miedo :
en el « Satiricón » de Petronio, la historia del licántropo y el cuento de brujas que le sigue (61 ; 63) ; en el « Asno de oro » de Apuleyo, los dos relatos
de brujas (1, 5-19 ; 2, 21-30)

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - f) Other genres - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]
Petronius Arbiter - Satyrica [view article in LLT-A]
- 61
- 63

To cite this record

Record 721 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00334 (858121)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Galigani, Petrus Paulus
Title of Article: De Amore et Psyche
Title of Publication: Vox Latina: Commentarii Periodici
Volume (year) pages: 37: 146 (2001) 535-545
Language: latin
ISSN/ISBN: 0172-5300
Abstract: Zur Bedeutung der Passage an sich und im Kontext der « Metamorphosen ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 722 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-11682 (883949)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Frankfurter, David
Title of Article: The perils of love: magic and countermagic in Coptic Egypt
Title of Publication: Journal of the History of Sexuality
Volume (year) pages: 10: 3-4 (2001) 480-500
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1043-4070
DOI: 10.1353/sex.2001.0060
Abstract: On the removal by Macarius of Egypt of a spell turning a young girl into a horse (Hist. monachorum 21, 17 and Palladius, Hist. mon. 17, 6-9), and its
late-antique erotic ritual context. The spell may be seen in the context of a Greek and Roman association of the equine species with lust as
exemplified, inter alia, by Ovid, Ars 1, 279-281 and 2, 481-491 ; Apuleius, Met. 7, 21 ; and artistic representations such as a terracotta lamp depicting a
woman copulating with a horse (London, British Museum, B.M. 1971.4-26.39, Lamp Q3271).

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization
- E. - Attitudes and everyday life - f) Late antiquity - Études
- G. - Culture - b) History of art - - General subjects - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Historia monachorum in Aegypto - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Palladius Helenopolitanus - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]
Historia monachorum in Aegypto - Historia monachorum in Aegypto - 21 - 17 [CWKB Resolver]
Ouidius Naso (P.) - Ars Amatoria [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 279 [CWKB Resolver]
- 2 - 481 [CWKB Resolver]
Palladius Helenopolitanus - Historia Lausiaca - 17 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Macarius (dit Aegyptius ; saint ; vers 300-vers 390)


To cite this record

Record 723 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00332 (262088)

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Type: Monograph
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Publication: Roles and performances in Apuleius' Metamorphoses
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Stuttgart: Metzler, 2001
Description: VIII-197 p., index
Collection: Drama : Beiträge zum antiken Drama und seiner Rezeption. Beiheft, 16

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Baldassarri, Mariano, in: Gnomon, :3 (2004) 273-274&atitle=&pages=273-274&date=2004&volume=76&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Fick, Nicole, in: Latomus, :1 (2004) 240-241&atitle=&pages=240-241&date=2004&volume=63&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
James, Paula, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2004) 412-413&atitle=&pages=412-413&date=2004&volume=N. S., 54&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
May, Regine, in: Ancient Narrative, (2001 2000) 382-388&atitle=&pages=382-388&date=2001&volume=1&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 74-00346: Metamorfosi di ruoli

To cite this record

Record 724 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00307 (865709)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Francis, Charlotte
Title of Article: Telling tales in the « Metamorphoses » of Apuleius
Title of Publication: Acta Classica: Acta Classica : Verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika = Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa
Volume (year) pages: 44 (2001) 53-76
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0065-1141
Abstract: The interweaving of primary and secondary narratives in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » reinforces thematic links within the framework of the novel.
Storytellers perform at 2, 20-21 ; 4, 28-6, 24 ; 7, 5-8 ; 8, 1-14 ; and 9, 16-21. The perspective of the audience within an audience is represented in a
number of tales.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - 20 [CWKB Resolver]
- 4 - 28
- 9 - 16 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 725 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00295 (1048608)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fowler, Don P.
Title of Article: Writing with style: the Prologue to Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » between « fingierte Mündlichkeit » and textuality
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 225-230
Abstract: On the way in which the Prologue to Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » refers to both oral and written modes of reception.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 726 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00293 (865706)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Escobar Borrego, Francisco Javier
Title of Article: Textos preliminares y posliminares de la traslación del « Asinus aureus » por Diego López de Cortegana: sobre el planteamiento de la traducción
Title of Publication: Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos
Volume (year) pages: 21 (2001) 151-175
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1131-9062
Abstract: Las piezas paratextuales que acompañan a dicha traducción (de principios del siglo 16°), realizadas por el propio autor y por Juan Partenio Tovar,
resultan de gran interés para entender la perspectiva teórica desde la que se hizo. Se ofrece el estudio y edición de los textos en cuestión, con la
identificación de sus fuentes


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Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - h) Translation - Études

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: López de Cortegana, Diego (ecclésiastique et traducteur espagnol ; 1455-1524)
Tovar, Juan Partenio (orateur et poète espagnol ; 16e s.)

To cite this record

Record 727 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00293 (1048607)
Type: Article in book
Author: Edwards, Mark Julian
Title of Article: Reflections on the African character of Apuleius
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 47-54

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 728 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00292 (1048606)
Type: Article in book
Author: Dowden, Ken
Title of Article: Prologic, predecessors, and prohibitions
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 123-136
Abstract: The Prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » reveals that Apuleius saw his novel as a vehicle for various literary traditions, that it in some way
implemented a « mixed » genre, relatively free of proprietary generic codes.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 729 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00291 (1048605)
Type: Article in book
Author: De Jong, Irene J. F.
Title of Article: The Prologue as a pseudo-dialogue and the identity of its (main) speaker
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 201-212

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 730 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00327 (858116)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Cucchiarelli, Andrea
Title of Article: Nota ad Apul. De Plat. 2, IX, 233
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 47 (2001) 197-199
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: La divergenza del passo del « De Platone » dall'insegnamento platonico testimoniato dal « Gorgia » è presente anche nei Προλεγόμενα τῆς Πλάτωνος
φιλοσοφίας 27, 55-63 e mostra l'intento di salvare la retorica dalla condanna di Platone

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 9 [CWKB Resolver]
Anonymus De Philosophia Platonica - Prolegomena Philosophiae Platonicae - 27 - 55 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 731 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-10653 (1079872)
Type: Article in book
Author: Court, John M.
Title of Article: Mithraism among the mysteries

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Title of Publication: Religious diversity in the Graeco-Roman world: a survey of recent scholarship. Ed. Cohn-Sherbok, Dan & Court, John M. (The biblical seminar, 79),
Sheffield : Sheffield Academic Pr., 2001. 237 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 182-195
Abstract: Modern investigations of Greco-Roman mystery cults should acknowledge their cultural importance and variety. Evidence for Mithraism is drawn from
archaeological remains, textual references to mystery cults in works such as Apuleius' « Golden ass », and textual references to Mithraism itself.
Mystery religions may well have exerted influence on some infant Christian communities, either unconsciously or by conscious reference. Mithraism
was one of Christianity's closest rivals in the first four cents. A.D.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - e) Other religions - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Mithras (divinité)

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Record 732 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00326 (858115)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Conso, Danièle
Title of Article: Remarques sur la terminologie du « Liber Peri Hermeneias » et de la tradition logique de langue latine antérieure à Boèce
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 60: 4 (2001) 944-961
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Après avoir rappelé les principales concordances et divergences entre la terminologie logique latine avant et après Boèce, on examine deux choix
propres soit à l'auteur du « Peri hermeneias » (PH) transmis sous le nom d'Apulée, soit à la première tradition logique de langue latine : celui de
« pars » (« particula ») et celui de « formula » (« forma » chez Martianus Capella), choix auquels Boèce substituera « terminus » et « figura », pour
rendre le notion de « terme » (ὅρος chez Aristote) et celle de « figure (du syllogisme) » (σχῆμα chez Aristote). Dans chaque cas, on passe en revue la
distribution des emplois dans le PH et chez Martianus, en signalant les attestations antérieures ou postérieures à ces traités. On s'interroge enfin sur
les raisons possibles du choix effectué par l'auteur du PH et maintenu ou modifié par Martianus Capella

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Aristoteles Stagirites, Corpus Aristotelicum - Réception et survie
Boethius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Martianus Capella [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 733 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00288 (1048604)
Type: Article in book
Author: Clarke, Katherine
Title of Article: Prologue and provenance: « Quis ille » ? or « Unde ille » ?
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 101-110
Abstract: On : 1) geographical allusions in the Prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » that conjure up spatial and temporal associations for the author ; and
2) how the shifting location of the author and the consequent question of what is native and what alien, both culturally and linguistically, together evoke
the exotic and almost fictional world of Hellenistic historiography.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 734 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00280 (1048600)
Type: Article in book
Author: Carver, Robert H. F.
Title of Article: « Quis ille ? »: the role of the Prologue in Apuleius' Nachleben
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 163-174
Abstract: On Renaissance commentators' discussions of the Prologue to the « Metamorphoses ».

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 735 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-07804 (888151)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Branham, R. Bracht
Title of Article: Representing time in ancient fiction
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 1 (2000-2001) 1-31
Language: anglais

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ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Rapport entre la nouvelle moderne et le roman antique, en tant que genres littéraires, dans la perspective « chronotopique » ouverte par M. Bakhtin.
Différenciation entre le roman grec et les romans latins d'Apulée et de Pétrone. Voir aussi l'article p. 161-186 du recueil noté 73-15926

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Bakhtine, Mikhail Mikhaïlovitch (critique littéraire russe ; 1895-1975)

Related Publication(s)
Cf 73-15926: Bakhtin and the classics

To cite this record

Record 736 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00286 (885332)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bitel, Anton
Title of Article: « Quis ille Asinus aureus ? »: the metamorphoses of Apuleius' title
Title of Publication: Ancient Narrative
Volume (year) pages: 1 (2000-2001) 208-244
Language: latin
ISSN/ISBN: 1568-3540
Abstract: Examen des deux titres, « Metamorphoses » et « Asinus aureus », ainsi que de la possibilité d'un double titre, bilingue ou non. Interprétation
d'« aureus » en tant qu'adjectif ou en tant que substantif. Analyse des associations entomologiques des noms des personnages d'Apulée, fondée
notamment sur le « De generatione animalium » aristotélicien. Toutes ces pistes se rapportent à la notion de métamorphose

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aristoteles Stagirites, Corpus Aristotelicum - Études

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Record 737 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00285 (1048603)
Type: Article in book
Author: Bitel, Anton
Title of Article: Fiction and history in Apuleius' Milesian Prologue
Title of Publication: A companion to the prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses ». Ed. Kahane, Ahuvia & Laird, Andrew, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001.
XV-325 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 137-151
Abstract: While Apuleius' text is clearly marked for readers as fiction, the Prologue's phrases « uariae fabulae » and « sermo iste Milesius » equivocate between
introducing fiction or history to its addressee. This equivocation confronts Apuleius' readers with the possibility that their own text differs radically from
that of the Prologue's addressee, even though both texts consist of the same words.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 738 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-08229 (861288)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Biondi, Laura
Title of Article: « Hara »: nuove considerazioni sul problema
Title of Publication: Acme: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano
Volume (year) pages: 54: 1 (2001) 59-84
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0001-494X
Abstract: Considerazioni critiche in merito all'articolo di M. Furno (=> 59-05023) sull'origine della citazione serviana nel « Cornu copiae » di Niccolò Perotti (1, 73
Charlet-Furno) : l'umanista trasse non solo l'accezione del lessema « hăra » come « auis augurialis », ma anche le riflessioni sull'uso della « nota
aspirationis » in « haruspex », « hariolus », « harena » dal « De nota aspirationis » del grammatico Apuleius, che probabilmente attinse a materiale
ritenuto serviano, in stretto rapporto col filone Danielino del commento a Virgilio e con un contesto relativo all'« augurium »

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Seruius - Études
Nom récent: Apuleius (grammairien du 12e s.)
Perotti, Niccolò (ecclésiastique et grammairien italien ; 1429-1480)

Related Publication(s)
Cf 59-05023: Hara ou l'oiseau introuvable. Perotti, Tortelli, Servius et un Pseudo-Apulée

To cite this record

Record 739 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-02218 (858986)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Biondi, Laura

Title of Article: Apuleius, « De nota aspirationis » e « De diphthongis »: ricognizioni su modelli strutturali e teorici in due testi medievali sull'ortografia latina
Title of Publication: Acme: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano
Volume (year) pages: 54: 3 (2001) 73-111
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0001-494X
Abstract: I due trattati apuleiani, pur simili ai testi grammaticali dell'11°-12° sec. per contesto culturale, compattezza strutturale e uso di analoghi mezzi formali,
se ne distinguono tuttavia per la specificità del tema (aspirazione e dittonghi latini come unico e sistematico oggetto d'indagine) e per l'utilizzo
estensivo di modelli e contenuti riferibili ad altri piani dell'analisi linguistica, mostrando la compresenza di eredità grammaticale latina e riflessione

Ancient author and text: Grammaticorum scripta - Études
Nom récent: Apuleius (grammairien du 12e s.)

To cite this record

Record 740 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00322 (1035304)
Type: Article in book
Author: Bianco, Gerardo
Title of Article: Ancora sulla fonte greca delle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Giornate filologiche « Francesco Della Corte ». 2. Ed. Bertini, Ferruccio (Pubblicazioni del D.AR.FI.CL.ET. Nuova Serie, 200), Genova :
D.AR.FI.CL.ET. « F. Della Corte », 2001. XII-279 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 155-169
Abstract: Nuove osservazioni sui rapporti tra l'opera apuleiana e la duplice redazione greca della storia, con una rassegna critica degli studi sulla questione e
con particolare attenzione alle dichiarazioni stilistico-narrative di Apuleio in Met. 1, 1

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 1

To cite this record

Record 741 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-04331 (859861)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Becchi, Francesco
Title of Article: La nozione platonica e medioplatonica di « giustizia »
Title of Publication: Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 27: 3 (2001) 221-232
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-2698
Abstract: Considerazioni sul concetto in Platone, Apuleio e Aspasio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aspasius Peripateticus - Études
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 742 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00300 (1038373)
Type: Article in book
Author: Baldini Moscadi, Loretta
Title of Article: La parola ambigua: « barbarus » nel lessico del « De magia » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Ποίκιλμα: studi in onore di Michele R. Cataudella in occasione del 60° compleanno. Ed. Bianchetti, Serena, La Spezia : Agorà Ed., 2001. 2 vol.
(XXIII-719 p., XI-632 p.) 27 p. de pl. 3 index portr.
Language: italien
Pages: 39-48

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 743 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00319 (858111)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Arrabito, Annalisa
Title of Article: Le « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio: nuove interpretazioni
Title of Publication: Humanitas: Rivista Bimestrale di Cultura
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 56: 1 (2001) 102-121
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-7461
Abstract: Sintesi di alcune teorie interpretative dell'opera apuleiana (teoria autobiografica, religiosa, filosofico-platonica), con particolare attenzione per gli studi
di J.J. Wilker (=> 56-00252). La novità di quell'analisi consiste nel punto di vista narratologico, in cui il lettore diventa elemento coadiutore, integratore
e organizzatore del testo. Questa situazione corrisponde ai tre piani della narrazione (Lucio-attore, Lucio-narratore e Apuleio-autore)

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 56-00252: Auctor and actor. A narratological reading of Apuleius's The golden ass

To cite this record

Record 744 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00297 (1038372)
Type: Article in book
Author: Álvarez Valadés, Josefa
Title of Article: El tópico de la austeridad socrática en la obra de Apuleyo de Madaura
Title of Publication: Actas del X congreso español de estudios clásicos: (21-25 de septiembre de 1999). 2, : Lingüística latina, literatura latina, filología clásica. Ed. Alvar
Ezquerra, Antonio & García Jurado, Francisco, Madrid : Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, 2001. 623 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 277-284

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 745 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00316 (262087)
Type: Monograph
Author: Acocella, Mariantonietta
Title of Publication: L'« Asino d'oro » nel Rinascimento: dai volgarizzamenti alle raffigurazioni pittoriche
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Ravenna: Longo, 2001
Description: 232 p., ill. 2 index
Collection: Memoria del tempo, 21

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

Guthmüller, Bodo, in: Romanische Forschungen, :1 (2003) 107-109&atitle=&pages=107-109&date=2003&volume=115&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 746 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00310 (262083)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Publication: Apuleius Madaurensis, Metamorphoses. Book X: text, introduction and commentary / [by] Maaike Zimmerman
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Groningen: Forsten, 2000
Description: 487 p., index
Collection: Groningen commentaries on Apuleius

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Bitel, Anton, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2003) 381-383&atitle=&pages=381-383&date=2003&volume=N. S., 53&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :2 (2003) 419-420&atitle=&pages=419-420&date=2003&volume=62&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: Ancient Narrative, (2002) 240-250&atitle=&pages=240-250&date=2002&volume=2&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :1 (2004) 65-66&atitle=&pages=65-66&date=2004&volume=111&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Heine, Rolf, in: Gnomon, :1 (2005) 77-79&atitle=&pages=77-79&date=2005&volume=77&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Kuch, Heinrich, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, :3-4 (2002) 191-193&atitle=&pages=191-193&date=2002&volume=55&issue=3-4&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Martin, René, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2001) 273-274&atitle=&pages=273-274&date=2001&volume=79&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Martos, Juan José, in: Habis, (2004) 452-454&atitle=&pages=452-454&date=2004&volume=35&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Méthy, Nicole, in: Les Études Classiques, :2 (2006) 175-177&atitle=&pages=175-177&date=2006&volume=74&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2002) 346-347&atitle=&pages=346-347&date=2002&volume=71&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Smith, Warren S., in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:12 (2001) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2001&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin, in: Museum Helveticum, :4 (2002) 265&atitle=&pages=265&date=2002&volume=59&issue=4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 747 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-07132 (853480)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Vardi, Amiel D.

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Title of Article: An anthology of early Latin epigrams ? :: a ghost reconsidered

Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 50: 1 (2000) 147-158
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1093/cq/50.1.147
Abstract: Anthologies were much more common in the Roman world than has been assumed. A poetic anthology may have been the source of the lists of 1st-
cent.-B.C. erotic poets mentioned in Gellius 19, 9 and Apuleius Apology 9, though they may just have well been drawn from a learned treatise on
Roman poetry.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - a) Poetry - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Gellius (Aulus) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 9
Gellius (Aulus) - Noctes Atticae [view article in LLT-A] - 19 - 9


To cite this record

Record 748 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00281 (258612)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Toschi, Alberto
Title of Publication: Discorso per la sua statua a Cartagine: (« Floridum » 16) / Apuleio neosofista ; introd., testo, trad. e comment. a cura di Alberto Toschi
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Firenze: Opus Libri, 2000
Description: 133 p., index
Collection: Università degli Studi di Parma, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Medievale, 14

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 16

Buffa, M. Franca, in: Maia, :1 (2002) 175-177&atitle=&pages=175-177&date=2002&volume=54&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Fry, Gérard, in: Museum Helveticum, :4 (2002) 265-266&atitle=&pages=265-266&date=2002&volume=59&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Gavray, Marc-Antoine, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2005) 355-356&atitle=&pages=355-356&date=2005&volume=74&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Pasetti, Lucia, in: Eikasmos, (2003) 451-455&atitle=&pages=451-455&date=2003&volume=14&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Schmidt, Th., in: Les Études Classiques, :3 (2001) 331-332&atitle=&pages=331-332&date=2001&volume=69&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Soverini, Paolo, in: Bollettino di Studi Latini, :2 (2001) 650-653&atitle=&pages=650-653&date=2001&volume=31&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 749 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00367 (262090)
Type: Monograph
Author: Teixeira, Cláudia Amparo Afonso
Title of Publication: A conquista da alegria: estratégia apologética no romance de Apuleio / preâmbulo de Walter de Medeiros
Language: portugais
Place: Publisher, year: Lisboa: Edições 70, 2000
Description: 160 p.
Collection: Edições 70

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Deschamps, Lucienne, in: Revue des Études Anciennes, :3-4 (2001) 569-570&atitle=&pages=569-570&date=2001&volume=103&issue=3-4&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Leão, Delfim Ferreira, in: Humanitas, (2000) 363-364&atitle=&pages=363-364&date=2000&volume=52&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 750 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-12543 (856301)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Spitali, Graziella
Title of Article: Aspetti culturali della magia nel mondo romano
Title of Publication: Appunti Romani di Filologia: Studi e Comunicazioni di Filologia, Linguistica e Letteratura Greca e Latina
Volume (year) pages: 2 (2000) 83-98

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Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1129-3764
Abstract: Gli aspetti culturali e sociali della magia e della figura del mago nel mondo romano grazie all'esempio del processo a Gaio Furio Cresimo (età
repubblicana) e del processo contro Apuleio

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization
- E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
- F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Furius Chresimus, Gaius (affranchi ; accusé de magie)

To cite this record

Record 751 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00306 (858108)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Schlam, Carl C.
Finkelpearl, Ellen
Title of Article: A review of scholarship on Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » 1970-1998
Title of Publication: Lustrum: Internationale Forschungsberichte aus dem Bereich des Klassischen Altertums
Volume (year) pages: 42 (2000) 7-230
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0024-7421

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Outils

To cite this record

Record 752 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00323 (850670)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Schindel, Ulrich
Title of Article: Apuleius - Africanus Socrates ? :: Beobachtungen zu den Verteidigungsreden des Apuleius und des platonischen Sokrates
Title of Publication: Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 128: 4 (2000) 443-456
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0777
Abstract: In der Verteidigungsrede des Apuleius gegen die Anklage auf Magie finden sich zahlreiche Reflexe der Platonischen Apologie, und zwar im
Argumentativen, in der Taktik, im Motivbestand, in der Selbstdarstellung und in der Grundperspektive der Rede.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie


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Record 753 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00321 (850669)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ruiz Sánchez, Marcos
Title of Article: Lucio en el campo: observaciones sobre los libros VII y VIII del « Asno de oro » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Emerita: Revista de Lingüística y Filología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 68: 1 (2000) 115-139
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0013-6662
Abstract: Examen de la deuxième partie du récit concernant le personnage de Charité ; au travers de ce passage qui narre les aventures de Charité et de
Lucius tentant d'échapper aux brigands, recherche de possibles ressemblances avec des aventures mythologiques : association des brigands avec
les Centaures et les Lapithes ; l'agression contre Lucius peut être rapprochée de l'histoire des chevaux de Diomède ; l'enlèvement et le sauvetage de
Charité rappellent l'histoire de Tlépolème

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
Nom antique: Diomedes (héros ; roi de Thrace)
Kentauros (être mythique)
Tlepolemos (héros ; fils d’Héraclès)

To cite this record

Record 754 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00320 (850668)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ruiz Sánchez, Marcos
Title of Article: Los cuentos de adulterio del libro IX de las « Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo

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Title of Publication: Faventia: Revista de Filologia Clàssica

Volume (year) pages: 22: 2 (2000) 39-49
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0210-7570
Abstract: El análisis de estos relatos confirma que todos ellos comparten un estructura basada en motivos tradicionales

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9

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Record 755 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00319 (850667)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ruiz Sánchez, Marcos
Title of Article: « Asinus in fabula »: relaciones intratextuales e intertextuales en la primera parte del « Asno de oro » de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 42: 117 (2000) 35-73
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 223
ISSN/ISBN: 0014-1453
Abstract: Mediante el análisis de varios episodios de la novela de Apuleyo (los relatos de Aristómenes, de Acteón, de Fotis, de Lucio y Milón, y la historia de
Telifrón) se trata de poner de manifiesto el funcionamiento de las diversas técnicas narrativas usadas por el autor en su planteamiento de la ficción.
Apuleyo explota las distintas posibilidades de la intriga. Los elementos fantásticos en la primera parte de la novela se encuentran sobre todo en los
dos relatos incluidos en el relato, el de Aristómenes y el de Telifrón. En el primero, el autor se sirve de la técnica de la « puesta en abismo », por la
que el relato refleja el marco narrativo en el que se halla integrado. En el segundo, se observa el uso ambiguo de las comparaciones mitológicas, de
modo que reflejan al mismo tiempo el punto de vista del personaje y el del autor oculto

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 756 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00313 (262086)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Ruebel, James S.
Nimis, Stephen A.
Title of Publication: The Metamorphoses. Book 1 / Apuleius ; ed. by James S. Ruebel ; foreword by Stephen A. Nimis
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Wauconda (Ill.): Bolchazy-Carducci, 2000
Description: XX-105 p.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: The Classical Outlook , :4 (2001 2000) 176&atitle=&pages=176&date=2001&volume=78&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Trzaskoma, Stephen Michael, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:9 (2001) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2001&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 757 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00279 (850644)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Romeo, Alessandra
Title of Article: Gli studi sui « Florida » di Apuleio: rassegna dei principali contributi critici
Title of Publication: Bollettino di Studi Latini: Periodico Semestrale d’Informazione Bibliografica
Volume (year) pages: 30: 2 (2000) 641-662
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0006-6583
Abstract: Recense les études depuis le bilan de S. Hammer (=> APh 01, p. 8, 3e titre), sous les rubriques suivantes : biographie et chronologie (p. 642-645) ;
tradition et critique du texte (p. 645-648) ; exégèse et analyse des thèmes traités (p. 648-654) ; la langue (p. 654-656) ; le style (p. 656-659) ; le
prologue du « De deo Socratis » (p. 659-660) ; les sources (p. 660-661) ; la survie (p. 661-662) ; moteurs de recherche en l'an 2000 (p. 662)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Outils

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Record 758 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00318 (850666)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Repath, Ian D.
Title of Article: The naming of Thrasyllus in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly

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Volume (year) pages: N. S., 50: 2 (2000) 627-630

Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1093/cq/50.2.627
Abstract: The name Thrasyllus, as well as being etymologically suitable for the character to whom it is given, was suggested to Apuleius by his role as an
Adrastus figure and the link between Thrasyllus, the Platonist/Pythagorean philosopher, and Adrastus the Peripatetic.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 759 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-13193 (1062015)
Type: Article in book
Author: Remus, Harold
Title of Article: Apuleius to Symmachus (and stops in between): pietas, realia and the Empire
Title of Publication: Text and artifact in the religions of Mediterranean antiquity: essays in honour of Peter Richardson. Ed. Wilson, Stephen G. & Desjardins, Michel
(Studies in Christianity and Judaism, 9), Waterloo (Ont.) : Wilfrid Laurier University Pr., 2000. XVI-612 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 527-550
Abstract: Changes in the realia of what was considered « pietas » in the courtroom defenses of Apuleius and of Symmachus reveal decisive shifts in Roman
society from the 2nd to the 4th cents. A.D..

