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655.They reported to the police that their car ______ into.

a) was broken b) had been broken c) broke d) is broken

656.On his last birthday, Tom ____ an electric toy train.

a) gave b) was given c) had been given d) will be given

657.The young musician ___ never ___ any prize.

a) has been awarded b) was awarded
c) is awarded d)hasn't been awarded

658.Nu s-a locuit în această casă de ani de zile.

a) This house has not been lived in for years.
b) This house was not lived in for years.
c) In this house nobody have lived for years.
d) This house is not lived in for years.

659.The students were not allowed to talk to one another while they _____
for English.
a) are being examined b) will be examined
c) were being examined d) were examining

660.Ni s-a ordonat să intrăm în clasă imediat întrucât urma să înceapă

a) We were ordered to enter the classroom right then as the exam was about
to begin.
b) We were ordered to enter in the classroom right then as the exam was
about to begin.
c) We were ordered to enter the classroom right now as the exam was about
to begin.

661.Mi s-a spus ca el va putea să-şi reia activitatea mâine.

a) It was told to me that he will be able to resume his activity tomorrow.
b) I was told that he would be able to resume his activity tomorrow.
c) He said to me that he would be able to resume his activity tomorrow.
d) I was told that he would be able resume his activity tomorrow.

662. When the airplane landed, the pilot ______ that one of the wings
a) had found, damaged; b) found, had damaged;
c) found, had been damaged; d) had found, was damaged

663. The book is supposed ______ when its author was still young.
a) to have written; b) to have been written;
c) to be written; d) to have been being written
664. America ______ by Columbus.
a) believes to have discovered;
b) believed to be discovered;
c) is believed to have been discovered;
d) was believed to being discovered

665. People believe the Chinese invented paper.

a) The Chinese are believed to have invented paper;
b) The Chinese believe to have invented paper;
c) The Chinese have believed people to invent paper;
d) Paper is believed to have invented by the Chinese.

666. Everything _______ by the time the meeting was over.

a. had agreed on b. had been agreed on
c. agreed on d. was agreeing on

667. They _______ by the infected water.

a. were slowly poisoning b. were slowly being poisoned
c. were having slowly poisoned d. slowly poisoned

668. It’s no use expecting an answer today, as our letter _______ .

a. has not received yet
b. will not have been received yet
c. is not yet received
d. will not yet have received

669. By the time I get there, the work _______ .

a. will all have been done
b. will all have been being done
c. will all have done
d. would all have been being done

670. He _______ before he was put in prison.

a. has been tortured b. had been tortured
c. will be tortured d. is torturing

671. A lot of science textbooks _______ into Romanian.

a. are now being translated
b. are now translating
c. have now translated
d. are now been translated
672. Your proposal _______ at our next meeting.
a. will be carefully gone into
b. will carefully go into
c. is carefully gone
d. is carefully being gone into
673. The manager said that no employee _______ unless, in the hard times
ahead, he failed to do his work properly.
a. will be dismissed
b. would have dismissed
c. would be dismissed
d. is dismissed

674. When I arrived the rooms _______ in preparation for the royal
a. were cleaning
b. were cleaned
c. were being cleaned
d. have been cleaned

675. Don’t you think an expert should _______ this matter?

a. have been consulted on
b. be consulted about
c. consult for
d. have consulted into

676. The meeting will have _______ till later in the week.
a. to be being put off
b. to be put off
c. to put off
d. to have been put off

677. Râdea lumea de ei.

a) They were been laughed at. b) They were being laughed at.
c) They were laughing at. d) They have being laughed at.

678. S-a trimis după un doctor.

a) A doctor sent for. b) A doctor was being sent for.
c) A doctor was sent for. d) A doctor was been sent for.

679. Nu şi-au dat mănuşile la curăţat.

a) They hadn't their gloves cleaned.
b) They didn't clean their gloves at the dry cleaner's.
c) They hadn't cleaned their gloves at the dry cleaner's.
d) They didn't have their gloves cleaned.

680. You _______ a sum of money by the company.

a) allotted b) have allotted
b) were been allotted d) have been allotted
681. The thief _______ by now.
a) should be caught b) was being caught
c) should have been caught d) has been caught

682. The news _______ by them all before he came home.

a) had heard b) were being heard
c) were heard d) had been heard

683. They _______ how to play the piano by the great maestro.
a) were teaching b) had taught
c) were being taught d) had been teaching

684. You can't go into the bedroom. The walls _______.

a. are painted
b. are being painted
c. were painted
d. were being painted

685. 'Did the ancient Greeks fight with guns?' 'Of course not. They
_______ yet.'
a. weren't being invented
b. haven't been invented
c. weren't invented
d. hadn't been invented

686. It is said that he was killed in the war.

a. It's known to have been killed in the war.
b. He's known to have been killed in the war.
c. It's known to be being killed in the war.
d. He's known to have killed in the war.

