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ELE 403 Practice Teaching 1

Lesson Plan
Student Teacher Fatıma Elif ŞİRECİ
Mentor Teacher Belgin Aydın & Ermeral Yaşar
Level of the student A2+ / 11th grade
Number of the students 25
Subject of the lesson Comparative & Superlative
Date 23.12.2019
Time 40 minutes
Materials Video

Students will be able to;
 recognize the words or phrases in the form of comparative and superlative.

 comprehend the comparison of two or more things.

 compare someone’s ability with other people in a conservation.

Warm-up (10min.)
T: Hi, everyone! How are you today?
S: Fine, you?

T: I am good. Thank you. Today we have a guest and we will talk with her. Could you please
come here? (Ask to her guest. She comes.) Thank you for coming.
T.A: You’re welcome.

T: Today I am not a teacher. Who am I? Any guesses? Look at our hat. (Point their hat which
is a cook hat.)
S: Cheefff.! Coook!
T: Yes, we are cooks. İdil, would you like to introduce yourself.
T.A: Yes, thank you. I am İdil Yazar. I am a famous chef and I have a youtube channel.
T: Does anyone know her?
S: Nooo.
T: Okay. I am Arda Türkmen. I have a cooking show on TV called Arda ile omuz omuza.
T: İdil, yesterday, I baked pizza for you. How was it?
T.A: It is not so bad, but I think it is not the best pizza I have eaten.
T: Really! I bake the most delicious pizza because I am one of the best chef in Ankara.
T.A: I don’t think so. I can bake the tastiest pizza.
T: I know several restaurants that bakes better pizza than you in Ankara.
T.A: I don’t believe you. I would like to ask class.
T: Ok. I will ask later. Thank you. (T.A leaves.)
Introduction (5min.)
T: Is there any place or restaurant bakes more delicious pizza than us in Ankara? Which
restaurant bakes the most delicious pizza in Ankara?
S: Dominos.
T: Why do you think that it is the best?
S: It is delicious and I love their spices.
T: Ok, thank you. Any other ideas? (T will get more answers from students and ask additional
questions according to situation.)
Main Activity (10min)
T: Now, we will watch a video. In the video there are three friends and they discuss where do
they get the best pizza in London. After we watch it we will answer the questions. So, let me
distribute these worksheets. There are 5 true/false questions in there please read it first. (A
minute later.) Are you okay? While you are listening to it, answer the questions. If your
answer is false please, correct the sentence. Let’s watch it.
S: Okayyy!
T: You have 30 seconds then we will answer it.
S: Okayy.
T: Let’s start. Who wants to answer the first one? Yes, please.
S: According to Oliver, Pietro’s is the best restaurant to get pizza because it is the cheapest. It
is False.
T: What is the correct version.
S: It is not the cheapest but it is so good.
T: Well done. Thank you. Next question! Who wants to answer the second one? (They will
answer it one by one. They will correct the false one. If someone find a different answer, T
will explain it or find that part in the video and they will watch that part again.)
While-listening Questions
According to listening answer the questions below and circle the correct one. If the
answer is false, write the correct one.
1) According to Oliver, Pietro’s is the best restaurant to
get pizza because it is the cheapest. T/F
2) The most important thing is cheese for Alfie. T/F
3) Sophie has eaten the most amazing pizza ever in Rome. T/F
4) Sophie agrees with Alfie that cheese at La Bella Napoli
is the worst. T/F
5) They go to La Bella Napoli to eat pizza. T/F

Post-activity (15min)
T: Now, we have a role play activity. Do you remember the beginning of the lesson? İdil and I
talked and we compare our cooking abilities.
S: Yesss, we remember.
T: Perfect. I want you to select two characters for example two singers; Teoman and Tarkan,
you will pretend like them and for instance, you will compare each other’s music or songs.
So, you will prepare a short dialogue and present it on the board okay?
S: Okayy.
T: I will walk around if you need help, just raise your hand.
T: Okay. Time is up. Who wants to present it first? Please come to the board. Who are you?
Introduce themselves and you can start. (According to time, Ss will role play on the board and
T will praise them.)

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