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Symmachus (Q. Aurelius) Orator [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 760 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00317 (850665)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Regen, Frank
Title of Article: Il « De deo Socratis » di Apuleio (II parte)
Title of Publication: Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche
Volume (year) pages: 52: 1 (2000) 41-66
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-0538
Abstract: Analisi dei capitoli IX (140-141)-XXI (178). Considerazioni sulla specie e sui nomi latini dei demoni (189) e sulla diatriba presente negli ultimi capitoli
(167-178), che non è in perfetta armonia con la parte precedente e che presenta reminiscenze del « Timeo » di Platone. Per la 1a parte => 70-00350

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - De Deo Socratis [view article in LLT-A] - 9

Related Publication(s)
Cf 70-00350: Il « De deo Socratis » di Apuleio

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Record 761 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-03589 (259190)
Type: Monograph
Author: Müller-Reineke, Hendrik
Title of Publication: Liebesbeziehungen in Ovids Metamorphosen und ihr Einfluss auf den Roman des Apuleius [2., verb. Aufl.]
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Göttingen ; London: Hainholz, 2000
Description: 258 p., 2., verb. Aufl.
Further Information: Pour la 1re éd. => 69-03284
Collection: Hainholz klassische Philologie

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Lobe, Michael, in: Gymnasium , :2 (2002) 170-172&atitle=&pages=170-172&date=2002&volume=109&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)

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Cf 69-03284: Liebesbeziehungen in Ovids Metamorphosen und ihr Einfluss auf den Roman des Apuleius

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Record 762 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00317 (858110)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Moreschini, Claudio
Title of Article: Amore e Psiche: novella, filosofia, allegoria
Title of Publication: Fontes : rivista di filologia, iconografia e storia della tradizione classica
Volume (year) pages: 3: 5-6 (2000) 21-44
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1127-6851
Abstract: Esame delle interpretazioni (come semplice racconto di fantasia o come mito filosofico) e delle rivisitazioni della novella apuleiana dalla tarda antichità,
attraverso il Medioevo e il Rinascimento, fino a Marino

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)
Nom récent: Marino, Giambattista (poète italien ; 1569-1625)

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Record 763 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00314 (1032670)
Type: Article in book
Author: Möllendorff, Peter von
Title of Article: Apuleius, Der Goldene Esel oder Von den Folgen der Neugierde
Title of Publication: Meisterwerke der antiken Literatur: von Homer bis Boethius. Ed. Hose, Martin (Beck’sche Reihe, 1382), München : Beck, 2000. 187 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 143-162

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 764 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00349 (1035312)
Type: Article in book
Author: Méthy, Nicole
Title of Article: Magie, religion et philosophie au 2e siècle de notre ère: à propos du dieu-roi d'Apulée
Title of Publication: La magie: actes du colloque international de Montpellier, 25-27 mars 1999. Ed. Brillet, Pascale, Moreau, Alain Maurice & Turpin, Jean-Claude,
Montpellier : Université Paul Valéry, 2000. 4 vol. (328, 336, 358, 161 p.) ill. index
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. 3 : 295-296
Pages: 3, 85-107

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 765 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00312 (1032669)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mazzoli, Giancarlo
Title of Article: Le « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio: una conferma cronologica (flor. 10)
Title of Publication: Multas per gentes: studi in memoria di Enzo Cadoni. Ed. , Sassari : Ed. Democratica Sarda, 2000. 451 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 211-215

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 10

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Record 766 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00311 (850663)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Martos, J.
Title of Article: Three critical notes on the « Metamorphoses » of Apuleius
Title of Publication: Classical Quarterly
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 50: 2 (2000) 625-627
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8388
DOI: 10.1093/cq/50.2.625
Abstract: Notes on met. 1, 7, 9 ; 4, 2, 7 ; and 4, 12, 1.

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 7 - 9 [CWKB Resolver]
- 12 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 2 - 7 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 767 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00310 (258618)
Type: Monograph
Author: Marangoni, Claudio
Title of Publication: Il mosaico della memoria: studi sui « Florida » e sulle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Padova: Imprimitur, 2000
Description: 112 p., 2 index
Collection: Studi, testi, documenti / Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, Università degli Studi di Padova. Nuova serie, 2

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Foscarini, Sergio, in: Bollettino di Studi Latini, :1 (2001) 224-226&atitle=&pages=224-226&date=2001&volume=31&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Marconi, Giampietro, in: Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale, :2 (2001) 360-362&atitle=&pages=360-362&date=2001&volume=43&issue=2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, in: Latomus, :4 (2003) 982-983&atitle=&pages=982-983&date=2003&volume=62&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Sisia, Umberto, in: Maia, :2 (2002) 453-454&atitle=&pages=453-454&date=2002&volume=54&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Wolff, Étienne, in: Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire Anciennes 3e sér., 3e sér.:1 (2001) 180&atitle=&pages=180&date=2001&
volume=3e sér., 75&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Wolff, Étienne, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2001) 316&atitle=&pages=316&date=2001&volume=79&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 768 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00296 (1038371)
Type: Article in book
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Gianotti, Gian Franco
Title of Article: L' edizione di Apuleio « ad usum Delphini »
Title of Publication: Apuleio: storia del testo e interpretazioni. Ed. Magnaldi, Giuseppina & Gianotti, Gian Franco (Culture Antiche. Studi e Testi, 11), Alessandria : Ed.
dell’Orso, 2000. 332 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 75-129
Abstract: Analisi approfondita dell'edizione di Julien Fleury, Paris 1688

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Fleury, Julien (latiniste français ; vers 1647-1725)

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Record 769 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00316 (1038379)
Type: Article in book
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Gianotti, Gian Franco
Title of Article: Codici ed edizioni
Title of Publication: Apuleio: storia del testo e interpretazioni. Ed. Magnaldi, Giuseppina & Gianotti, Gian Franco (Culture Antiche. Studi e Testi, 11), Alessandria : Ed.
dell’Orso, 2000. 332 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 9-25
Abstract: Panoramica sulla tradizione manoscritta e sulle edizioni critiche delle opere apuleiane

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 770 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00289 (258614)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Gianotti, Gian Franco
Title of Publication: Apuleio: storia del testo e interpretazioni / a cura di Giuseppina Magnaldi e Gian Franco Gianotti

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Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Alessandria: Ed. dell’Orso, 2000
Description: 332 p.
Further Information: Raccolta di saggi editi e inediti di vari autori
Collection: Culture Antiche. Studi e Testi, 11

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Carratello, Ugo, in: Giornale italiano di filologia, :2 (2002) 288-290&atitle=&pages=288-290&date=2002&volume=54&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Cucchiarelli, Andrea, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2001) 255-257&atitle=&pages=255-257&date=2001&volume=91&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Fedeli, Paolo, in: Aufidus , :43-44 (2001) 115-116&atitle=&pages=115-116&date=2001&volume=15&issue=43-44&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Graverini, Luca, in: Latomus, :2 (2004) 513-515&atitle=&pages=513-515&date=2004&volume=63&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Hamblenne, Pierre, in: Scriptorium, :2 (2001) 157*-158*&atitle=&pages=157*-158*&date=2001&volume=55&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
May, Regine, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2002) 79-80&atitle=&pages=79-80&date=2002&volume=N. S., 52&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Onorato, Marco, in: Bollettino di Studi Latini, :1 (2001) 220-224&atitle=&pages=220-224&date=2001&volume=31&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Pasetti, Lucia, in: Lexis, (2003) 448-451&atitle=&pages=448-451&date=2003&volume=21&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Seita, Mario, in: Paideia, (2001) 218-220&atitle=&pages=218-220&date=2001&volume=56&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Sisia, Umberto, in: Maia, :2 (2002) 454-456&atitle=&pages=454-456&date=2002&volume=54&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Wolff, Étienne, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2001) 315-316&atitle=&pages=315-316&date=2001&volume=79&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 771 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00315 (1038378)
Type: Article in book
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Title of Article: « Apologia »: per una nuova collazione del Laur. 68.2 e dell'Ambros. N 180 sup.
Title of Publication: Apuleio: storia del testo e interpretazioni. Ed. Magnaldi, Giuseppina & Gianotti, Gian Franco (Culture Antiche. Studi e Testi, 11), Alessandria : Ed.
dell’Orso, 2000. 332 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 27-36

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 772 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-03298 (1033198)
Type: Article in book
Author: Maggiulli, Gigliola
Title of Article: « Dinamidia » come genere letterario
Title of Publication: Les textes médicaux latins comme littérature: actes du VIe colloque international sur les textes médicaux latins du 1er au 3 septembre 1998 à Nantes.
Ed. Pigeaud, Alfrieda & Pigeaud, Jackie, Nantes : Institut universitaire de France, 2000. 389 p.
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en franç.
Pages: 141-152
Abstract: Dans la littérature médicale, les « Dynamidia » désignent de façon générale des textes latins tardifs, datés principalement entre les 3e et 6e s., qui
concernent la diététique et la pharmacologie. Y sont mis en évidence les δυνάμεις, les propriétés et capacités thérapeutiques des substances des
différents règnes, selon la doctrine hippocratique, et surtout les « uires et potestates herbarum », selon la doctrine galénique. Tous ces textes
possèdent en commun une structure brève et articulée en segments récurrents : le nom, la préparation pharmaceutique, l'utilisation et les capacités
thérapeutiques. Ils trouvent leur modèle chez Caton (156-157), Pline l'Ancien (NH. 25 et 27), ainsi que dans l'« Herbarius » de Pseudo-Apulée

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cato (M. Porcius) Censorius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Medicorum scripta - Réception et survie
Plinius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Cato (M. Porcius) Censorius - De Agri Cultura [view article in LLT-A] - 156
Plinius Secundus (C.) - Naturalis Historia [view article in LLT-A]
- 25
- 27

To cite this record

Record 773 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00286 (1032666)
Type: Article in book
Author: Lev Kenaan, Vered
Title of Article: « Fabula anilis »: the literal as a feminine sense
Title of Publication: Studies in Latin literature and Roman history. 10. Ed. Deroux, Carl (Collection Latomus, 254), Bruxelles : Latomus, 2000. 500 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 370-391

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Abstract: Le sens symbolique et allégorique des « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée, particulièrement du « Conte d'Amour et Psyché », a totalement échappé à
Macrobe. Dans sa hiérarchie des genres littéraires, consignée dans « In somnium Scipionis », celui-ci a rangé en effet les « Mét. » aux dernières
places. De même Fulgence fait-il de cette œuvre une analyse caricaturale dans ses « Mythologiarum libri tres »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Fulgentius Mythographus [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 774 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00308 (850661)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Lateiner, Donald
Title of Article: Marriage and the return of spouses in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: The Classical Journal
Volume (year) pages: 95: 4 (1999-2000) 313-332
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8353
Abstract: Lucius in the « Metamorphoses » views marriage as undependable, sexual trust as unimaginable, and conjugality as a likely source of humiliation and
amusement for others. This is evident in the narratives of twelve spoiled marriages, many of them the consequences of unexpected arrivals, usually of

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 775 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00307 (850660)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Title of Article: Significant names in Apuleius: a « good contriver » and his rival in the cheese trade (« Met. » 1, 5) : (Apuleiana Groningana X)
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: 53: 3 (2000 Ser. 4) 310-321
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
Abstract: On the meaning of the name of the cheese-monger Aristomenes Aegiensis in Apuleius, « Metamorphoses » 1, 5. Includes considerations on the
connotations of cheese-making and cheese-selling, which were associated in Greco-Roman antiquity with the contrivance of cunning plots and
schemes. Apuleiana Groningana 9 => 68-00276

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 5

Related Publication(s)
Cf 68-00276: « The master of the grave »

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Record 776 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00343 (858126)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Title of Article: L' immagine evocata dal testo: la rappresentazione drammatica della Venere apuleiana
Title of Publication: Fontes : rivista di filologia, iconografia e storia della tradizione classica
Volume (year) pages: 3: 5-6 (2000) 55-72
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1127-6851
Abstract: La figura tragicomica di Venere nella favola di Apuleio deriva dalla giocosa contaminazione tra vari modelli retorici e letterari (tragedia, commedia,

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Venus (divinité)

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Record 777 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00305 (850658)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: Apuleius, Pudentilla, and Christianity
Title of Publication: Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Language
Volume (year) pages: 54: 1 (2000) 80-94
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-6032
DOI: 10.1163/157007200X00260

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Abstract: Examines Apuleius' philosophical treatises and speeches for traces of anti-Christian attitudes. Neither Apuleius nor his wife Pudentilla show any pro-
Christian proclivities

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - d) Christianity - - General subjects. Institutions and history of the church - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)


To cite this record

Record 778 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00303 (850657)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: An Apuleian parrot: (on Apul. Fl. 12)
Title of Publication: Acta Classica: Acta Classica : Verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika = Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa
Volume (year) pages: 43 (2000) 71-79
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0065-1141
Abstract: In Apuleius' « Florida » many animals occur in relation to human speech, notably that of the philosopher. The bird in Fl. 12 serves as an example
illustrating greater issues as it extols human-like qualities in animals that are surpassed by proper human speech. The ideal representative of human
speech is inevitably none but Apuleius himself.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 12

To cite this record

Record 779 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-02203 (851628)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Horsfall Scotti, Mariateresa
Title of Article: The Asclepius: thoughts on a re-opened debate
Title of Publication: Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Language
Volume (year) pages: 54: 3 (2000) 396-416
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-6032
DOI: 10.1163/157007200X00107
Abstract: In response to the article by V. Hunink (=> 67-00241), which re-attributed the « Asclepius » to Apuleius, offers new contributions to the linguistic
analysis of the question. Attempts to establish how much there is that is distinctively Apuleian in the language of the « Asclepius », to identify words
and expressions foreign to Apuleius' usage, and to consider terms which first appear after Apuleius. It is concluded that Hunink's arguments do not
hold water. Includes discussion of Augustine's role in the manuscript tradition of Apuleius.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Hermetica - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 67-00241: Apuleius and the « Asclepius »


Record 780 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh (1105343)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hofmann, Heinz
Title of Article: « Selbstbegründung des Erzählens » im « Goldenen Esel » des Apuleius ?
Title of Publication: Kontingenz und Ordo: Selbstbegründung des Erzählens in der Neuzeit. Ed. Greiner, Bernhard & Moog-Grünewald, Maria (Neues Forum für
allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, 7), Heidelberg : Winter, 2000. XIII-189 p.
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 3-8253-0995-9
Pages: 15-27
Abstract: Die raffinierten Erzählstrategien des Apuleius lösen die traditionelle epische Erzählordnung auf und lassen Zweifel an der Plausibilität der Erzählungen
des Ich-Erzählers aufkommen, die jeglicher Erfahrung hohnsprechen. Implizit jedoch begründet das Erzählen selbst damit eine neue Ordnung, die zu
erkennen und zu restituieren jetzt Aufgabe des Lesers wird, wie vor allem die Schlüsselszene in Met. 11, 22 deutlich macht. Näher diskutiert werden
dabei Met. 1, 3-4 ; 1, 20 ; 2, 21-30 ; 3, 15 ; 3, 21-25 ; 6, 25 ; 9, 22-30 und 11, 15 sowie 11, 22.

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 20
- 11
- 15 [CWKB Resolver]
- 22
- 2 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]
- 15
- 21
- 6 - 25
- 9 - 22

To cite this record

Record 781 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00290 (898759)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hofmann, Heinz
Title of Article: Lucio o la conversión de un asno: sobre el mundo de la experiencia religiosa en la novela de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: Auster : Revista del Centro de Estudios Latinos
Volume (year) pages: 5 (2000) 63-85
Language: espagnol; castillan
ISSN/ISBN: 1514-0121
Abstract: Se comenta el episodio del libro 11 de las « Metamorfosis » de Apuleyo en el que Lucio, transformado en asno, ve durante un sueño a la diosa Isis
que le anuncia que al día siguiente recuperará su forma humana. Lucio, iluminado por Isis, se hace iniciar en sus misterios y, finalmente, es admitido
en el colegio de los sacerdotes de Osiris. Este episodio se aleja de las versiones griegas, que no incluyen este elemento religioso, e incluso parece
distanciarse de los diez primeros libros de la propia obra de Apuleyo. El análisis de la estructura narrativa y de los distintos recursos literarios
utilizados por Apuleyo a lo largo de toda la novela permite sostener que la aparente ruptura entre los libros 1-10 y el libro 11 es simplemente el
resultado de un error de interpretación de este último. El episodio de la visión de Isis y la conversión de Lucio se revela como una manifestación más
del carácter paródico propio de toda la obra.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 782 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00302 (850656)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Apuleius in context: review article
Title of Publication: Scholia : studies in classical antiquity
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 9 (2000) 126-131
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1018-9017
Abstract: On G. N. Sandy (=> 69-00266).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 69-00266: The Greek world of Apuleius

To cite this record

Record 783 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00301 (258617)
Type: Monograph
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Publication: Apuleius: a Latin sophist
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Pr., 2000
Description: VI-281 p., index

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Cucchiarelli, Andrea, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2001) 255-257&atitle=&pages=255-257&date=2001&volume=91&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: American Journal of Philology, :3 (2001) 454-458&atitle=&pages=454-458&date=2001&volume=122&issue=3&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Habermehl, Peter, in: Gymnasium , :1 (2004) 66-67&atitle=&pages=66-67&date=2004&volume=111&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Hays, Bradford Gregory, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:3 (2001) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2001&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Martin, René, in: Revue des Études Latines, (2000) 320-321&atitle=&pages=320-321&date=2000&volume=78&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Mitchell, Alan C., in: Ancient Philosophy, :2 (2001) 521-525&atitle=&pages=521-525&date=2001&volume=21&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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O'Brien, Maeve C., in: Hermathena :168 (2000) 103-105&atitle=&pages=103-105&date=2000&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Rochette, Bruno, in: Les Études Classiques, :1 (2001) 107&atitle=&pages=107&date=2001&volume=69&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Shumate, Nancy J., in: The Classical Outlook , :2 (2002 2001) 82-83&atitle=&pages=82-83&date=2002&volume=79&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Swain, Simon C. R., in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2001) 269-270&atitle=&pages=269-270&date=2001&volume=N. S., 51&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
[undefined reversable (backward)]: Apuleius, Metamorphoses 11.23.5

To cite this record

Record 784 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00300 (850655)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Grilli, Alberto
Title of Article: Titolo e struttura interna del romanzo d'Apuleio
Title of Publication: Atene e Roma : rassegna trimestrale dell’Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica
Volume (year) pages: 45: 3-4 (2000) 121-134
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-6493
Abstract: Le pluriel du titre « Metamorphoses » indique qu'Apulée écrit sur deux plans, celui du lecteur ordinaire, qui sera gratifié de métamorphoses au sens
habituel du terme, et celui de la philosophie et des mystères. C'est ce dernier aspect qui intéresse avant tout Apulée, comme le prouve l'allusion au
platonisme faite dès le début (1, 2). Le roman de Lucius et la nouvelle d'Amour et Psyché ne peuvent être séparés, le lien étant la « curiositas » qui
représente l'irrationnel et perd d'abord Lucius, puis Psyché.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 2

Record 785 of 2062 Google To cite this record Reference: APh (355241)
Type: Miscellany
Editor of bundle: Greiner, Bernhard
Moog-Grünewald, Maria
Title of Publication: Kontingenz und Ordo: Selbstbegründung des Erzählens in der Neuzeit / Bernhard Greiner, Maria Moog-Grünewald (Hrsg.)
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Heidelberg: Winter, 2000
Description: XIII-189 p., ill.
Further Information: Hervorgegangen aus einer Konferenz in Tübingen 1997.
ISSN/ISBN: 3-8253-0995-9
Collection: Neues Forum für allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, 7
Abstract: Mit einem Beitrag zu Apuleius.

Discipline after vol. 67: X. - Festschriften and collections - A. - Proceedings and collections
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

See articles from miscellany

Hofmann, Heinz. « Selbstbegründung des Erzählens » im « Goldenen Esel » des Apuleius ?