687. There -----________ fewer than twenty people still living in the
a. are thought to be b. is thought to be
c. are thought to have been d. are being thought to be

688. Nothing _______of Pauline since her car ______ abandoned near
Newbury last week.
a. has been seen/ has been found c. was seen / had been found
b. had been seen / was found d. has been seen / was found

689. We _________ round for dinner last night.

a. had some friends b. have some friends
c. are having some friends d. have been having some friends
690. Smith is believed _____ England last week.
a. to leaving b. to have left
c. to leave d. to be leaving

691. Mary is thought __________ in Scotland.

a. to be living b. to been living c. to have been living
d. to being living

692. The dentist is going to take out two of my teeth tomorrow.

a. I have two teeth taken out tomorrow.
b. I’m having two teeth taken out tomorrow.
c. I’m being having two teeth taken out tomorrow.

693. The government __________ a plan.

a. is believed / to have prepared. b. believed / to have prepared
c. is been believed / to prepare d. is believed / to having
being prepared

694. People say the company bid fifty million pounds for the shares.
a. The company is said to bid fifty million pounds for the shares.
b. Fifty million pounds is said to have bidden for the shares.
c. The company is said to have bid fifty million pounds for the shares.

695. It is thought that the two injured men were repairing high-tension
a. People thought that high-tension cables were repaired by the two injured
b. The two injured men are thought to have been repairing high-tension
c. People think that high-tension cables were repairing by the two injured
d. The two injured men are thought to have repaired high-tension cables.

696. Eram sigură că s-a umblat la lacătul de la uşa de la intrare.

a. I was sure that someone tampered with the font door lock.
b. I was sure that the front door lock was tampered by someone.
c. I was sure that the front door lock had been tampered with.
d. I was sure that it had been tampered with the front door lock.

697. No decision ______ about any future appointment until all suitable
candidates _________.
a. has been made / had been interviewed b. was made / would be
c. will be made / have been interviewed d. has been made/ will be
698. Just a minute. I’ll ask someone to wrap this up for you.
a. I’ll have to wrap this up for you.
b. Anyone will have to wrap this up for you
c. I’ll have this wrapped up for you
d. I’ll wrap this up for you.

699. A description of the wanted man -______ this week.

a. has issued b. was issuing c. has been issued
d. was issued
700. If Jane ____ to work overtime, she _________.
a. didn’t refuse / would have promoted.
b. should refuse / would be promoted
c. would have refused/ had promoted
d. hadn’t refused/would have been promoted

701. Smith is a hardened criminal. If he _______this time, he _____more

a. isn’t punishing / would commit b. doesn’t
punished /commits
c. were punished /wouldn’t have committed d. isn’t punished /will

702. We don’t know how ____________.

a. they disposed the body b. did they dispose of the
c. the body was disposing of d. the body was disposed of

703. People say that Mrs. Turner had business difficulties.

a. Mrs. Turner is said to have had business difficulties.
b. It is said that Mrs. Turner has had business difficulties.
c. Difficulties are said to have being had by Mrs. Turner.
d. Mrs. Turner is said to having been had business difficulties.

704. For the past few days I ________ in Jack’s office, as my own office
a. worked / was decorated b. have worked / was being
c. have been working /is being decorated d. am working/is decorated

705. This speed limit is to be introduced gradually.

a. The police is to introduce this speed limit gradually.
b. This speed limit is introduced gradually.
c. The authorities are to introduce this speed limit gradually.
d. It is gradually that this speed limit is introduced.
706. Byron is said to have lived on vinegar and potatoes.
a. Peolple say that Byron has lived on vinegar and potatoes.
b. It is said that Byron lived on vinegar and potatoes.
c. Byron says that he lived on vinegar and potatoes.
d. Vinegar and potatoes are said to be Byron’s food.

707. He was made to surrender his passport.

a. His passport was surrended.
b. The police made him to surrender his passport.
c. He has surrended his passport by force.
d. They made him surrender his passport.

708. This scientific theory has now been proved to be false.

a. It is proved that this scientific theory was false.
b. This scientific theory proved false.
c. Scientists proved this theory false.
d. Experts have proved that this scientific theory is false.

709. The police are sure to ask you that question.

a. The question will surely be asked you by the police.
b. It is sure that the police asks you that question.
c. You are sure to be asked that question by the police.
d. People are sure to be asked that question by the police.

710. People no longer say that anyone inhabits Mars any more than the
a. Mars is no longer said to be inhabited any more than the moon is.
b. Neither Mars nor the moon are said to be inhabited.
c. It is said that no longer is Mars inhabited more than the moon.
d. It is said that anyone inhabits Mars any longer than the moon.

711. If the pain in your leg becomes worse, get it _______ at once.
a. to see b. seen to c. seeing to d. be seen to

712. You had better ________ .

a. to have your hair cut
b. have your hair cut
c. to have cut your hair
d. had your hair cut.

713. They have had ________ five times.

a. their windows broken
b. their windows to break.
c. breaking their windows.
d. broken their windows
714. She needs the work _________ before tomorrow.
a. done b. do c. be done d. be doing
715. a) No one has been warned me of the danger.
b) I haven’t warned of the danger.
c) The danger haven’t been warned.
d) I haven’t been warned of the danger.