EXTERNAL LINKS (Inhaltsverzeichnis)

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Record 786 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-07382 (1036573)
Type: Article in book
Author: Gély-Ghedira, Véronique
Title of Article: Mythe et allégorie: l'exemple de Psyché
Title of Publication: L' allégorie. Ed. , Paris : Klincksieck, 2000. 280 p.
Language: français
Pages: 51-67
Abstract: Étude illustrée d'exemples empruntés, pour l'antiquité, à Apulée et Martianus Capella

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Martianus Capella [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 787 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00333 (858120)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fumagalli, Edoardo

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Title of Article: Amore e Psiche in centri padani: a proposito del volgarizzamento del Boiardo
Title of Publication: Fontes : rivista di filologia, iconografia e storia della tradizione classica
Volume (year) pages: 3: 5-6 (2000) 73-82
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1127-6851
Abstract: Il volgarizzamento boiardesco della favola di Amore e Psiche, filologicamente non ineccepibile, non è opera autonoma, ma fa parte di quello
dell'« Asino d'oro » e fu utilizzato in successivi rifacimenti della favola operati nelle corti padane fra 15° e 16° secolo

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)
Nom récent: Boiardo, Matteo Maria (poète italien ; 1441-1494)

To cite this record

Record 788 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00299 (850654)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: Role changing in Apuleius' tale of the miller's wife (Metamorphoses 9.14-31)
Title of Publication: Scholia : studies in classical antiquity
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 9 (2000) 66-77
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 1018-9017
Abstract: A theatrological approach reveals that all major characters in Apuleius' tale of the miller's wife assume roles. The miller's wife plays the chaste spouse
; the ass/Lucius acts as a human helper of his master ; the miller plays the amator of his wife's lover for revenge. The ass, who plays the human helper
and reveals the presence of the adulterer, ironically sets in motion the events that prompt his master's murder.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 789 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00335 (1041259)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fick, Nicole
Title of Article: Comment chaque époque s'approprie la mythologie: exemple du roman latin
Title of Publication: Latina didaxis. 15,: Atti del Congresso, 14-15-16 aprile 2000 : incontri con il latino per il III millennio : la lingua, la letteratura, la cultura. Ed. Rocca,
Silvana (Pubblicazioni del D.AR.FI.CL.ET. Nuova Serie, 199), Genova : Compagnia dei Librai, 2000. 177 p.
Language: français
Pages: 11-23
Abstract: Analisi dell'uso del mito in Petronio e in Apuleio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 790 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00331 (858119)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ferrão, Cristina Maria Gomes
Title of Article: A simbólica dos animais no romance de Apuleio
Title of Publication: Humanitas: Revista do Instituto de Estudos Clássicos
Volume (year) pages: 52 (2000) 155-193
Language: portugais
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0871-1569
Abstract: Suite de l'étude notée 72-00000. Passe en revue les symboles ambivalents, tantôt chtoniens et tantôt célestes. Parmi ces symboles, l'âne bénéficie
d'un traitement particulier. Étude d'autres symboles, non animaliers, qui ont contribué à l'originalité du livre d'Apulée

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 791 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-07277 (263347)
Type: Monograph
Author: Facchini Tosi, Claudia
Title of Publication: Euphonia: (Virgilio, Orazio, Apuleio)
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Bologna: Pàtron, 2000
Description: 239 p., index
Collection: Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino, 69

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Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - b) Poetics - Études
II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - b) Phonetics and phonology, handwriting - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Horatius [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Roberto, Amalia Laila, in: Aufidus , :43-44 (2001) 117-118&atitle=&pages=117-118&date=2001&volume=15&issue=43-44&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 792 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00296 (258616)
Type: Monograph
Author: Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike
Title of Publication: Kulträume im römischen Alltag: das Isisbuch des Apuleius und der Ort von Religion im kaiserzeitlichen Rom
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Stuttgart: Steiner, 2000
Description: 631 p., 28 p. de pl. ill. index
Collection: Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 2

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Freyburger, Gérard, in: Revue des Études Anciennes, :1 (2004) 321&atitle=&pages=321&date=2004&volume=106&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Maier, Bernhard, in: Bonner Jahrbücher des Rheinischen Landesmuseums in Bonn und des Rheinischen Amtes für Bodendenkmalpflege im
Landschaftsverband Rheinland und des Vereins von Altertumsfreunden im Rheinlande, (2001) 623-624&atitle=&pages=623-624&date=2001&
volume=201&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 73-13237: Associations religieuses et collèges de prêtres dans le monde romain

To cite this record

Record 793 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00328 (858117)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Dubuisson, Michel
Title of Article: Art de la voltige et « code-switching »: (Apulée, Métamorphoses I, 1, 5-6)
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 59: 3 (2000) 607-613
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Propose une analyse et traduction du Prologue de « L'âne d'or », compris comme exemple du « code-switching », soit du passage d'une langue à une
autre chez une personne bilingue

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - a) Critical approaches - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 1 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 794 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00750 (872627)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Coniglio, Manuela
Title of Article: Nello « scriptorium » di Arnobio
Title of Publication: Schol(i)a : rivista quadrimestrale di letteratura greca e latina
Volume (year) pages: 2: 1 (2000) 71-101, ill.
Language: italien
Abstract: Sulle fonti classiche (in particolare Virgilio, ma anche Seneca, Apuleio e Cicerone)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Arnobius Maior [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Seneca (L. Annaeus) Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 795 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00325 (858114)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Callebat, Louis
Title of Article: Le conte d'Amour et Psyché: un style « décadent »

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Title of Publication: Fontes : rivista di filologia, iconografia e storia della tradizione classica
Volume (year) pages: 3: 5-6 (2000) 45-54
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1127-6851
Abstract: Esame degli elementi « decadenti » nella novella apuleiana : primato delle sensazioni, gusto cromatico, musicalità della parola, culto del bello e del
raffinato, ricerca dell'insolito e del pittoresco, accostamento impressionistico agli oggetti, concezione dell'arte non come imitazione del reale, ma come
realtà stessa

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 796 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-05114 (1036166)
Type: Article in book
Author: Burzacchini, Gabriele
Title of Article: I passeri di Afrodite
Title of Publication: Poesia e religione in Grecia: studi in onore di G. Aurelio Privitera. Ed. Cannatà Fera, Maria & Grandolini, Simonetta (Studi e ricerche di filologia
classica), Napoli : Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 2000. 2 vol. (XVIII-780 p.) portr.
Language: italien
Pages: 119-124
Abstract: Gli uccelli menzionati in Sapph. fr. 1, 9-12 Voigt sono effettivamente passeri, come conferma Apul. met. 6, 6

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Sappho - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]
Sappho - Fragmenta - 1 - 9 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Aphrodite (divinité)

To cite this record

Record 797 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-03292 (1033194)
Type: Article in book
Author: Buffa Giolito, Maria Franca
Title of Article: « Topoi » della tradizione letteraria in tre prefazioni di testi medici latini
Title of Publication: Les textes médicaux latins comme littérature: actes du VIe colloque international sur les textes médicaux latins du 1er au 3 septembre 1998 à Nantes.
Ed. Pigeaud, Alfrieda & Pigeaud, Jackie, Nantes : Institut universitaire de France, 2000. 389 p.
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en franç.
Pages: 13-31
Abstract: Examen de trois préfaces de textes médicaux latins : celle de la « Medicina Plinii », du « De medicamentis » de Marcellus et de l'« Herbarius » de
Pseudo-Apulée avec tableau synoptique des occurrences lexicales qui concernent le malade, le médecin, la maladie, les remèdes, la confiance et la
santé. Dégagement des motifs topiques de la tradition littéraire

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Marcellus Medicus - Études
Medicina Plinii - Études

To cite this record

Record 798 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00324 (1035305)
Type: Article in book
Author: Buffa Giolito, Maria Franca
Title of Article: Lettura retorica della « praefatio » di pseudo Apuleio Platonico
Title of Publication: Serta antiqua et mediaevalia. 2,: Tradizione enciclopedica e divulgazione in età imperiale. Ed. (Letteratura e filologia / Università degli Studi di
Genova, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità e del Medioevo, 1), Roma : G. Bretschneider, 2000. VIII-222 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 205-222
Abstract: Si rileva l'intento artistico e l'attenzione stilistica della prefazione di [Apuleio] Platonico all'erbario di [Apuleio] genuino, riconoscendo in essa l'esigenza
di una « litterata scientia »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 799 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00323 (858113)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Brugnoli, Giorgio
Title of Article: Il palazzo di Amore nella « Favola di Amore e Psiche » di Apuleio e nell'« Asino » di Machiavelli
Title of Publication: Fontes : rivista di filologia, iconografia e storia della tradizione classica
Volume (year) pages: 3: 5-6 (2000) 83-98
Language: italien

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Abstract Information: rés. en angl.

ISSN/ISBN: 1127-6851
Abstract: Apuleio, Met. 4, 35 e 5, 1-3, insieme a Dante, « Inferno » 4, 106-111, è il modello di Machiavelli, « Asino » 3, 1-48 e 4, 13-48 ; inoltre Machiavelli, nella
descrizione del « locus amoenus » del palazzo di Circe, è influenzato dal commento di Beroaldo al corrispondente « locus » apuleiano.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 4 - 35 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)
Dante Alighieri (poète italien ; 1265-1321)
Machiavelli, Niccolò (philosophe et homme politique italien ; 1469-1527)

To cite this record

Record 800 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00295 (850653)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bradley, Keith R.
Title of Article: Fictive families: family and household in the « Metamorphoses » of Apuleius
Title of Publication: Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des Études Classiques
Volume (year) pages: 54: 3-4 (2000) 282-308
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-8299
Abstract: Analysis of material on family forms and household organization in the « Metamorphoses » suggests that Apuleius' travels across the Mediterranean
were a formative influence upon the portraits of family and household he presents in his novel.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 801 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00294 (850652)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bradley, Keith R.
Title of Article: Animalizing the slave: the truth of fiction
Title of Publication: The Journal of Roman Studies
Volume (year) pages: 90 (2000) 110-125
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0075-4358
DOI: 10.2307/300203
Abstract: The transformation of Lucius in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » can be taken as a paradigmatic illustration of the animalization of the slave in real life,
and as a guide to the meaning of animalization in the master-slave relationship. The « Metamorphoses » shows how animalizing the slave served the
interests of slave owners by functioning as a mechanism of control and domination, but also makes clear the limits of how far such manipulation could
be taken.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 802 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00301 (865708)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bonadeo, Alessia
Title of Article: « Irides et Arcus »: la formazione dell'arcobaleno nel « De mundo » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Rendiconti/ Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche
Volume (year) pages: 134: 2 (2000) 429-444
Language: italien
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0021-2504
Abstract: Analisi di Apul. Mund. 16, p.323, sull'arcobaleno e la sua origine ; confronto con il passo parallelo del Περι κόσμου pseudo-aristotelico e riflessioni sul
rapporto fra il trattato apuleiano e il suo modello


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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Aristoteles Stagirites, Corpus Aristotelicum - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - De Mundo [view article in LLT-A] - 16

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Record 803 of 2062 Reference: APh 79-00278 (1058680)
Type: Article in book
Author: Beck, Roger Lyne
Title of Article: Apuleius the novelist, Apuleius the Ostian householder and the Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres: further explorations of an hypothesis of Filippo
Title of Publication: Text and artifact in the religions of Mediterranean antiquity: essays in honour of Peter Richardson. Ed. Wilson, Stephen G. & Desjardins, Michel
(Studies in Christianity and Judaism, 9), Waterloo (Ont.) : Wilfrid Laurier University Pr., 2000. XVI-612 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 551-567
Abstract: Analysis of the connection between novel and mithraeum in the larger context of the complex of the Quattro Tempietti lends support to the hypothesis
of F. Coarelli (« Apuleio a Ostia ? » Dialoghi di Archeologia 1989 [7] 27-42) that the Casa di Apuleio at Ostia, contiguous with and accessible to the
Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres, belonged to Apuleius of Madaura.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Ostia Antica (ITA ; Roma)
Nom antique: Mithras (divinité)

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Record 804 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00321 (858112)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bajoni, Maria Grazia
Title of Article: Sul gesto di Telifrone in Apul. Met. II, 21, p. 42 Helm
Title of Publication: L’Antiquité Classique
Volume (year) pages: 69 (2000) 209-212
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0770-2817
DOI: 10.3406/antiq.2000.2433
Abstract: Note exégétique

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 805 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00291 (850649)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Babo, Markus
Title of Article: Mythologische « Exempla » als teleologische Elemente in den « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius
Title of Publication: Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche
Volume (year) pages: 52: 3 (2000) 485-496
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-0538
Abstract: Attraverso l'esame delle ricorrenze nelle « Metamorfosi » degli « exempla » di Ganimede (1, 12-13 ; 3, 22-23 ; 11, 8) e di Pegaso-Bellerofonte (6, 30 ;
7, 26 ; 8, 16 ; 11, 8), si conclude che entrambi alludono al destino di Lucio, illustrando il primo motivo della sua trasformazione (tema delle « illecebrae
» e delle « artes » delle streghe) e il secondo la sua incapacità di salvarsi da solo

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 1 - 12
- 11 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]
- 3 - 22 [CWKB Resolver]
- 6 - 30 [CWKB Resolver]
- 7 - 26 [CWKB Resolver]
- 8 - 16 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Bellerophontes (héros)
Ganumedes (héros troyen)

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Record 806 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00372 (858136)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Wolff, Catherine
Title of Article: L' enlèvement de Charité (Apulée, « Métamorphoses ») et les témoignages épigraphiques
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Grecques

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Volume (year) pages: 112: 1 (1999) 253-258

Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-2039
Abstract: Plusieurs décrets épigraphiques des 3e et 2e s. av. J.-C. fournissent des parallèles aux détails du récit des « Métamorphoses » concernant
l'enlèvement de Charité, sa récupération par Tlépolémos et l'exécution des brigands

Discipline after vol. 67: IV. - Non-literary sources - B. - Epigraphy - c) Greek epigraphy - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 807 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00324 (850671)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Trinquier, Jean
Title of Article: Le motif du repaire des brigands et le « topos » du « locus horridus »: Apulée, Métamorphoses, IV, 6
Title of Publication: Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire Anciennes
Volume (year) pages: 73: 2 (1999) 257-277
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 342
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-1652
Abstract: Loin de reproduire un τόπος unique, dans une relation par conséquent peu crédible, Apulée combine librement différents stéréotypes, afin de
présenter une image attendue d'un repaire de brigands. Le motif du « locus horridus » ne constitue pas la cible de son ironie, qui vise plutôt les codes
littéraires du genre historique et la forme de l'ἔκφρασις

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature
- B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
- C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 808 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-06701 (256741)
Type: Monograph
Author: Tasinato, Maria
Title of Publication: La curiosité: Apulée et Augustin / trad. par Jean-Paul Manganaro : préambule d' Alonso Tordesillas
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Lagrasse: Verdier, 1999
Description: 125 p.
Further Information: Pour l'original => 66-00243

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 66-00243: Sulla curiosità

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Record 809 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00366 (858135)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Tarrant, Harold A. S.
Title of Article: Shadows of justice in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Hermathena : a Trinity College Dublin review
Volume (year) pages: 167 (1999) 71-89
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0750
Abstract: Careful reading of key passages in the « Metamorphoses » indicates that Apuleius drew heavily on Plato's « Republic » in writing his novel. In
particular, Apuleius relied on Plato's views of justice and the language of shadows, images, and reflections. This influence is well illustrated in
episodes of the « Metamorphoses » where legal proceedings and acts of justice are staged in an overtly theatrical setting.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 810 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00253 (1076708)
Type: Article in book
Author: Shumate, Nancy J.
Title of Article: Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » :: the inserted tales
Title of Publication: Latin fiction: the Latin novel in context. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz, London : Routledge, 1999. XI-277 p.
Language: anglais

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Pages: 113-125
Abstract: Apuleius's use in the « Metamorphoses » of the inserted tale - a prominent literary device in the novelistic tradition - is explored. The world of the
« Metamorphoses » lacks the cohesion imparted by a naturalized system of values that orders experience and assigns a hierarchy of meaning to its
undifferentiated phenomena. The novel has many ways of representing the topsy-turvy quality of a preconversion world whose center has disappeared
and whose orienting signposts have been uprooted.

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Record 811 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00363 (858134)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Sapota, Tomasz
Title of Article: The magic and religion in works of Lucius Apuleius of Madaura: the impact of the Orient on the Roman literature of the second century A.D.
Title of Publication: Eos: Commentarii Societatis Philologae Polonorum
Volume (year) pages: 86: 2 (1999) 339-346
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0012-7825

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 812 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00250 (1076707)
Type: Article in book
Author: Sandy, Gerald N.
Title of Article: The tale of Cupid and Psyche
Title of Publication: Latin fiction: the Latin novel in context. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz, London : Routledge, 1999. XI-277 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 126-138
Abstract: Apuleius's tale of Cupid and Psyche is not a diversion in the narrative but serves to reinforce the major theme of Lucius's fall from grace and
redemption. Includes discussion of Apuleius's sources and models.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 813 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00249 (1076706)
Type: Article in book
Author: Sandy, Gerald N.
Title of Article: Apuleius' « Golden ass » :: from Miletus to Egypt
Title of Publication: Latin fiction: the Latin novel in context. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz, London : Routledge, 1999. XI-277 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 81-102
Abstract: Apuleius's « On the universe » and « Golden ass » can be compared with Greek models. The « Golden ass » is examined in terms of its relationship
to Milesian tales ; its use and adaptation of the Greek « Metamorphoses » ; its form and meaning ; and interpretation of it as a moral fable.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucius Patrensis - Études

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Record 814 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00350 (844099)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Regen, Frank
Title of Article: Il « De deo Socratis » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche
Volume (year) pages: 51: 3 (1999) 429-456
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-0538
Abstract: Rassegna e breve esame delle opere filosofiche di Apuleio. Il contenuto del falso prologo del « De deo Socratis ». Analisi contenutistica dell'opera e di
alcuni nuclei tematici : il divino, l'umano, l'abisso tra uomo e Dio, i demoni mediatori ed i loro compiti

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 71-00317: Il « De deo Socratis » di Apuleio (II parte)

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Record 815 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00348 (844097)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Raffa, Antonella

Title of Article: Per l'interpretazione di Apuleio Met. XI 3 e 9
Title of Publication: Giornale italiano di filologia
Volume (year) pages: 51: 1 (1999) 127-131
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-0461
Abstract: Nota critica ed esegetica

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11
- 3 [CWKB Resolver]
- 9 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 816 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00346 (844095)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pasetti, Lucia
Title of Article: La morfologia della preghiera nelle Metamorfosi di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Eikasmos: Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: 10 (1999) 247-271
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1121-8819
Abstract: Analisi fonostilistica dei passi apuleiani nei quali fa la sua comparsa il genere eucologico : 6, 2 ; 6, 4 ; 11, 2 ; 11, 5 ; 11, 25

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - f) Stylistics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 11
- 25
- 2 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 817 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00316 (258619)
Type: Monograph
Author: Parker, Sarah
Title of Publication: Techniques of description in Apuleius' « Cupid and Psyche »
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 1999
Description: 259 p.
Further Information: Thesis (Ph. D.) - McMaster University, Hamilton (Ont.), 1999. Summary in : DAI-A 2000-2001 61 (6) : 2288. Microform available from : University
Microfilms International, Ann Arbor (Mich.), no. AAT NQ51007.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 818 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00323 (865714)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Nikitas, Dimitrios Z.
Title of Article: Δίγλωσση ποίηση: Απουληίου « De Aesculapii maiestate »
Title of Publication: Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής [του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης]. Tεύχος Τμήματος Φιλολογίας
Volume (year) pages: 8 (1999) 17-46
Language: grec ancien (jusqu''à 1453)
Abstract Information: rés. en all.
ISSN/ISBN: 0495-4742
Abstract: Dans Flor. 18, 38-43, passage considéré comme une « praefatio » pour une fête carthaginoise d'Asclépios, on trouve la description d'un hymne
bilingue au dieu, grec et latin, ainsi qu'un dialogue d'introduction, également bilingue. En forme de « prosimetrum », cet hymne aujourd'hui perdu
semble dériver d'un éloge célèbre d'Asclépios (en prose), prononcé par l'auteur trois ans auparavant. Apulée marque ainsi la renaissance de la poésie
bilingue, souvent rejetée avant lui pour des raisons partiotiques

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 18 - 38 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Carthage (TUN ; Tunis)

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Record 819 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00345 (844094)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Nicolai, Roberto

Title of Article: « Quis ille » ? Il proemio delle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio e il problema del lettore ideale
Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 42 (1999) 143-164
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: Analisi del prologo delle « Metamorfosi », con particolare riguardo per l'identità dell'io parlante e per lo statuto del lettore ideale

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Record 820 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00242 (1076704)
Type: Article in book
Author: Moreschini, Claudio
Title of Article: Towards a history of the exegesis of Apuleius: the case of the « Tale of Cupid and Psyche »
Title of Publication: Latin fiction: the Latin novel in context. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz, London : Routledge, 1999. XI-277 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 215-228
Abstract: An allegorical reading has been applied to Apuleius's tale of Cupid and Psyche in the « Metamorphoses » since late antiquity, in particular by
Fulgentius and Boccaccio. In the Renaissance, voices of dissent about the allegorical interpretation of the tale emerged.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Fulgentius Mythographus [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Boccaccio, Giovanni (écrivain italien ; 1313-1375)

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Record 821 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00342 (844092)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Méthy, Nicole
Title of Article: La communication entre l'homme et la divinité dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Les Études Classiques
Volume (year) pages: 67: 1 (1999) 43-56
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0014-200X
Abstract: La recherche et la définition d'une relation satisfaisante de communication avec le divin apparaissent comme une préoccupation dominante dans les
« Métamorphoses » d'Apulée. Elle atteint sa pleine expression dans le dernier livre, où le héros parvient à une communication véritable avec Isis,
divinité nouvelle, étrangère à celles du panthéon traditionnel, avec lesquelles un échange réel était inconcevable ; Isis est également présentée
comme une divinité idéale, qui demeure par là-même une création de l'esprit, partiellement imaginaire. La communication totale entre l'être humain et
le divin reste un idéal

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 822 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00343 (844093)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Méthy, Nicole
Title of Article: Deus Exsuperantissimus : une divinité nouvelle ?: à propos de quelques passages d'Apulée
Title of Publication: L’Antiquité Classique
Volume (year) pages: 68 (1999) 99-117
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0770-2817
DOI: 10.3406/antiq.1999.1329
Abstract: « Exsuperantissimus » ne compte qu'un nombre très restreint d'occurrences, dont les premières se trouvent dans trois passages des œuvres
philosophiques d'Apulée. Ceux-ci sont en général, depuis les analyses de Franz Cumont, considérés comme l'expression d'un courant de pensée
syrien ayant son origine dans les religions astrologiques orientales, et la divinité à laquelle le superlatif s'applique apparaît exclusivement comme la
transposition à Rome du Ba'al S̆amīn sémitique ; mais cette interprétation se révèle difficilement applicable aux textes d'Apulée, dans lesquels
« exsuperantissimus », chargé d'une valeur surtout discriminative, désigne un dieu suprême qui, d'une façon générale, conserve les caractéristiques
et les fonctions que lui attribue la philosophie platonicienne

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
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Record 823 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00341 (844091)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Messina, Marco Tullio
Title of Article: Alcune osservazioni sui « Florida » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale
Volume (year) pages: 41: 2 (1999) 285-305
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6085
Abstract: Elementi platonici e non platonici (per lo più attinti dalla tradizione cinica) nei « Florida » di Apuleio. Considerazioni sulla concezione retorica
dell'autore, che nasce da posizioni tradizionali della letteratura latina unita a influenze cultuali greche e, solo successivamente, è rettificata alla luce
della dottrina platonica

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 824 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00340 (1030448)
Type: Article in book
Author: Merlier-Espenel, Véronique
Title of Article: Les représentations de la nature dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: La nature et ses représentations dans l'Antiquité: actes du colloque des 24 et 25 octobre 1996, École normale supérieure de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud.
Ed. Cusset, Christophe & Martin, René (Documents, actes et rapports pour l'éducation), Paris : CNDP, 1999. 204 p.
Language: français
Pages: 157-172

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 825 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-00240 (1076703)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mason, Hugh John
Title of Article: The « Metamorphoses » of Apuleius and its Greek sources
Title of Publication: Latin fiction: the Latin novel in context. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz, London : Routledge, 1999. XI-277 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 103-112
Abstract: Comparison of the Greek work Λούκιος ἢ ὄνος, commonly called « Onos » and known from manuscripts of Lucian, with Apuleius's « Metamorphoses »
reveals several passages in which the Latin follows the Greek, so there can be little doubt that Apuleius alluded to some version of this narrative.
Includes discussion of the relationship of the « Onos » to the « Metamorphoseis » of Loukios of Patrai ; the connection to Lucian ; and sources and
subtexts for Apuleius's tale. The narrator of Apuleius's prologue appeals to a reader, and the detecting of intertextualities is essentially a reader's

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Lucianus Samosatensis - Réception et survie
Lucius Patrensis - Réception et survie

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Record 826 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00389 (844117)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Mariotti, Italo
Title of Article: Aristo Alex. ap. Ps. Apul. Herm. 14
Title of Publication: Eikasmos: Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: 10 (1999) 273-276
Language: italien
Abstract Information: en ital.
ISSN/ISBN: 1121-8819
Abstract: Proposta congetturale

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ariston Alexandrinus - Études
Citations: Apuleius - fragmenta - 3

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Record 827 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00338 (844090)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Lucarini, Carlo Martino
Title of Article: Su alcune imitazioni di Lucrezio in un capitolo dei « Florida » apuleiani

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Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici

Volume (year) pages: 42 (1999) 223-224
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: In Apuleio, Flor. 22 sono presenti echi lucreziani (5, 42-51 e 6, 17)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Lucretius Carus (T.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 22
Lucretius Carus (T.) - De Rerum Natura [view article in LLT-A]
- 5 - 42 [CWKB Resolver]
- 6 - 17 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 828 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00306 (850659)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Kákosy, László
Title of Article: Mysteries in the Isiac religion
Title of Publication: Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Volume (year) pages: 39: 1-4 (1999) 159-163
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-5975
DOI: 10.1556/AAnt.39.1999.1-4.14
Abstract: De nombreux passages des « Métamorphoses » sont mis en parallèle avec diverses autres informations relatives à la religion isiaque en Égypte.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)


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Record 829 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-06587 (1047108)
Type: Article in book
Author: Iglesias, Rosa María
Álvarez, María Consuelo
Title of Article: Los trabajos de Psique a la luz de la literatura y la mitografía
Title of Publication: La filología latina hoy: actualización y perspectivas. Ed. Aldama Roy, Ana María, Madrid : Sociedad de Estudios Latinos, 1999. 2 vol. (XVIII-1 435 p.)
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 1, 155-162
Abstract: Los amores de Cupido y Psique, fueran mito o cuento en sus orígenes, no tuvieron tratamiento literario hasta que Apuleyo los relató. Autores
posteriores pretendieron convertirlos en leyenda, como es el caso de Boccaccio, a cuyo tratamiento se debería el conocimiento, divulgación y éxito de
la historia en todas las manifestaciones artísticas, del Renacimiento a nuestros días

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)
Nom récent: Boccaccio, Giovanni (écrivain italien ; 1313-1375)

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Record 830 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-03553 (852211)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: Sulle ali del vento: evoluzione di un'immagine, tra Ovidio e Apuleio
Title of Publication: Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 25: 3 (1999) 343-346
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-2698
Abstract: L'immagine del vento che gioca con le vesti di una ragazza, come Europa nel poema di Mosco (che probabilmente ne costituisce la fonte), è oggetto
di numerosi reimpieghi

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Moschus Bucolicus - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 831 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00298 (1048610)
Type: Article in book
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: Theatre and spectacle in Apuleius' tale of the robber Thrasyleon (Met. 4.13-21)
Title of Publication: Griechisch-römische Komödie und Tragödie. 3. Ed. Zimmermann, Bernhard (Drama : Beiträge zum antiken Drama und seiner Rezeption, 8), Stuttgart
: Metzler, 1999. 182 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 113-135
Abstract: Apuleius' robber tale is discussed from the perspective of performance. The theatrical approach becomes important in two ways : 1) it suggests that
Demochares' splendid preparations for his forthcoming « munus gladiatorium » are neatly fulfilled in the narrator's tale of Thrasyleon's performance of
the bear's role, in contrast to the prevailing view that these preparations have no results within the tale's actions ; 2) it casts the narrator as author
« producing » his own « spectacle » as he delivers the tale to his audience. In this way the narrator may be seen as analogous to the « munerarius »
Demochares who produces his own spectacle in order to increase his social standing among his fellow-citizens at Plataea.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]
Places: Plataies (GRC ; Voiotia)

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Record 832 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00336 (844088)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: Scaena feralium nuptiarum: wedding imagery in Apuleius' tale of Charite (Met. 8.1-14)
Title of Publication: American Journal of Philology
Volume (year) pages: 120: 4 (1999) 601-619
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9475
Abstract: Charite's revenge on Thrasyllus for murdering her husband, Thrasyllus' later suicide by starvation, and Charite's own suicide are all laced with wedding

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 1


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Record 833 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00335 (844087)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: « Cui uidebor ueri similia dicere proferens uera ? »: Aristomenes and the witches in Apuleius' tale of Aristomenes
Title of Publication: The Classical Journal
Volume (year) pages: 94: 4 (1998-1999) 375-391
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-8353
Abstract: On Aristomenes' change of role in the episode describing the death of Socrates (Met. 1, 2-20). Aristomenes cannot comprehend his change of role
from Socrates' friend to Meroe's « helper », nor is he able as narrator to persuade his audience that he is not responsible for his friend's death.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 2

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Record 834 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00327 (844083)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fiorilla, Maurizio
Title of Article: La lettura apuleiana del Boccaccio e le note ai manoscritti laurenziani 29, 2 e 54, 32
Title of Publication: Aevum: Rassegna di Scienze Storiche, Linguistiche e Filologiche
Volume (year) pages: 73: 3 (1999) 635-668, ill.
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0001-9593
Abstract: Esame di numerose postille, probabilmente di mano del Boccaccio, al ms. Firenze, Laur. 29, 2 contenente opere di Apuleio. Con un'edizione di tutte le
postille del Boccaccio al ms. apuleiano (copiato di mano propria) Firenze, Laur. 54, 32.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Nom récent: Boccaccio, Giovanni (écrivain italien ; 1313-1375)

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Record 835 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00333 (1030447)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fick, Nicole
Title of Article: De fati et providentiae et fortunae ratione, quae inter Apulei Metamorphoseon libros intercedit
Title of Publication: Loquela vivida: donum natalicium Nicolao Sallmann sexagesimum quintum annum agenti a fautoribus linguae Latinae vivae oblatum. Ed. Blänsdorf,
Jürgen, Würzburg : Königshausen und Neumann, 1999. 308 p.
Language: latin
Pages: 59-73

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 836 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00330 (858118)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ferrão, Cristina Maria Gomes
Title of Article: A simbólica dos animais no romance de Apuleio
Title of Publication: Humanitas: Revista do Instituto de Estudos Clássicos
Volume (year) pages: 51 (1999) 99-139
Language: portugais
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 442
ISSN/ISBN: 0871-1569
Abstract: Publication d'une partie d'un travail plus général sur la symbolique de certains animaux, permettant d'interpréter le roman comme une allégorie de la
vie humaine. Après un résumé des anecdotes avec présence d'animaux qui ne figuraient pas dans le roman de Lucien, l'étude met en valeur les
symboles suggérés par cette présence : image des ténèbres (notamment avec le chien, le loup et l'ourse) ou image de lumière (notamment avec le
cheval, l'aigle, le lion, le dauphin)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucianus Samosatensis - Études

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Record 837 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00329 (1035306)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fernández-Savater Martín, María Victoria
Title of Article: El « Asno de Oro » de Apuleyo: « historia et fabula »
Title of Publication: Τῆς φιλίης τάδε δῶρα: miscelánea léxica en memoria de Conchita Serrano. Ed. Pérez Castro, Lois C. & Adrados, Francisco R. (Manuales y anejos de
Emerita, 41), Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1999. 722 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 263-267
Abstract: En el prólogo del « Asno de Oro », Apuleyo plantea la yuxtaposición « oral »/« escrito » al referirse a la « fabula » como relato oral y escrito. Con ello
parece insinuar que ha reunido una serie de relatos populares mediante un hilo conductor, dándoles forma escrita y literaria en una fábula de fábulas.
Se señalan los pasajes que podrían interpretarse como reflejo de lo que se insinúa en el prólogo, centrándose especialmente en el léxico empleado
para introducir los relatos breves insertos en la obra, donde se juega con los términos « fabula »/« historia » y con la idea de relato « oral »/« escrito »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 838 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-15422 (1055709)
Type: Article in book
Author: Donini, Pier Luigi
Title of Article: La giustizia nel medio platonismo, in Aspasio e in Apuleio
Title of Publication: La « Repubblica » di Platone nella tradizione antica. Ed. Vegetti, Mario & Abbate, Michele (Saggi Bibliopolis, 60), Napoli : Bibliopolis, 1999. 255 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 131-150
Abstract: To clarify the question of whether or not God possesses justice and wisdom according to Middle Platonic doctrine, studies the concept of justice in
Apuleius, « De Platone » ; Aspasius, « In EN ».

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aspasius Peripateticus - Études

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Record 839 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00288 (1052152)
Type: Article in book
Author: Cueva, Edmund Paul
Title of Article: The art and myth of « Cupid and Psyche »
Title of Publication: « Veritatis amicitiaeque causa »: essays in honor of Anna Lydia Motto and John R. Clark. Ed. Byrne, Shannon Nora & Cueva, Edmund Paul,
Wauconda (Ill.) : Bolchazy-Carducci, 1999. XVI-345 p.

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Language: anglais
Pages: 53-69
Abstract: A re-examination of some of the myths in Apuleius' novel and their artistic depictions is needed in order to ascertain whether pre-Apuleian artistic
representations of the Cupid and Psyche story exist.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - G. - Culture - b) History of art - - Roman and Greco-Roman art - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Cupido (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

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Record 840 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00326 (844082)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Cavicchioli, Sonia
Title of Article: Il ciclo di Psiche alla Farnesina e le prime traduzioni italiane di Apuleio: considerazioni e proposte di lettura degli affreschi
Title of Publication: Fontes : rivista di filologia, iconografia e storia della tradizione classica
Volume (year) pages: 2: 3-4 (1999) 79-95, 14 p. de pl.
Abstract Information: rés. en ital. et en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1127-6851
Abstract: Le prime traduzioni in volgare delle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio, sorte in ambiente estense (1507, 1516 e 1549), costituiscono le fonti ispirative degli
affreschi di Raffaello e ne spiegano l'iconografia e i rapporti con le opere degli allievi dedicate a Psiche

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 841 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00330 (844085)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Buffa Giolito, Maria Franca
Title of Article: Tracce di medicina pseudoippocratica in due trattati fitoterapici tardolatini: Polibo di Kos
Title of Publication: Κοινωνία
Volume (year) pages: 23: 1 (1999) 39-54
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0393-2230
Abstract: Nella « centauria minor » o « herba 35 » dell'« Herbarius » dello Pseudo-Apuleio, al posto della lezione « polidus » si propone « Polybos », con
riferimento al medico di Kos, discepolo di Ippocrate. Ne deriverebbe una testimonianza della persistenza del pensiero ippocrateo nella cultura medico-
botanica occidentale tardoantica, seppure attraverso fonti o sillogi di traduzioni latine

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Hippocrates, Corpus Hippocraticum - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Herbarium - 35
Nom antique: Polubos (disciple d’Hippocrate)

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Record 842 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-03518 (1035848)
Type: Article in book
Author: Briquel, Dominique
Title of Article: Minucius Felix
Title of Publication: La divination dans le monde étrusco-italique. 8, Des Sévères à Constantin : les écrivains du IIIe siècle et l'« Etrusca disciplina » : actes de la table
ronde tenue à l'ENS les 24 et 25 octobre 1997. Ed. Briquel, Dominique & Guittard, Charles (Caesarodunum. Supplément, 66), Tours : Université de
Tours, Institut d’études latines, 1999. 187 p.
Language: français
Abstract Information: en franç.
Pages: 125-130
Abstract: Examine surtout Octauius 26-27, chapitres qui critiquent les affirmations de Caecilius concernant l'importance des auspices et des augures romains.
L'auteur suit ici le Cicéron de la seconde partie du « De diuinatione » et du « De natura deorum ». Pour Minucius, toutefois, suivant cette fois
l'« Apologeticum » de Tertullien et l'Apulée du « De deo Socratis », la divination est l'œuvre des démons. Tout compte fait, ce sont plutôt les augures
que les haruspices qui constituent sa cible principale

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Minucius Felix (M.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Tertullianus (Q. Septimius Florens) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Minucius Felix (M.) - Octauius [view article in LLT-A] - 26

To cite this record

Record 843 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-06932 (1033858)
Type: Article in book
Author: Braund, Susanna Morton
Title of Article: Moments of love: Lucretius, Apuleius, Monteverdi, Strauss

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Title of Publication: Amor, Roma: love & Latin literature : eleven essays (and one poem) by former research students presented to E. J. Kenney on his seventy-fifth
birthday. Ed. Braund, Susanna Morton & Mayer, Roland G. (Supplementary volume / Cambridge Philological Society, 22), Cambridge : Cambridge
Philological Society, 1999. 208 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 174-198
Abstract: Lucrèce, De rerum natura 1, 31-40. Apulée, Métamorphoses 5, 22-23

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucretius Carus (T.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 22
Lucretius Carus (T.) - De Rerum Natura [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 31 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 844 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-11930 (1032218)
Type: Article in book
Author: Braarvig, Jens
Title of Article: Magic: reconsidering the Grand Dichotomy
Title of Publication: The world of ancient magic: papers from the first International Samson Eitrem Seminar at the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 4-8 May 1997. Ed.
Jordan, David R., Montgomery, Hugo & Thomassen, Einar (Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 4), Athens ; Bergen : Norwegian Institute at
Athens, 1999. 335 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 21-54
Abstract: Zur Abgrenzung des Phänomens Magie am Beispiel von Empedokles, Gorgias, der Abhandlung über die Heilige Krankheit, Apuleius, der Theurgie
und anderen.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Empedocles - Études
Gorgias - Études
Hippocrates, Corpus Hippocraticum - Études

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Record 845 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00293 (850651)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bocciolini Palagi, Laura
Title of Article: Il suicidio eroico di Carite-Didone (Apul. Met. 8, 13-14)
Title of Publication: Invigilata Lucernis
Volume (year) pages: 21 (1999) 63-78
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-8357
Abstract: Dal confronto testuale emerge come modello del passo apuleiano il racconto virgiliano del suicidio eroico di Didone nell'« Eneide ». Per la
caratterizzazione di Carite « pudica mulier » e « perpetua coniunx » Apuleio fa però riferimento alla versione punica della leggenda di Didone

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Dido (héroïne ; reine de Carthage)

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Record 846 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00286 (1052150)
Type: Article in book
Author: Benardete, Seth
Title of Article: Metamorphosis and conversion: Apuleius's « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Literary imagination, ancient and modern: essays in honor of David Grene. Ed. Breyfogle, Todd, Chicago (Ill.) : University of Chicago Pr., 1999. 405 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 155-176

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 847 of 2062 Reference: APh 80-00313 (911408)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Arfé, Pasquale
Title of Article: The annotations of Nicolaus Cusanus and Giovanni Andrea Bussi on the « Asclepius »
Title of Publication: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes
Volume (year) pages: 62 (1999) 29-59, ill.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0075-4390

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Abstract: The manuscript Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale Albert 1er 10054-56, datable to the first third of the 9th cent., contains the philosophical opuscula of
Apuleius and the « Asclepius » of Hermes Trismegistus. Study of the annotations of Cardinal Nicolaus Cusanus (1401-1464) and of his learned
secretary Giovanni Andrea Bussi (1417-1475) on the text of the « Asclepius » shows their common effort to recover the fragments of an ancient past,
and their differing attitudes to that world. Of the two men, Bussi was the most significant corrector. Since Bussi was the editor of the « Opera » of
Apuleius printed at Rome in 1469 by the prototypographers Sweynheym and Pannartz, what is needed now is a reconsideration of the relation
between the Brussels MS and the « editio princeps » of Apuleius.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Bussi, Giovanni Andrea (bibliothécaire pontifical ; 1417-1475)
Nicolaus Cusanus (théologien et philosophe allemand ; 1401-1464)


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Record 848 of 2062 Reference: APh 84-03051 (1077509)
Type: Article in book
Author: Anderson, Graham
Title of Article: The novella in Petronius
Title of Publication: Latin fiction: the Latin novel in context. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz, London : Routledge, 1999. XI-277 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 52-63
Abstract: The novella as a short realistic story was already well established in Greek literature. The extant portion of Petronius's « Satyrica » has at least five
fully worked novellas, and there might have been 20-30 inset novellas in the work as a whole. We should also note the tendency of individual episodes
in the text to resemble the novella in character. Petronius's use of the novella is compared to Apuleius's.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 849 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00287 (850647)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Álvarez Valadés, Josefa
Title of Article: Apuleyo Met. X 33, 1-3: observaciones sobre el tema del proceso y la muerte de Sócrates
Title of Publication: Polis: Revista de Ideas y Formas Políticas de la Antigüedad Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 11 (1999) 35-52
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 1130-0728
Abstract: Apuleyo toma la figura de Sócrates, perfecto ejemplo de vida dedicada a la filosofía, como excusa para incidir en la polémica entre filosofía y retórica

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 33 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 850 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00290 (258615)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers / ed. by Maaike Zimmerman [et al.]
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Groningen: Forsten, 1998
Description: XII-236 p., ill. index
Further Information: Pour 1 => 49-00270

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 49-00270: Aspects of Apuleius' Golden ass
Cf 83-00216: Aspects of Apuleius’ « Golden ass ». 3

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Record 851 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00296 (252689)
Type: Monograph
Author: Weiss, Charles Gray
Title of Publication: Literary turns: the representation of conversion in Aelius Aristides' Hieroi logoi and Apuleius' Metamorphoses
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 1998
Description: 173 p.

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Further Information: Thesis (Ph. D.) - Yale University, New Haven (Conn.), 1998. Summary in : DA 1998-1999 59 (6) : 2006A. Microform available from : University
Microfilms International, Ann Arbor (Mich.), no. AAT 9837308

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aristides Rhetor - Études

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Record 852 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00271 (1028292)
Type: Article in book
Author: Vassart, Patrick
Title of Article: L' « Apologie » d'Apulée: témoignage des droits de la défense sous le Principat
Title of Publication: Le monde antique et les droits de l'homme: actes de la 50e session de la Société internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l'histoire des droits de
l'antiquité : Bruxelles, 16-19 septembre 1996. Ed. Jones, Huguette, Bruxelles : Université libre de Bruxelles, 1998. 516 p.
Language: français
Pages: 373-394

Discipline after vol. 67: VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 853 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00334 (1045658)
Type: Article in book
Author: Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin
Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Article: The many voices in « Cupid and Psyche »
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 83-102
Abstract: Le conte d'« Amour et Psyché » fonctionne en fait selon les mêmes principes narratifs que le reste des « Métamorphoses ». Avec l'« anus », narrateur
omniscient, Apulée contrôle toutes les informations qui parviennent au lecteur, aussi bien qu'à Lucius, en jouant sur l'alternance des voix entre le « je-
narré » (l'« actor ») et le « je-narrant » (l'« auctor »). Ce faisant, il ménage le suspense et prépare les effets de surprise

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 854 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00283 (258613)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin
Title of Publication: Apulée, Les Métamorphoses, Livre II, 1-20: introduction, texte, traduction et commentaire / [par] Danielle Karin Van Mal-Maeder
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 1998
Description: 362 p., index
Further Information: Thèse de l'Université de Groningen. Avec rés. en néerlandais. Disponible en ligne au format PDF à l'adresse suivante :

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 1

Related Publication(s)
Cf 72-00311: Apuleius Madaurensis, Metamorphoses. Livre II

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Record 855 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00268 (1028291)
Type: Article in book
Author: Töchterle, Karlheinz
Title of Article: Apuleius als Isisjünger im Rahmen der Erzählstruktur seines Romans
Title of Publication: Religion - Literatur - Künste: Aspekte eines Vergleichs. Ed. Tschuggnall, Peter (Im Kontext, 4), Anif/Salzburg : Müller-Speiser, 1998. 558 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 179-190

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 856 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00353 (255573)
Type: Monograph

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Author: Teixeira, Cláudia Amparo Afonso

Title of Publication: A conquista da alegria: a apologia proselítica no romance de Apuleio
Language: portugais
Place: Publisher, year: Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras, 1998
Description: 114 f.
Further Information: Dissertação de mestrado em literaturas clásicas (literatura latina)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 857 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00332 (1045656)
Type: Article in book
Author: Smith, Warren S.
Title of Article: « Cupid and Psyche » tale: mirror in the novel
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 69-82
Abstract: Le ton tragique du conte d'« Amour et Psyché » donne à l'ensemble des « Métamorphoses » une autorité qui permet de comprendre la signification
profonde de l'histoire de Lucius et de sa rédemption

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 858 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00267 (838295)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Slater, Niall W.
Title of Article: Passion and petrifaction: the gaze in Apuleius
Title of Publication: Classical Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Classical Antiquity
Volume (year) pages: 93: 1 (1998) 18-48, ill.
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-837X
Abstract: Control of the gaze shifts fundamentally in the course of Apuleius' novel. Not only does the centrally set description of the sculpture group Diana and
Actaeon (2, 4-5) foreshadow the shift, but readers can use such works of art to evaluate both this shift and the great change experienced by the
narrator at the novel's end.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 4


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Record 859 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00355 (872474)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Schindel, Ulrich
Title of Article: Der Titel von Apuleius' Verteidigungsrede
Title of Publication: Studi Medievali
Volume (year) pages: 3a ser., 39: 2 (1998) 865-888
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-8467
Abstract: Nota sul problema del titolo originario del discorso di autodifesa di Apuleio e sulla possibilità che la dicitura « Apologia » potesse essere utilizzata già
al tempo di Apuleio. Il doppio titolo « Apologia siue De magia », che troviamo a partire dalla « editio princeps » del 1469, non è da considerarsi
automaticamente come invenzione umanistica e ha qualche possibilità di essere autentico

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 860 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00265 (838294)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Puccini, Géraldine
Title of Article: La folie amoureuse dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé
Volume (year) pages: 4 (1998) 318-336
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-5527

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Abstract: Brève étude lexicale des différents termes utilisés par Apulée pour désigner la folie (notamment les mots « furor », « uesania », « insania »). Analyse
de la signification de la folie amoureuse apuléenne dans ses relations avec certaines notions apparentées, élaborées par la tradition médico-
philosophique, notamment en ce qui concerne le problème du rapport entre l'âme et le corps.

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
VIII. - Science and technology - E. - Life science and technology - c) Medical science - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 861 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00325 (1045653)
Type: Article in book
Author: Pinkster, Harm
Title of Article: The use of narrative tenses in Apuleius' « Amor and Psyche »
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 103-111
Abstract: Après discussion de deux articles notés 52-00236 et 57-00252, il apparaît qu'Apulée, dans son usage du présent historique et du parfait, respecte
parfaitement les règles du latin classique

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - c) Grammar (morphology, syntax, textual analysis) - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 52-00236: Uso dei tempi e degli aspetti verbali a fini stilistici nella favola di Amore e Psiche di Apuleio
Cf 57-00252: Présent de narration et parfait dans le conte de Psyché

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Record 862 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00820 (838535)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pieri, Bruna
Title of Article: Mediazioni (neo)platoniche e cristianismi indiretti: « beatifico » e « beatificus » in Agostino
Title of Publication: Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 16 (1998) 253-265
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0946-8439
Abstract: In Agostino, il verbo « beatifico » presenta, rispetto alla lingua della Scritture, un duplice ribaltamento semantico, che va nella direzione di una
tecnicizzazione del suo significato : il valore di « rendere » prevale nettamente su quello di « dichiarare felice ». Inoltre, l'origine della « beatitudo » non
appare in alcun modo legata ad una sfera terrena. Facendo di Dio, il « beatificator hominum », la sola fonte di felicità per l'uomo, Agostino si sente
parzialmente debitore a Platone e ai Platonici, di « beatificus » è con ogni probabilità debitore ad Apuleio (Plat. 1, 5).