716. a) The chairman made us put off our meeting.

b) We were made put off our meeting by the chairman.
c) The chairman made us to put off our meeting.
d) We had made to put off our meeting by the chairman.

717. a) I was presented with a cup for coming first in the race.
b) A cup has presented to me for coming first in the race.
c) A cup has been presented with me for coming first in the race.
d) I have been presented a cup for coming first in the race.

718. a) Kate always used to being taken to the theatre by her grandmother.
b) Kate’s grandmother used always to have taken her to the theatre.
c) Kate used to always take to the theatre by her grandmother.
d) Kate’s grandmother always used to take her to the theatre.

719. a) Everybody says that John has being working for the secret police
for years.
b) Jim is said to be working for the secret police for years.
c) Jim is said to have been working for the secret police for years.
d) Everyone says that John is working for the secret police for years.

720. a) Gaelic is spoken by few people in Dublin.

b) Few people are speaking Gaelic in Dublin.
c) Few Gaelic is being spoken in Dublin.
d) People speak few Gaelic in Dublin.

721. a) They were going to be asked me the same question.

b) I was going to be asked the same question.
c) I went to be asked the same question.
d) They were going to have asked me the same question.

722. a) It was finally prove that all his statements were lies.
b) All his statements were finally proven to be lies.
c) All his statements were finally proven that they were lies.
d) It was proven to be lies all his statements.
723. We know that you were in town on the night of the crime.
a) You were known to be in town on the night of the crime.
b) You were known to have been in town on the night of the crime.
c) You are known to have been in town on the night of the crime.
d) You are known to be in town on the night of the crime.

724. a) This bed hasn’t been slept in.

b) This bed hasn’t slept in it.
c) It hasn’t been slept in this bed.
d)It hasn’t sleep in this bed.

725. a) The money were added up and they were found to be correct.
b) They added up the money and found that it was correct.
c) The money was added up and they found them to be correct.
d) They added up the money and it was found that they were correct.

726. I’m employing a man to tile the bathroom.

a) I’m having the bathroom to be tiled.
b) I’m tiling the bathroom with a man.
c) I’m having the bathroom tiled.
d) My bathroom is being tiling by a man.

727. As the college is already full …

a) we are turning students the whole time.
b) students are being turned away the whole time.
c) students have been turned the whole time.
d) students have turned away the whole time.

728. You will have to get someone to see to it.

a) It will have to be seen to.
b) Someone will get to see to it.
c) You will have to get it seen.
d) Someone will be got to see to it.

729. I am tired of …
a) being ordered about.
b) be ordered about.
c) have been ordered about.
d) having ordered about.

730. You needn’t have done this.

a) It needn’t have to be done.
b) It didn’t need to be done.
c) It needn’t have been done.
d) It didn’t need to have been done.
731. I am having my car serviced as we speak.
a) I’m getting someone to service my car.
b) I am having someone to get my car serviced.
c) My car is having to be serviced.
d. My car has to be serviced.

732. You don’t need to wind this watch.

a) This watch doesn’t need winding.
b) This watch doesn’t need to be wind.
c) This watch doesn’t need to wind.
d) This watch doesn’t wind.

733. No one has taken out the cork.

a) Someone hasn’t taken out the cork.
b) The cork hasn’t been taken out by no one.
c) The cork hasn’t been taken out.
d) It hasn’t been taken the cork out.

734. … when it happened.

a) I was having the roof repaired;
b) I was having to repair the roof;
c) I have been repairing the roof;
d) The roof has been repaired.

735. a) It is believed that the Chinese have invented gunpowder.

b) The Chinese are believed to have invented gunpowder.
c) They believe gunpowder has been invented by the Chinese.
d) The Chinese are believed to invent gunpowder.

736. Helen was thought to have missed the train.

Everyone thought that Helen …
a) has missed the train;
b) has been missed the train;
c) had missed the train;
d) misses the train.

737.Gunpowder is still used for making fireworks just as … .

a) it was used by the Chinese.
b) The Chinese did.
c) The Chinese has used it.
d) It had been used by the Chinese.
738. As our new furniture … on Monday morning, I’ll have to stay at
home to check that it … during transit.
a) will have delivered / won’t be damaged;
b) is being delivered/hasn’t been damaged;
c) will be delivered/wasn’t damaged;
d) will have been delivered / won’t have been damaged.

739. The coach hurried to the stadium, … that he was wanted.

a) as he had told; b) having told; c) having been told; d) had been told.

740. The boy … crossing against the lights.

a) got caught; b) was to catch; c) was catching; d) got to catch.

741. His poem … all right.

a) reads; b) is reading; c) was to read; d) is to read.

742. The pottery … well.

a) is to have sold; b) has been sell; c) sells; d) will have been selling.

743. The Romanian picture … the gold medal.

a)is reported that it will win; b) was reported to be won; c) was
reported to have been won; d) is reported to have won.

744. The police ______ you _______ anything when a crime _______ .
a. doesn’t like/to move/is committed
b. don’t like/moving/was committed
c. don’t like/to move /has been committed
d. doesn’t like/moving/is being committed

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