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 863 of 2062 Reference: APh 77-00993 (1052373)
Type: Article in book
Author: Pépin, Jean
Title of Article: « Falsi mediatores duo »: aspects de la médiation dans le sermon d'Augustin « Contra paganos » (S. Dolbeau 26)
Title of Publication: Augustin prédicateur (395-411): actes du colloque international de Chantilly (5-7 septembre 1996). Ed. Madec, Goulven (Collection des Études
Augustiniennes. Série Antiquité, 159), Paris : Institut d’Études Augustiniennes, 1998. 547 p.
Language: français
Pages: 395-417
Abstract: Le sermon Dolbeau 26 attaque des pratiques païennes de médiation, d'inspiration porphyrienne, visant à s'élever jusqu'au Créateur par le seul effort
de l'âme : celle-ci, selon Augustin, est un « faux médiateur » entre l'homme et Dieu. C'est le diable qui inspire ce mouvement d'orgueil à l'esprit
humain. Par ailleurs les faux médiateurs peuvent être les démons, selon un schéma emprunté probablement au Ps.-Apulée (« De deo Socratis »). Le
sermon systématise l'opposition entre les faux médiateurs et le vrai médiateur, le Christ

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - d) Christianity - - Theology and dogma - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Porphyrius Neoplatonicus [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 864 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00347 (844096)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Penwill, John L.
Title of Article: Reflections on a « happy ending » :: the case of Cupid and Psyche

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Title of Publication: Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature

Volume (year) pages: 27: 2 (1998) 160-182
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0048-671X
Abstract: The author's earlier interpretation (=> 46, p. 22) is correct in asserting that the Cupid and Psyche story is the narrative of the soul's fall from pristine
innocence to enslavement to desire and is in contrast to the story of Lucius rather than a parallel.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 865 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00264 (838293)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Papaïoannou, Sophia
Title of Article: Charite's rape, Psyche on the rock and the parallel function of marriage in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 51: 3 (1998) 302-324
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/1568525982611506
Abstract: Charite and Psyche employ as much legal terminology as possible to describe their cases because they do not accept the idea that their weddings
have not actually been completed. Psyche's adventures after the interruption of her legally incomplete wedding are given in detail because the
purpose behind their narrative is to highlight the struggle of the heroine toward the re-establishment and legal validation of her wedding, and to furnish
a similar model of reaction for Charite.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 866 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00323 (1045652)
Type: Article in book
Author: Panayotakis, Stelios
Title of Article: Slander and warfare in Apuleius' tale of Cupid and Psyche
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 151-164
Abstract: Étude du lexique et des métaphores militaires

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 867 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00358 (1035316)
Type: Article in book
Author: Panayotakis, Stelios
Title of Article: On wine and nightmares: Apul. « Met. » 1, 18
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 9. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998. XI-240 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 115-129
Abstract: En Met. 1, 18, Aristomène explique son cauchemar, de façon quasi médicale, par un excès de vin. Ce diagnostic est bien connu des traités médicaux
anciens et par de nombreux textes littéraires sur les rêves. Cependant, Apulée met ce motif au service de la narration, puisque le vin est omniprésent
dans son roman et que la confusion qu'il engendre correspond bien à l'irréalité et au jeu sur les apparences que mettent en scène les
« Métamorphoses »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 18

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Record 868 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00319 (1045649)
Type: Article in book
Author: O'Brien, Maeve C.
Title of Article: « For every tatter in its mortal dress »: Love, the soul and her sisters
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.

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Language: anglais
Pages: 23-34
Abstract: Dans une certaine mesure, le conte d'« Amour et Psyché » représente de façon allégorique la tripartition platonicienne de l'âme. Les sœurs, qui ne
portent pas de noms, symbolisent la partie la plus basse, Psyché la partie centrale, entre connaissance et ignorance, et Amour la partie la plus élevée.
C'est par le langage que l'âme peut être menée à la vraie connaissance ou en être détournée, au contraire, ainsi par le bavardage des sœurs.
L'ambivalence du discours, une explication des théories du langage sur un mode platonicien et une réflexion sur les pouvoirs de la rhétorique
constituent les vrais sujets du conte

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 869 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-03284 (253155)
Type: Monograph
Author: Müller, Hendrik
Title of Publication: Liebesbeziehungen in Ovids Metamorphosen und ihr Einfluss auf den Roman des Apuleius
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Göttingen: Hainholz, 1998
Description: 292 p.
Collection: Göttinger Schriften zur Klassischen Philologie, 1

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, (1999) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=1999&volume=10&issue=&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Álvarez Morán, María Consuelo, in: Gnomon, :3 (2002) 211-215&atitle=&pages=211-215&date=2002&volume=74&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

Related Publication(s)
Cf 71-03589: Liebesbeziehungen in Ovids Metamorphosen und ihr Einfluss auf den Roman des Apuleius

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Record 870 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-02914 (851936)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Monti, Salvatore
Title of Article: « Iuvenaliana ». 6,: Sat. VI 379-84 : l'« uxor citharoeda »
Title of Publication: Rendiconti della Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti / Società Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Napoli
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 67 (1997-1998) 55-63
Language: latin
Abstract Information: en ital.
ISSN/ISBN: 0393-3520
Abstract: Per il precedente, => 66-02425. Il passo si ispira probabilmente ad Apul. flor. 15 Helm, p. 20, 6-21, 1

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Iuuenalis (D. Iunius) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 15
Iuuenalis (D. Iunius) - Saturae [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 379 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
Cf 66-02425: Tre noterelle giovenaliane

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Record 871 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00313 (850664)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Méthy, Nicole
Title of Article: Poésie et culture dans l'Afrique du second siècle: le témoignage de l'« Apologie » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire = Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis
Volume (year) pages: 76: 1 (1998) 87-98
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-0818
DOI: 10.3406/rbph.1998.4256
Abstract: Témoignage nécessairement limité mais cependant révélateur, l'« Apologie » définit les cercles cultivés africains qui constituaient le milieu d'Apulée.
Ancienne et nouvelle, grecque et latine, la poésie y fait partie intégrante de la vie sociale, tout en demeurant de forme très artificielle. De fait, cette
production ne comporte aucun trait proprement africain mais dénote au contraire une profonde aspiration à l'universel

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - a) Poetry - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)


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Record 872 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-04302 (840078)
Type: Article in journal
Author: McCreight, Thomas D.
Title of Article: « Apuleius, lector Sallustii »: lexicographical, textual and intertextual observations on Sallust and Apuleius
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 51: 1 (1998) 41-63
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/1568525982611740
Abstract: On Sallust, Hist. 3, 102-103 Maurenbrecher = 4, 14-15 McGushin (« pergnarus » vs. « perignarus ») and Apuleius, Apol. 12, 1 (« gnara » vs. « ignara
»). An examination of stylistic and lexicographical propensities in Sallust and Apuleius shows it is probable that the progression « gnarus … pergnarus
» was first used by Sallust and later adapted by Apuleius. This likelihood, when combined with Apuleius' tendency elsewhere to use Sallustian modes
of thought and expression, allows us to use the posited connexion between the two authors in order to arrive at the correct reading in some cases
where we have manuscripts variants.

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Sallustius Crispus (C.), Appendix Sallustiana [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 12 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Sallustius Crispus (C.), Appendix Sallustiana - Historiarum reliquiae [view article in LLT-A] - 3 - 102 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 873 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00347 (1035311)
Type: Article in book
Author: May, Regine
Title of Article: Köche und Parasit: Elemente der Komödie in den « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 9. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998. XI-240 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 131-155
Abstract: En Met. 10, 13-17, il faut voir l'influence de Plaute, aussi bien dans la mise en scène que dans le style. Ce passage est probablement une création
d'Apulée et ne doit rien aux originaux grecs

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - b) Drama - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 13 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 874 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00316 (1045648)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mattiacci, Silvia
Title of Article: Neoteric and elegiac echoes in the tale of Cupid and Psyche by Apuleius
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 127-149

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - a) Poetry - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 875 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00310 (1045646)
Type: Article in book
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Title of Article: A bird's chatter: form and meaning in Apuleius' Metamorphoses 5, 28
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.
Language: anglais

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Pages: 165-188
Abstract: Le message apporté par la mouette à Vénus (Met. 5, 28) tend à la fois à divertir le lecteur, à anticiper certains développements de l'action et à
proposer des réflexions plus profondes sur l'usage de la parole et de la vérité, le rôle de l'amour et celui des dieux. Étude générale du motif littéraire
des annonces faites par des oiseaux

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 28 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 876 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00312 (262085)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Kenney, Edward John
Title of Publication: The golden ass or Metamorphoses / transl. with an introd. and notes by Edward John Kenney
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: London: Penguin Books, 1998
Description: XLIII-267 p., cartes index
Collection: Penguin classics

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

May, Regine, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2001) 407-408&atitle=&pages=407-408&date=2001&volume=N. S., 51&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Smith, Warren S., in: International journal of the classical tradition, :3 (2001 2000) 435-438&atitle=&pages=435-438&date=2001&volume=7&
issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 877 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00306 (1045643)
Type: Article in book
Author: James, Paula
Title of Article: The unbearable lightness of being: « Levis Amor » in the « Metamorphoses » of Apuleius
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 35-49
Abstract: L'envol, l'aspiration au divin, la chute éventuelle sont des motifs récurrents dans les contes, qu'Apulée exploite diversement

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 77-00306: To baldly go

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Record 878 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00304 (1032668)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: Two erotic poems in Apuleius' « Apology »
Title of Publication: Studies in Latin literature and Roman history. 9. Ed. Deroux, Carl (Collection Latomus, 244), Bruxelles : Latomus, 1998. 501 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 448-461
Abstract: À propos de Apol. 9, 1-13, 4

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 879 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00258 (838290)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: The enigmatic lady Pudentilla
Title of Publication: American Journal of Philology
Volume (year) pages: 119: 2 (1998) 275-291
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9475
DOI: 10.1353/ajp.1998.0026

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Abstract: Review of the most important pieces of information about Pudentilla provided by Apuleius' Apology, considered in relation to the aims and strategies of
the speaker. The truly reliable information about her is scanty, and modern scholars should therefore be wary in using the Apology as evidence for
their theories about Pudentilla.

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - A. - General history - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)


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Record 880 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00340 (1035308)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: Comedy in Apuleius' « Apology »
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 9. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998. XI-240 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 97-113
Abstract: L'« Apologie » contient de nombreux mots comiques et des références au théâtre. De plus, la « narratio » elle-même reprend les schémas de la

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 881 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-07714 (1036649)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: The Milesian tales and the Roman novel
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 9. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998. XI-240 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 61-73
Abstract: L'influence des « Fables milésiennes » sur les romans de Pétrone et d'Apulée est indéniable, non seulement pour la tonalité érotique de certains
épisodes, mais aussi pour la structure même de ces œuvres, avec une narration continue dans laquelle sont insérés de petits contes indépendants

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Aristides Milesius - Réception et survie
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 882 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00301 (1045640)
Type: Article in book
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: Some epic structures in « Cupid and Psyche »
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 51-68
Abstract: Influence de l'« Énéide »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 883 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00257 (252684)
Type: Monograph
Author: Harris, Diane Monique
Title of Publication: Body and text in Apuleius's The golden ass and Richardson's Pamela
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 1998
Description: 240 p.
Further Information: Thesis (Ph. D.) - University of Toronto, Toronto (Ont.), 1998. Summary in : DA 1999-2000 60 (1) : 117A. Microform available from : University
Microfilms International, Ann Arbor (Mich.), no. AAT NQ35177

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 884 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00256 (838289)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: Memorie virgiliane nelle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio: il racconto di Telifrone (II 19-30) e l'assalto dei coloni ai servi fuggitivi (VIII 16-18)
Title of Publication: Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche
Volume (year) pages: 50: 1 (1998) 123-145
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-0538
Abstract: Valore e significato del modello virgiliano e strategie apuleiane del ricorso ad esso. L'identificazione di Telifrone con Palinuro e Deifobo, il certamen
agreste e altri passi a confronto

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - 19 [CWKB Resolver]
- 8 - 16 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 885 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-06825 (840882)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fortes Fortes, José
Title of Article: Hispanische Pflanzennamen im Pseudo-Dioskurides und Pseudo-Apuleius
Title of Publication: Glotta: Zeitschrift für Griechische und Lateinische Sprache
Volume (year) pages: 74: 1-2 (1997-1998) 1-11
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-1298
Abstract: Die bei diesen Autoren als hispanisch bezeichneten Namen haben häufig Parallelen im Berberischen. Sie gehören damit zu einer Gruppe von
Wörtern, die in Gebieten nördlich von Afrika verbreitet, aber nicht als Wanderwörter zu betrachten sind. Es könnte sich möglicherweise um Reste einer
oder mehrerer paraberberischer Sprachen im europäischen Mittelmeergebiet handeln.

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - A. - General subjects. Comparative linguistics - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Dioscorides Pedanius - Études
Places: Afrique du Nord (rég.)
Ibérique, Péninsule (rég.)

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Record 886 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00334 (255571)
Type: Monograph
Author: Finkelpearl, Ellen
Title of Publication: Metamorphosis of language in Apuleius: a study of allusion in the novel
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Ann Arbor (Mich.): University of Michigan Pr., 1998
Description: VIII-241 p., index

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Bitel, Anton, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (2000) 245-246&atitle=&pages=245-246&date=2000&volume=90&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Graverini, Luca, in: Maia, :1 (2000) 185-189&atitle=&pages=185-189&date=2000&volume=52&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Mason, Hugh John, in: Phoenix, :1-2 (1999) 173-175&atitle=&pages=173-175&date=1999&volume=53&issue=1-2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Sandy, Gerald N., in: American Journal of Philology, :3 (1999) 471-475&atitle=&pages=471-475&date=1999&volume=120&issue=3&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Slater, Niall W., in: Classical Philology, :3 (2000) 371-374&atitle=&pages=371-374&date=2000&volume=95&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Whitmarsh, Tim, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (1999) 414-415&atitle=&pages=414-415&date=1999&volume=N. S., 49&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Zimmerman, Maaike, in: Gnomon, :3 (2002) 219-224&atitle=&pages=219-224&date=2002&volume=74&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 887 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-03017 (859334)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Ferraces Rodríguez, Arsenio
Title of Article: De Dioscórides y Faventino a Isidoro de Sevilla: el capítulo « De argento » (XVI, 19) de las « Etimologías »
Title of Publication: Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 26 (1998) 95-108
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en franç.
ISSN/ISBN: 0531-2175

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Abstract: À partir de l'analyse des techniques de traduction, avance l'hypothèse que ce chapitre d'Isidore et le texte interpolé de deux mss de l'« Herbier » du
Ps.-Apulée dérivent d'une même traduction de Dioscoride en latin. Mais il ne faut pas identifier cette traduction avec l'« Herbarius Dioscoridis »
mentionné par Cassiodore (Inst. 1, 31, 2), étant donné que le titre exclut la présence de développements sur la minéralogie. L'identification des
sources du chapitre en question d'Isidore, Dioscoride et Faventinus, permet enfin de résoudre certaines difficultés du texte des « Étymologies »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Cassiodorus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Dioscorides Pedanius - Réception et survie
Fauentinus (M. Cetius) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Isidorus Hispalensis [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Cassiodorus - Institutiones - 1 - 31 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]
Isidorus Hispalensis - Etymologiarum siue Originum libri XX - 16 - 19 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 888 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00297 (1032667)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fernández Corte, José Carlos
Title of Article: Poética apuleyana, ideología filosófica y teorías modernas de la ficción
Title of Publication: IX congreso español de estudios clásicos: Madrid, 27 al 30 de septiembre de 1995. 5, : Literatura latina. Ed. Vidal, José Luis & Alvar Ezquerra,
Antonio, Madrid : Sociedad Española de Êstudios Clásicos, 1998. VI-196 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 67-72

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 889 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00253 (1028289)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fauth, Wolfgang
Title of Article: Magie und Mysterium in den Metamorphosen des Apuleius
Title of Publication: « Chartulae »: Festschrift für Wolfgang Speyer. Ed. Dassmann, Ernst, Thraede, Klaus & Engemann, Josef (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum.
Ergänzungsband, 28), Münster : Aschendorff, 1998. XIV-310 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 131-144

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 890 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00291 (1045634)
Type: Article in book
Author: Dowden, Ken
Title of Article: Cupid and Psyche: a question of the vision of Apuleius
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 1-22
Abstract: Le conte d'« Amour et Psyché », lu comme une allégorie de l'âme perdue, puis sauvée, s'inscrit dans un courant de pensée qui tient assurément du
platonisme, mais surtout d'une tradition représentée par Philon, puis par des gnostiques valentiniens comme Ptolémée

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Philo Alexandrinus - Réception et survie
Ptolemaeus Gnosticus - Réception et survie

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Record 891 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00331 (1030446)
Type: Article in book
Author: Cizek, Eugen
Title of Article: Le pythagorisme dans les « Florides » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Le pythagorisme en milieu romain: actes du colloque. Ed. Ternes, Charles-Marie, Lehmann, Yves & Freyburger, Gérard (Études luxembourgeoises
d'histoire et de littérature romaine, 2), Luxembourg : Centre Alexandre-Wiltheim, 1998. 125 p.
Language: français
Pages: 6-18
Abstract: Apulée reconnaît dans Flor., 15 qu'il « pythagorise », et son platonisme est en effet pythagoricien. Apulée nous renseigne sur la vie et les tribulations
de Pythagore ; il connaît en profondeur le spiritualisme pythagoricien ; il prône en particulier l'examen de conscience, la confession, le silence
consacré à la méditation

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Pythagoras, Pythagorae sectatores - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 15

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Record 892 of 2062 Type: Article in journal Reference: APh 71-00284 (850645)
Author: Caltagirone, Giovanna
Title of Article: La favola di Amore e Psiche: la parodia del mito
nell'opera di due scrittori « moderni » : da Lucio Apuleio
ad Alberto Savinio
Title of Publication: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università
di Cagliari
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 16 (1998) 413-422
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1125-8713
Abstract: La complessa ripresa della favola di Amore e Psiche
operata da Savinio realizza un processo di
contemporaneizzazione del mito stesso

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom récent: Savinio, Alberto

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Record 893 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-06487 (1031484)
Type: Article in book
Author: Callebat, Louis
Title of Article: Le grotesque dans la littérature latine
Title of Publication: Le rire des anciens: actes du colloque international (Université de Rouen, École normale supérieure, 11-13 janvier 1995). Ed. Trédé, Monique,
Hoffmann, Philippe & Auvray-Assayas, Clara (Études de Littérature Ancienne, 8), Paris : Pr. de l’École Normale Supérieure, 1998. 328 p.
Language: français
Pages: 101-111
Abstract: Le grotesque dans la littérature étant défini comme la transgression concertée d'une esthétique de l'harmonie, l'étude dégage, principalement à partir
de Pétrone et d'Apulée, un certain nombre de traits qui distinguent le grotesque du burlesque : 1° le grotesque ne laisse place à aucune certitude ; 2°
il constitue une rupture fondamentale avec l'ordre universel du monde ; 3° c'est l'expression d'une répulsion et d'une fascination pour le monstrueux,
d'une recherche d'un au-delà des apparences qui parvient à allier des couples d'opposés tels que le risible et l'horreur

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - A. - General subjects. Literary history - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 894 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-06719 (253907)
Type: Monograph
Author: Callebat, Louis
Title of Publication: Langages du roman latin
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Hildesheim: Olms, 1998
Description: 301 p., index
Further Information: Concerne en grande partie Pétrone et Apulée
Collection: Spudasmata, 71

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - a) General subjects. History of the Latin language - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Dowden, Ken, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (2002) 80-82&atitle=&pages=80-82&date=2002&volume=N. S., 52&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Fry, Gérard, in: Museum Helveticum, :4 (2000) 305&atitle=&pages=305&date=2000&volume=57&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Rochette, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (2001) 313-315&atitle=&pages=313-315&date=2001&volume=70&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Vine, Brent, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:4 (2000) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2000&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Wenskus, Otta, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, :1-2 (2001) 124&atitle=&pages=124&date=2001&volume=54&issue=1-2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 895 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00285 (1045633)
Type: Article in book
Author: Brodersen, Susanne
Title of Article: Cupid's palace: a Roman villa (Apul. Met. 5, 1)
Title of Publication: Aspects of Apuleius' « Golden Ass ». 2,: Cupid and Psyche : a collection of original papers. Ed. Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1998.
XII-236 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 113-125
Abstract: Le palais où se rencontrent pour la première fois Amour et Psyché n'est pas le fruit de l'imagination d'Apulée. Son plan et sa décoration intérieure sont
bien ceux d'une villa romaine

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Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 1

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Record 896 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00251 (838287)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bradley, Keith R.
Title of Article: Contending with conversion: reflections on the reformation of Lucius the ass
Title of Publication: Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des Études Classiques
Volume (year) pages: 52: 3-4 (1998) 315-334
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: rés. en franç. p. 406
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-8299
Abstract: It is often said that at the conclusion of Apuleius' Metamorphoses Lucius « converts » to the cult of the goddess Isis. The polytheistic Greco-Roman
world, however, had no concept of religious conversion in the manner of monotheistic societies. The experience of Lucius was henotheistic.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 897 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-06225 (846617)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Biondi, Laura
Title of Article: Etimologie varroniane in Apuleius, « De nota aspirationis » e « De diphtongis » (ms. Reims, BM 432)
Title of Publication: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Lettere e Filosofia
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4a 3 (1-2) (1998) 145-179
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0393-8565
Abstract: Le numerose ascendenze varroniane riscontrabili nelle due sintesi ortografico-etimologiche ad uso scolastico attribuite al grammatico Apuleius,
operante in Italia nel XII secolo, risalgono a « excerpta » varroniani ancora circolanti nel Medioevo nella penisola

Ancient author and text: Varro Reatinus (M. Terentius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Apuleius (grammairien du 12e s.)

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Record 898 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00328 (1030445)
Type: Article in book
Author: Bex, Stéphane
Title of Article: Le parfum de la rose dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Saveurs, senteurs: le goût de la Méditerranée : actes du colloque. Ed. Carmignani, Paul, Laurichesse, Jean-Yves & Thomas, Joël (Études), Perpignan
: Pr. Universitaires de Perpignan, 1998. 458 p.
Language: français
Pages: 129-144
Abstract: Étude de la symbolique de la rose, omniprésente, dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée. Liens avec les cinq sens. Rôle joué par les bonnes et les
mauvaises odeurs. Sens des mouvements complémentaires d'ingestion et de déjection, de mort et de renaissance. Ces différentes approches
dévoilent le sens mystique du roman

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 899 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00250 (838286)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bajoni, Maria Grazia
Title of Article: Lucius utricida: per un'interpretazione di Apul. Met. 2. 32 pp. 51-52 Helm
Title of Publication: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 141: 2 (1998) 197-203
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-449X
Abstract: Überlegungen zu möglichen Vorbildern.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 32 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 900 of 2062 Type: Article in journal
Reference: APh 69-00249 (838285)

Author: Annequin, Jacques

Title of Article: Lucius-« asinus », Psyché-« ancilla »: esclavage et
structures de l'imaginaire dans les « Métamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne
Volume (year) pages: 24: 2 (1998) 89-128
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0755-7256
DOI: 10.3406/dha.1998.2393
Abstract: Lecture des « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée visant à
dégager l'architecture d'un monde où l'esclavage
affirme sa présence structurante. Il exprime aussi bien
la double nature de l'homme que le côté ombreux de sa
vie. Au cœur même de l'initiation, il dit le rapport du
nouvel initié à son dieu, fait de confiance amoureuse et
de soumission totale, comme le montre clairement
l'utilisation métaphorique du vocabulaire de la servitude

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 901 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00371 (1035324)
Type: Article in book
Author: Witte, Anne E.
Title of Article: Calendar and calendar motifs in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses » Book 11
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 8. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1997. IX-241 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 41-58
Abstract: Les allusions aux saisons, configurations astrales, lunaisons et solstices inscrivent l'initiation de Lucius dans un cycle d'une année et reflètent bien la
mentalité du 2e s. apr. J.-C., qui mêle de façon syncrétique les symboles païens et chrétiens de conversion et de renaissance

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 902 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00355 (844100)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Vassallo, Giovanni
Title of Article: Conoscenza magica, religiosa e scientifica in Apuleio di Madaura
Title of Publication: Mythos: Rivista di Storia delle Religioni
Volume (year) pages: 9 (1997) 101-121
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1972-2516
Abstract: Dall'esame di passi dell'« Apologia » si conclude che, nel caso di Apuleio, ogni forma di conoscenza, magica, religiosa o scientifica, è ugualmente
valida e viene comunque praticata in nome della « curiositas »

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Record 903 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00369 (1035322)
Type: Article in book
Author: Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin
Title of Article: « Lector, intende : laetaberis »: the enigma of the last book of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 8. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1997. IX-241 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 87-118
Abstract: Le livre 11, apparemment en rupture avec le reste des « Métamorphoses », peut être considéré de deux manières. Il pourrait s'agir d'un pastiche et
d'une caricature ironiques de certaines expériences mystiques personnelles, en continuité de ton avec les livres précédents. Pour reprendre une
remarque d'O. Pecere (=> 58-00241), si l'on admet une lacune à la fin des « Métamorphoses », dans le manuscrit F (Florence, Bibl. Medicea
Laurenziana, lat. 68, 2), on peut aussi, par comparaison avec l'« Onos » de Lucius de Patras, imaginer une conclusion différente, plus conforme à la
tonalité milésienne de l'ensemble

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucius Patrensis - Études

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Related Publication(s)
Cf 58-00241: Qualche riflessione sulla tradizione di Apuleio a Montecassino
Cf 77-03250: A pain in « The Ass »

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Record 904 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00333 (1045657)
Type: Article in book
Author: Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin
Title of Article: Descriptions et descripteurs: mais qui décrit dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée ?
Title of Publication: Der antike Roman und seine mittelalterliche Rezeption. Ed. Picone, Michelangelo & Zimmermann, Bernhard (Monte Verità), Basel ; Boston (Mass.) :
Birkhäuser, 1997. VI-350 p.
Language: français
Pages: 171-201
Abstract: Les descriptions remplissent une fonction esthétique et ornementale, mais qui se double parfois d'une fonction symbolique et proleptique, comme le
montrent des exemples tirés principalement du livre 2. Ces passages sont souvent à mettre au compte du « je-narrant », soit l'orateur accompli du
livre 11. Les « Métamorphoses » proposent en outre un jeu complexe de niveaux narratifs, intentionnellement difficile à définir

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 905 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00282 (1026024)
Type: Article in book
Author: Tasinato, Maria
Title of Article: La métamorphose du curieux: à propos de « L'Âne d'or »
Title of Publication: L' animal dans l'antiquité. Ed. Cassin, Barbara, Labarrière, Jean-Louis & Romeyer-Dherbey, Gilbert (Bibliothèque d'histoire de la philosophie. Nouvelle
série), Paris : Vrin, 1997. XIV-618 p.
Language: français
Pages: 483-490

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 906 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-03738 (1046410)
Type: Article in book
Author: Slater, Niall W.
Title of Article: Vision, perception, and phantasia in the Roman novel
Title of Publication: Der antike Roman und seine mittelalterliche Rezeption. Ed. Picone, Michelangelo & Zimmermann, Bernhard (Monte Verità), Basel ; Boston (Mass.) :
Birkhäuser, 1997. VI-350 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 89-105
Abstract: Chez Pétrone, malgré les distorsions créées par de mauvaises interprétations de personnages victimes d'illusions ou de leur ignorance, la réalité reste
bien perceptible pour le lecteur. Chez Apulée, au contraire, les frontières entre mondes réel et imaginaire sont plus floues

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 907 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00279 (833270)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Schmidt, Victor M.
Title of Article: Reaktionen auf das Christentum in den « Metamorphosen » des Apuleius
Title of Publication: Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Language
Volume (year) pages: 51: 1 (1997) 51-71
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-6032
DOI: 10.1163/157007297X00129
Abstract: Étude de Met. 9, 14. Arguments visant à montrer que, dans ce passage, s'exprime manifestement une hostilité à l'égard des chrétiens. Apulée est le
premier philosophe à réagir contre la qualification théologique du dieu chrétien comme « unicus ».

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - d) Christianity - - Theology and dogma - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
Cf 74-00356: Is there an allusion to the Christian Eucharist in Apuleius, Met. 9, 14-15 ?


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Record 908 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00266 (252685)
Type: Monograph
Author: Sandy, Gerald N.
Title of Publication: The Greek world of Apuleius: Apuleius and the Second Sophistic
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Leiden: Brill, 1997
Description: X-267 p., index
Collection: Mnemosyne. Supplements, 174

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Billault, Alain, in: Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé:1 (1998) 108-109&atitle=&pages=108-109&date=1998&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Harrison, Stephen J., in: Scholia N. S., N. S. (2000) 126-131&atitle=&pages=126-131&date=2000&volume=N. S., 9&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian, in: The Journal of Hellenic Studies, (2000) 164-165&atitle=&pages=164-165&date=2000&volume=120&issue=&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Panayotakis, Costas, in: Mnemosyne Ser. 4, Ser. 4:6 (1999) 755-757&atitle=&pages=755-757&date=1999&volume=Ser. 4, 52&issue=6&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Puccini, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (1998) 351-352&atitle=&pages=351-352&date=1998&volume=76&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 71-00302: Apuleius in context

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Record 909 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00329 (1045654)
Type: Article in book
Author: Rosati, Gianpiero
Title of Article: Racconto e interpretazione: forme e funzioni dell'ironia drammatica nelle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Der antike Roman und seine mittelalterliche Rezeption. Ed. Picone, Michelangelo & Zimmermann, Bernhard (Monte Verità), Basel ; Boston (Mass.) :
Birkhäuser, 1997. VI-350 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 107-127
Abstract: Chez Apulée, la technique de l'ironie dramatique, héritée de l'épopée et de la comédie, joue sur les différents niveaux de conscience des personnages
qui n'ont pas tous la même intelligence des situations. Ce procédé se trouve associée à un type de narration qui, par la mise en abyme des récits
(« Rahmenerzählung »), joue également sur la diffraction des points de vue. Seul le lecteur peut alors connaître la réalité

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 910 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-15073 (1041033)
Type: Article in book
Author: Pépin, Jean
Title of Article: À propos du platonicien Hermogène: deux notes de lecture de l'« Adversus Hermogenem » de Tertullien
Title of Publication: Studies in Plato and the Platonic tradition: essays presented to John Whittaker. Ed. Joyal, Mark A., Aldershot : Ashgate, 1997. XVIII-313 p.
Language: français
Pages: 191-200
Abstract: Étude des conceptions du philosophe Hermogène, telles que rapportées par Tertullien, sur la matière comme co-éternelle à Dieu (Adu. Hermog. 8, 3 ;
9.1) ; et comme « terra rudis » (Adu. Hermog. 23-29 ; cf. Genèse 1 : 1-2). Rapprochement avec la doctrine sur la matière d'Apulée (De Plat. I, 5)

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Tertullianus (Q. Septimius Florens) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Testamenta [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - De Platone et Eius Dogmate [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 5 [CWKB Resolver]
Tertullianus (Q. Septimius Florens) - Aduersus Hermogenem [view article in LLT-A]
- 23
- 8 - 3 [CWKB Resolver]
- 9 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Hermogenes (hérétique)

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Record 911 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00276 (833268)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Panayotakis, Stelios
Title of Article: « The master of the grave »: a note on Apul. Met. 9.2 (203, 26 H)
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava

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Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 50: 3 (1997) 295-301

Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/1568525972609762
Abstract: Note critique et exégétique à Met. 9, 2. Arguments en faveur de la lecture « Hypatafius » du ms. F (= Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, plut.
68, 2). Ce nom propre ne fait pas référence à une quelconque figure mythologique mais est forgé à partir des adjectifs grecs ὕπατος et τάφιος.
Résultat d'un jeu de mots étymologique et littéraire voulu par Apulée, il signifie quelque chose comme « le maître de la tombe »

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 2

Related Publication(s)
Cf 71-00307: Significant names in Apuleius


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Record 912 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00357 (1035315)
Type: Article in book
Author: Panayotakis, Stelios
Title of Article: « Insidiae Veneris »: lameness, old age and deception in the underworld (Apul. Met. 6, 18-19)
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 8. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1997. IX-241 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 23-39
Abstract: Les personnes que Psyché rencontre lors de sa descente aux Enfers ne sont pas nommées, car elles ne sont pas importantes en tant qu'individus.
Elles font partie de la tradition littéraire et représentent les infirmités, le grand âge et la trahison qui laissent Psyché dépendante de sa condition de

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 6 - 18

To cite this record

Record 913 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00345 (1041262)
Type: Article in book
Author: Ottria, Daniela
Title of Article: Codici e generi letterari nella « fabula » di Telifrone (Apul., Met., 2, 21-30): una proposta di rilettura e di confronto
Title of Publication: Latina didaxis. 12: atti del congresso, Bogliasco, 22-23 marzo 1997 : presenze del mito. Ed. Rocca, Silvana (Pubblicazioni del D.AR.FI.CL.ET. Nuova
Serie, 172), Genova : Compagnia dei Librai, 1997. 206 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 179-202

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 2 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 914 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00275 (833267)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Murgatroyd, Paul
Title of Article: Three Apuleian openings
Title of Publication: Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 56: 1 (1997) 126-133
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-8856
Abstract: Modern scholarly opinion now sees in the « Metamorphoses » order, neatness, dexterity and deliberate techniques of deception and surprise. One can
illustrate the presence of those elements in three carefully connected stories at Metam. 8, 15-22, concentrating in particular on their openings, which in
conjunction constitute an artful and playful tour de force of kaleidoscopic complexity and ingenuity

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 15 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 915 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00274 (833266)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Murgatroyd, Paul
Title of Article: Apuleian ecphrasis: Cupid's palace at Met. 5. 1. 2-5. 2. 2

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Title of Publication: Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie

Volume (year) pages: 125: 3 (1997) 357-366
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0777
Abstract: Die Ekphrasis enthält zahlreiche Reminiszenzen an die griechische und lateinische Literatur, bietet aber auch Neues. Sie ist fest im Kontext verankert
und dient nicht nur der Abwechslung, sondern hat auch eine dramatische Funktion innerhalb der Erzählung. Das Statische der Beschreibung wird
durch die Schilderung von Aktion und Reaktion der Erzählerin durchbrochen.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 1 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 916 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00309 (850662)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Maggiulli, Gigliola
Title of Article: « Uterque Plinius, uterque (Ps.) Apuleius »: (per una ricostruzione della dottrina pliniana nell'« Herbarius »)
Title of Publication: Romanobarbarica : contributi allo studio dei rapporti culturali tra mondo latino e mondo barbarico
Volume (year) pages: 14 (1996-1997) 103-142
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-285X
Abstract: Grazie al confronto sinottico di brani paralleli, si studiano i rapporti di dipendenza dell'« Herbarius » latino dei due Ps. Apuleio, il compilatore originario
(IV sec.) e il successivo interpolatore (V sec.), dalle opere dei due Plinio, la « Naturalis historia » di Plinio il Vecchio e i « De medicina libri tres » di un
epitomatore pliniano noto come « Plinius Secundus Iunior » (IV sec.)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plinius Secundus (C.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 917 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-03058 (1030956)
Type: Article in book
Author: Maggiulli, Gigliola
Title of Article: Lo ps. Apuleio di Marcello
Title of Publication: Serta antiqua et mediaevalia. Ed. (Università degli studi di Genova, Dipartimento di scienze dell'Antichità e del Medioevo. Nuova serie , 1), Roma : G.
Bretschneider, 1997. VII-487 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 211-224
Abstract: L'opera di Marcello di Bordeaux è la migliore tradizione indiretta dell'« Herbarius » pseudo-apuleiano, e mostra una costante affinità con la tradizione
testuale della classe α

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Marcellus Medicus - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 918 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-03390 (249944)
Type: Monograph
Author: Lefèvre, Eckard
Title of Publication: Studien zur Struktur der « Milesischen » Novelle bei Petron und Apuleius
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Stuttgart: Steiner, 1997
Description: 100 p.
Collection: Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse / Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, 1997

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Fedeli, Paolo, in: Latomus, :2 (2000) 465-466&atitle=&pages=465-466&date=2000&volume=59&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Grewing, Farouk, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, :1-2 (1998) 47-51&atitle=&pages=47-51&date=1998&volume=51&issue=1-2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (1999) 80-82&atitle=&pages=80-82&date=1999&volume=N. S., 49&issue=1&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Kissel, Walter, in: Gymnasium , :2 (1999) 177-178&atitle=&pages=177-178&date=1999&volume=106&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Tordeur, Pol, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (1999) 413&atitle=&pages=413&date=1999&volume=68&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin, in: Museum Helveticum, :4 (2000) 299&atitle=&pages=299&date=2000&volume=57&issue=4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Reference: APh 72-00344 (1035310)

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Record 919 of 2062 Type: Article in book
Author: Laird, Andrew
Title of Article: Description and divinity in Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 8. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen :
Forsten, 1997. IX-241 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 59-85
Abstract: Recension des descriptions d'images de dieux, œuvres d'art (ἐκφράσεις) ou apparitions, toutes
dépendantes du point de vue du narrateur, pour qui elles fonctionnent comme autant de

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 920 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00271 (833264)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Korenjak, Martin
Title of Article: Eine Bemerkung zum Metamorphosenprolog des Apuleius
Title of Publication: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 140: 3-4 (1997) 328-332
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-449X
Abstract: Zur Bedeutung von siquid exotici ac forensis sermonis rudis locutor offendero sowie zur Sprecherverteilung im Prolog.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 921 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-07268 (853507)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Konstan, David
Title of Article: Amor, matrimonio y amistad en la novela antigua
Title of Publication: Humanitas: Revista do Instituto de Estudos Clássicos
Volume (year) pages: 49 (1997) 117-133
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 352
ISSN/ISBN: 0871-1569
Abstract: Dans l'antiquité classique, l'amitié était représentée comme une relation affective entre partenaires égaux, tandis que l'amour érotique était conçu
comme une relation inégale entre un partenaire dominant, l'amant, et un partenaire au rôle subordonné, l'aimé. Le mariage était un exemple typique
de relation inégale. La nouvelle fait exception en ce qu'elle représente l'amour érotique entre homme et femme comme une relation entre partenaires
égaux. Des épisodes des « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée et des « Ephesiaca » de Xénophon d'Ephèse illustrent le chemin complexe par lequel amour,
amitié et mariage se croisent dans les romans

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - c) Narrative prose and historiography - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Xenophon Ephesius - Études

To cite this record

Record 922 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00308 (1045644)
Type: Article in book
Author: Keulen, Wytse
Title of Article: Some legal themes in Apuleian context
Title of Publication: Der antike Roman und seine mittelalterliche Rezeption. Ed. Picone, Michelangelo & Zimmermann, Bernhard (Monte Verità), Basel ; Boston (Mass.) :
Birkhäuser, 1997. VI-350 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 203-229
Abstract: Le lexique juridique des « Métamorphoses » reflète la formation d'Apulée, mais il faut l'envisager surtout comme un jeu littéraire à connotation
comique, sur le modèle de Plaute

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 923 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-06382 (250822)
Type: Monograph
Author: Imber, Margaret A.
Title of Publication: Tyrants and mothers: Roman education and ideology
Language: anglais

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Place: Publisher, year: [S. l.]: [s. n.], 1997

Description: 261 p.
Further Information: Thesis (Ph. D.) - Stanford University, Stanford (Calif.), 1997. Summary in : DA 1997-1998 58 (9) : 3668A. Microform available from : University
Microfilms International, Ann Arbor (Mich.), no. AAT 9810145.

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - c) Rhetoric - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 924 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00244 (252683)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Publication: Pro se de magia: apologia / Apuleius of Madaura ; ed. with a commentary by Vincent Jan Christian Hunink
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Amsterdam: Gieben, 1997
Description: 2 vol. (168, 250 p.)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes

Belayche, Nicole, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (1999) 419-420&atitle=&pages=419-420&date=1999&volume=68&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Harrison, Stephen J., in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (1999) 245-246&atitle=&pages=245-246&date=1999&volume=89&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Horsfall Scotti, Mariateresa, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (2000) 607-608&atitle=&pages=607-608&date=2000&volume=N. S., 50&issue=2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Johnston, Sarah Iles, in: Museum Helveticum, :4 (1998) 236-237&atitle=&pages=236-237&date=1998&volume=55&issue=4&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Les Études Classiques, :1-2 (1998) 223&atitle=&pages=223&date=1998&volume=66&issue=1-2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

To cite this record

Record 925 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00269 (833263)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: A sea-monster in court (Apul. Apol. 32)
Title of Publication: Museum Helveticum: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Klassische Altertumswissenschaft = Revue Suisse pour l’Étude de l’Antiquité Classique
Volume (year) pages: 54: 1 (1997) 62-64
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0027-4054
DOI: 10.5169/seals-42151
Abstract: Dans ce passage, il faut lire à la place de scillam, Scyllam et interpréter ce nom comme celui d'un monstre marin connu depuis l'Odyssée (12, 95-96)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Homerus - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Apologia [view article in LLT-A] - 32
Homerus - Odyssea - 12 - 95 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Skulla (monstre marin)


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Record 926 of 2062 Reference: APh 75-00302 (1045641)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hofmann, Heinz
Title of Article: Sprachhandlung und Kommunikationspotential: Diskursstrategien im « Goldenen Esel »
Title of Publication: Der antike Roman und seine mittelalterliche Rezeption. Ed. Picone, Michelangelo & Zimmermann, Bernhard (Monte Verità), Basel ; Boston (Mass.) :
Birkhäuser, 1997. VI-350 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 137-169
Abstract: Selon les théories de la narratologie

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 927 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-06431 (840756)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Harrison, Stephen J.
Title of Article: From epic to novel: Apuleius' Metamorphoses and Vergil's Aeneid

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Title of Publication: Materiali e Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici

Volume (year) pages: 39 (1997) 53-73
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-6338
Abstract: Relazioni intertestuali tra le Metamorfosi e l'Eneide : il tema dell'ospitalità, quello della passione amorosa attraverso l'esempio di Didone e quello del
viaggio, in particolare della discesa agli Inferi

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - d) Literary motifs and themes - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Dido (héroïne ; reine de Carthage)


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Record 928 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00337 (844089)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Grilli, Alberto
Title of Article: Le streghe e il romanzo di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Atti e memorie della Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
Volume (year) pages: 65 (1997) 19-27
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1124-3783
Abstract: Esame dell'opera di Apuleio come romanzo della « curiositas » e dell'anima umana. Analisi dell'episodio delle streghe (1, 8-15) per cogliere la loro
funzione nefasta

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 8 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 929 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00268 (833262)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: « In historiae specimen » (Apul. Met. 8.1.4): elementi della letteratura storiografica nelle « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici
Volume (year) pages: 23: 3 (1997) 247-278
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-2698
Abstract: Immagini e fraseologie proprie del genere storiografico contribuiscono in modo non trascurabile alla genesi delle « Metamorfosi », influenzandone in
più luoghi stile e sequenze narrative. Quest'influenza si fa particolarmente insistente nel racconto della vita di Lucio con l'ortolano (9, 32-38), dove
assume quasi un valore strutturale. Le citazioni letterali si limitano a Sallustio, creando un livello stilistico più elevato che incrementa la tragicità
dell'atmosfera. Non si può dunque parlare di parodia in senso stretto, anche se dietro descrizioni tragiche affiora spesso il sorriso

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Sallustius Crispus (C.), Appendix Sallustiana [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 8 - 1 - 4 [CWKB Resolver]
- 9 - 32 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 930 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00266 (249318)
Type: Monograph
Author: Franz, Marie-Louise von
Title of Publication: Die Erlösung des Weiblichen im Manne: der Goldene Esel des Apuleius in tiefenpsychologischen Sicht / übers. aus dem Engl. von Gisela Henney
[Aktualiesierte, überarb. Neuaufl. hrsg. von Gotthilf Isler]
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Zürich ; Düsseldorf: Walter, 1997
Description: 222 p., ill., Aktualiesierte, überarb. Neuaufl. hrsg. von Gotthilf Isler
Further Information: Édition précédente => 54-00253

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 54-00253: Die Erlösung des Weiblichen im Manne. Der goldene Esel von Apuleius in tiefenpsychologischer Sicht

To cite this record

Record 931 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00265 (833261)
Type: Article in journal

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Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.

Title of Article: Intratextuality in Apuleius' Metamorphoses
Title of Publication: L’Antiquité Classique
Volume (year) pages: 66 (1997) 293-299
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0770-2817
DOI: 10.3406/antiq.1997.1285
Abstract: Étude visant à mettre en relief de nouveaux aspects de la relation intratextuelle qui relie certains éléments thématiques du conte d'Amour et Psyché à
la trame narrative des livres 4, 6 et 7.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 4 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 6 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]
- 7 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 932 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-06574 (250863)
Type: Monograph
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Publication: Handlung und Nebenhandlung: Theater, Metatheater und Gattungsbewusstsein in der römischen Komödie
Language: allemand
Place: Publisher, year: Stuttgart: M und P, 1997
Description: X-191 p., index
Further Information: Appendix, p. 145-177 : « New comedy in Apuleius' tale of Cupid & Psyche »
Collection: Drama : Beiträge zum antiken Drama und seiner Rezeption. Beiheft, 6

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - C. - Genres - b) Drama - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Callier, François, in: Latomus, :2 (2003) 423-425&atitle=&pages=423-425&date=2003&volume=62&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 933 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00255 (249317)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Fleury, Philippe
Zuinghedau, Michel
Mary, G.
Title of Publication: Apulée, « Apologie », « Florides »: concordance, documentation lexicale et grammaticale / éd. par Philippe Fleury et Michel Zuinghedau ; avec la
collaboration de G. Mary
Language: français
Place: Publisher, year: Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann, 1997
Description: 2 vol. (XIV-886 p.) index
Collection: Alpha-Omega. Reihe A, Lexika, Indizes, Konkordanzen zur klassischen Philologie, 66

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Outils

Flobert, Pierre, in: Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire Anciennes 3e sér., 3e sér.:1 (1997) 198-199&atitle=&pages=198-199&
date=1997&volume=3e sér., 71&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Harrauer, Christine, in: Wiener Studien, (1998) 300-301&atitle=&pages=300-301&date=1998&volume=111&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

To cite this record

Record 934 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00264 (833260)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Fernández Contreras, María Ángeles
Title of Article: El tema de la hospitalidad en Apuleyo: (Met. 1.21-26)
Title of Publication: Habis: Filología Clásica, Historia Antigua, Arqueología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 28 (1997) 107-125
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0210-7694

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Abstract: En traitant le thème de la ξενία, Apulée s'insère dans une longue tradition littéraire. Cependant, il en propose une approche inversée, subversive par
rapport au code épique, afin de rendre évidente la dégradation morale de la société.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 21 [CWKB Resolver]

Related Publication(s)
Cf 83-00249: A festival of laughter

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Record 935 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-14895 (904787)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Deledalle, Gérard
Title of Article: La philosophie à Carthage: de l'Africa Vetus à Ifriqiyya : Apulée, Augustin, Ibn Khaldûn
Title of Publication: Les Cahiers de Tunisie
Volume (year) pages: 49: 179 (1997) 87-102
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0008-0012

Discipline after vol. 67: VII. - Philosophy and the history of ideas - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Carthage (TUN ; Tunis)

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Record 936 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00329 (844084)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Brancaleone, Francesca
Title of Article: Apuleio frgg. 20 e 20 bis Beaujeu
Title of Publication: Invigilata Lucernis
Volume (year) pages: 18-19 (1996-1997) 25-29
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-8357
Abstract: Non ci sono elementi sufficienti per attribuire con certezza il fr. 20 Beaujeu ad Apuleio. L'etimologia κατ' ἀντίφρασιν di « Manes » attribuita da Isidoro
(Orig. 8, 11, 100) ad Apuleio (fr. 20 bis Beaujeu) è probabilmente frutto di un errore di memoria di Isidoro, e può invece risalire a Servio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Seruius - Études
Citations: Apuleius - fragmenta
- 20
- 20 bis
Isidorus Hispalensis - Etymologiarum siue Originum libri XX - 8 - 11 - 100 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 937 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00261 (833257)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bradley, Keith R.
Title of Article: Law, magic, and culture in the Apologia of Apuleius
Title of Publication: Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des Études Classiques
Volume (year) pages: 51: 2 (1997) 203-223
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: French summary p. 252
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-8299
Abstract: On the legal (the physical setting of the trial included), the magical, and the intellectual aspects of the trial as recorded in the Apologia.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 938 of 2062 Reference: APh 71-00292 (850650)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bex, Stéphane
Title of Article: Conversion de la rhétorique ou rhétorique de la conversion ? :: (Apulée, Métamorphoses, XI, 2) : Lucius ou l'apprentissage de la parole comme trajet
Title of Publication: Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia Classica
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 25 (1997) 311-325

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Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0531-2175
Abstract: S'affirmant comme un roman logocentrique, les « Métamorphoses » proposent un itinéraire rhétorique, ici restreint au personnage de Lucius, se
superposant à un itinéraire mystique dans une complémentarité essentielle. Par le jeu d'une dialectique combinant reprise et inversion, le jeu principal
des métamorphoses est celui de la parole ; en même temps qu'une initiation religieuse, les « Métamorphoses » sont proposées comme initiation
littéraire et initiation à l'art du langage

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - B. - Literary theory and analysis - c) Rhetoric - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11 - 2

To cite this record

Record 939 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00260 (833256)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Babo, Markus
Title of Article: Zu Apul. Met. 8, 26
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 50: 1 (1997) 81-85
Language: allemand
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/1568525972610201
Abstract: Analyse des éléments satiriques contenus dans ce chapitre, et notamment de certaines allusions à la mythologie

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 26 [CWKB Resolver]


To cite this record

Record 940 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-10034 (1027533)
Type: Article in book
Author: Annequin, Jacques
Title of Article: Métaphore de l'esclavage et esclavage comme métaphore
Title of Publication: Esclavage, guerre, économie en Grèce ancienne: hommages à Yvon Garlan. Ed. Brulé, Pierre & Oulhen, Jacques (Histoire), Rennes : Pr.
universitaires de Rennes, 1997. 249 p.
Language: français
Pages: 109-119
Abstract: Mise en évidence, dans le langage des Métamorphoses d'Apulée, de la place de l'esclavage comme élément structurel des sociétés anciennes

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - C. - Economy and society - a) General subjects - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 941 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-07195 (1036535)
Type: Article in book
Author: Andreassi, Mario
Title of Article: Osmosis and contiguity between « low » and « high » literature: « Moicheutria » (POxy 413 verso) and Apuleius
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 8. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1997. IX-241 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 1-21
Abstract: Les points communs relevés entre POxy 413 verso et Apulée, Met. 10, 2-12, tels que l'empoisonnement et l'amour non réciproque, ne plaident pas en
faveur d'une dépendance directe du texte latin par rapport au mime, mais de la contamination entre les genres littéraires et du nivellement des
catégories de « littérature populaire » et de « littérature élevée »

Discipline after vol. 67: I. - Literature - A. - General subjects. Literary history - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Mimographi - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 942 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-01362 (255753)
Type: Monograph
Author: Amarelli, Francesco
Lucrezi, Francesco

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Title of Publication: I processi contro Archia e contro Apuleio

Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Napoli: Jovene, 1997
Description: 184 p., index
Collection: Quaestiones, 1

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Cicero (M. Tullius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Centola, Donato Antonio, in: Bollettino di Studi Latini, :2 (1998) 611-616&atitle=&pages=611-616&date=1998&volume=28&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Dovere, Elio, in: Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris, (1998) 537-543&atitle=&pages=537-543&date=1998&volume=64&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Guarino, Antonio, in: Labeo , :1 (1998) 138-139&atitle=&pages=138-139&date=1998&volume=44&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Papa, Giovanni, in: Gerión, (1999) 639-642&atitle=&pages=639-642&date=1999&volume=17&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

Related Publication(s)
Cf 72-15673: A proposito di due nuovi sussidi didattici

To cite this record

Record 943 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00283 (833272)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Van der Paardt, Rudi Th.
Title of Article: Hoe ge(s)laagd is het slot van Apuleius' Metamorphosen ?
Title of Publication: Lampas : tijdschrift voor Nederlandse classici
Volume (year) pages: 29: 1 (1996) 67-79
Language: néerlandais; flamand
ISSN/ISBN: 0165-8204
Abstract: Zur Bewertung des elften Buches der Metamorphosen, insbesondre in Auseinandersetzung mit J. J. Winkler (=> 56-00252).

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 56-00252: Auctor and actor. A narratological reading of Apuleius's The golden ass

To cite this record

Record 944 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00251 (1023733)
Type: Article in book
Author: Too, Yun Lee
Title of Article: Statues, mirrors, gods: controlling images in Apuleius
Title of Publication: Art and text in Roman culture. Ed. Elsner, Jas (Cambridge studies in new art history and criticism), Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Pr.,
1996. XII-391 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 133-152

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

To cite this record

Record 945 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-04057 (834769)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Stramaglia, Antonio
Title of Article: Prisciano e l'Epitoma Historiarum di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 124: 2 (1996) 192-198
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6220
Abstract: Analisi dell'epitome realizzata da Prisciano e riflessioni sui suoi interessi per l'opera di Apuleio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Priscianus Caesariensis - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 946 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00233 (827520)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Stramaglia, Antonio
Title of Article: Apuleio come auctor: premesse tardoantiche di un uso umanistico
Title of Publication: Studi Umanistici Piceni

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Volume (year) pages: 16 (1996) 137-161

Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1126-4764
Abstract: Nell'Umanesimo Apuleio è modello di autorevolezza linguistica, anche se spesso il testo apuleiano citato nelle opere degli Umanisti, specie quelle a
carattere lessicografico, non corrisponde a quello a noi giunto. Prima di parlare di « falsi » apuleiani, è opportuno analizzare la fortuna del testo
apuleiano e il tipo di lettura che di esso veniva fatta nella tarda antichità e nel Medioevo. Il processo di evoluzione della fortuna apuleiana si snodò
attraverso tre tappe principali, che vengono qui prese in esame : l'Africa (in special modo l'opera di Fulgenzio), Roma (in significativa intersezione con
le Gallie) e Costantinopoli

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Fulgentius Mythographus [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 947 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00365 (1035320)
Type: Article in book
Author: Shumate, Nancy J.
Title of Article: « Darkness visible »: Apuleius reads Virgil
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 7. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1996. X-151 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 103-116
Abstract: Le portrait de Charité, devenue folle de chagrin par amour (Met. 8, 6-14) doit beaucoup à l'évocation de Didon par Virgile (Aen. 4). Le parallèle va au-
delà d'une ressemblance stylistique et formelle. Les deux épisodes ont la même valeur pragmatique dans l'œuvre où ils s'insèrent. Ce sont la « furor
», la violence destructrice, qui mènent la narration à son achèvement, de façon incontrôlée, dans une dissolution de toutes les contraintes sociales et
religieuses. Par extension, ce mouvement symbolise la part obscure de la civilisation et reflète un certain pessimisme vis-à-vis du pouvoir régulateur
des lois

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Ouidius Naso (P.) - Metamorphoses [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 6 [CWKB Resolver]
Vergilius Maro (P.) - Aeneis [view article in LLT-A] - 4

To cite this record

Record 948 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00250 (246018)
Type: Monograph
Author: Shumate, Nancy J.
Title of Publication: Crisis and conversion in Apuleius' Metamorphoses
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Ann Arbor (Mich.): University of Michigan Pr., 1996
Description: 357 p., index

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Bitel, Anton, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, (1997) 309&atitle=&pages=309&date=1997&volume=87&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Callebat, Louis, in: Gnomon, :3 (1999) 268-270&atitle=&pages=268-270&date=1999&volume=71&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Harrison, Stephen J., in: Petronian Society Newsletter, :1-2 (1997) 11-13&atitle=&pages=11-13&date=1997&volume=27&issue=1-2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (1997) 316-317&atitle=&pages=316-317&date=1997&volume=N. S., 47&issue=2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Romano, A. C., in: Electronic Antiquity, :1 (1998 1997) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=1998&volume=4&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 949 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00280 (833271)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Shanzer, Danuta
Title of Article: Piscatum opiparem... praestinavi : Apuleius, met. 1, 24-25
Title of Publication: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica
Volume (year) pages: 124: 4 (1996) 445-454
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6220
Abstract: La ricerca della fonti dell'episodio del pesce e del mercato nelle Metamorfosi conduce alla commedia antica e in particolare a quella plautina. Analisi di
un passo dei Captiui (4, 1) significativo per la sua analogia con il brano apuleiano

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plautus (T. Maccius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 1 - 24 [CWKB Resolver]
Plautus (T. Maccius) - Captivi [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 1 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 950 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00278 (1026023)
Type: Article in book

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Author: Schindel, Ulrich

Title of Article: Die Verteidigungsrede des Apuleius
Title of Publication: Literatur und Recht: literarische Rechtsfälle von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. Ed. Mölk, Ulrich, Göttingen : Wallstein, 1996. 416 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 13-24

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 951 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00248 (1023732)
Type: Article in book
Author: Sallmann, Klaus
Title of Article: Lucius bei den Lästrygonen: zu Apuleius, Metamorphosen 8, 19-21
Title of Publication: Worte, Bilder, Töne: Studien zur Antike und Antikerezeption : Bernhard Kytzler zu ehren. Ed. Faber, Richard & Seidensticker, Bernd, Würzburg :
Königshausen und Neumann, 1996. 343 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 179-185

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 19 [CWKB Resolver]
Nom antique: Laistrugones (géants légendaires)

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Record 952 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00315 (858109)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Pérez Custodio, María Violeta
Title of Article: Dos pasajes conflictivos de la edición comentada del « Asinus aureus » de Beroaldo (II, 26 y IV, 26) y su repercusión en la traducción de López
Title of Publication: Myrtia: Revista de Filología Clásica
Volume (year) pages: 11 (1996) 61-70
Language: espagnol; castillan
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0213-7674
Abstract: Metodológicamente, es esencial comparar las traducciones renacentistas de textos clásicos con las ediciones latinas renacentistas correspondientes,
ya que podrían considerarse faltas de la traducción lo que son en realidad traducciones literales de los pasajes de la edición latina contemporánea

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A]
- 2 - 26 [CWKB Resolver]
- 4 - 26
Nom récent: Beroaldo, Filippo (l’Ancien ; érudit italien ; 1453-1505)
López de Cortegana, Diego (ecclésiastique et traducteur espagnol ; 1455-1524)

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Record 953 of 2062 Reference: APh 74-00347 (1041263)
Type: Article in book
Author: Papamichail-Koutroumpa, Anna I.
Title of Article: Μίμηση και προφορικη φιλολογία ἐξ ἀφορμῆς τῶν « Μεταμορφώσεων » τοῦ Ἀπουληίου
Title of Publication: Ἡ μίμηση στη λατινικη λογοτεχνία : πρακτικα Ε' Πανελληνίου συμποσίου λατινικῶν σπουδῶν (Ἀθήνα, 5-7 Νοεμβρίου 1993) = Imitatio in litteris Latinis:
acta quinti Symposii studiorum Latinorum totius Graeciae (Athenis d. V-VII m. Novembris a. 1993). Ed. Koutroumpas, Dimitrios E., Athina :
Panepistimio Athinon, 1996. 396 p.
Language: grec ancien (jusqu''à 1453)
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
Pages: 241-323
Abstract: Comme ses modèles grecs, Apulée puise dans les croyances populaires et les superstitions diffusées oralement dans le monde gréco-romain de son
époque. Les « Métamorphoses » témoignent ainsi de divers rites, magies, légendes et pratiques occultes

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - c) Roman religion and the religions of the Roman Empire - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 954 of 2062 Reference: APh 78-00305 (898771)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Paglialunga, Esther Lydia
Title of Article: Para una semiótica de las pasiones en la narrativa de Apuleyo: la envidia (Met. V, V-XIV)
Title of Publication: Praesentia : Revista Venezolana de Estudios Clásicos
Volume (year) pages: 1 (1996) 235-245
Language: espagnol; castillan

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ISSN/ISBN: 1365-1857
Abstract: Partiéndose del concepto de πάθος de la « Retórica » de Aristotéles y de la teoría semiótica de las pasiones de A.-J. Greimas, se muestra que en los
capítulos citados de la novela de Apuleyo se contraponen dos puntos de vista sobre la cólera y la envidia : el del narrador, que considera que las
hermanas de Psique están dominadas por una envidia destructiva, y el de éstas, que justifican su deseo de venganza como medio para reparar la
ofensa a sus privilegios de hermanas mayores.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Aristoteles Stagirites, Corpus Aristotelicum - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 5
Nom récent: Greimas, Algirdas-Julien (linguiste et sémioticien français ; 1917-1992)

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Record 955 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00350 (1035313)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mignogna, Elisa
Title of Article: Carite ed Ilia: sogni di sogni
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 7. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1996. X-151 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 95-102
Abstract: En Met. 4, 27, le substrat épique est indéniable et le rêve d'Ilia chez Ennius (fr. 34-50 Sk.) sous-tend l'évocation du cauchemar de Charité. Il permet au
« lector doctus » d'anticiper une fin tragique

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ennius [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 27 [CWKB Resolver]
Ennius - Annalium fragmenta [view article in LLT-A] - 34

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Record 956 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00262 (838292)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Méthy, Nicole
Title of Article: La divinité suprême dans l'œuvre d'Apulée
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 74 (1996) 247-269
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en latin
ISSN/ISBN: 0373-5737
Abstract: L'œuvre d'Apulée doit son unité à de multiples références convergentes à une divinité suprême, unique, transcendante et affranchie de toute limite.
Apulée infléchit cette définition empruntée au platonisme dans un sens qui lui est propre sans en tirer toutes les conséquences et en introduisant une
dimension religieuse, quand il tente de préciser le rapport de cette divinité au monde et à l'humanité. Cette relation ne peut faire l'objet d'une
formulation abstraite ni d'une appréhension intellectuelle. Le problème se trouve résolu dans les « Métamorphoses » grâce à la création du
personnage d'Isis, qui concentre en lui tous les aspects du divin et satisfait des aspirations quelque peu contradictoires, puisque de nature
intellectuelle, psychologique, morale et religieuse. La déesse reste toutefois un personnage littéraire, qui ne peut constituer ni une solution
philosophique ni un objet de vénération et ne dépasse pas le niveau du mythe platonicien. Discussion p. 7-8

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Plato Philosophus [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Nom antique: Isis (divinité)

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Record 957 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00231 (246015)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Mattiacci, Silvia
Title of Publication: Le novelle dell'adulterio: Metamorfosi IX / Apuleio ; a cura di Silvia Mattiacci
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Firenze: Le Lettere, 1996
Description: 186 p.
Collection: Il nuovo melograno, 28

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9

Arena, Antonella, in: Giornale italiano di filologia, :2 (2001) 347-349&atitle=&pages=347-349&date=2001&volume=53&issue=2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Capponi, Filippo, in: Latomus, :4 (1998) 909-911&atitle=&pages=909-911&date=1998&volume=57&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Corsaro, Francesco, in: Orpheus , :2 (1997) 637-639&atitle=&pages=637-639&date=1997&volume=18&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Danesi Marioni, Giulia, in: Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, :1 (1998) 108-110&atitle=&pages=108-110&date=1998&volume=126&
issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Esposito, Paolo, in: Maia, :3 (1999) 499-502&atitle=&pages=499-502&date=1999&volume=51&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Fick, Nicole, in: Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire = Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, :1 (1998) 231-232&atitle=&
pages=231-232&date=1998&volume=76&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (1998) 503-504&atitle=&pages=503-504&date=1998&volume=N. S., 48&issue=2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Puccini, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (1996) 342&atitle=&pages=342&date=1996&volume=74&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Tomasco, Domenico, in: Sileno, :1-2 (1997) 312-316&atitle=&pages=312-316&date=1997&volume=23&issue=1-2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 958 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00260 (838291)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Magnaldi, Giuseppina
Title of Article: La compresenza della lectio falsa e della lectio emendata nel cod. Laurenziano 68.2 (F) delle Metamorfosi di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Sileno: Rivista Semestrale di Studi Classici e Cristiani
Volume (year) pages: 22: 1-2 (1996) 199-228
Language: italien
Abstract: Esame di numerose correzioni e integrazioni antiche nel ms. Firenze, Bibl. Laurenziana, plut. 68, 2 e del loro interesse per la costituzione del testo

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 959 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00245 (246016)
Type: Monograph
Author: Maggiulli, Gigliola
Buffa Giolito, Maria Franca
Title of Publication: L' altro Apuleio: problemi aperti per una nuova edizione dell'Herbarius
Language: italien
Place: Publisher, year: Napoli: Loffredo, 1996
Description: 205 p., 8 p. de pl. ill.
Collection: Studi Latini, 17

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Cutolo, Paolo, in: Orpheus , :2 (1997) 640-642&atitle=&pages=640-642&date=1997&volume=18&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Esposito, Paolo, in: Bollettino di Studi Latini, :1 (1997) 257-258&atitle=&pages=257-258&date=1997&volume=27&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Gaide, Françoise, in: Latomus, :3 (1998) 728-729&atitle=&pages=728-729&date=1998&volume=57&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:2 (1997) 427-428&atitle=&pages=427-428&date=1997&volume=N. S., 47&issue=2&
id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Milano, Nicoletta, in: Aufidus , :30 (1996) 154-155&atitle=&pages=154-155&date=1996&volume=10&issue=30&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Poucet, Jacques, in: Les Études Classiques, :1-2 (1998) 174-175&atitle=&pages=174-175&date=1998&volume=66&issue=1-2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Record 960 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-12470 (1028120)
Type: Article in book
Author: Liebs, Detlef
Title of Article: Römisches Recht in Africa im 2. Jh. n. Chr. nach der Apologie von Apuleius
Title of Publication: Literatur und Recht: literarische Rechtsfälle von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. Ed. Mölk, Ulrich, Göttingen : Wallstein, 1996. 416 p.
Pages: 25-34

Discipline after vol. 67: VI. - Law and justice - C. - Roman law - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Places: Afrique

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Record 961 of 2062 Reference: APh 76-00315 (1048620)
Type: Article in book
Author: Le Bohec, Yann
Title of Article: Apulée et les sciences dites exactes
Title of Publication: L' Africa romana.: Atti dell' XI convegno di studio, Cartagine, 15-18 dicembre 1994. Ed. Khanoussi, Mustapha, Ruggeri, Paola & Vismara, Cinzia
(Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Storia dell’Università degli Studi di Sassari, 28), Ozieri : Il Torchietto, 1996. 3 vol. (1 845 p.) 165 p. de pl. ill. cartes
plans 3 index
Language: français
Pages: 1, 59-69
Abstract: Sull'esposizione, da parte di Apuleio nell'« Apologia », delle proprie competenze nell'ambito della fisica, delle scienze naturali e della medicina, e sul
significato delle scienze esatte nella cultura di questa figura


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Discipline after vol. 67: VIII. - Science and technology - A. - General subjects - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 962 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00342 (1035309)
Type: Article in book
Author: Kahane, Ahuvia
Title of Article: The prologue of Apuleius' « Metamorphoses »: a speech act analysis
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 7. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1996. X-151 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 75-93
Abstract: Le prologue des « Métamorphoses » se présente apparemment comme une promesse par laquelle le narrateur s'engage à offrir un certain nombre
d'avantages au lecteur. Une analyse détaillée montre toutefois qu'il s'agit au contraire d'un ordre, voire de menaces proférées à l'encontre du lecteur.
Ce prologue fait ainsi d'emblée l'objet d'une métamorphose

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 963 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00242 (827526)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: Notes on Apuleius' Apology
Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: Ser. 4, 49: 2 (1996) 159-167
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/1568525962611157
Abstract: Notes critiques sur onze passages.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 964 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00241 (827525)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: Apuleius and the « Asclepius »
Title of Publication: Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Language
Volume (year) pages: 50: 3 (1996) 288-308
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-6032
DOI: 10.1163/157007296X00238
Abstract: The objections commonly raised against Apuleian authorship, especially the assumed late date, are open to doubt. In fact, there are indications, on
several levels, that may well point to Apuleius. His insatiable curiosity about philosophy and religion, magic and Egypt, would make it not unlikely that
he sought access to Hermetic sources ; a translation of a dialogue in Greek would fit in perfectly in his œuvre. Nothing in the style or idiom seems to
make his authorship impossible. On the contrary, there are even several important stylistic and lexical parallels between the Asclepius and the
Apuleian corpus.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Hermetica - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 71-02203: The Asclepius


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Record 965 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00240 (1023731)
Type: Article in book
Author: Hidalgo de la Vega, María José
Title of Article: La religiosidad en Apuleyo de Madaura
Title of Publication: Homenaje a José María Blázquez. 3,: Historia de Roma. Ed. Mangas Manjarrés, Julio & Alvar, Jaime (Serie ARYS, 2), Madrid : Ed. Clásicas, 1996.
386 p.

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Language: espagnol; castillan

Pages: 87-105
Abstract: Conceptions théologique, démonologique et mystérique d'Apulée par rapport à la vie religieuse de son temps.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 966 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00336 (1035307)
Type: Article in book
Author: Habermehl, Peter
Title of Article: « Quaedam divinae mediae potestates »: demonology in Apuleius' « De deo Socratis »
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 7. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz & Zimmerman, Maaike, Groningen : Forsten, 1996. X-151 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 117-142
Abstract: En appendice, p. 136-139 : une étude sur la démonologie dans les autres œuvres d'Apulée

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 967 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00239 (827524)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Graverini, Luca
Title of Article: Apuleio, Virgilio e la « peste di Atene »: note ad Apul. met. IV 14
Title of Publication: Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche
Volume (year) pages: 48 (1996) 171-187
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-0538
Abstract: Rassegna dei passi del libro 4 delle Metamorfosi che presentano punti di contatto con l'Eneide e le Georgiche e con il De rerum natura di Lucrezio,
opere alle quali Apuleio attinge prevalentemente per le scelte lessicali. La narrazione della pestilenza è costruita invece su elementi standard
appartenenti a un topos diffuso nella letteratura sia greca sia latina

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Lucretius Carus (T.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Vergilius Maro (P.) [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

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Record 968 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00267 (1026022)
Type: Article in book
Author: Graevenitz, Gerhart von
Title of Article: Das Ich am Ende: Strukturen der Ich-Erzählung in Apuleius' Goldenem Esel und Grimmelshausens Simplicissimus Teutsch
Title of Publication: Das Ende: Figuren einer Denkform. Ed. Stierle, Karlheinz & Warning, Rainer (Poetik und Hermeneutik, 16), München : Fink, 1996. X-680 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 123-154

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom récent: Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoph von (écrivain allemand ; vers 1620-1676)

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Record 969 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00295 (1038370)
Type: Article in book
Author: González Vázquez, Carmen
Title of Article: Una traducción inédita en español de Apuleyo
Title of Publication: De Roma al siglo XX: Actas del I Congreso de la Sociedad de Estudios Latinos, celebrado en la Residencia Universitaria de Jarandilla de la Vera
(Cáceres), los dias 26-28 de enero de 1995. Ed. Aldama, Ana María, Madrid : Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 1996. 2 vol. 1023 p.
Language: espagnol; castillan
Pages: 729-736
Abstract: Se estudia un manuscrito inédito del siglo 19 que contiene una traducción de la novela de Apuleyo que, de haber sido publicada, habría sido la
segunda traducción editada en España de esta obra

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie

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Record 970 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00238 (827523)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: The wedding imagery in Apuleius' tale of Tlepolemus/Haemus

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Title of Publication: Atene e Roma : rassegna trimestrale dell’Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica
Volume (year) pages: 41: 4 (1996) 196-202
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-6493
Abstract: The implicit presence of wedding imagery and allusions to the wedding ceremony in the narrative of Tlepolemus' rescue of his bride from captivity
(Met. 7, 9-13) encourages an interpretation of the scene along the lines of the rite of the bride's fictitious abduction by the groom and of the « deductio
in domum mariti » of Roman weddings. The adventurous overcoming of Charite's abductors thus helps Tlepolemus comply with the ritual rules.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 7 - 9

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Record 971 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00254 (1028290)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fick, Nicole
Title of Article: L'« Etrusca disciplina » chez Apulée ou Les adaptations d'une sensibilité religieuse nouvelle
Title of Publication: La divination dans le monde étrusco-italique. 7, Les écrivains du deuxième siècle et l'Etrusca disciplina : actes de la table ronde de Dijon, 9 juin 1995.
Ed. (Caesarodunum. Supplément, 65), Tours : Université de Tours, Institut d’études latines, 1996. 154 p.
Language: français
Pages: 3-12

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - F. - Religion - a) General subjects. Comparative religion - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 972 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00252 (838288)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Crismani, Daria
Title of Article: Heu medicorum ignarae mentes...: medici e malanni nel romanzo latino : tra scienza, superstizione e magia
Title of Publication: Sileno: Rivista Semestrale di Studi Classici e Cristiani
Volume (year) pages: 22: 1-2 (1996) 43-56
Language: italien
Abstract: Petronio e Apuleio offrono numerosi indizi del legame tra medicina e magia nella cultura popolare del mondo romano

Discipline after vol. 67: V. - History and civilization - E. - Attitudes and everyday life - e) Rome from the Republic to the death of Severus Alexander - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Petronius Arbiter [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 973 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00236 (1023729)
Type: Article in book
Author: Cardauns, Burkhart
Title of Article: Ländliche Szenerie und bukolische Motive in den Metamorphosen des Apuleius
Title of Publication: Expedition nach der Wahrheit: poems, essays, and papers in honour of Theo Stemmler : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Theo Stemmler. Ed.
Horlacher, Stefan & Islinger, Marion (Anglistische Forschungen, 243), Heidelberg : Winter, 1996. XXXII-650 p.
Pages: 491-502

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 974 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00263 (833259)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Brandão, José Luís Lopes
Title of Article: O romance de Cárite: uma tragédia em quatro actos
Title of Publication: Humanitas: Revista do Instituto de Estudos Clássicos
Volume (year) pages: 48 (1996) 183-195
Language: portugais
ISSN/ISBN: 0871-1569
Abstract: Unis par la menace de mort qui plane sur eux et par l'effort constant de surmonter des situations inextricables, mais séparés par leur incapacité de
communiquer, Lucius et Charité sont les protagonistes d'une tragédie dont les actes pourraient s'intituler ainsi : Enlèvement ; Impuissant face à un
destin cruel ; Salut inespéré ; Sous les coups d'une fortune aveugle. Mais en définitive, la mort doit être envisagée comme une espérance de vie.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 975 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00234 (827521)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Annequin, Jacques
Title of Article: Rêve, roman, initiation dans les « Métamorphoses » d'Apulée

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Title of Publication: Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne

Volume (year) pages: 22: 1 (1996) 133-201
Language: français
Abstract Information: rés. en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0755-7256
DOI: 10.3406/dha.1996.2267
Abstract: Dans les Métamorphoses d'Apulée, le songe intervient avec les miracles magiques pour nier un monde ambigu, mystérieux et marque l'accès de
Lucius à l'initiation. Le songe prend ainsi place parmi les vectores qui permettent aux hommes d'entrer en relation avec les dieux

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 976 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00368 (1035321)
Type: Article in book
Author: Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle Karin
Title of Article: L'« Âne d'Or » ou Les métamorphoses d'un récit: illustration de la subjectivité humaine
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 6. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz, Groningen : Forsten, 1995. VIII-183 p.
Language: français
Pages: 103-125
Abstract: Malgré les apparences, le roman d'Apulée est soigneusement composé, de façon à désorienter le lecteur et à le faire réfléchir sur le sens du texte.
Ainsi, les incohérences supposées sont tout à fait intentionnelles, comme le montre l'analyse de trois exemples : les différentes descriptions de la
maison de Milon (principalement aux livres 1 et 4) ; la description d'un même personnage par deux narrateurs (livre 9, 14 sqq) ; un même événement
(la bataille contre les outres) narré différemment à quatre reprises (aux livres 2 et 3)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 977 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00270 (838297)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Van Mal-Maeder, Danielle
Title of Article: L'« âne d'or » ou Les métamorphoses du récit: illustration de la subjectivité humaine
Title of Publication: Revue des Études Latines
Volume (year) pages: 73 (1995) 12-13
Language: français
ISSN/ISBN: 0373-5737
Abstract: Résumé d'une communication

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 978 of 2062 Reference: APh 69-00269 (838296)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Tomasco, Domenico
Title of Article: Note al testo di Apul. « De deo Socr. prol. I »
Title of Publication: Annali dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli « L’Orientale » / Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. Sezione Filologico-
Volume (year) pages: 17 (1995) 191-234
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 1128-7209
Abstract: Esegesi critico-testuale e linguistica del passo.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - De deo Socratis Prologus [view article in LLT-A] - 1

To cite this record

Record 979 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00364 (1035319)
Type: Article in book
Author: Schmidt, Victor M.
Title of Article: « Revelare » und « curiositas » bei Apuleius und Tertullian
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 6. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz, Groningen : Forsten, 1995. VIII-183 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 127-135

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Abstract: Apulée emploie certains mots avec une connotation religieuse qui deviendra souvent usuelle chez les auteurs chrétiens, comme Tertullien. Ainsi en
va-t-il de « reuelare » et « curiositas ».

Discipline after vol. 67: II. - Linguistics - D. - Latin - d) Lexicology and lexicography, etymology - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Tertullianus (Q. Septimius Florens) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 980 of 2062 Reference: APh 72-00362 (1035318)
Type: Article in book
Author: Sallmann, Klaus
Title of Article: Erzählendes in der « Apologia » des Apuleius, oder: Argumentation als Unterhaltung
Title of Publication: Groningen colloquia on the novel. 6. Ed. Hofmann, Heinz, Groningen : Forsten, 1995. VIII-183 p.
Language: allemand
Pages: 137-157
Abstract: L'« Apologie » est construite selon les catégories rhétoriques classiques régissant les plaidoiries juridiques. Elle constitue par ailleurs une fiction
romanesque où la « narratio » joue un grand rôle, à la fois distrayant (« captatio beneuolentiae ») et argumentatif

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 981 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00349 (844098)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Reale, Giovanni
Title of Article: La nuova edizione delle opere filosofiche di Apuleio curata da Claudio Moreschini
Title of Publication: Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica
Volume (year) pages: 87: 3 (1995) 444-449
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-6247
Abstract: A proposito dell'edizione schedata => 63-00287

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 63-00287: Apulei Platonici Madaurensis opera quae supersunt, III

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Record 982 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00241 (1022380)
Type: Article in book
Author: Raffaelli, Renato
Title of Article: Prova d'innocenza: la passione, il delitto, il colpo di scena in un racconto di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Il mistero nel racconto classico: convegno del XIII Mystfest : Cattolica, 29 giugno 1992. Ed. Raffaelli, Renato (Letteratura e Antropologia, 5), Urbino :
QuattroVenti, 1995. 66 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 53-66
Abstract: Lettura della vicenda narrata in Metamorfosi, 10, 2-12 e sue affinità con le moderne detective stories

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 10 - 2 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 983 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00240 (1022379)
Type: Article in book
Author: Paratore, Ettore
Title of Article: La favola di Amore e Psiche in Apuleio
Title of Publication: Storia letteratura e arte a Roma nel secondo secolo dopo Cristo: atti del convegno : Mantova 8-9-10 ottobre 1992. Ed. (Accademia Nazionale
Virgiliana di Scienze e Arti. Miscellanea , 3), Firenze : Olschki, 1995. XII-319 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 175-192
Abstract: Rilettura del testo secondo i suoi significati simbolici, senza trascurare gli influssi alessandrini, milesi e sofistici, che creerebbero un effetto di
dissonanza tale da ridimensionare sul piano artistico l'episodio rispetto al resto dell'opera

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Amor (divinité)

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Record 984 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00247 (246017)
Type: Monograph

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Author: Münstermann, Hans

Title of Publication: Apuleius: Metamorphosen literarischer Vorlagen : Untersuchung dreier Episoden des Romans unter Berücksichtigung der Philosophie und Theologie
des Apuleius
Place: Publisher, year: Stuttgart: Teubner, 1995
Description: 226 p.
Collection: Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 69

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Callebat, Louis, in: Gnomon, :7 (1998) 603-605&atitle=&pages=603-605&date=1998&volume=70&issue=7&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Rebrik, Viktor, in: Hyperboreus, :2 (1999) 354-364&atitle=&pages=354-364&date=1999&volume=5&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 985 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00246 (827528)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Moreschini, Claudio
Title of Article: Una « piacevole storia »: la novella di Amore e Psiche nelle Metamorfosi di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Humanitas: Rivista Bimestrale di Cultura
Volume (year) pages: N. S., 50: 2 (1995) 277-296
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-7461
Abstract: La fortuna e l'interpretazione della novella di Amore e Psiche dal pensiero cristiano fino alla letteratura poetica e teatrale del Novecento italiano.
Analisi dei personaggi e delle caratteristiche ideologiche del messaggio di Apuleio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Amor (divinité)
Psukhe (personnification)

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Record 986 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00238 (1022378)
Type: Article in book
Author: Mazzoli, Giancarlo
Title of Article: Apuleio: metamorfosi, conversione e loro logiche
Title of Publication: Storia letteratura e arte a Roma nel secondo secolo dopo Cristo: atti del convegno : Mantova 8-9-10 ottobre 1992. Ed. (Accademia Nazionale
Virgiliana di Scienze e Arti. Miscellanea , 3), Firenze : Olschki, 1995. XII-319 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 193-211
Abstract: Il confronto tra i testi di Apuleio e Ovidio conferma un procedimento narrativo già individuato da Emilio Pianezzola (=> 50-03055) per le metamorfosi
ovidiane : si riscontra infatti anche in Apuleio analoga attenzione nell'organizzare narrativamente una serie di metafore per realizzare il processo della

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Ouidius Naso (P.) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

Related Publication(s)
Cf 50-03055: La metamorfosi ovidiana come metafora narrativa

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Record 987 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00243 (827527)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Jones, Frederick
Title of Article: Punishment and the dual plan of the world in the Metamorphoses of Apuleius
Title of Publication: Liverpool classical monthly
Volume (year) pages: 20: 1-2 (1995) 13-19
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0309-3700
Abstract: The sudden appearance of divine Providence in Book 11 invites the reader to reevaluate her previous warnings and appearances. Lucius'
transformation is neither a punishment, nor purgatorial, nor educational, but permits a double perspective on moral anarchy in the world.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 11

To cite this record

Record 988 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00235 (822989)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian

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Title of Article: The prologue of Apuleius' De deo Socratis

Title of Publication: Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava
Volume (year) pages: 48: 3 (1995) 292-312
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0026-7074
DOI: 10.1163/156852595X00194
Abstract: The prologue is generally considered not to belong to the discourse, given its contents. In addition, most scholars assume a subdivision of the
prologue into five different fragments. But a study of both the mss tradition and the De deo Socratis as a whole, shows that the prologue can very well
be regarded as a proper introduction to the main text. Furthermore, this study strongly pleads in favour of a division of the prologue into a praefatio,
dealing with improvisation, and a prolocutio announcing the Latin part of the discourse. If the prologue seems a proper introduction to the discourse, it
cannot be proved beyond doubt that it must belong to this discourse only, and not to any other discourse ; neither can it be proved where the assumed
Greek part of the De deo Socratis must have had its place.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études


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Record 989 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00234 (822988)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Hunink, Vincent Jan Christian
Title of Article: Apuleius, Florida IX, 34f.
Title of Publication: Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 123: 3 (1995) 382-384
Language: anglais
Abstract Information: en angl.
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0777
Abstract: Bei der Aufzählung der Gegenstände des täglichen Bedarfs, die sich der Sophist Hippias selbst gefertigt haben soll, ist der überlieferte Wortlaut
strigileculam recta fastigatione cylaulae zu s. r. f. coelaulae zu emendieren ; coelaulae ist auf die griechischen Wörter κοῖλος und αὐλός

Discipline prior to vol. 67: II. Linguistics and philology - A. Grammar - Latin and Italic dialects
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Florida [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 34 [CWKB Resolver]


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Record 990 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00230 (246014)
Type: Critical edition
Author: Hijmans, Benjamin Lodewijk
Van der Paardt, Rudi Th.
Schmidt, Victor M.
Wesseling, Berber
Zimmerman, Maaike
Title of Publication: Metamorphoses. Book IX / text, introd. & comment. by Benjamin Lodewijk Hijmans, Rudi Th. Van der Paardt, Victor Schmidt, Berber Wesseling &
Maaike Zimmerman
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Groningen: Forsten, 1995
Description: XXII-436 p., index
Collection: Groningen commentaries on Apuleius

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Textes
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9

Bitel, Anton, in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (1997) 57-59&atitle=&pages=57-59&date=1997&volume=N. S., 47&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Callebat, Louis, in: Latomus, :3 (1997) 633-635&atitle=&pages=633-635&date=1997&volume=56&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Desy, Philippe, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (1997) 456&atitle=&pages=456&date=1997&volume=66&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Finkelpearl, Ellen, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, :1 (1998) 58-62&atitle=&pages=58-62&date=1998&volume=9&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Heine, Rolf, in: Gnomon, :3 (1999) 219-224&atitle=&pages=219-224&date=1999&volume=71&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Pasetti, Lucia, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review:11 (2013) non paginé&atitle=&pages=non paginé&date=2013&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Puccini, Géraldine, in: Revue des Études Latines, (1995) 270-271&atitle=&pages=270-271&date=1995&volume=73&issue=&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">

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Wouters, Alfons, in: Les Études Classiques, :4 (1996) 398&atitle=&pages=398&date=1996&volume=64&issue=4&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"


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Record 991 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00065 (242664)
Type: Monograph
Author: Göransson, Tryggve
Title of Publication: Albinus, Alcinous, Arius Didymus
Language: anglais
Place: Publisher, year: Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1995
Description: 257 p., index
Further Information: En angl. Concerne les rapports entre le philosophe Gaios et son élève Albinos ; la classification des dialogues de Platon dans le « Prologos »
d'Albinos ; les rapports entre le « Didaskalikos » d'Alkinoos et, d'une part, le « De Platone » d'Apulée, d'autre part les fragments d'Areios Didymos ;
enfin l'identité de ce dernier
Collection: Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia, 61

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Albinus Smyrnaeus - Études
Alcinous Scriptor Didascalici - Études
Arius Didymus - Études
Gaius Philosophus - Études

Baltes, Matthias, in: Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, :1-2 (1996) 91-111&atitle=&pages=91-111&date=1996&volume=248&issue=1-2&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Blumenthal, Henry J., in: Classical Review N. S., N. S.:1 (1997) 84-85&atitle=&pages=84-85&date=1997&volume=N. S., 47&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Inwood, Brad, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, :1 (1996) 25-30&atitle=&pages=25-30&date=1996&volume=7&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Lachenaud, Guy, in: Revue des Études Grecques, :1 (1997) 269-270&atitle=&pages=269-270&date=1997&volume=110&issue=1&id=doi:&
__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Les Études Classiques, :2 (1997) 191&atitle=&pages=191&date=1997&volume=65&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8" target="_blank">
Rochette, Bruno, in: Byzantion, :2 (1996) 574-575&atitle=&pages=574-575&date=1996&volume=66&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Runia, David T., in: Vigiliae Christianae, :1 (1997) 100-107&atitle=&pages=100-107&date=1997&volume=51&issue=1&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Schwabl, Hans, in: Wiener Studien, (1997) 275-276&atitle=&pages=275-276&date=1997&volume=110&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Sharples, Bob, in: Phronesis, :3 (1996) 359-360&atitle=&pages=359-360&date=1996&volume=41&issue=3&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Tosi, Renzo, in: Athenaeum, :2 (1997) 669-672&atitle=&pages=669-672&date=1997&volume=85&issue=2&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"
Vancamp, Bruno, in: L’Antiquité Classique, (1997) 494-495&atitle=&pages=494-495&date=1997&volume=66&issue=&id=doi:&__charset=utf8"

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Record 992 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00231 (1022377)
Type: Article in book
Author: Gianotti, Gian Franco
Title of Article: In viaggio con l'asino
Title of Publication: Pothos: il viaggio, la nostalgia. Ed. Rosa, Fabio & Zambon, Francesco (Labirinti, 13), Trento : Università degli Studi di Trento, 1995. 408 p.
Language: italien
Pages: 107-132
Abstract: Recherches sur la signification philosophique de la métamorphose de Lucius : le jeune homme transformé en âne chemine vers la découverte de sa
propre vérité.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Lucius

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Record 993 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00230 (822987)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Title of Article: Contextuality in the sister's death in Apuleius' tale of Cupid & Psyche
Title of Publication: La Parola del Passato: Rivista di Studi Antichi
Volume (year) pages: 50 (1995) 140-144
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-2355
Abstract: Analisi delle corrispondenze tematiche e strutturali nel racconto dei reciproci inganni di Psiche e delle sue sorelle (Met. 5, 14-27)

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 5 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 994 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00229 (822986)

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Type: Article in journal

Author: Fornés Pallicer, Antónia
Title of Article: El relato con transposición en la fábula de Cupido y Psique: (Apul. met. 4, 28 - 6, 24)
Title of Publication: Anuari de Filologia. Secció D, Studia Graeca et Latina
Volume (year) pages: 18: 6 (1995) 75-80
Abstract Information: rés. en angl. p. 230
ISSN/ISBN: 1131-6896
Abstract: Étude portant sur la technique narrative qui consiste à insérer dans le récit objectif des impressions ou des pensées qui sont celles du protagoniste de
la scène.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 4 - 28

To cite this record

Record 995 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00711 (1022450)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fick, Nicole
Title of Article: Saint Augustin pourfendeur des démons païens ou La critique de la démonologie d'Apulée: De Civit. Dei, VIII, 14-22
Title of Publication: Discours religieux dans l'antiquité: actes du colloque, Besançon, 27-28 janvier 1995. Ed. Mactoux, Marie-Madeleine & Geny, Évelyne (Lire les
polythéismes, 4; Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon, 578; Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon. Centre de recherches d'histoire
ancienne, 150), Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 1995; Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 1995; Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 1995. 322 p.
Language: français
Pages: 189-206

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Augustinus (Aurelius) [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Augustinus (Aurelius) - De ciuitate Dei [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 14 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 996 of 2062 Reference: APh 67-00237 (1023730)
Type: Article in book
Author: Fantham, Elaine
Title of Article: Aemilia Pudentilla: or the wealthy widow's choice
Title of Publication: Women in antiquity: new assessments. Ed. Hawley, Richard & Levick, Barbara Mary, London : Routledge, 1995. XIX-271 p.
Language: anglais
Pages: 221-232
Abstract: On what can be learned of Aemilia Pudentilla's situation from Apuleius' Apology and other evidence.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Nom antique: Aemilia Pudentilla (épouse d’Apulée)

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Record 997 of 2062 Reference: APh 70-00332 (844086)
Type: Article in journal
Author: De Piro, Annamaria
Title of Article: Le « Metamorfosi » di Apuleio nella tradizione indiretta. 1,: I testi
Title of Publication: Invigilata Lucernis
Volume (year) pages: 17 (1995) 55-76
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-8357
Abstract: Raccolta delle testimonianze indirette che fanno menzione esplicita di Apuleio narratore. Di ciascun brano è fornito il testo criticamente riveduto,
eventuali loci similes, apparato critico, traduzione italiana e bibliografia essenziale

Discipline after vol. 67: III. - Textual transmission - C. - Textual history, textual criticism and editorial techniques - Études
Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études

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Record 998 of 2062 Reference: APh 68-00262 (833258)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Brancaleone, Francesca
Title of Article: Il senex/draco in Apuleio Met. VIII, 19-21: referenti folclorico-letterari e tecnica narrativa apuleiana
Title of Publication: Aufidus : rivista di scienza e didattica della cultura classica
Volume (year) pages: 9: 27 (1995) 45-72
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0394-297X
Abstract: Analisi delle componenti strutturali del racconto apuleiano e della loro ricorrenza all'interno del romanzo. Ricerca dei referenti folclorico-letterari.
Discussione di numerose fonti.

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Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 8 - 19 [CWKB Resolver]

To cite this record

Record 999 of 2062 Reference: APh 73-00291 (865704)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bianchi, Simona
Title of Article: La trasmissione della logica aristotelica nell'Occidente latino: il caso del « Peri hermeneias » di Apuleio
Title of Publication: Studi Medievali
Volume (year) pages: 3a ser., 36: 1 (1995) 63-86
Language: italien
ISSN/ISBN: 0391-8467
Abstract: L'importanza del « Peri hermeneias », di dubbia paternità apuleiana, per la conoscenza del pensiero logico aristotelico in periodo tardoantico e
medievale fino al 12° sec., quando la nascita delle Università e la diffusione in traduzione latina dei commenti arabi ad Aristotele ne rendono superata
la trattazione e ne favoriscono il pressoché totale oblio

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Réception et survie
Aristoteles Stagirites, Corpus Aristotelicum - Réception et survie

To cite this record

Record 1000 of 2062 Reference: APh 66-00226 (822984)
Type: Article in journal
Author: Bechtle, Gerald
Title of Article: The adultery-tales in the ninth book of Apuleius' Metamorphoses
Title of Publication: Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie
Volume (year) pages: 123: 1 (1995) 106-116
Language: anglais
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0777
Abstract: Die vier Ehebruchszenen aus dem neunten Buch werden auf ihre Beziehungen untereinander und ihre Funktion innerhalb des gesamten Romans hin
untersucht, wobei insbesondere anhand der Rede des Müllers (9, 27) gezeigt wird, wie dem Leser durch sprachliche Mittel eine ganz bestimmte
Deutung der Szenen suggeriert wird.

Ancient author and text: Apuleius [view article in LLT-A] [view article in LLT-A] - Études
Citations: Apuleius - Metamorphoses 1-11 [view article in LLT-A] - 9 - 27


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